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No. 156968

anyone know where i can find clothes like this for under 20?I really dont want to spend 40 dollars on some taobao garbage.

No. 156969

Most of that IS taobao garbage and if you find it on aliexpress it's still off taobao.

You're best just investing in the real pieces off Rakuten tbh

No. 156970

i dont have an issue with cheap clothes, i just dont want to buy a 10 dollar item from a weeaboo shop on storeenvy for 60 dollars. id rather just buy cute low quality chinese crap for a cheap.

No. 156971

Pretty much what this anon said, almost every single website that sells kawaii fashion or just cheap clothes in general, is taobao stuff. Although, I wouldn't say all of taobao is garbage though, with a lot of it, you do get what you pay for, but I've gotten some pretty nice stuff on there.

If you want to know what characters you should use on taobao to find clothes like that, search for "软妹" (soft sister) or different Japanese brands you like on there.

No. 156972

the best place to get cheap taobao garbage for cheap is taobao

No. 156973

From my experience, forwarding service costs and taxes make it not worth it.

No. 156974

This. I order a lot of stuff from Taobao but damn the fucking service costs. It's almost the same if you buy them from a scalper etsy shop, the Taobao seller sells them cheap but all the extra costs that come from the service and postage fees jack up the price almost up to double the item's original cost.

No. 156975


Exactly, for the price you pay I try and scout what I can on Aliexpress for near enough the same price. Less hassle that way and sometimes you can save a few bob.

No. 156976

If I'm totally honest with you, Anon. I see you're American, right? Have a look in your shops for cutesy pieces, I know it's not the same as Japanese clothing lines ect but you CAN do kawaii with things in your local shops.

Like here in the UK… I mean sometimes I can find Japanese brands in China town or in asian culturey type shops, not a big variety and half are a couple years old. But here in the UK we've got Primark, they do some cutesy things every now and again where you can pair pieces off into a super cute outfit for cheap!

People always bitch and complain about the quality… yeah, it depends because it is pretty crappy most of the time, not always but if it's like a sheer top or something for £3 or skirt £4 with shit frills all frayed… But it's cheap and cute. I usually have a scout around and do kawaii that way.

Espesh if you're a little chubby or not slender enough/too tall for Japanese brands. C'mon the most they go up to half the time is a size 10 (UK) 4/6/8/10 and the UK average for women over here is at the MOST a size 10/12/14… So it's pretty difficult. Hence why foreign girls feel so much pressure when they're over in Japan because girls are so much tinier and slimmer, but that's culture contrast in its self. Better diets, more walking and less shit in foods.

Anyway… just try coordinating with cute things from your mall or whatever, it can be done. Just to save you the money I guess for when you cba paying dolla for rip off ass shipping.

No. 156977

1. Learn to sew
2. Buy cheap somewhat cute American or whatever clothes
3. Alter them with frills, bows, lace, what have you
4. ????
5. Profit

No. 156978

I suppose it depends on where you live. Shipping isnt too much for me and taobaoring only charges 8% fee

No. 156979

American Eagle
Thrift stores

These places have many cute things if you know how to look and you can save your self the hassle of dealing with shopping services and navigating around in Chinese.

>1. Learn to sew

This is a really good one. Once you get good at there are thousands of patterns and online tutorials at your disposal so can make your own cute stuff.

Also, if you want to you can try ordering custom print tops. I think there are places that do bottoms as well.

No. 156980

Try stealing.

No. 156981

>lowest price
>buy it now
and then bbe patient and check everyday. I think I saw those sailor moon skirts for around 10$$$ once.

No. 156982

>not bidding

No. 156983

Ebay sucks, i prefer Aliexpress

No. 156984

Any tips for finding cute things on ali express? I find mostly boring normie things. Does anyone have some useful keywords or cute shops?

No. 156985

soft sister, amo, harajuku, zipper

No. 156986

kawaii, japanese, korean, lolita

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