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No. 55654

Anything pre-2010 is old music

No. 55661

No. 55804

A bop.

No. 55828

Anything older than 9 years is 'old music'…
Just say 80's if you want 80's music

I rally love that Take on Me music video though.

No. 55843

No, I mean any old music

No. 56103

No. 56104

No. 56108

No. 56109

The theme song from Full Moon Wo Sagashite

No. 56111

No. 56113

No. 56123

No. 56464

fuck yes

No. 57005

No. 57029

No. 57030

No. 57639

File: 1571129287978.jpg (48.33 KB, 1024x682, 138vcJ[1].jpg)

>Anything pre-2010 is old music
Delete this.

No. 58998

I have no idea what this is but I fucking love it

No. 78551

>anything pre-2010 is old music
This is the mindset of an internet-addled zoomer who thinks he’s hot shit for liking Led Zeppelin and thinks the world was created in 1963. Since getting into literature and philosophy I unironically consider before 1945 to be the cutoff point for old. Obviously it depends on if it’s a poem or a YouTube video but music is a lot older than you seem to think.

No. 88938

hard to go past in terms of old music

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