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File: 1740749902662.jpg (258.2 KB, 800x709, cow-jump.jpg)

No. 464902

ITT we post about stereograms.
What are they?
>Stereograms are two-dimensional images that contain hidden three-dimensional scenes. When viewed correctly, these flat patterns transform into 3D images that appear to float above or sink below the surface.
How can I see the 3D image?

No. 464904

File: 1740750009907.jpg (260.57 KB, 750x642, 107_93_3d.jpg)

No. 464905

File: 1740750216546.jpg (151.73 KB, 625x469, 1740733130191.jpg)

No. 464906

File: 1740750264217.jpg (561.07 KB, 1024x768, hidden-3d.com-gallery_3dimka_s…)

No. 464908

File: 1740750415225.jpg (402.42 KB, 640x480, 13921135288_971578090f_z.jpg)

No. 464910

File: 1740750526581.jpg (33.99 KB, 576x396, 183d467aea23b99c5e918f7d67d1a4…)

No. 464927

File: 1740753692203.jpg (555.56 KB, 1497x1500, MPP.JPG)

No. 464964

I can only see some of these. Did you mix in few fakes to mess with people kek?

No. 464972

Nope I tested them all myself!
This one though was posted by someone else >>464927 and appears to be an optic illusion of the leaves moving, not a stereogram.

No. 464974

File: 1740764523275.jpg (431.9 KB, 1024x768, stereogram-1.jpg)

It's easier to focus on them if you open the image in a new tab, btw!

No. 464976

File: 1740764801929.jpg (96.52 KB, 720x480, a2110c9016c25478006dc1a1dd5de7…)

No. 464978

File: 1740764894508.jpg (194.27 KB, 736x716, efb8a41ea86a33b046e535b95bda62…)

No. 464979

File: 1740764933840.jpg (324.98 KB, 1199x959, 584d652ed94546bdafc9b3bf8650f0…)

This one made my brain especially happy

No. 464998

this one has incredible depth, but was pretty hard to get at first, had to look really far "into" the picture. >>464910 was the easiest for me, after I saw that one I started seeing the rest too.
this one is reeeeally pretty. the new tab thing is true, also playing around with the size helps, I've found that i can't see these from my normal sitting position at all, I have to really lean in.
having a really hard time with this one though. the rest worked pretty easily.

No. 464999

wooooah i finally got >>464979 it's so nice
i guess my brain just didn't expect for it to go inwards that much.

No. 465003

File: 1740773007000.jpg (439.56 KB, 1024x828, 3dimka_Shamrock_Lizard.jpg)

Nonna, bless you. I love stereograms so much, thus thread is god sent

No. 465005

Thank you nonnies for this. I got all of these effortlessly even on mobile, which is usually very hard for me. So far >>464905 is my fave.

No. 465018

i can never get these to work for me, despite being able to cross my eyes/lose focus(?) pretty easily. help?

No. 465020

have you been checked for astigmatism? they never work for me either and it's because i have astigmatism, my eyesight is fine but i have terrible depth perception

No. 465021

oh, well that does it. i have real bad astigmatism

No. 465023

File: 1740776350663.jpeg (Spoiler Image,183.98 KB, 640x577, IMG_5168.jpeg)

not her, but i have really bad astigmatism (plus some nearsightedness) and can kinda get these to work without my glasses, but it's really hard and it takes a lot of effort not to break the illusion. so there might be something to what you're saying.
but honestly the trick is just to stare at the picture and then the wall and then the picture again at varying distances and sizes for a while. the first one i ever 'got' took me like 15 minutes, and then when i finally did get it, well, it's pic related, try for yourself.

No. 465173

File: 1740827084663.jpg (283.67 KB, 900x532, hold-my-heart-stereogram-jmar-…)

Yeah, resizing can help too. The farm landscape is an easier one, I think it's meant to be an UFO but let's pretend it's Elsie's hat.
I'm glad you like them too dear nonas!
Did anyone else have a book or a poster with stereograms as a kid? It's very nostalgic to me.

No. 465186

File: 1740830574717.webp (452.68 KB, 1024x768, stereo.webp)

Magic eyes are in parallel view which is so much harder
Here have a crossview version

No. 465194

That's so weird-looking, it's going inwards. Is it a cat playing with a ball?

No. 465199

File: 1740837004817.webp (179.02 KB, 1080x720, schwanebeck-v0-phjsdt8p6zke1.w…)

Yes! For me all the other magic eye images appear inverted like that one does for you. To get those ones to look normal to me it takes like 30 seconds of trying to defocus my eyes in the exact right way instead of being able to do the crossview images in an instant.

No. 465201

File: 1740838401843.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1179x871, IMG_5183.jpeg)

>Did anyone else have a book or a poster with stereograms as a kid? It's very nostalgic to me.
I just found mine while visiting my parents, I think it's just a translated version of the original "Magic Eye 2" book. gotta say, these are a lot easier to get working on a computer screen than on glossy paper. The book made my head hurt.

No. 465221

I just found out that there is an 25th year anniversary Magic eye book! It's up on Anna's Archive too.

No. 465232

Thank you for the thread I love these things! I found this music video years ago when I was reminiscing about Magic Eye books that we used to have in the school library
If you see >>465186 better then this version is easier for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUO5al57-1s

No. 465252

thanks nonna this is really really cool. made me wonder if vidrel existed, and like, of course it did

No. 465360

Ok so my special talent is unfocusing my eyes. Weird but useful now. Tell me if I got anything wrong
Guy with a cow
Heart with a chain above it. I think it says love?
A pond with some fish in the foreground
Squirel playing guitar. Wtf? kek
I think there's a turtle
Nothing. It's kinda wavy though?
It's an angel reading a book. She's sitting on a ring
Umbrella and some boots
A bird
Another bird but I think it's a chicken
Very cute
I can see something here but I don't now what it is. Broken heart?

No. 465365

Nta but that was a trip kek

No. 465380

This one took me a long time to get too, I had to shrink it first and then slowly make it bigger to see it properly, it does go really deep!

No. 465433

File: 1740885301027.gif (3.71 MB, 576x448, 034.gif)

this gave me a headache and i cant even see anything

No. 465549

OP pic is a cow jumping next to a moon

No. 465565

I can also unfocus my eyes, but shit just gets blurry… I struggle to see the 3d effect, I can kinda do it with some pictures but I can't see the secret thing. Idk.

No. 465679

I can unfocus my eyes too and I still can't see anything in these pictures

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