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No. 12600

Hello, i'm Drmusic2 and I was mentioned on a post on here and yes I do admit I was a lulcow for a while at least, up until 2014. And I didn't exactly take too kindly to being treated as a punching bag for internet trolls. For the record Mr Metokur didn't even do a video on me, he just did a video that mentioned me and I didn't attack him. I wasn't even mad at him I was simply just stating how embarrassed I was about how I used to be, I consider a lot of my early work to be garbage when I look back at it and I pretty much hate my old persona of trying to be edgy and different.

Most people don't seem to understand this and thought that my transformation fetish only was centered on overweight people, and like having a fat fetish was wrong or against the law…true the werebelushi and such were my bread and butter but it's just that trolls typecast me as that specific type of lulcow that it made me feel like they don't even know me. When I commented on Mister Metokur's video, I wasn't attacking him or saying anything bad about the video, I was just embarrassed about how I used to be as that video showed how I used to be.

People like Lawler/Crichax and EmilyRees just don't get me.(autism, wrong board, shitty post)

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