File: 1440012056366.jpg (628.46 KB, 1280x939, tumblr_nf8g2c7aaC1qc5jioo1_128…)

No. 160000
>>159999holy shit
that's a girl?
No. 160008
>>160007>>160005This. Girls here are so lunatic but I'm glad there are people who browse this website for /g/
No. 160016
>>160014 said, make a board yourself then for you and your "normal" buddies. Preferably somewhere far away from here. Honestly. If you're really expecting people with problems to not be on every corner of a fucking chan board that was set up originally to follow lolcows (and even has lolcow in the domain name, ffs) then you've got some unrealistic expectations or are actually here to look down on people yourself while being on some sort of high horse.
>crazy mentally unhealthy peopleSorry but usually people who throw around stuff like that have issues of their own that they're not wanting to recognise/address.
No. 160018
>>160016yeah lmao
I may have some mental health care issues, but i'm sure as hell a nice person with morals. I like how people shit on people like me because of a diagnosis I can't control. It's not like I run around with poop in my butt naked screaming or stealing shit. I'm a normal person. Fuck
No. 160019
>>160013>>160012>>160009is this samefag or what?
Isn't there only ONE thread for mental illness?
You're rude as fuck.
No. 160020
>>160019settle down borderline-chan
do you need some haldol?
No. 160022
>>160019Yeah I agree. rude
>>160021yeah I should have placed a comma haha…