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No. 451577

ITT we will discuss about progressive rock, allegedly hated genre by us women. I like Rush, Yes and other bands like that.
We can share our real opinions about this genre, maybe criticize progrockers' conduct against us women (lyrics, behavior etc.) and such. I have lots of reasons to criticize e.g. Rush, Marillion, Genesis, ELP for at times misogynistic undertones I meet with (whether accused of or not).
My favorite female=fronted prog bands are e.g. Renaissance, Curved Air, Frumpy etc. Can you find more of these?

No. 451578

I hope I can get some responses, because I made one of the threads.

No. 451579

You should post this thread in /m/ where it belongs

No. 451580

Well, officially you can't click on /m/.

No. 451581

Oh sorry, but still.

No. 451582

I fucking love math rock

No. 451583

Good for you

No. 451584

>Math rock

No. 451585

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Listen to the song for an example. It's a subgenre of progressive rock that features fun techniques like finger tapping, weird time signatures and often alternate tunings.

No. 451594

Personally, I really enjoy the sound of Opeth and how ethereal their music sounds. I like Ghost Reveries the most. It's the perfect balance between their prog sound and their death metal sound, their best album imo. In Cauda Venenum is their second best album to me. Banger after banger and beautiful sonic experience. I like both English and Swedish versions, though some songs sound better in Swedish. I especially love Frihet & Tyrani. Their most beautiful song to me. Harlequin Forest is the best track on GR. They're the only prog band I actually like enough to collect their music though. Tool has some cool tracks but their albums are a bit weak and repetitive to me, but I liked Fear Inoculum. I enjoy King Crimson, too because of the jazz influence. I also like songs and bands that hinge on being prog but aren't quite there, like Jinjer. I think Cattle Decapitation could be prog blackened technical death metal with their last 3 albums and incorporation of synths and ethereal sounding melodies but that's just me.

No. 451707

Jess and the Ancient Ones is pretty neat

No. 451893

As for me, an OP, I'm an old-fashioned progger

No. 451894

I'm extremely disappointed to find out that Geddy Lee hates Poland (my own land).

No. 452767

I love prog and prog metal. But I hate how moids at shows assume women are just there to support their nigels. And then they go online and complain that there's no women into the genre.

No. 459200

Anybody else?

No. 459201

Oh yeah true, actually the same thing happened in the Rush fandom, frequently.

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