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No. 8565
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I just moved to a little podunk town without a real bookstore, but I managed to find a used one that's stocked pretty well.
I bought a bunch of horror novels that'll last me for awhile. I got the majority of Rice's Vampire Chronicles, a few books written by John Saul, some random trade paperbacks, and even found one written by RL Stein. I had no idea he wrote adult horror novels.
Right now I'm reading a book called Hellstorm by J.N. Williamson. It's a little corny but in a good way. It's got a corny 80s/90s horror movie feel to it.
No. 8571
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So far it's been rather amusing, halfway through it atm.
No. 8572
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Tatami Galaxy, the intro just resonates with me so much.
No. 8578
>>8575Watership Down is great, anon. You should get on it.
Sharp Objects wasn't very good, though.
No. 8580
I was
>>8563I'm currently reading the price of salt. I watched the movie Carol and got really curious to read the book. I recommend it.
No. 8581
>>8576I mean provided they actually have ADHD it's not really laziness it's just short attention span and inability to retain info.
>>8574White noise helps me a lot when I have a hard time focusing.
No. 8583
>>8582I know, I have ADHD myself. I just interpreted "cure my ADHD brain please" as more tongue-in-cheek than actual complaining.
>>8580I've been meaning to watch Carol, I might check out The Price of Salt.
No. 8584
>>8583OP here. That comment about needing to be cured was completely tongue-in-cheek/self-deprecating lol.
I come back here to see that someone actually took it literally…wew the autism.
No. 8586
>>8584>Can't read a book>Calling someone else retardedI'm struggling to find fiction that isn't shit. Everything featured in the best of xyz lists is Jodi picoult level trash. It's like McDonald's but for words, instead of fries.
I recently finished beloved by tony Morrison and it was okay but predictable.
No. 8595
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Have any of you read Gone With the Wind? I think this is one of the few places on the Internet where I'd be able to talk about with people dismissing it as "racist" or "trashy women's lit" right away. I'm not even from the US.
It's incredible. I've read it so many times during my lifespan and I think it's taught me a few things about resilience. But if we're being honest, I think the character I'm most like is Ashley, which is sort of depressing.
No. 8597
>>8595Trashy women's lit? Who have you been talking to anon?
It's a very well made story, I put it right with many classics
No. 8598
>>8569I'm again out of books after having read some non-fiction for a change (Shutting Out the Sun: How Japan Created Its Own Lost Generation, Tokyo Vice and The Death Penalty In Contemporary China to name a few and which all were excellent) and I'm going with your method this time and am going to read some more Steinbeck next, I enjoyed Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men a lot (not classics in my country and not read in school, so I've just read them two years ago). I tried Faulkner before but can't enjoy his work.
>>8574I dropped every single of his books except Norwegian Wood, which I really liked. Get your shit together and read it!
>>8575I can recommend the Dark Tower, I re-read it every couple of years. Dune's first book is great, everything after that can't compare IMO (much like the Ender's Game series in that regard). While I haven't read A Boy and His Dog yet (going to grab it after seeing the title here), Ellison is universally great to read. Watership Down was one of the best reads I've had this decade, I'd urge you to read it first, regarding your list.
>>8572Grabbing that one.
No. 8599
Just a friendly reminder that books also exist outside of the Anglophone world that some of you definitely would enjoy. I know they have to be translated for the anons who only speak English (or English and their native tongue) but here are a few suggestions that have EN translations available:
Paulo Coelho / Brazilian
The Alchemist, The Fifth Mountain, Veronika Decides to Die, The Devil and Miss Prym, Eleven Minutes, Like the Flowing River, Brida, The Valkyries, The Winner Stands Alone, The Zahir, etc
Gabriel García Márquez / Colombian
Love in the time of cholera, Farewell to the ark, Mary my Dearest, The invisible children, etc
Milton Hatoum / Brazilian
The Brothers, Tale of a Certain Orient, Orphans of Eldorado, Ashes of the Amazon, etc
Haruki Murakami / Japanese
Kafka on the shore, the wind up bird chronicle, 1Q84, etc
Etel Adnan / Lebanese
Sitt Marie Rose, In the heart of the heart of another country; Paris, when it's naked, Of cities and women, etc
No. 8600
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>>8599Nice list. I'd like to add some other non-english speaking writers, though mine aren't as recent.
Fedor Dostoevskij/ RussianCrime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, Poor Folk
Max Frisch/ SwissI'm not Stiller, A Wilderness of Mirrors, Man in Holoscene
Wacław Berent/ PolishRotten Wood, Snowy Crop, The Dusk of the Commanders
Albert Camus/ FrenchThe Stranger, The Plague, The Silent Men
Franz Kafka/ CzechThe Trial, The Judgment, In the Penal Clony
Saša Stanišić/ BosnianHow the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone
Klaus Mann/ GermanThe Volcano, Mephisto
No. 8602
>>8601Well people hardly mention anything else unless it's Karl Marx or some other fedora drivel (inb4, I'm an economics student so I know how important his work is but you can't deny that people mostly bring him and his ilk up when they want to sound like exceptional fedora-tipping individuals)
My suggestions:
Juhani Aho - The Railroad (Finnish)
Ivo Andric - The Bridge Over Drina, The Damned Yard (Yugoslav)
Mesa Selimovic - Impure Blood (Yugoslav), this one's really fucked up
Honore de Balzac - Le Pere Goriot (French)
Anything by Pushkin, all easy (and beautiful) reads
No. 8607
>>8605that other anon sounds like cunt with her ~friendly reminder~. Just list books you like, or are reading/planning to read.
I love Andrei Platonov's
Soul and other Stories, the main novella is a guy trying to share Communism with his nomadic Uzbek tribe.
Virus by Sakyo Komatsu,
The Nexus Trilogy by Ramez Naam, and
Blindness by Jose Saramago.
I'm currently reading
Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick. It's written from interviews with North Korean defectors of their lives there growing up.
No. 8608
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Been reading the following. It's really good- about how Thomas Cromwell pushes England into becoming somewhat (at the time) modern country. Anne would probably be on /snow/ if lolcow was around back then too, lol.
No. 8610
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Currently reading Cop Town by Karin Slaughter. She writes really good police thriller/mysteries. I discovered her first by reading the Grant County series and have been devouring the rest of her books ever since.
No. 8614
Hey, I'm finding it really hard to find new things to read lately. I just got a Kindle and I want to fill it with books to read on the train.
I went through a phase in my late teens of reading a lot of books for teens (The Princess Diaries, Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Mortal Instruments, The Mediator…etc) which I heavily enjoyed but I'm in my 20s now and I'm getting really sick of reading about characters who are younger than me, who are still in school and I'm definitely sick of fluffy "first kiss" scenes. I can't relate to any of these teen protagonists anymore but at the same time crime novels and books about young women "finding themselves" with shitty wine humour bore me to tears. I tried to read some of Danielle Steel's novels on my mom's suggestion and I just didn't get the appeal.
I guess I'd be considered "new adult". The only thing I've read so far that really felt age-appropriate was the True Blood series because it was centered around a protagonist in her mid-20s who was working and featured a lot of sex, death, drinking and drugs. It was close enough to reality to be relatable but at the same time had an awesome fantasy element that was really well thought out (I loved all the slang terms and culture that surrounded the vampires, very clever and kept the story grounded).
Does anyone have any suggestions? Any 20-somethings want to share their favourite novels?
No. 8618
>>8615>>8616Both of you are spot on. I didn't think of mentioning it, but I absolutely love Jane Austen. I read Little Women, Wuthering Heights, the Brontë sisters' novels and everything by Enid Blyton over and over while growing up. Haha maybe that shaped my tastes more than I realised. Would highly recommend everything posted above tbh. Great suggestions guys, I'm going to download and research some of that new info now!
Still open to modern suggestions if anyone has any!
No. 8619
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I like history.
Does anyone else find it really difficult to read any fiction? For about a decade now, I have lost all interest in anything fiction.
No. 8620
>>8617Anon, Camus wrote the stranger. I hate that book tbh, absurdism is retarded and Camus was an edgelord.
Read your Nietzsche like a good girl, he's pretty important for the foundation of existentialism
No. 8621
>>8620Wow, that was a bad case of mistyping my thoughts, even for myself.
I meant to say ''Nausea'' by Sartre. I never finished ''The Stranger''.
>Read your Nietzsche like a good girlI've completely read ''On the Genealogy of Morality'' and ''Thus Spoke Zarathustra'' . The former is something I can come back to and find something new every time, the latter was by far more "edgy" than anything I saw in ''The Plague'' or what I read of ''The Stranger''.
No. 8622
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I would love to read more from Kafka. Only read one book in class but I actually loved it. It's weird but is well written (pic related) I can really recommend metamorphosis Europeans will probably know him anyways but people from the US not that much I think?
I used to read a lot of Fantasy but most books that are Fantasy and sound interesting are always for Teenager ?? Idk how to find good Fantasy books anymore. I don't mind a little love story but most fantasy books I used too like are just not relatable anymore because the main characters are kids and make stupid choices.
No. 8624
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>>8622Yep, it's the problem I have with fantasy. I find med settings and magic compelling but most of it is YA shit. It's pretty hard to find anything aimed at adult.
Anyway, I'm reading The Expanse serie right now. I'm on the 6th book and it was pretty OK. The writing is not always good but I like the universe building and the fact that we follow adult protagonists for years.
No. 8627
>>8625Read short novels to get back on the horse.
Try to pick books with subjects you find really interesting and get at least a few pages in. Chances are you're going to want to get back to it.
Make time for reading and stick to it (I do 30 minutes at least before going to bed, it's a great way to relax before sleep).
Shut off your computer and phone before starting to read, notifications are the real book killer.
No. 8628
>>8627I'll just add personal things I did to read more :
-Always make sure I have my e-reader on me so I can read if there's a lull during my day instead of checking my phone.
-Take advice of people with similar taste and do some research. (I used to read anything when I was younger but I just don't have this kind of time or energy now, so better be selective)
- Make sure to remind myself I enjoy reading (It sounds stupid but even though I love it, it was hard getting back to books after stopping for a long time and just seemed easier to browse the internet aimlessly. So I make sure to savour books now and remember that I enjoy them more than just dicking around)
No. 8629
>>8616I'm about to pick up a new copy of LOTF because I'm having my upper level ESL kids read it this year and I'm excited. I loved the combination of subtle and obvious imagery.
Does anyone have any good horror recs? I've read Dracula, Frankenstein, Let the Right One In, bunch of Lovecraft/Poe/King/Rice.
No. 8636
>>8625Here's a short story for you anon else have short stories they recommend? My attention span is shit too
No. 8637
>>8636I remember this story from high school. Lot of dreadful stuff there, not least of which were the hundred or so essays I had to write.
Another was about some guy who played chicken with other cars on the road and then watched as the people died.
No. 8638
>>8634You'd probably like Something Wicked This Way Comes
>>8636In the Hills, In the Cities by Clive Barker - It's from his Books of Blood short story series
No. 8639
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Exactly this edition.
I read it when I was 16 but I was dumber and younger back then. Now I can appreciate and understand Paul's struggle a lot better. Almost cried a few times on the bus too.
No. 8641
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Wars, Guns & Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places.
It's extremely informative and easily digestible even with no former knowledge on the topics, I've got about a third of it to go.
No. 8642
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because weed lmao 420
The caption is just meant to be a hook. The book is a little libertarian for me, but it makes solid arguments.
No. 8643
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i like to rotate books as i'm reading. right now it's
>Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
>Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet
>The Happiness Effect: How Social Media Is Driving a Generation to Appear Perfect
but i'll probably stop on happiness effect bc it's less scientific than i would like and i'm tired of reading derpy anecdotes by college students that all say the same thing.
rec me dystopias and cyberpunks pls. i just finished neuromancer by william gibson.
No. 8644
>>8643If you liked Neuromancer you'll love Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.
Can you tell me your thoughts on the books on code and the internet? They sound interesting.
No. 8645
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just finished reading this book. highly recommend it if you like david lynch movies or just abnormal horror in general. it takes place in a russian gulag
No. 8647
>>8646ack my library had it, didnt realize it was so expensive!
i know you said no bookstores had it but check this? you have a library near you, check that too. you never know!
No. 8649
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>>8648good luck anon, i hope you find it for a decent price! the book is only 145 pages so unless its a concept youre reallllllyyy into im not sure $60 would be worth it.
also since you like the idea of that book i would also recommend because the author has a lot of other books published through this provider! there's a lot of other authors too that all seem to have the same sort of tone and topics in their novels.
No. 8650
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The Ego and His Own, naturally.
No. 8652
>>8644i'll check it out i think i saw it at the library!
code is about building a computer from the ground up, logically. it starts off with basic switches and morse code and then gets to logic gates eventually it'll build up to operating systems and etc. i picked it up to learn more about computer science (hardware since i'm a software person), but you don't need to be knowledgeable about the field already - the author has really well done explanations about every concept. his illustrations are also helpful in clarifying what he talks about and the overall tone makes me feel really excited to learn.
i haven't gotten to far on wizards so i couldn't tell you much :( right now i'm reading about DARPA and the prose weaves a good narrative.
No. 8653
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Has anyone read the Southern Reach triology? I just saw someone mention it on Twitter and it sounds really interesting to me. I have so many other books on my to read list but I'm thinking of skipping right to these…
No. 8654
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Does anyone here know where I can get past issues of The Massachusetts Review? I bought the latest from Books A Million and I really enjoy the short stories and poetry. Any recs for a similar journal? Aside from The Paris Review.
No. 8655
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currently reading "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" by Marisha Pessl and I honestly can't wait to finish it because it's such a tedious book. The story itself could be much better if the book was just half as long as it is (around 600 pages). And what still angers me that I had to read about 350 pages to get finally to the main reason why the main character tells her story, which is actually super interesting BUT as I already said, the first hundred pages are filled with unnecessary side-stories, endless quoting of other books or memories within memories which made me skip sometimes an entire page bc it had just NOTHING to do with the actual story. So much wasted potential.
If you plan to read this book, just get ready for a lot of things that have no point of being there.
I still have to read around 100 pages, because I already spend so much time on it, now I want to finish it and put away and never read it again in my damn life.
No. 8658
>>8657I enjoyed what I read of The Castle, yet I couldn't get through all of it. I think I got to the part where Frieda leaves K., closed the book with the intention of reading more later and then… never opened it again. Idk.
The first Kafka novel I ever did a close reading on was The Trial, so that's my favourite one (but I guess I'm a bit biased) :) I also greatly enjoyed The Hunger Artist short story!
I just finished reading The Iguana by Anna Maria Cortese - very disorienting towards the end, what a read! - and I'm about to start Love In Time Of Cholera by GG Marquez next. I'm on a bit of a magical realism kick :)
No. 8659
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I'm reading IT right now, since I just saw the remake, and it got me in the mood for some spooky stuff.
I'm actually enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I don't know what happened to Stephen King, but his older books are so much better than any of the stuff he's published in the past 5 years. I tried reading his book, Joyland, last year and it was so awful.
No. 8660
>>8622>I don't mind a little love story but most fantasy books I used too like are just not relatable anymore because the main characters are kids and make stupid choices.Just what books are you reading?
I really liked The Black Company or Tales of Earthsea, and you also can't go wrong with Old Mans War or The Forever War. Been meaning to start on the The Wheel of Time but its size intimidates me a bit.
No. 8662
>>8659his older books were good because he was on copious amounts of drugs.
that said, i think It is one of his worst drug fueled books. the whole thing reads like a fucking vision quest,
not to mention the gross child orgy. this is the one instance i’ll say the movie was better and more coherent than the novel.
i loved the shining though. such a great book.
No. 8663
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>>8662Under what context does an orgy of children make sense?
No. 8667
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>>8662Yeah, a lot of his older books have sexual abuse in them or just weird sexual situations and it's uncomfortable as fuck to read. Especially the stuff in IT. I can't believe something like Gerald's Game was made into a movie.
I think the only books of his that I've genuinely enjoyed cover to cover are Pet Semetary and The Shining. Have you read the sequel, Doctor Sleep? I tried my best to like it, but just couldn't get into it. It didn't have the same feel as The Shining.
>>8666I'm not a big fan of him either. He has always come across as arrogant, but it seems to get worse as the years go on. Most of all, I can't stand his political shit on Twitter. I don't like Trump or anything, but King's holier-than-thou attitude when it comes to politics is annoying as fuck.
No. 8668
>>8666It's disappointing that King is revered as a horror god and Ray Bradbury (my favorite author so I'm biased) doesn't get as much recognition for the scary things he's written. Bradbury is just so articulate and such a great sentence crafter, and he writes things that admittedly scare himself without it being shock-horror or child rape. Bradbury was sort of an old soul, though, so maybe I'm comparing apples to oranges.
I enjoy King but sometimes he falls back on shock stuff or a "quirky" blunt attitude. 11/22/63 has a part where the protagonist pees and King felt the need to include how unique and wacky writing about peeing is in a novel. I appreciate the attitude in some books or parts because it's a refreshing style but sometimes it feels condescending and arrogant. It does really work in Rose Madder, though, I'll give him that. He nails the "asshole sexist male" trope, lmao.
No. 8670
>>8669Did you miss the part in the OP where it says >no weeb mango shit
This thread is for real literature.
No. 8671
>>8668People often tend to confuse things that are popular/famous and things that are good. I'm not sure when people suddenly started taking King really seriously but it feels kind of sudden, I feel like remember him just being a popular author, not one taken too seriously. I would say Bradbury is more respected, he's just not known as well. In all fairness, King is an easier read and more "fun" and therefore accessible than a lot of writers which accounts for his (not undeserved) fame and popularity.
I liked Rose Madder but his most underrated female book was Carrie, he did a good job humanizing her in a way a lot of male writers have a hard time with and the structure of the book was interesting.
No. 8672
>>8662And because he had excellent editors reining him in. People don't realize just how magical a good writer&mediator combo can be. When it works, the writer gets all the credit, but people who work in the publishing industry know who really did the heavy lifting. Carrie, The Shining, Night Shift, Salem's Lot, and The Stand are his best books. They're all shamelessly copying earlier authors like Bradbury, Theodore Sturgeon, Robert Bloch (when HE had a good editor. Bloch can suck donkey balls too) and my very favorite, Robert Aickman. Read a story by him called 'Ringing the Changes'. He writes female protagonists really well. They have a lot of agency, and they're dangerous in a good way. Aickman's men are afraid of the women, and they should be.
I'd rather read Angela Carter, Shirley Jackson and Joyce Carol Oates for horror. The short stories Phase Change and also The Bingo Master, both by Oates, are so much more terrifying than any bullshit SK can write because she understands why women are afraid.
No. 8673
>>8672fuck you spell 'check', mediator is not editor.
A good writer/editor combo is magic.
No. 8674
>>8671King is a good genre writer, but nothing more than that unless you consider ripping off Love raft, Derleth, and later, the Arthurian legends and Tolkien; to be great writing.
We all know how the Dark Tower series ended and while a lot of people saw that coming, we are also aware that it's shit and he's been coasting on his rep since the eighties.
I have a friend who works in publishing and she says he's had ghostwriters since he stopped using drugs. He was one of those guys who wrote much more concisely and entertainingly when he was high, which is apparently a lot of them a lot of the time, and when he stopped he confused verbosity with depth. Which is also a lot of them.
He just sucks now.
No. 8686
>>8685Why not? They'll only dislike it if they come to murakami for muh jazz muh cigarettes beer and women alone and nothing else, which is clearly not the case here.
>>8681 plus Julio Cortazar's Bestiary.
I haven't read anything from him yet but my friends with similar taste also recommend Guimaraes Rosa
No. 8688
>>8687nice, Im reading Garden of Shadows. I want to read Flowers in the
No. 8691
>>8690Petals in the Wind
Seeds of Yesterday
Where there be Thorns (or something?)
They’re all sequels to FiA!
>>8688I would love to read Garden of Shadows! I’ve read the plot on Wikipedia but want to read it word for word.
No. 8692
>>8689These are my not-so-secret guilty pleasure, but I like the ones she actually wrote, not the ghostwriter. Something about his stuff feels off and way too clean, there was a genuine craziness to her writing that is hard to capture.
One of my favorite Andrews books in that series is If There Be Thorns, which is about Cathy's fucked up, autist son who gets brainwashed by an MRA.
No. 8694
>>8686speaking of Julio Cortazar - I recommend his Final del Juego (End of the Game).
Great short stories, couldn't stop thinking about some of them for quite a while! Especially Don't Blame Anyone and Axolotl.
No. 8697
>>8695Sounds like you've fallen for the /lit/ meme. IJ is mediocre at best, in my opinion.
>>8696Buying books is still worth it if they're not the expensive, commonplace hardcovers that are at retailers like B&N. I'll pay extra for a pretty edition of a book I love though, especially if I don't yet own a physical copy. It seems like reading and collecting books is a hardcore hobby these days.
No. 8701
>>8666King isn't fantastic, but he's many people's first foray into the genre. It's more of a nostalgia trip coloring people's perceptions of him here.
Also I don't
like the "lol it was a different time" excuse but I kind of understand. I like Moby-Dick, for example, or Joseph Conrad or Rudyard Kipling, even though what came off as funny then is racist and gross now.
I guess it's similar and I'm glad that it only took 30 years for gangbanging a 11 year old to become anachronistic.
No. 8702
>>8699Hey, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Maybe you'll come back to it later. No need to enjoy all the "classics".
What I love about the book is Garcia's writing style and the manner, with which he creates stories upon stories within stories, covering a massive amount of themes in a single page, and how poetic and, unsurprisingly, magical the story itself is. So many metaphors and allusions, I can find something new with every reread. The elements, which would usually make one doubt the book-universe's realness, are so well incorporated that I found myself thinking, for example: Of course Rebeca devours dirt, how could she not? Because, really, how could she not.
The messages the book carries just feel very meaningful to me.
No. 8703
>>8702Omfg I get it now anon bless you. Idk but the example with rebecca really made it click. Maybe it's Garcia's writing style that made it belivable enough that I didn't really notice some other tiny things. The issue probably was that I was taking everything too literally.
I think I'll go back and read it again haha
thank you No. 8704
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>>8573>>8619I finished SPQR last month, have to confess it's kinda boring and dry at many places. Heard Rubicon is a better book on Rome (but at a different time).
Just finished the second volume of Gulag Archipelago today, will read pic related for a break before tackling the final volume. Ancient near east is my jam.
No. 8705
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>>8697This. I love libgen, but there are some things that I'm not able to find on there. There are also books I would like to have physical copies of.
Pic related is what I'm currently reading and it has been an eye opener. At the same time, I'm alternating between books about feminism in China and South Korea as well as a textbook on fiber optics.
No. 8709
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>>8708I don't know about exciting, but this was certainly pretty trashy and disorganized.
No. 8713
>>8712Fourth chapter.
I realize the title may be grating to some but she does bring to light the plight of radfems and people who have been polarizing the public since the 80s. The insane, "Tumblr" behavior was very much alive even back then. She is a self described equity feminist. I mean, it's kind of sad that shit has become so fractured that certain types of distinction are necessary.
No. 8714
>>8713This is a review I found on it:
And in other news, local authorities reported today that “feminism” has been stolen. Anyone who has any tips on the whereabouts of feminism or its thieves, please contact the hotline.
Seriously, how does one “steal” feminism? I know it’s just a title, and it’s probably the publisher’s idea of a grab for readership, but Who Stole Feminism? is not a title that bodes well for a measured, logical analysis of the state of feminism. The subtitle, How Women Have Betrayed Women, is even worse. Christina Hoff Sommers clearly has a bone to pick with feminism, or at least the feminism of 1994. This book is a little dated, which is not to say it’s necessarily obsolete. However, as I noted in my review of The Beauty Myth (which Sommers targets explicitly in this book), my knowledge of the state of the world, much less feminism, in 1994 is somewhat vague at best. So I’m coming to this book with a perspective different from someone who was, say, a university student at the time Sommers wrote this.
A previous reader of this book (I borrowed it from the library) took the time to scratch some pencil notes in the margins. I love notes from the past (almost as much as I love notes from the future)! I don’t mark up library books or books I think I’ll donate to the library, but I enjoy encountering them when I do. The first of several somewhat cryptic notes appears on page 37, next to a paragraph in which Sommers recounts Professor Faye Crosby’s experiences with trying to be inclusive in her classes. The sentence from the book reads, “Like Raphael [Atlas], she was clearly exhilarated by how terrible she felt.” The note says, “In ‘love’ with how good she is—that’s vanity.” Various admonishments such as “look in the mirror!” and “that’s vanity” appear sporadically throughout. Whoever this person was displays an almost religiously vehemently agreement with Sommers’ thesis.
I guess I should mention what the book is about. Sommers essentially advances the argument that a subset of feminists, whom she calls gender feminists, have come to have an undue amount of influence when it comes to public policy, particularly education. Gender feminists see the world through a “sex/gender lens” and generally promulgate radical, even misandrist views. In contrast, Sommers labels herself an equity feminist of the old school, one who believes women merely need to be accorded equal rights and privileges of men. (I suspect this is second wave versus first wave stuff but am not clear enough on the distinctions to say for sure.)
Sommers is reacting against the gender-feminist claim that “mainstream” (whatever that means) society and media are oppressive (towards women) and inherently patriarchal. She asserts there is no evidence for such claims and goes on to show, in painstaking detail, how some groups within this school have used misleading statistics and surveys to advance their agendas. Finally, Sommers turns it around and accuses the gender feminists themselves of being oppressive, of curtailing debate and censoring dissent at any opportunity. Thus the title, the implication that the feminist movement has been hijacked by a select subset of those who claim the label.
Sommers speaks of “transforming the academy” (Chapter 3) and the movement to revise both the humanities and the sciences to be more inclusive of women voices. She laments the vandalism of the Western Canon: “Why can’t we move on to the future and stop wasting energy on resenting (and ‘rewriting’) the past?” This subject is near and dear to my heart because, as a teacher, I’m on the front lines of education. What should I be teaching in an English class? Who should I use to help teach concepts and ideas? These are a big questions, and while I think Sommers raises some good points about the overzealousness of policy-makers in attempting to include more diverse voices, her tone detracts from the effectiveness of her argument. She’s whining: why can’t we move on, why can’t we just let the past be the past?
Such a sentiment is absurd. As much as Sommers is eager to demonstrate that gender feminists and their allies are blinded by their own transformationist agendas, she seems remarkably quick to discount the possibility of extant bias in culture. Her attitude appears to be that it’s either/or, that if we bring more women voices into the conversation we’re obligated to sacrifice the traditional classics on the altar of feminism. I’m sure there are some “radical” feminists out there who would love to do that, and I’m sure this attitude lends itself well to a polemic—but it seems just as radical and wishful as the thinking being done by the people Sommers criticizes. The reality is much more complicated than she portrays here.
This oversimplification pervades Who Stole Feminism? and makes it difficult for me to praise Sommers even when I’m inclined to agree with her. Such is the case when she calls out Sandra Harding for advocating for “feminist science” without really describing what that would look like. I encountered Harding in Feminism: Issues and Arguments and a chapter on “Feminism, Science, and Bias.” Harding’s contention that scientific knowledge is a social construction, as well as similar introductions to the anti-realist position in the following year’s Philosophy of Science & Technology course,
triggered a mini-crisis in my personal philosophy of science. It’s something I’m still working through (though I still think I’m a reductionist—or maybe just a physicalist—don’t know!). So when Sommers dredged it up again, I felt that familiar stab of disagreement—but Jennifer Saul provides a far superior analysis in Feminism: Issues and Arguments, in which she points out that even if Harding is off the mark, science has historically had a lot of bias in it. Much of that bias happens to be white and male.
Sommers is eager to reject the idea that our society is patrarichal. She is dismissive of the “sex/gender lens” perspective of gender feminism. I find this tactic peculiar considering her background in philosophy—rather than analyze the philosophical claims of the gender feminists, Sommers chooses to cricitize particular people and organizations within this movement. To be sure, some of the concerns she raises are
valid. For example, misuse of statistics or surveys to influence public policy is bad news no matter who is doing it. Furthermore, the problems she notes in academia are real and troubling. But none of these invalidates the sex/gender approach at all, nor does Sommers demonstrate to my satisfaction a causal link between the sex/gender perspective and divisive politics. Conflating radical and misandrist feminism with “gender feminism” is, to borrow a term Sommers hates the gender feminists using, “shortchanging women.”
Speaking as a mathematician, I know the siren call of statistics—and I know they can be misleading. Empirical data is an important, essential part of doing science and of decision-making. But in focusing solely on the statistical side of feminism, Sommers is ignoring the larger philosophical debate. Consider her chapter on “Rape Research”, in which she discounts the notion of rape culture as a byproduct of inflating the percentage of women who are
victims of rape. Sure, maybe the numbers are wrong—Sommers’ point that definitions of rape vary greatly is
valid—but this does not change the fact that, in our society,
victim-blaming remains pervasive. Rape continues to be viewed as a problem women have—as in, “boys will be boys—and rape you—so don’t do anything to attract a rapist’s attention.” This
toxic idea is harmful to men as well as women. Even if the prevalence of rape remains statistically ambiguous, the cultural representation of rape as something women must prevent remains a problem. And that is rape culture right there.
When I look at society through a sex/gender lens, I see a lot I consider wrong, a lot I want to change. If some feminists are abusing this perspective, that is deplorable and needs to stop—but that doesn’t invalidate the basic ideas that we can work together to make culture less white, male, and heteronormative. Why is it so wrong to point out the ways in which women are marginalized and objectified? Why is it so wrong to want to have a conversation about it? It might be the case that some gender feminists want to shut down the conversation, if Sommers’ anecdotes about being censored are true. Yet, again, that’s the misconduct of certain voices within the feminist discourse and not a flaw with the sex/gender perspective itself.
The problem with Sommers’ cheerleading of equity feminism is that it’s insufficient in our twenty-first century society. I won’t blame Sommers for not anticipating how the adoption of the Web has created new opportunities for feminist discourse. However, I’m willing to argue that it was insufficient even in the 1990s when she wrote this. Feminism may have begun as a movement for women to have rights equal to those of men, but today it is inextricably linked to larger issues of social justice, including anti-racism, anti-homophobia, anti-colonialism, etc. The struggle for equity requires us to struggle for equity for all; otherwise, it is hollow. Sommers’ perspective is a very limited, very academic and American one, in which there are men and there are women and she wants the two to be equal. It’s a nice sentiment and a good start, but it’s not nearly enough.
Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women is everything it promises to be: a polemical, confrontational invective against so-called gender feminism. It’s also just as divisive and exclusionary as the feminists Sommers is criticizing. As far as books go, it is by no means a train wreck: it’s well-written, with thoughtful and organized arguments backed by an almost overwhelming amount of citations and statistics. Sommers identifies issues, predominantly in academic departments, that are probably still relevant now in 2012 (though I’d opine they are part of a larger crisis in higher education that Sommers fails to discuss). As with any mosaic movement, feminism has its own internal struggles of dogma and doctrine it must overcome.
So in that respect, this book offers some interesting perspectives on the nuanced and often conflicting voices within feminist discourse. Yet as much as I can appreciate some of her criticisms, I can’t agree with most of Sommers’ proposed solutions. Her future of feminism seems like it’s moving backwards, folding inwards upon itself, in an attempt to return to roots that are always receding into romanticized histories (“it was better in the good old days, when feminism was … and feminists were …”). Perhaps this is just my bias in favour of the idea that society is still oppressive, but I think feminism, in order to make progress, has to be an agonistic process. Anything less is palliative at best.
No. 8716
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Finished this recently and was bored out of my mind for the entirety of it. I don't know what I was expecting. Probably for it all to end after she killed master, but no it just had to drag on while we hear about uneven breasts, prickly pubes, and superior fashion sense for the trillionth time.
No. 8724
>>8717i just feel like the characters are the same in all his books. somehow everything he writes feels /the same/ to me
>>8723just can't get into romanticist authors tbh. i dont see the love between those two either, idk i dont get it
No. 8725
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Anybody else read this?
No. 8726
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My two favorite types of fiction are books are fantasy creatures, especially mermaids and fairys, more wiccan type leaning stuff though and history, mostly WWII and Victorian stuff
My guilty pleasure is the twilight saga tbh, I've read it multiple times most because of the nostalgia it gives me from when I was im HS
No. 8728
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>>8723yeah lol they were both tsun tsun, but I think they have the biggest chemistry of all Austen's characters. At first they are intrigued about each other, then fascinated, constantly bickering and provoking one another… great dynamics. I didn't like the fluffy ending too much but yeah, I like to come back to this book.
I respect Jane Austen big time.
Any dark fantasy readers? I love Malazan Book of the Fallen, hands down the best saga ever written (fight me). I've actually dropped it for a year half in the first book because it was so hard to read, so much information and lore and everything dumped on the reader without a hint of explanation, but one day I came back to it and forced myself to read and woah. I was MIA until I read everything. Years passed and everything is still bland in comparison.
No. 8729
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Has anyone read Crash by JG Ballard? I do this thing where I choose a director and watch through all of their films in order, and my most recent choice was Cronenberg. He did an adaptation of Crash, but the thing is that I always prefer to read books before watching their film counterpart. So I started to read it.
Am I fucking missing something? How is this considered a good novel? What the fuck is the meaning of it? Am I just so stupid and anti-intellectual that it flies right over my head? To me it's one of those books where it just seems like an excuse for the author to vomit his sexual fantasies all over the page. There's entire pages of excruciatingly boring sexual detail that isn't even written that well.
I'm not one to give up on a book, and I'm halfway done, but I'm not even kidding that it's taken me three months to get this far because I dread picking it up. If anyone has read it and enjoyed it, can you please enlighten me? What did you like about it? What does it mean to you? Does it all click at the end? Did it make you feel or think anything at all? I mean there's a high possibility that it is a good novel and it just isn't for me, or I don't ~get it.~
No. 8732
>>8731You could try 'Fuck Feelings'.
And yeah that is actually the title.
No. 8739
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Pretty interesting the way the characters in this book talk about their ideas. Normally economics and politics aren't that interesting to me but it's easy to digest in a conversational format.
No. 8743
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Can we talk about YA books here too
has anyone read the Shades of Magic Series?
I think it's one of my favorites.
A feel like a lot of people ignore a lot of great books just because they're in the YA section
No. 8751
Do any farmers here have good non-fiction historical books to recommend?
I once posted ITT Mary Beard's SPQR, but if you're extremely interested in ancient Rome then, by all means, read Peter Heather's The Fall of the Roman Empire.
He goes through the history of Rome but not in a chronological order so don't expect a textbook sort of revision. Furthermore, his focus is mainly on the last centuries of the Roman Empire where he meticulously examines the various issues arising with the rise of the Roman Empire and how the later decisions of the ruling classes eventually contributed to its downfall. It was interesting to read so many events, trends, etc. that were happening at that time and can be recognized today in certain countries.
If you're a history buff, you're going to love it. Despite being highly scientific and you can certainly tell that the writer is erudite, he manages to present all the facts, all the available data in a way that doesn't make it boring at all. And having read so many books on historical subjects, that isn't an easy task to accomplish.
Another book I would recommend is Cambridge's History of Iran. I've only read the first volume but it's mesmerizing to read about some less known details that you won't find online regarding the ancient tribes and civilization that once inhabited that area. Particularly the chapter on Zoroastrianism where you can see how many things all of today's greatest religions borrowed from it.
Sorry for the long post but please recommend more books history related.
No. 8753
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Does anyone have any recommendations for middle grade fiction? I really enjoy the genre as it deals with many sensitive issues and the characters do a lot of growing which is really heartwarming to read. I also like how unlike a lot ‘adult’ fiction genres I’ve read recently they know not to talk down to the reader and spoonfeed them their morals/opinions and don’t feel the need to use over the top language.
I know it’s a genre that’s often shit on since it’s for kids, but I’d appreciate any anon that has suggestions.
No. 8755
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Any recommendations for adult fiction that centers around people in their early 20s? Because, honestly, I mostly read young adult, which is through the perspective of teens but when I look to adult fiction, so many characters are in their 30-40s. Sure I've read some good books in both genres, but I really want to experience some good stories from the perspective of a protagonist my age. You know? I like realistic fiction a great deal but also quite like books that are supernatural, magical, or dystopian.
Side note, does anyone else have a book subscription? I have OwlCrate now and really like it (I like going into books blind rather than judging a book by it's cover. Gets me going out of my comfort zone.)
However I used to be subscribed to PageHabit. What a shitshow, they up and vanished in August, no explanation. Refunded subscribers and cancelled all future boxes. All social media accounts are dead and their website just says they are no longer in business.
No. 8756
>>8677Murukami's vibe is particular. Can't think of anyone like him exactly.
For magic realism maybe try Garcia Marquez 100 Years of Solitude, or Carter Nights at The Circus.
No. 8759
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>>8757Ja ja meine Allgemeines
No. 8763
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>>8757>I think I would like to… become more educated on
10-15g truffles
No. 8764
>>8761Was für ein Schande. Es gibt ein Mangel an Deutschen in diesen Gremien. Es ist ja eine wichtige Sprache kennenzulernen.
>>8762It depends what you're interested but I would recommend:
Impeachment of Man, an animal rights/ecology focused book.
The Lightning and the Sun, in essence a book on Esoteric Hitlerism. It's not for the uninformed/beginners into the worldview for sure. Savitri Devi's work is not very accessible to anyone not from the background. I think she's a wonderful author worth checking out though.
No. 8765
>>8764Yes, it's a beautiful sounding tongue. Unfortunately I have no capacity beyond "Wie komme ich am besten zum bahnof bitte?"
Thanks for the pointers on Devi, mistress. I shall look into those titles.
No. 8767
>>8723>comes off as tsundere before tsundere was even an archetypeSometimes it looks like tsundere is programmed intot eh fabric of the universe, like inside the physics and the metaphysics of it, somehow or other. THo probs it's not written in Japanese.
>>8720>What are farmers opinions on Neil Gaiman? A poor woman's Grant Morrison. The one he did with Terry Pratchett about the kid full of love and horsemen of the apocalypse did have a curious kind of power.
No. 8770
>>8768As far as I know there is not. I quickly asked a couple of my friends and they said that the linked book had a decent write up. Upon skimming it is minor, however the miscellaneous content may be of interest.
If you are interested in the topic I can invite you to a couple Discord servers where it is frequently discussed, but it is important to mention it is populated primarily by young men. No. 8771
>>8675>Catullus>Burroughs-JunkyFound these to be good, if degen.
What did you make of Burroughs? Somebody in an amazon review said the prose in Junky was "hard as nails" which seemed to capture it. Best post-WW2 English stylist I've come across.
No. 8776
>>8775Goodrick-Clark Western Esoteric Tradition: A Historical Introduction does what it says on the tin, a serviceable academic
No. 8778
>>8777Have you tried Book of the Month?
I was looking into it and they claim to have a broad book selection and the price is pretty good.
No. 8779
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finished reading this, I loved it so much! it was so easy to read and entrancing, but also had to take pauses often to just think lmao
raskolnikov really reminded me of teen me and weirdly enough, especially in the first 3 parts, your run of the mill 4chan bro
it's like 8 am and I'm still awake and overwhelmed and can't express myself for shit but overall it's like 11/10 do recommend
No. 8781
>>8780do give it a try! i was afraid of reading it for some years because older books can have a peculiar, hard to digest language and I'm esl, also bc it's a ~classic~ i was afraid I'd be too dumb to grasp it kek. i didn't encounter any of these things, it was a very engaging read w plenty of reflection opportunities. maybe the particular translation helped, not sure, but will def try to read more of Dostoyevsky!
from other classic russian things, i had read some works of Gogol's before and, while I did enjoy them in a way, they were way more tedious lol. oh and Bulgakov's a young doctor's notebook, enjoyed that heaps too! but crime and punishment is still my fav kek
soz for going ham on your reply, anon No. 8785
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A bit unorthodox, as it's a web serial, but anyone else here read Worm? Probably one of my favorite works of fiction, ever.
No. 8788
>>8786Worry not, you'll find out it has lots of fanfiction and will never stop reading it your entire life.
You poor soul, ignorant of your future.
No. 8790
>>8789That's the point, it has the flavor of real life. It's like game of thrones, but for superhero genre instead of fantasy.
The only problem is that indeed it's a bit difficult to get into initial chapters, but once you are past them, oh my, you are in for a journey.
And again, it has really lots of fanfics. So people decided that no they can write a half or full million word story on par with original and so, they did.
No. 8797
This is a long shot but any recommendations for old tacky scifi? I like buying used cheap pulp novels from ebay and getting lost in them
>>8796Not a short one but it's only a single novel, I really recommend Zoo City. Essentially dystopian future, black magic and familiars.
No. 8801
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Recently I've been neck deep in lesbian fiction, and I'm loving it tbh. I'm a sucker for romance stuff, and there are many good writers who are actual lesbians - so it's not shit like most lesbian themed movies.
Praise the
No. 8804
>>8801> so it's not shit like most lesbian themed movies. I'm a lesbian and I fucking hate just about every lesbian film that isn't Fingersmith, Saving Face, or Carol.
Currently reading a collection of Patricia Highsmith's (previously) unpublished works.
No. 8805
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I made one of my resolutions to read more this year. I haven't actually read as a hobby for probably almost a decade, and I feel it starting to show in my vocabulary, spelling, and just how I present myself to the world. So for the first time in a long time, real resolutions were made and I think I'm going to stick to them.
I patiently waited for my amazon shipment and got my first two books off of my amazon wishlist, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory and From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death, both by Caitlin Doughty. I just finished Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, a part autobiography on her life in the death industry and part death positivity discussion. I've always been really interested in weird stuff like this so when I found her youtube channel and found she wrote a book I knew I needed to read it one day. Would recommend if you like silly musings mixed with serious discussion on the human condition. She doesn't hold back on grisly details so if you're squeamish I wouldn't recommend, but I think everyone who hasn't thought seriously about how they want their dead body to be cared for or are frightened about death should give it a read.
Tbh I'm a little mad I managed to finish her book in a day, because now I'm already on to her next one which I'm sure I'll be able to finish quickly as well. I'll have to find or buy more books to read and I'm afraid I'll be distracted and not read anything else the entire year…
No. 8809
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>>8805Reading was also one of my resolutions for this year. I bought the entire Witcher series a couple years ago intending to read it before I played the games and that didn't happen. Now that I've played 1,2 and half of 3 I'm really into the lore and story and want to read the source material. I'm half way through the Last Wish and really enjoying it even though the writing has been simplified by translation into English.
Reading was also one of my resolutions last year and I got hooked on booktube and their YA recommendations and fangirl-ing. I started and DNF'd so many books because I discovered I hate YA and cannot suspend my disbelief that so many teenage characters are written like 20 something adults and the romances…no thanks.
No. 8811
>>8803Already read it and it's not really a bodice ripper but thanks.
>>8806Depends on what kind of history you're interested in and what time. There's a million books on plenty of stuff in all periods.
No. 8812
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>inb4 YA fiction is childish and sucks
Anybody reading this? What other fantasy or supernatural books contain hateships where two people love to hate each other?
No. 8813
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>>8812What do you think about the cruel prince? Is it overhyped? I want to read it but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Finishing up Skyward at the moment.
No. 8815
>>8810Adult readers unite
For real though I’ll die if I get another teenage dystopian fantasy recommended to me. If you’ve read the blurb of one you’ve read all the books, they’re so cookie-cutter predictable and unoriginal.
On topic, anyone got recs similar to geek love?
No. 8816
>>8811Micro histories as in any in depth look at something small, not general history of a time period.
Like the history of salt or Vissers the rituals of dinner. In depth histories of every day objects.
No. 8817
>>8779just started this last week. didn't know what to expect since never read russian lit before. definitely feels alittle weird but agree that it's reading very east despite how dense the text is.
last thing I read was jane eyre so wanted something from similar time period.
No. 8818
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i'm reading Brave New World at the moment and I'm enjoying it so far. For people who've read it, what did you think of it? (without giving any spoilers)
No. 8822
>>8820Anon from
>>8819, I already read it. I read the Complete Stories, everything from the Robots saga and the Foundation saga. I have the Lucky Starr series in my ebook already, but I feel it's going to be even more childish.
The Last Question was one of my favorite stories though.
No. 8828
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Anyone else struggle with having too many books in their possession?
I bookmark/tag my favourite books quite heavily and enjoy referencing/reading over said notes, so throwing them away is something that I'll probably never do.
However, this has made my room look like that of a hoarders. I have 2 bookcases that are stuffed full of them and I have no idea how to fix this.
I've been contemplating just getting a tablet, but I will still have the previous books on me.
Any storage tips?
No. 8831
>>8828Due to hit 1000 this year.
No ragrets.
Floor to ceiling shelves. No books laying down. Stack them with similar sizes. Looks tidy as. An overcrowded shelf or books not stacked properly will always look like shit.
No. 10570
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Picked this up on a whim for 5 dollars at the local one-stop-shop. It's very bizarre but not quite as exciting as I thought it would be based on the cover. I'm enjoying it a lot though.
No. 10669
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>>8828Late to respond but watching everyone do Konmari and toss their books has been a serious
trigger for me. When I move, more than half the pod is books. My house is too new for built-ins, so I'm working on these Ikea Billy floor-to-ceiling hacks. There's a wall with shiplap paneling that I built in front of, and it looks great, the other two walls I'm using wallpaper on the backs. I left a few shelves open to have space for displaying figurines and stuff like that and it's great to finally have space for game consoles, etc. I've seen Billys used to make window seating, too, which might be cool to do. You can paint them, add crown molding, it disguises the Ikea really well. I'm surprised how easy and fun it is. It looks so cool, like living in a library. If anyone is swimming in books and also into DIY take a look, there are plans all over the place.
Keeping it on track, I just re-read The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. I love all the Brontes, but this book always blows me away.
Also reading Killing for Culture: From Edison to Isis, A New History of Death on Film by David Kerekes and Men, Women, and Chainsaws by Carol Clover. Both are great if you like genre film.
pic related, sorry it's ant sized but this is the design I copied from the most.
No. 11765
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>>11734I had this epiphany like a year ago! Based off of what you said you like I would recommend both Eileen and My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Mosfegh and the book of short stories Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
No. 11806
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>>11734 back again.
Here to answer myself, but for the good of future anons like me. Upon more research, I've compiled a to-read list within my personal preferences (no YA fiction, "classics.") Some or all of these works are likely not new to anyone already introduced and heavily into feminist (or just pro-woman) literature.
Christine de Pizan, The Book of the City of Ladies
Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth
Kate Chopin, The Awakening
Kate Chopin, The Story of an Hour
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway
Virginia Woolf, The Waves
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood
Dorothy M. Richardson, Pointed Roofs
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Valperga
Reading about some of these women, like Dorothy M. Richardson, makes me fucking sick at how they were, and still are, entirely robbed of recognition. In fact, I don't remember being taught about ANY female authors in high school.
No. 14785
>>11806This made me realize most of those are not even translated into my language. Angers me so much.
I'm interested into fantasy/sci-fi written by women that isn't for young adults. Women do really excell in YA fantasy now that I think about it, which is great but that's not my jam.
Someone I really admire in fantasy genre is N.K. Jemisin. Imagine writing a series and getting a Hugo award for your every book. Fucking amazing. I recommend The Broken Earth to anyone interested in the genre. For me, it's exceptional.
No. 14837
>>14817Read some short stories! There’s so many great ones and they’re an easy time commitment, most you can read in one sitting. I enjoy them a lot, I love it when something so brief can still pack a huge punch. I’m gonna sperg a bit, I apologize in advance.
Probably my favorite short story ever is The Manned Missiles by Kurt Vonnegut. It’s pretty underrated, I don’t really hear people ever mention it but I absolutely adore it. It’s written in the form of a letter, an American man writing to a Russian man during the Cold War, and the Russian’s response. It always brings a tear to my eye.
I also really like The Last Question by Asimov, but that’s so well known and I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve already read it. It is great though, one of those stories that sit with you for a while after reading it.
And I also adore Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx. The movie is pretty famous so I won’t give a summary but the original text it’s based on is fantastic. If you’ve seen the movie, it’ll be very familiar, Ang Lee did a great job staying faithful to the text. But the short story adds another layer of depth that film just can’t portray, so if you liked the movie, you gotta read the short story. (If you hated the movie… sorry, disregard this I guess haha)
No. 16787
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Any recommendations on nutrition/health books that are actually worth reading? Not try-this-diet type books. Currently reading pic related. It's basically a collection of anecdotes from a food lab and some tidbits about food psychology. Not a ton of substance, but the real-world examples make it interesting.
No. 20326
>>19841Pale Fire is my favorite book. Its very unusual, it starts with a fictional foreward, and then a poem, and then commentary on the poem (also fictional). Its presenting the poem as the final magnum opus of a recently deceased poet and the commentary is written by a deranged fan Charles Kinbote who is convinced the poem is actually about him. Well, kind of. It makes fun of terrible literary analysis, like you probably did in High School English Literature. The book has a very bizarre sense of humor, I think its possible to read it not realizing its supposed to have comedic elements, like I said, really bizarre. I don't want to give too much away, but the narrator/commentary is very unreliable. Was Zembla real? Was he actually friends with John Shade? Who was Kinbote really? I think I knew I loved the book when I got to the footnote where Kinbote talked about how that line in the poem reminded him of his sexy gardener.
I'd encourage you to give it a try. The book doesn't need to be read in order, so if the poem is dragging on you reading it straight through feel free to flip back and forth between the poem and the commentary.
No. 20572
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Finally read The Pisces and ended up really liking it. I didn't pick it up earlier as I expected an ironic, but still very much a cheesy, wish-fullfilment romance novel. I feel like the main subject of the story was not love, but depression and emotional emptiness. Felt like the author really nailed how women try to escape existential dread and boredom in the age of Tinder.
Give it a go if you also like problematic protagonists and can stomach non-graphic pet abuse/neglect.
Despite a ebook reader full of files, I don't know what to read now. This is hard. Tried So Sad Today but like most collections of essays it does nothing for me.
No. 20611
Made it one of my 2019 resolutions to start reading again. Thank based NYPL for SimplyE because I'm too cheap to spend my money on books.
>The Life Changing Magic of Tidying (Marie Kondo)
>Goodbye, Things (Fumio Sasaki)
>The Obamas (Jodi Kantor)
>Becoming (Michelle Obama)
>American Prison (Shaun Bauer)
>How Democracies Die (Daniel Zinblatt)
>The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck (Mark Manson)
>To Obama: With Love, Joy, Anger, and Hope (Jeanne Marie Laskas)
Currently waiting for my reservations on the following books:
>The Art of Imperfection (Brene Brown)
>Spark Joy (Marie Kondo)
>The Art of Discarding (Nagisa Tatsumi)
>Dreams from My Father (Barack Obama)
>The Audacity of Hope (Barack Obama)
>Of Thee I sing (Barack Obama)
I didn't really mean to pick up and read so many political books, especially about Obama, but it's especially funny to me that I did since I was a political science major but basically didn't do any of my readings lol. Pre-university I used to strictly read fiction on my own time, but now that I've graduated, the thought of reading fiction works is so unappealing to me, but I can't really figure out why. Probably going to be buying Anime: A History (Jonathan Clements) eventually since SimplyE doesn't have it. My university library had it and I took it out, but was never able to find the time to read it.
I'm down for any fiction recommendations because I want to try and get back into reading more fiction works, but also any historical recommendations would be appreciated too!
No. 22494
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started reading pic related, haven't gotten far so no spoilers kek!
but did it strike anyone else odd how the MC decided that enlisting a Nazi soldier to send a love note to a fellow concentration camp member is a good idea. like yeah, being there and being on death row has very few differences but why would you want to endanger a person you like even more than she is already endangered?
No. 25841
>>19841What do you guys think of Blood Meridian? I was stupid enough to let /lit/ convince me to buy it but I can't get past the first 30 or so pages.
He is so absolutely obsessed with violence, it's disgusting. I think I understand the point the author is trying to make but he's crossing the line into becoming the thing he's criticizing.
No. 31532
>>22494ok boiz, finally finished it, not bc I'm a slow reader but bc I was dreading having to pick it up again lol. it was not that good in short. it felt as if everyone in the book was aware of the mc being the mc.
he got to a position of relative privilege really fast and started an underground trading system with the outside, which ensured he could meet his gf on the reg and had to fo minimum amount of actual labour yet everyone wanted to help him. I guess this is due to it being based on a dude's retelling of his own life that the author failed to make less mc-centric if you know what I mean.
also the prose felt very bare bones and carried very little power. there was a bit where the mc had to
inspect the numbers of two bodies in a crematorium, you know, a room full with bodies essentially, but the atmosphere was as if he was comparing the prices of chicken fillets at the supermarket.idk fam, like 2/5, better off reading the book thief. no disrespect to the og Lale whose life this is based on, it's mostly on the author I think.
No. 31536
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>>29103If you want something dirt cheap and functional (and don't need to synchronise with amazon or a different store), I can honestly recommend any Tolino! This is a German brand of ebook readers, but you can get them on Aliexpress and they have English menus (there might be also available menus and dictionaries for your language, depending on where you are from). I've waited with buying an ebook reader for years because I've heard they are expensive and really regret not getting one earlier. My Tolino is the very first one, so it's very basic, but I know that you can get a newer one which even has a colorful screen (personally I didn't need this). The battery holds for very long, the internet browser is pretty shitty, but if you are in a pinch, it's enough to download an epub from vkontakte or whatever. Only downside is that it only accepts epubs and pdfs, but you can easily convert your mobis on a website in a few seconds, so that's not a problem. It also has an SD card slot, WIFI, light and a touchscreen. I've seen a list of comparable ebook readers from bigger companies and I was shocked how much you have to shell out for basic functions like that (at least USD 150??? I got mine for 50$, shipping included).
Again, keep in mind that I own Tolino Shine 1 which is the oldest one. The newer models should be even better.
No. 31547
>>31536This is perfect!
Thank you, anon. I see a couple for $52 on Aliexpress right now. Especially since I'm looking for an e-reader with a light, this is definitely one of the cheapest AND it's new. Gonna purchase this when I get paid next week.
No. 31562
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Ugggh, I'm 500 pages into this 750 page book and it won't go anywhere. It has a really strong set up weaving magic, quantum physics, and time travel together into an interesting story about a quest to bring magic (which has been dead since the 1860s) back. The book has devolved into blog, forum posts, logs, and journal entries for about 200 pages and very little has been accomplished. It's fucking frustrating.
The worst part is however that the authors keep trying to be historically accurate and have characters speak in ways that are "dated," but they clearly have no idea how people speak, especially not in 14th century Europe. The character who is the worst offender of this speaks like a snarky blogger, who just happen to use a few older terms.
As a whole it's been a frustrating reading experience, but I want to finish it since I've spent so much time on it.
No. 31582
>>31547>>31547I am glad that I was of some help! Hope you will enjoy your Tolino and that it serves you well.
I am so happy to finally not have to read on a smartphone…
Side note - I have checked the aliexpress offers and I would recommend getting one with a case (and a protect screen if you want), because it's difficult to find one that fits cause it's a small brand. I was able to buy a case at a local website but it was the only one. Better safe than sorry!
No. 32791
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>>8561So I've come around to reading again lately and I just finished Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I bought it years ago but never read it even though I'm a huge fan of the movie/tv show.
Now I'm not so sure what to pick up next, I guess I liked reading a classic and since I'm not a native speaker it was fun to read "difficult" English. I liked the historic feel of the dialogue.
Any recommendations for something similar? I wanted to check out other Jane Austen books also but which ones do anons recommend?
Besides that I'm a huge fan of terror and when I was young I mostly read Stephen King novels. I'm currently filling my "reading time" with some Lovecraft's short stories.
Also lol at another anon JUST sharing Mr. Darcy in the Husbandos thread. Such timing!
No. 32798
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>>32791Sorry but I need to share this one too lol I love Kate Beaton so much.
No. 32829
>>32791>currently filling my "reading time" with some Lovecraft's short stories.That's funny, me too. Just finished The Call of Cthulhu, now on The Whisperer in Darkness.
I'd recommend Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (real comfy historical read,) Little Men by the same if you enjoyed it, The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, and of course Sense and Sensibility and anything by the Brontë sisters.
No. 36334
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Sorry to bump this thread even though I miss it but were any other anons big on THG years ago? Dystopian YA novels are my guilty pleasure, so sue me, but I'm stoked for the prequel coming out next year.
No. 36349
>>35666>Why do people like The Name of the Wind so much?Anon, you answered yourself:
>It's like a shitty Harry Potter in a fantasy world with an insufferable Gary Stu main characterI would add "except Harry Potter gets to bone all kinds of hot women, even immortal sex goddesses".
I used to have a weeb beta male online sort of friend, sort of boyfriend that was obsessed with those shitty books and considered them a pinnacle of a literature. Of course Denna reminded him of a girl he crushed on as a 13 y/o and that he was still obsessed with ten years later despite her breaking contact with him like a year into their friendship.
It's amazing that scrots that consider themself supersmart and wiser than most people still fall for crappy wish fullfilment novels cause they make their boners and egos tingle.
>>36334I am so excited! I love this series even though I usually don't like YA literature, I hope the prequel will be good.
No. 39548
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I'm re-reading The Fisherman by John Langan. I read it over two years ago and it's really stuck with me. Really creepy and eerie book about love, and loss, and the Leviathan.
No. 39649
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just read The Secret History (technically a re-read, but I was 13 the first time I read it and retained none of it). Didn't think I'd enjoy a story about privileged college kids being evil but it was pretty good. My fascination with Ancient Greece probably helped. Continuing the Greek theme I started The Song of Achilles but I'm not in love with the writing style and it's really just making me want to read the Iliad again lol.
No. 39662
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I've been reading Things on Jars, by Jess Kidd, this past week.
It's about snail eating Merrows, Irish folklore death mermaids, stolen death bodies, early butcher style medicine in London, criminal limping nannies, corrupt doctors, detectives and ghost boxer bfs.
The protagonist is an awesome Sherlock Holmes style detective, and also doctor on the side, that used to work as a Resurrection man when she was a kid, the people that stole cadavers and sold them to medicine students and teachers, and is investigating the kidnap of a strange 6 year old girl from her recluse anatomic novelties collector "father" with the help of her huge muscular maid and the ghost of a handsome boxer who claims to know her.
The atmosphere is very Gothic and even better, story wise, than Kidd's last book, The Hoarder.
>>39650Sorry anon, I only lurk on GR.
No. 39664
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Currently reading redder than blood. New spins on fairy tales.
No. 39706
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Started reading this, am like 1/4 in and have a feeling the entire book is gonna be the same as so far but I don't mind. It gives me the same sorta disorientated feeling reading Nesbiths Enchanted castle gave me when I was in primary school (yes, I know, a bit out there comparison lol), it's weirdly cosy.
No. 39740
>>39650I have one, but all I read are sci-fi novels so we probably have nothing in common.
I really just use it to track stuff, not for discussion.
No. 42158
>>42134Where are you from anon? I'm curious because I was in high school from 2011 to 2015 in the rural northwest in the US and never experienced a reader fever amongst teens I knew. Certainly people didn't carry around books to show off, I can't imagine that in a school in the US. Reading for fun was solidly for nerds and even the nerds didn't read a whole lot because they had video games to play. I actually remember when I was 14, I was friends with an older student (he was 18) who me and my friends all thought was hot. He was kind of a typical country boy/stoner type. One time he rode our bus and instead of sitting by his friends he sat down alone and pulled out a pretty large book which he was pretty deep into and read for the entire bus trip. I thought he was more attractive after that but all of my friends found it to be a massive turn-off.
As for YA trends, I feel like I've seen an uptick in fantasy, especially high fantasy and fairy tales (though I don't read a ton of YA admittedly so I dunno if that's totally accurate). If it is I'd imagine it'd due to the popularity of Game of Thrones.
No. 42210
>>42158I'm from Spain, I went to high school from 2012 to 2018. The "fever" had its peak in 2016 maybe? After that year, my classmates cooled down that attitude, some of them still read YA novels but not as much.
And yeah, reading was popular only between teen/pre-teen girls who got introduced to "The Fault in Our Stars", Blue Jeans' books (spanish author, his novels have cheesy/cringey romance plots) and The Hunger Games/Divergent/etc.
Boys didn't read at all.
It may be that this only happened in Spain. I thought other countries experienced this "social phenomenon" too. Some Spanish booktubers from that time don't review books anymore, instead focused on talking about celebrities and "tea". It's fascinating.
No. 42595
>>42210I experienced this as well, I used to exchange books with lots of my classmates and sometimes actually get something good and not just cringy romance or a Dan Brown book. We even got in trouble for reading them during class.
I feel like a granny saying this but kids these days definitely don't read books as much as my generation did. None of my kid relatives read. At all.
For reference I finished high school in 2014
No. 42693
>>42158Just recently graduated myself and in my school (in Sweden), reading was mostly a girls' thing. Only the geeky/nerdy girls would actively read for fun, everyone else would read the popular books that were made into movies, like The Fault in Our Stars, The Maze Runner and Call Me By Your Name. I read a lot of YA and as
>>42158 mentioned, there are a hell of a lot of high fantasy series right now, one of the most popular authors being Sarah J. Maas.
No. 42699
Currently reading the Sufferings of Young Werther by Goethe, and I’ve never read any fancy classic literature so wish me luck. I might have to google the Wikipedia during my reading because I have a tiny brain
Also to this Anon
>>42693 Throne of Glass series is really bad, cliche and predictable. The Mary Sue self-insert is so obvious. I heard it gets better near the end of the series but I’ve only read the first 3. I recommend Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue and Emerald Green to people who like easy reads. It’s such a fun YA book with time travel and historical dress like Rococo period clothing. Idk if anyone here likes that stuff, but as a nerdy teen, I breezed through those books within a week.
No. 59351
>>59350It's so hard to stay focused. The spiraled text, the back and forth storyline, the annotations. It's a challenge. The main story about the hallway is great and always stuck with me but the rest of it was really bad imo. I've always wanted to reread it because I thought it was genuinely creepy but I can't get through that nonsense a second time. Maybe I could just skip it and read the plot about the house.
A little off topic but the author's sister is the singer Poe. The album "Haunted" was inspired by her brother's book among other things. Great album. One of the songs has the line, "I live at the end of a 5 and a half minute hallway" referencing the book. Other things too but I don't want to spoil anything.
No. 62724
>>62519I just finished it. That was one stressful as fuck book. I probably won't be watching the movie lol.
although I hate how it didn't say if Luke ever made it out of the woods or not. I'm just assuming he dies I guess.Also the book the Wicker Man is based on is also called Ritual. That's how I found out about this book actually, when I was googling that book. They have similar-ish plots too.
No. 63907
>>63781>>63788The book itself has always been listed as a work of historical fiction, not an actual memoir. People get hung up on "Memiors" but really never been considered such at all. Iirc , Mineko Iwasaki was just one of several women he interviewed for inspiration. He took many elements from her actual, personal story and incorporated them into his own fictional work. The problem arose when he decided, against her wishes and contract, to put her in the "honorable mentions" which caused her reputation as a geisha to be severely damaged. There is a strict culture or "code" of secrecy in geisha life and to violate that is dishonorable, if you will. She also tried to discredit him in that he was historically incorrect, specifically regarding the practice of Mizuage. However there are lots of sources that show Mizuage was practiced widely up until the late 50's. And even afterwards, illegally. Most of that bout had to do with saving her reputation. Because so many elements mirrored her actual experiences, many assumed that since her name was involved all the questionable/illegal/immoral things that happen to the fictional main character, Nitta Sayuri, also happened to Mineko Iwasaki. Mr. Golden had a degree in Japanese Art and Japanese History, and traveled the continent frequently to learn about the culture before writing the book, including interviewing several current or former geisha. As it goes historically, the man isnt a geisha but he did his best to understand it to his ability and write an interesting piece of historical fiction. So it may not be the most "accurate" picture of a geisha but it -is- a work of fiction, and still very well researched. My concern with the book has always been that he ruined a womans reputation. It was a shitty thing to do but for the same reason I love H.P. Lovecraft's work, I still enjoy his book.
No. 66911
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currently reading flea's acid for the children, his biography. its not bad tbh
No. 69780
>>69647I tried to go for 12 this year and only got 9.
I'll try it again next year, maybe go for shorter books first.
No. 69898
>>69647I'm going to aim for 52 this year again. I try this every year but I still only end up with around 25-30 each time.
>>69840I find that the yearly lists of books eligible for the Man Booker prize are good lists for adult fiction to check out. You can search up the past year lists on goodreads or somewhere like that. I've got no fantasy recommendations though unfortunately.
No. 70720
>>63781I just finished that book and I really liked it! I tend to take auto-biographies with a grain of salt, and usually read them without judging the situation, just as if it was a work of fiction.
The book is an easy read. The English is simple and I enjoyed the descriptions of the rituals, costumes and the society in general.
No. 71274
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>>69905Angela Carter - The Bloody Chamber
>Dark, twisted renditions of classic fairytales. All her books are fucked up and weird but this is a good starting point.Olga Tokarczuk - Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead
>Fantastic and strange thriller with an eccentric outcast narrator. All her books are greatTove Jansson - The True Deceiver
>I fucking love this book. Woman tries to get rich by needling her way into the life of a reclusive storybook illustrator. Themes about the social masks we put on for other people. also a quick readRyu Murakami - In the Miso Soup
>Supremely fucked up and sleazy book about japanese red light districts. Narrator is a guide for sex tourists and slowly descends into paranoia, thinking his client is a serial killer. Commentary on dysfunctional japanese culture, xenophobia and misogyny No. 71280
>>71274Thank you so much for your reply! I will get all of these. Your taste sounds absolutely based, Anon
>>71278I am in the same boat as you! There are some great recs throughout the thread
No. 71287
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>>71278>>71280No problem! I'm trying to read more too. Here's some more dark and twisted shit:
Jose Donoso - The Obscene Bird of Night
>Easily the strangest book I have ever read. Early "magical realist" book about the existential nightmare of losing your identity and becoming a monster. Mixes the Chilean imbunche myth with a hallucinatory tone and a cast of freakish charactersSylvina Ocampo - Thus Were Their Faces: Selected Stories
>Weird gothic stories that feel like magical folktales. Another forerunner to the magical realist movement, her work is just starting to get translated.Leonora Carrington - The Hearing Trumpet
>A surrealist mystery story, basically Alice in Wonderland on even more acid and starring a 92 year old woman. Ageism against older women is a major theme. Overlooked classic imoSadegh Hedayat - The Blind Owl
>I literally don't even know what the fuck. Iranian nightmare fuel classic and one of the first modern Iranian novels to gain traction in the west. Man hallucinates about death and confesses to murder. Quick and disturbing read No. 76496
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I work as a bookseller and my boss kept shoving
My Dark Vanessa into my hands for weeks before I took it with me to an out-of-state work conference. She knew it'd resonate with me given her after-the-fact knowledge of >>77965. I didn't realize until three days ago that it also made me think of >>517262 and now I'm processing that.
I've never read a book wherein I felt so
seen. I cried for most of it, probably six times as I devoured it over the span of 2 days. I was in awe the entire time, thinking that somehow Kate Elizabeth Russell had read 15-onward me's thoughts. My ARC of it is annotated to hell and back, since I underlined every line or passage that hit me hard. It's even more impressive given that it is Kate Elizabeth Russell's life's work and debut. I love a book that's a fictionalized autobiography (
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong is another favorite of mine) – suspicions of this proven after reading this Vulture article today:'m not one for book clubs but I regularly rec books for them and this is going to be one of my go-to's for the year after March 10. Russell poses important questions and criticisms toward the #MeToo movement that could be an hour's worth of debate on their own, let alone the conversations her work's starting regarding the lengths we'll go to protect
abusive men, trauma, school systems, etc. It's such a layered, honestly flawless book imo – and it better be, she worked on it for almost two decades. I cannot wait to hold the final copy in a few weeks.
No. 76539
>>76496I won't lie, I want to read it now. I am confused why there are plenty of reviews on goodreads already if it comes out on the 10th of March? Did that many people already got advanced copies?
I hope OP is not a marketing shill for this book. The hype around it is weird, feels artificial.
No. 76625
>>76574Have you guys read Excavation? I am doing it now (I don't believe MDV is a rip-off, I just wanted the same topic). I love how the author is honest about how she perceived the grooming as a positive thing when it started. It should be a no-brainer as it's literally how it works, but it's such a tabu people don't want to talk/hear about.
It's uplifting for me that the author of MDV worked on the book for 20 years, makes me feel less shitty about taking long with my novel about similar topic. Her apparent connection to Stephen King worries me tho (did it affect her novel being published or not?)
No. 76628
>>76625OP of MDV review, here: King and Russell are from the same part of Maine, so that's probably where that comes in. HC could've also paid him to blurb it, but we'll never know. Even back when I read it in September, it had glowing reviews from the likes of Gillian Flynn.
I'm trying to get my hands on
Excavation now, while rereading my years-old copy of
Tiger, Tiger. Ortiz already put a bad taste in my mouth with her misplaced anger directed at Russell, but
I'll read anything that sort of comforts me since realizing >>>517262 upon getting a new hire that looks just like him, taught the same subject, and is the same age. Obviously abusers tend to use the same tactics across the board, and no one really has a monopoly on stories of abuse. It's abhorrent that Russell had to release a statement divulging even a little bit of her own abuse to get Twitter off her back. All because another author was pissed that she didn't get a seven-figure advance on her book she was trying to get picked up way before #MeToo. The big publishers are always trying to cash in on works that have to do with hot sociological or political topics, and Russell just happened to start submitting MDV around that time. If she'd done so back in 2013/14 like Ortiz, she would've had to go with a tiny publisher as well.
No. 76629
>>76628Samefag but— holy shit, I cannot for the life of me figure out why my posts from other threads aren't linking correctly.
Sage for user idiocy despite having posted here for years.
No. 76631
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>>76628>>76628I fucking love Tiger, Tiger and I am so endlessly thankful for Margeaux Fragoso's bravery. I wanted to punch someone when I read reviews and thinkpieces by men (of course) saying she must have wanted it as a 10 y/o child and that she is crying now while she enjoyed the relationship with a pedophile her whole life until his suicide. Yeah. Let that sink in.
Here is a link to an epub of Excavation. Enjoy. Buy the book on Amazon if you like it and want to support the author. another memoir on the same topic is coming out in March (I think?). Pic related. Looking forward to reading it as well.
No. 76634
>>76633>>76631Samefag but thank you so much for the epub of
Excavation! I downloaded it and I'm gonna start reading it on my break. I'll probably never get a physical copy since Small Press Distribution has harsh policies and discounts for us — so it's great to have an e-copy.
No. 76648
>>76633>>76634Ahh, I was not sure about the release date and was too lazy to check. Thanks for clarifying!
>Since Small Press Distribution has harsh policiesAre you not allowed to buy books elsewhere? It's very new to me, I have no idea how working for. Amazon also sells the digital copy which is probably same thing as what I provided. I am mentioning this in case you want to pay the author to support her. Would love to buy it, but I am an Eurofag and literally have to pay 4 times more than an amerifag in comparison (as my local currency is weak in comparison to dollar). I wish it was published here.
No. 76649
>>76648It's not as though I'm shackled to buying from my store, it's more that I get a hefty discount. Though, I'd sooner buy
Excavation from Amazon at this point, than irritate my bosses. I'm still gonna read the e-copy first and then decide.
No. 77233
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i'm reading taking it to the streets
amazing collection of 1960s activism covering a whole lot of aspects
then Abina and the Important Men. does great history. it's a historical novel that doesn't consider itself fiction. it's a graphic novel based off of one legal record of a woman named Abina who was enslaved in West Africa. she escapes to a free British territory. her master comes back for her, and she goes to court to settle her enslavement status.
No. 77276
>>77233I feel like I'm having a stroke.
Anon, are you high, ESL or a bot?
No. 77599
>>77417taking it to the streets, TITTS. just being a 14 year old boy laughing at this
"does great history"? i mean like it is based off of one record of one woman's court document, the craft that the historians behind it do to receive and put together this information is impressive and good history. as opposed to bad history, like Lincoln on Race and Slavery by Henry Louis Gates, Jr
i'd like to be a bot though
No. 78613
>>78612I have been through grooming and for that reason have a deep interest in art exploring the topic (I've been writing my own novel for years as well). This is not a new topic for me. At the moment I'm finding MDV underwhelming and overhyped by the publisher and media (but I am only 50 pages in, so that might change). It doesn't seem like it's going to say anything new on the topic or in a partucularly emotionally engaging way. I think it's a good book for people that have no experience with grooming, especially normies with misconceptions, because it walks you through the entire experience and lets you see how the
victim feels and thinks.
I doubt I will read another novel by this author. Her writing does the job, but that's it. MDV feels like a Very Special Episode, except for adults. From how
>>76496 was gushing, I expected something better and more heartbreaking (don't get me wrong, the heroine's experience is heartbreaking, but the way it's written about just doesn't move me).
If you like it and would want something similar, check out Emily Maguire's Taming the Beast (not saying it's better than MDV, as I read it over 10 years ago, but it's similar and possibly more gutwrenching).
No. 78911
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>>78518im two thirds into this and it reads like fan fiction. very basic language even to me who is not a native english speaker. the dramatic scenes are very stale and anticlimactic. the sex scenes (which are way too frequent) are straight up erotica sprinkled with unconvincing "uwu im dissociating" tumblr shit. very frustrating to read as she is literally always initiating the sex, not even having a bad time and then going "did i just get raped????". maybe i would be more moved and sympathetic towards the mc if the writing was better, or at least if the characters had some emotional depth. i can't believe it took her 20 years to write this shit.
i feel like there's a thousand books with the same plot that are much better. if anyone is interested i would highly recommend the faculty of dreams by swedish author sara stridsberg. probably a fun read for all you twauma horny bpgfags, although i can't vouch for the quality of the english translation
No. 78921
>>78873>>78872What was the community? Any proof?
I wonder if she fucked her teacher or was it some twisted fantasy.
>>78911>probably a fun read for all you twauma horny bpgfagsI am sorry but what the fuck. No need to armchair diagnose your fellow anons.
Thanks for the rec though.
How was the heroine initiating where the old fart pretty much coerced her into taking her virginity? I haven't focused on the sex scenes but I don't remember her being proactive. Maybe in meeting him because of some trauma bond, but not fucking. Especially 2/3 into the book.
I agree that the writing is very basic, it makes it difficult to connect. The novel is overrated AF.
I do like the part where the heroine confesses to being obsessed with consuming media that tell similar story to hers as well as writing short story about the teacher.
No. 78922
>>78612 and after having finished the book I'd give it like a 2/5. As other anons said the writing was pretty basic and I feel that it could have been much shorter. I do like that it helped me empathize with
victims of this, though. When I was in high school I had nothing but disdain for a girl in my class who fucked a teacher because he was old and gross and I couldn't see why she'd do it besides for attention but now I understand the kind of situation she might have been in.
>>78911>she is literally always initiating the sex, not even having a bad time and then going "did i just get raped????"did we read the same book?? at one point the teacher literally wakes her up in the middle of the night to take her virginity after telling her earlier they would take it slow, and she cries during it.
No. 80403
>>76496 and I'm rereading MDV for the first time since October. I agree with various anons, now, that it could've been shorter You're right in that the writing isn't purple prose, but I dislike flowery prose as it is. I didn't care much about the rest of her high school years beyond the internet pedos aspect, which was only interesting to me since I'm 21 and never went through that.
The secondary characters were flat, and I'd liked to have known more about her relationship with the angry/disappointed ex-boyfriend at the beginning.
However, as someone who was groomed by a teacher in my teens and then involved with a different terrible older man a year later, I understand why Henry (professor) and the ex, and even Taylor weren't fleshed out. Everything is from Vanessa's point of view, and when she's not inebriated, Strane takes over nearly every thought. It makes sense why they were one-dimensional.
I do admire the fact that we never
see Vanessa "completely healed," if you will. But I also think the ending was rushed and KER was floundering a bit after
Strane's suicide.
Like someone else said, I liked how Vanessa admitted you becoming obsessed with age-gap media because I was very much the same and I think it's natural to gravitate towards that when you're young and missing that person who shaped your whole world and it's normalized to you.
As for the anon
>>78911 irritated at the dissociating during sex scenes, the questioning whether it was rape or not — that happens. It happened with me quite often, sorry that it's uncomfortable and you seemed to think it's dramatic. I hope you never experience it.
No. 80425
>>80403I did not like how the suicide part was clearly lifted from the much more striking (and horrifying, obviously as it is a real story) Tiger, Tiger. I usually have no problem with writers being inspired by real life (that's the only way to make a fiction that is not based on cliches and is well-grounded), but MDV read sometimes like a hodge-podge of a few older books. Especially in the suicide part. Maybe because it was not examined in depth it didn't work for me and made me think of the direct inspiration behind the plot point.
I agree that the ending was good and realistic tbh.
No. 80697
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Does anyone have hammy hyper girly YA books reccomendations?
im trying to keep my head off serious stuff with all that covid shit and oh god will i have enough money for groceries next week? dilemmas.
No. 80821
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>>80697Oh anon, how I wish someone would reply to you! Your post reminded me of back when I was a young teen and binging on Meg Cabot novels (mainly The Princess Diaries). I don't really read girly, chick lit books. You have awakened a craving for a quality series like that. I know there are plenty of novels like that but I don't wanna waste my time with crap. I want addictive shit with interesting characters (and maybe lots of drama lmfao).
Pic related is not exactly what you want (it is social drama/thriller), but it is girly and enjoyable IMHO. Maybe give it a shot if you don't mind some murder thrown into the story.
No. 81816
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Recently read bonjour tristesse and while I don't relate to the characters at all,I really liked how the main character was obviously shown to be a disillusioned confused teenager in her circumstances.The most impressive thing to me was how the author,who was barely an adult when the book came out,managed to write in such a mature tone and describe such concepts and emotions
No. 84184
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Started rereading how to read a book as a way to improve my analytical and comprehension skills it has some pretty good tips when it comes to getting more out of what you read
No. 86118
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>>86107It doesn't necessarily cover medieval history only but I found this book to be a nice introduction to history in general as it gives an overview of everywhere and what everyone was up to at different times.
No. 86121
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I just purchased this book today and immediately started reading it. I got to the first page and had to stop myself because I knew I’d finish this in a day or two. My anatomy professor recommended this book to me. He said that it talks about human cadavers value and the bodies decomposing process.
No. 86380
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I am not exaggerating when I saw that is the most evil book I have read in my life, no matter what race, gender or religion you belong to this book completely defiles all your Ideals and insults them, I can't comprehend the type of Human shit that wrote this
No. 86481
>>86380>>86391I somewhat like this book cause it feels like it was written by a pseudo-intellectual anime villain,
this extract is literally Fathers line from FMA brotherhood
>It is not improbable that this earth itself is a living breathing organism and that the Tribes of Man are microbes and bloodsucking vermin (on its outer cuticle) imagining themselves “the whole thing.” Just as itch-creating parasites burrow into our own hide, so (in our turn) we may be unpleasant parasites, burrowing in the hide of some nobler and grander Being. No. 86509
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Read it. Loved it.
No. 86518
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Finished The Magician by William Maugham back in February and I'm still thinking about it today. Some parts were slow, but it was all worth it in the end.
Also I started reading Discworld again and finally took a liking to it. Maybe I needed to grow up after everyone was pressuring me to read when I was a teen.
No. 86520
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I strongly recommend reading anything by Gustav Meyrink. I've just reread "Walpurgis Night" which I absolutely adore, also can suggest "The Angel of the West Window" and "The Golem". The stories are so captivating and atmospheric, and the way he describes things is just perfect, I can easily imagine what he's writing about.
No. 87136
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>>86107i would suggest pic related along with his other works on the subject
No. 87298
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just finished reading the circle. throughout the whole book i just kept going "what the fuck, noooo" because i couldn't believe how everyone just went along with this transparency on the internet bs.
No. 87349
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Most disappointing, taxing read in a long time.
No. 87613
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I got Mark Twain's "the Mysterious Stranger" for Christmas last year because I heard of the claymation movie, then I learned that the book questioned God and religion a lot so I thought I'd read it. So far it's super interesting. There are so many perspectives on life and religion by the many characters, now I'm not opposed to religion at all but it's an interesting discussion. The character Satan is very well written, and it's hard to dislike him even though he shows many evil sides. All of his wrong deeds are justified through him not having a so called "Moral Sense", the ability to tell right from wrong. As an angel he obviously looks down on humans and is not afraid to compare humans to mere insects, yet he still goes out of his way to help the characters. The book just holds many different theories and discussions on life and aaaaaa it's such an interesting read, I can definitely recommend it.
No. 87618
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Read Bunny, last week.
It's a real trip, kind of Mean girls, but in literature grad school, + The Craft.
It's weird as fuck but I kind of love it and it has an actually good twist ending.
No. 89888
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Im so excited for this! Anyone else planning on reading it?
No. 90032
>>89888So Hunger Games and Twilight are both getting new installments? Man I really hoped we'd be living this YA crap in the 2010s.
>>90012Well it's a little politically incorrect but there's this book I read a while ago called "Lies We Tell Ourselves." It's an interracial lesbian romance set in the late fifties when they first desegregated schools. It's written by a woman.
No. 90193
>>90041Hunger Games is a prequel to set up the world more
Twilight installment is gonna be Twilight from Edward's POV
No. 91703
>>90012Djuna Barnes - Nightwood is a classic modernist novel and one of the earliest written by an out lesbian. It's a bit avant-garde and can be difficult to parse (one character is known for pages and pages of unbroken semi-coherent rambling), but it deals with heartbreak in a very moving way imo.
There are a lot of beautiful lines:
>Nora will leave that girl some day; but though those two are buried at opposite ends of the earth, one dog will find them both.>There's something evil in me that loves evil and degradation–purity's black backside! That loves honesty with a horrid love; or why have I always gone seeking it at the liar's door? No. 91761
>>91703>beautiful lines>There's something evil in me that loves evil and degradation–purity's black backside! That loves honesty with a horrid love; or why have I always gone seeking it at the liar's door?Wow.
This reads like babby's first purple prose.
No. 92080
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Just finished Erin Morgenstern's The Starless Sea. Good for people who like super pretty flowery writing, anime-esque characters with exotic hair colors, and yaoi. Unfortunately, the plot is somewhat nonsensical. An interesting read nonetheless.
No. 92779
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>>92685I think both The Goldfinch and The Secret History by Donna Tartt have themes like that, but I wouldn’t call them romances. Have you ever read any VC Andrews? Don’t touch the ghost writer stuff but I love the first two Dollanganger books.
No. 92796
>>92779Maybe Secret History could skate by with a melancholy romance description though it's very much not the focus.
Hopefully that's vague, mainly I just want to second your recommendation. It's a good book.
No. 97093
>>97083I hated this movie so much and was mad cause I wanted to love it! Gave away a copy of my novel too, coupdn't get into it no matter how hard I tried. I really like the plot idea but somehow the execution doesn't work for me.
How do you feel about the movie and the book?
No. 97103
>>97093Movie was fast paced and had a few plot changes in the book,
Tommy never bought Kathy the tape while they were kids at Hailsham the kids remain 10-11 years old prior to the teenage years while the book features more people and teachers rather than the headmistress, madame and Miss Lucy,
Kathy has many sexual partners to feel the void of not being with Tommy - from WikipediaI’m not completely (no pun intended) done with the book so I don’t have a lot of info rn, I’ll come back and write more when I can!
No. 97165
>>97141I read it a while back, it's a fun braindead book if you ignore the bad stuff, not the worst but not the best. I read it when I was in highschool and before i found knew much about the author himself who was and is still insufferable. Just don't think too deep on it and you should be fine.
>>97144Same, or mermaid lore fantasy/sci fi tbh, those are the only two good ones I've found that touch on it which sucks because I wish someone more creative than me could easily whip up a really cool story or society or just the science and dangers of mermaids and humans clashing or just mermaids vs mermaids who knows im just a 5 year old little kid obsessed with mermaids at heart (or most fantasy creatures)
speaking off, anyone know any good books on dragon shit
No. 97180
>>97165Why read a scrote boner powerfantasy when you can read something actually good or at least appealing to your fantasies?
As you said Rothfuss is insuferable, he doesn't deserve anons wasting time on his crap. I would take the book straight back to a bookstore. If OP wants to give it a shot so bad, she can pirate kek
No. 97488
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I've heard from some people that this book is dark and good example of YA… they were all wrong
Its called The poppy wars and Its basically a world war 2 revenge fantasy against the Japanese as a fantasy YA book.
The author literally ripps accounts from the Rape of Nanking to write her book and so their are graphic scenes with depictions of whole scale slaughter
but at the same time stars a spunky teenage girl who gets her first period, hates it and goes to the school nurse who gives her a potion that causes her UTERUS to disappear. This is a 14 year old girl and the adult teacher decided a magical hysterectomy was the first solution.
The book ends with the super special protagonist wiping out the Japan Proxy… like the whole country and all the innocent citizens.
its really awful
No. 97492
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>>97489well in the book the countries aren't our right called China and Japan, Japan is the Nikara Empire which is an Imperial Asian nation with Japanese influences and China is the Mugen federation which is basically just mid 20-th century china
but that's just it, other then the name change its clearly just China and Japan
No. 97597
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Christ, do not read this book during the pandemic. Instead of an infectious coronavirus, the story explores a blindness disease that strikes everyone that comes in contact with the infected person.
Fucking terrifying. Still good.
No. 97658
>>97608Psychology books I've read:
- The Man who Mistook His Wife For A Hat by Oliver Sacks
- Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
- The Gift by Marcel Mauss (more of a sociology/anthropology book, still interesting)
- The Lucifer Effect by Phillip Zimbardo
If you want something classic, try Freud's work, i.e. Civilization and It's Discontents or The Interpretation of Dreams. Carl Jung is more esotheric and his writing wasn't as enjoyable as Freud's, imo.
No. 97912
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Finished reading A Gentleman in Moscow last night. It's about a Count who gets sentenced to house arrest by the new communist government in Russia for writing a poem. Since he was staying at a hotel during the time of his arrest, he is essentially forced to spend the rest of his life at that hotel, and sleep in a tiny dingy room. The story follows his life at the hotel for the next thirty years.
The language used in this book is very flowery and descriptive, with a lot of detail going into the Count's thoughts and feelings.
Basically, think "The Suite Life of Zach and Cody" but instead of two little boys, it's a grown man. And instead of modern day America, it's Soviet Russia.
No. 98114
>>98108Love her to pieces! I've read most of her books. Honestly they are so well written and were so relatable. I love her type of heroine - a smart social outcast with a passion. Recently I felt like rereading some of her books, they are so comforting.
It makes me sad that nowadays she would get canceled for her books not featuring PoCs and LGBT kids (well, she tackled homophobia pretty well in the Kiss, but the guy was 'only' bi lmfao). She portrayed the lives of troubled children so well and didn't talk down to her readers.
No. 98317
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Just finished this last night. I devoured it (no pun intended) in maybe 2 days, if that. At times it felt a bit like an adult Wintergirls, only much more nuanced and with less purple – though still gorgeous – prose. I adored the voice of the MC, Rose – her dry humor, the intensity of her emotions, . It's hard for a book to make me laugh but this one got me a few times. I started reading it with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised by the number of issues related to womanhood that were tackled. Definitely not just another eating disorder novel despite that being the main theme. Unfortunately, many of the reasons I enjoyed it veer into spoiler territory but I'll list them if anyone's interested.
No. 98383
>>98349It's a weak self help book imo. I didn't find it useful or empowering. He seems to have weird baseless convictions and an extremely pessimistic worldview.
I'd suggest something like "Feeling Good" if you are looking for a self-help/psychology book with scientifically sound methods. It is a commitment with a lot of thought exercises and not an easy read compared to JP's babblings but much more helpful.
No. 98398
>>98336Rose is
a deeply closeted lesbian and though this is hinted at to be the root cause of her anorexia, there's never one thing to be blamed. She is also unabashedly against
BDSM and male doms. While not explicitly stated, it seemed like she had either
autism or BPD. Mood swinger, intense, socially inept, clingy/obsessive with a specific person? Unstable sense of self, hyperfixations, self-harm? Check.
Realistic portrayal of
dissociation, internalized homophobia and misogyny, A/N recovery.The
enabling, friendship
/relationship!! between
Jemima/Mim and Rose is what reminded me of Wintergirls. Mim's character development and tenderness really struck a chord with me. Their
proana meetings at the cafe? Hit me hard.
Diet culture woo hippies that just so happen to be IG famous? So, so accurate.
The painfully awkward and detailed comp-het bit. At times I wondered if he was even real.
Complicated, distant relationship with both parents.
Art as a form of self-care and/or therapy.
No. 98425
>>98353I'm not. I know he's controversial, but that doesn't necessarily mean that his book is completely void of value
>>98383Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the rec, kind anon!!
No. 98624
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This is the worst and most edgiest, mary sue OC, dark remaining book I have ever read
It feels like it belongs on AOU but this is an actual published book that got a squeal and prequel, like just read these descriptions of the characters
>Dorothy is no longer the sweet, kind-hearted farm girl of The Wizard Of Oz. Now she is a highly sexualized, power-hungry tyrant who has ruined Oz, sapping the land of most of its magic. Her frequent mood swings and cruel punishments leave her subjects constantly on edge. Though she donned silver shoes during her first time in Oz, she now wears ruby slippers given to her by Glinda that she never takes off, which are the source of both her power and corruption.
>No longer satisfied with the brains given to him by the Wizard, the Scarecrow performs barbaric experiments on winged monkeys and takes bits of their brains for himself.
>Tin Woodman: His tin body is now monstrous, with knives for fingers
and this is the protagonist btw
>The story's protagonist. Amy lives a rough life, such as living with her alcoholic, pill-popping mother and being bullied in school. She's swept out of Kansas with her mother's pet rat, Star, and into Oz by a cyclone. Her sarcastic attitude gets her into trouble from time to time. Working alongside the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked, Amy has been trained as an assassin to take down Dorothy
No. 98657
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>>98418>>98426I watched a video about the novel for IT compared to the movies and spoilers but
having Beverly be the only not like the other girls type of character was terrible. Not to mention, her sexual abuse by her father.. It's so tiring and lazy. What's even WORSE is the whole 'we must unite' thing where she basically fucks the other children to get rid of IT. i … cannot fathom this. That paragraph made me skin crawl. It's not even horror, just pure disgust that King would write out a pretty graphic scene with underaged kids having sex. No. 98719
>>98683If you're willing to give a foreign author a try
I'd recommend Ryu Murakami, especially if you're into the more gorey body horror kind of horror.
No. 98781
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Started reading this book after someone tossed it around on a political podcast. The author was a mentor to Bill Clinton and the book is a staple in cospiracy theory literature, although almost a hundred pages in it's still mostly political history.
I'm enjoying it, hopefully I will finish it in a month or two.
No. 99074
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Am I just getting too old for young adult novels or did this book kind of suck?
I had high expectations, because people were raving about it, and it has a lot of elements I like in novels - a whimsical setting, romance, fantastical writing.
But the actual book fell so flat for me. I love romance but this book was way too much horny insta-love for me - we were beat over our heads again and again with thirst tweets about the male co-lead "his brown muscles glimmeredddd" and "He was such a bad boy but OH SO GOODDD" and goofy nonsensical similes like "His scent was like darkness, sin, like the way cinnamon tastes at a funeral" (not a real quote but it may as well be.)
Also the heroine had some form of magic or something where emotions had colors, which got really annoying for some reason. Crap like "Her curiosity was coated in a cerulean blue like a shimmering ocean" (also not real but you get the point.)
No. 99077
>>92779My Sweet Audrina, which is her last book, is also the shit. We passed that around the bus until everyone had read it and my friend's mom was so pissed because we wrecked the cover. I love the covers on those old V.C. Andrews books.
V.C. Andrews was kind of a weird interesting woman, she was so obsessed with writing stories about incest. Her first sale was to a True Confessions type magazine with a story about a girl who was into fucking her uncle. Wasn't she also in a wheelchair?
I often wondered if she was a proto-munch. I know she fell down a flight of stairs at school and had 'crippling arthritis' but falling down stairs doesn't cause arthritis.
The ghost writer is a dude and of course he can't do that awesome purple prose the way she could. I really love the Dollanganger/Audrina books. They're super bizarre in the best way.
No. 99080
>>98426I actually think his character work is solid, but I love Salem's Lot, so I'm biased.
He has ghost writers now, and was already relying on them heavily at the time of Cell. He hasn't been able to write anything since he stopped using drugs the first time. Alcoholics tend to be decent creatives, who knew? King was also lucky in that he had a stupidly good editor who helped to shape his earliest books into successes but he rarely gives the guy any credit, which is unsurprising. His last good book is probably Different Seasons, but everything post 1982-ish is garbage. His early short story collections are a lot of fun. Night Shift is honestly good stuff and a teacher I had in school routinely used his earliest books to get students who weren't interested in reading to give books a chance. It worked pretty well so who knows. I'm trying to think of a writer who's had a similar impact on a specific generation, and while I don't like her stuff I think J.K Rowling is probably closest to him.
tl;dr: He's been crap for a solid twenty plus years now.
No. 99098
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>>99088I swear this book comes up a lot in this thread lol but The Secret History is the first thing that comes to mind – inverted detective story about six classics students whose obsession with the classics starts to corrupt their sense of morality. Also Jane Eyre, Dead Poets Society, Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go, A Little Life, and Dracula.
As for movies:
Kill Your Darlings
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Only Lovers Left Alive
Dead Poets Society
The Dreamers
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
most of these are not spooky lol sorry>>99088
No. 99221
>>99209It would make so much more sense for them to have made a movie based off of TSH rather than The Goldfinch!
I’d love it if they kept it set in the late 80s/early 90s time period. I can’t imagine who they’d cast though.
No. 99229
>>99221Way back when it was published, Gwyneth Paltrow bought the film rights with the idea of her starring as Camilla and her brother directing.
For better or worse, nothing came of it and she doesn't have the rights anymore.
No. 99482
>>99470so basically
>>99470I can believe King has ghostwriters (he is even more of a brand than VC Andrews kek) but this proves nothing. NTA but I was hoping for some factual evidence
No. 99653
>>99482NTA, and not that this proves much, but yeah, it's a pretty widespread rumour. I've been hearing it for about a decade now, and I'm not even American.
He's an incredibly mediocre writer who tends to have some moments of brilliance, but maybe two or three of his books are consistently good. Him using ghostwriters is not much of a loss.
Back on topic, I'm reading Viceroys by Federico de Roberto now, because someone on /his/ recommended it, and I'm kinda unimpressed so far. It tells a story of a noble Sicilian family in 19th century, but The Leopard did it better and in much shorter form. But I might be biased since The Leopard was written much later and has a more modern writing style and perspective. Both of those books are pretty cynical, though.
No. 99659
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>>98686>Stephen King describing everything evil female character: She had awful tits. Real sand bagsthis is so accurate I'm crying
No. 99681
>>98340I'm reading this rn. In the Vanishers’ Palace by Aliette De Bodard
a ruined, devastated world, where the earth is poisoned and beings of nightmares roam the land…
A woman, betrayed, terrified, sold into indenture to pay her village's debts and struggling to survive in a spirit world.
A dragon, among the last of her kind, cold and aloof but desperately trying to make a difference.
When failed scholar Yên is sold to Vu Côn, one of the last dragons walking the earth, she expects to be tortured or killed for Vu Côn's amusement.
But Vu Côn, it turns out, has a use for Yên: she needs a scholar to tutor her two unruly children. She takes Yên back to her home, a vast, vertiginous palace-prison where every door can lead to death. Vu Côn seems stern and unbending, but as the days pass Yên comes to see her kinder and caring side. She finds herself dangerously attracted to the dragon who is her master and jailer. In the end, Yên will have to decide where her own happiness lies—and whether it will survive the revelation of Vu Côn’s dark, unspeakable secrets…
No. 99928
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Just finished Educated by Tara Westover. It was a humbling read. Pic related reviews sum it up well. There is a large amount of abuse described in this book, I found myself tearing up.
No. 100300
>>98357I just finished this colossal book(900 pages, but I couldn't put it down) and seriously WOW. I loved every bit of it, the twists and turns and especially the characters. Loth is a rare male protagonist who is fascinating and lovable, Ead is a woman I would utterly die for, and Tane is so impossibly cool that I couldn't hate her despite all the mistakes she made. This is definitely going down as one of my favorites, I loved how all of the major characters in leadership positions were women, even the bitchy pirate captain was a woman and it just was super refreshing to read. I love this book and I love you for recommending it. Thank you so much.
>>99681This sounds interesting. I will read this next! Hoping it's as good as the last recommendation I took from this thread. Lovely taste, ladies.
No. 100596
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Only about 10% into this book, and I've already teared up a little reading about different women and little girl's experiences with living in a beauty-obsessed world.
(sorry for small vent but) I've just graduated college, I've turned 22, and I'm already freaking out about being old, ugly, and undesirable. It just means a lot to me to read research and accounts regarding this near-universal experience of women.
No. 100675
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Finished the ACOTAR series and tbh
It reads like a really good 300k slow burn fanfiction and thats a good thing, it was just cozy and nostalgic in writing style and while mostly a romance i did enjoy the surreal fantasy story happening in the background
I genuinely like YA because I can just relax with the book, its calming and entertaining, yeah it gets cringy but honestly alot of big brainy books get even cringier, the amount of cousin-fucking in books from the 19th century still astonish me lol
No. 100801
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I usually don't like to read fiction, but I read The Bostonians a few weeks ago. I almost thought the way James handled the notion of causes was prescient, but I definitely projected too much of the present onto a book from over a 100 years ago. I then read The Turn of the Screw and wow. I spent a day after reading what other people had to say about it and giggling at all the in-depth Freudian analysis over a ghost story. Good psychological women characters if you're interested in that. I guess I should read Portrait of a Lady some time since that seems to be his most famous work.
No. 101641
>>101629If you like long (loooong) sweeping tales in that same vein, you might want to try Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset. It's a trilogy that's pretty obscure outside of Scandinavia but you can usually find it in one collection.
The only thing is that on my first read, I found the main character frustratingly passive. I don't know if that's a common issue but it sometimes drove me crazy.
Undset paints a vivid portrait of life at the time though.
No. 102668
>>102620Dunno if it's exactly what you're looking for but the first thing that came to mind was Ian McEwan's Enduring Love.
One of the main characters has an infatuation disorder that causes much chaos.
No. 102806
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I recommend this for a good brain-fart quick read.
No. 103057
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Despite Lena Dunham and the DM rating this, I’m going to give it a go…
No. 103078
>>102717Felix Castor series by Mike Carey
The Mermaids Tale by D G Valdron
Malazan Book Of The Fallen by Steven Erikson
Into the drowning deep by Mira Grant
Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch
Thunderhead by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
A God Of Hungry Walls by Garret Cook
No. 103184
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> based on real events
> northern Norway fishing village, 1617
> huge storm kills off all the men at sea
> short-lived matriarchy, lesbian affair & witch trials ensue
loved this so much, really recommend it
No. 103258
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Been listening to this and havent been so fascinated by a history book before. It's gross but so interesting. Will never take clean water and modern medicine for granted again lol
No. 103962
>>103203>Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado Surrealist, horror, magical realism surrounding women's bodies and their relation to the world/society.
>The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela CarterFeminist retellings or alterations of classic fairy tales, often sexual, psychological and ideologically liberating.
>In the Night Garden (The Orphan's Tales) by Catherynne Valente Similar to Arabian Nights, stories within a story: fantastical and magical, poetic writing.
>Pump Six and Other Stories by Paolo BacigalupiSci-fi stories about social/political parallels, creative and quite sad but engaging.
No. 103969
Fucked up my first post, don't look at me I am rereading this one right now,I first thought it was going to be another true crime set in victorian times but it's so much more than that! It follows two brothers as young kids, their mother gets murdered, weird shit happens, all the while their father is away on a ship. The brothers and someone else wind up in the middle of a very public trial, a real public mayhem. I won't spoil much but I thought it was going to be focused on the trial so I was kind of hesitant seeing it going on so soon but we get to see what happens to one of the brothers (mainly). He lead such a damn curious life and I can honestly say that I haven't cried because of a book like this before. I absolutely recommend this to everyone who likes weird life stories or just historical shit. Sorry for the long ass post, photo is a screenshot of a ebay listing because I am fucking lazy.
>>103258Say no more, I wanna read it now too! I love history and weird gross shit.
No. 103970
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>>103969The fucking book might be a nice addition, I am fucking mortified right now.
No. 104094
>>104088Yeah, it's a mouthful but Serpentine: The True Story of a Serial Killer's Reign of Terror from Europe to South Asia was a great example of this. It's about a Vietnamese/Indian serial killer who seduced and manipulated backpackers before murdering them. The writer details scenes as if they're happening in the moment so it does feel like fiction at times but the crazy events really did happen.
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is another crime story famous for reading like a fictional thriller. Centered around a murder in the Old South (Savannah).
No. 104382
>>104088Adding on to
>>104094 's suggestions in genre and writing style, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote is a classic (even though some of his facts have since been called into question. Do your own research afterwards if you're interested)
No. 104700
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What are some books you've read with hilariously batshit crazy protagonists?
The more morally gray and unpredictable the better.
(Or any book where you liked the protagonist's characterization, really.)
No. 104702
>>104700I haven't read the book completely but Yossarian from Catch-22 is wacky. I apologize if you already read it, also this is my favorite quote, I read it like 5 years ago and I can't forget it:
'Sure, that's what I mean,' Doc Daneeka said. 'A little grease is what makes this world go round. One hand washes the other. Know what I mean? You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.' Yossarian knew what he meant. 'That's not what I meant,' Doc Daneeka said, as Yossarian began scratching his back.
No. 104974
>>104894I liked American Psycho but can see what you mean - imo you'd probably like Rules of Attraction more. One of the main characters in the book is Patrick Bateman's younger brother if you appreciate lore like that. The movie definitely didn't age as well as American Psycho, lmao.
Btw, here are a few links with lists of novels with an academia setting if you want to look through them No. 106995
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Currently reading the unbearable lightness of being. Really enjoyable. I don't want it to end. Im listening to it on YouTube. Watched the movie first which is how I got into the book. The movie is really great too imo. Lots of interesting ideas about love, life, Russian communist occupation of Czechoslovakia.
No. 108156
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Is anyone else reading the most controversial book of the year, Troubled blood by Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling)?
I only just started and I'm looking forward to see Rowling getting her terf on.
No. 108182
>>108180I haven't finished the book yet but so far only a mention of a serial killer who once disguised himself as a woman to get close to a
No trans people but a sympathetic lesbian couple.
No. 108631
>>108156I just finished it. It's brilliant. Miles better than Lethal White and Career of Evil IMO.
It's not transphobic by any means. There's just one or two lines (in a book of 900+ pages) that refer to the murderer wearing a wig + woman's coat to disguise his identity on one occasion (own goal for TRAs who always say a transwoman ISN'T just a man in a wig/women's clothes). It's definitely a feminist book though. Rowling rags on prostitution/pornography/
toxic masculinity multiple times, it's pretty interesting to read.
This book sold more copies in one day than Lethal White did in a week, so the bad publicity really hasn't hurt her. Also that first review straight up lied about the content so those idiots have all now had to backtrack on what they wrote because, you know… it wasn't even in the book.
People are so fucking stupid.
No. 108634
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>>100801I know it's a month's old post but I love this book. I even made a college project based on it.
Pic related is what I'm reading, I really liked what he did in Sputnik sweetheart.
No. 108679
>>108634What's your opinion on it so far? I've read pretty much everything Murakami has ever put out and idk, I find his realistic slice-of-life novels really underwhelming. But I love his fantasy books, my favorites are 1Q84, Kafka on the Shore and Killing Commendatore.
I'm currently reading Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel and it's meh. It's alright. I kinda like how it's formatted as a series of interviews and diary entries, but other than that it's nothing groundbreaking. I'll probably read the whole trilogy anyway.
No. 108691
>>108650It starts off cliche in the first book, Strike gets to sleep with young hotter women for some reason. Then it gets more feminist as it's partly about the character Robin who is dealing with male violence, sexism, and a shitty marriage. She grows through the books and starts working as Strike's partner, not secretary.
>>108654I would recommend reading them from the beginning so you get the context of everything, character growth and evolving relationships. Although Troubled Blood does explain a lot of what has happened previously.
No. 109554
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Recommend me a book with a Renaissance setting, decadent aristocrat characters and maybe some murder and sexual intrigue.
No. 111394
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>>8714men stole feminism through popular lit culture, this shapes the characterization of women in these books. psychology isn't science, but biological gender is. feminists, women the is, abuse what these novels actually perpetuate – biosexual abuse. it is but a witness to the normative blues ascribed yb men and women alike in their narration of cultural norms which prevent these characters from truly grasping their larger philosophic debate. what is gender but systematic rape? What would popular literture be without it for the feminized
pic related: the pagan androgynous ideal. an untouched upon stock character in feminist representation
No. 111396
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>>8716I keep thinking there is something past this because the opening visuals were greatly illustrated.
No. 111630
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Here's a rec no one asked for, but if there are any other history-loving nonnies here, they should check out The Secret History of the Mongol Queens by Jack Weatherford. It's super interesting and shows how Mongol women played a huge role in maintaining the boundaries and stability of the empire Genghis originally created. In fact, after the greatest decline in the empire's strength thanks to an idiotic ruler, it was a woman who ruled and reunited many clans, finally bringing peace to a horribly chaotic period in their people's history. Her name was Mandukhai. I'd never even heard of her before reading this book, although it seems everyone knows the names of Genghis and Kublai. It also includes interesting stories of how Mongol culture used to be fairly respectful towards women considering the era, and Genghis in particular was very much in love with his first wife Börte rather than their relationship only being politically relevant. His rescue of Börte after she was kidnapped after their wedding was one of the main reasons he started being respected as a warlord.
I also just started reading The Amazons by Adrienne Mayor. It's great so far, and it's interesting to see how so much of powerful female history has just been retconned to fit the (usually patriarchal) ideals of the time.
No. 112091
I'm reading Carrie right now. Can't wait till the part where she kills everyone.
>>111630She's pretty. And the book seems cool.
No. 112322
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The author who wrote Convinience Store Woman released another book called Earthlings. It's similar in that it deals with a misfit woman who doesn't understand society, but instead of being purely an autistic sperg she also has hints of antisocial personality disorder, has bouts of depersonalization, and trauma of all sorts. The novel is also much, much edgier than CSW… This one would make the larger audience very uncomfortable for depictions of childhood sexual abuse and other things. But if you can stomach that sorta thing and like the authors style, this book is very poignant to a woman who's gone through similar trails. Murata is very good at making you understand the perspective and motivations of very mentally ill heroines.
No. 112710
>>112322>"This society hasn't changed one bit. People who don't fit into the village are expelled: men who don't hunt, women who don't give birth to children. For all we talk about modern society and individualism, anyone who doesn't try to fit in can expect to be meddled with, coerced, and ultimately banished from the village."(from one of her books)
Liking the sound of her stuff already. Thanks for the rec anon, I'll check her out.
No. 112768
>>112322Oh, this sounds exactly like my cup of tea. I enjoyed Convenience Store Woman even if it was not amazing.
>This one would make the larger audience very uncomfortable for depictions of childhood sexual abuse and other things. But if you can stomach that sorta thing and like the authors style, this book is very poignant to a woman who's gone through similar trails. All the better.
Can this be downloaded somewhere? It's not on vk or libgen yet. Haven't checked on IRC yet, but a link would be appreciated.
No. 112956
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>>112773>>112322>>112768Read it and holy shit, that ending. Really loved the Magical Girl delusion of the protagonist though, as well as the depiction of society.
Does anyone have any recs for books centered on 'unlikable female protagonists', or just weirdo ones?
Already read Convenience Store Woman, Eileen and My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh. Oh, and The Girl Who Never Read Noam Chomsky since I guess it also kind of qualifies if you squint your eyes.
No. 112961
>>112322How do you read and like stories if you don't like the characters? Is it the same as reading about a "cow"?
Genuinely asking because I see it a lot, it's kind of like people want to see lolcows in fiction.
No. 112967
>>112961>>112962Exactly, a character has to be compelling and interesting, not someone you would like to be friends with. Haven't you ever wondered how a sociopath, incel or even a mentally ill person thinks? That's the appeal.
Not a dig at you, but funny how everyone realizes the appeal of flawed protagonists (look at how beloved were Dr House, Hannibal, Tony Stark, etc.) unless they are women. I'm glad that it's somewhat starting to change. I love my mentally fucked girls that are neither morality guides or waifu materials. Fuck purity sues and bland, decent heroines with no personality.
>>112963Never heard of it, will give it a shot! Thank you for the suggestion. Though in general I am looking at the moment for female written novels and preferably more mundane.
I just realized that another book that fits the bill is The New Me by Halle Butler. It was very enjoyable to read, though I already forgot about it even though I only read it like 2 months ago.
Pisces also is amazing with a slightly fucked up protagonist, though it touches on magical realism.
No. 113225
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>>113116Pic related is literally the first book I read since like 2014, and started the current book kick I'm on. It's compared a lot to American Psycho (and it does get a bit too similar at parts) But the protagonist is a horrible hatable bitch and I loved it a lot.
I also read and enjoyed Tampa, about a female paedophile/sociopath school teacher, but the sex scenes were a bit too much for me even though I purposely seek out books I think are going to be disturbing.
Speaking of which, does anyone have any fucked up black comedy recs? I like Ryu Murakami, Brett Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, blah blah blah.
No. 113425
>>112956I honestly do think that we don't get as many fucked up female characters as we should
>>112967>Not a dig at you, but funny how everyone realizes the appeal of flawed protagonists (look at how beloved were Dr House, Hannibal, Tony Stark, etc.) unless they are women. I'm glad that it's somewhat starting to change. I love my mentally fucked girls that are neither morality guides or waifu materials. Fuck purity sues and bland, decent heroines with no personality.Yeah I get what you're saying but often when libfems write these types of female characters their just rude girlboss characters like badly written Miranda Priestly, I think fleabag is the only example I can think of a good reprentation of a loser female character that I've watched
We need more loser dysfunctional female characters
No. 113439
>>113425Oh, I haven't yet watched Fleabag yet but I definitely have to!
>often when libfems write these types of female characters their just rude girlboss characters like badly written Miranda Priestly,What novels do you mean? Luckily I have not run into them. Maybe you will like the books mentioned by me in
>>112956 and
>>112967 (obviously if you haven't read them already). My absolute fave from them is Pisces, but I also remember My Year of Rest And Relaxation fondly.
Those heroines absolutely are not the ~super inteligent, competent~ type, just smart assholes with mental health issues.
No. 113589
>>113257I have a huge backlog right now so unfortunately I can't say I've read these myself, but these are recs from friends who I feel have good taste:
* Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
* Rupetta by Nike Sulway
* The Winged Histories by Sofia Samatar (actually have read some of this one, the language is gorgeous)
* The Traitor Baru Cormorant (as a heads up, the mc exists in a violently homophobic culture and the ending is sad)
* Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino
* The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
* The Winter Prince by Elizabeth Wein
* Imajica by Clive Barker
No. 113783
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So I've read Death In Her Hands and it was a complete waste of time. Do not recommend.
No. 113787
>>113784I was iffy on the plot idea from the start, but decided to give it a chance since I liked the other two novels by the author. The writing style was great as always and the only reason why I pushed through. I get that it was a character study hidden in a stream of counsciousness murder mystery, but it just didn't work for me. The parts about the
abusive husband were interesting, but they were scarce in comparison to all the Magda bullshit.
The whole murder mystery being revealed as an imaginary story the protagonist came up with to make choice how she's gonna die is just as bad as "it was all just a dream" ending which is universally panned. I didn't find the protagonist interesting enough to hear her ramble about fiction she's coming up with. This year I've read I'm Thinking of Ending Things thanks to the anon who mentioned the book. While it also didn't blow my mind, it was a much better take on a simmilar gimmickAt least I'm reading Homesick for Another World to kill the bed taste and I'm enjoying it so far.
No. 114059
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Can anyone please recommend me some interesting biographies to read ?
I just completed ‘thing of beauty’ after putting it off reading it for years and was engrossed even though it is very tragic (when I was a teen I loved the Angelina Jolie /HBO movie ‘Gia’ which is loosely based off the book).
No. 114113
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The Etched City by K. J. Bishop : I was expecting a darkish fantasy story a la China Mieville or Tanith Lee, and I got a shlocky romance novel starring the author's insufferable gary stu and her even more insufferable self insert. Don't bother with this one.
No. 114176
>>114113Ah man, this is a shame. It seemed like an undiscovered gem and all the excepts I read were beautiful.
>"Somewhere there are gardens where peacocks sing like nightingales, somewhere there are caravans of separated lovers traveling to meet each other; there are ruby fires on distant mountains, and blue comets that come in spring like sapphires in the black sky."I'm a total sucker for pretty prose so I was excited to read it, but all flash with no depth is a losing proposition.
No. 114183
>>114176jesus, sorry to be an asshole but the quote reads like fanfic tier purple prose. Peacocks, lovers, sapphires and ruby fires… this is some Anne of Green Gables shit.
Do you like Name of the Wind and Rothfuss' prose? I feel like you might enjoy it.
No. 114197
>>114183I like Anne of Green Gables! I know a flowery style isn't for everyone, but I don't feel it verges into excess. I like Catherynne Valente, Sofia Samatar and Mervyn Peake for example and people either tend to love or hate them. Regardless of how you feel, you have to admit their style is creative. Sure, rubies and sapphires aren't the most original analogy, but for me it works. Tanith Lee in particular was very into her colors and I enjoy her prose too.
I have had the misfortune of reading Name of the Wind. Rothfuss' style was fine, not my favorite, but the gary stu teen virgin astounding an immortal sex goddess, shallow female characters and Harry Potter-esque plot ensured I wouldn't be reading any more of his work.
No. 114214
>>114190maybe I misremember it because I had a scrote torture me with quotes and endless talking how ~perf~ Rothfuss' style is kek. It was a few years ago too.
>>114197I like Anne of Grewn Gables too! The quote reminded me of the way she used to describe places in Avonlea.
I feel you about the plot of Name of the Wind too.
No. 115929
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Pynchon lite, this was his first book and it's "easier" than Gravity's Rainbow, but I think I've come to realize that I'm not into his particulate, allusion-laden writing style.
He has a brilliant prose, but I feel like I need to have Google on standby whenever I'm reading his books. All of his work needs to be read more than once to fully enjoy it.
No. 116119
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Looking for recommendations on books similar to The Comeback by Ella Berman.
I liked the behind the scenes look at the ugliness of the entertainment industry and how girls and women are treated.
I also enjoyed The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes by Elissa Sloan, which touches a lot of similar topics.
No. 116614
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Has anyone read "do androids dream of electric sheep"? I've heard blade runner is a better versions of the electric sheep book. I already loved blade runner so I dont want to be disappointed by the book. What did you think of the book?
No. 118003
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Magical realism book recommendations, anyone?
I’m pretty new to the genre but I adore it. Have already read most Murakami books and a few random others. Currently reading pic rel but not loving it as it’s very heavy on fantasy (wasn’t marketed as magical realism to be fair, but reviews suggested it strayed into that). I really like the reality/magic contrast to be maintained.
No. 118009
>>118005Thanks! I’ll check it out,
>>118007Honestly Wikipedia explains it in good depth but tl;dr it’s like fantasy but deeply rooted in the real world. So like, everything is normal apart from some elements of magic, like a place, person or event. Which imo is so intriguing because it’s easier to imagine and relate to than full-on fantasy. The genre tends to be really thought-provoking too wrt politics, philosophy, society, etcetera. I’ll hold in my sperging. No. 118012
>>118003If you don't mind dystopian societies and grisly unhappy violence, perhaps Zoo City? It's set in a typical crime thriller world with one fantasy/magical difference.
I started reading it without any knowledge of it and was surprised when the fantasy kicked in so I feel like I'm ruining that experience by recommending it to you.
No. 118027
>>118011No problem anon, thanks anyway.
>>118012Don’t worry about it, that sounds cool. Thanks!
>>118017Yeah I get what you mean, everyone’s different. Personally I have never been into fantasy despite trying it out, I just find magical realism more accessible and assume it would be for people coming from the same place. However, Game of Thrones was very mainstream so maybe I’m wrong!
No. 118061
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Sick of being pretentious, went through a phase only reading proper literature but I don’t care now tbh.I get such joy from a classic romance. Lavish Bath balls, beautiful dress descriptions, roguish men, family fortunes, sweeping estates. This was great, also really enjoyed the wideacre series.
Anything else in this sort of vein I should pick up?
No. 118292
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Poetry anons, do you have any recommendations for a person trying to get into poetry? I just finished a compilation of A.E. Housman's poems and absolutely loved them. The imagery and the constant song-like rhythm was right up my alley. I have also read Wilfred Owen's work and found it poignant.
I guess right now, my tastes veer toward older, more structured imagery-based poetry. Any suggestions based on that? Or, basically anything that is not free-form 21st century babble like Rupi Kaur?
No. 118297
>>118292For structured stories I like Ted Hughes' translations of Ovid's Metamorphoses, like a lot of his stuff they're very visceral but also very beautiful, which suits the original stories.
Romantic poets are very easy to get into, I like Keats, he's kind of adolescent sounding but that's why I love him, Ode on a Grecian Urn makes me tear up every time.
I never got into beat poetry but I love Kenneth Rexroth, he's more ballad-y than abstract, When We With Sappho is like sinking into a hazy dream.
No. 118300
>>118292>>118297Samefag but you might enjoy Yeats and T.S. Eliot if you like Housman. They're similarly modern, imagery-based and lyrical. Try The Second Coming by Yeats and Prufrock by Eliot for some famous examples.
Not technically poetry but I can't pass up an opportunity to reccommend Pale Fire by Nabokov. The first part of the book is entirely a lovely, autobiographical ballad by a fictional American Modern poet much like Eliot, which in itself is a wonderful read, and the rest of the book is a murder mystery psychodrama by an unstable narrator also writing an autobiography entirely in footnotes to the poem. I hadn't read anything by Nabokov before and I was absolutely blown away by how he inhabited these very separate voices so compellingly.
No. 118395
>>118207I think it's great, some of William Gibson's books are better than others and they can be a little dated but if you're into cyberpunk then he's a master of the genre for a reason.
I'm surprised that you say that it's popular now. I know it was successful when it came out but when I was a teenager nobody my age read those kinds of books and I felt very alone without people to discuss them with, I wonder what's changed, maybe just because the Cyberpunk game has made it trendy?
No. 118407
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>>118297>Ted HughesFuck this fucking scrote!
…Sorry, just needed to state this. Please continue having a civilized conversation about poetry.
No. 118728
>>115929With Pynchon I'd recommend not pausing every few sentences to look up the references, it ruins the flow of the book imo. There are tons of references that no one without access to the specific reference books he used should reasonably be expected to know. It's really the second or third reading where you can fill in the gaps and parse the different references.
The biggest hurdle for me was his sense of humor, which I just found kind of annoyingly quirky. Also I'm not really into "endearing slob" characters.
No. 118753
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>>118413the fact that you asked means you have most likely heard his name for the first time, since it's such a common knowledge
No. 118759
>>118756holy fucking shit, I was not aware that is even possible. Their relationship (altough bad) was legendary.
I'm gonna mention that the woman Ted cheated on Sylvia with and divorced her for commited suicide too (while taking their daughter Shura with herself) while still being with Ted.
No. 119268
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I recommend everyone to read The Conspiracy against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti.
Also, FUCK breeders.
No. 119660
>>119268Kek, I came into this thread to check if anyone recommends Ligotti, but I guess not?
I don't have much interest in The conspiracy against the human race, but I came across a story called The red tower from his short horror story collection Teatro Grottesco. I loved it and short horror stories are my jam so I thought about buying the whole thing. Is it good or nah?
No. 119760
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Has anyone here read the stormlight archives? Should I start it? Saw this fanart about it and it made me curious
No. 119821
What's a book series that stays good the whole way through? I just finished the last book of the Hyperion series and it was such a let down. Same with Dune, the last half of the original series was unbelievably trash.
>>119775Not really high fantasy but A Shadow in Summer by Daniel Abraham is worth checking out if you're into eastern based fantasy at all.
No. 119828
>>119775I gotchu baby
But some of these won't be fun,
Malazan book of the fallen by Steven Erikson (hard and long read, doesnt explain shit, its meant to be reread, it spans centuries, 100+ plot points all coming together that make sense as you read through the books, the world building has different worlds, continents, it is a very heavy book as in this shit touches on a lot of heavy topics and it's dark but also funny and something for everyone, the first book is the least polished but it just gets better and better)
The Risen Kingdoms by Curtis Craddock
(just a fucking good series and only a trilogy but packs a punch and just a lovely series imo)
Obsidian and Blood trilogy by Aliette de Bodard (this isnt high fantasy but its pretty cool mayan/aztec fantasy world lore based fantasy)
im just gonna start listing stuff i like
the felix caster series by mike carey
The Mermaid's Tale (Tales of the Nameless by DG Valdron
ben aaronovitch rivers of london series
the redwall series by brain jaques
chronicles of the black company by glen cook
the gentlement bastards by scott lynch
a planet for rent, YOSS
No. 119837
>>119827For male dragon (with human form, but they also go full dragon mode)/female human the Dragon Sept series by Katie MacAlister is simple fun popcorn fiction. It starts with Aisling Grey/Green Dragon series but each one has a different male and female lead so if you find one couple grating then you can jump around for one that’s more your style.
For something more serious with a well-written and fulfilling romance, Radiance by Grace Draven. It’s female human with a sort of dark elf male? Not as outright bestial/monstery I suppose but they act like that’s the case at first.
No. 119840
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I'm somewhere in the middle of the second part of the brother Karamazov. I'm a bit disapointed for now because the pace is very irregular in my opinion. I do like the characters though and I hope the ending will be good
No. 120672
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I need some recommendations for new (written within the past 2 years) books. Everything I read is old and dusty and I haven’t really given anything contemporary a try in a long time.
No. 121107
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We've talked about Ottessa Moshfegh on here before – just read her debut novella McGlue and fucking loved it, she's really good (IMO) at writing piece of shit characters that I empathize with regardless of what pieces of shit they are. I'm also a sucker for the 1800s grimy sailor setting (one day I'll get around to reading Moby Dick).
No. 121143
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this book good. alchemist gate best story
No. 121898
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Has anyone read this book? Was it good?
No. 121918
>>121908I think it's best to read and decide for yourself.
>>121914Haven't heard about it though, I will look into this issue.
No. 122891
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I love all the books Mary Roach has written, especially Stiff. Does anyone have recommendations for books/authors similar to her?
No. 122910
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>>121918That's true, anon, it's just important to remember that the two countries are still at war and both will go above and beyond in using propaganda, it's just that North Korean propaganda is always pointed out and laughed at but South Korean propaganda is taken seriously even when it's the most ridiculous obvious lie out there.
>>122891omg, anon, I loved that book!! I blame it for my true crime obsession now
anyway, a book that I read that I thought was similar is "Why Time Flies" by Alan Burdick, he's not half as charming as Roach but the basic gist of talking about a subject through various lenses is there!
No. 125998
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Anyone actually read this? All I can find is people talking about racist the author is. It felt very YA but I quite liked the main characters and their dynamic.
No. 126529
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I finished Earthlings by Sayaka Murata last night, reserved it at work and ended up binging the thing. I loved Convenience Store Woman, I didn't see the ending coming but boy was this a ride.
My next will be Normal People and my lovely friend is giving me There's No Such Thing as an Easy Job
No. 126790
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I decided to read Max Stirner because of the memes and he's overrated as shit. 200 pages of bloat, his prose is almost Kant levels of bad. Some interesting ideas with the connection of humanism, communism and liberalism to the religious impulse, how abstract ideas can be pathological and how true freedom can be achieved. It's not developed enough to be formulated into a complete philosophy and his "ego" is never well defined which makes the entire thing weak.
I enjoy philosophy and 19th century german philosophy in particular, but even my eyebrows were drooping reading this. Nietzsche does the same thing but better, read him instead.
If it wasn't for Engel's funny drawing and "le spooki" meme, he'd be forgotten entirely to time. Also the English translation for this is for sure poorly translated, I got that vibe all the way through.
No. 126900
>>126845Nietzsche was by far edgier, alongside those french faggots like Sartre and Camus, although those Frenchies were edgy in a more misogynistic, arrogant and pretentious manner.
You see scrotes Stirnerposting about how people should rape and steal, not at all realizing that the Union of Egoists would entail pedo scrotes and scumbags being hung from the lampposts when caught.
No. 126925
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Finished Max Brooks' Devolution last night. I really liked it and hope that there's going to be a movie adaptation - one that's more faithful to the book than World War Z was, although I enjoyed that movie as its own separate thing. Devolution engaged me from the beginning, and I thought the tension was good. Also the implied social commentary throughout. I spent so much time wanting to scream at the various characters every time they did something stupid. Good stuff!
No. 129749
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So haven't read Rowling's new book and have no intention of reading the book, but was the killer really some cockey accented femcel who killed other women cause they got more male attention then her
No. 129869
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this book was like a warm blanket. I loved it so much! I'm jumping straight into The Song Of Achilles after
No. 130749
>>130740Jane Eyre still gives me butterflies like when I was a teenager. Yeah, Rochester is a broody asshole, but a lovable one. Ruminating that he can't force Jane to stay and while it frustrates him, he admires her for it:
>Consider that eye: consider the resolute, wild, free thing looking out of it, defying me, with more than courage–with a stern triumph. Whatever I do with its cage, I cannot get at it–the savage, beautiful creature! If I tear, if I rend the slight prison, my outrage will only let the captive loose. Conqueror I might be of the house; but the inmate would escape to heaven before I could call myself possessor of its clay dwelling-place. And it is you, spirit–with will and energy, and virtue and purity–that I want: not alone your brittle frame. Of yourself you could come with soft flight and nestle against my heart, if you would: seized against your will, you will elude the grasp like an essence–you will vanish ere I inhale your fragrance. Oh! come, Jane, come! No. 130756
>>130740(These all have a fantasy-ish focus since that's my thing.)
Radiance by Grace Draven
Master of Crows by Grace Draven
Cinnamon and Gunpowder by Eli Brown
Snowspelled by Stephanie Burgis
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar
Swordheart by T. Kingfisher
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
No. 131543
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Just got done reading Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb books (the first 2 out of the trilogy anyway, 3rd book slated to release in 2022) and I'm itching for something new to fill that void. The series is about lesbian necromancers in space, featuring a really intense enemies to lovers arc and some murder mystery. I'd love to get some recs from anons that have read it or know a book like it:
>adult, not YA
>romance heavily featured
>necromancy or some kind of interesting magic system (i'll take scifi or something grounded too but prefer magic)
>psychological horror elements or a grand mystery
No. 131555
>>131543holy shit
nonny, you just described my perfect series. I didn't know this existed?? Oh, thank you so much!! I'm hoping I won't be disappointed haha.
ahhh!!!! No. 131877
>>131865It has to do with the target audience of the content. Like the things you'd expect from a show for infants vs a show for teenagers. This is just that but between late teens and actual adults. Tbf, these days grown adults watch children's cartoons till their mid 30s and beyond so the distinction is getting more difficult with people liking infantile stuff but anyway, I'll throw in some stuff.
Adult fiction tends to focus on older characters, the themes are more adult (not in terms of gore but in terms of how the characters process what's happening, the nuances of events, etc.) and the characters have motivations that may seem complicated or unrelatable to a late teen (the audience for YA). You'll see power dynamics that will be more realistic, closer to the real world even in the fantasy genre. They will be dramatic just like YA but the way the characters navigate it, the way it resolves etc. will have tinges of adult outlook.
It's hard to describe if you're not yet past your early 20s. When you get to that age, YA vs A books is basically the difference between the nuanced brain development that happens in those years.
No. 131892
>>131848I've read similar comments online so you are definitely not alone in your reaction. It's really interesting to me to see so many people saying that the characters are unrealistic. I feel like I've met some of those exact personalities in real life, particularly the vegan hippie couple, the yoga instructor/guru whose new age positivity disguises a real authoritarian control freak that doesn't like being questioned or disobeyed, and even Mostar.
The journal format did not bother me too much, but I understand the criticism there.
Maybe he should have published this one under a pen name, since WWZ is kind of a tough act to follow.
No. 132103
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>>129869Love this book. It got me back into reading last year. It is very soothing indeed.
Right now I'm reading Meet Me in the Bathroom, about NYC rock in the early 2000's. It's a very fun read if you're into that era of music, feels like getting insider gossip from that time.
No. 132795
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Anyone else read this and absolutely fucking hate it? I saw this book in a charity shop for $1 and picked it up, remembering I read Gone Girl a few years ago and enjoyed it. Apparently this was Gillian Flynn's debut novel and good god does it show. It feels like it tries SO hard to be this shocking & edgy noir, but ends up just feeling incredibly cliche and corny. Plus if I hadn't know a woman wrote I'd have thought it was written by a scrote.
The "not like other girls" MC reminiscing on her fucked up sexual exploits as a girl barely into her teens, the constant commenting on the breast size & sexuality of another barely teen girl, the fact she kisses her 13 year old half-sister (with tongue) after going to some drug fueled teen party as a 30 something woman. Not to mention the reveal of who the actual murderer was tacked on at the end in what felt like a footnote. (Not that it wasn't obvious who the actual murderer was from the beginning imo) The MC being an ex-cutter who apparently covered her entire body in words that burn on her skin when she's thinking felt like some fanfiction-core shit. Forced myself to finish this because I hate leaving books unfinished, but it was one of the worst books I've picked up in a while.
No. 132848
>>132795I hated it too, anon. In my opinion, Gillian Flynn's only good novel is Dark Places. Gone Girl is also too edgy and unbelievable to me, though I do like the Cool Girl speech.
With Sharp Objects, I absolutely hated all the characters and agree with all your points. When the MC went to that party with her sister I almost dropped it because I was so annoyed lol. It was definitely very try-hard and edgy. I did like the interactions with the mom, though. She was the most interesting character, kind of wish it was more about her. It was a big let down because there was some genuinely good writing in this book, but it's overshadowed by the plot being unbelievable and the characters being unbearable. Glad to know it's not just me who didn't enjoy it.
No. 133889
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>>118003Magical realism classic, One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Follows 7 generations of the Buendia family that encounter misfortunes in the whimsical town of Macondo in which extraordinary and unusual events take place.
No. 133907
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Any recommendations for children's books or memories of your personal childhood faves? I'm looking for gentle, lighthearted stories for kids aged 5-12 years. Some misfortune is okay, like how original fairy tales tend to be dark or contain some violence, but nothing overly tragic. For example, A Series of Unfortunate Events is too depressing. All genres are welcome, though I personally enjoy fantasy stories and pastoral settings. Some series I know and enjoy are Moomins, Little House on the Prairie, and the works of E.B. White. Comic books and graphic novels also welcome!
No. 133910
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>>133907I know you don’t like dark things but I specifically remember reading something like Spiderwick and also these Tinker Bell books, the only disney things I remember and actually like
No. 133921
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>>133907I really loved Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren, and The 35th of May, or Conrad's Ride to the South Seas by Erich Kastner (I'm not sure if this was ever translated into English…it's like Narnia minus the religious symbols). Also, The Marvelous Land of Oz
No. 133934
>>133922Wow I am not the anon you replied to but the paintings are so interesting, I am going to read that book. Thanks for posting about it.
A book I loved as a kid was Here There Be Dragons. Its illustrations are also beautiful
No. 133940
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>>133924AYRT, I got the first book at the library yesterday and read it in one go, the literal only thing i could think about is “where the hell is CPS” I was honestly tempted to just stop reading whenever Lemony Snicket said “feel free to put this book aside and read something more lighthearted” lol. i don’t know what i expected honestly, but once I start reading something i need to finish, i don’t want to judge it if I haven’t read it through the end. my gf called it “baby’s first torture porn” and i felt inclined to agree, i didn’t like it very much, and even though I am curious about what’s going on with the eyes in count Olaf’s house I’m just not interested enough to continue. i do think that if i had read it as a kid i would’ve loved it too, but American kids lit isn’t that popular here
>>133921 i LOVE pippi longstocking!!! we read Erich Kästner in school here, i can’t remember if i liked his books or not, but I should totally revisit them, I think I did like Emil and the Detectives
ohh something else that I’m reading right now, I’ve begun collecting Dr. Dolittle books! they’re really cute vintage editions too. i love Hugh Lofting’s drawings. i think we should put more pictures in books
No. 133952
>>133940Honestly Astrid Lindgren has so many books that are exactly what you are looking for:
>the Madicken/Mischievous Meg series (about an unruly elementary school girl)>Mio, My Son - fantasy. Starts very sad and has some sad moments, but overall is a beautiful and joyful story about a boy who gets transported into a fairytale kingdom of his (supposedly) dead father. Has a happy ending. >The Children on Troublemaker Street series - Lotta is an especially memorable and lovable character. Love wild little girls with personality! If you read about her to a kid, I'm sure they will want to own a plushie pig as well kek. I especially loved the one short book in which she is attempting to move away from her parents cause they pissed her off (she 'moves out' to a kindly neighbor or attic, not sure). All ends well, obviously! Very funny and charming.>the Ronja book - fantasy about the children of two warring clans of robbers becoming friends (possibly crushing on each other, but idk). Really beautiful and imaginative. Ronja (the main heroine) is rather gender nonconforming, same for Birk (the boy from the other clan) who striked me as kinda effeminate. >Six Bullerby Children - a childhood classic about real kids and their life. Very funny! I read it so many times as a kid my copy fell apart.>this one is heartbreaking so you will probably skip it, but it's a crime to not mention Brothers Lionheart when talking about Lindgren. It's fantasy, but most of the plot takes place in a (nonreligious) heaven, after the death of the two protagonists. Extremely beautiful, a good book to read to kids to ease them with the idea of dying (I guess). Honestly, I only wouldn't recommend the Karlsson-on-the-Roof series since the idea of a kid having a secret friend who is a middle-aged man that his parents know nothing about makes me feel iffy (and has since I became a teenager, kek). YMMV.
On another note, Jacqueline Wilson books are a must. They are mostly about smart, creative girls facing difficulties in life (off top of my head:
abusive father, living in orphanage, being reliant on a single mother with a serious mental illness, poverty, homelessness, bullying, divorced parents etc) while having the most touching friendships. Some of her books are for teenagers, some for younger kids. All of them are great and extremely relatable. The only one I would tell you to avoid is Love Lessons, since it's about a teacher-student romance. It's meant to be a cautionary tale, but I feel like most kids/teenagers will get the wrong message. It's a shame, cause other than that it's a wonderful story with a well-written heroine.
No. 133955
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>>133952> Jacqueline Wilson books are a mustOMG YESSS, seconding this!! Double Act was my personal facourite.
>The only one I would tell you to avoid is Love LessonsHard agree. I read it when I was a teenager and I liked it but I was aware that it was a fantasy fulfillment story. I can see how it could be harmful for more naive kids/teenagers
No. 133969
>>133955>your pic relatedOh I forgot about the historical novels of Wilson! The Hetty Feather series is great, I think it's for kids 10+. Like young teenagers or something.
>Hard agree. I read it when I was a teenager and I liked it but I was aware that it was a fantasy fulfillment storyI think it still was supposed to show the reader that this shit ends up badly (protagonist gets all the blame, has to change the school while the teacher avoids consequences AFAIR plus she ends heartbroken) but because the novel was told entirely in Prue's voice and she never had an epiphany that Rax sucks, it ends up feeling like the evil adults crushed true love because they are prejudiced they don't know that age is just a number. I mean, I'm fine with Prue still loving him and not seeing that he was a sick fuck, but I wish there was something that would make the reader think "shit, she's clearly out of her mind. Girl, forget him!". Like maybe Prue finding out from a newspaper that Rax went to prison for grooming another teenage girl. Or a heart to heart with his wife. We never got her side of the story. I really think that the novel would be much better if it was either written for adults or the reader was forced to confront the ugly side of grooming. It wasn't clear enough for a young person, especially one who may fantasize about that one nice teacher.
No. 133971
>>133952I still have a shelf full of Jacqueline Wilson books on my bookshelf as an adult, I reread them all whenever I feel that particular brand of sad nostalgia.
My absolute favourite is The Illustrated Mum (which hit so close to home for me as a child), followed by My Sister Jodie (who doesn't love a boarding school story?) Obviously I'm bias, but I truly do think they hold up.
No. 134040
I can't remember the name of a book series I read a long time ago, anyone recognize the following?
It's a medieval fictional world setting, fantasy. I think it's for teens but I'm not 100% sure. The first book starts out with the protagonist as a young child, her mom has died and her father, a mercenary, takes her on the road with him. She has the ability to speak with nature's creatures, I don't really remember anything else about the plot. Throughout the books she grows up to be a powerful wizard/sorcerer and later becomes an elderly. The books span over decades in-universe. There's another important character in the books who's a wizard who has lived for an unnatural long time, I believe he or the protagonist ends up passing away. It's a very long book series, definitely over 10+ books, maybe even over 20. Quite old too I believe. (Sorry for the awkward English, esl)
I know this is vague but I hope someone recognizes what I'm talking about.
No. 134138
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>>133907Have you read the Clarice Bean novels anon? I absolutely loved them as a kid and still do, I pull one of them out to read every now and then. The picture books for younger readers are great too, I love the whole aesthetic and the unique illustrations. Honestly I love everything Lauren Child has done, I adore her whimsical writing style
No. 134148
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>>134138Is this the same author for the Charlie and Lola series?
(I loves that show on Disney Junior)
No. 134151
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Okay I am super nervous and wonder if saying this will make me stand out (I don't want to be seen as a pariah for my book choices :( )
But did anyone ever read the American Girl Doll historical novels? When I was younger I collected American Girl dolls so I read practically all of them. I loved their historical girl series because I'm a bit of a history need and I loved reading children literature at the same time.
No. 134193
>>134041None of these, but thanks!
>>134126Nope.. I should've probably clarified but she doesn't talk with animals but with fictional creatures of nature.
No. 134249
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>>134151>>133907You reminded me of pic related. Not all books were equally interesting, but I truly enjoyed the series. It started my love affair with Marie Antoinette.
The AG franchise is not available in my country (and honestly thank god for that. Even though the line is kinda cool, it would be absurd to sell American Girl dolls outside of USA), I wish we had our local alternative. When I was a kid an attempt was made but it never took off, probably because those dolls were extremely expensive.
They haunt me to this day and I hope I'll own one someday No. 134253
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>>133907I can't speak to how well it holds up now, but I remember reading this novel in middle school and adoring it. If I remember It's about this young princess who dislikes having to play the role that's expected of her, and often runs away from traditional studies on decorum and manners to learn magic ando other adventuring skills. Before befriending a dragon and getting involved in their politics and going on an adventure
No. 134269
>>132795i can't with gillian flynn. how anyone can think she's a feminist icon or whatever when every single one of her "femme fatales" are extremely weak spirited and always ends up sucking up to the asshole scrote in the end. in my (unpopular) opinion, dark places is the worst of her books. the moral of the story is essentially the exact same in all of them though: the unrealistic excessively evil female(s) is revealed to have been the villain all along and the underperforming and extremely flawed average joe character is a poor
victim in the end who deserves better. it's such a stupid reddit tier narrative. bpdfags will eat that shit up though. i wish there could be more stories of genuinely evil women who don't budge to anyone and still end up winning. any recs?
No. 134298
>>134251I used be a huge Rand sperge, used to believe in objectivism and everything. I don't believe in that stuff anymore but I still like her books. Her writing is long, dry, and absolutely ridiculous but its' something that I find endearing because it's rare to find to a book where the author has poured their everything into it.
Also, reading Dagny Taggart in high school was a game changer for me.
No. 134304
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>>134253Brought me memories of this story. I loved fairytales with a twist when I was younger.
No. 134409
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>>134343I never got the chance to read the book, but I really love the Disney movie they made of the book starring Anne Hathaway. That movie will forever be a part of my childhood,.
Now I have a question to the lovely people who are a part of this thread:
I am a writer currently writing a fantasy novel, although (embarrassingly) have never read an actual fantasy novel before. What are some good fantasy books some of you could recommend for a complete newbie to the genre?
No. 134410
>>134409that kinda depends on what you're looking for. if you're looking for something more fast paced and easy to read, or something epic, or something with a lot character work/depth etc.
the last unicorn & the lord of the rings are my favorites, but lotr is gonna be harder to read due to it's antiquated writing style, which is why I recommend listening to the audiobook. I would also recommend the witcher series, the mistborn series, warbreaker, the neverending story (though I've heard the second half drags).
No. 134412
>>134253Godd I loved this book I had it on audiobooks and would listen to it every time I was grounded.
So pretty much she couldn't stand doing normal princess things and to save face her family decided to send her off to a dragon. As it was a respectable place for otherwise unprincessly princesses. She got the jackpot with her dragon who was older and gave no two shits as long as she did general chores. So she ended up reading everything and learning magic I think. Because of all this she helps uncovers plots to do with the Dragon king. Won't spoil but it's a pretty great fairytale.
No. 134420
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>>134343I love Gail Carson Levine's books too!! My favourite growing up was The Two Princesses of Bamarre. Has all the elements of a good story, romance, action and also character development
No. 134448
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>>134442I like Angela Davis' works, though they are focused on the US. Honestly I'm not sure where to find radical feminist texts in English about the non-English speaking world.
No. 134470
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I’ve been reading the Dollanganger books whilst sick in bed and damn what a wild ride
No. 134695
>>134536A day later, this question still
triggers me. Anon, it's literally like asking 'what music have you moved on to after your 1D phase? IDK I'm kinda not feeling it lately' or what to watch if you've only ever liked Hannah Montana your entire life. Nobody will develop taste in literature for you! Do you have any interests beyond teenagers romancing each other while occasionally saving the world? Obviously the easiest recommendation would be romance books for grown woman or so-called 'new adult' novels, but that's too simplistic. Are you interested in true crime, lives of celebrities, stories of fucked up people ruining everything, cute pets etc.? What type of content do you enjoy in other media (film, comics/graphic novels, video games, maybe even music if you pay attention to the lyrics)? Your taste in those may not translate perfectly to literature (ie if you like action movies because of awesome fight choreography), but still may give you some hint. Think deeply about it and go from there. Once you decide what interests you, goodreads has plenty of lists based on genres, topics etc. You can also google around for book recommendations on reddit and other sites.
I know that you asked about a genre rec, but I think it's more important to focus on what interests you in general. I don't think it's possible (or even worth it) to just stick to one book genre.
No. 135544
>>134834I thought her post was funny and made perfect sense. I doubt she was truly "
triggered," it was a vague question and the details anon mentioned would've helped immensely in giving more meaningful responses to OP. Her taking the question seriously was more useful than you complaining about her doing so.
No. 135545
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>>134944The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington!
>The Hearing Trumpet is the story of 92-year-old Marian Leatherby, who is given the gift of a hearing trumpet only to discover that what her family is saying is that she is to be committed to an institution. But this is an institution where the buildings are shaped like birthday cakes and igloos, where the Winking Abbess and the Queen Bee reign, and where the gateway to the underworld is open. It is also the scene of a mysterious murder. Occult twin to Alice in Wonderland, The Hearing Trumpet is a classic of fantastic literature that has been translated and celebrated throughout the world. No. 135931
>>135917I'll check it out! Thanks
No. 136476
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Currently reading picrel. Summary is basically: A writer falls in love with a man who shares her philosophy of "career first; no children." She unexpectedly gets pregnant, and he betrays her by being overjoyed about it. She decides make a sacrifice and have the child. Years later, she finally finishes writing her novel and it gives her the chance to return to her old life.
I'm about 3 chapters in, and I gotta admit it's a little lame? Also the protagonist is such a smug unexamined NLOG (there's literally a part where she hangs out with the town's other pregnant moms and all she can note is how normie and unambitious they are). Anons who have read this, should I soldier on/does it get better?? Alternatively, what are you recs for better domestic fiction? Kek
No. 136495
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>>134944>Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the DeadNot elderly per se but it’s murder mystery featuring a middle aged(?) woman.
No. 136510
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>>134944When the Devil Holds the Candle by Karin Fossum is a crime thriller featuring an elderly lady. Two boys try to rob her and it doesn't go so well. Pretty fun read.
No. 136511
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>>133907I love love love this book.
Spiegel, das Kätzchen (Mirror the Cat) or Fat of the Cat by Gottfried Keller.
I really hope it's available in English too but in case it's not, maybe some some slavanons or anons from Germany or Swiss could appreciate it.
It's a lovely little fairytale about a cat which is nearly starving to death when some kind of wizard or alchemist makes an evil deal with him. He will feeed the cat, but after a period of time he is allowed to kill him and use his fat for his magic. I think it didn't have a bad ending though and the cat was able to talk the wizard out of it. Don't remember it clearly though.
The second story is a sad story about cat's friend, the owl, and about cat's past life living with a writer.
Not sure if the second story is in any other language than Czech, looks like the translator compiled it from author's notes.
It's a bit surreal and a very moody story. But somehow really endearing. Suitable for children and adults.
No. 136613
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>>133907Did anyone read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke?
>a group of street children who live in an abandoned movie theater who steal shit for a livingAs a child growing up in
abusive home I was obsessed with the fantasy of running away, lost boys type shit. I'm pretty sure I kinned Scipio at 10 years old and wrote my own version of the story with an all-girl gang.
Never saw the movie tho.
No. 136644
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>>136614I was waiting for someone to say Inkheart!!!
No. 136652
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Does anyone here like Iain Banks?
I've read The Wasp Factory & I'm currently reading Whit! I love podcasts about cult stuff & fiction about them is just as good. I would totally convert to Luskentyrianism
No. 137146
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anyone else here read the raven cycle series by maggie stiefvater? that series meant a lot to me as a teenager and now i’m super keen for the second book in the sequel series. sigh ronan/adam is the best ship and hopefully we see more cute moments between them. i’ve already put the book on preorder
i will accept any clowning i receive for still reading YA
No. 137148
>>137146i wanted to read the raven boys so bad but i only made it through 1 1/2 books of the series. it's just too tumblr-y for me.
don't feel bad/embarrassed about your taste though, anon. i still read YA sometimes because a large chunk of the books are enjoyable no matter how old you are.
No. 137540
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well i just finished the third 1Q84 book by haruki murakami .. i had read kafka on the shore and i quite enjoyed that one but this .. felt like a waste of time. i found it enjoyable in the sense that i enjoy the act of reading but i seriously feel like the story could have been cut down a bit. also murakami is atrocious at writing women in my opinion. aomame was a good character and there were many touching moments i found the moments when she reflected on her female friends that had passed away quite moving but i really could have done without the reoccurring comment she would make about her boobs being two different sizes. tengo’s lustful comments about fuka eri pissed me off. anyway these books felt like a waste of time and i wouldn’t recommend them to anyone
No. 137564
>>137547>>137543I’ve read some of Murakami’s books, plus a lot of his short stories. I think his short stories are pretty good and would recommend them; they have all the good qualities of his writing (lovely prose, nice attention to detail, interesting premises) but since they’re condensed there’s not as much waxing on and on about pubic hair that personally makes me less inclined to immerse myself in his writing.
>>137540Do you recommend Wind-Up Bird Chronicle? I’ve heard it’s pretty good but I really hated 1Q84, even though I enjoyed Kafka on the Shore.
No. 137567
>>137540i hard a hard time finishing kafka in the shore bc the women just felt like props for the male narrator. i tried reading other books of his and gave up bc it felt like he was writing the same book over and over with just minor details altered.
as far as japanses writiers go i really enjoy natsuo kirino's perspective, although her books tend to have inconclusive endings.
No. 137698
>>137641thanks for the rec nona! kawakami's
breasts and eggs is on my to-read pile already, i'll look up kanae minato as well!
No. 137732
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What the hell was his problem?
No. 137942
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What are some historic examples of the character dynamic of "enemies to lovers" in a romantic plot or subplot. Looking for pre-20th century examples.
No. 137951
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>>137540This book is quoted so much on r/menwritingwomen.
I think it's honestly the worst Murakami book I read.
Well aside from a book from the other Murakami (Ryu Murakami). Ryu Murakami is an atrocious author in my opinion. I read Almost Transparent Blue, got to the rape gangbang with fetishised black guys and honestly had to stop for a while. It's such a cheap ridiculous smut yet so many people hold it in high regard, I even read it only because it was my ex bf's favourite book (no we did not break up because of his taste in books).
I only can read so many descriptions of a swollen red pulsing vulva of a drugged up prostitute being raped by huge black penis and how every man sometimes fantasises about killing a woman after raping her.
I'm honestly so tired of the 'ooh gritty realism with shit, rape, dead women and drugs' genre of books that so many pretentious people always cite as their favourites. See Palahniuk's newer books. And I kinda wish so many Japanese authors weren't so perverted in a way that legit makes their books kinda ridiculous to read. I guess I just don't see the art of group rape or pissing yourself on drugs.
No. 137979
>>137706ooh i saw the film adaptations of
confessions and
penance, i'll definitely check out the books too! didn't know the og writer was female
No. 138026
>>137988Yeah, I mostly meant male Japanese authors. I'm definitely behind in reading female Japanese authors so I'm looking forward to read the few mentioned in this thread.
>>137976When I was in a Japanese high-school for a while, the books we read weren't that perverted. I remember we only read male authors and the books were mostly about the beauty of death or suicide. But as you said, most books I can find where I am are the newer ones that tend to be like that - and I'm not sure if it's to appeal to West, I rather think Japanese culture is (also) very influenced by porn right now. Almost Transparent Blue is from the 70s though, it's not
that new.
No. 138043
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Really loving the discussion on Japanese literature! Kanae Minato rocks; like
>>137987 I also read Penance in one sitting. For another recommendation, try Banana Yoshimoto. Her work is very cozy in the sense that it's concerned with the every day lives of the heroine, yet there's a touch of magical realism and romance that always sweeps me away… In high school my favourite novel of hers was Kitchen, though one character is a sympathetic tranny so YMMV. Despite that, I still find some passages to be so poetic that they bring me to tears. Lately, I've been thinking of Goodbye Tsugumi more and more. If "psychological slice of life" was a genre, Yoshimoto would fit that perfectly.
No. 138048
>>138026>the books were mostly about the beauty of death or suicideWould love to read those! Do you remember any titles?
smells like Yukio Mishima Wonder if those novels got translated into English.
>>138043Thanks to the recs in the last few posts I grabbed Breasts and Eggs (totally wanted to read it before it got released, but forgot later on lmfao) as well as the two novels by Kanae Minato. Thanks!
I remember wanting to read Banana Yoshimoto's novels for years. They became sold out due to all the weebs wanting to read contemporary japanese prose. When I finally got them, I was terribly disappointed. Not only I paid an inflated price for those tiny books, the stories didn't grab me. I found them kind of dry, more like a sketch of a novel than a finished product. I don't intend to claim that my experience is universal, but just had to share the disappointment.
No. 138050
>>138048Me too re: beauty of death and suicide. A strangely high number of the modern Japanese literary greats did off themselves in their 30's but only some of them explicitly talked about suicide or death in the manner anon described.
I would also suggest you look into Yoko Ogawa. I really liked The Diving Pool: Three Novellas and Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales. Pretty sure she has been mentioned upthread but Sayaka Murata's books are quick reads and darkly hilarious and disturbing.
I will defend Piercing by Ryu Murakami because the female character totally turns the tables on her would be male victimizer. Still has issues though. Which is why I prefer reading female authors.
No. 138083
>>138073I’ve been reading a lot of thrillers/mysteries lately, I find that they’re particularly good if you’re in a rut with reading because you get so absorbed in the story (that is, if they’re any good) that you steamroll the whole thing in a few hours, so I’ll try posting some recommendations.
1. The Hole by Hue-Young Pyun
> After a devastating car accident that kills his wife, a man finds himself completely paralyzed and unable to speak. His mother-in-law is thankfully there to take care of him.2. The Perfect Wife by JP Delaney
>A Silicon Valley entrepreneur recreates his dead wife as a robot five years after an accident took her life. She struggles to adjust to normal life, with questions about their relationship, herself, and the circumstances around her death. 3. The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino
>When his neighbor kills her abusive ex-husband in self-defense, a retired mathematics professor helps manufacture the perfect alibi. The detective on the case consults with one of the professor’s former college friends, a physics teacher, and they each struggle to outmaneuver the other.>>138043Yoshimoto is one of my favorite authors! I can understand why some people like
>>138048 would find her books boring, they’re very understated and quiet, not very intense in terms of plot. But what I love about her is that quiet quality. There’s this sense of melancholy optimism in all her work, I think every story of hers alludes to death and alienation in some major way, but she doesn’t really focus on that, more on how you continue living afterward. My favorite of hers is The Lake, which was partially inspired by the Tokyo subway sarin attack, but is a really delicate, tender love story. If you have any more recommendations for similar authors, I’d love to hear them!
No. 138089
>>138083>>138084!I think I may give Yoshimoto another chance. The Lake sounds really interesting, I'm fascinated by Aum Shinrikyo and the terrorist attack itself (I read Murakami's nonfiction book on the topic). NP also seems more interesting to me than the previous novels that I tried to read:
>In N.P., Banana Yoshimoto’s enchanting novel of uncanny subtlety, style, magic, and mystery, a celebrated Japanese writer has committed suicide, leaving behind a collection of stories written in English. But the book, itself titled N.P., may never be published in his native Japan: each translator who takes up the ninety-eighth story chooses death too—including Kazami Kano’s boyfriend, Shoji. Haunted by Shoji’s death, Kazami is inexorably drawn to three young people whose lives are intimately bound to the late writer and his work. Over the course of an astonishing summer, she will discover the truth behind the ninety-eighth story—and she will come to believe that “everything that had happened was shockingly beautiful, enough to make you crazy.”Maybe I will end up uninterested for the third time, but it sure is worth giving it a shot.
No. 138106
>>8561nonnies, talking about japanese female writers, there's this book I've been looking for for a long time. I remember reading it from the library a few years ago but I never finished and I just can't seem to remember the name of it and it's haunting me
It's about a group of little girls who are friends on a city on the country side of Japan. I remember very clearly that the city either had the cleanest air or cleanest water or something like that. One day they are playing at a park near a school and a stranger aproaches them and asks for one of them to sort of guide him through the school and then some time later when they go look for that girl they find her body on a classroom, being clear that she was raped and then killed.
The book is basically about the lives of these friends after they grow up with the trauma, I remember that the first one ends up in an
abusive marriage in France.
That's all I really recall from that book, if anyone knows which book it is I would really appreciate
No. 138111
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>>138106Penance by Kanae Minato might be what you're thinking of.
>When they were children, Sae, Maki, Akiko and Yuko were tricked into separating from their friend Emily by a mysterious stranger. Then the unthinkable occurs: Emily is found murdered hours later. Sae, Maki, Akiko and Yuko weren't able to accurately describe the stranger's appearance to the police after the Emily's body was discovered. Asako, Emily's mother, curses the surviving girls, vowing that they will pay for her daughter's murder. No. 138604
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i’ve read three haruki murakami books so far and like .. is it his life’s goal to include pedophilia in all his stories or what
No. 138620
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Reading this because I found it while browsing my therapist's library and she let me borrow it. The premise is interesting I guess but I feel as though some of the descriptions and scenes the author tries to build are really just going over my head. I find myself having to read a paragraph two and three times only to realize she's describing some building.
No. 138621
>>138604What books did you read? I somehow don't remember pedo themes but I was a braindead teen then. I wonder if I read the ones you did
>>138611the ending was the most disturbing thing. Major
tw for gore and
canibalism No. 138624
>the ending was the most disturbing thing.I was actually impressed. Like, oh shit she is really fully committing, just 100 percent doubling down
on the cannibalism and murder. Gutsy. Although the way she narrated the abuse and the
self defensive killing were also really disturbing.
No. 138627
>>138621it’s not that i think he’s necessarily glorifying pedophilia but it’s just a reoccurring element in the books i’ve read of his. i’m nearly finished reading norwegian wood and
what was the point of the whole story about the lady at naeko’s psych ward who was essentially seduced by a 13 year old lesbian who framed her for pedophilia out of spite it was just so random. 1Q84 also
went into graphic detail about the rape of a prepubescent girl and then kafka on the shore. i wouldn’t call this pedophilia per say but the
50 something year old woman who had sex with the teenage protagonist. okay. although i can forgive this book because i think he was definitely paying tribute to the oedipous myth anyway it doesn’t particularly bother me but it’s just a common reoccurring thing i’ve noticed so far. or maybe his other books are different.
No. 138632
>>138627NTA but the man clearly has some issues. I've read those books too and I'd actually say it
was pedophilic as shit each time and made me extremely uncomfortable. Combine his penchant for including child abuse in his books with his nationality and how loosey goosey Japan is about depicting minors… Not good news imo.
No. 138643
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>those spoilers
this is scrote brain on plot twists
No. 138648
>>138492nta, but I read "the new me" last night because of your comment and i loved it. thanks!
>>138621seriously! earthlings is one of the few books i've read that actually shocked and disgusted me. that ending really hit me out of nowhere i can't recommend it enough.
No. 138763
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just finished norwegian wood. it was pretty okay and i can see why it was a bestseller, but seriously i’m so sick of stories where it’s like every woman wants the main dude’s dick.