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File: 1687658377757.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, stacy.png)

No. 304562

Dump your Stacy Stash and Stacy memes

No. 304563

File: 1687658499053.gif (5.4 MB, 373x498, 1660010581361.gif)

No. 304601

File: 1687673444094.png (234.31 KB, 1170x1288, 19077653235.png)

No. 304602

File: 1687673597285.gif (4.23 MB, 514x640, 1655867098677.gif)

No. 304637

uncanny valley filter shit

No. 325091

this is like horseshoe theory stacy, like you know it's supposed to be a I'm-so-skinny-I-can-just-turn-sideways-to-fit-through-tiny-spaces unrealistic beauty standards meme but it's so ridiculous it's funny and draws attention to how fake this shit is. I like it in a weird way sorry for essayposting

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