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No. 416352

Discuss the Touhou Project universe in all its forms.
How did you discover Touhou and what made you get into it? What's your fave character / song / game / manga or what have you?

Feel free to post your fave doujin circle song covers, or pieces of fanart you like.

>Do not bring up the depraved side of the fandom, let's keep this thread chill and have fun.

No. 416362

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i like that 2hu is so popular that even elementary school students know about it. and i hope zun green lights an episodic two cour series animated and directed by someone on par with the people behind elusive samurai/bocchi within his lifetime

No. 416363

Cute!!! He should get the guy who directed Summer Wars to work on it. Or vets from good 2000s anime for it to feel right

No. 416368

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I want to get into touhou since I've always really liked the designs. I feel like I'm not that good at games though so it's a bit difficult. But I enjoyed what little I've played so far

No. 416372

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You can always read the manga if anything! You'll miss a lot of references if you start from there but as someone who also sucks at the games, I think it's pretty fun to just read stuff and put the pieces together.
picrel is a manga currently being written and published that is really nice

No. 416373

I've been listening to IOSYS club arrange albums lately. Autism in the club
Even as an old fan I suck at the games so don't worry
Phantasmagoria of flower view and unfinished dreams of all living ghosts are the easier bullet hells imo, they're multiplayer and the patterns are more randomized
There's always the fighting games too nothing wrong with button mashing

No. 416382

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i’ve been here since 2007 and i’m also bad at the games. most fans don’t even play them, they just consume memes or pvs or something. the characters themselves are also pretty flimsy outside of reimu and marisa so you can pretty much do whatever fandom-wise imo

No. 416384

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The data books are good for quick summaries on characters besides the omake files by the way, if the manga referencing other characters or incidents are confusing
It's weird trying to reccomend new people to basically just consume a wiki before playing the games, but I think in Touhous case it's probably required lol
I'd say some of the newer characters like Hecatia are pretty established personality wise, it's ones like Flandre where he'll change her personality for the sake of it (psycho to hikineet to retarded child)

No. 416419

stand up for the national anthem

No. 416422

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It was cirno day not that long ago!

No. 416453

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Thanks for the thread OP! I looked for a Touhou thread months ago and was sad when I didn't find one. I think one of the best things the fandom has to offer is the music, both ZUN's official music and doujin music. I reeeeally love Shibayan Records, they're by far my favorite doujin music group. They have some obvious influences from Piper and Masayoshi Takanaka (two of my all time faves) and their music is just so relaxing and comfy. I always put on their bossa nova discography for long drives, or when I'm drawing or writing.
Don't worry, if you want to get into the games you can just start with easy mode. There's no shame in it at all! I play easy mode because I suck at games and get motion sickness from them to boot, and I still find them really fun. And like others have said, there are multiple official manga you can start with instead. I've read them all, they aren't amazing or anything but they are relaxing to read. They're essentially monster-of-the-week, with a slice of life sort of feel, usually consisting of two chapter isolated stories with the main characters solving mysteries involving youkai, ghosts, and other entities like that. There's also a few fighting games if you prefer them over bullet hells!

No. 416454

>tfw a little kid mogs Zun in art skill

No. 416541

We already have touho threads on the catalog

No. 416543

Damn wtf, I didn't see them while searching for them. Should I ask a mod to lock all but one of them?

No. 416547

Yes!!! i love IOSYS… DJ Technetium has done some great remixes too
Been a fan for like 13yrs and i never did a tryhard run… It's fine lel most western touhoufags haven't even played the games (sadly)

No. 416551

No. 416596

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(NTAYRT) I agree that ZUN occasionally changes his characters personalities slightly, but Flandre has always had a relatively consistent personality and if you are reading CDS her personality has expanded even more. She's never really been the way the fandom portrays her (insane crazy psycho serial killer) and I wouldn't describe her as a retarded child either. If she was really retarded I don't think she'd be capable of following along and understanding Satori's plan.

I honestly think in this scene she appreciates not being treated as an uncontrollable, destructive child. Because they generally don't want her going outside, Okina and Satori trusting her enough to use her powers accordingly means a lot to her, I think. That's what I interpret from this scene at least. Add onto this her other issues (emotional problems, communication problems, lack of trust in Sakuya and Meiling), issues with her sister, she actually has a lot of depth to her character.

No. 416598

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For those of you who want to play the games but find it really hard, this is a youtube comment I found from Jaimers detailing his strategy and approach towards bullet hell games. This is the guy who gets perfect no miss no bomb lunatic clears in pretty much every single touhou game.

For me personally thprac was a lifesaver, and I would not be able to get my hard clears/perfect extras without it. I think it's genuinely fun practicing a little everyday and seeing yourself slowly improve. Probably next year I'm going to start giving lunatic mode a try if they do not send me to the psych ward first.

No. 416599

Not into the 2hu games but clicked on the thread anyway, and was very surprised to see this. Great to see another nona into Technetium's stuff, too bad he's an absolute freak.

No. 417002

An old favourite

No. 417004

No. 417006

No. 417008

No. 417028

hope the older threads are locked

No. 417074

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Anons which girl is your favorite? In my case it was Mokou for a long time but Tsukasa ended up stealing my heart when UM first came out. I really love manipulative villains, especially if they're two-faced.

No. 417086

Holy shit, I've been listening to these albums for well over a decade now, never expected to see them linked on lolcor. Vidrel is my favourite song by him

No. 417101

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I cycle though favorites often, the most consistent top favorites are Seiga (her inspiration is seriously depressinig) and Maribel (just like me frfr)
Tsukasa's pretty good too. She's got shithead energy for sure

No. 417157

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Yay!!! The tracks you posted are so so nice
>too bad he's an absolute freak
KEK please i still get flashbacks of his selfies
Youmu (currently)

No. 417164

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I've always had a penchant for the Moriya shrine trio, but the #1 spot kept flip flopping for me
First, it was Suwako, then I thought Kanako was the coolest for a while, then I played the games Sanae was in and read the printworks and I've liked this green idiot the most ever since

No. 417198

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I've actually fell harder into being a Mokou fan recently, she's been in my top 5 for like 15 years but I've noticed that she's really popular with Japanese female fans and for some reason that has been making me like her more to the point that she is probably like top, 2. I also feel like we are both pretty similar sometimes.
I totally get what you mean about Tsukasa nonna! I feel like a lot of fans really hate her but as a character and what she does for the story I think she is super entertaining. It was funny when she manipulated the fuck out of Megumu in UM and also really funny when her trying to be a bad bitch in 19 backfired on her. She's just so fun.

Also wtf. You guys have no idea how badly I need normal ass female touhou fans to talk to. This thread is saving me

No. 417231

I've been listening to the music for well over a decade now but I never actually got into the story, mainly because I don't know where or even how to start. Anyone got a tip?

No. 417237

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I have lots of favorite girls but Yukari has to be my no. 1. I love her personality and the lore behind her. Also her theme is one of my favorite songs of all time.

No. 417238

TBH I would just casually click through the official game pages or whatever on the wiki, just start with whichever one is appealing to you and go from there. Or you can read about specific characters that interest you. The story isn't that deep but it gets wide, so you can take your time. Other nonnas mentioned the Touhou info books, there's also some manga but they often assume you know a lot already. My best friend got into Touhou via Wild and Horned Hermit which tends to be the most connected to the main stories, Forbidden Scrollery is also very fun (and the most gorgeous imo) and touches upon important characters while also getting more into the world.
The main thing is understanding the overall plot of the games because all the other supplemental material references them.
It's also helpful to just talk to other fans about the story because a lot of the comprehension of Touhou gets pieced together by the fans. Sometimes reading through all the scattered bits and pieces, things don't really click.
I would definitely not watch those "lore explanation" youtube videos, they are usually pretty low quality and have a lot of mistakes because the moids who make them get really autistic about spinning their own personal narrative.

No. 417240

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I love Mamizou. I suck at the games so I might never see her original introduction in TD, but she seems to be present in basically every manga so I have a lot of content of her to see.
In general, I'm a big fan of how the characters mostly only care about serving their personal interests, even if it causes problems to everyone else. I thought they would all be boring moe blobs before I started getting into Touhou, so I was pleasantly surprised. Especially Reimu, from the fanart I had seen of her prior, I expected her to have zero personality.

No. 417261

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To get a feel for the characters, try the wiki (not that reliable a lot of the time) and read the info books that have profiles on nearly every character (the ones that are written in-universe by Akyuu have her biases in them though). Strange creators of outer world has characters reviewing and giving their opinion on other characters too which is fun
Try the games (on easy if you have to) or just read the character's scenarios online to see their interactions and personality
Nearly all information about Gensokyo, how it works, how youkai function etc is contained in the manga and books. Events in the manga relate to game events so it's good to know what's happening in them. I wouldn't worry about reading order. Overall info is veery scattered

No. 417294

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Currently Alice, her themes are great, she's the first character that gave me a hard time in touhou so she always holds a special place in my heart
>You guys have no idea how badly I need normal ass female touhou fans to talk to. This thread is saving me
I feel you nonna, it's so hard to have a normal touhou discussion without some moids chiming in with some fanon coomer meme or powerlevel bullshit and that their distorted version of the characters is the real version.

No. 417423

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Ahhhh, I'm the same nonna! Tsukasa quickly became my new favorite and UM is my favorite game now too, besides IN and MoF. I really like her simple yet pleasing design, and how she's the "true" evil villain behind the events of the game and yet you never get to really fight her properly. I like that ZUN continues to use her, I hope she shows up in the next game too! And I would absolutely die if she got a manga appearance. I also kinda like the fanon that she's secretly a bit of a moeblob dork, I particularly like Dai's chibi art of her which is just really cute and warms my insides.

No. 417475

Anon I find easy mode super difficult

No. 417479

I love Stack and I love Rumia so this song is perfect for me.

No. 417480

What game are you playing? If you're having a real hard time try IN, it's the easiest.

No. 417497

practice makes perfect. took me a while for my first clear let alone my first 1cc
EoSD isn't a good first game if you're trying that one. PCB/IN is good and should be approachable

No. 417498

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>fun personality – in charge of so much yet she sees it all as a pain, knows she's strong and not afraid to do anything from kill children to tear off people's skin, irreverent, a bit of a bully, money-hungry, etc. she's awful and a lot of that awfulness is supported by canon
>lots of ship dynamics i love. reimari as platonic soulmates, yurei for the groomer ship, sarei for rivalry vibes
>just a fun, iconic design. everyone who's even somewhat deep into internet culture knows who she is.
after her it's definitely mokou, marisa, and yukari.

No. 417517

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IN is a good suggestion but some people don't like the time aspect of the game. You could give UM a shot, it's a newer one where you collect cards as you go along. Some of the cards are very helpful, if you get some good ones within the first couple of stages you could use them to help you beat the game. They can give you stuff like power ups, defensive abilities, extra lives, and so on. When I first got an easy 1CC on UM, I had a lot of defensive cards and was able to stack tons of lives, and also had Okina's backdoor which I used to avoid any bullets coming behind me which often kill me. I was also able to fly to the top of the stage and fly down vertically quickly, erasing all bullets behind me and staying safe.

No. 417538

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Touhou nonnies what are your thoughts on Rinnosuke? I know that people in the fandom say that he's Zun's self insert, but idk I think he's kind of cute and I like when people draw him as a bishie.

No. 417541

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As a character, he's more than fine. Doesn't feel like a self insert to me, though his shop and his whole job is basically a get out of jail free card for when you want to have a 2hu interact with modern stuff
As far as male characters go, the unnamed, completely irrelevant guys that show up in the manga sometimes, like the Geidontei regulars, the fishing guy, the anxious drug addict, are my favorites. There's something really funny about the majority of the male characters just being some random dudes that get drunk and do nothing all day
Best male character is fortune teller, though.

No. 417543

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I finished CoLa's original publication months ago and tbh I don't really buy that sentiment if we're talking about that version of Rinnosuke. He existed back then to be like a bridge between the way yokai think and explaining it to the other humans (besides just making up bullshit)
If we're talking about the newer chapters featured in Strange Creators though then yeah, but that also applies to Sumireko too. It's hard to talk about without sounding like a schizo (and that sort of discussion is probably better suited for 4chan because it's vaguely political)

Other than that, chapter 18 is my favorite chapter, it's mostly world play but the idea of Rinnosuke just going "ah well you know lucky items need some sort of backstory so I better make up something" was funny as fuck
The old men carry Lotus Eaters I read it for them

No. 417557

Same, I love Akatsuki Records! I've been ordering their cds religiously for a few years

No. 417558

Males don't exist in Gensokyo

No. 417560

is there any canonical reason given for the cast being entire female btw in any of the books or manga I know the real reason is because zun doesn't like men but I always found it weird how none of the characters acknowledge there are no men despite some canonically being mothers and having descendants

No. 417562

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Nope, no reason. Men just live normal simple lives and don't do danmaku. The only male danmaku user is Unzan, and he's a cloud lol (him and Ichirin are cool though)
There's been a couple of times when ZUN did want to add a male character, for example Byakuren's brother was originally supposed to be the final boss of UFO, but he decided against it because it'd be strange

No. 417571

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wish genderbent 2hu art was more common. artist is @_kohiu

No. 417623

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I always assumed in my own headcanon that men just aren't typically good at danmaku, it's more of a "girl thing" because the patterns not only have to be powerful but also beautiful and thoughtful. Perhaps women are significantly more powerful in general in Gensokyo, so even if men could do danmaku it would be weak and they'd immediately lose. There may be some males who are particularly talented (like Unzan) but it's very rare. And considering Reimu just straight up kills men who try to turn into youkai, they don't even get a chance to start danmaku in the first place.

No. 417636

Though I like ShibayanRecords mostly for their relaxing comfy music, I also like their Broad Border album a lot. This song is my favorite off the album.

No. 417638

>>417538 I love that he thinks he's such a deep and smart sigma and then every girl around him makes him look like the complete idiot he is as part of a punchline.

No. 417646

No. 417689

SO thankful for this thread! Actually, I'd been thinking of talking about Touhou here but I had a feeling no thread for it existed yet.

I don't know why the hell the fandom just decided that the older characters must all have massive breasts. None of them look remotely like that in the games. It's so stupid. I hate that and the fanon personality traits the fandom gives them. Touhou is already awesome as it is, so it makes me think they're secondaries that are solely into the memes. Tbh I never really liked IOSYS that much, I found their meme-heavy songs and videos kind of annoying, and very unlike what Touhou is in reality.

I don't see him as ZUN's self-insert at all. I also think he's cute as fuck, I dumped all the cute danbooru fanart of him I could find a while back. He's so husbando-able. I wish he was more popular with the based female Touhou fans and not the shitty moid fans that only make hentai protagonist jokes about him and uglify him.

It's a matter of practice, believe me. Even if it takes you years to 1cc on Easy, if you end up liking the games, it won't matter if you keep losing kek, it's just fun. I'm still not able to 1cc IN on Normal, let alone any other game. I'm usually able to reach the second-to-last stage in most games, or the last boss if I'm lucky.
My advice would be to watch other people's gameplay as a guide and just keep playing and having fun. You'll eventually get there.

No. 417734

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Wow I really like that headcannon nonnie, I never thought about it like that! The fact that touhou has so many insanely powerful female characters is part of why I like the series so much.

No. 417797

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>I don't know why the hell the fandom just decided that the older characters must all have massive breasts.

Right? You don't know just how much stuff I have to filter whenever I want to find art of Yuyuko, Yukari, Sanae, Aya, Ran, Sakuya, even Youmu. If you go on pixiv there's no filter so you just have to have your senses assaulted by women drawn with breasts the size of queen size beds. It's tasteless, but it sells and gets the most likes. It's really disappointing sometimes seeing good art get less attention than this shit, and it's sad seeing good characters morphed into joke version of themselves.
I'm glad this thread exists, too. It helps to have somewhere you can discuss this stuff with likeminded people

No. 418182

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post cute pics

No. 418184

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No. 418185

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No. 418186

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No. 418187

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No. 418192

I remember when this style of fanart was popular, seeing this is making me so nostalgic.

No. 418204

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Some of my favorite Touhou artists are the ones that mimick ZUN's style. They all do it to different degrees, some of them are scarily accurate while others only vaguely look ZUN-y. I especially love this artist, who is メディンキ on Pixiv. They make beautiful traditional works in his style.

No. 418313

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No. 418317

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I love this pic of Reimu

No. 418324

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No. 418325

I got into it because i'm a SMT fan and played artificial dream in Arcadia

No. 418360

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I love artists who do that, it's as if Zun had learned to draw lmao

No. 418364

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No. 418460

File: 1727305189930.jpg (1.08 MB, 2779x3970, zunmu.jpg)

ZUNart has a certain appeal to it that I can't explain, so artists that draw in his style are always nice to see.
Related, I guess, but ZUN's art peaked for me at Touhou 12. His new stuff is fine but feels kinda flat

No. 418463

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Idk why but his EOSD style has always been my favorite even though the anatomy is objectively worse. I prefer the colors and painty rendering style in the old art over the new stuff.

No. 418567

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I will unironically fight my whole life for the idea that ZUN can actually draw well. Coloring has never been his strong suit, but his lineart has always had a high level of quality to it. Not to mention that he is pretty good at designing cute characters that don't just look like gachaslop. It makes me sad when retarded discord memes use EoSD character art to make fun of his skill, because I think those are even genuinely cute drawings. In the more recent games it definitely seems like he's been tracing over posed 3D models, though. No matter what though, I really couldn't imagine Touhou looking any other way. I think it would be much less special if it just had generic anime girl drawings.

No. 418636

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His lineart is pretty good and when he draws on paper you can see that he's pretty skilled. EoSD art is fine for the most part, I like EoSD Reimu more than PCB Reimu, Rumia is great, Cirno too, it's only Sakuya that's really wonky. I don't mind people making fun of Sakuya's portrait, her face is, well, it's her face. Poor girl

No. 419904

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Bad Apple made me realize he's really good at designing characters that have distinguishable silhouettes, even when they're all frilly girls with hats. I should definitely study from his character design, I'm not even kidding.
By the way, have you all seen these? I wish I could buy them but I would never fit… I would kill for Remilia's dress. https://x.com/hoshibakoWorks/status/1838160129642168380

No. 420032

>His new stuff is fine but feels kinda flat
It's a bit like comparing cel animation to digital animation. The former felt more natural and textured, while the latter often ends up looking flatter because it's cleaner.
Unpopular opinion, maybe, but most of his newer designs are kinda boring. On that note, EoSD's and IN's styles are my favorite.
This one is so cute and accurate at the same time. I think it captures the spirit of ZUN's style around IN/PoFV perfectly.
I always liked his coloring, though. It's just the anatomy that makes it look so bad, in my opinion. I also loved the detail and textures he (over)used in the early Windows era.
>Bad Apple made me realize he's really good at designing characters that have distinguishable silhouettes
NTA but yes! I got into Touhou because I watched Bad Apple! and a comparison video showing all the character's original portraits and I just knew I needed to get into this series. I was so charmed by their colors and shapes and how unique they were. I remember thinking Ran's design made her look so big and powerful, I love it when he makes the final and extra bosses look like that.

No. 420089

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2hu really gets the best fanart. such neat ideas

No. 420432

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No. 420445

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I agree

No. 421062

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It's not even just distinguishable silhouettes, the characters are designed in such a way that you can tell them apart even without a lot of their main characteristics. Somewhat related, this image is always a fun challenge, and it really shows that you can distinguish them easily

No. 421075

charmingly jank reisen mv

No. 421076

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Lots of the blonde characters and my wife doesn't seem to be there… I'm looking for her braid.

No. 421084

Marisa is out of the frame. It's a 3 panel comic and Marisa is on her own panel

No. 421095

ZUN art is iconic idc what ppl say

No. 421212

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Very late reply since I don't usually check here much but thank you nonnies for the reassurance. I beat EOSD on easy mode and it was fun. Tried to do normal and hard but I think it's a bit much for me so I'll probably just see the other endings somewhere and then try another game and the manga like you recommended. I like the bullet hell style but fighting games sound nice too

No. 421217

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Any shippers here? What ones are your favorites? Mokou/Kaguya has took over my brain kek

No. 421225

I'm not distinguishing easily.. I see alice multiple times

No. 421228

File: 1728224481230.jpg (715.54 KB, 836x1180, 119701945_p0.jpg)

I am a filthy tertiary but I too love TeruMoko! I also like Okina/Yukari and Yukari/Yuyuko.

No. 421229

Aw, they look good together. I'm not really that invested in shipping but I saw some adorable Cirno x Nitori fanart once and thought that would be cute, opposites attract and all that.

No. 421272

File: 1728241604675.png (1.82 MB, 1701x1381, nowyoucantellthemapart.png)

Here's my guide I just hope my handwriting is legible

No. 421276

File: 1728242396128.jpg (265.15 KB, 1202x1034, F73LIaVa8AAS2VO.jpg)

I will ship anything I see in front of me, but recently I've been into ZanHisa… I like the fucked up ships
My fave ship artists are Kawayabug (I love her take on TeruMoko), Whorusan (very nice SuwaKana) and Re_ghotion (picrel)

No. 421375

File: 1728267079215.jpeg (115.17 KB, 726x832, IMG_2573.jpeg)

I love 2hu

No. 421376

File: 1728267306388.jpg (479.07 KB, 1024x1449, Momiji Inubashiri by Okaiwen.J…)

No. 421377

File: 1728267817920.png (607.79 KB, 600x780, Tewi.PNG)

No. 421378

File: 1728267879367.jpg (3.74 MB, 2563x1668, crystal.cafe nonnie art.JPG)

No. 421381

File: 1728268698709.jpg (294.05 KB, 700x700, Patchouli by Mogu.JPG)

No. 421387

File: 1728269567007.jpg (242.08 KB, 850x1230, sample-bb6f806e07c037fc4bb145c…)

I love this picture of Parsee. It's fun to see characters dressed as the respective youkai type they represent

No. 421388

File: 1728269617920.jpg (398.97 KB, 850x986, Alice by Ama-Tou.JPG)

No. 421394

File: 1728270855300.jpg (227.39 KB, 877x621, Clownpiece by Misawa Hiroshi.j…)

No. 421396

File: 1728270964078.jpg (331.27 KB, 836x1188, Kazami Yuuka by Misawa Hiroshi…)

No. 421398

File: 1728271115582.jpg (502.97 KB, 850x1196, Komeiji Satori by Misawa Hiros…)

No. 421405

File: 1728272080419.png (146.12 KB, 450x500, Tewi by Hina Pico.PNG)

No. 421413

File: 1728273653369.gif (42.8 KB, 656x811, Marisa by Tonbi.GIF)

No. 421414

File: 1728273851925.png (26.75 KB, 400x400, Chen.PNG)

No. 421415

File: 1728273913845.jpg (203.39 KB, 850x670, Tewi by Noya Makoto.JPG)

No. 421419

File: 1728274738310.jpg (170.81 KB, 433x489, Remilia by Shiina Aya.JPG)

No. 421420

File: 1728275049730.png (132.54 KB, 909x912, Kaenbyou Rin by Nametake.PNG)

No. 421421

If you could, what is the source for that art you posted nonnie?

No. 421422

File: 1728275471277.png (98.08 KB, 1000x1000, kazune baumkuchen.PNG)

No. 421444

File: 1728277047594.jpg (203.27 KB, 850x867, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn…)

No. 421447

File: 1728277286494.png (36.74 KB, 560x527, __kaenbyou_rin_touhou_drawn_by…)

No. 421449

File: 1728277331375.jpg (42.1 KB, 400x400, __inaba_tewi_touhou__946dc5f4b…)

No. 421450

File: 1728277415192.gif (19.09 KB, 400x400, __inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_a…)

No. 421462

File: 1728278727496.jpg (863.24 KB, 1000x1500, Patchouli by Sugartiara.jpg)

Some bjds by this blog I like: http://sugartiaradoll.blog22.fc2.com/

No. 421463

File: 1728279310424.jpg (558.49 KB, 800x1200, Yuyuko Saigyouji by Sugartiara…)

No. 421464

File: 1728279348785.jpg (612.96 KB, 800x1200, Remilia by Sugartiara.jpg)

No. 421465

File: 1728279647774.jpg (505.74 KB, 800x1200, Reimu by Sugartiara.jpg)

No. 421475

No. 421516

File: 1728298220758.jpg (910.63 KB, 1000x1391, kanako.jpg)

towhow, and such

No. 421564

File: 1728306940322.jpeg (260.51 KB, 1633x1433, F4ED9B45-693A-434C-96C2-8ECD10…)

i also love these two. og hatefuck ship

No. 421573

No. 421605

File: 1728321033409.jpg (210.34 KB, 638x1034, illust_64545485_20190101_13212…)

No. 421610

File: 1728322338314.jpg (203.89 KB, 500x580, __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_b…)

No. 421781

File: 1728358419215.jpg (1.01 MB, 2880x2880, 20240825_114321.jpg)

Sorry terumoko girlies, mokeine has had an iron grip on me for the past few years. But I think the trio of them have a really interesting love triangle dynamic, so I can peacefully coexist.

No. 421980

File: 1728422733946.png (12.62 KB, 768x1024, GZT0bAcWwAAJeWE.png)

No. 423185

File: 1728706400034.png (60.64 KB, 562x747, Kishi Kaisei.PNG)

No. 423186

File: 1728706570659.jpg (555.17 KB, 802x452, Shinosuke.JPG)

No. 423187

File: 1728706890585.png (13.48 KB, 300x300, Yungta.PNG)

No. 423190

File: 1728707902450.jpg (1.48 MB, 1000x1399, eruichi redphantom.JPG)

No. 423191

File: 1728707982034.png (144.61 KB, 1197x1099, Hage.PNG)

No. 423192

File: 1728708564722.png (152.6 KB, 600x630, IMG_2690.png)

No. 423193

File: 1728708635689.png (210.49 KB, 680x558, chikuwa.PNG)

No. 423195

File: 1728709118877.jpg (577.34 KB, 1152x2048, hwitmsikt.JPG)

No. 423374

File: 1728753890522.jpg (301.71 KB, 1098x1134, Sakino Shingetsu.JPG)

No. 423382

File: 1728754756732.png (39.42 KB, 1126x716, Kumadano.PNG)

No. 423571

File: 1728778636544.jpg (1 MB, 827x1160, wriggle nightbug by chomoran.J…)

No. 423573

File: 1728778848489.jpg (394.19 KB, 600x600, marisa by chomoran.jpg)

No. 423574

File: 1728778974369.jpg (547.74 KB, 689x916, patchouli by chomoran.jpg)

No. 423580

File: 1728780347642.jpg (312.78 KB, 534x627, k li.jpg)

No. 423581

File: 1728780428009.jpg (214.21 KB, 480x350, e9df177769d6f0c23c5a4cb59efddd…)

No. 423644

No. 423653

this and that one vocaloid track about len's hot chocolate got me through so many late nights in college

No. 423781

File: 1728827291160.jpg (75.53 KB, 849x528, 2hou.jpg)

No. 423799

File: 1728830440952.jpg (615.08 KB, 1536x2048, chickin.jpg)

Severe lack of Futo, here, this one's on me

No. 423931

File: 1728855793420.png (171.16 KB, 900x900, sukuuu.png)

Do we like sukus?

No. 423939

File: 1728857414429.jpg (451.95 KB, 1280x720, touhou mystia's izakaya.jpg)

Has anybody here played Touhou Mystia's Izakaya? I've played a bit of the main Touhou games but this is what truly pulled me in. I find it very neat.

No. 423950

File: 1728858829076.png (3.59 MB, 3272x3201, GN7TyKra4AA-Ttv.png)

I have, but I'm probably not the best person to talk about it with. I'm very slow with my progress and take it easy (!) when playing. I play it when I want to unwind or relax usually

No. 424073

File: 1728890117146.jpg (36.7 KB, 600x600, Sukusuku.Hakutaku.600.916830-3…)

Yes. I love Fumos too tbh, I know the fans are fucking crazy but they're just so cute.

No. 424131

I don't have any pictures saved right now, but I love how people take them out on trips. The pictures of them on top of mountains, in classrooms, near historical sites, in nature, sharing a meal, hanging out, etc are great. Some people dress them up in scarves and socks too which is adorable
Regular fumo fans are kinda annoying, but this stuff's awesome

No. 424644

File: 1729068899484.png (400.48 KB, 499x617, dab447cd6d176bc07f8e7e5cd76cf1…)

Rahhhh I'm such a big fan of Mystia's!!! I had so much fun with it and I've played all the DLC! I really like how they wrote all the characters too, they are very true to their canon personalities but the things they add on make a lot of sense. Mysti's costumes are so cute too!!

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