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File: 1695067465919.jpg (46.08 KB, 500x468, music-boybands-showbusiness-mu…)

No. 322153

If the music industry looks like pic related, then I'm no longer willing to enter it.
But I still dream about being a rock star, despite being from Poland.
Sucks to be a woman, but what can I do?
Got any advice?(bad thread)

No. 322154

Waiting for the answers

No. 322157

File: 1695068622849.png (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 1075x1518, 73782793.png)

>fictional boy band twinks getting passed around like sentient onaholes by dirty old man execs
Hot. Good thread, op. Maybe you can make covers of weezer songs on tiktok for attention.

No. 322159

It's not time for jokes

No. 322162

>fat old scrote

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