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/meta/ - site discussion

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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 1981

Due to issues with people sometimes seeming to trust me more than other staff, from now on, I will also be using the Farmhand tripcode outside of /meta/ when making moderative posts (like "stop derailing" or "don't do that"). I'll only use the Admin tripcode in /meta/, or when dealing with general administrative or site tasks in other boards.

I've already used the trip myself sometimes in the past, but I will now use it all of the time. No one will be able to know if a particular "Farmhand" is me, a mod, or a janitor. Consider all Farmhand posts as decisions made or endorsed by me. If you have an issue with a staff decision, still complain about it here, but don't assume that I'm not responsible for the decision.

No. 2120

That's called a capcode Admin-kun

No. 2121

I'm aware, and usually call it that, but I've realized almost no one knows what "capcode" means.

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