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No. 30676

I reported instances of clear rule breaking 12 hours ago and it was ignored. I know a farmhand at least saw the post because they commented but took no action. Also emailed the admin and got no response. This is literally in regard to something that is clearly breaking the site rules itself.

No. 30677

Just curious, what was the rule that was broken?

No. 30678

Rule 3.2

No. 30679

We need a hellweek

No. 30750

I wish, but we don’t even have enough farmhands to keep up with normal bans it takes 12+ hours sometimes

No. 42372

why are you necroing this thread with that dumb picture?

No. 42373

are you really old staff?

No. 42376

Oh you're the fucking tranny again. Nevermind.

No. 49547

Pls fix character limit

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