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No. 123919
I can't help buy feel like I'm missing out by not being a Stacy. It's like my entire worth as a person is diminished because other girls are Prettier than I am.
They're pretty, happy, healthy, active and popular. They pretend to be angels but are the meanest people, they're almost never smart and constantly bash other girls for no reason. It's stupid how easly they get whatever they want.
Then they get to justify their superiority when every guy goes for Stacy if they have a chance. All the guys are checking out Stacy as she walks by, not you.
No. 123924
>>123919Yeah, I know what you mean. Being ~4-5/10 really fucking sucks. Prettier girls are openly treated so much better than the rest of us.
Still, I find Stacy's to be super nice and pleasant people. It's annoying when they're smart, funny, nice and pretty at the same time. I don't have any gripe with them but jealousy though.
No. 123934
>>123922Lmao, this
>>123929Also this. Most ugly girls I know are mean and bitter as fuck. Like, you would think they'd at least have a redeeming quality in their personality.
No. 123935
and even taking the whole "pretty people get atvntages" aspect in to account, bla bla "doesn't have to work on their personalities" thing, doesn't that just make it more likely for a not so attractive person to be bitter, and thus less likable?
"stacy/chad" doesn't exist and this whole thread belong in /manure
No. 123936
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Whenever you pat yourselves on the back for not sharing robot manias, just remember this: you might as well be man bear pig as long as you function in the current female/male dynamic. you had dicks most of you would be considered trash.
I was ugly growing up.
I'm still ugly.
Yeah, I sort of agree with OP. The only plus side is all the girls I grew up with got super fat while I stayed exactly the same size…
No. 123943
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>>123919>Not knowing the amount of effort you have to put in to meet everyone's expectations when youget higher up the social ladderMan, it must be dandy to bitch about people you don't know while putting in zero effort yourself.
No. 123944
>>123943>Ohh, boohoo, people look up to me, it's so hard! You know you can get it to stop if you want to right? Just get ugly. Getting prettier is very difficult but everyone can get uglier
If being pretty sucks so much then bail out and live life as you want
But you don't actually want that
You want to keep enjoying the perks being pretty bring while simultaneously pretending your life is so difficult because of it and enduring it makes you superior, because you're greedy
No. 123945
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>>123944Because self improvement and constant work are generally good things to incorperate in your life. Not that I would expect an underachiever to understand that.
>Boohoo my life is so hard I do nothing with it No. 123946
>>123945Now now, who's bitching about people they don't know? You're greedy and a hypocrite
Being ugly just makes me ugly, not an underachiever. I'm still a real human being
No. 123951
>>123950having a great body with a ugly face is leagues better than having a "great" face on a lardbod.
being well groomed (clean,styled hair, clean nails, minimal makeup and or fairly clear skin and decent fashion sense) will take a 3 to a 6.
No. 123954
>>123953>Muh genetics>What is working out>as response to 'You mean putting effort in not being fat? Everyone can achieve that'It is like you were so eager to spout 'just take care of urself, dummy xD' meme advice to even care enough about what you are reading. To make it easier for you: I'm obviously talking about things that can't be changed anything you have mentioned, where only plastic surgery can be considered any attempt at fixing yourself:Bone structure and genetic issues with your skin (sagging, hirsutism etc). But you can think all you need to do is 'just take care of yourself and put make-up :)' because you yourself probably didn't see any bigger problem with how you look like, so you think anyone complaining about it must look just like you. But you would not hesitate to call some random person an uggo if you saw one.
>>123951to some extent having a lardbod is still reversible, but that isn't really what i was talking about. Focused on how some put lots of effort into how they look but still won't get anywhere near the Stacies that are admired by everyone around.
No. 123955
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>>123953none of that will change an unfortunate facial structure. even with the world's best stylists and personal trainers, pic related would still be ugly as fuck
No. 123956
>>123951You're wrong.
Look at Spoony. She is overweight and fat as fuck but her face is genetically perfect and symmetrical so she looks good even as a lardass. Meanwhile the Russian girl posted above is thin and fit but looks like trash.
Shit makes me mad. I hate attractive fatties so much.
>>123955It looks like someone photoshopped her brother's face onto her head.
But if she ever went through with presenting as a guy I think she could work with it at least somewhat better. It's sometimes unfortunate just how visual humans are as a species.
No. 123959
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>>123956>ook at Spoony. She is overweight and fat as fuck but her face is genetically perfect and symmetricalWeren't you permabanned?
No. 123960
>>123959Seriously. Also, spoony looks like a grandma.
But a good face on a chubby body is better, imo. Some people even prefer a "voluptuous" body, and you can always lose weight. But if your face is fucking hideous, you're pretty fucked. There's only so much plastic surgery can do if you're willing to go under the knife.
No. 123962
>>123958>>123959I'm actually not spoony. I hate that fatass cunt for having a perfect face and now having to put any effort into it like the anons in this thread say.
"oh, Just put some effort into your looks and it'll be okay!!"
>be spoony>eat like a fatass every day>be clinically overweight if not obese>don't even fill your eyebrows in properly>still considered attractive by most people's standardsMeanwhile the other half of this board is full of uggos who have to starve themselves and get boatloads of plastic surgery to even pass as "human". If anything, all you salty-chans are Spoony.
>>123966It's not everyone, just ugly girls
And of course we're butthurt, you'd be too if you were getting shafted in life because of something you have little control over
No. 123968
>>123967I'd usually pass it off because I hung around "pretty" people - it made me feel better about myself. The only time I felt resentment was when I felt I was being attacked (psychologically) by certain people in my life who pretty much had everything given to them. Though it wasn't a "beauty issue".
I've found some redeeming qualities about me so I'm not
too upset.
Also, my friends are kinda getting ugly and (somewhat) fat so I no longer feel ugly in that department!
No. 123971
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>>123955didn't she get a bf in the end?
If i do recall she met him trough online dating
like there is a chance even if…
guys who are willing to look past looks i guess
be lucky you're not an ugly guy
No. 123972
>>123970troll? or an idiot?
even still for idiots that don't get it, its the fact of life and there are many studies that support it. Im not listing links but a quick google search already list findings and there are some books and scientific journals out there dedicated to physical attractiveness and how it affects behavior, or just pretty things in general not just people.
Not saying that ugly people will never have a chance, they just hinder first impressions and it notably takes them longer to show their likability through personality.
I suppose you can say instagram attention whores are the best examples with pretty good sample sizes that show people really only do give a fuck about attractiveness at face value
No. 123974
>>123973Beauty is about much more than sex
It affects how everyone, from some Chad at a bar to your granny, treat you.
Ugly people aren't as valuable
No. 123975
This thread made me both sad and angry. I'm pretty now and my life has improved dramatically over the years but it's because I learned to work with my features and style myself. I can even see how
>>123955 could be made pretty, for god's sake, there's hope for everybody.
I also stopped being socially retarded and I'm infinitely nice and polite and that also changed A LOT because even after I started looking OK I was still treated like shit often because of the retardation. Basic body language, learning when and how to smile, having good posture and holding yourself properly are all skills people overlook and that make a world of difference.
It's sad, because I know the feeling of being mistreated and invisible. But it's annoying, because y'all sound hopeless and like you've given up before you even tried because you convinced yourselves it's not going to work so why put in the effort? It is worth the effort, though, especially if it bothers you a lot. Even if it doesn't help much in the end, you'll still feel accomplished because you accomplished something and aren't a useless piece of shit, which fosters confidence. Pls don't be bitter, anons.
No. 123976
Anyone else here know that they're too ugly to get a decent looking guy, but still can't lower their standards because they're just not attracted to ugly guys? I don't get how this is supposed to work, am I supposed to find ugly guys more attractive just because I'm ugly, or am I just supposed to have relationships with people I'm not attracted to?
>>123975You literally cannot change being actually ugly. Smiling and standing up straight might have worked for you because you're not actually ugly (like most people who call themselves ugly), but if you're actually ugly, that won't help. It really pisses me off to hear people like you try and pretend like the world is a fair and equal place where you get what your efforts earn you, but that's fucking bullshit. Not everyone can just try harder and make it like you, because not everyone is you, you fucking moron. Stop trying to act like no one's problem could actually be that they're ugly and that it must be that they're lazy and don't have any accomplishments or don't try to improve themselves.
No. 123978
>>123974You are such a sad individual.
It's been proven that people are warm to even ugly people if that person has a friendly smile plastered on all the time. Ugly people with great personalities do just fine, and those that work hard to style themselves and stay in shape do even better. A person can be 'valued' by their looks, their wealth/success and their general kindness/helpfulness to other people.
I wish these depressed robots would fuck off instead of wallowing in pity about muh chadz'n'stacies here all the time.
No. 123979
>>123976>pretend the world is a fair and equal place…I claimed no such thing. That's why I'm saying you're awfully bitter. I don't think I said any of the things you say I did either, you're projecting left and right and refusing to face your own biased opinions as what they are - biased opinions.
>>123977>weird elfSomething like that. It's not impossible to go from ugly to unique, in fact that's usually the best strategy. A shorter, blunter haircut would be a good start, the length does her no favors. Dying it black could help too, it'd be a good contrast against her skin color. Then ditching the hardcore normalfag clothes, something baggier/flared would help balance out her face.
I'm way too lazy to go on but you get the point. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she's model material, but models do often have weird ass faces and you can't decide if they're stunning or deformed. It's not impossible to >look good< without an actual pretty face.
No. 123981
>>123976I was at this point myself anon. I saved a load of money to change the things I hated about my face and now I am pretty it has opened up a world of opportunity. I used to be so ugly and depressed and isolated, men used to point and laugh at me in the street and ask me why I looked like a man. Yeah it'd be nice to not care about the way you look but let's be real, it's important. it changes how you feel about yourself, how others feel about you, and opens so many doors. I recommend you start saving, or hell get out a loan and fix your features and start LIVING.
Don't care if people hate on plastic surgery, it helps on the inside just as much as the outside.
No. 123984
people who are more attractive always seem to have it alot easier
No. 123985
>>123972So, if studies have proven that "pretty people" come first and there's nothing you can do about it, then why bitch? Let it go.
I was in the same boat as you for a long time(so many years of emotional abuse to the point of having almost no confidence what so ever), I felt inferior to other people and at one point, I thought having pretty friends would boost my confidence - it has, for a little while. From depression, I've gained so much weight over the past few years(currently working on dropping it) and was extremely self-conscious about it.
It wasn't until the end of last year when I've realized that
I was holding myself back, I've recognized I have pretty decent features like big, prominent eyes, full lips (I've always loved my lips - especially in darker colors), and a pointed chin. I recently am growing my hair out (almost half-way there) and I've also began walking to school instead of getting rides, not just because I wanted to lose weight, but also because I wanted to explore my downtown area in Houston. I'm still getting hit on by creeps more than cute guys but that's kind of a minor issue right now.
Once I'm in work study, I plan to save use the extra cash for makeup(like Mac, urban decay, etc.) along with new clothes since I'm kinda broke right now.
Instead of wallowing in your own misery, do something about, stop worrying about other people's looks and focus on your own life. Y'all "ugly" bitches are so bitter, I swear.
And this is coming from a somewhat ugly person.
No. 123986
>>123985Oopsy! Forgot to mention I would also use makeup to feel better about my face whenever I went out as a coping mechanism.
In the end, I just either didn't have time or just got lazy to hide my "ugliness". That's when the realization of discovering my features began.
No. 123987
>>123976>Anyone else here know that they're too ugly to get a decent looking guy, but still can't lower their standards because they're just not attracted to ugly guys? I'm sort of in that position too. It sounds shallow but if I think of it in reverse, I wouldn't want a guy to have to settle for me either. Everyone wants to be with someone who's genuinely attracted to them, I think we owe it to our partners to think positively of their looks. It'd be really hurtful if they didn't.
There's nothing for it except to improve our looks as much as possible to broaden our options or be alone.
No. 123988
>>123985You're really gonna have to decide if you're ugly or if you have decent features cause you can't really claim both in a post and still make sense
Besides what makes you think you're the only ugly bitch who ever tried to improve her looks in this thread? Have some compassion at least
No. 123993
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>>123977Thought I'd try with a dumb makeup app. Looks miles better than before.
No. 123995
>>123993The important thing is that they tried.
Sorry i'm gonna have to agree with earlier anons this girl is beyond redeemable facially, the jawbone scraping plastic surgery that Koreans get a lot for their mongoloid skulls could help though. Well that and a nose job, her bodies top notch got some noticeable waist to hip ratio.
No. 123996
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>>123975>I also stopped being socially retardedplease teach me
No. 123997
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>>123995I tried shooping something like that some time ago
And also shooping some makeup, a nose job, and lip fillers. Tried to mess only with things that can be messed with in real life.
She still looked weird.
No. 123998
>>123997You've done God's work, anon.
Plastic surgery's not for everyone, but even if she did her eyebrows and work some eye make-up like this…and some foundation of course, and some cream for that huge lip herpe she could be pleasantly average.