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No. 1023

Discuss and debate rule changes here.

Rule changes can be found at >>1014

No. 1028

In the survey you mentioned the possibility of splitting /pt/ into two. With the new rule about having to justify posting someone new in /pt/, maybe there could be two separate boards: one for established lolcows and one for new/potential ones, to see if there's interest in them? I think that might be a better solution than moving them to /b/

No. 1031


I was initially against the idea of splitting /pt/, but this really is a very good idea.

It means if you're looking for a specific type of drama no more sifting through page after page after page of lesser known cows to find the juicy stuff, and if you're interesting in new drama you can simply head over to the other board.

I want to make a request though.
If the main drama board is /pt/, please for the love of god name the lesser cow board /kiki/.

No. 1034

I have been considering this for many weeks now and debating it with the rest of the staff.

The big problem is that there is potential for disagreement and drama when staff move threads which are in a gray area. If staff think a thread should be moved but 30 posters think it should stay, they may not be happy with staff essentially decreeing "this is a shitty thread and we don't care if you like it and think the person is a lolcow".

Of course, the thread will still exist, but it'll be surrounded by much shittier threads in a board with less rule enforcement.

I'm still pretty undecided, especially since most people are fine with just hiding threads.

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