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No. 394775

Thread to share speedpaints and Art Livestreams.

No. 394776

No. 394778

No. 394780

No. 394781

No. 394782

No. 394783

This channel has a bunch of different artists, it's kinda like China Digital Painting was

No. 394784

No. 394786

No. 394787

No. 394788

No. 394789

No. 394793

No. 394797

No. 394821

Based thread op dumping some of my faves

No. 394822

No. 394826

No. 394828

No. 394831

No. 394856

Holy shit, nostalgic. Took me back to 2010.

No. 395253

No. 395255

No. 395624

ever since i clicked on this video all i get in my recommendations are 2010 speedpaints using paint tool sai

No. 395768

It's another official account inviting different artists, but they actually have new music for each video that's fitting the vibes

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