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File: 1726085597167.png (933.04 KB, 1060x775, elsie.png)

No. 414757

ITT: we talk about the hit video game Minecraft! Discussion about MC, screenshots of builds, commentary on the MC community at large, memories of the earlier versions, etc., are all welcome here!

To get the ball rolling, here are some starting questions to spur conversation:
>When did you start playing MC?
>Which resource packs do you use?
>Do you play modded, or vanilla? What mods do you like?
>Java V Bedrock?
>What's your favourite part of Minecraft?

During the latest outage, a few farmers in the bunker threads thought it'd be a good idea to make a thread for Minecraft! It's such a popular game and it's been around for so long that it was surprising that there wasn't already one on /m/. I think it'll be fun to share screenshots of builds!

No. 414758

File: 1726085664518.png (1.36 MB, 1893x995, kikomi craft.png)

It was either Elsie or Kikomi for thread pic, I couldn't choose.

No. 414760

>whats your favorite part of minecraft
let me start with my least favorite part, gathering materials for big builds. my favorite part is the satisfaction of walking through a beautiful build once its done.

No. 414761

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The few times I popped into the bunker threads, it seemed like the Minecraft anons were having fun. If there is an LC Minecraft server I'd love to join, but I'm just a bit paranoid about my username being put on some kind of shitlist even if I don't use that name anywhere else.
I like modded to mess around with stuff like fishing, cooking, and new biomes, but I usually play vanilla with light QOL mods. I like having shaders too but I don't have a PC that's powerful enough to have them on all the time without lagging. I like exploring to collect all of the rarer items and I'm currently trying to get good at making cool builds.
Picrel not mine obviously

No. 414762

damn this is a really good computer

No. 414799

File: 1726099180697.png (417.08 KB, 1227x980, 2024-09-05_23.06.29.png)

Yay we're back! Heres some pics from our first fireworks show!
With love, from CowTown

No. 414801

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Whoever built Hello Kitty as a cow is a champion builder.

No. 414819

File: 1726106826913.png (2.37 MB, 2560x1600, cece smug visage cowtown.png)

Cowtown must be a magic place

No. 414820

does anyone know how to turn the fucking machine on? i tried but i couldnt find a lever

No. 414831

don't turn it on

No. 414852

File: 1726117127826.png (1.96 MB, 2453x1600, tragedy.png)

Cece's smug gaze never wavers even as the first villager, stolen from his homeland and traumatized by a drowned zombie, dies in the cold rain, a victim of lighting. She cares not.

No. 415002

>Can’t play Minecraft because the power’s probably gonna be out for at least 3 more days
It hurts nonnies

No. 415007

hurricanon? i hope everythings okay there ♥

No. 415019

Nonas how do I join the server… I don't mind a vc check or anything I just wanna play

No. 415029

Yea, that’s me. As far as I can tell, the area I’m in has no damage, but I was banking on being able to go to my local university and using their electricity to play Minecraft this weekend, but they’re staying closed for the weekend.

No. 415105

File: 1726184397269.jpg (110.09 KB, 1280x720, babybabybabyohhhh.jpg)

no context texture pack

No. 415339

File: 1726265774153.png (1.36 MB, 2560x1600, traumafagnumber2.png)

Fortunately, a replacement was found. And so traumafag 2's fate was sealed. This anonymous group watched on all through the night with Cece's blessing.

No. 415347

KEKK even the dog is subjected to the horrors. just another day in cow town

No. 415406

File: 1726300965818.png (505.74 KB, 1440x534, end fight1.png)

Today, 14th September, we're doing our final rematch against the End Dragon! Feel free to join if you missed the first two fights, or if you wanna beat the fagon one last time! Whoever gets the final shot gets to keep the egg as a trophy! The event will be held at 11:30AM EST. After this event, players will be able to fight the end dragon whenever they'd like, but they'll have to gather the necessary materials themselves.

Later in the day, at 9:30PM EST, thanks to two brave nonas that soldiered away in the nether for hours to grind for skulls, we will be fighting the Wither! It'll take place in the End, so be prepared with armour, carved pumpkins, and food! If you can't make it tonight, don't worry! We'll be hosting a rematch tomorrow, 15th September, at 12:00PM EST.

If you weren't whitelisted and you want to play, further instructions for how to be whitelisted will be provided in the coming days. Thanks for being so patient.

No. 415409

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I captured a memory of this historic event. Picrel features the legion of brave Cowtown citizens sailing across the seas, in the tranquil dark of night, ready to raid a far-off slum to capture a moid for use in the torture machine. It was a beautiful sight to see.

No. 415411

File: 1726301897357.png (520.75 KB, 883x635, FmuqJA3XkAAcCDu.png)

still feeling resentful for the admin silence during site's downtime? miss the thrill of hellweek? daring nonas can now summon the audacity to fight cerebmin in this simple wither reskin resource pack!
Installation is straightforward, just move the downloaded pack into the resource pack tab in the ingame settings tab.
Happy baiting!

No. 415420

File: 1726304468635.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, stay true.png)

>Which resource packs do you use?
I like to play with Stay True. I like the vanilla textures, but I think they're hard on the eye. This texture pack stays true to the original textures, but it improves the overall aesthetic and makes things a lot more relaxing. Another feature of the pack I like is that it gives variations to crops and flowers like in pircrel, so it makes gardens and farms look a lot more alive.

No. 415422

Does anyone else have to have their toolbar in a certain order? The order of the items and what ones are there between my general tools depends on what I'm doing and how much progress I've made, but generally for me it's: bow, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, food, blocks, torches, clock.

No. 415471

admin figured out how to hide the names?>>415420
this is gorg
for me its almost always sword, pick, axe, and then food in my 9th slot with whatever other random shit i have in the middle of my toolbar

No. 417191

File: 1726900610188.jpeg (114.98 KB, 432x750, 1700762155801.jpeg)

there should be a map of the cow town archipelagos like picrel

No. 417222

No. 418514

I'm the first ayrt, to answer your question: no, I just sneakily edited the picture to remove the name tags. I felt like one of those soviet propagandists in charge of damnatio memoriae.
I'm working on the map now! I should be finished soon.

No. 418677

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The statues of Shayopolis dominate the horizon.

No. 418678

No. 418685

File: 1727389751318.gif (33.1 KB, 300x300, de12b92a31034ecc04905db983798b…)

What shaders would you guys recommend? I have to start my mods folder over and I don't even know what to download besides a minimap.

No. 418701

im so glad the server is thriving! I had irl stuff to deal with so i couldnt stick around to play and finish some builds but im thrilled to see development is still ongoing! keep up the fantastic work nonas!

No. 418704

The server is still going strong nona so whenever you have the itch to play, feel free to join back!! It's great seeing players from the early days join back and have fun with everyone.

There's a semi re-launch planned for mid-October where whitelist will be turned off again for new players to join, new plugins will be added, and new player events will be happening.

No. 418748

File: 1727416041037.jpg (3.02 MB, 1824x2797, 1725443035820.jpg)

reposting nona's resource pack recommendations from the bunker threads as it would be a shame to have it left there since its very well made

No. 418757

File: 1727419477698.png (217.27 KB, 1920x1051, blockfront.png)

Do you ever come across mods that are the embodiment of male autism? A couple days ago I found out about the mod blockfront and just look at picrel. It's a world war II fps. I tried it but it's very slow, clunky and very dead. I get that it's in alpha but I've played better shooters on roblox kek

No. 418775

Jenny/girlfriend mod maybe. I don't know if it's real and I don't want to bother searching for it.

No. 419120

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Just a little throwback to when Cowtown was struggling to fuel its furnaces. The coal deliveries from Shroom State & elsewhere always made me laugh.

No. 419130

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My new favorite mod, it turns the villagers into cats kek. Its actually made me happy to see the traveling merchant rather than annoyed. There's also a version for the pillagers but it's only for bedrock right now. The only thing is that it makes the villagers make cat noises, which can kinda be annoying if you're looking for an actual cat but not a big deal imo


No. 419844

File: 1727783028275.png (5.11 KB, 288x256, farmer.png)

I was bored yesterday so I made an Elsie skin. I've only made one skin before this so this shit was honestly harder than it should've been, I even followed tutorials kek.

No. 419845

super cute nonnie!

No. 419914

Thank you anon!

No. 419962

Can you post the download version so I could use it?

No. 420001

Yes here you go. Hopefully it's clear that the white splotches on her head are supposed to be horns kek

No. 420024

Thank you so much! So cute

No. 421042

File: 1728159772956.png (1.13 MB, 2560x1440, javaw_ESphKKsiV7.png)

Finally finished my shop, proud of myself ♥︎

No. 421047

So kawaii

No. 421050

samefag just noticed the roof on the right is misaligned. whoops

No. 421069

Cuuute, what are you selling anon?

No. 421073

It's in the liquor lagoon so I'll be selling drinks including one only I know the recipe for! Gonna collect the ingredients for it tomorrow.

No. 421082

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>Shroom State Update
The Shroom State railway is finally complete! Players can now ride the rails to access Mining Facilities 1 through 6, and to travel quickly between the Capital Territory in the north and Port Humble on the south coast. An auxiliary line also runs from the Capital Territory westwards to the Gulag.

No. 421083

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Hardworking nonas building skyscrapers, reminiscent of the construction of Manhattan circa 1920.

No. 421086


No. 421092

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Banner ideas for an anon looking for server based flags

No. 421093

File: 1728176683443.png (1.27 MB, 1440x781, Port Humble.png)

So proud of all the work we've put in to building up Port Humble! It's such a cool settlement, from the docks to the walls.

No. 421101

love seeing your progress

No. 421315

File: 1728253749736.jpg (759.69 KB, 1920x2913, Shroomstate.JPG)

Shroomstate appreciation

No. 421361

File: 1728264130135.jpg (82.6 KB, 600x513, Fh98L5UWIAARb_Y.jpg)

how i imagine cowlonized villages that are left in disarray after being pillaged of their resources and moids

No. 421562

File: 1728306724325.mp4 (6.69 MB, 1920x1080, mcgate.mp4)

Good news! That gate is fully functional. Shroom State supports the people's freedom of movement. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise!

No. 421724

File: 1728344421304.jpg (880.07 KB, 2048x4096, IMG_2865 2.JPG)

Made a guide on how to work the autopegger/pegging machine.

No. 421725


No. 421727

File: 1728345185423.png (520.58 KB, 2560x1440, javaw_toaeLRkxqC.png)

Amazing. Reminds me, my husbando rape dungeon is complete with captors now.

No. 422849

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Minecraft mushroom banner designs!

No. 423941

I can't build for shit. How can I get better without copying youtube tutorials?

No. 424021

no offence, but this feels like a troon post

No. 424029

Literally just build nonna. If you don't want to look up tutorials (though using tutorials early on does give you confidence to build and ideas for block combinations, layouts and props) theres nothing you can do but just keep building.

No. 424206

>she doesn't know

No. 424815

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I hate seeing these moidlets abuse and demean the chickens by riding on them. Fuck the nether.

No. 424889

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I can't build for shit either but I was able to make some decent and fairly large buildings by studying a bunch of fantasy builds I found on insta. If you can't free build maybe you can look at some builds you enjoy and make sketches of designs based off of them. It gets significantly easier to finish the build once you get the shape right. And if you're terrible with colors and textures then find shares of good-looking combinations to reference. Once again something I found on insta, there are people who will share good block combinations and how they use them in their builds.

No. 425197

File: 1729259235732.png (2.97 MB, 1920x1080, The village gas explosion; sev…)

I am a journalist that works for the Cowtown Times. On the 15th October 2024, I was requested by the editor-in-chief to investigate a small village that had managed to live uncontacted for several centuries to write an article on them for the upcoming monthly paper. As a woman dedicated to her job, I came prepared with my book and quill and my camera the next day on the 16th. What I witnessed that day would shock me to my core and leave an impact on my psyche for the rest of my life. As they had no contact with outsiders, their houses were very primitive, however they were advanced enough to have an established means of anti-gravity as their houses were built floating in air, no structural supports required. While I was investigating and interviewing the villagers to find out the secret to their anti-gravity and hopefully be able to implement their method in Cowtown, I became witness to a historical event. As I was intensely studying the foundations of their houses, I heard a hissing noise. Since I'm not retarded like the villagers, I bolted out of there. When I turned my head back, I saw the sky erupt in flames and was hit by a minor shockwave. While their technological advancement in anti-gravity was astounding, they were too retarded to adapt their plumbing to their unique building method. All their pipes were exposed, much like the foundations of their houses, and a gas pipe had cracked after I had begun my probing. In the shots I captured on that traumatic day, the last moments of villagers huddling together with their lovers, almost as if they were aware of their fate, were caught. They were regressive patriarchs that killed all the women off after using them to birth sons and then ran off to their male lovers like the fags they were, so no sympathy should be had for them. I came away from the catastrophe with a few minor burns, however all that remained of their village was the structural remains of a few houses on the edges of their village that were built adhering to gravity, and a camel that had enough wits about her to get the fuck out of there. As a woman of ethics, I'm dedicated to publicizing the truth, and only the truth, to the citizens of Cowtown, unlike the barbaric pillagers who have already started spinning their propaganda pieces about Cowtown's involvement in the incident. Lest we forget, the Major Gas Line Explosion of the South-East Sand Village, 10/16.

No. 425757

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>Lolcor Minecraft Server Update
This is just a small update post to inform nonas that play on the server about the recent updates and plans for the server.

Cowtown now has a bustling economy, complete with player shops, so that anons can monopolize resources and become wealthy artisans in-game. Players can now exchange good at the Cowtown Stock Exchange for valuable sages to spend elsewhere, like our very own market. We've added a custom image plug-in, so if there are any photos of cows or artwork players would like to see in-game, there are options to achieve that (like in picrel). We're also working on adding custom music so that we can have raves in the discotheques with alcoholic beverages sourced from the Brewery plug-in.

Starting 8 November, we're planning to host 4 server events every day, Friday through Sunday. Over the past two months, we've built a lot of exciting mini-games for nonas to participate in, so there's a lot of variety for everyone to have fun if they want to join in. There will be two events per morning around 11AM EST, and two in the evening around 9PM EST. So, there will be 12 events: 4 each day, every weekend in November after the 8th.

So far in terms of mini-games, by 8 November we'll have: Hunger Games, murder mystery, Spleef, boat racing, a world-spanning foot race, a zombie attack simulator, elytra flying course, a PVP arena, an archery course, and a horse-racing track.

>For any anons that missed the opportunity to join during the CC bunker threads:

I will be opening the server again for anons to join it in the latter days of October or the early days of November. If you're interested in joining, I'll post more about it closer to the date. The server is lighthearted with a focus on socializing, and there are strict rules in place to maintain anonymity. It's been fun hunting for diamonds with nonas while we make fun of our favourite cows. If you think you'd be interested in that sort of atmosphere, feel free to join! We're excited to welcome new nonas to the server when the time comes.

No. 426115

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derpina lives on in shroom state

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