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No. 125271
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No. 125273
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No. 125274
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No. 125276
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Probably the only look I've ever liked on Rihanna
No. 125277
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No. 125278
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No. 125279
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No. 125280
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@aniamilczarczyk does some really nice makeup looks. not a huge fan of loaded on highlight but the rest is really pretty.
No. 125281
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It seems like this type of makeup looks good on women of all races, I dig it.
No. 125282
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No. 125283
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Malaika Firth doesn't need much on her anyway and still manages to look like a doe in the headlights
No. 125284
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>>125283I can't believe I didn't think of her when I thought of this type of look! She's so gorgeous and it suits her perfectly.
No. 125285
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No. 125286
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>>125280I agree, Ania's looks are really lovely.
No. 125287
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No. 125288
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No. 125291
>>125289Isnt this almost like the no makeup makeup look?
just use bb creme, soft highlight, light colored lipstick, and a little eyeliner and mascara
No. 125292
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No. 125293
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No. 125294
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Emily Browning seems to wear soft makeup a lot, I really like this style of wearing a statement lip.
No. 125295
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Sorry for spamming this same model. I just have a folder saved with her photos because I find her insanely pretty and most of the pictures fit this look.
No. 125296
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No. 125297
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love Jill Stuart's pinky/pastel-ish looks!
No. 125298
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No. 125299
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No. 125320
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No. 125323
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This is my new favorite thread on /g/! I love make-up like this, it's so feminine and accentuates natural beauty instead of making you look like a plastic doll.
>>125276She looks so gorgeous here, I'm in love.
No. 125328
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No. 125329
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No. 125331
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No. 125335
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When I was younger and really into the heaviest, most gaudy looking makeup, I used to hate the no-makeup makeup look because I couldn't understand why you'd bother to wear makeup if no one could really tell anyway. Needless to say, I love it now. I feel like it gives off such a "supermodel on an off-day" vibe.
No. 125337
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No. 125338
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No. 125339
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No. 125340
>>125321She's so cute.
>>125281It really does look good on pretty much anybody. I think it makes people look more luminous and bright-eyed.
No. 125341
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No. 125342
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No. 125345
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Nasty Gal models always seem to have really beautiful makeup on (even if the clothing is tacky half the time)
No. 125347
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I still love Kiko
No. 125350
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No. 125352
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i love dramatic makeup but i love wearing soft looks everyday. i'll dump stuff from my pinterest
No. 125353
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No. 125360
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No. 125361
>>125360those eyebrows…
No. 125362
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This thread is giving me so much inspiration! I used to cake on dramatic """glamour""" makeup all through my teens so light, carefully and skillfully applied makeup is sort of a new (and gorgeous) concept to me.
No. 125363
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>>125352I hate the kardashians but kendall wears some really nice looks tbh
No. 125364
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No. 125371
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No. 125372
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This thread is giving me life.
I absolutely love the soft look, but at the same time I feel like I don't have good enough skin/ I'm not pretty enough to pull off this look. I always end up caking a lot more to cover my face and features.
No. 125375
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No. 125378
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No. 125390
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No. 125394
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No. 125398
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Louis Vuitton s/s 2012 makeup is still so amazing and fresh looking
No. 125399
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No. 125400
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looks good on lots of different people too
No. 125402
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No. 125403
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No. 125406
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No. 125407
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No. 125408
>>125308>>125312>>125349I'd go gay for these girls any day.
This style is my favorite kind of make up style.
No. 125410
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Glossier models fit this aesthetic to the T. Incoming dump.
No. 125411
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No. 125412
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No. 125414
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No. 125415
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No. 125416
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No. 125417
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No. 125420
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Last is Xiao Wen Ju who I personally think is super cute, she has such small features. Hope the dump wasn't too annoying!
No. 125423
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No. 125424
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No. 125425
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Rawiwan Bunprachom
No. 125426
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No. 125427
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No. 125428
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No. 125429
>>125422RMS was was the worst shit I've put on my face. I had this period when all my makeup products needed to be organic, and I wasted a shit ton of money on makeup that didn't work. RMS was a greasy mess (it's basically coconut oil and pigments), the foundation had no staying power and transferred instantly with the slightest touch. The eyeshadow creased instantly. I also found out that coconut oil breaks the hell out of me.
Great, if it works for someone, for me it didn't and I was so disappointed after spending so much time reading rave reviews about it. I'd like to try Kjaer Weis foundation next, but it's so freakin expensive. I'm also a eurofag, and we can't return any unwanted makeup purchases, so if something doesn't work, it's money down the drain.
No. 125432
>>125431Can't wait until they ship to germany.
I really wanna try out their concealer and boy brow
No. 125433
>>125429I'm in that phase right now. I threw out all my old make up and just reduced it to essentials. Makes me scared that RMS broke you out though since I really want to try it. I'll admit that part of what attracts me to RMS is their packaging. I love how simple it is.
I never heard of Kjaer Weis before and just looked it up. Wow $68 for foundation. O_O
No. 125434
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>>125433Kjaer Weis wants to profile themselves as high end luxury eco cosmetics, so the prices are ridiculous. But the packaging is gorgeous and so are the makeup looks in their promo photos.
They have nice eyeshadows, but the highlighter is a glitterbomb. Meaning not just smooth shimmer, but discoball glitter. I haven't tried other products from them, but the mascara has very good reviews.
I was also attracted to RMS's minimalist packaging. I thought it'd be great if I could do my whole makeup with these little jars and have a nicely curated small collection of high end products. Alas, it didn't work.
(Sorry for the blog post.)
No. 125438
>>125375Can someone recommend me an eyeshadow palette I can use to achieve this look?
Also how do I achieve the glossy effect she has on her cheeks, nose, and cupid's bow? Is it a highlighter and did she line her upper lip with white pencil eyeliner?
Sorry for the stupid questions, I'm terrible with makeup and don't wear a lot.
No. 125441
File: 1467826127905.gif (975.45 KB, 500x281, tumblr_me2m05szLQ1.gif)

>>125439You are super awesome, anon. Thank you!
No. 125442
File: 1467827701952.jpg (132.38 KB, 610x407, too-faced-natural-matte-2.jpg)

>>125438The Natural Mattes palette from Too Faced is perfect for this look and other similar ones.
No. 125444
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>>125442Thank you lots, anon. This palette is perfect, I'll definitely be picking it up. You guys are the best!
No. 125446
>>125445Check out Milk Makeup. They make some stuff that could be used for it
>>125442I got this pallette as a gift and I absolutely adore it. Would recommend
I also agree with,
>>125443, even though I'm young I avoid anything with sparkle because it feels juvenile to me
No. 125449
>>125445a bunch of companies are making glosses for that specific thing now! milk makeup has a 20 dollar face gloss that can be used all over (, ELF just came out with a "glossy makeup top coat" for 5 dollars or so (it's sold out on their website), and MAKE beauty has a 25 dollar face gloss as well (
you could also probably try something like putting a little vaseline (very carefully) over your eyeshadow, i feel.
No. 125451
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No. 125452
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No. 125455
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I love this thread.
No. 125456
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No. 125457
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No. 125458
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>>125420Yesss, she has perfect skin
No. 125459
>>125457This is perfect, she looks sun kissed and elegant.
I love it
No. 125461
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I'm not a fan of these brows, but does anyone else prefer the 'no mascara' look? It's so hard finding inspiration for looks without mascara, though. Like, literally everyone uses it.
No. 125462
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>>125461Like, I seriously hate heavy mascara and/or falsies.
No. 125463
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No. 125465
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No. 125466
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No. 125469
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>>125439>>125438This may be the tutorial you mean. My apologies if this is in one of the links you posted.
No. 125474
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I loved the styling on this shoot.
No. 125476
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No. 125478
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the last of my soft makeup inspiration.
No. 125481
>>125476I'm so jealous of freckles like this because mine aren't as dark so they look more like dirt than freckles.
>>125472Wow, she's beautiful.
>>125469Has anybody with oily-type skin had any success with dewy looks like this? What did you use? I've spent way too long learning to mattify my face when I actually love the dewy look.
No. 125482
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No. 125485
>>125483I normally sport that look since my eyebrows are quite similar, but they have some sparse areas i prefer to fill, after trial and error i found the most perfect way to not make me look crazy with them is to use a powder a bit lighter/cooler than your natural brow color, not much, but a bit, and not excessively pigmented, but buildable. Do soft and short strokes, don't accentuate your arch if you have one, and build up the color bit by bit, combing through everytime you do a large part of your eyebrow. Finish off with a gel to hold them in place, try to find for one that is not glossy and has color similar to your eyebrow so the slightly lighter color of the powder isn't on top of your natural hairs, but looks more like it's part of your inner hairs if that makes sense.
The products i've been using for years and swear by are "Lioele Mix Eyebrow Cake" to fill in, it leaves the brows super natural looking, and the brush that comes with it is very nice for the fuller brow look.
For eyebrow gel, this is recent but i love it the "innisfree ultrafine browcara", holds my brows in place all day long through everything, not glossy, and doesn't make my eyebrows like they have product in them, also it's like 3 dollars on ebay.
No. 125486
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No. 125497
>>125484I caved and haven't worn mascara for the past two days. No one's noticed. I have, however, noticed less eye irritation on my part… so it was nice to know my mascara was the cause of that.
/saged for blog post.
No. 125499
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>>125498I just looked her up and I'm team Bridgett tbh.
No. 125504
>>125503It's not so much looking beautiful as it is working with what you've got. From your post I assume you have very soft features, and these softer looks will make you look like a womanbaby if not done correctly, so you need to learn what works best for
you as opposed to just following a tutorial A to Z.
For example, my features aen't too pronounced but they are on the sharper side (I'm the anon in the 'things you like about yourself' thread who looks like the big-eared fella) so these soft looks don't look too bad. However, I can't do anything with my lips past
very light lining and lipbalm or else it looks ten kinds of retarded, and my eyebrows are really far apart but anything else makes me look like caveman Spongebob (I get browshamed so much thanks to this 'full natural brows' trend).
Are your eyes hooded, deep-set, downturned, monolids etc? How high is your forehead? What's your face shape? Those are just some things that'll help you determine what looks best on you. Keep experimenting until you find a look that suits you, and then stick to it is my advice.
No. 125505
>>125503Check Korean beauty tutorials. Asian market is all about spending 5+ hours and tons of make up techniques just to look like you're wearing barely any make up.
I'm under the impression that anyone can pull off soft make up, it's just technique as anon mentioned above.
I have very childish features, round eyes, freckles round face and I do the soft make up look. People tell me I'd benefit from contouring but I don't want to look like an instagram tranny. I'm sure if you played around a bit you can find a soft mature look. I find that with younger looks to use brown shadow to line the bottom of your eyes for a soft sultry look. It's mature but not dramatic.
No. 125508
>>125504I have quite a baby face/soft features for someone in their mid twenties. I keep my face clear having a good diet, plenty of water, face mask each week along with hair mask and I'm lucky to have good eyebrows where I don't touch them. Never hopped on the brow game trend either. I just lightly fill them in and thats it.
I think your features play a big deal with soft make up. I found that the little the make up the better I look compared to wearing shit tons.
No. 125510
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love love love the glow
No. 125514
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This thread is so lovely.
Anyway, It amused me seeing so many people using a lot of makeup during their teens (not like it's bad tho), since I discovered makeup, I only use mascara because I honestly think I look retarded with anything else, you know, eyeshadows, eyeliner, lipstick, etc and that kinda bothers me.
(sorry for my bad English)
No. 125520
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Ladies, I tried the natural makeup today and I just looked like a tranny.
I dont think natural makeup goes well on people with harsh features :(
or maybe im just ugly
No. 125523
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>>125522No anon, you're just shit at it. Don't copy something word for word, experiment and see what makes you look good. It takes time. I looked like Mrs Doyle waiting for Pat Mustard before I learnt how to do it properly.
No. 125529
This is why I cannot do makeup on other people to save my life. I know what makes me look softer and less… androgynous. Just keep practicing. I typically play with makeup before I shower so I can immediately wash it off if it sucks with ease.
No. 125536
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Another Rihanna look
No. 125538
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I want to look like this…
No. 125540
>>125539I also have really bad skin, like you said acne scars plus enlarged pores, some actual acne (sobs), redness and generally uneven fugly skin.
I've stopped using foundation altogether because I hate that shit and it becomes cakey and gross and you can feel it sitting on top of your face like a mask -shudders-. I personally use a Missha BB cream since they're the only brand I've found with a shade pale enough. It covers up nicely with a few thin layers; I use a beautyblender to buff it in rather than smear it on.
Some other anons in the thread have pointed out color correction - I think that would help you a lot; I'm planning to get some stuff too. If you wanna continue using foundations, there are makeup bases and primers of different colors to help you correct uneven/dull/etc. skin tone. Other color correctors are sold alongside concealers since they serve the same purpose.
For looking glowy, as an oily girl, power highlighters are my best friend. Some powders are made to both work as highlighters and all-over powder. Hourglass Ambient Lighting powders come to mind. Depending on your skin type/condition, liquid illuminators may work better for you though.
No. 125544
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>>125541I think soft makeup look is all about balance. You can go a little heavy on the eye makeup, as long as your lip is neutral and contour is minimal. You can wear a bold lip, but you should keep your eye makeup very neutral.
No. 125545
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>>125541>>125544I see this a lot in larme style, here is another example of bold lip + soft eye makeup
No. 125546
>>125542For the scars, I use vitamin C serum. It has been recommended to me and I have used it for about 4 months now. So far it hasn't made a huge difference but my skin didn't get worse, and some spots improved a bit. Using it daily in the morning and evening.
I use a basic moisturizer with SPF 15 (now with the vitamin C serum and summer, I use special SPF 50 on top of that). Also a gentle toner. I don't have anything for exfoliation right now, couldn't find a product I like. I use a wash cloth (one use only, then it goes into the washin machine) and warm water for now.
I don't wear daily make up, if I do it's usually CC cream + powder.
Birth control royally fucked over my hormones so I haven't been on the pill for 1+ year now.
>>125540Thanks a lot, I will definitely make use of your tips! If you have any tutorials or products to recommend feel free to post it.
No. 125553
>>125552lol my sister always said this for years and now she's 30 and even though she doesn't have acne, her skin is aging prematurely, fast.
wear sunscreen and exfoliate regularly yall
No. 125558
>>125557I just don't understand why you'd step into the shower and purposely keep your face dry.
>>125556you might have clear skin but you probably smell bad too.
No. 125559
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