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gender critical and female politics
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No. 31495

Talk about androphobia, how it impacts your life, safety measures you take etc.

No. 31496

I'll start, a few days ago I was approached by a scrote in one of my favorite nature spots. I see the people he was with quite often and I do not want to go back there and risk running into them. He started to touch my back, put his arm around me, his friends made comments about my looks, it's the most unsafe I've felt in a while. It's the only nice way to go from my home to the city but I guess I won't be able to walk there alone anymore. I'm so crushed, besides some errands I've stayed inside since it happened because I apparently can't even go for walks in broad daylight anymore without being harassed. I feel genuinely miserable the way this was taken from me and it pisses me off how androphobia is written off as irrational. It's not, it's a basic thing we are taught to survive (don't talk to strange men, don't go out alone in the dark). I am beyond done, it's illegal to carry pepper spray here too and prostitution is legal. I don't know what to do anymore, I used to think the man hate was overblown when I browsed here as a teen but as I'm getting older I realize it's completely justified.

No. 31703

The fact that men have to be told to not rape and stop blaming the victim just shows how irredeemable they are.

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