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No. 418141

To all my girls who loved digging through the internet and feeling weird things late at night! Post some pieces of artistic media made by unconventional, mysterious, interesting individuals that searched to find the light on the internet [digital native stuff only!] ! Sources and ressources are welcome <3
And disscuss the lore behind the art!
>stuff by audio artists such as Tonetta's music work
>stuff by visual artists like Piropito's work
>any "surrealist game maker": Jake Clover, Lilithofthemaze, Jack-King-Spooner…
>any tumblr artist from back in the day that caught your interest
>weird ARG/acounts…
>art projects that became some glorious trainwreck…
Share your secret faves, discuss the more well known, and share sites or accounts that repost these gems
>No actual "weirdcore" content/ yabujin-type stuff, only things that evolved outside the genre but still provokes this uncanny feeling in you!(Duplicate thread, L2catalog)

No. 418148

We already have this thread

No. 418157

The other threads focuses on either paranormal, or intentional "weird core aesthetic" I wanted people to post about artists with lore online (and they have been dead since long ago)

No. 418162

awful op pic, it isn't weird or unsettling it just looks like a huge blackhead and it's gross

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