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No. 144076
>>144075When it comes to making money that's all we women are pretty much good for in the eyes of men.
Men are mostly stupid, pitiful slaves to their dicks and are driven wild by a flash of skin and the desire of the seemingly unobtainable; utilise that to your advantage and you'll make bank.
No. 144078
>>144075you can be a sugar baby without having sex lol
anyways, OP, sell some stuff on ebay or whatever. like stuff from your childhood/old clothes/stuff you don't like anymore/etc.
or you can just make a pateron lol
No. 144086
>>144081OP wants quick and easy money. Sorry but that's not going to happen unless you feed into someone's base desire for sex. But there are still many deviants out there that find a certain allure in something that may not compromise OP's stipulation for non-nudity and an actual sex act.
If you don't want to do anything of the sort, then I'm sorry OP. It will be quite difficult for you to earn quick and easy money.
No. 144087
>>144086you know guys
you coulda just said "open an online shop"
but obv everyone wants to pull out their tits these days for a few quid
No. 144092
>>144073Drug smuggling? Bank robbing? Selling a kidney?
For more "legit" business, you can try being elected, become a treasurer in a charity, or making videos about sexism in X community.
All of this require a bit of work though, unlike being a whore.
No. 144094
If you've got a lot of free time on your hands (read: don't like leaving the house), and are willing to make small amounts incrementally, Amazon's Mechanical Turk might be an option. I've never used it myself, but the tasks generally don't seem very difficult– lots of transcribing audio to text, that sort of thing. You can make anywhere from a few cents to $50~60 (USD) per task.
Check craigslist listings of high-population cities for telecommuting positions; some employers will post in specific places for jobs anyone in your country can do.
If you're good at some kind of craft– drawing, writing, sewing, printmaking– there is ALWAYS someone who wants a commission. Making designs for clothes (especially shirts and hoodies) is a good idea.
Otherwise, like
>>144090 says, you'll pretty much just have to get a small-time job. If you're cute or just really personable, and don't really have experience, a restaurant hostess is a decent PT job to have. The pay isn't fantastic, but the work usually isn't so difficult if you can handle some pressure.
No. 144100
>>144091It's not that easy, yeah the payout is awesome (~$10,000 depending) but they ask you fuckloads of questions and most of them have pretty strict criteria- not just medically, but also psychologically, and they usually want up to date medical records for your parents/grandparents/siblings, many require at least some level of college education, and some even have physical attractiveness standards they go by.
It's not as easy as getting a hormone shot and dropping off an egg for a few grand. It's a tedious, invasive process with a strict screening process.
No. 144106
>>144101Yup, like bone density issues, high blood pressure, mood swings, depression, etc.
>>144104Because it's not easy to harvest the eggs, plus once they do nobody is gonna want eggs from someone with genetic deformities, diseases, or undesirable traits (like weak chin/female pattern baldness). It's too much effort and money to pay for a baby that ends up being all fucked up and ugly.
No. 144110
>>38977lol, men are the dumbasses spending thousands of dollars on camwhores then complaining on r9k about how all women are sluts
sorry your gender is weak-minded
No. 144111
>>144076Thank you for being a Pretty Princess.
.01 chicken tendies has been deposited to your plate.
No. 144113
>>144112I do this as well, usually on depop. Yeah it might take more work than other things but I genuinely enjoy it so it's not difficult for me, unlike my day job. I sell both my old clothes and thrift store finds. I got to know one of the local thrift store owners really well so she'll actually call me if she gets in anything I'm interested in which is helpful.
Depop is great if you can get the formula down for how they pick their explore page, since you can get a lot of sales that way. Good pictures of pretty girls in flowy dresses and lingerie get picked often. If you're not pretty or can't find a model then hide your face with your hair.
No. 144117
>>1441161. Make Chaturbate/My Free Cams accounts
2. Set your age as 18 to appeal to men who never had girlfriends in high school
3. Remember your audience, make your profile "nerdy XD" with Pokemon/anime/video game shit
You can learn what to do just by observing the top camgirls. They all have Amazon wishlists, Twitters and snapchats so men feel like they're more personal. Some have cam broadcasts where they sit around naked chatting with fans while not even masturbating, and still rake it in. The key to being a camwhore is simulating that personal connection - otherwise guys would use porn.