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No. 116005
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>>116004thank you for this anon.
No. 116007
>>116006This is milkly af. The stuff they make up about Anita and other feminists is pretty creative. I keep rolling my head back in laughter.
>>116004thank you OP-sama
No. 116103
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>>116102Lmao this tag. As if they're not all lying about their gender (except the ones who are "inferior males", I guess).
No. 116108
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I'm not surprised guys managed to make feminism about "muh dick".
No. 116481
>>116108>>116116>>116117Mainstream feminism has been about muh dick since 30 or 40 years ago anon.
However I'm cringing so hard when I think that there are dudes that are getting off to those movements that do actually hate their guts. Men are truly fucking nuts…
No. 116945
>>116004This is a fucking wild board. Thanks anon.
Their cocks clearly can't separate politics from their fetish and thinks feminism = some kind of dominatrix, apparently.
No. 117828
>>116117"Feminist pornography" is an oxymoron
>>116004But why her? She's not even attractive. And I'm a lesbian
No. 118948
Hold the fuck up.
People actually LIKE Anita Sarkeesian?!
THIS woman a fucking 8ch board dedicated to her face.
No. 118974
>>118971>>118953So, (browser crashed midparagraph)
Anita had a Bf, John McIntosh, who turned out to have been running the whole show (listed as a producer and writer on some of her videos). Some tweets which Anita had made have been traced to have been originally tweeted by his personal account few years earlier. Also her Twitch moderator is a convicted pedophile and child rapist.
Now Anita has been tied to scam sites and has been involved in a few previous pyramid schemes and in general con artistry. There's even a documentary about her previous scam, Scamworld. documents prove she lived with the guy of the second clip) Her Manager Michael Guenther, is a convicted con artist who has three suspended organizations due to fraudulence, everyone involved in the Feminist Frequency thing has some ties to con artistry/pyramid schemes.
Anita didn't deliver on a timely manner to the project which was funded for her and when she finally did much of the content was stolen. While she had some legitimate points, it was outright copyrighted footage from Let's Plays and ripped off from different artists. She doesn't play the video games, in fact she has admitted that she doesn't play video games at all.
She kept an UN speech about all of this and well, it didn't go too well. She citated non-existent articles, herself, blank pages on books and random sentences taken out of context. This caused UN to take down the presentation and apologize for it.;dr
Anita is a scam artist who got a lot of money and is in no way the right person to have any talks about feminism or portrayal of women.
No. 118977
>>118974Mcintosh also says some really dumb shit
He focuses very much on the term "toxic masculinity", yet very conveniently stays silent, dodges, or makes excuses to his own logic when asked about whether there's any explicitly non-toxic, non oppressive gender norm. He thinks this toxic masculinity is a priority issue in urgent need of correction, yet he doesn't want to go further than that because it would "alienate" dumb liberals who would be comfortable with the implication that genders norms and othering of genders can be okay. That's also why twitter is ideal for him, the character limit allows him to omit details and uncomfortable specifics and use it as an excuse at the same time
Their dishonesty and attempts at swaying people to their opinion by using vague, comfortable terms and phrasing that hide details is what really grinds my gears
No. 119005
>>118993>The usual complaint is that she's a woman who dares criticise their precious vidya gamesIf you're going to say criticise, make sure you're also including terms like social & political criticism & feminist critique. A lot of players find these kinds of critiques to be virtually useless because they don't represent their own point of view in any way whatsoever. There's a huge disconnect in poltics when comparing more casual game reviewers and journalists to typical video game audiences, which is, unless you're including mobile and web browser games, predominantly male (surprising no one, web and mobile games are already as "inclusive" as they can be, there's games for everyone, and lots of "gender-neutral" games that attempt to please multiple audience groups & demographics at the same time.) Issues video game players, or "gamers" have with social criticism of liberal game journalist is that these are an actual minority (in numbers) compared to the game's audience, and yet gamers see these journalists as a voice the developers will listen to, perhaps "unfairly" propelled into relevancy and influence due to whatever reason.
Gamers have problems with feminists influencing developers to change games that don't reflect the majority of the game's audience, essentially pandering to minority groups due to a superficial sense of moral high ground without which developers feel guilty and bigoted
No. 119116
>>119112>his response to Anita's video series>first argument isn't even about the series >it isn't even relevant to video games"Anita said women can't be sexist but sometimes women hurt my feelings! Waaaaaaah!!!"
I couldn't make it past that, what a joke.
No. 119200
>>118993True, although I dont like jim sterling his video about her and the incessant backlash she received is pretty spot on.
he argues
triggered neckbeards like
>>119005 made her famous and says if people would have just ignored her she wouldnt be anywhere near as famous as she is now.
No. 119526
>>119067No, you're not. I want to play as hot women, not ugly betty. People like attractive people. Only people who are upset are ugly feminists.
>>119073This. There should be an equal amount of sexual exploitation.
No. 119538
>>119506You sound like one of those "girl gamers" which would explain why you're being so dramatic over one reply.
>>119528This is funny given the type of shit he used to say before, i havent seen any of his recent videos. When did that happen?
No. 119540
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>>119538He married a tumblr whale.
No. 119548
>>119540jim is the "angry, sarcastic entertainer" like other youtubers just more for the SJW and neogaf-type crowd, and the amount of ass-kissing in everyone of his videos' comments is really astounding. I know arrogance and utmost certainty in their anti-feminist beliefs is absolutely common among the average gamer that posts on youtube, but I honestly didn't expect the same attitude from the more "progressive" gamers that follow jim sterling
It's quite ironic, really
No. 119610
>>119538Because I like pretty women in games and I am also.a woman I
triggered you.
No. 119659
>>119610>I'll just ignore what that anon was actually saying and their other responses because I don't understand them and just say anon's triggered, that'll show em! Yeah you def sound like a neckbeard which was what I originally was referring to top kek don't cut yourself on all that edge hunty. Maybe go back to school and work on your grammar too as it kinda kills whatever impact you were trying to achieve there.
>>119638I'm surprise that site is still up, most of the boards tend to be trolls though so I think OP's board is most likely a troll one too. But Poe's law and all…
No. 119791
>>119659yeah someone that uses the word hunty is really smart. Im not a man sorry I
triggered you.
No. 119795
>>118911I was actually considering doing it but tbh was too afraid of getting capped and posted either here or somewhere else.
Should I do it? I already do shit like this so it wouldn't be anything new for me.
No. 119796
>>119009Why does it even matter whether women play AAA games or indie games? I really liked Gone Home, Life is Strange, etc.
Video games are an art medium, you're not any more special for playing fucking Metal Gear Solid (lol@Quiet) or Doom or Fall Out or Overwatch. The industry needs more games like Abzu, honestly.
No. 119797
>>119067>>119072>>119073Okay I have mixed feelings on this. I have a crush on from Overwatch (all of the girls are hot but she's my waifu)
I don't have a tumblr or anything but it kind of annoys me that two of her Ultimate skins have an obvious camel toe. I just don't use those skins because it's not like you can tell in-game, just in close up shots of her. It's a shame because I like the aesthetic of it otherwise, it looks like she built the MEKA herself which is cool.
No. 119807
>>119796that's exactly right, the point was women/"minorities" shouldn't demand of specific games - those that are targeted toward a male audience, and consisting of a mostly male audience - that they be more "gender-nonconforming".
I absolutely don't care about the million cowadooties out there and good indies are always welcome, most games I prefer fall into AA budget