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No. 113660
I saw Suzy at a makeup store in Glendale yesterday.
I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her make ocelot meow noises as I walked off.
When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen lbs of mascara in her hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.”
At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took some of the mascara and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned all the mascara and put it in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by asking her to subscribe so she wouldn't miss any episodes.
No. 113662

>>113658That's Nixon's speechwriter. Pretty awesome OP! Did he ride first class?
Also, of course other politicians count. Anyone w would have heard of?
No. 113663
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>>113660I love you, anon.
No. 113678
>>113662My favorite was Rob Ford (Toronto's infamous meth mayor). He was sick or high or something, super pale and sweaty. Gave me his card and kept telling me to call him if there was anything he could do for me - I think because I'm an immigrant and have an accent.
Seemed pretty nice actually.
No. 113807
>>113633My cousin is an actor who's relatively well known if that counts.
Also I once saw a neonazi politician on the bus.
No. 113810
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>>113659At least you didn't spill beer on him. This bish. smh.
No. 114128
>>113676Anyone from GoT (so many actors from all over Europe, I'm assuming a few are from Ireland)? Or anyone who might've been in Trainspotting (Scottish but close enough?). Lastly, I'm thinking of Saorise Ronan from Brooklyn and Atonement, if I spelled her name right. She is definitely Irish.
>>113795Cars to elaborate?
No. 114140
Let me preface by saying this, I grew up in Kailua Hawaii, and nearby is a secluded residential area called Lanikai where many celebrities/wealthy people own or rent houses. So it wasn't unusual to see celebrities in the wild.
Like many Halloweens, my friends and I decided to go trick or treating in Lanikai (one house handed out boxes of oreos). This was during the time Lost was being filmed and broadcast. One house we went to was that rented/owned by Dominic Monaghan and Evangeline Lilly. They were super nice, gave us candy, and took our photo (just us in the photo, I guess they took one of every group). Nothing to crazy. It happened so fast I kind of didn't realize it happened.
After this I ended up working at a local dessert shop and met a few celebrities there.
One was Jorge Garcia (Hurley from Lost), who would come in every now and then with his wife. I didn't bother him or anything, just treated him like a normal customer. They were super nice.
I also served Nestor Carbonell (Richard from Lost). This one was really memorable, because some dumbass (wealthy soccer) mom was trying to chat him up while he was obviously trying to have a moment with his son. She also did this while completely ignoring her own kid. lol.
While they were filming Journey to the Center of the Earth 2, Josh Hutcherson came in with his family one night. My co-worker was really excited about it, but I blew it off because I thought he was some Disney-list kid celebrity (now if The Rock had come in…). Rolled my eyes and didn't think much about it until they started filming the second Hunger Game film (they filmed parts of it on the North Shore).
Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Laurence came in together to get something to eat (I'm assuming after a shoot). Josh was super nice, took pictures with my coworkers and chatted a bit with some customers. Jennifer really tried to make herself inconspicuous by keeping her hoody on and face down, but it was obvious who she was. She paid for her food and made a bee line out the door to the car. She looks pretty average without makeup btw. At the time I honestly thought it was kinda weird, but after she started blowing up on reddit, I'm sure she's had some 'strange' encounters with overzealous fans.
I've also met Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement when they were showcasing their vampire mocumentary at HIFF. Super funny guys, but honestly they seemed like they wanted to be else where. Probably just tired though.
No. 114142
>>114140Is it weird that I think the absolute coolest one out of everyone you listed is Jemaine Clement? Lol. That's too bad he didn't seem to be enjoying himself, or whatever happened that gave you the impression that he wanted to be elsewhere :/ I'm still surprised they stopped doing Flight after just two seasons. TBH I don't think he (and Brett) expected the fame.
I honestly never understood the appeal with J.Law. I mean of course she is pretty but ppl are always like OH BUT HER PERSONALITY though! Like okay you tripped on the red carpet and acted all cute? Then complained about how much you get paid not being enough. Go make the same film with Bradley Coopee three times (Joy and Silver Linings have all of the exact same actors and similar storylines? Am I the only one who noticed this?!). Pretty basic stuff imho
No. 114143
>>114142Naw Jemaine Clement is awesome (and Taika)! I really think they were tired, they said they had just flown in that morning or something, and hadn't had any rest since. I don't remember where they were flying from, but no matter where, they are gonna suffer from jetlag.
I give J.Law a pass honestly. She's talented to a degree, but she's a product of the system to become this decades media darling (her choice or not). And being a woman in the industry and all, I'm sure she's seen some shit.
No. 114182
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we already have a thread for this from like two years ago but I'll bite again. I met Kyle Massey at Brookfield Zoo but I was an awkward little shit and just stared at him. He was actually really chill about it though and probably thought I was just starstruck. The whole thing was a fucking meme good god kill me.
No. 114513
I do a lot of extra work. Trying to get into the industry and all that. Not the best way for it, but its easy money and it can be fun.
This story comes from when I was on the set of the ROOTS (2016) remake that just broadcasted earlier this year.
I actually get to see a lot of celebrities on sets and such, but no, I never talk to any of them as that is seen as very unprofessional behavior and many people can get kicked off set without pay for interacting with principal cast.
One find summer day I was on set with Rege-Jean Page and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. It got a little awkward as that entire day was dedicated to just a handful of scenes at one location where a white guy's lines kept him saying "Nigger" like 8 times every minute, surrounded by black people.
I then met Forest Whitaker. It was during the Christmas party and it seems that he was wrapped for the day. I noticed him going by the crafts (food) cart and stuffing his face and grabbing handfuls of food and treats. On his way out. I caught his attention just by saying "Mr. Whitaker! Big fan!" I shook his hand and let him go. He shook mine, gave me a smile and a nod that looked like he was happy to shake hands with a fan and I let him go. I made sure not to take up any of his time beyond that.
The next time I saw Forest Whitaker and Matthew Goode during the Christmas Party again, I got a call saying that production forgot to film a few scenes so there was emergency filming.
Because it was a night scene, my call time was 2pm. So I get to Holding and am sitting around after I'm put up in 17th century costume waiting to roll out to set. We don't get onto set until about 6pm. Filming goes onto about 4 in the morning. Matthew was really pissy, angry, and annoyed, and I for sure as hell don't blame him and completely sympathize with him. I didn't interact with him but once he heard that he was done with his filming and wrapped. He literally said, "Fuck this I'm out!" Loud enough for everyone to hear and just walked off set. (Thats not really what he said, he did actually storm of set, I don't remember the exact details)
Forest Whitaker on the other hand, was NOTHING but 100% sincere and profession. Whenever anyone asked of him something, it was ALWAYS "Yes, Sir" "No, Sir" "Yes, Ma'am", "No, Ma'am" Regardless if you were director, crew, or extras. Just absolutely 100% genuine and polite. I hope that if I can make it in the acting industry I can take him as inspiration. I also never knew how tall he was. The director called everyone in for like a huddle so he could explain something, and once he was done he called for everyone to return to their "One's" or starting positions. Now, I'm not a short guy, I'm 5'11'', but I turned around and Whitaker was directly behind me and I had to roll my head back to look up at him. I quickly got out of his way because he looked absolutely exhausted. If you actually watched ROOTS, the scene where hes distracting all the white people at the party was shot at 3 in the morning.
I also got to see T.I. and even just walked up and stood next to him as I didn't know who he was at the time.
I also got to see Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman on the set of "Logan". I can't really talk about it, since NDA and all that and I literally watched security rip one of the other extras off set and out the building for talking about it to people, so I'll refrain from details. But I can say that Patrick looked a little worse for wear on and off camera. I didn't see much of Hugh Jackman though.
I also missed my chance to meet Tom Cruise on the set of Jack Reacher 2. I just kinda slept all day in Holding as I didn't get much sleep that night.
No. 114560
>>114143That excuses it for me. Honestly it's so weird that you posted that because my boyfriend just told me I should watch
What We Do in the Shadows yesterday lol. I enjoyed it, a hearty kek.
>>114513Damn, if true those are some legendary meets. And here I am all excited over meeting Ben Affleck that one time.
And lol, just by mentioning it aren't you already kinda violating the NDA?
Also, wait, they're making a
Jack Reacher 2 ALREADY?! Wtf.
No. 114569
>>114560>>114560Yeah, Trailers have been out for a while now.
And no, its not really violating NDA unless I talk about specific details. Such as where and when filming took place. I can easily talk about stuff thats already known about it
No. 114745
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I met John Nolan (the guitarist for Taking Back Sunday) 3 weeks ago after the concert, he was really nice and humble. I met the other members too for a split second, they were all very polite and talked to people like they were their closest friends.