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No. 363497

A thread to talk about soap operas and drama shows. Any show welcome, be it from Turkey, Brazil, Colombia, USA, Mexico, Japan, India, Asia, etc. Discuss the good, the bad, the funny, or just post image reactions.

No. 363499

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My first contribution: la lisiada

No. 363501

posting a classic vid of La Rosa de Guadalupe back when every telenovela had a phone/internet addiction episode

No. 363613

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Did anybody ever watch Abarenbo Mama? I saw it about 15 years ago. Reminded me of a live action adaptation of what future Ran Kotobuki and her boyfriend from Super Gals could have if they had a kid.
I also remember watching Life, it's a live action adaptation of the manga.

No. 363881

Why are you sageing on /m/ if you want your question answered?

No. 364143

No. 364146

No. 364149

No. 364151

No. 364152

No. 364153

The Tudors have very realistic mens behavior about relationships with women, quite painful.

No. 364154

No. 364155

Olenna and Margaery discuss killing Joffrey

No. 364159

No. 364161

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No. 364205

What a vibe

No. 364408

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