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No. 371706

What’s better than history? Better than yaoi? Both: Historical yaoi. This thread is for posting paintings, fanarts and facts about bishounefied dead moids. All eras, regions and walks of life from human history are welcome.

P.S. This is NOT a country humans thread. Hetalia is tolerated. Do not bait with retarded Nazi schizo posting.

No. 371712

File: 1713429477856.jpeg (321.7 KB, 1179x1179, IMG_6466.jpeg)

I adore tancc’s art so much. I’d love if anyone could recommend more artists like her. They’re so difficult to find because that kind of artist never tags their posts or tweets with relevant words…

No. 371719

how many thread do you need, you literally have your own website.

No. 371726

What website?

No. 371732


No. 371738

Could had included hetero ships too so it wouldn't had been so redundant

No. 371739

I would consider both to be in bad taste, with slash it's completely OC, there is very little actual history except the names.

No. 371747

There is no need for an additional fujo thread, you can talk about your favourite historical pairings in existing threads.

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