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gender critical and female politics
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No. 20348

Normalization of bad treatment of women is very much visible here.
A lot of men vote for right-wing politics to retain their status quo and to be not imprisoned for their outrageous behavoir towards women.
On Sunday I'm gonna need to elect any party that is not misogynistic.
Nonnas, can I vote for Polska Liberalna - Strajk Przedsiębiorców? Or do I have to vote only for Lewica and KO? If so, then I hate voting, totally…

No. 20350

change my mind

No. 20355

No. 20357

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As an adult you can vote for anything you think represents your interests best but let's be real, there are NO better options than Lewica and KO for women.
Lewica may be not so welcoming for GC views but there's no way that in a country still so backwards about basic minority rights (I mean things like homosexual marriage etc) anything trans-related will be normalized; so whatever they say to get trans sympathizers to vote can be freely discarded, as it has no way of becoming a reality in Poland.

No. 20358

kill yourself. lewica hates women and KO wants to push trans ID hard and import violent islamic moids, bend knee to EU shit like Piss does. Btw, Left votes like Piss does and Pisolew can easily happen anyway. Konfederacja has only common sense economic program but are retarded and if they supported going back to the compromise it would be better for them. IVF never should be refunded and idc if some woman who can't have kids because nature wants it this way who wants to force it so hard should pay for it with her moid themselves lol. I'm tired of you retards wanting to be everything funded by the country, people eho often want ivf are usually at least midfle class. Anyway you abortion fetishists shill that abortion is only BC form and encourage whoring instead of having both women and men be taught to either don't fuck like animals, use birth control or take the resposibility. before this legalizing elective abortions would be disaster

being a right libertarian woman who's supports anortion compromise, is anti immigration, is gc is fucking tiresome in this country

No. 20362

Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you're retarded.

No. 20363

Stop replying to male posters.

No. 20371

Don't vote for Pis, don't vote for konfederacja, obviously…The rest is up to you. I agree with you nona, it's shit. But at least by voting something other than the worst, you'll have your part in changing at some things for the better.

No. 20447

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at least you have some very based women standing up for other women in poland https://reduxx.info/exclusive-award-winning-polish-musician-removed-from-show-teaching-contract-after-criticizing-gender-ideology/

i don't know shit about polish politics but i know that voting is pointless in any instance. the profiteers that are pushing transgenderism are beyond all of that.

No. 21211

Poland is not a country for women

No. 21213

And neither is the entirety of Eastern Europe tbh.

No. 21776

speak for yourself. i love living in poland after growing up in england and being regularly sexually assaulted as a child by islamic moids that the government there protects.
i would happily die for poland.

No. 21801

Then show me country for women

No. 21813

>abortion compromise
I suggest you kill yourself since you find living here tiresome and you are already highly retarded.(a-logging)

No. 21819

I rather be born there than anywhere else, what are the better options? Everywhere I look it's shit

No. 21823

me too. i literally thank fate everyday that i was born polish. polish men tend to see women as fellow people, unlike moids of other nationalities ive had the displeasure of observing. yes, even western ones.
i DARE polish women who think poland is so bad and sexist to live elsewhere for a year and interact with foreign moids…

No. 22103

those pro-Polish pick mes are horrible

No. 22110

zamknij mordę lol

No. 22118

oho, bardzo boli co nie fiutku?

No. 22147

boli, że myślisz, że w cebulandii kobiety mają lepiej niż w takiej holandii chociażby. praw reprodukcyjnych nawet nie ma sensu porównywać xD

No. 22149

To wypierdalaj do Haiti i zobaczymy jak będziesz śpiewała

No. 22151

>hurrdurrrr jak ci się nie podoba w jednym zacofanym kraju to wypierdalaj do innego zacofanego kraju durrr!
Ok moidzie

No. 22156

Brzmisz jak upośledzona, jak ci się nie podoba tutaj to spierdalaj, na co czekasz? Nikt nie będzie za tobą płakał.

No. 22157

mame płacze

No. 22158

ona już nie żyje, przykro mi anon

No. 22159

moja żyje tho

No. 22508

I don't wanna get drafted in Poland, and they wanna draft women here

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