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File: 1438903216365.jpg (300.2 KB, 1125x2001, image.jpg)

No. 158835

It's so obviously she has makeup on. I'm tired of these girls on the internet claiming they're all natural as if somebody is dumb….
Share pictures of girls claiming to be natural when they obviously arent

No. 158836

File: 1438904006106.jpg (130.54 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Redditgonenatural is full of girls wearing natural makeup plus the whole point of the subreddit is neck beards who shit on girl who wear makeup (ie "they are all fake whores! Painted Sluts!!!) and insecure girls who come for asspats ("tell me I'm not like the OTHER girls heheh")

No. 158837

Also sorry, my link wouldn't open

No. 158838

File: 1438905334160.jpg (89.12 KB, 640x640, 1438556619390[1].jpg)


there are some natural faces in there, but a lot of people think natural means foundation only, but yes it definitely is asspat central.

I had a roomate like that who claimed she never wore makeup because mascara, powder, and lipgloss apparently don't count as makeup….

maybe I'm just salty cause I look busted without makeup but I enjoy wearing it so meh.

I don't get the point in lying though

No. 158839

/b/ please

No. 158840

Moved to >>>/b/20958.

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