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No. 109435

I love my boyfriend but really want to have sex with other guys. I am only quite young (21) and I am feeling what I can only describe as a biological imperative to have sex, I've always been normal in terms of sexual arousal but for the past year I've just been off the charts.

I am trying to make sense of this whole dilemma because I honestly do hold so much love for my boyfriend and I am painfully aware that endinf a 7 year relationship just for the sake of a few casual flings is very likely a horrible idea. But I don't get why biological or very inherent feelings like an automatic dedication to your immediate family can be considered valuable and acceptably romanticized but the desire to have sex which is equally as automatic or pre-programmed is disparaged.

Ultimately I have a decision to make and I've made the decision so many times, when my thoughts are my own so I have always chosen him. I am constantly choosing him and putting my foot down and saying to myself enough is enough. But then next thing I know I see someone attractive and it all unravels in an instant and I'm just so fixated on sex.

Will this ever pass?

No. 109437

Take it to the vent or the relationship or even the threesome thread jfc

No. 109441

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>biological imperative
Robot detected

No. 109452

I want robots to leave

No. 109464

What is it about them that makes it so obvious when they're posting anyway? I can never pin point it.

No. 109473

you are a fucking whore bitch

No. 109478

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This robot bait is so bad I'm offended by how patronizing they are.

No. 109480

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this is actually me two though except i'm in a two year relationship

No. 109486

It is their tone. Like the op was obviously not written by a woman. It sounds like how a robot thinks a woman would talk.

There is also a hint of typical robot ideology to the post. "She" just can't stop fantasizing about these hotties that she sees. She gets distracted from her boyfriend and tempted to cheat at the sight of a hot dude. Doesn't that sound like the classic "tale of chad"???? Robots say that women just "naturally" want to fuck certain men, and are fearful of being "cucked".

$5 says that OP just wanted to hear what women ~really think~ about cheating, to circle jerk about it later on.

No. 109487

Why do robots always need to start a new thread instead of just finding a relevant one to post their bait into?

No. 109489

That's probably it actually, it's just that they always seem a bit uncomfortable in how they talk, and it nearly always links back to one of their memes. As you said here, this is the whole "all women can't help wanting chad" meme.

Because they can't be bothered lurking to find the appropriate place, and tend to just get ignored in those threads or get a couple dismissive answers.

There was one here a while back whining about how there's no update button for example.

No. 109495

OMG just cheat on him, this isn't rocket surgery.

No. 109516

>another man posting
OP and pals need to fuck off. Shitty bait.

No. 109546

Moved to >>>/manure/4814.

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