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No. 162316
>>162315>Padre Dante sat in the confessional, his crisp white collar straining against his muscular neck. He was waiting for the other door to open, but after several tense minutes the confessor had still not left. Dante had heard many awful things in his capacity as a priest, but the sordid secrets that had just been whispered through the screen had left him cold. Not wanting to let the situation play out for too long, Padre Dante got up, opened his door and flung the other wide open, revealing a stern-looking, yet attractive older man who instantly commanded the highest respect. It was none other than Don Casati, mafioso extraordinaire and a notorious womaniser around Milan.
>Don Casati stood slowly, and fixed Padre Dante's bemused gaze with a steely stare. He spoke slowly, and with authority, “Padre, now that you know all my worst secrets I cannot simply let you walk free. You must work for me. I have a job for you that only you can be trusted to do.”
>Dante felt certain that although no explicit threats had been made, he was still bound to do as Don Casati said, on pain of death. He consented to Don Casati, and the two men discussed the nature of Dante's task. Don Casati had a daughter who was causing him trouble. A lot of trouble. He needed her to be watched day and night. This daughter was running a careful ruse on social media, but unbeknown to her she was also the mule for several thousand dollars worth of diamonds, which Don Casati had smuggled into the country in a shipment of Fortimel coffee flavour drinks. Along the way his shipment had been misplaced, but it had been tracked to the very pharmacy where his daughter buys such items, and had been sold to her.
>Padre Dante was to follow the daughter around and track every time she consumed one of the drinks, to see if she swallowed anything and to then take her straight to Don Casati's medical facility. It had to be Dante doing this job; as the family priest he was the only man Don Casati could trust not to sleep with his slut daughter. In order to blend in, he was to dress as normally as possible so the black robe and crisp collar had to go. Don Casati called his car to the front of the church, and the two men got in and drove to the best tailor in Milan.
>The tailor was having trouble measuring Dante for his new wardrobe; the robe covered too much and the collar was so tight it was making it hard for him to breathe. Dante unfastened his collar, sighing deeply with relief as he did so. He then pulled the robe slowly over his head and ran his fingers through his curly dark hair, glad to be free of the outward shackles of the priesthood for the first time in years. He stood in front of the mirror, the tailor running the tape measure across his broad, rippling shoulders and around his muscular frame. Despite being a priest, Padre Dante still found the time to work out, and all this time he had been hiding a body not unlike that of Michelangelo's David (apart from one very, very important detail…).
>Maybe this job wouldn't be so bad, working for Don Casati would certainly have more benefits, and the choice was that or certain death. No one crossed Don Casati and lived to tell the tale. Knee-capping was not his style at all. He preferred to take his victims to his tailor, where they were measured for a concrete overcoat. Knowing this, Dante was relieved to find that he left with a new set of clothes, and a full wardrobe to pick up the next week.
>As they left, Don Casati turned to Dante and said, “You know, we can come back here anytime…” which Dante took to be the warning it was intended as. That evening Padre Dante cast off the restrictions of the priesthood that had held him back; the next day he started his new job and he needed to free his mind from the one thing that had been holding him back all those years.
>Settling down in the hotel room that Don Casati had generously provided for him, Dante enjoyed the novelty of unzipping his trousers (instead of the priests wooly undergarments he had become accustomed to) and looking at his manhood without shame, or the fear that he would be discovered. Taking his swelling penis in hand, Dante gently squeezed himself, riding the waves of pleasure that emanated from his very core… No. 162317
>>162315Found! Okay, getting under the duvet for a nice read … and stuff (maybe).
We need someone with PS skillz to do some excellent magic to illustrate the story.
No. 162320
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No. 162321
>Dante had barely experienced this kind of pleasure since he was a young man. Forced into the priesthood by his controlling parents as a way of curbing the excessive sexual appetite that he displayed, the restrictions on self love had forced all his sexual desires into the deepest, darkest recesses of his soul and it had been at least a decade since he had succumbed to the temptation to allow himself the most sacred of pleasures.
>Now, however, there were no such limitations on his pleasure and Dante actively delighted in stroking his sizeable member, smiling at the glistening head as it disappeared and reappeared from behind his foreskin. His other hand soothed his aching balls as he slid his hand up and down his shaft, feeling a tingle all through his body each time his fingers reached the tip. Keeping things slow, Dante moved in front of the full-length mirror, and continued to pleasure himself. As he gaze upon his beautiful naked body for what was the first time as a true adult, he felt a sense of pride in what he had become. He was certainly a well built, well proportioned and undeniably handsome man. His stroke sped up, and he watched his engorged penis swell even more as his balls drew close to his body and he felt the most almighty orgasm depart his body and fly toward the mirror.
>Dante stood for a few moments, penis in hand as it spurted slower and slower drops of semen. It was as if his mind had left his body and he was watching himself from within the mirror. How could he have denied himself this pleasure for so long? How could he ever go back to that? Would he have to work for Don Casati for the rest of his life? As the realisations hit him, he went towards the bed and lay down, cock still in hand, and continued to languidly indulge in that one taboo he had denied himself for so long. No. 162322
>>162321He jizzed on his mirror!!!
You're too good at this. Finally discovered why he was sent to join the priesthood. Poor Dante, denied of sexual pleasure for so long. He must have such strenght.
The foreskin's probably going to repulse American anons, but being a Brit, I prefer uncut. Oh god. I want him. How is it possible to want someone so much after just one photo of his looking at his pint of beer?
Is he going to find out we're looking for him and maybe seduce anons? If so, please would you make it so THIS anon asks to see him in his priestly threads because she has a fetish for all things religious?
How long had it been since he'd relieved himself sexually? I imagine there were lots of groans and beautiful sounds of pleasure. Oh, my love.
No. 162323
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i eagerly await the next installment…
No. 162324
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>>162322OH oh he HAS to find out about us since we watch aly's intake journey so much but PLEASE don't let her get to do it with her.
Excuse self post pic.
No. 162329
>>162322Same, that's why he's uncut. I am having far too much fun writing this! It could go anywhere really, although the long time Dante spent in the priesthood is sure to influence him in many ways.
>>162327I nearly went down the self flagellation route, but thought it might be too far. Maybe it's not eh?
No. 162331
>Dante awoke with a start, at first scared by unfamiliar surroundings, and what appeared to be a lack of clothes. He first worried that the Brother would see him naked and punish him, but after a few moments he recalled the events of the day before. Many a time had a confession left him wondering about the flaws in the human spirit, and frightened for his sanity, but never before had a confession given him such freedom from his own weaknesses. All thoughts of fear left him as he opened the curtains to a bright, sunny day and the sunlight bathed his naked body in warmth.
>Dante strode into the bathroom and turned on the shower. No more basin washes in woollen underwear for him; no, he could stand nude and proud as nature intended and let the steaming water cleanse the sins (and stickiness) from the previous day. He washed his invigorated body and allowed himself another opportunity to reconnect with the genitals he had neglected for so long. The warm water flowed down Dante's back as he once again smiled down at the penis he had only just rediscovered. Giving it a wink back, he grasped firmly and pulled his hand from the base to the shaft, moaning deeply as he did so. It was no easy feat; he could barely grasp a forefinger and thumb around the girth and it took a long stroke to get all the way to the top, swirling his fingers around the head and coming back down.
>Thinking quickly, Dante brought his other hand into play which quickly sent him over the edge and cumming voraciously against the glass door. He let out a huge roar as he did so, seemingly all the frustration from years of sexual repression had come out, quite literally, at once.
>Exiting the shower Dante wrapped a towel around his tight waist and put on the clothes that Don Casati had bought him the day before. His first task was to follow the daughter from her home to whichever everytime favourite bar she was going to that day. At some point after her second (!) breakfast she was due to drink one of THOSE drinks. And Dante had to be there to capture it.
>Dante pulled on his new clothes and really studied himself in the mirror. It had been a long time since he had experienced the freedom to do this, and he started to see his old self looking back at him. Feeling confident, he left the hotel and went to his first assignment.>>162330Don't worry anon, I'm sure Dante's past self punishment will come back into play
No. 162332
>>162331>he could barely grasp a forefinger and thumb around the girth suspicion confirmed ngghh >.<
>second (!) breakfasti repeat, ily anon
If you bring self punishment into it, I will tend to his wounds as I find him semi conscious and vulnerable on a soaking Milan alley way (after an encounter with the Casteli Family. I don't want to be a SM hooker who flogs him tbh.
Shit, this is going to keep me … happy … for WEEKS.
No. 162335
>Dante lingered on the street corner feeling uncomfortable. In the light of day he felt that he might be recognised, even though he was dressed so differently. He was waiting outside the Casati home for the daughter to leave. Don Casati left the house and gave only a glance in Dante's direction; this was serious secret work. After a while, the daughter left the house. Dante assumed she was going back in, and perhaps just putting out the bins, as she was dressed in what appeared to be pyjamas. However, she left the house and walked down the street towards her everytime favourite bar for her second breakfast (!).
>Dante kept a safe distance behind her and managed to stay discreet. He saw her turn into a cafe and order an espresso and a mini muffin. As he ordered, he kept a watchful eye on her. She got out her phone and took around 30 photos of the miniscule muffin, the tiny coffee and her tired looking face. He took his panini and latte and sat down at a table nearby. He was careful to stay out of her frame, as she seemed to be taking a lot of photos and was locked to her phone. After half an hour she had not eaten the muffin, but had downed the coffee and had spent most of the time frowning at the screen. Dante was just waiting for the Fortimel to make an appearance, but couldn't help noticing a group of girls at another table all wearing wellingtons and flat caps. He wasn't too sure why they were all dressed as farmers; perhaps a local university was holding a fancy dress week, but he knew he liked the look of them. After so long without any female contact, (or his own contact) even wellington boots could not dampen his desires.
>The daughter got up and went outside. He left half his coffee, but not with restricting thoughts, no; he had to follow the thing. She went around the corner and sat on a bench, legs stretched in front of her. Out came the phone, and one of the fated Fortimels. Dante was poised and ready. For what, he didn't quite know. Should he perform the heimlich, or call the number he had been given? He waited nervously, pretending to check his messages while pacing around nearby.
>The daughter opened the drink and inserted the straw. Instead of drinking, she took a picture, pressed a few buttons and then stood up to pour the liquid into a plant pot next to the bench. Dante was puzzled, but relieved he didn't have to perform first aid, and he waited for her to leave before searching through the spilled drink. There were no diamonds there, so he called Don Casati to inform him. Don Casati invited Dante over to the Family club so he could explain exactly what he saw.
No. 162337
>>162332>>162333It's definitely on the cards, poor conflicted Dante, once a man of God, now doing the bidding of a powerful crime lord…
>Dante stood in front of the double wooden door and waited for an answer to his knock. The building was fairly imposing, but in an unobtrusive way. Sat in the rolling hills of the Italian countryside, Castello Casati was a sprawling affair that obviously belonged to a powerful man who could have whatever he wanted. At last the door was opened by a young woman in smart, yet revealing clothing, who guided Dante by the hand into the house. She led him through a long hallway with many rooms adjoining it, all apparently occupied by besuited men in deep discussion or couples and groups in various states of undress.
>Don Casati stood in front of the open french doors, surveying his estate. He puffed on a Cuban cigar, rolled on the thigh of a virgin with six kids, as he awaited the fate of his diamonds. When Dante entered the room, somewhat bemused by what he had just seen, Don Casati pounced for the information. “Where the fuck are my diamonds?” he questioned, without any greeting. Dante was taken aback, but collected himself to answer, “they were not in her drink this morning Don Casati, but you will never guess what I saw”. Don Casati looked shocked, so Dante continued, “she threw the drink away, she doesn't drink them”.
>Don Casati looked relieved, and pained at the same time. He dismissed Dante, telling him that he may involve himself in one of the more interesting rooms in the house, and strode into his study, slamming the door behind him. As Dante left, considering whether he had time to integrate himself into a very complex sexual situation, Don Casati opened the secret door in his study wall out came a woman in wellington boots and a flat cap, and not much else.
>Don Casati sat back in his leather throne and grinned at the young lady, who had removed her cap and was about to place it on his head. She ripped his belt open and pulled down his zip as he growled in anticipation. Pulling his engorged cock from his trousers and giving it a good few rubs she grabbed it tight and pulled him to standing. This action got him going and he pulled her towards him, thrusting his rigid dick in between her labia. He pushed her up against the wall and entered her, at the same time picking her up and heading for the desk. Don Casati slammer her against the hard surface and ploughed into her like a man possessed. She loved every second and moaned gratefully as he slid his cock over her g-spot and gently massaged her clit at the same time.
>The pair rutted like animals on the desk, pens and paperclips flying everywhere as the flailing limbs became entangled in a passionate climax. As they came, Don Casati felt like his power had been restored, like he had held dominion over a woman and been given back the control he so badly needed. Now there was just one more Fortimel to go for the day, and he was less worried about the daughter choking. No. 162338
>Dante walked slowly back along the corridor, glancing upon the various scenes he saw unfolding in each room. The sheer hedonism was too much for him to handle, and he fled like a choirboy from a playboy magazine. Knowing he had a job to do, and that he was chosen for his dedication and loyalty, Dante travelled to the office where Ma Casati worked and waited for the daughter.
>It wasn't long before she came outside and performed a very similar ritual to the morning; arranging the straw at the same angle and photographing the bottle before pouring it away. Dante waited until she had gone inside and inspected the dumped beverage. He was shocked to find it was not her everytime favourite coffee flavour ofc, but a vanilla one instead. Dante thought he had better report this anomaly to Don Casati, and headed back to the mountains.
>Walking along the corridor again Dante wondered why he had wanted to come back here so badly. Why did he feel such an attraction to carnal pleasures? Was is just because he had been denied them for so long or did he have an abnormally high sex drive? He lingered at every doorway longer than before, and almost found himself unbuckling his belt at some points, but no, he had a job to do. Dante had been appointed because of his celibacy. How could he start fucking everything in sight? With great strength he approached Don Casati's office and knocked on the door. He was greeted by a young lady in nothing but a flat cap, and a naked Don Casati.
>By this point, Dante had presumed he would find such a scene behind Don Casati's door, so reported his Fortimel findings without delay. Ofc, Don Casati was delighted to find none of his diamonds were at risk that afternoon, and practically ordered Dante to indulge the pleasures of his flesh at once. Although he knew the former priest could be relied upon not to succumb to the manipulation of the daughter, he appreciated that the man still had needs, perhaps more urgent than most given how long he had been celibate.
>Dante was escorted out of the office, and into a small room with priests robes hanging on the wall. A young lady followed him in and locked the door, then dressed a stunned Dante in the robes. She knelt before him as if in prayer and started to lift the hem of his robes. Dante lifted his robes and placed them over her head, placing his hands on the back of her head as he pushed her open mouth towards his cock. It was a scenario he wished he had dreamed about many times, but in fact had never even considered. His mind was being opened, and his sexuality had exploded!
>Dante felt the urge rising in his balls and shrank away, not wanting to cum just yet. He pulled his robes away from the girl and took them off. Embracing her melting body he slid his hand in between her legs to find the softest, most yielding thing he had ever felt. It was almost too much and he had to withdraw his hand. As he did so he brushed against her clit and sent a tremor down her spine. She let out a soft whimper, and that was enough for Dante. He couldn't hold back any longer and exploded in ribbons all over the black cassock.
>He felt embarrassed, and turned away, but his excitement at being somewhat intimate with a woman was obvious, so she just held him, taking comfort in his strong frame and musky smell while he thought about what he had done. How many Hail Marys would he have to say for this? It was one thing indulging in self pleasure, but involving other people was surely against all the oaths he had taken.
>Dante excused himself and made his way back to the hotel. Not wanting to upset the girl he had claimed to be very tired, which he was, considering the turmoil he was experiencing. He kept his head down all the way, concentrating on what he was about to do, whilst trying not to talk himself out of it.
>Dante locked his bedroom door and sat on the floor breathing deeply. He looked around for something heavy, something painful. He desperately needed to punish himself for those trespasses against another, and physical punishment was the only thing Dante knew. Unable to find anything usable he turned to the Bible in the drawer. But this time he didn't open the cover, he wrapped it in a bath towel and used it to whip his back, slamming the corners of The Book into his spine in an attempt to remind himself what purity is supposed to be. Dante continued thrashing himself until the sobs overtook the beatings and he collapsed in a heap on the floor.
No. 162341
>>162339I know, as if we would have the self control not to jump him at first sight!
>The door opened very slightly and a small voice whispered, “hello?”. Dante was still slumped on the floor after the evening's exploits and did not hear the person at the door. They entered the room and gasped at the scene. A man lay bruised and battered on the floor, and a copy of the bible was splayed across the room, pages torn out and scattered everywhere. Dante heard the gasp, and opened his bleary eyes to see a pair of wellington boots in front of him, wellingtons that contained the most beautiful pair of legs he had ever seen. As he slowly turned his head to look up he felt a searing pain in his neck and became suddenly aware of the torture he had inflicted upon himself the night before. Despite the pain he continued to look up at the girl, who had a flat cap on, exactly like the one at Castello Casati the previous evening. He was struck by her beauty, and the concerned look on her face, as she was struck by the broken state of the man lying on the floor in front of her.“My dear man", whatever happened to you? Should I take you to the hospital for controls?” the girl asked Dante, as she knelt on the floor and started to help him stand up. She noticed every bruise and cut on his strong, muscular body and the look of shame and fear in his eyes. Something about this man, and the disparity between his physical appeal and the broken soul beneath moved her. “No, no, I will be fine, thank you. Thank you for helping me. I am not badly hurt” he replied, wincing as he said it, ofc he was in a lot of pain physically, but the attentions of the stunning girl were at least making the psychological torments better. She sat him down on the bed and started to clean his cuts.
Dante was suddenly, and sharply aware that he had been staring at the girl for several moments and that she was staring quite intently at his lap. He felt a stirring, and his penis began to engorge as the recently awakened sexual desires showed themselves again. The girl started to climb atop him on the bed, pushing him back and pinning him down with her arms. Dante, although strong, was in no condition to argue, as he could barely move after last night's beating. He gazed up at her smiling face, and for the first time that day, cracked a smile himself. He tried to lift his head to kiss her, but could not managed even the slightest movement. The girl lowered herself to within millimetres of his face, and ever so slowly kissed him with a passion neither of them had experienced before. She was undeniably attracted to Dante, but knew how badly hurt he was. Nothing would have pleased her more than to take every inch of his perfect cock inside her vagina, but in his state that would have to wait. Still, she could try to pleasure him in another way.
Moving her way down Dante's bruised and rippling torso she gently kissed every blemish, pausing to delicately lick his big, hard nipples. Soon she arrived at the Holy Grail, and opened her mouth as wide as she could in anticipation. Sliding her lips over the head of Dante's penis she swirled her tongue around it then forced her head down as far as her mouth would allow. Unable to take more than half in her mouth, she resorted to using a hand as well, leaving the other free to play with Dante's nipples and balls. She started slowly, every so often looking up to meet his gaze, sometimes seeing his eyes closed on ecstasy, then picked up the pace when she felt his balls tighten and a shiver escape his firm thighs. Those muscular legs tightened around her shoulders as he reached the peak of the best orgasm he had experienced in, well, 48 hours. Swallowing every last drop of Dante's hot semen, the girl stood up and said “come on now Dante, you have a job to do. Let me start the shower running for you.”
Dante, still in a post-orgasmic haze, nodded, and started to rise from the bed. He followed the girl into the bathroom and got into the shower, only then starting to wonder, who was this girl? How did she know his name? And what in the fuck was up with the flat caps and wellingtons he kept seeing around?
No. 162344
Oh God you don't even know how much I'm loving this Dante thing. It's like, a new form of meme. Yesterday a friend of mine mentioned Dante from DMC and I was about to correct him "No, there is just one Dante". I want to talk about him to my friends. I want to talk about him to any form of life in the world, even plants. The world has to know.
>>162315 what is My Immortal? Did I lose something important?
No. 162346
>Dante entered the bar where he knew the daughter was performing her usual charade of posing with a tiny pastry, pretending to dip it into a minute espresso and photographing the whole farce. He saw her scowl at the offending croissant, pursing her lips towards it with a twisted grimace and raising her eyebrows as if she could hardly believe she was touching the lush, oily (!) pastry. Dante approached the counter and ordered the traditional Italian first breakfast of espresso and seven everytime favourite sugar cookies and took a table opposite the daughter to enjoy his meal. As usual, the daughter left the croissant which she had pulled apart with her fingers, leaving flakes of nail polish and pastry everywhere. She stepped outside and sat on the usual bench.
>Dante followed at a distance, and watched as the coffee flavour Ensure Fortimel was taken out, opened and photographed with the straw at the same angle as it always was. Again, after the photograph was taken, the drink was dumped in a bin and the daughter left, walking briskly towards the office of Ma Casati. Dante fumbled in the trash, pulled out the full drink and poured it carefully through his fingers, filtering for illicit diamonds. As luck would have it, out dropped a small cellophane wrapper containing five uncut diamonds. He knew this was what his boss was after, and without delay he headed straight to Castello Casati.
>Waiting at the imposing door, Dante hoped that the retrieval of the diamonds would please Don Casati, and perhaps he would not have to follow the skeletal monster of a daughter around all day any more. Dante had more important things on his mind, things he desperately needed to investigate. He had been watching out for women in flat caps all day, yearning to discover the secret of the farmer cabal and what part they were playing in this whole saga. The door opened and Dante was once more led inside to meet Don Casati.
>“I think you will be very happy with what I have for you, Don Casati”, announced Dante as he entered the inner sanctum of the Casati dynasty. The imposing Mafioso turned towards him expectantly, hoping for some good news at last. Dante reached into his pocket and brought out the package of diamonds. Handing it to Don Casati he felt a sense of relief at having fulfilled his duties, and hoped to press him for information on the young farmer who had helped him, in so many ways, that morning.
>Don Casati snatched the diamonds from Dante's outstretched hands and held them to the light. “Bravo!” he cried, clearly ecstatic at having his illicit haul back in his possession. He grasped Dante by the shoulders and kissed him on both cheeks, “only five more packets to go!” he grinned, as Dante's heart fell. He should have known this would not be the end of his surveillance. A man like Don Casati would not import just five diamonds, what would be the point of that? It seemed as though this detective work was going to take over his life, and surely it would not end there. After all, Don Casati had revealed his most intimate secrets to him, and there was no way Dante was getting out of the Mafia life easily.
>“Please, tell me something Don Casati, I have been seeing a lot of women in flat caps and wellington boots. Here, in the cafe, at my hotel, and one even knew my name. She has to be connected to you, she must be or how would she know I was working for you?”. Dante stood and waited for his answer. Don Casati motioned him towards the settee, and they sat down. “I am glad you asked, Dante, as these women will be your informants, your aides, and they will provide anything you require. They work for me also, and we call them farmers because of all the work they do to grow my empire. And, I have a thing for a knee high rubber boot on a lady, something about that shiny, stout footwear just drives me wild.” Dante was at once surprised by Don Casati's revelation, and grateful that they were on his side. The years spent in the priesthood had left him unfamiliar with women and he was wary of them. Wary, but aroused…
No. 162347
Sorry my #farmerfamily. I have been battling a severe case of the sniffles, but some super-posi-thoughts of Dante rubbing vicks on my body made me fight for a #realrecovery.
>Dante arrived at the bar just in time to see the daughter and Ma Casati take their table. He had no time to order food, so approached the counter and ordered a beer instead. As he walked through NHero, to find a table he realised that near the Casati table was the same group of you women in wellingtons he had seen in the previous bar, and with them was the girl from this morning! He did not want to sit too near them, in case Ma Casati knew about the farmer girls and associated them. The only place to sit was behind the daughter; not ideal as he could find himself incriminated in any photograph of the spoopy monster but at least he could see the farmers, and keep an eye on his ward.
>He sipped his beer slowly, pensively. It had been a very, very long time since he had drunk alcohol, but he remembered the few beers had snuck in as a young priest, and knew that he needed the relaxing effect. After all, he was now resigned to a new life and he had a fair bit to think about. He barely noticed when the daughter forced Ma Casati to take a photograph of her holding her meagre salad. After the photograph was taken the daughter checked it carefully, and ordered her mother to take another one. This back and forth continued for some time. Dante eventually noticed, but, bored of the charade, turned back to his beer. He hoped that at least soon his work for Don Casati would vary from having to follow this thing around. It had barely been two days and already he found the whole act tiring. The novelty had worn off almost instantly, and compared to the farmer girls the daughter was like an oil painting; a Picasso or Mondrian. Don Casati had indeed chosen the right man.
>The daughter left, leaving Ma Casati to pay up. She walked a few streets away, toward her home, and stopped to photograph her afternoon snack, which was part of her meal plan given to her by an ED specialist dietician. Dante had followed at a safe distance, and pretended to be waiting for a taxi while the daughter did the usual routine: uncap, arrange straw, photograph, upload, ditch drink. He waited for her to leave and checked the bottle, which turned out to be another coffee flavour one. Pouring the liquid through his fingers he was shocked to find another package of diamonds. Twice in one day! At this rate he might be free of this skeleton stalking sooner than he thought.
>Dante hurried back to the bar, hoping to find the farmers still there. Unfortunately they had already left, Dante assumed for Castello Casati. He was off there himself with the latest packet of diamonds, he felt sure he would see them there as well. On the ride to the Castello, Dante thought over the events of the past couple of days. The confessional always threw up some interesting things, but for a priest to become so embroiled in the mafia lifestyle as a result was just unheard of. Dante felt a pang of Catholic guilt as the wondered what the other priests were going through after his disappearance. He had left without a word and had not contacted the church since. In truth, it had largely slipped his mind as he enjoyed his first taste of freedom but now the worry was right there at the forefront of his mind.
>The cab stopped down the street from Castello Casati and Dante walked the rest of the way, still wondering what he should do about his church position. He was in such a daze as he entered the impressive house that he was surprised to be almost knocked to the floor by Don Casati. Seeing the ex-priest twice in one day could only mean more diamonds; he was not wrong, and showed his gratitude with the tightest bear hug Dante had ever felt from a man, or from anyone really.
>Don Casati could see that Dante's mind was plagued by worries, and knowing what he needed when he felt stress, he ordered Dante to amuse himself in The Barn for the rest of the afternoon and evening.
>The Barn was situated at the bottom of the main gardens, and rather than a large agricultural building, he saw a cosy cottage with the door slightly ajar. Dante pushed the door slowly, and peered inside. He could hear voices coming from within, and walked slowly towards the source of what sounded like several women chatting and laughing. Round the corner into a large living room, Dante saw the young ladies from the bar, still in the flat caps but without a stitch else on. They noticed him and all rose up, rushing towards him to greet their master. Don Casati's orders to please and help this man were not to be disobeyed, and in all honesty, none of them minded being put in that position, or any other position Dante fancied for that matter.
>The women surrounded Dante, caressing him and pulling him towards the deep velvet couch. He was at the peak of arousal and confusion at the same time, but that deep male instinct led him away from questioning the situation and told him to just enjoy whatever unfolded. There was time for questions later.
>A different young lady than the girl from that morning stood in front of Dante, licking her lips and smiling pointedly at his crotch, where the expensive fabric of his tailor made trousers was straining under the pressure of the most intense erection he had ever experienced. She reached out for his hand, and led him away into another, smaller room with a large four-poster bed covered in silk sheets. Laying down on the bed, still smiling suggestively at Dante, she motioned him to join her and Dante, still in a state of wonderment, knelt in front of her. As if his dormant animal instinct had been awoken, he banished all thoughts of restricting from his mind, and moved towards her, pulling the hat off her head and tossing it to the floor. Still without a word from either of them, he pushed her hands up behind her head and locked her legs to the bed with his knees. Panting with lust, Dante let out a slight growl before descending on the young woman's body like a starving man at a picnic. His tongue darted over every crevice on her body, tasting the realness of a true woman. He looked up at her, only to see she had her head thrown back in ecstasy. Letting her arms free he held her firmly by the waist and lowered his head towards her dripping vulva. He had not been so close to such a thing for a long time, but his instinct served him well again, and he dove in, pleasuring the young lady like a professional cunniliguist until she bucked her hips against his head and filled his face with her pulsating lips.
>Dante was so exhilarated he hardly needed any encouragement to unzip his trousers and thrust his yearning penis into the soft, warm and inviting folds. Despite his arousal, he managed to hold back from cumming too soon, enjoying the sensations around his cock far too much to end this too soon (although in the back of his mind he knew this would not be the last time). After bringing her to orgasm once again, Dante climaxed, collapsing on top of her with a sigh, then a relieved giggle. He was a big man (in every sense), and eventually he realised he must be squashing the young lady and rolled off. She had actually enjoyed feeling his vulnerability surround her, but she too knew this would not be the last time she and Dante would pleasure each other.
No. 162349
>>162348Go for it! As
>>162317 said someone with PS skills should shoop Dante into some scenes
No. 162350
>>16234815-40 year olds of all sizes and races in farmer outfits
No. 162351
>The young lady got up, left the room and returned with a cool glass of beer for Dante. “God,” he thought, “I could do with that right now.” Suddenly he realised, he had just taken the Lord's name in vain! He would never have even thought that as recently as last week, but on the surface of it, he was a changed man. Drinking alcohol, masturbating, indulging in carnal sins with members of the opposite sex (two women in one day at that!) were all sins of the highest order, especially for a Padre. Sinking the beer in one, he tried to banish the guilty thoughts creeping up from deep within his soul. He was enjoying himself, and what was wrong about that? Surely God could understand that he was in a potentially deadly situation, and that to defy Don Casati would mean a certain end to his ability to spread the news of the Lord?
>Dante knew he was grasping at straws. In his strict order of the Catholic faith even the thoughts of lust were forbidden and there was no way of spinning this in a positive light in the eyes of God. The young lady made her presence know by running a hand up Dante's thigh, and moving his curly black hair away from his eyes. He looked up at her, a tear running down his cheek. She drew him towards her and held him tightly while he sobbed very very quietly. After a few moments she asked him what was wrong, had she done something wrong?
>“No no, you have done nothing wrong. I have done something wrong. I have done many sinful things and the need for forgiveness is so great, I cannot go a single moment longer without paying penance. I must go to church.” “No, Dante, you mustn't! What if someone sees you? Won't you have to betray the trust of Don Casati?”
>Dante was in no mood to worry about Don Casati right now. He knew what must be done, and he knew that no betrayal was needed, not towards Don Casati anyway.
>Leaving the Castello through a side gate, Dante made his way back into Milan and waited across the street from a church. Not the one he had worked at, but another where he knew his face was not known. After half an hour, he could not put it off much longer and crossed the road, eyes fixed on the church door, fully resolved to see his plan through. Dante walked purposefully through the building towards the confessional, and almost entered the left hand door. Taking his hand away from the handle and smiling to himself he opened the right hand door, went in, and sat down.
>“Forgive me Padre, for I have sinned,” he began. “It is only three days since my last confession, but there have been a lot of temptations in my path in that time.” Dante thought carefully, one last time, about whether he should reveal his identity. In the end, he decided to keep quiet. After all, he was here to make his peace with God, not with the strict system which had kept him fettered for so long.
>“I have begun a new life Padre,” he continued, “and in my work I am constantly bombarded with beautiful women, who throw themselves at me and bend to my every whim and need, even without me having to ask. I mean, really, it is every man's fantasy but I cannot reconcile this with my past.” Dante stopped suddenly, had he said too much? What if the Padre asked him about his life before? What if he was on alert for the ex-priest showing up at a confession?
>Dante could not wait for an answer to these questions, and shot out of the booth like a sprinter, dashing through the church, down the steps and into a nearby cafe hoping nobody had seen him. He ordered a cappucino, and the barista gave him extra chocolate powder – ofc because she was attracted to him. Taking a table from where he could see the church, Dante sat and contemplated what he had intended to say in the confessional. In a way, his becoming a priest had been enforced. Coercively assigned Catholic at birth, there was no other option after his parents discovered the voracious sexual appetite he displayed as a young man and signed his life awayls to the church. In a way, it was also as if he had been chosen. While he was a priest he had been a good one, and now he had been chosen for another job, which he seemed to be good at. Truth be told, his enforced exit from the priesthood had been a blessing, which he felt to be from God. Maybe this was what he really needed?
>Night started to fall, and Dante made his way back to his hotel. He hoped one of the farmer girls would be waiting for him; he could really use some female company after that day.
No. 162359
>>162353Looking forward to seeing the pics. I've left out descriptions of the farmers so we can all imagine ourselves being the object of Dante's affections but I'm curious as to what our farmer cabal will look like.
>Dante entered his hotel room and ofc, the girl from The Barn was already there waiting for him. He saw the dinner waiting on the table, a huge (!) plate of pasta, drowned in oil with his everytime favourite roasted tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. Dante had barely eaten all day and he was ravenous. He devoured the pasta in double time and was then excited to see a plate of cakes and cutted up fruit appear on the table for dessert. Still hungry, Dante ate half the plate, and sat back in his chair with a satisfied grunt. The food at the church was nutritious, but it wasn't exciting or tasty, and this added bonus to his new life cemented the decision to leave the priesthood behind.
>Slowly digesting his meal, Dante remembered the young woman who had opened the hotel room door; she was still here and he'd totally ignored her, caught up in his dinner. He turned his head to find her waiting on the bed, wellington boots by the door, flat cap on the nightstand, and wearing just a smile. Dante rose from his chair heavily – he was very full from his evening meal but he still had an appetite for sex. He approached the bed and the girl welcomed him into her arms. Full of desire, Dante kissed her passionately and rolled her onto her back. Straddling her body so she could not move he unbuttoned his shirt, which he threw across the room, and unzipped his trousers. His sizeable cock fell out, semi hard already it had been waiting for another chance to break free and explore the same territory as this morning. The girl extricated an arm and reached out towards Dante's pulsing penis, grasping it firmly but unable to get her fingers all the way round it. She started to giggle; the sight of her trying to pleasure Dante with one hand was slightly humourous given that instead it looked like she was holding an extra leg. Dante moved his legs so she could bring her other hand into play and she tried her best to pleasure him with both hands, but still it was hard work to maintain contact with as much of him as she would like.
>The sight of his naked torso and now rock hard cock was getting the girl hot and wet, she could feel the moistness pooling at the top of her thighs and the slickness between her legs. Pushing her hips up against Dante's buttocks she signalled her desire to take him deeply inside her. Dante was enjoying the chase, and enjoying being played with; the feeling of someone else's hands on his most private of areas was something he was getting used to and he was loving every second. He felt her grind against him and smiled down at her, slowly standing up and with one hand unbuttoning his trousers. They fell to the floor with a soft crumple while Dante's other hand reached in between the girl's legs, searching for the silken wetness he had tasted before. His hand slipped as soon as he made contact and before he could react he found two fingers buried deep inside her vagina. She was so wet and ready that he'd slipped right in, much to her delight, and he was now busy caressing the inside of the mysterious organ that had given him so much pleasure that morning. The girl moaned softly and arched her back, pushing herself down on Dante's hand so his palm made contact with her clit. He took the hint and used the heel of his thumb to massage her clitoris as he slipped a third finger inside her and continued to search for her G-spot. With a little searching he found it, or at least thought he must have done given the noises that his attention was eliciting from her. Gentle squeals and breaths so deep she seemed ready to collapse after each one were emanating from the young woman and the effect this was having on Dante was undeniable.
>He looked down at his cock, which had made it's presence known by the deep ache coming from the base of it, and saw drops of pre-cum rolling off the head and down the shaft like a bubbling spring of desire. Pulling his hand away from the young lady's vulva he grasped his cock and spread her wetness all over, mixing it with his, before getting back onto the bed and laying on his back expectantly. After such a large meal he could not be expected to take the dominant role, so he took the girl by the wrist and pulled her into position on top of him. She slid on to his mighty cock without a problem, but with a shiver that originated deep inside and spread all the way to her fingertips. The feeling of having such a large penis in her was a new experience; Don Casati was well endowed but Dante was in another league. She enjoyed the stretching sensation and started to slowly ride him, at first getting used to accommodating his size, and then revelling in being able to take him all and experience him being able to reach all those spots no-one else ever could.
>Dante felt like he was in heaven. A hearty meal and then the most amazing sex he had ever had was the perfect end to such a tumultous day. He could hardly believe his luck that this beautiful woman was on top of him, riding his cock, taking every inch of him inside her and loving it. Lost in his thoughts he was startled by the rising of his orgasm and he started to pump his hips in time with the girl's motions, releasing his semen inside her in a series of intense spurts. She felt him cumming and ground against him harder, using the pressure on her clit to tip her over the edge into an equally intense orgasm.
>The pair sank back onto the bed panting and exhilarated, still riding the waves created by their joint climax. Dante fell asleep within minutes, exhausted from the day's emotional and physical extertions. The girl lasted a little longer; watching Dante sleep and stroking his hair for a little while she felt protective towards him (and not least because Don Casati had ordered the farmers to play this role). Finally she pressed herself close against Dante's body and fell asleep. No. 162360
>Dante awoke to the morning sun streaming in through the window. In all last night's fun he had forgotten to draw the curtains so now he woke with the dawn and looked over to see the farmer girl sleeping soundly. He rose quietly and picked up the phone to order breakfast. Seven cookies, a cappucino and (unpictured) milk was the standard morning meal in Milan, and he ordered for his companion as well. Dante took himself to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Sticky streaks marked his groin and torso, betraying the events of the evening before and he was keen to start the new day with a fresh, clean body. He stepped into the shower and started to wash himself off. When he came back into the room the girl was at the table, wearing his shirt and her flat cap, and greedily devouring her breakfast. Dante sat opposite her and dipped a cookie into the milky foam of his coffee.
>“Last night was just amazing, thank you. You know I have not been finding this new life easy, but for some reason it does not bother me so much when you are around” said Dante to the girl, who was looking at the floor shyly. She did not want thanks for her actions; this was her duty and she enjoyed it. Pleasing Dante was a fantasy for all the farmer girls, and she had been lucky enough to be one of the first to experience his raw sexuality. “I am so grateful for your companionship, and your support. But I need your help with something today, can you do that for me?”
>The girl nodded, smiling and happy that she could be of service in some way. “I need you, and the other girls, to visit Don Casati's tailor and pick up my new clothes. They should be ready and I am running out of clean things to wear. When you have done that I will meet you at The Barn this evening”. Dante instructed the girl and hoped that she, and the other farmers, would help him try on his new wardrobe later. Dante dressed, and left the hotel for the bar where both he and the spoopy daughter were due to have their second breakfasts.
>The daughter-monster was already there, scowling at a tiny cupcake like it was about to detonate calories directly into her frail body. Dante took a table opposite. Most women could not keep their eyes off him; a fine figure of masculinity that any red-blooded woman was attracted to, even those who did not usually like men could see the appeal. The daughter, however, did not even notice him as she was so entranced by her recovery win. When there was no food around to distract her then she would have seen Dante, and probably tried her best to seduce him, but the charade of “eating”, or, more accurately, photographing her food was using all her energy. Dante looked around the cafe at the other tables, all enjoying their food and laughing or chatting. It was a sad spectacle watching the emaciated daughter looking at her cake and picking it apart with her fingers, not a crumb passing her lips. She stood out like the sore thumb of a vegan runner amongst the truly happy people surrounding her.
>For a moment Dante felt a pang of sympathy for her, which quickly disappeared when he remembered all the things Don Casati had told him about her. A manipulator and a liar of the highest order, she was well known for seducing and sleeping with anyone with a pulse. Since her looks had faded she did not attract anyone to her, but this did not stop her from trying to lure men to her bed. She was ridiculed among the male communities in Milan; anyone who had slept with her in the past was embarrassed by that fact, and would avoid her at all times lest she tried to put her bony hands anywhere near them. Her “friends” only stayed in contact to laugh at how pathetic her life had become, and although she had once made a promising start at a journalism degree, her obsession with food and slutty behaviour had gotten her kicked out of university after she tried to sleep her way to good grades by seducing the entire faculty with pictures of her covered in eggplant and oil.
>Dante finished his coffee and waited for the daughter to leave. He followed her across town as she shopped for clothes for an elderly relative with apparently bad taste. When she went home he waited across the street, pretending to be engrossed in the newspaper until she reappeared wearing the old lady clothes she had just bought. So it was her that had the appalling taste in clothes! Dante wondered why she did not use the family tailor instead to parading around in rags that would have been more suited to an ageing hippy, but he was glad that at least he would not have to see her there when he needed a new outfit.
>The daughter met Ma Casati for lunch at yet another bar and he watched as she took endless photos of her wrap, herself and her mother, and got Ma Casati to take yet more pictures of her holding food up to her mouth. It was cringeworthy at best, and while the daughter played around with her food and phone, Ma Casati had finished her lunch. She waited for her daughter to at least eat something, and seemed to be pleading with her to. Dante wondered why Ma Casati was not more strict with her, but then figured that the discipline in the family came only from Don Casati, who was not a man to be crossed.
>After the meal (if it could be called that – it seemed more like a pantomime) the daughter left for her afternoon snack on a bench. The Ensure Fortimel came out of her bag and she did the usual farce of photographing it and posting it on her social media account without drinking a drop. Dante could see it was not the alltime favourite coffee flavour, so he did not bother searching for the diamonds. Instead, he called it a day and went for a long walk to collect his thoughts.
No. 162363
>>162362I'm not too sure how to work this in, but anything could happen. Maybe a second cumming is more likely for our hero?
>Dante's walk took him out of Milan and through the suburbs, then through the rolling Italian countryside until he found himself at Castello Casati. He wanted to speak with Don Casati, as during his walk he had formulated a plan which could see the illegal diamonds returned to their rightful owner sooner than if he followed the daughter everywhere. Dante knocked on the main door and waited patiently for an answer. As he was led inside he paid close attention to the rooms adjoining the main corridor. Before his sexual awakening he had found the orgies and deviant behaviour on display to be uncomfortable viewing, but now he was more than happy to take a long look at each scene.
>Finally arriving at the study, Dante greeted Don Casati, who received him warmly. Don Casati had been given some good news about the fate of a rival, who had been sent to his special tailor for a coat fitting and then been taken for a “swim”. As Don Casati related this story to Dante he had a look of great pleasure on his face; feared across Italy, Don Casati was known for his brutal retaliations and the kick he got out of crushing his enemies. It was clear that this latest dispatch had lit a fire within Don Casati, and he was working up to engaging in some dominating sex with one of his harem.
>Don Casati ushered Dante out of the room as a young woman entered wearing rubber boots and a ball gag. Dante was curious, but also knew he did not want to witness the degradation that Don Casati was sure to indulge in, just in case he was required to join in. Added to that was the fact that he knew the farmer girls were waiting in The Barn with his new clothes, and he could not wait to try them on. The plan for the diamond retrieval would have to wait. Dante left the building hearing the crack of a whip and muffled cries of pain, or perhaps pleasure, drifting under the door of Don Casati's study.
>As Dante approached The Barn he saw the farmer girls at work in the yard. As was customary at Castello Casati, they were dressed in their usual wellington boots and flat caps, some with tool belts as well. He watched from a distance as one girl bent over repeatedly, pulling weeds from a vegetable patch and throwing them on a heap. The sight of her pert behind captured his attention so deeply that he jumped a little when he felt arms around his shoulders and a voice saying “come, Dante, you cannot stand and stare all day, we have new clothes for you to try on and we are all very excited to see you wear them.”
>The farmer girl took Dante's hand and led him inside, followed by the rest of them. In the velvet upholstered living room his clothes were all laid out nicely ready for him to try on. Surrounded by the young women, Dante suddenly felt self conscious as he undressed with all eyes on his strong, muscular body and the bulge in his trunks. “Those can come off too, Dante. We have new underwear for you too” said the girl from the previous day. She held out a pair of tight shorts for him, so he removed the ones he was wearing to a chorus of approving noises from the girls. As he put the new shorts on they sighed with disappointment as his beautiful buttocks and enormous cock disappeared from view again.
>Dante stood in the middle of the room and allowed the girls to dress him in each outfit. He loved being attended to in this way; it made him feel powerful like Don Casati and gave him back some of the sense of respect he had commanded as a priest. Having women kneel in front of him gave rise to memories of giving the sacrament and he dwelt for a while on these thoughts. Not super-posi-thoughts, but good memories nonetheless.
>Once all the outfits had been tried on, Dante decided since the women were practically naked that he should be too, so he took off the last set of clothes and his new underwear, and sat down on the sof cushions of the sofa. The women surrounded him, looking at him expectantly and caressing his entire body. They worked as a team to stroke every inch of him, quite literally, and it made pleasuring him a lot easier when there were three or four hands on the job. Dante relaxed into the velvet and closed his eyes, basking in the tingles and pleasant sensations coming from all over his body. No more thoughts of restricting entered his mind, and he gave himself fully to the experience.
>The girls worked steadily on Dante, sucking at his firm nipples and kissing him softly all over. They took turns at his cock, for it was so big that after a while their hands got tired and they had to switch. Dante, for his part, was so lost in the moment that he did not know how many women were touching him, but he knew it was an incredible feeling. After half an hour of focussed attention, Dante could not hold back his orgasm any longer, although he did not want this to end. Trying desperately to hold on for just another minute was futile, and he ejaculated with a force that sent semen flying up to the ceiling. The girls gathered round him tightly to embrace his body as he returned to earth.
>Dante spent a good five minutes trying to take in what had just happened, as he floated back into reality surrounded by naked women. The girls rose, and dressed Dante in their favourite OOTD for his meeting with Don Casati. No. 162364
>Dante entered Castello Casati once again, hoping that Don Casati would have finished his sexcapade with the ball-gagged woman. Indeed he had, and Dante found him reclining in his study smoking a Cuban cigar and attired in just a silk robe. Dante took a seat opposite, hoping Don Casati would not indavertently expose himself in the flimsy robe. The two men exchanged a knowing glance; they had both just been indulging in pleasures that lesser men could only dream about, but this was not about sex, Dante had an important plan to divulge.
>“Don Casati, I have an idea that could get your diamonds back quickly, and free me from the drudgery of following your daughter around. She is so dull and I don't think I can take months and months of rummaging through bins for her discarded Fortimels.” Dante spoke and waited for Don Casati's reaction; he hoped that insulting his daughter would not offend the powerful man. He was not to worry though, as Don Casati's feelings towards his daughter were very similar. She was the reason for his absence from the family home and for the scowl he wore whenever he had to endure her presence.
>“I can understand Dante, I am not sure I could do the job I have given you without murdering her. She makes my blood boil with her fake recovery and the stupid pantomime of her supposedly eating. Please, tell me your plan, as I am also very keen to get those diamonds back. I intend to have them made into a beautiful necklace for my wife; she deserves something special for having to put up with my daughter.” Don Casati's reply pleased Dante, and he started to explain his idea…
>“I think the best way to get your jewels back is to go straight to the source. If you tell me where she keeps her stash of everytime favourite coffee flavour drinks I can take the whole batch and replace them with some that are not playing host to your diamonds. And before you ask how I am to gain access to the house, I thought I could pose as an engineer, technician, or some kind of trade that fixes things. You can break an appliance and I will be able to gain access as the maintenance man. Once inside I will retrieve the Fortimels and bring them to you.”
>“Do you think I have not thought of just taking her stash Dante?” asked Don Casati, not happy that he was being made to look a fool. “I am a very powerful man and I can get exactly what I want. Why can I not simply take them myself?” “Don Casati, I did not mean to imply that you could not do that task, or that you had not thought of it already, but if you were caught by her she would certainly use it as an excuse to manipulate your family further. She does not know me, so I could give any excuse if she catches me and it will not reflect upon you.”
>Don Casati thought for a moment, then agreed with Dante that he was best placed to make the switch. “I am going to the house shortly, unfortunately she is cooking for me and her brother and I must pretend to enjoy her basic meal. While I am there I will break something in the kitchen where she keeps her stash. I have tried to take it in the past, but she does not respond well to me being in the kitchen so I have not been able to. You are certainly the best man for this job. I will call you tomorrow morning and let you know how to proceed.”
>With that, Don Casati ushered Dante out dressed for dinner at the family home. Dante wondered whether to return to The Barn, or his hotel, but settled on the hotel option, for he was tired after the long walk and unwavering sexual attention of the farmer girls, and needed a good night's rest.
No. 162365
>Don Casati was driven to the family home where he was to dine with his son and daughter. When he entered the kitchen, the pair were taking a photo of themselves. His son looked intensely uncomfortable with the skele-sister draped over him, and Don Casati cleared his throat to make his presence known. The daughter shot him a dirty look while the son looked relieved to be free of the grip of death. The daughter served her meal on two large plates for the men, and a small side plate for herself. As she went through the usual steps of arranging and photographing her offering, Don Casati ground his cutlery angrily against his plate and wondered whether he could bring himself to swallow the bland pasta and eggplant concoction. He reached for the oil and doused his food to the point of palatability, and choked down most of the plate.
>The son had also finished eating, and the pair sat and watched the daughter push the meagre portion around the plate, before eating a few small mouthfuls and taking for ever to chew. Don Casati could not stand much more, and he rose from the table to clear the plates. His plan was to break the dishwasher, so as he was loading it he also pushed a fork into the drainage pipe and pulled apart some of the door seal. Confident that he had caused enough damage, he started the machine and waited to see if he had been successful. Sure enough, the guts of the machine made a grinding noise, and water started to flow from the door.
>“Oh no, the dishwasher is broken!” he cried, trying hard not to smile. “I will call an engineer in the morning and send him round to fix it. Will either of you be at home to let him in?” he asked the children. His son would be at school, but the daughter, kicked out of university, had nothing better to do, so she agreed to wait in. Warning her not to try anything silly with the engineer, Don Casati left to return to his Castello, and some better food.
>The next morning Dante waited for the call, which came during his first breakfast. Fully equipped with the information he needed, he made his way to the Casati home, dressed in overalls and carrying a tool box, which contained a few spanners and a replacement case of Fortimel with the same number missing. Dante rang the doorbell, which was answered by the daughter. He introduced himself as Alfonso, and asked to be shown the kitchen. Don Casati had explained where the stash was kept; in the tallest cupboard by the fridge, and Dante spotted it the moment he walked in. The daughter continued what she had been doing in the kitchen; photographing bowls of cutted up fruit and Fortimels, tiny portions of ice cream and plates of grapes. Dante wondered what on earth was going on, she never seemed to eat or drink more than a few mouthfuls when she was out, yet here she was, with at least six snacks in front of her.
>Dante didn't ask questions, but instead pretended to be looking at the dishwasher. He glanced over and watched the daughter re-arrange the same plates of food and photograph each one. She was so caught up that she never noticed Dante looking, completely unaware how much his presence delighted most women. After she had photographed everything, she threw the food in the bin, and left the room. Dante, worried that she would be straight back, darted to the cupboard with replacement Fortimel in hand. Quickly he took out the daughter's stash and replaced it with the decoy drinks. He had barely concealed the stolen Fortimel in his tool box when the daughter reappeared.
>Standing up and putting his tools away, Dante told the daughter that he would have to return to his workshop to fetch some spare parts, and he would send someone else over shortly to fix the dishwasher. Don Casati had already arranged for a genuine engineer to fix the dishwasher later that morning, so Dante's story was covered. The daughter mumbled a reply, still focussed on her photography project. She went to the cupboard where her stash was kept and Dante held his breath; what if she noticed the difference? Had he put it back in exactly the same place in all the rush? His worries were unfounded as the daughter was too wrapped up in her project to notice, and she took one out and poured it into a disposable Starbucks cup. When she had taken the lid off, the smell that came out reminded Dante of the stale water in the font, and the damp church rooms he had lived in as a young priest.
>Unable to stand the smell, Dante made his excuses and left the daughter taking pictures of the full cup in different places around the kitchen. He stopped on the street outside, and called Don Casati with the good news, too excited to keep it to himself until he got to Castello Casati. Unbeknownst to Dante, the daughter had moved to a window to take yet more pictures of the filthy cup and had caught him in the background of one picture just as he was telling Don Casati that he had the diamonds in his possession. Don Casati was elated, and sent his car to pick Dante up and bring him straight back with the haul.
No. 162367
>>162366I thank you, thank you. I am having a ball writing this. Yes, it's a bit weird but as long as we're all having fun then there's no problem (apart from the obvious fact that we still only have one photo of our hero).
>As the car pulled up to the impressive front of Castello Casati, Dante saw the door was already open and Don Casati was waiting for him in the driveway – no waiting at the door today. Don Casati flung open Dante's door and literally wrestled him out, hugging him so tightly Dante thought he would pass out. Dante was a big guy, but Don Casati was equally strong in a leaner, more whippet-like way that Dante was just beginning to realise. Don Casati kissed Dante four times, twice on each cheek and snatched the toolbox from him. The two men went into the kitchen of the Castello, and placed a strainer in the sink. Each of them grabbed a bottle of the everytime favourite coffe flavour Fortimel and poured the contents into the strainer. They continued until each one was empty and waited for the thick liquid to disperse. At the bottom of the strainer lay three packets of diamonds, not the four that they had been expecting.
>Don Casati was pleased that most of his diamonds were with their rightful owner, but where was the other packet? Dante had found two in bins, and three at the house, which left one last package unaccounted for. Don Casati placed a hand on Dante's shoulder, and gripped him with a strenght that Dante knew meant “don't try and run”. “Dante,” began Don Casati, in a low and threatening tone, “where the fuck is the last packet? If you have them, tell me now. I can trust you, as you were a man of God, but I know you are human too, and have weaknesses. So tell me now, did you take them? I will not ask again.”
>Dante was shaken; he had not taken the diamonds and the thought had never even crossed his mind. He looked Don Casati in the eye, and spoke honestly, “I do not have them. I would never take from you Don Casati, I know better than to anger you and honestly, I have everything I need.” Don Casati knew he was telling the truth, and released his grip. They both stared into the sink, wondering where the last packet was, when Dante remembered something he had seen in the kitchen. The daughter's miniature ice cream could have been a frozen Fortimel, it was certainly coffee flavoured as she had poured a shot of espresso over it.
>“I know where it is Don Casati!” exclaimed Dante, “it is in the bin at your home right now! When I was there, she was taking a lot of pictures of snacks, and one of them was a frozen Fortimel, made to look like ice cream. She threw everything in the bin instead of eating it, so perhaps they are in there?”. Don Casati grabbed his phone, and made a call to the engineer he had sent to really fix the dishwasher, asking him to look through the bin and recover the packet of diamonds. There was nothing to do now but wait for the engineer to return contact so Don Casati poured the two men a beer to celebrate having at least five of his diamond packets back.
>After what seemed like hours, but was more like fifteen minutes, the engineer called with some good news. He had found the diamonds in the bin, but in order to have an excuse to go in the bin, he had to pretend to fall over into it, as the daughter would not leave the kitchen. Dante had not excited her as she was too distracted by her food photos, but with that charade done for the week, she had been hanging around the engineer trying to seduce him. Ofc, Don Casati had given him fair warning that she might try something, so he was fully prepared, and after he was covered in food the daughter stopped finding him attractive.
>Don Casati sunk the rest of his beer and told Dante that he should allow himself a pleasurable afternoon in The Barn, as he had been so successful in getting the diamond stash back. Dante didn't need telling twice, and made his way down the winding path. On reaching the cottage, it seemed that no-one was at home, so Dante made himself comfortable in the garden. He stripped down to nothing and laid on the lush grass, the sunlight slowly warming his entire body. His mind wandered to thoughts of the farmer girls he had been hoping to see. After all the tension of executing his plan, Dante was glad to relax and think at his own pace and he recalled the girl who had helped him after he had beaten himself with the bible, the girl who had given him his first experience of the opposite sex in the priest room at the Castello, and all the girls who had pleasured him the previous day. In his mind all these scenarios blended into one great orgy where he was ofc the centre of attention; girls waited their turn to ride his cock and while they waited they caressed him in places he never knew were so excitable to the touch.
>Dante was lost in his reverie, so deep in thought was he that he did not notice the sudden shade cast over his naked body until a shiver trembled across his torso. Opening his eyes he found himself looking up at the farmer girl cabal who had encircled him. They were holding plates of food, bottles of wine and a few sex toys which Dante knew could only be for his pleasure. He stood up slowly and turned around the circle, smiling at each of the friendly faces that looked back at him. The girl who had helped him after his bible incident took his hand, and led him to a gazebo tucked away in a wooded part of the garden. Under the canopy he saw a similar velvet-upholstered set up to the one in the living room, and casting an eye upwards he noticed a heavy duty bolt set into the roof. Before he had a chance to wonder what it was for, the girls had pushed him down on the soft, yielding seats and were feeding him by hand. No. 162369
>>162368Given Dante's sexual awakening and sex drive there's only one person he wouldn't consent to sex with, and I doubt spoopy has the strenght to overpower him.
>With his appetite for food sated, Dante felt another hunger rise in his belly. He looked around him, only just starting to believe that once again he was surrounded by naked women, and they were entirely focused on tending to his every need. The girls smiled back at him as he made eye contact with each one of them, and he wasn't sure how he should proceed. It was always one of the girls who had initiated sex in the past, but now it seemed like they were all waiting for him to make a move. Dante hadn't been given the opportunity to pursue sexual pleasure for a long while; his time in the priesthood had seen to that, and as soon as he left he'd been lucky enough to have women throwing themselves at him. Now faced with the unenviable choice of which girl to approach first, Dante tried to draw on the animal instincts that had served him so well in his sexual encounters with them.
>Dante picked the girl who had first touched his naked body when this adventure started; the girl who had, embarrassingly, seen him blow his load with hardly any stimulation. He felt that he needed to make this up to her; as it was their duty to see to his needs, it was only right that he should see to theirs. Stretching out an arm and taking her shoulder in his firm grasp, Dante rose and pulled her to her feet. He took her out of the gazebo and towards a large tree with a trunk almost as rigid as his own. Pushing her roughly against the bark Dante ran his hands down her body, cupping her firm breasts and gently squeezing her nipples, sending a tingle through her body. He reached the warm wetness of her vulva and remembered it well as the first part of the female anatomy he had touched since leaving the priesthood.
>The girl had not forgotten his touch; since that first encounter she had been longing to feel his strong, thick fingers in her most intimate crevices again. Giving herself to him she spread her legs, and tried to grasp his hard penis. This was not easy so she stroked his length and tried to excite him as much as possible, but soon she realised there was only one way to achieve this, so she knelt before him, as she had done before, and licked the top of his cock. Dante could hardly believe this was happening again, and this time he was sure he wouldn't ejaculate prematurely. The girl got her mouth around the end of Dante's cock and used both her hands to stroke the shaft up and down. She was good; swirling her tongue around his head and licking over the sweet spot. Dante hadn't been prepared for this, and he pushed her head away before she brought him too close.
>He pulled her up and gripped her buttocks, lifting her up and at the right height to slide right on to his waiting cock. Dante pushed her up against the tree and entered her with a force she had been longing for. The pair stopped for a moment to allow her to accommodate his considerable size, and when she nodded, he started to thrust in long, deep strokes (although with his equipment, there wasn't any other way), maintaining eye contact with the girl even when hers were closed in ecstasy. With her legs wrapped around his hips, Dante picked up his pace and moved a hand towards her ample breast. He gently stroked around her curves and lightly brushed her nipple each time, eliciting a tiny gasp from the girl as he did so. He kept this up; she seemed to like it, and he was still trying to figure out if he preferred breasts or buttocks.
>Dante felt he was nearing orgasm, and began thrusting in shorter, faster strokes that gave the most intense stimulation to the girl's g-spot. She came a split second before he did, and Dante felt like her vaginal muscles were milking every last drop of semen from him – possibly the most enjoyable sexual sensation he had ever had. The girl's body went heavy as she collapsed onto Dante's broad shoulders, but he held her tightly and carried her back to the gazebo.
>The other farmers had been watching the scene intently. Ofc there was some jealousy among the other girls that they had not been picked first, but they knew that their turn would come. As Dante put the girl down on the velvet couch, the girl who had tended to his wounds and been there for him after the disastrous experience in the church stood up and walked towards him. Dante was happy to see her but needed a minute or two to get his strenght back, so he took her by the hand and led her down a soft earth path and into the woods. Dante wanted to thank her properly, as he did not know what would happen to him now that he had completed the task Don Casati had given him. He was worried that Don Casati would have him killed, as he was no longer needed. He could not go back to the church; he would not go back there. He could not imagine why Don Casati would need to keep him around, and he would surely lose access to the farmer girls.
>Dante stopped in a clearing where a hammock had been tied up. He sat the girl down in it, and took a place beside her. “I have to thank you for everything you have done for me. I know Don Casati told you to, but I feel that you wanted to do it anyway. In the darkest times and bad wake ups of the last few days, you have been there at every stage and this connection moves me in the depths of my heart. My training in the priesthood has broken me, and I cannot make a solid connection with women on an emotional level, but you, you have touched me in a way I never though possible again”. The girl took his hand and kissed it. She knew she didn't have to say anything to Dante; just a look would be enough for his intuitive mind to comprehend, so she looked him deeply in the eyes, then brought his body close to her and held him for several minutes.
>Dante broke the embrace and kissed her passionately, gently guiding her down into the hammock while he got out and stood next to her. She looked up at him expectantly; why wasn't he getting in with her? Dante laid both hands on her shoulders, and told her what he was about to do to her. “You have introduced me to the most amazing of sensations, and have met my every need. Now let me do the same for you. This, is not about me”. With that, Dante started to caress the girl from head to toe… No. 162371
>>162370I can't even begin to imagine how that would happen. Maybe Aly eats some squid, purges near a church, puke becomes possessed by satan etc. etc.
Anyhow, I've kinda come to the end of the story arc and wondering if/how to go on. Suggestions welcome, thanks for reading (and whatever else you may have been doing…)
>…Dante's strong hands covered every inch of the girl's body, bringing every nerve ending to life. The soft breeze in the forest accentuated the tingling sensations and as Dante parted her legs to stroke her thighs she felt such a heady rush it was like a body orgasm. One hand rested behind her head, gently stroking her neck and the other was committing a mortal sin on the girl's firm breasts, which almost rose to meet his touch as the arching of her back threw her body towards him. He pulled her back down, and moved his free hand to the waiting wetness between her legs.
>Gently caressing her glistening vulva he slipped a finger in between her lips and almost inside her, but stopped short; he didn't want to penetrate her, as that would cause him too much enjoyment. It was his turn to repay her, so instead he concentrated on her clitoral hood, slowly and gently at first, then firmer as she pushed against his hand. The girl threw her legs over the side of the hammock, opening her legs for Dante's masterful touch and he took the hint a little further, kneeling down beside her and kissing her thigh. He had only done this once since leaving the priesthood, and not many times before that, but the one time he had orally pleasured a woman since his exit she had seemed to enjoy it. Dante's side-on and top-down approach certainly seemed to be working as the young lady whimpered and trembled under his tongue. Somehow, he knew just the right amount of pressure and speed and reacted to her cues to bring her to an almost violent orgasm, one so intense she was nearly thrown from the hammock. Dante's strong arms were waiting to keep her steady, and he held her quivering body for several minutes while she got her breath back. She tried to stand up, but her knees gave way and she dropped into Dante's embrace once again. The pair waited a while longer until the girl could stand, and Dante thanked the girl once again, hoping he had made up for everything she had done for him.
>As they walked back to the gazebo, Dante's mind went back to the most pressing matter of the day: what would happen to him now the diamonds had been returned to Don Casati? Dante remembered the threat Don Casati had made on that first day at the tailor's, and how close he had come to seeing that come to life when Don Casati suspected him of stealing his diamonds. He didn't know whether Don Casati had enough compassion to keep him alive now the job was done, and without another task he was not part of the Mafia. All the things he knew about Don Casati, everything from the confessional and what he had seen at the Castello; it all hung over his head like the Sword of Damocles. There were no guarantees here. Dante hoped that Don Casati had a plan for him.
>Arriving back at the gazebo, Dante was surprised, yet slightly relieved to find Don Casati waiting for them. He threw a robe at Dante, who had almost forgotten he was naked, and motioned him to come into The Barn with him. Don Casati walked to the fridge and got out two cold beers, opening them with a flick of the wrist. Dante gulped at the bottle, downing half at once and set it down in front of him. He had worked up quite a thirst with the farmer girls, and the thought of what Don Casati could want to say him about was also making him reach for the bottle…