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No. 96920
>>96919I like Dr. Grande's videos too, but they post different types of videos and it doesn't discount Dr. Ramani's work. Damn I just googled her and she is a BUSY woman, I had no idea.
Even if someone overexaggerates, the advice for dealing with narcs is to grey rock and lose their interest so it's not destructive. Rather someone go no contact over petty reasons than stay in contact with abuser. The comments are about years long relationships that sound if not
abusive, terrible, and I'm glad the posters can see it.
No. 96936
Diving/water: DallyMD (diver), man+river (diver), fisherman's life (fishing and cooking), Wild we roam (boat/van owners), Sailing SV Delos (lived on a boat for 10+ years)
Gardening: Jeb Gardener, Achickcalledalbert (raises animals)
Food: Lofty pursuits (old fashioned candy making), 내복곰 Nebokgom (cafe owner), y. na homecafe (nonalcoholic drinks)
finally there's Shin Giwon Piano who makes some nice BG piano, if anyone's got interesting travel, food, gardening channels that need attention tell me about them
No. 97081
>>96903Im really in love with this, thank you anon.
On a much lighter note I really enjoy this girl’s video essays. I think they’re insightful and they’re focused on media for woman rather than making another fucking video on Fight Club. I also really like Vewn’s animations. They’re beautiful and are really well written.
No. 97087
I like to leave a lot of stuff in the background and just hear people rambling or talking while I do things so I figured I'd share these two
- No. 97099
>>97017I watch her videos sometimes and I like them well enough, but I feel like there's something off about her.
Everything is too overproduced and perfect. It feels like this is what a Chinese cultural propaganda channel would look like.
No. 97100
>>97081I love her video essays!
In a similar vein, this channel makes videos about movie fashion (a bit more shallow but fun to watch). I can’t figure out if this channel is a corporate channel or actually independent but it’s fun either way
No. 97119
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>>96918I always end up checking one of the last videos of Max in the suggestion. On a related note, Birdtricks is an amazing channel about bird training.
No. 97172
>>97128I don't really follow the drama though. I don't like the bigger booktube channels like jessethereader or poland banana or whatever her name is
No. 97188
>>97099>Chinese cultural propagandaJealous fat women on Reddit used to say the same shit about Christine McConnell when she first started posting her content on the internet, just saying.
Some people just learn how to operate a camera or are rich hipsters who move to the countryside, it's not that deep.
Also I love how Yanks always call everything positive about countries they dislike "propaganda", lmao.
No. 97189
>>97188>somebody dares to question how humble/genuine somebody with a total of over fucking 60 million followers is>omg you're all just lazy and jealous american fatties!!!Nothing against her, good for her that she's so successful, but it's obvious that most people only care about her because she embodies the wet dream of all neckbeards: a demure and submissive waifu, does all the work, seemingly doesn't care about money, smartphones, clothes, instagram, all other sterotypical things girls like. Her being asian is an additional plus with her international fanbase. Nobody would give af if your average american, european, african etc woman made videos like that. The life she depicts is reality for 100s of millions if not billions of people worldwide and nobody finds that interesting, they don't have a camera crew and staff following them around, instead those people usually barely scrape by.
No. 97196
>>97189>it's obvious that most people only care about her because she embodies the wet dream of all neckbeards: a demure and submissive waifu, does all the work, seemingly doesn't care about money, smartphones, clothes, instagram, all other sterotypical things girls like. Her being asian is an additional plus with her international fanbase…No shit? Still doesn't make her "Chinese propaganda", the fuck. Would that make Belle Delphine British propaganda? Do you think every country with a corrupt government only contains exclusively bad people doing bad things and not also normal people just trying to live their life? Do you even know what propaganda is?
Also, many of her subscribers are women who just like the peaceful, wholesome content and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
>Nobody would give af if your average american, european, african etc woman made videos like thatNot true and this just shows you're salty that she's pretty and Asian. Lauren Southern had tons of Varg-worshipping neckbeard fans just for being "trad" and blonde without doing half of what Liziqi is doing, there's lots of white girls like this all over instagram with their "aesthetic" feeds to a point where it's even a trend now (liskin_dol, Rebecka Wahl, just search the "cottagecore" tag) and plenty more that cater to weird Evangelical Christians and "digital nomads". This content is popular because it's the antithesis of most of what modern YouTube channels are and people are trying to get away from titty streamers, Twitch drama, drag makeup and Jake Paul.
>The life she depicts is reality for 100s of millions if not billions of people worldwide and nobody finds that interesting, they don't have a camera crew and staff following them around, instead those people usually barely scrape by.Again, no shit, but those people are usually regular farmers minding their business, not pretty Chinese girls. My grandma isn't going to make a channel where she films herself digging up turnips because she doesn't know what YouTube is, doesn't care about the internet and is 103 and Italian so probably not gonna drum up thirsty neckbeard money. You think China is still some poverty-stricken Commieland where there's no young urban people with cameras, old family members in the countryside and daddy's money?
No. 97253
I started to watch two very similar channels about four months ago. Both are british mother & daughter teams, who search lost objects & sea glass from beaches and sometimes make jewelry or other crafts from their finds.
Northern Mudlarks: With Kit & Caboodlers: nice & talented ladies, and you can see also their funny pets now and then.
No. 97324
It's cool to read some people are still using RSS to follow Youtube channels. I will be pretty pissed the day they will ditch this feature.
>>97254She's sweet. Nice channel, thanks for sharing
No. 97539
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I really like Michelle Khare. She is pretty normie but I really admire how she challenges herself. She's done firefighting training, NASA training, figure skating etc etc. I think she was on BuzzFeed originally, so good for her for branching out.
No. 97980
>>97865Holy shit yes. Kit is probably my favorite with his sense of humor and how well he can act. Sometimes I wonder how he’s able to pull an act for so long.
I like Jim’s voice and how short his vids are. I’ll make sure to check the other guy out.
I’m dumb as shit when it comes to computers so I’m really interested how Kit creates the fake bank sites, or sites similar to Amazon
No. 98007
>>97865>I'm loving watching tech savvy people fuck with scammers. I recommend you listen to Reply All podcast, two part episode called Long Distance, they do similar thing but then they actually go to India and attempt to infiltrate the company, wild ride.
>>97945>Does anyone have recommendations for good art channels on Youtube?I REALLY recommend BAM Animation channel, Trent Kaniuga and Marco Bucci. Ethan Becker has some good advice too but his approach can be a big hit or miss.
No. 98043
>>97218oh, he's cute
he reminds me a bit of brandon farris in a dorky way
No. 99105
>>98713Seems interesting, thanks anon! I also like cristine and watch her content from time to time. I personally love Cold Ones but I don't know if you could even call the videos podcasts.
Also this is one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time. My lizardbrain lives for the sheer stupidity and impulse decisions.
No. 99110
>>99107Bright Sun Films
makes videos about how some companies got bankrupt(see link), how some places got abandoned (Houston Astrodome, Nazareth Speedway) or big projects that got cancelled (Port Disney, Universal Studios Dubai, etc).
Very interesting videos, usually between 10 and 20 minutes.
No. 99111
The name says it all. He makes videos comparing languages, or about specific features some have. His vids are usually between 15 and 25 minutes long
> btw if you speak French and are interested in linguistics related content I'd recommand the French channel "Linguisticae" No. 99318
>>99111Merci pour Linguisticae, je ne connaissais pas !
And I want to add that Langfocus researches the languages he taks about thoroughly. His video on darija (spoken moroccan) is excellent and since it's a super specific and obscure topic, I trust everything he says.
No. 101554
>>101508Normal Chinese people anon.
Not everyone from china is a commie propaganda machine, tinfoil-chan
No. 101586
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>>101496>>101503>ackshually she really is the perfect demure hardworking waifu who totally doesn't earn shitloads while being accompanied by a big teamForeigners really are more gullible than chinese citizens kek
Just as an example of what people say about her, yes there are compliments, but definitely not solely.>1. [+852] Her videos are all very pleasing to watch, but why is she suddenly in the hot searches? I thought she released a new videoShe's suddenly trending for no reason, hmmm…
>2. [+500] Yearning is really just yearning. I saw her video one day and realized that these two hands really don't have it easy. I would have to give up too much to live this kind of life.>3. [+681] I just hope the food products she sells matches the quality of her videos. . . . . (T/N: Recently one of Li Ziqi's food products were found to have quality problems).>4. [+926] I don't yearn for her life, because I won't even be able to do a simple task like fertilize the soil in the countryside >5. [+299] So fake. We don't know how much manpower and financial resources are needed behind the lends to maintain this superficial wonderful country lifestyle.She's mainly known for being loved by foreigners, that's why most of them don't really have a problem with her, despite not falling for her shtick. That woman is basically free propaganda for them.
No. 102695
>>101586it's funny how people defend her so much even earlier in this thread.not that I mind what she does, but I believe this is more propaganda than not.
anyway,my recommendation for this thread is kelly stamps. got a vid of hers randomly and I love her personality and vibe.haven't watched that many videos yet,but I actually sat through one of her vlogs and enjoyed it.and as a person who HATES vlogs,it's really something
No. 103147
Ok anons I need your help, I'm at my wits' end here. I've cleaned up my subscriptions from all the Youtubers I used to like but have become drama/commentary channels or too repetitive (Alizee Yeezy, D'Angelo, PayMoneyWubby, SovietWomble, etc.) and now I'm left with close to nothing (Internet Historian, JonTron and some French stuff basically).
So I'm looking for small, and I mean <i>small</i>, channels that post about books, movies, philosophy, internet culture and/or video games and put some damn effort in their jokes and editing without just following what's trendy. I'd like it if they had some fucking personality too apart from "hi guys welcome back to my channel pls comment, like and subscribe". Sarcasm, high standards and humility are huge bonus points.
I legit have no idea how to find those since Youtube only recommends me vids from the 10 channels I'm already subscribed to, behemots like Pewdiepie and co. or horrid Vevo shit.
Thank you very much,
A desperate anon who wants to support nice, creative people
No. 103171
>>103165I stayed subbed to Nerd City and Kappa Kaiju through the big cleaning so I'm definitely going to check the rest of your list, thank you so much. Also thank you to the person who recommended The School of Life upthread.
Edit: I subscribed to the whole list, a+ taste anon.
>>103166Loved the video you linked, thank you for the recommendation!
>>103170Just reading the video titles I know I will like it, thanks!
No. 103172
>>103147Cindy's technically not a super small channel but she only has about 220k
She mainly does book reviews and I love her sense of humor!
This is her most popular video but honestly, all of them are pretty great
No. 103207
>>103172cindy is the only booktuber who i tolerate talking about YA novels that i don't have the interest on reading.
i always think of her humor as edgy tumblr though which i like to a certain degree. but she does it well. i wish she upload more videos related to her writing a novel though, i always find it interesting to watch those kind of videos (since i'm currently writing my novel as well).
No. 103259
>>103172I don't mind her but unfortunately I hate YA so much I even can't bear to listen to rants about it. Thank you all the same though.
>>103190Cuck philosophy is great, thank you!
>>103198My ESL ass empathises with her and I like that she has a lot on horror and thrillers, thanks.
>>103227I don't care much for atheism or religion talk in general but fucked up MLM's are my shit, thanks!
>>103236Not my interest at all yeah but it's quite cute and well made, thank you.
Here is a list of recommendations to show my gratitude: Thafnine (video games and internet culture), Doplex (internet culture), Mörges (can't categorise, warning for loud voice) and Cynic Snacks (movies, usually the bad ones).
No. 113864
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Hope I don't get b& for necroing, but I have to share this: Notes is a channel by Ewa Lodoss, where she imagines fantasy settings. Two of her most developed worlds are the World Spindle and River Basin, I recommend you watch the playlists for each one in order.
Her stories are so imaginative, and her settings are very well thought through. I can't choose a particular video to link because they're all so awesome. I hope some of you will enjoy this as much as I do.
No. 113876
>>103175Jenny's humor is so good and natural, I love her content.
I like "societal rant" youtubers like Jordan Theresa, Tee Noir and Tiffanyferg.
Used to be really into Sherliza Moé's rants as well, but this video kinda threw me off a bit with the "KATARA MUST BE PLAYED BY AN INUIT WOMAN IN THE LIVE ACTION" and shit like that
No. 113904
>>103172The fact that she unironically likes reading YA turns me off. She's only critical
some of the time.
>>105299>anime coomer but make it 90 years oldbruh…
No. 137205
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Good to know Internet Historian is a man of good taste.
No. 146611
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Anyone have any toy channels they like?
I'm currently watching:'s not a toy channel but I used to love watching Strawburry17 do whipple kits and re-ment unboxings. Oh, I just remembered
kawaii trade packages were also one of my favorite videos to watch when I was young. Still kind of is.
No. 147089 really like her vids on random media subjects! this is on lisa hanawalt's art (which i am a huge fan of) and in general, i like her research/takes on things.
it also helps that she's not that popular ykwim? so the subject matter is widely varied and doesn't really cater to a specific thing that /will/ become popular… idk any examples of youtubers like this? i just have hipster-syndrome i guess where i can't watch contrapoints (as an example) or any really popular youtubers anymore cuz i wanna be on the cutting edge or whatever, of what's not fully exposed to the masses. new shit, weird shit.
any recs?
currently very into cyborgs and multispecies donna haraway mark fisher et al type stuff…
No. 148570
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>>147326I wanted to mention it before but I love the man and woman artwork she has hanging behind her in another video. I don't like most abstract art but they look perfect right there
No. 152260
>>151785>>151784I think one of the most helpful vids for me was her going through putting her cat down. I recently lost a pet who I depended on a lot and knowing what I could do for my pet and the grieving process really made a world of difference. It made me feel closer to calm than I had ever when it came to death. I felt my emotions were in all the right places and that my pet knew how I felt too when she was euthanized. If you can’t handle the death of human beings yet try that one out and gradually work it in.
(I’m not scared of it but it puts me in a distant head space.)
No. 153606
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>>153489Thanks for this, anon! YouTube is mean…
No. 162249
>>153484>>158267Really late reply. But I feel like there are a lot of youtubers like that. You could try
>Sarah Schauer>Jordan Theresa>Tara Mooknee>Shanspeare>Khadija Mbowe>My Thoughts Will Probably Offend YouBut I'm guessing you already found those by now
No. 163658
>>163143just found some more
hailey elizabeth lola sebastian (although it looks like she hasn't uploaded in awhile it looks like) No. 163667
>>163665I don't really like those channels (except Jordan Theresa) I was just recommending them for that other anon, they can be entertaining though. I haven't posted the actual ones I watch very much because no one seems to care when I do lol.
But a channel I have really enjoyed recently is Trey the Explainer. I haven't watched all of his videos but the ones I've seen are really good.
No. 164285
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did anyone else watch a dose of buckley? i used to watch his videos a lot when i was 13. not so much interested in his channel now but his musical autopsys and worst songs list videos were pretty funny. ironically they would usually just introduce me to music i actually liked since i have a shit taste in music
No. 164290
>>164285I liked musical autopsy when i still listened to radio, but now i don't recognize or care about any of the artists he talks about.
I also liked some of his other videos, but they are always the same shit (boring celeb or internet drama) with the same opinions (the same opinions any edgy man in his 30s has, are male "comedians" made in a fucking factory, fucking christ, be creative once in your damn life), and while i really like his normal voice, his "fake" voices are the most annoying, ear-bleeding cringe i've ever fucking heard.
No. 170447
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does anyone know of any gaming/media (any kind honestly) channels that don't constantly interject politics into their content? I can respect creators that don't share the same views as me, however I'm so sick of seemingly every creator I follow suddenly coming out to "own the ebil terfs!!! fuck jk rowling amirite!!!" and eventually identifying as some flavor of trans or heavily adjacent. channels run by women are preferred, but I'll take anything at this point honestly
No. 170535
>>170447we discussed this in the MTF thread oddly enough, and here were the recommendations
Lady Decade is a good video game essayist who happens to be a woman.'s also Erin Plays Bobdunga Show Pushing up roses, was a fairly decent game/tv review channel but she's taken a long hiatus as of now be Tamed, she does mostly horror and atmospheric game reviews is a male but he reviews mostly obscure Indie horror games and plays them to complementation, his commentary is just right, where its not annoying but also pleasant enough that you don't feel scared fun geek related female channel is Rawrist who does fantasy and horror reviews as well as lore essays and comics/book vs show comparison, she's pretty cool No. 177009
I really enjoy asian food shopping/food trying videos. I like the pacing and the fact that no one talks.
1) Tokyo Hare: sunny Tokyo: Dancing Bacons: No. 177114
>>177111lol true
and I've noticed they use a lot of technology too, like they always have earbuds in or are always playing games and stuff like that. which is totally normal but I kind of don't see the point of driving out to the middle of nowhere to "be one with nature" or whatever, then to just live like a normie who is watching netflix and listening to podcasts all the time
No. 180266
>>177230No problem anon!! I'm still searching for similar kind of content however.
If any anons know of any channels similar, especially no talking and food related such as grocery shopping or trying grocery food that would be great!
No. 181685
>>181658Reginbot: Pretty similar to Nexpo, she covers a mix of real/fake internet mysteries Stories: Covers a bunch of bizzare events/paranormal cases/cryptids Blamitonjorge: Mostly covers lost media pertaining to tv shows, but occasionally covers some missing persons cases He tends to do more explaining ARGs and fake horror media, still fun to watch No. 183125
>>183068Rtgame is a huge guilty pleasure, my brain tells me that he's lame and ugly but my heart finds him funny and kawaii
>>182943I still rewatch crusty old monster factory videos
No. 455547
>>455164Thank you
nonnie! I finished this video today, I didn't know about the scandal at all but her pace was nice enough for me to follow while keeping it in the background. Only thing that threw me off a bit was her flip flopping chronologically through events.
No. 461714
>>455449I highly doubt it.
I wonder if someone can recommend another youtube channel with the same type of fashion/beauty autism would appreciate it