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gender critical and female politics
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No. 19703

i'm reading an article on bonobos (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bonobo-sex-and-society-2006-06/) and just researching the differences between the sexes in the animal kingdom in general. it's all pretty interesting, so here's a thread.

initial question:
>why does it seem common in the animal kingdom for females to lead and males to support (and follow)?

No. 19869

>why does it seem common in the animal kingdom for females to lead and males to support (and follow)?

Bc thats whats natural and it is in humans as well. Thats why a wife does all the mental labor of planning how to run the household, why behind every great man in history is his wife telling him what to do. Men always rely on women to guide them, they've just covered it up publicly by relying on hidden women (their wives or moms at home).

No. 19872

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I agree with this.
Anons, please read tolstoys wifes (sofia tolstoys) secret diary.

No. 19877

This topic has been on my mind for a very long time. There are some women who have put it into words excellently - the 'deforming' of women by making them fear independence is deliberate and very much so part of the same series. It's to lift men up at their expense.

No. 19878

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No. 19879

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Here's also a related treat from CC.

No. 19885

Yes. To have women spend their whole lifes supporting a man who won't ever appreciate her - to have her do everything just to be forgotten about..
It's so sad. Sofia also helped him edit and copy thousands of pages of work, probably inspired him as well and although she had 16 pregnancies, she only gave birth 13 times and out of those kids only 8 made it out of childhood. Imagine grieving for your kids amd overworking so much while your husband hates you.

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