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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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No. 158541

In this thread, you ask "What if?"

>What do you think would happen?

>How long would it happen?
>Would it change the Shayverse forever?
>Would the milk be fresh or spoiled?
What if?!!

No. 158544

My what if is
>What if Nona never cowtipped to Fupaul's wife?
I wonder if Fupaul was planning on marrying Shayna, so he "Soft launched" Shayna to his wife. I wasn't around during the event and my brain is foggy at the moment about the exact details.
However, if it went how I felt it went, do you think that Shayna and Fupaul would've gotten married like a year later?
Fupaul does seem like he marries "quickly" he did so after Shay. Would they have married and the relationship played out the same way, except she'd mention his kids on twitter.
Then an farmer/shit starter would've been like
>Oh hell no, he has kids and he likes DDLG shit and fucking shayna with pacifers/teddy bears? I'm telling
Then the ex would've found out but because she met Shayna, she'd approched Shayna. Maybe it'd been a one sided "Beef" on tumblr/twitter where Shayna subbed the ex wife.

She'd acted like she was victim, accuse the ex of "Slut shaming/kink shaming" then Fupauls wife would've cut all access to the kids. Then Fupaul would've took her to court, where all the dirty details of his relationship was revealed.
But because Shayna isn't "Harming" the kids or some shit, they'd just agreed for Shayna not to post about the wife or kids in ANYWAY Online ever or something.
IDK, I still think they'd ended but it'd been a lot more drama but more interesting then,
>Shay and Fupa badly pretend not to be togeather
I also feel like Fupaul was never in danger of loosing access to his kids. I feel like he was never an active dad as he should've been, and the wife may have said that, but Fupaul was just embrassed/scared that someone reached out to his ex.
He was embrassed of what he did with Shay reaching "normie" eyes that mattered. I don't think he gave a shit if his kids may see that shit one day. I don't know im drunk

No. 162255

My what if is:
Her and fupa still being together. Would he crack and do adult baby porn with her? Support the strictmoor and adult baby shit? Be okay with her doing porn with other moids? Let her get this fucking fat?

And one last fupa what if: he released that video of her freaking out she took? Showing us the really dolly Mattel? I am so disappointed he didn’t.

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