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No. 390408
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other threadpic contenders to start it off
No. 390409
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No. 390410
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now kiss !!
No. 390411
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No. 390445
File: 1717845730924.jpg (66.59 KB, 1200x900, moth.jpg)

Moths are so cute
No. 390460
File: 1717850102974.jpg (3.19 MB, 4032x3024, Wax-tail leaf hopper.jpg)

Great thread idea! Here's the coolest insect I've ever seen in real life
No. 390461
File: 1717850169688.jpg (2.09 MB, 3024x4032, moth.jpg)

and here's a moth I saw on my car last week. so cute.
No. 390466
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No. 390470
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I love june bugs despite them being pests. They are the cutest beetles. And catching them in late spring evenings is fun
No. 390471
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>>390470Sit down, I'm listening to you
No. 390473
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i love coquette spiders
No. 390474
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No. 390475
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No. 390476
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Bug thread on lolcow fuuuuck yes
No. 390484
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No. 390499
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>>390470june bugs are adorable!!! look at this lovely lady i met recently
No. 390502
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>>390499samefag, I also love pinning bugs but I never kill any so junebugs dropping dead en-masse when their season ends is a good opportunity for me to practice. very proud of this one because i managed to spread his antennae
No. 390517
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and here's a polyphylla fullo missing one of his antennae
>>390485they're so clumsy they can't land properly and often die from hitting the ground too hard. poor things
>>390466YESSS they're so cute
>>390460it's so pretty, thanks for sharing nona
No. 390523
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No. 390533
File: 1717864623421.png (3.11 MB, 2277x1465, polka.png)

I have oleander moths aka polka-dot wasp moths around where I live. It's cute to find the fuzzy larva crawling around, and I love to see how their wings shimmer in the sun.
No. 390551
File: 1717867889814.png (166.76 KB, 1051x546, based firefly.PNG)

I love bugs, thanks for the thread anon.
Bugs are very special and many should be considered a symbol of feminism imo. I just discovered this species the other day
No. 390586
File: 1717877091417.jpg (115.07 KB, 1110x681, eupeodes-corollae_0.jpg)

does anyone else think hoverflies are some of the cutest bugs ever? i feel like i'm being visited by a little fairy whenever they come check out my plants. i love how they hover and stare at you too.
No. 390587
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robber flies are so cool too. master predators. i wish we had these giant blue ones in the states.
No. 390595
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I have years worth of bug pictures on my phone but I don't want to get doxxed… Life is so hard, I wish I was a giant bug
>>390407Is that a white ermine ? The legs look different from the ones I see here. Either way I fucking love the white ermine
>>390466They're so fluffy it makes me want to cry
No. 390709
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does anyone else keep insects as pets …ive started getting into myrmecology after reading a post from lc years back (picrel) now im obsessed
>>390502wow this is a real tidy pin, nice job nonner
No. 390730
File: 1717913900726.gif (4.71 MB, 628x388, xaAmir.gif)

>>390709I was going to attempt keeping an orchid mantis. it seemed too hard tbh
No. 390731
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>>390730this is me with leafbugs and stickbugs. i really wanted one, but apparently they only eat fresh leaves from their native areas, can't really be kept on commercial food.
No. 390748
File: 1717923026303.jpeg (37.79 KB, 625x450, IMG_4170.jpeg)

I am a cicadafag. They are so adorable.
>>390709I also had hissers. Well I originally had one. A female named Pancake. Several months maybe even a year after getting her, seemingly by magic there were babies in her tank. Unsure if it’s that she held sperm from a moid roach from when she was with her previous owner or if it’s that she abiogenesis’d. Either way multiple generations happened before I was able to ship them all to new owners when I moved.
No. 390763
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maybe not as unique as some of the other bugs posted here but I was struck by the whiteness of this moth I saw the other day, I wish I knew if it was a mutation or naturally that color
No. 390767
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>>390763Are you american ? I think that's a tiger moth. Google spilosoma for similar species. In my euro country the main species is called the white ermine, but it has a bit more black.
>>390595Samefag realizing I fucked up and meant to tag
>>390461 . Also I have since then learned the existence of the salt marsh moth.
No. 390772
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Cute mantis I found near a beach
No. 390773
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Rusty-Patched Bumblebee
No. 390866
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No. 391150
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>>390709My friend began to keep blue death feigning beetles and she said they're very easy to keep and live a long time too
No. 391153
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Domino roach best roach
No. 391383
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No. 391385
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No. 391386
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No. 391422
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Found a dying worker bee yesterday, she had no stinger so I guess that's why. Put her in a freezer so she didn't have to suffer any longer. I'm going to pin her now.
Bees are fascinating. Worker bees are the only true
>>390772I love mantises so much. It's been a while since I saw any.
>>391386>>391385love these, thank you anon
No. 391617
File: 1718148484471.jpeg (141.36 KB, 828x824, IMG_4661.jpeg)

I thought this said incest appreciation thread and was briefly taken aback. As thread tax I’ll share an interesting insect fact: Earwigs demonstrate maternal care and spend time cleaning their eggs and making sure they’re safe. I’ve gained quite the appreciation for them recently. Pic unrelated but it fits the thread.
No. 391619
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>>391617I wouldn't be as disgusted with house centipedes if they weren't constantly crawling out of the drains at my brother's house. Earwigs bother me not because of their appearance, but because they hide inside of my roses and fall on me when I'm trimming them. Also, screw whoever named them "earwigs." They should be called something else.
I love woolly bears (picrel). They're very nostalgic to me. I see less and less of them every year due to climate change, unfortunately.
No. 391649
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>>391619I stepped on one of these by accident as a kid and it scarred me for life. I love bugs now but i'm still scared of dead bugs.
>>391617House centipedes are best arthropods, everyone should stop calling them ugly.
potato bug is also moe
No. 391651
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>>391617One time while I was drunk and peeing in the bathroom, a centipede FELL FROM THE FUCKING CEILING onto the floor and I’ve never felt so vulnerable or sobered up so fast in my entire life.
No. 391663
File: 1718174314650.jpeg (137.78 KB, 681x1024, Madagascan moon moth.jpeg)

Genuinely perplexed that people find moths "creepy", yet butterflies get a pass? Moths' wings are literally more beautiful than butterflies.
No. 391664
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>>391619these fuzzballs are too sweet. i have to pick them up every time i see them. i try to do it as gently as possible though, or just let them crawl on my finger, i love their tiny little sticky feet.
No. 391666
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>>391663i think because moths tend to fly more erratically and are seen more often at night? idk. butterflies have pretty ugly faces compared to moths, who are fatter and fuzzier and cuter usually. i love both, but when i was young i was EXTREMELY scared of moths/butterflies with the fake eyes on their wings.
No. 391667
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Speaking of moths, I'm going to dump some really pretty ones.
No. 391675
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>>391667i remember seeing a moth posted on reddit a long time ago, don't remember where, but it had a crazy intricate, deliberate square-ish patterning that looked like it was carved out of stone. do you have any idea what kind of moth it could have been? i think it was greenish.
No. 391676
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>>391649Gasp it’s her without her armor
No. 391677
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>>391675Probably not her but she looks like she has stone walls covered in moss on her wings so maybe
No. 391688
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Okay, I'm done.
No. 391827
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some kind of wasp landed on me while i was reading outside earlier, i thought it was a fly on my leg and was surprised to see a wasp that looked somewhat like picrel (but more black areas) cleaning herself. she tidied herself up and then took off. it felt like a little blessing.
has anyone else never been stung by a bee or wasp or anything? i've had hornets quite literally land on me and start biting my finger because i was eating a brownie once (it didn't hurt) but never been stung in my life.
No. 391895
File: 1718226242885.jpg (125.4 KB, 1000x724, medvedki.jpg)

Why are all insects I like are pests? Here's another one of my faves, molecricket. I think they look so silly and cute with they shovel-arms and big bodies
No. 391897
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No. 391899
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Also, they seem kinda tasty-looking for me, sorry. That's probably because of their fat bodies and childhood impression of chickens eating them eagerly.
No. 391912
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>>391850lol, i call it "bug karma" since i never kill bugs on purpose. i've also handled those gross red centipedes when i was a kid and didn't know better and never got bit. i think it's funny i got lightly chewed on by a hornet, and even kept brushing her away, but never stung.
i also used to work in a garden department of a lowe's so i would have my bare hands in the flowers a lot deadheading, my coworkers got stung by bees but i didn't, even when my fingers bumped into them. i still wonder if i am deathly allergic or not.
have a lovely red lady.
No. 391917
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and a yellow fellow
No. 391918
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wasps have such cool latin names!
No. 391968
>>391827In elementary school I rubbed my ear to my shoulder, well there was a bee there and got stung on my earlobe, it hurt so bad and I was so terrified of bees for a long time. Now they are one of my favorite animals but I swear I still have a scar on my earlobe.
Fuck horseflies though all my homies hate horseflies
No. 392034
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>>391968horseflies are so nasty and i'm glad we don't really have them where i live. i appreciate them as far as the females being tough little fuckers, but they have probably the most vicious bite of any insect given that they have to tear skin open to feed, unlike most bloodsuckers that use a proboscis.
No. 392037
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>>391919solitary wasps are cool as hell though. they can look scary but are usually extremely hesitant to sting. i have a female great golden digger wasp who lays her eggs on my balcony, and she lets me get really close to her nest (it's a piece of the post that she stuffs pine needles into). she knows i'm there because she will hover and stare at me, but then she continues doing her business.
No. 392408
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No. 392449
File: 1718394655986.png (733.25 KB, 2000x1167, 1576002152749.png)

I'm sorry I know they're myriapods and not insects but I love these guys like you wouldn't believe
No. 392454
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>>392449Did you know that roly-polies (armadillidium vulgare) can be selectively bred for their color? Look at the translucent one omg
No. 392460
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>>392408i fucking love shiny bugs
No. 392464
Isopod video, I love the holiday themed videos on this channel. The thanksgiving one was especially cute because they served the food on teeny plates iirc
>>390586Same! "Fairy" is such a good way to describe them, I love how they'll stare at certain shirts I wear, but I also feel bad because I feel like they're probably staring because they think I'm a flower for a second kek
>>391617I'm sorry, but house centipedes are the only arthropods I can't fuck with, they're so ill-mannered compared to literally every other arthropod I've interacted with in my life. Wasps, spiders, etc tend to be fine if I don't provoke them, but house centipedes will crawl all over me and my stuff when I did NOTHING to them. Fuck them
No. 392467
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>>392454i love dairy cows and rubber duckies
No. 392473
>>391694Yes, i got scared again, nonna. Good pick.
>>392460Gotta make my nails look like this, woah. So bautiful. I swear, bugs have some of the prettiest species, even if they scare me.
No. 395179
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No. 395252
File: 1719333411729.jpg (25.09 KB, 512x512, 1000002808.jpg)

for any nonas who like bug spotting, try using the Picture Bug app to identify and keep track of bugs you find! i really like the app and have a nice collection of bugs going.
it will prompt you to use premium when you open the app, but having the free version doesn't take away any usability so you can just back out of it when it comes up.
No. 396096
File: 1719576688835.jpeg (51.87 KB, 632x451, CDF0E007-5684-4411-A4F5-DE081A…)

>inb4 arachnids
i'm trying to not be scared of spiders anymore, i love most bugs and letting them crawl over me, but spiders are just so goddamn disturbing. there was one in my kitchen and i decided i was ready (i wasnt), so i let it crawl on my finger. after a few seconds the sensation became so gross and unnerving that i had to wave it away immediately. felt very different from a normal beetle, in a very bad way. it was a regular missing sector looking spider, nothing crazy, but bigger than the cute jumping spiders i've handled before (they look like they've got feelings). has anyone here successfully overcome their spider aversion?
No. 396101
>>396096>has anyone here successfully overcome their spider aversion?Some species are based because they kill the male after porking.
For me, some species are more tolerable to look at than others. Peacock spider are cute as is a lot of jumping spider, daddy long legs are meh, the common bathroom spider can be easily ignored. But I absolutely hate tarantulas—God's mistake, I want them wiped off the planet.
No. 396184
File: 1719608876096.jpg (144.69 KB, 800x534, pinned insect.JPG)

How do you guys feel about pinning insects? I think they're beautiful and I like looking at them and it seems like an interesting hobby but I couldn't bring myself to kill them for it and I never run into any dead ones that would be suitable for pinning. Maybe just bad luck on my part?
No. 396280
File: 1719648254857.jpg (2.04 MB, 2816x1880, Pterophorus_pentadactyla191020…)

>>395252This app's so good (the plant version too), it feels like the peak of what phones can do. Walking around, learning about nature with my Insectotron 2000 like i'm a pokemon trainer, i love it.
>>391663They are stunning, it's their flight that feels extremely creepy (like tipulæ). Nighttime probably contributes to it. Whenever i see a moth in daylight i'm not afraid at all
>>396184I really want to get into it someday. I don't mind killing them at all, unless they have really short lifespans because then it's really sad. The other day i forgot to rescue a bumblebee from my shower right away (it was freed after a day) and i felt sick because he lost one long day off its short bug life, wallowing in my shower. They still live for relatively long though
No. 404140
File: 1721607466835.jpg (266.92 KB, 1500x1000, Acherontia+lachesis.jpg)

I just think it's neat how they can stroll around in beehives because they produce the right pheromones. Imagine being a worker bee and just assuming is a fugly bee kek
No. 404141
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I love that bees sometimes sleep in flowers. It's a literal bed and breakfast
No. 404494
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I fucking love dragonflies.
No. 404713
File: 1721785287382.png (895.46 KB, 767x1024, golden.png)

Found some golden tortoise beetles on my potato plant today. They're so beautiful
No. 404718
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>>404494I love lying down at the park and watching dozens of them tear through the sky
No. 404720
File: 1721793403156.jpeg (115.84 KB, 500x500, IMG_5746.jpeg)

Have seen one of these big babies multiple times by my front door. I keep waiting for it to come back!
No. 404937
>>391827I often share food with yellowjackets if they approach me for it. I also have bald faced hornets in my garden and they're friendly.
Never directly handled a bald faced hornet, but handle yellowjackets often. They seem chill. Can handle honeybees also.
No. 407196
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No. 449697
File: 1737182722809.png (6.2 MB, 2744x1976, mant.png)

what's better than one mantis
No. 453679
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Look at how fucking gorgeous the cuckoo wasp is.
No. 453686
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>>453679i love wasps! and reminder to hornet-haters, most wasps are solitary and completely chill. it's very unlikely they'll sting you. i have a big wasp that nests on my balcony in one of the posts, and she has her babies in there every year. she lets me get really close and watch her work. she puts pine needles inside the nest, and she'll hover in front of me and stare at me but not do anything.
No. 453687
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No. 453689
File: 1737930602691.png (598.37 KB, 1000x665, wasp.png)

and, this big long thing isn't a stinger. it's an ovipositor, that's a female. female wasps often take great care of their nests until their babies hatch.
No. 457156
File: 1738736656214.webp (72.9 KB, 1024x768, 4DB948ED-66A1-433F-A03C-0C1351…)

There’s nothing better than a jumping spider tilting its head when it looks at you
No. 457178
File: 1738744981792.gif (2.64 MB, 488x500, tumblr_pgfz1oRULz1xw6ajyo1_500…)

>>457156they are actually looking at you too. their vision is so powerful, they can recognize human faces and they can see the moon.
No. 457183
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I always thought these little guys were cute. This one is specifically a lesser water boatmen.
No. 457667
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