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The site is back! Read about the how and why we were offline here

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No. 4227

As a response to recurring complaints about staff and report handling, we've made a decision. As most of you don't know, I inherited lolcow not after the first Admin's escape but after the next Admin following that, who also hired the current staff. Because I didn't want to step on her feet, I didn't take actions the way I should've. As of today, we've removed all staff hired by the second admin.

Please apply here if you'd like to be a Farmhand.

I will also address any complaints, comments, and questions you may have in a Townhall chat next week.

No. 4228

wow, that's some news. good luck with the new recruitment drive.

please don't remod any of the people that first admin came back and helped to remove (around the time of keekweek), because there were complaints about them too.

No. 4229

How long wil the application be available?

No. 4230

1-2 weeks, although I will begin contacting people within the next few days.

No. 4231

Perfect. Thanks, and also sorry about my sad typo.

No. 4233

Sent one in, sorry admin-sama if it seems jumbled, it was awkward doing that on my phone.
Good luck to everyone applying, I'm excited to see some of the love for the site coming soon.

No. 4242

Applied admin, sorry if I got my email address incorrect though. Posting it here in case I made a typo. Good luck everyone!

No. 4263

Hi there, admin. I just want to say good luck with the new staff and that I hope you guys can fix this place soon. There's no way to fucking enjoy browsing the chan anymore when the retarded majority derails threads with jaw discussions and drama about rubbing thighs.
I love lolcow and I wish it the very best because right now the the place is at its worst.
Much love,

I deleted my first post to sage and then realized the thread was pinned. Duh.

No. 4312

I finally signed up but if by any chance (I accidentally pressed "ok") I would also like to mod (or sanatize) the /int/ board.

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