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No. 373310

Could we have a discusion of british TV? As someone who saw it's glimts of genuious, the weird filler (talent and contestant shows) is all the stranger. In my country the state channel bought Little Britan, Keeping up Appearances, and Ab Fab. Are UK people for the first time keeping good content from us, or is there none produced?

Please send funnier people to OxBridge and Eaton for the rest of the decade.

In the meantime I enjoy gogglebox.

No. 373315

you can't be serious

No. 373322

Don't we already have TV thread? Why do we need a specialized Brit thread?

No. 373323

Because >TV is current and americanocentric.

No. 373324

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No. 373325

I refuse to believe I'm not surrounded by Hugh Laurie cockriders as a form of tracktion.

No. 373332

I hate british people

No. 373351

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They also hate your ass

No. 373389

I just finished All creatures great and small and really enjoyed it. Are there any other wholesome shows like that you nonas could recommend?

No. 373401

Weird thread that's not really needed. That being said I'll dump some British TV show recs in no particular order, enjoy.

Line of Duty
Slow Horses

Derry Girls
Peep Show
Thick of It

No. 373409

Let the bri'ish have their Mr Bean thread, their life is already too depressing as it is

No. 373413

I really like the IT crowd. I heard the writer is transphobic too, based.

No. 373414

Yes it's by Graham Linehan. He is strongly pro-terve and has lost jobs because of it.

No. 373418

I'm a non-brit who loves british tv, it's always been so much better than american tv specifically when it comes to comedy. I find that american comedy tends to be a bit more lowbrow like fart jokes, someone acting hillbilly stupid. That or they're trying to be "edgy and offensive" but it just comes off as 100 years too late for me who's not american. Saying "black people this, white people that" just isn't edgy or offensive in my non-american country where we don't have that kind of racial tension, and "god is gay" has 0 effect on us either because we aren't a religious country.
I find british tv tends to be more clever linguistically, full of puns and wordplays and things that requite you to pay attention and read the subtext and that appeals more to me. My own country has a dark comedy style so half of it is just depressing shit kek
I do have to say comedy (mostly relating to panel shows and standup rather than scripted shows) has gotten worse since troonism got big though. More comedians ditching laughter for clapping over a political statement. Instead of a joke you get "we want trans rights!! am i right people?! JKR bad!!! Please clap and cheer!!"

No. 373426

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I'm the nonna who started the thread, am also not british. In scandinavia we import a lot of British comedy and drama, and always have done. I just assume the style of humour and the flow of dialogue is more similar to our own. American TV often feels like a parody of itself.

Anyway I recently watched picrel, it's free on ITV if you spoof your IP, genuinely entertaining with some very likeable characters. Somewhat like Stranger Things but without the retarded children and hyperfocus on the 80s.

No. 373438

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I miss the comedy shows from the early 2000s / turn of the century

No. 373440

This thread reminds me that I should actually watch Red Dwarf now that I'm actually old enough to get the jokes and not a kid catching random episodes on PBS.

No. 373441

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I often wonder what percentage of my issues stem from relating to Saffron Monsoon at a young age, or whether it was always a symptom. Queen.

No. 373465

Another Scandianon here who prefers British TV. American stuff often feels so over the top, trying too hard.

No. 373474

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anyone else watch inside no. 9? i'm a burger so i always have to wait until new seasons hit britbox.

No. 373650

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I was so blown away by The Mighty Boosh, I would have never known about it if adult swim didn't play it at random times. Somehow it got me through a horrible freshman year

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