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File: 1663352849005.png (1.19 MB, 2001x2001, Shoujo Manga Bingo Card.png)

No. 239948

Thought we could revive this!

>Talk about shoujo manga you read and show how many cliches it hits (or doesn't)

Old thread:

No. 239949

File: 1663352894910.png (459.38 KB, 2001x2001, Shoujo Manga Bingo Card (Simpl…)

Simple version of the bingo sheet

No. 239963

it's missing the school bullies tho

No. 276428

The last shoujo manga I read would probably be Rayearth?

Let's see:
- love triangles
- characters not being honest
- MC is a chestlet
are the only ones that hit.

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