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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 200804

Discuss characters you think were ruined by fans because of their obnoxious behaviour, oversexualization, coomer tendencies, shipping etc. Post characters you love or used to love or feel neutral about, not characters you already hated before

No. 200810

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starting with FUCK BRONIES

No. 200815

Anytime I see Gardevoir I think about that fat troon Jerry Peet, I don't even care about Pokémon.

No. 200816

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I don't think i have to explain anything

No. 200817

Redundant thread, fandoms ruin every character and show they latch onto.

No. 200819

this is for more extreme cases, in all the fandoms i've been some characters attract more unhinged fans

No. 200832

i want to eat out her gardevoirussy idc idc

No. 200839

How pathetic do you have to be to let internet strangers ruin your liking of something

No. 200840

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God I hate coomer scrotes

No. 200856

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They ruin everything

No. 200857

i thought this character was from a porn series at first, from the sheer about of nsfw she's got

No. 200859

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literally all of undertale. Which is so sad because I thought it was a really cute and beautiful story about love and friendship but not only did the fandom ruin it, troons decided that toriel is some how representative.

No. 200880

She's from a cartoon short the same channel where Bee and PuppyCat is from. She's cute and I absolutely love her but coomers lewded the fuck out of her and shit out a ton of porn and sadly that's what she's known for.

No. 200881

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Literally why do people make her sexy, she's a little bug

No. 200885

I hate Sans so much. I hate almost every tumblr sexyman because of their retardation

No. 200887

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Ankha was my favorite as a kid because I loved ancient Egypt. The coomers and pickme cosplayers have completely ruined her. Feel bad for kids who Google her and get porn in the first five results.

No. 200891

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Speaking of Tumblr sexymen. I've never seen a fandom miss the point of a character so hard.

No. 200892

I can remember whenever a let player did one thing wrong in the game, here comes the fanbase getting mad at them and then spoil the whole game to tell how to get the good ending. Got so bad to the point that some stop reading the comments, playing the game or stopped making videos for it and play it on their own. Hell I seen some get mad at folks for even playing the geocide route, thinking you're a real murderer for killing non-real pixel creatures

No. 200909

the homestuck fandom had an INCREDIBLY high percentage of "i didn't read the comic, i just saw fanart on tumblr" people. Like, the most of any fandom I've ever seen.

No. 200922

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I mean Sonic being ruined by it's fandom from a kid's game to the most fucking deviant and degenerate shit on the internet is a tale as old as the Internet, but it makes me unable to look at it with innocent eyes.

This is maybe not completely fitting, but I used to really liked Garfield as a little girl, and honestly the whole "ooooh, I redrew Garfield as a cosmic horror monster" thing is incredibly tired and unfunny. Honestly at this point I find any attempt at "making your beloved childhood characters a horror monster" attempt creatively bankrupt, and yet people don't stop doing it over and over again.

No. 200926

Remember people yelling that the Striders should be black? The entire fucking point missed.

No. 200930

I literally watched that one video about what the internet did to Garfield and I can't help but to roll my eyes at everyone turning him into some Lovecraftian horror and/or a metaphor for Jon's depression. It's so trite

No. 200938

People STILL do that. The other day someone posted a comment on some of my old art complaining that I drew Dave white. Andrew literally based Dave off of himself when he was a teenager. He's supposed to be uncool, and being a white rapper is part of that. Like, an insecure kid trying desperately to convince everyone else he's hot shit when he's just as much of a geek as the rest of his friends.

The funny thing to me is 90% of the time when someone draws all the kids black or whatever, they're a white person IRL and if you go far back enough in their blog history, they have old art of the characters as white. I'm not fond of the phrase "virtue signaling" but that's so obviously what it is– white artists trying to show off how woke they are by drawing all the human characters black.

No. 200942

The only people who succeded at "garfield but make it weird" were the Lasagnacat channel on youtube and I believe that's what started the whole meme. But even in their videos the weirdness was very subtle and (imo) creative until it went batshit at the very end.
Anyway, I agree, people who make these drawings are tryhards who can't even do lovecraftian horror right.

No. 200947

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Can't ruin what has never been good. But, god, his fantards are as obnoxious as him

No. 200957

lasagnacat is awesome and so is the pixel art one

No. 200981

I feel bad for any kid that googles their favorite cartoons and video games. Most of the time there will be some porn, badly drawn deviantART fetish shit or VERY sexually suggestive garbage in image results.
I remember a campaign on Tumblr to mass report MLP porn on Google Images results, but I don't know how well it worked.

You know exactly why

NTA but thanks for the link, I've never watched this cartoon. For what it's worth, I found out about her from the "not for lewd" thread on CC and have never seen nasty shit involving her.

No. 201018

Same anon, such a bummer.

I never interact with this character in game, and my first introduction was from moid-tier fanart

No. 201174

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I see coomer scrotes go after animal/anthro/monster characters, young/underaged girls, goth girls, traps, or whatever's popular so they can ""meme"" it. They're fucked up in the head and deserve to be reconditioned.

No. 201409

Hell I say even Rebecca sexualizes Pearl since she self insert herself as Pearl more so and into that whole master x slave pairing and then gives Pearl a new girlfriend every chance she gets.

No. 202058

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Nobody mentioned Ryo yet? I'm shocked. Might belong in the transwash thread but he's a bit of a unique case.
Devilman becoming mainstream through Crybaby ruined Ryo. I know in the manga the Satan tits was canonical but fuck what a worse time for an adaptation to come out so Aidens can project their yaoi transmasc fantasies onto him

No. 202080

Crybaby itself ruined Ryo imo but yeah the fanbase did not fucking help

No. 202100

I like Ryo (even the Crybaby version) and I hate how they take a cool (imo) design of a genderless/hermaphrodite demon/angel and just claim it's ~twans uwu~. It's a fucking demon ffs, it's not trans because that's just how it looks like. It's like we can't have androgynous characters anymore, it HAS to be appropriated by trans and genderspecials.

No. 202315

I remember when the Aiden fans started whining that "hermaphrodite is a troonphobic slur uwu", he is a mythical entity like the aforementioned hermaphrodite hellbent on destroying the Earth, he'll be fine.

No. 202372

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AYRT Yeah I agree his characterization in Crybaby was poorly done. The manga and OVAs had much better leadup into his reveal, whereas Crybaby let you know Ryo was a scumbag from the start. The OVA does that too but it doesn't feel as bad as the way Crybaby did it, but maybe I'm just biased kek.
Also, let's talk about Akira. He's also major Aiden bait. When Akira goes from softboi to Amon and becomes all masculine and badass, I'm sure pooners got some weird autoandrophiliac satisfaction from it. If you told me that a bunch of them came out as trans after watching crybaby so they could kin Akira IRL I would not doubt it for a second.
Akira wasn't as ruined as Ryo and I don't think he's as popular in the fandom but he's got his own type of appeal that attracts Aiden cringe for certain

No. 202386

Not a Devilman Stan whatsoever, but I think manga had so bad writing it's hard to find something that Crybaby didn't improve on… I believe you that Ryou may have been written as an asshole from the start, I don't remember it though.

No. 202542

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Not a character, but Harry Potter has the most insufferable and toxic fandom I've ever seen. They ruined my experience and made me stay far way from anything related to HP, because I don't want to read any of the stupid shit they have to say.

No. 202543

I love HP but haven't interacted with the fandom because of the shipping obsession other fans have. Even the threads here turn into ship fights.

No. 202664

The only times I interacted with the fandom was like 15 years ago on lj when my English wasn't that amazing so I didn't find anyone obnoxious, and in early 2010s on tumblr when the site was still fun and not full of thought police bullshit.

No. 202676

Miki and her gf were the only good part of crybaby honestly.

No. 202756

This tbh

No. 202823

I find it funny how so many coomers flocked to velma even though in the original cartoon she's quite ugly. was daphne too much of a stacy for them?

No. 202828

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Velma has always been better and had more personality than Daphne imo

I hate how she has become so pornified, why can't we have a more reserved female character?

No. 202832

Nerds are more into nerdy looking characters than into normie looking characters. I mean, just compare the size of the Paul Dano thread vs the Robert Pattinson thread

No. 202954

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Ugh, there's a shitton of porn of Raven and other goth girls like Mavis, Claire and Loona. It's sickening and also because of huge gothfucker artists like Shadman and Zone-sama.

No. 202955

I prefer Lovecraft horror over porn tbh. But I understand you. Every Childhood character/comic has to be either porn or horror and that is so annoying. Just let it be what it was, a child show. Don't ruin it with your adult mind.

No. 202957

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I don't know what to tell you but there is actually a ton of Garfield porn as well, look up #gothfield which depicts garfield as a chubby goth femboy

No. 203337

I remember watching a video about why Mavis deserved better than Johny, but had to click off because the scrote started rambling about how horny he was for her "goth gf". Men truly ruin everything

No. 204863

Looks like a genderswap anthro Garfield but goth and sexy. This is pure cringe and I hate the fact that the second pic is drawn by a girl under the name Moozua. God I hate pickmes, wasting their talent to appeal coomer moids and are brainwashed by them. Also she follows Zone-sama as well. I just don't understand it at all.

No. 214602

Aw I remember this character. I actually haven't seen any porn of her at all but to be fair, I try to avoid porn of certain characters.

No. 214603

This one sucks because I love her too anon, I get the frustration because there is just so much porn of her now and it feels like more people know of her from the porn than from the game…

No. 214605

>I mean Sonic being ruined by it's fandom from a kid's game to the most fucking deviant and degenerate shit on the internet is a tale as old as the Internet, but it makes me unable to look at it with innocent eyes.

You now it's funny because I have seen a ton of Sonic porn but yet surprisingly enough, I don't have a distorted image of the series whenever a new game comes out. Granted the games have been not all that great but I'm still able to look at Sonic as the kid-friendly series it was meant to be despite the copious amounts of porn there is of the characters.

No. 214614

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As someone who is a goth and doesn't consider these characters actual Goths, I understand the annoyance of how coomers tend to flock and ruin "goth" girl characters, especially poor Raven.

I LOVED this character when I was a middle schooler and I still love her now. Unfortunately I've come across a lot of porn of her and I don't like it but I think my likeness for this character is too great to be completely ruined, I enjoyed how she was portrayed in the show that much.

Loona though… It's getting harder to not let the mountain of porn around her not get to me. With Raven, I was a kid when I was exposed to her so I have that nostalgia that helps keep her completely untainted but I'm watching Helluva Boss as a woman in my late 20s and even though Helluva Boss is not a kids show, It's still hard to not let the porn image of her get to me which is a shame because she's a fun character for what she is and I'm looking forward to how she'll be in season 2. I just try my best not to come across porn of her.

Eh that's just annoying. I remember the YouTube cartoon reviewer RebelTaxi would do somewhat the same with Raven.

No. 229658

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Her and Isabelle

No. 230171

I especially hate what they have done to Raven.
When I was little, she was my favorite, because I related to her, and she was just so cool, personality and design-wise. She's so awesome and I despise anyone who draws her pornified.

No. 230469

I mean, with a design like that, what would you expect. The fandom isn't the problem with this one.

No. 230488

im going to sound like a boomer but jesus christ this generation. maybe the past was racist but is that any worse than being so porn-addicted you draw shit like this and cant engage with anything without turning it coomer?

No. 230566

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I haven't seen this cartoon or was part of the shitfest but there was an official art contest held on Twitter of this show and guess what happened? Porn and lewds were made of this character with hashtags included. Coomer scrotes ruined everything every fucking time. It's so depraved and disgusting for raiding what's supposed to be fun and innocent. Though it shouldn't be held in a place like Twitter where nsfw artists resides especially for a female cartoon character. Still I feel bad for her and even worse coming from a kids cartoon.

No. 230582

Never heard of this one, but even just googling the character/show I was met with a bunch of porn even on the front page. Scrotes were a mistake. There's nothing sexual or enticing about the design, but they see cute female character and that's all it takes for them to get repulsive.

No. 233652

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What's so sexy about a cartoon cat mom? I want Nicole to kick ass and beat up all the scrotes that lewded her.

No. 233659

Yeah this one has bewildered me as well because there's nothing sexual about her design. I get that porn artists take "Creative liberties" to sexualize non-sexualized characters but Nicole was the last one I'd expect to see that for.

I think the reason why scrotes sexualize her is because she's strong and doesn't take crap from her idiot husband. I'm sure if has to do with "dommy mommy" or something like that.

No. 233675

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Plus an anthro that porn-addcited furries brainlessly drool on. I think her anime self amplifies it too but I just think she's cool and badass. Also Mike Inel/Manyakis.

No. 233686

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Speaking of anime Nicole, anime Dot. Coomer artists got right to it after seeing her for a split second in the Animaniacs Reboot trailer. Disappointed since she's so cute and cool.

No. 233690

God you just made me remember how much I hate Mike Inel kek. I remember liking some of his sfw animations on YouTube but jfc he’s a coomer Does anyone have that animation he did where he portrayed himself as an obese neckbeard acting pathetic and getting a boner at a female fan standing next to him for a photo?

No. 233716

>Does anyone have that animation he did where he portrayed himself as an obese neckbeard acting pathetic and getting a boner at a female fan standing next to him for a photo?
NTA but that's fucking disgusting, I had no idea. He's even more of a creep than I thought but I guess I shouldn't be surprised since he loves drawing loli/shota incest porn

No. 233741

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obligatory. Cause I actually think she's interesting beyond being coomer bait

No. 233763

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I literally hate admitting it, but I really like Sans as a character, too bad I can't even stand looking at him because of what the fandom has done to him. I really like the idea of a character that has knowledge of a repeating timeline, constantly knowing that everything you do could be erased, being deeply depressed about it but instead chosing to live in the moment and have a good sense of humor about things to keep it together. But nah just sexualize the skeleton and make him have a blue dick

No. 233780

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since gardevoir is thread pic, i think it's worthwhile mentioning vaporeon. i think it's such a cute pokemon
reposting because im retarded and forgot emotes aren't allowed

No. 233782

the trend was "started" by some cow. what makes it's funnier was how she would police anyone who jumped into the trend, getting upset about no one crediting for a basic concept.

No. 233819

This has always been my favorite Pokemon (from childhood up to now), good thing I don't know much about the fandom

No. 233909

For Gardevoir, I get it but for Vaporeon? Jesus wtf I don't get how some people would find it sexy and fuckable just because of a cringey copypasta. It's a fucking fish dog STANDING ON ALL 4S. I bet these degenerates have probably thought of fucking their own dog and look up on real life bestiality.

No. 233929

i honestly hate the current trend of thinking watching porn as a funny meme culture. they think they're edgy and cool. But they're just showing the world how degenerate they are

No. 233951

also Chris Reccardi passed away a couple years ago

No. 233962

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Could say the same for The Summoning. Sadly, goth girls aren't safe from moid coomers. Also I wish death upon Zone.

No. 233991

jenny nicholson once said, upon the rampant moid coomerfication of MLP, that she suspects men are incapable of simply liking a female character without wanting to have sex with her. moids in the comments called it insightful. what a sad existence.

No. 233999

>Look up videos
>Clickbait video essay with the thumbnail from Zone's animation
I hate coomers so much it's unreal. It's sad the creator died. It would have been nice to do some sort of kickstarter project for a web series or a revival. But so much time has passed it's probably just regarded as "that one cartoon that got a porn parody".
ZONE has ruined a lot of cartoons. I heard recently that they had to remove a line from Jenny XJ9 from the Nickelodeon fighting game because people associated it with the porn animation of her.

No. 234014

Oh my god, i love the design, it looks so pretty and unique! We really cant have nice things…

No. 248175

File: 1666054430930.png (303.23 KB, 820x780, 1007-10077698_unit-noriaki-kak…)

This guy has been ruined for me. You can't look for Kakyoin (or Jotaro) content without stumbling upon ship content and I've been into this series for so many years that it's made me tired. I even used to like the ship but I can't look at the content anymore.

No. 248227

Eh, I don't mind gay shipping stuff since I'm a fujoshi but what tires me the most is the repetitive unfunny death jokes of Kakyoin.

No. 256321

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I still love him but you literally cannot talk about him without feeling like putting your finger into a wasp's nest of trans-washing, genderspecial theory, moral crusades, mpreg, kinning, uwu-fying, projection and fans that consider him a battered, abused housewife of Megatron you aren't allowed to criticize or make fun of.

No. 256352

Are you me

No. 258172

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Basically the female Rick Sanchez but shes still treated and drawn as a cutesy delicate femme by a large part of the fandom… is it literally just because shes pink?

No. 258188

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The mpreg does create some pretty hilarious art though.

No. 271215

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Female YouTube animators/artists/creators. It's so disgusting that coomer moids jack off and make porn of your innocent family-friendly avatar/persona.

No. 271225

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No. 271261

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his fanbase of obnoxious middle schoolers ruined his character so badly that I get mocked simply for saying I like him now

No. 271268

He had such a great character arc and I enjoyed his progression. It was also a great story to dip into the satanic panic of the 80s, steered by the kids' interest in DnD.
But there are so many people that didn't give a shit about the show until Eddie was introduced, and now there's a bunch of Migratory Slash Fans that jumped on the bandwagon and reduced him to a love interest for Steve. Even 20-30 year old women can't grow up and consume the media for the larger, far more interesting sci-fi story. Nope. Just here for two white boys they can pair off.

No. 271270

And Aidens. Don't forget all the girls who want to be him.

No. 271423

TikTok trendhoppers pretended he was cool for like 3 weeks until actual social rejects started liking him

No. 276092

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Nintendo girls are not for lewd

No. 276097

Oh god fucking deviantart hypno shit. I loathe Kaa because of it, god I hate coomers.

No. 276098

I wish the bimbo Peach crap would just die already.

No. 276123

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Nona im late but I found it. God his sfw stuff got me into animation as a kid, inevitably seeing the rest of his work was scarring

No. 276148

I got curious so i tried finding pictures of him, and he actually looks like that irl. An asian man with moob and the exact same hairstyle.
He also seems to have a sister who is a NSFW fujo artist, so i guess degeneracy runs in their family.

No. 276652

why would you willingly admit that this happened to you? coomer art coomsumers will defend the artists with "separating the art from the artist" and insist on that coomer artists aren't perverts but then coom artists can't even interact with women in a normal way

No. 276653

He’s a porn addicted neckbeard, so of course being a socially awkward creep is funny and normal to him. He made animations for the 4chan dating game Katawa Shoujo. And I remember he made an animation of him jerking his chode, It was on his old tumblr account Manyakis.

No. 279712

>If you told me that a bunch of them came out as trans after watching crybaby
Just how? Do Aidens want to have visible erections at school and fuck-rape prostitutes-demons?

No. 279713

Pfffff. You must be over 18 to post on this site. I guess if you watch something like Devilman Crybaby while being under 18 and/or allergic to violent, shocking, hyper-sexualised content, then, sure, sappy friendship shenanigans between two high school girls must be the highlight for you.

No. 289059

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>mouse Ashley
>how cute
>coomershit art especially involving with Leon
All male coomers need to be put in an electric chair at high maximum volt capacity. They can't enjoy cute things without the thought of fucking it. I'm so sick of it.

No. 289063

I'm a staunch supporter of fursecution and furrycide.

No. 289154

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Kendall Roy is a brilliantly written character and Jeremy Strong gives an absolute perfect performance but my god I hate the "fandom" around him, he's a drug-addicted hypocrite and absentee father who let a young man to die due to his own negligence and he's fucking 40, he's not your babygirl, boyfailure, malewife or whatever terminally online term that's in right now.

No. 289371

File: 1681423386854.jpeg (116.96 KB, 828x1163, FB6B69D9-CE30-41F2-8DD9-26E6D1…)

agreed. i hate all the ppl calling him "babygirl" or callig him or tom lesbians.
embarassing how they act like he's a smol uwu sad babby who did nothing wrong ever.
If you have to make an arse of yourself drooling over a sitcom character least simp for a good looking guy ffs. this one doesn't even have a fucking chin!

No. 289372

File: 1681423321498.jpeg (116.96 KB, 828x1163, FB6B69D9-CE30-41F2-8DD9-26E6D1…)

agreed. i hate all the ppl calling him "babygirl" or callig him or tom lesbians.
embarassing how they act like he's a smol uwu sad babby who did nothing wrong ever.
If you have to make an arse of yourself drooling over a sitcom character least simp for a good looking guy ffs. this one doesn't even have a fucking chin!

No. 291338

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I feel bad for Toby, he cant write stories about anything without people making it about the troons. There was supposed to be (now scrapped) anti depressants in Noelle's room in the cyber world, however, troons started saying they were estrogen pills. The entire thing about kris being "non binary" God not everything needs a fucking label on it. Obviously Toby writes lgb stories very well (especially after gay marriage was just legalized) but because of that troons think EVERYTHING is about themselves. its so fucking irritating.

No. 291741

Oh god anon RE fans sexualize the characters so much it’s tiring, even characters I don’t like have been ruined to me. Moids have made countless mods to put the female characters into all sort of disgusting objectifying outfits, including the damn child character. I stay away from the online fandom because there’s so little creativity or discussion, it’s all unfunny jokes and cooming.

No. 294692

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I'd never let a portion of a fanbase change how I feel about a character I love, just get irked at those people's existence since it makes it harder to find people who aren't like that. Personally I'm sick of the troons (coughs aidens) of the Persona fandom who project bullshit onto Goro. I saw some Twitter account post him as the "autistic disabled transfem sapphic of the day" and couldn't decide whether to laugh or throw up inside. That is a "cis" male and he'd probably find you annoying

No. 331369

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No. 331375

It's crazy how some women will baby middle aged men like babys but then treat underage girls like adults.

No. 331408

This one was ruined the very second her weird fetish troon creator made her. And he knows all the r34 will bring all the boys to the yard. He even made a calibrated TIF sexyman character to sweep in the full spectrum of degeneracy.

No. 331424

Even though she's 25, it irks me that she has a fuck ton of porn from scrotes with clown girl fetish, speedrunning in pumping out as much porn as they can and that she's looks a little child. She's not even sexually appealing at all. I hope all the cute and neat fanart would drown out all the nasty degenerate shit that's made of her.

No. 331500

File: 1698705265898.jpg (327.4 KB, 1080x901, RE4remake_mods.jpg)

Also hated moids who made these kinds of mods to fit their taste of the girls especially for Ashley, whining about how "unattractive" she is in the remake. There's nothing wrong with it besides that she looks more mature and not some annoying teen that RE fans either hated her or coom to her. They're just pornsick and couldn't jack off if she looks slightly more realistic.

No. 331509

>I hope all the cute and neat fanart would drown out all the nasty degenerate shit that's made of her.
Come on, nonna, you know damn well this will never happen, the pilot is made by a porn-making tranny and the girl is a self-insert of his. The show is shit and even has a porn reference at the very beginning, it was made by a coomer for coomers.

No. 331524

>made by a porn-making tranny
I don't remember Gooseworx making any nsfw stuff other than music but I try to separate the art from the artist since I don't like or support trannies either.

>has a porn reference at the very beginning

I don't recall? Explain? I mean there's Jax, the censored swearing, the moon who loves Caine. None of which doesn't come off as porny or coomerish. Maybe a little from the moon.

No. 331526

Do you even browse /snow/.

No. 331528

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I just, don't understand why fans created this image where Kaneki is this super edgy and crazy protagonist when, in my opinion, he is kinda like a little nerdy dork guy with repressed emotions who is only surviving to the world around him. He never felt as emo as many people seem to believe, in fact when he adapts the Haise persona, he doesn't act as different compared to the begining of the series, sure he is more mature (Because he is older) but his fatherly interactions with the squad feels very close to when he took care of Hinami. He really only acts agressive when he is against a villian like Yamori and such. Genuine, watching Gigguk's video defending the manga made me kinda mad, I always thought that people knew the "I'm tragedy" panel was fake and a meme.

On a similar note, I'm also confused as to why anime fans have this idea that Ishida is a cold guy who hates everything. From the little I've been able to see from social media and interviews, he doesn't really feel that intimidating

No. 331530

Not at all. Link?

No. 331535

Don't ask to be spoonfed, look into it yourself newfag.
Projecting and 2deep4u crowd that flocked into the franchise as it was either their first anime or manga.

No. 331539

No link to prove it? Ok schizo. Even as a terf you failed to help your sisters. Pretty ironic. Found the thread anyways, thanks.

No. 331541

Lol what

No. 331548

It’s literally in the current /snow/ thread for animation cows. It’s not that hard to find sin e that shitshow got released like a few weeks ago.

No. 331659

File: 1698764384037.png (199.89 KB, 289x344, EqcUJl0.png)

I will never forgive Aidens for make him a tif in all their fanart and fanfic.

No. 333317

File: 1699253390553.png (133.41 KB, 475x475, 700 Sylveon.png)

I do like Sylveon and I think it's a cute Eevoloution but unfortunately part of it has been ruined for me because of how troons claimed it to be a "trans" Pokemon because it's color palette is the troon flag colors. It's retarded because it's clear that it was just meant to utilize a nice pastel color style and I doubt the creators were trying to virtue signal with it.

No. 342130

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Similar story with Hatterene.

No. 342142

File: 1702535966334.webp (1.92 KB, 209x250, Vriska_Serket.jpg)

All of the Homestuck characters were done dirty but I think Vriska is in the top 10 of characters who were done dirty by the fandom in that story. I was never the biggest fan but the Homestuck fandom did so much bullshit that they managed to alter canon for the worse. I think other top candidates are Dave, Karkat, or Gamzee.

No. 342269

File: 1702579408352.jpg (1.12 MB, 2048x2048, ddddddd.jpg)

>she thinks that nonnas can't handle the violence when crybaby is obviously bad because it totally butchered the war theme of the original manga.
(I know I'm 9 months late but this is killing me, also yes Miki and her gf was the best part kek)

No. 382073

File: 1715741645931.png (346.5 KB, 853x1280, Elastigirl_Transparent.png)

I'm honestly surprised not to see Elastigirl posted here unfortunately Violet gets the same treatment too.

No. 382080

File: 1715745198967.jpg (48.81 KB, 636x464, tumblr_n3lf7iX39S1t5l0t4o1_128…)

Moids will never give mom characters a rest with their disgusting milf fetish. I really feel bad for the mothers who raised their kids but turned out to be porn addicts sexualizing mothers and jerking off to incest.

No. 382135

File: 1715752604440.jpg (64.62 KB, 720x575, 1618397249950.jpg)

No. 382210

Honestly vriska was just unfairly treated as an evil bitch (also labelled a terf by a lot of people for some reason?) for the entirety of the comic despite all the development that she underwent.

No. 382227

john too. june egbert supporters are intense and irritating

No. 413692

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No. 413693

File: 1724707366169.png (656.88 KB, 1024x2766, Frankie Foster.png)

No. 413694

File: 1724707547639.jpg (587.22 KB, 960x540, The Loud House.jpg)

No. 413704

File: 1724709836850.png (50.99 KB, 600x817, 1000017107.png)

I hate furries.

No. 413707

File: 1724711296303.webp (66.44 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1947.webp)

She has a completely flat doll body made from rope and coomers always turn her into a big tiddy waifu. Same thing happens with Malenia, who has a thin and athletic build. The “rotussy” jokes were disgusting too.

No. 413711

No, seriously. She is the body of a marionette, but men still SOMEHOW manage to sexualize a literal doll body. I hate the elden ring male fandom like nothing else.

No. 413713

File: 1724713411316.jpg (116.45 KB, 475x475, 1650995672658.jpg)

How can this thing possibly be sexualized

No. 413714

….They're making this an anime…?

No. 413723

No it was just a short scene in the 2020 series.

Because it looks like a woman and moids would jack off to anything that's remotely feminine.

No. 413725

File: 1724714644674.jpg (41.69 KB, 736x736, 1000013560.jpg)

MLP has already been posted but Fluttershy specifically won't ever catch a break. The loli larp archetype with a nazi pedo bf seems to have a chokehold on her. She's mischaractized to hell and I almost hate her for that.

No. 413727

moids willl slap giant tits on a fucking airplane. coom finds a way

No. 413731

It's really bothering me that you just reposted the op pic

No. 413755

TiFs also often ruin her by drawing her as a TiM for some reason

No. 413880

File: 1724749973435.jpg (37.63 KB, 488x384, 92bb3863803dd8f1f7c63d3a102992…)

BE GAY DO CRIME!!! OMIGOSH he's so GENDER!!!111 tboy swag amirite

No. 413887

Fluttershy is the worst victim of moid coomerism. First it was the endless porn made of her in google searches that traumatized me when I was younger. Now its this whole uwu soft girl weird pedo fantasies that everyone and their mothers and catering to. I'm sick of it and I haven't watched mlp in over a decade.

No. 413902

File: 1724755643072.jpg (109.04 KB, 736x941, GRK_TEsXIAACPGf.jpg)


No. 413906

TikTokers discovering this show was a mistake.

Also, America ya!

No. 413907

Same with Pinkie and Rainbow.

No. 413914

File: 1724761253111.webp (13.43 KB, 498x498, IMG_9459.webp)

The whole South Park fanbase is a minefield and has literally always been, but the one thing I utterly can’t deal with are those retard tifs who insist Butters is actually an uwu transgirl because of that ONE (one) episode where he dresses up as a girl to breach the girls sleepover. I wish they would just leave him alone and stop using him in their fujo fantasies.

No. 413921

File: 1724767159066.jpg (63.92 KB, 752x924, latest (2).jpg)

She was such a cool fucking character. One could argue she was the crux of the whole damn series. And I loved her white outfit inspired by g-suits and proto-astronaut equipment. And then Kojima decided she should unzip her suit during the final fight and now we're plagued with scrotes turning her into some mommy dommy figure. I fucking hate men for ruining her and reducing her to jerkoff material.

No. 413924

File: 1724768950642.webp (21.31 KB, 256x256, image.webp)

This guy. The idiotic fandom has completely discarded his interesting lore and turned him into an uwu baby that needs his daddy Zhongli to wipe his ass and that they ship themselves with. Hoyo using him as shipping bait doesn't help either, but it's the screeching that a 2600 guy is "literally a minor reeee" has made me hate him.

No. 413930

>liking a genshit character in tge first place

No. 413948

File: 1724775858856.jpg (44.62 KB, 617x256, IMG_20240827_132406_845.jpg)

Of course gendies think a character cross dressing once to spy on girls is a true and honest woman. It's the entire base of their ideology

My height at the South Park fandom was in 2010-13 and it was better back then because there were no fucking TiFs everywhere to annoy and misintrepert characters. Everything went to shit when the episode The Cissy aired at the height of the social justice, because those braindead girls thought Trey and Matt were validating them instead of making fun of them. The cope. Literally picrel

No. 413950

the movies really sexualize her too though, she's meant to be sexy mommy coom bait.

No. 413953

Nona I’m so jealous of you, I’ve only been in the fandom for 4-5ish years and it’s so sad now how so much fan content is gendie shit and retarded headcanons. There are some diamonds in the rough and cool parts of the fandom but you really have to sift through droves of utter shit to get to them. It seems like there are only two sides: edgy 12-year-old boys who think the characters are conservative skibidi sigmas, and gendies who make gross fanart and completely miss the points the show tries to make in favour of their fantasy world where every kid is a tranny cutter. Neither of them have watched more than like 2 tiktok edits and MAYBE a couple of episodes with subway surfers under them on tiktok. I wish I wasn’t so autistic about South Park because the fandom is so painfully cringe.

No. 413963

I understand, one of the reason I left was because of the amount of cringe too. I left Around 2015. I watched a few episodes between then and this year but I didn't like them that much kek. I'm now caught up with it and it hurts seeing the fandom being so stupid. They lack media literacy so bad

Vent ahead, I'm here for U. Every single character in South Park is a terf or a terf ally

No. 414092

Thank you nona. I just want to enjoy pieces of media and listen to interesting takes on them, look at funny memes and cool fanart, read non retarded fancomics and have fun, not the convoluted bullshit that is rife in every fandom today.

No. 414094

I totally get you for leaving, it’s hard to continue wanting to engage in a fandom or even a show when coomers and gendies swoop in and ruin everything

No. 415285

What did you stumble upn, nona?

No. 415296

Kek anon I'm the one who made your picrel. Flattered to see people using it.

The Korean and Japanese part of the fandom is tolerable. They just draw cool art of the characters and chill out. The only anglophone SP fans I've met who I've liked have been other GCs and more casual female fans.

No. 415459

She is the crux of the series, Snake did everything for/because of her and her ideology, there is no arguing against it! She is the most important character in the entire series.

No. 415475

I love her and she really is one if not the most important character if you think of the entire story, but it doesn't change the fact she was designed by a retarded moid, so we could say he reduced her from the beginning. It's written on the wiki he originally planned for her to have a snake tattoo with a tit out that would jiggle when she fired her gun so it would look like the snake was laughing. I wouldn't put past Kojima to come up with this retarded idea, but I don't know if it's true. Either way, Kojima treats her as a mother figure and that's why she got the grace of not being a sexual object for most of the game. Once you see a pattern in his characters you really can't unsee it.

No. 416399

File: 1726698754045.png (960.99 KB, 607x1282, Coco_Bandicoot.png)

I'm not even going to say the obvious

No. 417926

File: 1727144312557.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_20240923_191732.png)

Not really fandom, but Loli coomers ruined these characters for me

No. 417929


No. 417930

we are becoming parodies of ourselves at light speed

No. 417931

This is so upsetting, but not Lilo!!!

No. 417934

Not upsetting it's just embarrassing for that anon

No. 417944

No. 417949

File: 1727151491396.jpg (450.73 KB, 935x1023, 1000013964.jpg)

miku made minecraft, miku says trans rights, brazilian miku..barfffff

No. 417950

Miku is literally just a brand to be stamped on shit. She's basically just Japanese Ronald McDonald

No. 418220

File: 1727233571459.png (455.56 KB, 813x800, Mami_Tomoe.png)

Seeing headless "jokes" of her is unfunny and tiresome. They probably get off to girls being tortured and guro.

No. 418222

File: 1727233749995.jpg (170.54 KB, 640x456, 424593.jpg)

i feel nothing for any of these characters anymore since learning the creator is a literal pedo

No. 418229

File: 1727234256288.jpg (88.48 KB, 736x736, 2016c7608217b5d0a07ea96e052db7…)

reminds me of the constant sayori hanging jokes. The part of the fandom making those jokes were usually teenage girls, though. Very annoying, the younger fans are gone though with the fandom peaking in like 2018 it's mainly coomers now.

No. 418233

ume aoki is no more of a 'pedo' than any other anime artist lmao

No. 418237

does that make it okay? i was genuinely in love with madoka for being subversive and feeling like i could finally enjoy a series without feeling like the creator wanted to fuck the underage girls within it. then he made the official bikini art. there's anime that exists where this doesn't happen you know.

No. 418240

Nta but Ume Aoki is a woman.

No. 418243

Shit, really? Source?

No. 418247

she isn't the creator of PMMM

No. 418248

That's who was said by name here >>418233

No. 418253

are you a child or new to anime? madoka isn't subversive and there has always been fanservice in it. in the original OP it literally has madoka's boobs squish against her alternate self while naked. did you forget about mami's tits jiggling in the middle of the screen in rebellion? anything moids get their hands on has fanservice, even cardcaptor sakura has plenty of gross frames.

she created/designed the characters so i assumed that was who the original nonnie was talking about. pretty sure she has some suss tweets.

No. 418276

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No. 418277

Hate how this stuff is portrayed as quirky

No. 418301

Japanese women have the biggest pickme mentality in the East, I swear to God. The water there's gotta be contaminated.

No. 418306

File: 1727259167240.png (988.42 KB, 1062x1920, Nessa.png)

The coomers, racists and white washing.. ugh…

No. 418362

Felt. She had such a cute design when it was first revealed

No. 418401

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Her too

No. 418402

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No. 418415

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I really wanted to like this game but whenever I see ant kind of content related to it I get a bad taste in my mouth.

No. 418421

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No. 418441

snufkin was ruined for me by nazis on twitter

No. 418444


No. 418472

thanks for providing, the one i remembered was the one about the highschool girl in tights. she's definitely 100% straight though, you basically never see lesbian lolicons. it's always straight women trying to appeal to men.

No. 418478

>you basically never see lesbian lolicons
You very clearly haven't been on the internet for long enough.

No. 418481

Yuri pedo is right there

No. 418482

File: 1727309483789.jpg (678.5 KB, 1357x1920, tumblr_8166feeaf24bcdb9143c4c8…)

>People ITT think Ume Aoki isn't a lesbian

No. 418485

I hate people who think lesbian degenerates don't exist and just dismiss it as female intrasexual competition. There's lesbian creeps although not that many, just as there's creeps who are straight women. This is coming from a lesbian who has dealt with creepy ass lesbians before too. There's always some push to paint us as pure and it's retarded

No. 418489

File: 1727309995314.jpg (279.94 KB, 750x1093, 1437331162916.jpg)

I love degen lesbian otakus though…

No. 418491

Utena isn’t a loli. The fact that the characters in the show look older than they really are is a major plot point.

No. 418492

File: 1727310317857.png (3.95 MB, 1411x2000, not into lewding the megucas b…)

She's the same age as Madoka plus Morinaga milk did Madoka and loli doujins…

No. 418494

she also worked on a few lolicon VNs. Everyone involved in the development of madoka is a lolicon so its hilarious when westoid ironic weebs claim its some subversive feminist animu

No. 418502

I assume she means eco-fash and trads

No. 418519

i didn't say 'lesbian pedophiles don't exist', i'm specifically talking about the anime-sphere, where there are a LOT of straight women who claim to be lolicons to get pedophile men to give them attention. there's literally a thread on /snow/ full of this behavior.

No. 418520

like >>418489 said, morinaga milk is another lesbian lolicon, they exist. Morinaga milk is been at it since the 90s

No. 418527

Autistic lesbians are on par with trannies(bait)

No. 418529

File: 1727320863698.png (355.66 KB, 1058x1500, 956d3e2a-408c-40be-8bbc-6ebdc1…)

god i'm not making some dramatic statement saying NO lesbian has EVER been a lolicon, i'm just talking about a specific type of female anime fan. this is from one of ume aoki's doujins. this comment comes off like she wants to be a loli herself. why else would she talk about wanting to lose weight? she also talks about men/het pairings a lot as well so she's clearly not a lesbian.

No. 418530

No, lesbian sexuality (and female sexuality) is not male-typical. Even if they're retarded.
This is some shit fanny would do kek

No. 418531

You wish an autistic dyke would brutalize you in a female bathroom.(infighting)

No. 418532

File: 1727321707365.png (22.44 KB, 217x137, image_2024-09-25_213420175.png)

ume aoki is 2D only confirmed kek

fanny is gonna develop a bone grinding fetish

No. 418533

File: 1727322640963.png (318.99 KB, 850x683, 1336653642585.png)

She has done (pure) yuri doujins only like twice and the only pairing she has wrote that you could argue is gay is still subtextshit-tier. Wake me the fuck up when she writes actual yuri romance or lewds. Just because Ume is not a dick-obsessed fujo/yume doesn't mean she's gay (she has done more het works than yuri too, for fucks sake). You all bitches are retarded.

No. 418535

shes still a weird ass lolicon

No. 418536

So? She clearly is bisexual as she lewds both men and women. Why are you all trying to paint her as an exclusive homosexual. So many actual lesbian lolicons out there and you choose the wrong one.

No. 418538

when has she lewd men?

No. 418543

also anime isn't sexuality, there are lesbians who like yaoi/anime boys and straight women who like yuri/anime girls. at the end of the day it IS just a drawing. but yeah the fact that hidamari is subtext and her other currently running manga is a full on (het) romance is kind of telling

No. 418547

That opinion is extremely unpopular among lolcow autists.

No. 418549

lesbian masterdoc thought

No. 418550

That opinion is also extremely unpopular with anyone not coping about their bisexuality (if you don't believe me go ask the normies at /r/actuallylesbian).

No. 419037

To me, she clearly has porn-induced attraction to adolescent girls and autopedophilia. This is typical otaku pickme behavior, I don't know why this topic has started a huge infight.
Regardless, we can't know for sure whether she's a true lesbian or just a pornsick straight/bi otaku woman, none of us know her personally. All we know and the one thing we can agree on is that she's a creepy lolicon.

No. 420184

File: 1727916013489.png (85.78 KB, 267x500, Miko_Kubota.png)

The funny thing is that Glitch Techs was only known because of her but that wasn't even enough to save the show.I also hate her design so much they didn't have to exaggerate her hips so much geez I'm pretty sure the creators knew what they were doing.

No. 420187

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No. 420263

File: 1727946867622.png (275.4 KB, 476x600, BotW_Link.png)

I wish trap and femboy fags could fuck off from our husbandos and other fictional guys just because they have crossdressed once or think they look "feminine" to them when really, they're just slender/toned and youthful. Usually they draw them off-model in their sissy shit. Yuck.

No. 420264

File: 1727947044330.png (344.44 KB, 360x857, Cloud_Strife.png)

No. 420272

I honestly hate Cloud's design in the remake, he looks like a surgically altered kpop idol with dyed hair

No. 420301

Sorry but he was always retarded even without a shitty fandom. Now he's just a retard with autism and zippertits

No. 420413

File: 1727987093605.png (252.22 KB, 559x885, Speed_Sound_Sonic.png)

No. 420421

File: 1727988452613.gif (6.33 MB, 432x432, Marth_Idle_Pose_Melee.gif)

I remembered when people first saw Marth in Super Smash Bros. some them assumed him as girl. I didn't. Even as a joke it didn't make sense when Link and Roy are there too but no one thinks of them as girls. Are they saying Marth is pretty? Because I agree.

No. 420426

File: 1727989404797.jpg (36.45 KB, 736x414, 1000001749.jpg)

Do moids call him a femboy?? I've only seen women appreciate his crossdressing and sometimes their Sephiroth X Cloud ships

No. 420433

File: 1727991026151.png (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 1080x1920, 08865b05990e6d919fc406ed3bc19a…)

Apparently moids do and create ugly uncanny abominations like this. At this point, calling a youthful guy trap or femboy is a red flag leading towards scrote porn degeneracy. The women who appreciate him and making fujo content are ok.

No. 420438

Japan has a different standard of beauty for men, looking beautiful and youthful is desirable, that's why our husbandos all look like cute twinks, but for western men it means they are tranny faggots unfortunately

No. 420453

File: 1727992506556.jpg (273.96 KB, 1632x1224, c8c60042c0a9a3c2f2f431965dee72…)

Idk you can find every character like that on r34. On the topic of ff7 Aerith/Aeris has a serious hate army out for her. If you search up "Why is aerith" first thing next will say annoying. Just because she had a flirty personality and was a goof sometimes (no male video game character has ever been hated that hard just for that) and the unserious love triangle Aerith, Tifa, and Cloud have attract gross scrotes who self-insert and be super perverse towards Aerti (AerithxTifa)

No. 420466

I remember seeing one guy write down that because Aerith got along with the people in the slums, he was sure she probably fucked around a lot and had a stretched up vagina. He was dead serious, this was only a fraction of his long ass comment about why he hated Aerith under a random youtube video.

No. 420470

Her VA annoyed the fuck out of me and that was literally the only thing I couldnt stand. The high pitch that sounded like a woman trying to sound cute. It just annoyed me so much I had to switch the dialogue to a different language. But her personality was fine.

No. 420504

File: 1728008557357.webp (Spoiler Image,117.86 KB, 1008x675, DOCXqzrUMAEmwli.webp)

nah link has always been feminine boy (femboy) bait.
>Designed by a male, Eiji Aonuma.
>Eiji Aonuma: “Back during the Ocarina of Time days (so, long before BOTW), I wanted Link to be gender neutral. I wanted the player to think ‘Maybe Link is a boy or a girl.' If you saw Link as a guy, he’d have more of a feminine touch. Or vice versa, if you related to Link as a girl, it was with more of a masculine aspect…”
>botw link has wide hips in game + multiple androgynous/feminine outfits, several of which are meant to accentuate his shape. picrel. he crossdresses at least twice.
plenty of guys also find speed o sonic attractive in his regular, on-model state because he actually has fat thighs and hips the same width of his shoulders lmfaooo you idiot.

No. 420505

File: 1728009147944.png (281.05 KB, 860x970, 6356115-2293445295-7fca6.png)

like this is speed's body kek. how masculine

No. 420508

File: 1728010640028.jpg (38.79 KB, 500x707, 1000003204.jpg)

Androgynous is not really a femboy.

No. 420509

Link looked a bit androgynous so that anyone could relate to him, (they were targeting female gamers) not for modern "femboy" coom purposes. Don't be disingenuous

No. 420515

OoT and TP Link will always be the perfect design for Link. Everyone else has gotten progressively uglier, very notably in SW and now the Breath of the Shit games. I want Aonuma to fucking retire from mainline Zelda already

No. 420529

That's why she belongs in thos thread though. Originally she was a voice synth with a smaller invested otaku fanbase, then she attracted this hoard of Hello Kitty consoomers who will buy anything with her face on it because there's no entry barrier to be considered her fan and she's cute. It is the most profitable situation for her company but fandom degradation is real

No. 420534

File: 1728017019890.jpg (565.57 KB, 1100x599, c37.jpg)

>She's basically just Japanese Ronald McDonald
Funny enough, McDonald's Miku is a thing

No. 420538

how is that androgynous, literal caveman-tier face, he just has long hair

No. 420548

File: 1728019782902.jpg (88.42 KB, 1108x831, bjorn-andresen.jpg)

Nta but how is it not androgynous? Unless it's more feminine or younger to the point of being mistaken for a girl?

No. 420551

It's a moid with an okay-face and long hair, like the pic you just posted is also just a teenage boy with long hair(there's nothing androgynous about it), I would consider an androgynous look more like something like what boy george does

No. 420552

>I would consider an androgynous look more like something like what boy george does

No. 420553

Androgynous just means someone who has a blend of masculine and feminine traits, there is no requirement for it to be purposeful. Someones natural look can absolutely be androgynous.

No. 420557

nta but the photo provided is also not "androgynist" he just looks like a male teen and noone is going to mistake him for a "girl"

No. 420559

…i don't think you understand the meaning of the word at all.

No. 420560

File: 1728021300021.png (603.63 KB, 1000x787, rZjPvO2.png)

I don't agree with that, beauty exists as a spectrum, depending on gender and age, but at this point we all know that even the most beautiful men will look disgusting as a woman and vice versa with women who try being men
I didn't understand that either; by their logic, every healthy male teenager that exists is apparently androgynous

No. 420561

That outfit in your pic is actually a reference/tie in outfit to the protag of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so not originally for Link.
It is an ugly ass design on him too though.

No. 420566

File: 1728023104162.png (259.94 KB, 660x704, xmjyiIz.png)

I'm assuming they think any male who isn't a 42 year old roided-out freak or a fat dysgenic male is a androgynous thing whose even more beautiful than women. this is how most tifs I've encountered think, anyway.

No. 420579

I'll bite. So does Link fall into your definition of androgyny of boy george?

No. 420584

how is this even sexy to gay moids? those are female proportions. i see irl shoops with this shit too and i don't get it.

No. 420600

Plenty of gay moids are bisexual, or pseudobisexuals from porn, or they have such an intense ass obsession anyway naturally and fixate on the hip area because it’s arousing due to the association with sex. James Charles BBL Cloud is retarded anyway but coomers gonna coom

No. 420602

All this shit about supposedly wanting female players to "relate" to Link, but he's male in the end and everyone calls him "he". Why couldn't they just make him an androgynous girl instead of a boy?
He's a bit androgynous, but I agree with the other anon, this is not an entirely androgynous man, you can clearly tell he's male. The Adam's apple, face structure, jawline, I'd say even the hairline and shoulders/neck, all of these make it too obvious for him to be truly androgynous imo.
I disagree with other anons, though, in that I think hair, makeup and clothes can make you look more androgynous.
But the thing is that true androgyny might be impossible in real life, whereas in fiction anything is possible, which is why it's easier to mistake male Japanese characters for girls, or why "draw a girl, call it a boy" works in fiction, because the laws of biology don't have to apply to drawings. Link absolutely is androgynous, imo.

No. 420603

Tbh I've only ever seen "straight" moids be into shit like that. Out of the closet gay men go crazy for those burly fat or roidpiggy men.

No. 420628

File: 1728043004825.png (4.16 MB, 2005x1128, image (4).png)

Androgynous yes, femboy, no. I'm not really interested in splitting hairs what androgynous means for lc. The term was used even before 2d. I sent that picture because that's what I'd imagine Link is aligned to look like. An elegant long haired moid.

God where do you guys live? I wish the average moid looked like that model pic rel if that isn't adrogynous to you kek.

No. 420636

>by their logic, every healthy male teenager that exists is apparently androgynous
this is disingenuous. most male teens are masculine in terms of appearance and behavior kek. but really i don’t know what irl men have to do with discussion of stylized and exaggerated 2d characters anyway. like i’ve never seen anyone in femboys claim that all irl male teens are femboys so ? kek

No. 420637

File: 1728045158201.jpg (56.58 KB, 421x700, Chatto-Apache-Chiricahua-chief…)

In every depiction before botw the link looked like a little boy (sometimes a slightly older teenager) but in both he looked like an ftm tbh
androgynous refers to fashion and makeup, not actual human proportions. there were entire tribes of native americans where men had long flowing hair and no beards, and no one considered them androgynous or anything. That is reality, but in animated form, it's possible for a male to look closer to a woman because they're just lines or polygons.

No. 420639

the conversation was about the two random models posted, again aside from having long hair, what exactly is androgynous about them? because they look like regular moids of their age group with okayish looking faces

No. 420643

File: 1728047894450.jpeg (92.28 KB, 830x844, 9D31CB51-F152-46A8-BCD2-9A34C6…)

NTA the teenager used for her point is the actor, bjorn anderssen, who was famous for his role in a movie "a death in venice" where his youthfulness and androgyny (such as his face, and all) were one of the focal points. he went on to inspire a lot of manga and early bishounen tropes as he was very popular in japan, and there is a documentary about the way the media treated him called "the most beautiful boy in the world." as for the model, the example used is what is considered to be androgynous when it comes to male models, people just genuinely can't look as in between/confusing as fictional characters. just look up models that are considered to be androgynous like willy gartier or roan louch, it more has to do with their styling, hair length, and if they have one vaguely feminine feature like their eyes or lips, not that they truly resemble women or you can't tell either from a glance.

No. 420649

I personally think he looks like any 15 year-old boy with good lighting (I never really understood why the japanese went crazy for him), again the original poster was directly comparing 2d fictional characters to an actual human man, claiming him as an example of an androgynous male which I found funny because he had a literal caveman-tier jaw and all he had was the long hair and nothing else

No. 420652

it was his body type too, his shoulders weren't very wide and he was very thin with long limbs. he was very much presented as beautiful and androgynous, but you don't have to agree. the model she used does have strong masculine features, which is supposed to contrast with his long hair, serene expression and full bottom lip to give a slightly feminine impression in order to achieve an androgynous look.

No. 420654

> he was very much presented as beautiful and androgynous
wasnt that mostly pushed by the pedophilic director who scouted him out?

No. 420657

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>it was his body type too
this literally looks like the body of an average teenager

No. 420659

File: 1728051256445.jpeg (51.2 KB, 640x484, AFC43AE1-A71A-47AC-A199-0BB503…)

that a big factor, yes, but there were headlines all over the world that praised how beautiful and youthful he was when the movie premiered. there was the photoshoot that david bailey did, and japan really thought of him as androgynous and pretty, as well.

okay, even if you disagree, i am simply stating why people think of him as such. try time traveling back to the 70s and convincing everyone then that he looked like an average 15 year old, the original anon just used him as an example because he was famous and known for being androgynous.

No. 420660

>hit the wall at 15

No. 420661

File: 1728051413357.jpg (288.32 KB, 922x1189, myanswer.jpg)

my contribution to the androgynous fictional moid question.
putting a literal child as an example of androgynous male is kinda weird ngl because its clear hes was still in his early puberty so he hadnt developed his secondary sex characteristic yet

No. 420662

she used him as an example because he was famous for it, and yes, it was beyond fucked up and he also lost his pretty boy looks early into his adulthood. however, androgynous male characters in anime were inspired by him starting in the 70s (especially in BL), and even characters like oscar from rose of versailles were due to his popularity in japan. its creepy, but its history. maybe not fit for this thread either.

No. 420664

you literally said that his body was so special and androgynous compared to other males, yet it looked like any other non-obese teenage boy's body
nta but we can also think it's really dumb because at the end of the day, cause there was nothing really special about him. I saw guys who looked like him (just with shorter hair) all the time in secondary school

No. 420666

calm down lol like good for you or whatever, doesn't change the reputation he had or the influence.

No. 420669

>doesn't change the reputation he had or the influence.
In japan sure but I don't know if he was as "famous" anywhere else. I mean just like the other nona said he really just looks your average teen with long hair and not androgynous. Pre pubescent moids aren't androgynous, An adult example would've been better

No. 420670

nta but as someone from Norway I have to agree with them, I find it odd and maybe funny how the japs became obsessed with him and there are millions of boys who look like that, what's even funnier is that those same boys are probably half a foot taller than most japanese people,(haven't ever been to japan but to korea and the people were tiny over there)

No. 420671

there were international headlines when the movie came out about him being the most beautiful boy in the world, hence the name of his documentary, but she also did post an adult example.

No. 420673


No. 420674

and I thought the adult example was really funny because he had such a pronounced caveman face

No. 420675

>cave-man face is when handsome and healthy
Take me back to the stone age then

No. 420676

File: 1728054480953.jpg (297 KB, 1014x1487, 28d7e1424300317d8b9070ca575a85…)

>what's even funnier is that those same boys are probably half a foot taller than most japanese people
So was he

No. 420684

I mean when he's pictured like this then he's obviously masculine but when his pictures were warmer hued or cuter outfits on then he was androgynous

No. 420685

i don’t agree with this post. even the right has a dick balls and pecs, which women don’t have. would you say a male becomes a woman irl if he gets a bbl, limb reduction surgery, ffs, bolt ons, and a sex change? like is just looking feminine enough to qualify someone for womanhood?

No. 420686

File: 1728055509015.gif (1.61 MB, 500x281, 7FEAF739-C418-4F11-9D2C-9AFF88…)

samefag but how do you describe reverse traps, which are often drawn exactly as men in series are. is picrel just a man?

No. 420687

File: 1728055528132.jpg (285.04 KB, 1080x1239, why.jpg)

>like is just looking feminine enough to qualify someone for womanhood?
i just want male androgynous characters to still look like moids than a coom fantasy for troons, where the fuck did you get that from?

No. 420692

File: 1728056376547.jpg (246.44 KB, 2048x1366, F5c3naSWQAA9BjB.jpg_large.jpg)

A bit ot, but does pic related count as androgynous? I that he was a girl until they said it was a guy.
I don't mean in a "he's hot" sort of way, but in a "I can't tell this is a man" sort of way.

No. 420693

uh, you claimed a feminine male is a woman? i got it from the image you posted. like is that not what you meant to say

No. 420694

androgyny like masculinity and femininity ultimately depends on you, and how you see things. westerners will think cloud is androgynous, to me (and probably japs) he’s pretty masculine. you think picrel is feminine but to me he’s just a guy with long hair, i immediately recognized him as male

No. 420695

File: 1728056636316.png (554.8 KB, 750x1000, 1000001789.png)

then stick to bishies or josou types rather than otokonoko characters. the whole gist of the trope is that they're like girls without actually being girls no shit they're going to go with the "draw a girl call it a boy" route. also that example pic just looks like the only main difference is one looks older and the other younger.

No. 420696

Makes sense, if you live around men with moustaches/beards and women that don't wear make up and don't mod their face, men without will automatically look slightly more feminine.

No. 420697

>even the right has a dick balls and pecs
where did you see dick and balls???

No. 420700

File: 1728057497765.jpeg (17.37 KB, 250x395, 1722378918355.jpeg)

>reee how dare you have a different preference than mine!!
>didnt even mention "traps" which is a porn trope
sure retard.keep coping for troonshit

No. 420702

File: 1728058207369.png (261.4 KB, 720x405, s71IixC.png)

well, yeah, he's a pre-pubescent boy with long hair, but again, he's not androgynous, he's just a boy with long hair

No. 420704

File: 1728058404468.jpg (225.14 KB, 540x776, 1000009345.jpg)

nonna was quite literally complaining about traps (otokonoko) and told her to stick with bishounens. the issue she has is usally moid artist taking popular bishies and exaggerating their feminine qualities to borderline trap levels. Then again, these two tropes can often overlap. a bishie can count as a otokonoko simply based on how much he's mistaken as a woman from even if he is still drawn with typical male proportions. picrel for ex. both characters are brothers and androgynous, yet both could also count as otokonoko

No. 420705

cause it's drawn, these aren't actual human beings

No. 420707

I don't think the actor is pre-pubescent, though I can't find his age online.

No. 420708

he looks like a 12-14 year old boy

No. 420710

He looks older out of costume, around 16/17 at least.

No. 420736

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No. 420740

File: 1728065583392.png (1.33 MB, 1179x1207, UTOOrdR.png)

this is why I hc'd the giant semes as just regular sizes white people who just happen to be in korea or japan

No. 420745

ugly txt faggot that I hate

No. 420747

Asuka was a way better character than shitji

No. 420749

File: 1728066930865.jpg (104.12 KB, 666x1000, 81zJTGwXrtL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I can't pick one character in particular, so the whole manga is ruined thanks by tifs and "kins".

No. 420765

File: 1728069751386.png (599.6 KB, 600x970, Marco_Diaz.png)

That one time he crossdressed and trannies latched onto him

No. 420779

femboy goatfag? did you finally improve?

No. 420804

sorry to crush your dreams kek but im not the goatfag.

No. 420806

File: 1728078400142.png (4.9 MB, 3334x1200, njgu5h7gfxqc1.png)

>What do you mean he's doing it for the lulz/to win a medal from a women-only gym? He's a TIM icon!

No. 420812

>In every depiction before botw the link looked like a little boy
There are only 3 games where Link's official art was depicted as a child and that was Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask, Minish Cap, and Wind Waker and its adjacent Toon Link games. The rest were teenagers, yes including the NES, SNES, and GB titles

No. 420813

File: 1728080482483.jpg (134.79 KB, 700x1000, mgs2-illust7.jpg)

>he'd have more of a feminine touch
Oh the horror, oh my god how could they. Also using the most recent iteration of Link isn't a good argument. Link is based.
Hawt but I agree, not androgynous.
Poor boy, stop posting him
Anyway Raiden isn't really androgynous but he's peak male character design and I am going to marry him and have sex

No. 420814

The Sun and Moon art style change was the biggest mistake.

No. 420832

File: 1728086311254.png (767.27 KB, 1280x1810, Pokemon_SV_Grusha.png)

When Grusha was revealed as a dude I knew there will be moids and trannies cooming to him so immediately I was icked out every time I see him. But after hearing his voice in Masters EX, I find him acceptable since I was expecting an annoying moeblob voice like you hear in most trap/femboy character. So the nonna who has him as her husbando you have my respect but I feel bad that moids and trannies are ruining him.

No. 420867

men who like “femboys” are 100% a danger to real children

No. 420872

all men are a 100% danger to children

No. 420874

>stop posting him
that wasn't my intention, I was just pointing out that after all he was just a teenage boy and I really didn't understand why the other user was so adamant that he somehow literally had an androgynous body

No. 420877

he's not meant to be a trap/femboy to begin with, just a bishie. tbh I remember when he was first released 90% of Twitter artist and channers thought he was a girl and were heavily denying he was male when full info came around

No. 420905

File: 1728106564846.jpg (623.66 KB, 1440x1080, df04sxa-35cf64c3-bd73-4767-8c1…)

>autistic furry coomers
>married to a fly and had hybrid kids with him in that godawful fanfic movie
>ugly bastard and maggot birthing porn with Zipper
I'm sad that they did her dirty even after three decades

No. 420908

I remember when men were angry saying her getting married to the fly was race mixing propaganda

No. 420947

This, people forget that the way characters are drawn matters a lot. A bishounen can be a "trap" (people mistake him for a girl) without being part of the male fetish for traps, and instead appeal to a female audience. To be fighting over something so obvious you gotta be media-illiterate.
Serena looks cool and confident in Ash's clothes kek, while Ash is always embarrassed to be wearing clothes for girls. Really makes you think. Of course a blatant display of gender roles would make trannies' dicks hard.
>But after hearing his voice in Masters EX, I find him acceptable since I was expecting an annoying moeblob voice like you hear in most trap/femboy character.
That was based af, I might hate Gen 9 with a burning passion but I like how they tried to subvert the same tired old gendered character designs. There are characters like Rika and Grusha that are more androgynous than usual and are appealing in a way that feels female-oriented (literally only scrotes lose their minds over these designs and try to deny that they're not made specifically so they can coom to them).
I never consume media with trapshit in it (the moid fetish kind) so I was very surprised and disappointed when I watched an Astolfo clip and he had a female voice actress. Literally just "draw a girl, call it a boy". I'm very happy that they've made it explicitly clear that Grusha is just a pretty boy for the girls, AKA a bishounen.

No. 420979

File: 1728131465767.jpeg (463.05 KB, 1155x856, cult.jpeg)

All I know about this character is that there’s a cult in Russia that worships her.

No. 420981

File: 1728132850666.jpg (261.82 KB, 605x658, 1579999341572.jpg)

>I wanted Link to be gender neutral. I wanted the player to think ‘Maybe Link is a boy or a girl.' If you saw Link as a guy, he’d have more of a feminine touch. Or vice versa, if you related to Link as a girl, it was with more of a masculine aspect…”
wtf is this logic. No, I'm not gonna think a male character is literally me if they make him effeminate. Is this some Japanese thing?

No. 420982

File: 1728133069472.webp (262 B, 230x318, frisk.webp)

Maybe they were trying to make Link ambiguous like Frisk from Undertale?

No. 420984

ive always thought frisk was a girl

No. 421003

i like frisk as a guy or a gal depending on who i’m shipping them with

No. 421006

Same. I picture Frisk as a girl and Kris as a boy. I don't ship either of them with anyone, though.

No. 421014

>A bishounen can be a "trap" (people mistake him for a girl) without being part of the male fetish for traps
If a character is an adult male and so "beautiful" that people mistake him for a girl, I'm not gonna take the serious seriously because men don't like that in real life. I would almost consider it troon wish fulfillment
>Is this some Japanese thing?
yes, they really do view crossdressing young boys as a "bridge" between male and female

No. 421017

nobody irl looks like an anime character you monkey

No. 421019

File: 1728146319964.png (415.31 KB, 819x1236, 1000007284.png)

I find it funny that the character you used as an example wears a skirt a lot of the time. Reverse traps just aren't as hyper feminine in terms of hair and clothes and usually are still depicted with actual women bodies and they have at least one scene where they're dressed more feminine. Women also tend to pass better as men or at least teen boys. That why you have a lot female cosplayers that crossdress as anime guys.

No. 421020

Anime has people rolling around with pink and green natural hair, a man being pretty is not that hard to take.
Also isn't saying only women can be pretty more likely to cause a man who wants to be pretty to be considered a troon?

No. 421026

>Anime has people rolling around with pink and green natural hair, a man being pretty is not that hard to take
yeah i don't get why people's understanding of fiction goes out the window when it comes to sex. even if it isn't a hyper feminine guy, plenty of anime girls have figures no actual woman could ever possess…because they are drawings, and that's the point

No. 421049

File: 1728160798342.png (442.56 KB, 520x827, Sasha.png)

>was revealed as a dude I knew there will be moids and trannies cooming to him
Want to mention Sasha too even when people first thought of him as a girl hence the name. Calling him a femboy bunny and making him a trans icon is cringe though. I just see him as a pretty kpop boy who likes to take selfies. They also done weird gross coomshit to Shino as well.

No. 421054

Fun fact: Sasha is a gender-neutral name of Slavic, Russian, and Ukranian origin, meaning “defender” and “helper of mankind”. This solid and heroic name is the variation and diminutive of the Greek name Alexander or Alexandra, which means “to defend man”.

No. 421056

File: 1728163844646.jpg (151.16 KB, 720x919, 42c.jpg)

Kek yeah because the movie Zipper was voiced by a black guy and Gadget was seen as a white woman. 4chinners on /co/ and /tv/ went through an absolute meltdown seething and malding that they got cucked by a fly and that their mouse waifu was taken and ruined. It was wild.

I wonder how would they react after she and Zipper are a thing in the movie. To me, I didn't take it as canon since it's so shit.

No. 421057

Kek this was so fucking funny. The youtube comments on anything related to the movie were full of moid tears (also the men having the most hardcore breakdowns were the self-described tradtards, even though I don't think it's approved by the scriptures to lust after a cartoon animal)

No. 421058

I can't imagine Frisk as being either gender to be honest kek. Not in a gendie way just because I think their toddler-like ambiguity is part of the charm. I always imagined Chara and Kris as girls though.

No. 421067

Your post made me read about them and I am still not sure if I believe they were serious about it. But I guess it's still less demented than >>421056 even if they were earnest about it

No. 421077

the popular perception of Kris seems to be them as a boy, based purely on their name

No. 421078

File: 1728171680556.png (999.67 KB, 798x405, 3434324.png)

>characters are next to never sexualized in official works
>all women wear modest and more complex clothing (at least comparably to the average anime girl)
>none of them are drawn with any sex appeal combined with zun's wonky art
>characters have more unconventional personalities
>just because basically every named character is female (besides one) coomers flock to it like flies on shit.
This is why I don't interact with male Touhou fans, I don't even think of them as actual fans because a lot of the time they just like the porn and don't even play the games. Even official stuff though none drawn by Zun to my knowledge the girls are starting to be sexualized more and it pisses me off so bad. In fact some of the coomified depictions of the girls outfits (ie; reimu, sanae) are depicted as the default. It especially pisses me off when moids demand fanservice for it in official works because they're entitled manbabies despite the fact they can go to any work of fiction ever and find oversexualized women ad nauseum.

No. 421079

>plays game with loli characters
>nooo why do men flock to it!
it makes me laugh when women get pissed anime waifu shit attracts men, its like men getting pissed bishie shows like free attract women

No. 421085

How is nonsexualized cute female designs waifushit. You're the one calling these characters lolis when they're not meant to be sexual in the official games.

No. 421088

I never understood the loli meme with touhou? Most of the characters look like teenagers or older, and there are plenty of mature bodied characters, think Yukari, Yuyuko, Kanako. When I hear loli I think like, Suwako or Cirno, and even then they aren't the majority. I'm convinced everyone who falls for the Touhou loli game meme has never even fucking played them kek

No. 421104

File: 1728181040311.png (148.34 KB, 264x498, uouidfbnf.png)

To be fair basically all Touhou women had the same body type up until more recently since Zun is shit at drawing kek, still love his art though. The body types were essentially headcanons that became canon, which of course was probably conceived with the intent to coom to it.

No. 421109

Kek word. Also hilarious when fujoshits seethe about tifs picking up yaoi and giving men pussies(fujosperging bait)

No. 421112

I kinda prefer the samey body type zun tends to draw compared to retarded coom stick bugs with titties bolted on that are all too common in anime art. The attention is put into the outfits and making an interesting design rather than omg le epic half nekie ladie with vacuum sealed clothing

No. 421123

never heard of moe? you think zun made a game full of cute anime girls just because he's a male feminist? he likes cute girls, so does all the otaku moids the game was targetting. It is a waifu game, its not made for women, gross men where always the main target.

No. 421129

I mean cute magical girls is pretty shojo themed so it makes sense why women are attracted to it. Though the fanbase of scrote autist coomers and Zun being a moid makes it sad

No. 421141

I am sorry anon but you are the one ''invading'' moid spaces in this case. Touhou isnt mlp or pripara, it was always for waifufag, they arent ruining anything because it was made for them.

No. 421147

that's stupid

No. 421180

how so?

No. 421187

>married to a fly and had hybrid kids with him in that godawful fanfic movie
Never knew this existed. Sick.

No. 421193

There are some Asian brick shithouses as well, they're not too common but they do exist, Shohei Ohtani for example is 6'4. Unless a yaoi seme or any animu character for that matter is explicitly stated or at least culturally implied to be white/European it's safe to assume that character is meant to be Japanese.

No. 421201

nta but I think they were just making a joke, but it's true that asian people are generally shorter, that's how my experience was in korea for example, only about 5% of the guys were taller than me

No. 421236

File: 1728228615774.png (160.66 KB, 1315x792, height map.png)

I didn't say otherwise, I'm just saying that the average height of young adult males in Japan, South Korea and China nowadays is around 5'8, respectively 5'9 for both SK and China, which is actually not at all low compared to other non-European/Anglosphere countries, so statistically even if there may be mostly manlets there have to be just enough bean poles and absolute units in there especially among the younger ones to bring the average that high

No. 421260

File: 1728238695232.png (111.12 KB, 542x349, gol2.png)

This one's sad,I can't even search one of them up on Google images without being bombarded with fetish or porn garbage even with safe search on.I no longer view them the same anymore.

No. 421262

Holy shit, memory unlocked.

No. 421271

It's very obvious all you've seen from Touhou is the coomer art. Why don't you save the retarded loli comments for when you're talking about something you at least vaguely know?

No. 421281

Nta but Aren't two of the main characters in that series a 1000 years old vampire but looks like a little girl?

No. 421334

Aw, look at India. It's weird, I don't think of Indians as being short.

No. 421336

This ran so Monster High could walk

No. 421346

File: 1728261905905.jpg (Spoiler Image,534.87 KB, 850x638, sample_89be06028e9c18291c9db42…)

I played Touhou and been a fan since before you post covid ironic weebs discovered animu. I know ironic weebs are dumb and naive and don't understand otaku culture, but there is something known as ''moe'' that has existed for longer than you have probably been alive. Guess what, your dear zun, the guys you are defending? was an otaku that made the game because he wanted to see cute girls instead of blatteships and aircrafts, like what was common at the time for shmups. Because surprise, coomer otaku men love to see cute lolis doing cute things, its why the genre has existed for so long and why stuff like di gi charat is popular. Pic rel is official art btw. You can keep coping and seething but touhou is a moe game about lolis and if you tell a japanese fan ''noooo they arent lolis reeee'' hes gonna laugh at you for being so retarded and naive.

No. 421347

File: 1728262137245.jpg (139.91 KB, 492x255, Th06FlandreRemilia.jpg)

believe it or not that concept is not always linked to coom, even if its commonly used as a cop out in a majority of cases. in ZUN's depiction, it is clear that theyre not drawn with the intent to sexualize, but to show a juxtaposition of young girls being powerful vampiric creatures.

No. 421348

File: 1728262285423.gif (1.23 MB, 500x281, 1000006865.gif)

>believing an otaku moid is going to draw a 10000 loli vampire to depict how girlboss she is
you guys are unbelievable, the k-on moids were right we should have gatekept

No. 421350

They are young girls because that's what appeals to otaku. There is nothing revolutionary or deep about the choice to make the cast a bunch of cute girls. Anons on lolcow are so fucking delusional when it comes to otaku media.

No. 421351

They literally never played the game and probably found it from tiktok or some shit. Zun has said in interviews before he doesn't add male characters because they would get in the way and ruin the game. If zun was born in america he would have trooned out by now. 2ho is also sold in comiket, you know the big event thats know for selling loli doujinshis.

No. 421352

NTAYRT but why do you want to call them lolis so badly? What's the point of posting that photo? Youre the one who went out of your way to save it. Of course touhou is moeshit that's meant to appeal to a specific audience but I think it can still be enjoyed outside of that. As a female fan who literally grew up playing touhou (not a covid ironic anime fan zoomer or whatever youre calling people) I don't give a fuck what moids think. Not even the moid who made it. I don't interact with them. I like the games, I like the cute designs, I like the music, I like the characters' personalities. Pointing out that Joe Schmoe over there is jacking off to some nasty fanart doesn't change that. Of course zun is an otaku moid but the games aren't even sexualized. They're just fun, damn. You're letting moids ruin things for you.

No. 421353

I don't understand it. These men don't even attempt to hide their intentions, they're very honest about the reasoning behind their choices. But (western) women will choose to be delusional anyway.

No. 421358

>you are letting men ruin things for you
Men aren't ruining anything for me because they are the ones making the touhou games, the fangames and all the fan music. Because touhou was made for otaku men, not western ironic weeb women. You are the one that's incapable of liking touhou unless it aligns with your radfem beliefs and throw tantrums over men enjoying something that was made for them in a way that displeases you. I am sorry, but dont like it? do like zun and make your own game. Men aren't ruining touhou for lewding the girls and calling cirno a loli, because the intention of the game, the reason why it was sold at an otaku convention, its because zun wanted to make the game for his fellow otaku lolicon moids.

No. 421363

You better be braindead because actually believing touhou is free of lolishit is huge levels of copium . You can consume a media but you cant rewrite its pedophilic history because "you" say so. Youre talking about a Japanese moid be serious you really think he created the loli vampire with pure intentions? You may not sexualize the character but it doesn't change its origin

No. 421364

I'm not even sure what you're angry at. I'm not a radfem or a "western ironic weeb woman" or any of the weird strawmen you're propping up. Also, I'm perfectly capable of liking something despite not being the target demographic. I just ignore fandom moids because all they know is making nasty coom art. I like games like Deathsmiles for the same reasons I like Touhou. It is funny you bring gamedev up because I actually have released some very small projects and am working on a bigger one. Except my games tend to have reverse harem casts because I think there should be more of that out in the world.

No. 421365

File: 1728264666040.jpeg (279.08 KB, 1080x1801, zun.jpeg)

>zun has called both scarlet and flandre lolis
>he also traced art from fucking rance for Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
anons are delusional and clearly know nothing about zun, touhou or otaku culture. They need to go back to homestuck or undertale.

No. 421366

File: 1728264731689.jpg (32.59 KB, 500x218, rance touhou.jpg)

He clearly meant scarlet flandre to be girlbosses uwu thats why he plays and traces art from eroges

No. 421383

you know you could at least pick art from the actual official games instead of fangames to make your point
>You're letting moids ruin things for you.
but nonie, that's the purpose of this entire thread…

No. 421399

>you know you could at least pick art from the actual official games instead of fangames to make your point
ok how about zun's art he traced from a rance game then >>421366 but no, he's totally not a coomer he's just a quirky drunk retard that has never heard of loli nor ever told his players to go take a break and jack off to eroge if they cant pass a level

No. 421546

You sound like a tranny. Why are you so mad?(scrotefoiling)

No. 421556

Nonna I am so sorry these tertiaries who cannot read are arguing with you. Nearly 100% of official Touhou media is so lacking in any sexuality or objectification and it's a breath of fresh air for me and a big reason as to why I've stuck with it for so long. All they talk about in the printworks is stuff like 10th level esoteric Buddhist knowledge and philosophical musings, there's never an even slightly off-color joke or anything that sets off trashy anime red flags for me. And then you get male fans who argue over which girl they want to stick their dick in the most and who has the most sniffable armpits. I feel like they're personally talking about my friends, it pisses me off so much.

No. 421563

tbh i don’t care if he’s a coomer or not, i love touhou for what it is. like other anons have said the og games are free of sexualization anyway. like fr if someone being a male coomer creator makes a franchise (or anything) scorched earth then say goodbye to consuming anything by men, especially jp men. your husbando that probably came from a male is out, the internet is out, ibs are out, etc. hate how moralfaggy this site is

No. 421566

>tbh i don’t care if he’s a coomer or not
stopped reading there. go suck zuns pedo dick somewhere else(infighting)

No. 421570

You could freak out over any of the numerous coomer men closely linked to official Touhou, like Beatmario or the fairies manga guy or the dude who drew that Aya page in AFiEU, but I'm failing to see how ZUN would even qualify. You can look at any of the interviews he's done or the numerous things he's directly written for official media and it's like he rarely wants to even talk about Touhou content for too long, let alone anything even remotely related to the fan appeal of it. When his moid friends pester him to put stuff they like in the game, he just ignores them. Literally nothing I've ever seen or heard from him indicates that he's making Touhou to whack it to lolishit, if he were, he would be more obvious about it. If you're the same person who just linked a Danmaku Kagura CG and claimed it was "official art" and not even calling characters the right names, then you actually have no idea what you're talking about and just want to sperg about your personal vendetta against Touhou I guess?

No. 421767

It's insane how anons here will wk for obvious coomer moids just because they are too afraid to admit they like something problematic or made for men. ZUN is a lolifag, he plays eroges, he called flandre and remilia lolis. Deal with it and stop complaining about men ''ruining'' something that was made for them from the very start.

No. 421774

You're the one complaining about a dude who traced a character cg from an eroge for his college computer game club in the 90s because he couldn't draw and referred to a song he made sounding "loli-ish" one time in 2002. No fans remember or even care about that, they didn't become fans because ZUN said the word loli in the music comments once twenty two years ago. It's clear that you really do not know anything about the series and what it's actually like. Give it a rest.

No. 421936

I do wish Touhou was made by a woman tho. Can ZUN die and pass the baton to his wife?

No. 422018

File: 1728438931332.jpg (649.83 KB, 1440x1800, 1000009426.jpg)

don't get me started, ESPECIALLY since TRAs are so admit on shipping these two as a "lesbian" couple. I have to perma mute anything GG related now for my own sanity

No. 422020

guilty gear has such an ugly artstyle. also nice cameltoe

No. 422027

File: 1728441659416.jpg (187.84 KB, 846x1200, 1000009429.jpg)

just strive specifically. I prefer the older games because it still keeps to the edgy rock/heavy metal theme the game is built off from ans i actually like this art style. but GG:S feels too modern and clean, not just in art but the designs as well. oh well, another one of my favorite fgs fucked over by the creator himself and troons. and these two were my favorites

No. 422028

It's hard to 'ruin' characters who were always created with explicit intent to attract pedophiles

No. 422030

File: 1728442459112.webp (304.98 KB, 600x931, E41735FC-9CC9-4B31-992E-81AA0C…)

based. i think he deserves a shout out too, his fans nowadays are nothing but children and coomers obsessed with him being a nonbinary thot now. honestly, you could include any of the GG characters, there is no hope for the fandom at all. i feel your frustration over fighting games, i'm genuinely sick of how they're all becoming crossover games.

No. 422033

they're ruined because one of them was officially trooned despite the whole appeal of him being a crossdressing boy. the other ruined because fandom pushes her with said boy claiming it's yuri. if you want to see them as "pedobait" designs, that's your opinion. go ahead, but to me they were much more appealing characters storywise than what they are reduced to now

No. 422034

biggest issue with the bridget situation to me is that it shows how much power troons have. i don't like that major, well-beloved franchises pander to them so heavily. makes me annoyed to see them claim they're living in people's heads rent free when they're in fact barging through the front door and pissing all over the carpets i'll also admit i think bridget's newer design is really cute

No. 422035

Never played this tranny game but the artstyle looks really nice here

No. 422037

>whole appeal of him being a crossdressing boy
that's what I mean, he was literally made to attract paedophiles

No. 422140

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heres the equivalent of scrolling on twitter for your twittard addicted brain.

No. 422302

File: 1728504118006.gif (57.28 KB, 200x260, wbjll5dqnmu91.gif)

Traps and femboys are already "ruined" from the start especially if they're designed to be like moeblob waifus. They're meant to appeal pedos and pornsick scrotes so there's no point in that.


No. 422320

File: 1728507336539.jpg (59.61 KB, 564x513, derpy.jpg)

Derpy has gotten more popular since she's a clutz especially with coomers

No. 422333

not the best .gif to prove your point as, at worst, he can be read as a teenager here

No. 422337

Nta but even if you read him as a teen you can't deny he was made to pander to a certain degenerate audience. Its still gross

No. 422341

>character created from furry porn fandom memes is popular with furry porn fandom
Not sure what you expected honestly.

No. 422362

Isn't she in the actual show in the background?

No. 422366

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She's been in multiple episodes she got scrapped when some people got offended by her cross eyes.

No. 422379

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She's had a couple of names over the years. "Derpy Hooves," obviously wasn't going to be canon, because "derp" isn't very pc, but I'm disappointed the went with calling her "Muffins." I preferred the name "Ditzydoo," which felt more MLP-esque. Idk, maybe the showrunners didn't like the idea of correlating a lazy eye with being ditzy.

No. 422381

Animation error originally yeah
Her whole personality and stuff was fandom created though.

No. 422386

Ok so she's a character ruined by a fandom like the thread is for

No. 422412

File: 1728525474381.png (59.12 KB, 362x230, XY_Hex_Maniac.png)

>that one hex maniac that sells milk
Stfu STFU. Whatever abomination these coomoids conjured up is nothing to what she actually looks like. It's infuriating since I think Hex Maniacs are cute and ghost types are one of my favorites but moids just have to ruin her with porn. No goth girl is safe on the internet.

No. 422423

File: 1728526466517.png (551.65 KB, 1000x1450, Whitney_HeartGold_and_SoulSilv…)

Also her too. I hate that moids try to pornify female characters over non sexualized things like milk and cows thinking it's the equivalent to having huge boobs thus making gross lactation porn. Truly scrote brains are actually located on the dick hence "head" and always think with their dicks.

No. 422747

as other anons pointed out Bridget was always meant to be a pseudo-waifu with the "you think this girl is hot? guess what that's actually a GUY lololol does that make you feel GAY!!" twist so to me it doesn't really make much of a difference that he's now a coombait tranny as opposed to a coombait trap. Testament however is the real absolutely unforgivable tragedy.

No. 422766

File: 1728589988256.jpg (55.13 KB, 564x889, 3ac404996cfbd273df4dc730108459…)

Sakura Haruno I can't even get into my SasuSaku ship without being bombarded with misogynistic discourse about how Sakura is the worst character to ever exist because she didnt choose the annoying short scrote that kept sexually harrassing her.

No. 422769

kind of tough to “ruin” a character who was just waifub8 and a glorified womb for sasuke to start with

No. 422771

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To be fair I think she was pretty retarded at some points, but the spergery over her character is annoying. Her "inner self" moments were funny.

No. 422773

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Sakura had really great moments in the manga they literally assblasted her in the anime because they couldn't let sasusaku be more popular than naruhina. Sakura is a great character despite pining after Sasuke she trained and worked hard and always backed her teammates and the girls around her up. She literally is a nurse and owns her own clinic. When Sasuke gave her a ring she puts it in her pocket because she knew she will still be using her hands to save lives. She is great representation when you take her Sasuke pining out of it. And even when you don't she is still great because little girls at that age do be obsessive over their crushes. I was one of them kek. Also Naruto was just as obsessed with Sasuke as Sakura is. In fact i'd even say she is less obsessed than naruto because she was ready to kill him for the sake of the village. Something Naruto wouldnt even do. THe main reasons why Sakura isn't liked is literally because she gets in the way of fujoshi shippers and incel shippers. THat is it and that is all. If she chose Naruto she would be heralded and all of her achievements would not be ignored. Also you can tell she isnt that obsessed with Sasuke because she never grew her hair back despite knowing Sasuke likes girls with long hair. She cut her hair and kept it short for both Naruto and Sasuke's sake. She saved their lives countless times and im tired.

No. 422809


No. 422813

It's annoying when scrotes sperg about how "ugly" she is because a) we all know she was Baby's First Waifu back in 2008, and b) her design is pretty they're just mad she doesn't have D cups kek

No. 422816

Everything in Naruto is just wasted potential, I hate it so much.

No. 422880

File: 1728619304398.png (83.14 KB, 500x1079, Sucy_Manbavaran.png)

>I hate that moids try to pornify female characters over non sexualized things
Her but with mushrooms since she collects them to make poison stuff. Dicks and mushrooms are nothing alike but moids like to think they have similar a penis shape. No they don't. It's dumb and retarded. Plus she's a goth-looking girl so moids immediately latched onto her. I want Sucy to poison all the coombrain scrotes and kill themselves.

No. 422886

idk what this is but what a cute design! moids are obsessed with mushrooms = dicks for some reason. i had a cute mushroom plushie pfp and some moid was like "why is your pfp a dick" like are you retarded?

No. 422888

yoh yoshinari is a coomer so he definetly drew her as waifubait

No. 422905

File: 1728627741697.png (48.34 KB, 614x1289, Creepy_Susie.png)

Speaking of another goth girl with a similar name, Creepy Susie. Most fanart of her are usually off-model or drawn to look more waifuable.

No. 422947

Moids are obsessed with dicks, they'll make everything be about dicks. They also can't live without projecting their phallic obsession onto us. Nothing new, really

No. 422953

This is one of those shows where I don't understand why it has coomer fans at all kek. It's a good show but the characters are all completely sexless.

No. 423005

he is? idk why I expected any different but damn

No. 423007

I guess it attracts the same kind of coomer that creates characters like Pomni. The male equivalent of a tumblr sexyman kek

No. 423637

Mizuki from project sekai. A textbook otokonoko that the western fandom comprised of 15 year old genderspecials claim is trans with no exceptions. She’s a girl she was just born male!!!! Sigh

No. 425299

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He is one of my favorite mons but now he is cursed to just be brought up for pedo jokes

No. 425368

why is this even happening? i'm so out of the loop

No. 425373

Apparently the new hack on the pokemons game studio revealed some poke/human psedo zoo myths which might be written by a troon the leaks aren't confirmed though

No. 425387

File: 1729323334806.png (101.53 KB, 631x2176, 1728834538424750.png)

Pokemon leaks reveal that the scrote (it's not a tranny or a woman, initial machine translations are just shit and rushed) in charge of current worldbuilding and writing wrote a bunch of zoophilic myths. The typhlosion one has him kidnapping a girl lost in he woods, drugging her with berries, impregnating her and hiding her from her father.
There were later versions of this story with pokemon just switched out and other pokemon that were also involved in pokephiliac stories.
Also they had their own company manga for fun that had loli shit, why are scrotes like this allowed to work of children's media, no one would give a shit if it was SMT

No. 425999

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>makes Twitter posts that seems smug
>moids making coom garbage of Wendy's mascot as a smug anime girl
Cringe and retarded

No. 426003

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I don't understand the thirst for this cereal mascot coming from furfaggots. It's just a cartoon tiger.

No. 426133

No. 426166

File: 1729588258191.webp (685.13 KB, 1800x3000, Vergil_3.webp)

a tumblr sexyman that also appeals to incels, edgy teenage boys, and reddit users.

whenever i see a vergil fan they're either repeating unfunny memes or trying to convince me that he's soooo deep, he's violent because he has mommy issues!

No. 426168

Lol did you take the pic I took on character hate thread?

Funniest shit to me was when I nitpicked about bad writing detail in Vergil spinoff manga, besides screeching about poor traumatic Vergil, some fags attempted to defend it by giving explanations outright contradicted infos told in that manga. I doubt they read it, which made it more hilarious, why the fuck would you defend something you barely did research?

No. 426229

i liked him because he was a dumbass and i fantasized about cutting his penis and balls off

No. 426248

That's just it' all the games up to strive weren't tranny games, just edgy rock/metal rolled into an anime fighting game lol

No. 426252

I hate this as someone who actually liked the Hex Maniac. Like why can't she just be a girl who sells milk and it not be some coomer sex thing? I still like the character but I can't see her the same as I used to and I hate that. Fello ghost fan here as well lol

It all started with Shadman with his infamous drawing of her. Honestly if he hadn't had done it, she would've more than likely stayed an obscure character which would've been preferable.

No. 426256

I doubt he needs them that much. He only used his dick one time lol

No. 426260

I never played dmc but I always assumed he was a knock-off sasuke, what's so divisive about him?

No. 426315

He got about two cities worth of people killed, kind of unintentionally, received no serious karma and greatly benefited from one city he killed. He also got a manga spinoff brainwashed people to feel sorry for his mother issues. You're right Vergil is Sasuke knockoff but I think he's more of Vegeta clone, 3 of these characters are same inferior complex type of losers anyway

No. 426492

>I hate this as someone who actually liked the Hex Maniac.
Me too, I liked them in XY and how they'd team up with Fairy Tale Girls to become "Mysterious Sisters". I didn't find out about her "popularity" until later, and it instantly ruined her for me. I hate that the only reason Hex Maniac is in Masters is because she was popularized through all the porn and fanart where she has massive boobs.
It seems that the original RSE version is very obscure among coomers, and therefore relatively safe, but I want to like this version again.

According to TCRF, this story "retells the Bear Mother tale from Canadian First Nations mythology", but "follows the lead of the myth's darker retellings"
>Also they had their own company manga for fun that had loli shit
Please tell me you're talking about some other company the scrote worked at that isn't Game Freak. If not, Imma need a source on that. Not that it'd surprise me, it'd just confirm what some of us already thought.

No. 426494

>If not, Imma need a source on that. Not that it'd surprise me, it'd just confirm what some of us already thought.
Game Freak started as a doujin circle about videogame tips and tricks. Among the info there were fanart of games and a lot of 80s chubby loli style pin ups with many typical trappings of the era, like little girls accompanied by cute mascots or straight up SFW drawings of Minky Momo playing arcade games. There was nothing explicit (at most a bra falling off) but it was still lolicon.

So yeah you bet they jacked it to Hideo Azuma-style lolis and to Minky Momo. They were 80s otaku after all. Quinty is also a loli in a bunny girl suit without ears and she was their first mascot.

No. 426495

File: 1729681741396.jpg (262.3 KB, 1024x624, quinty06.jpg)

Oh yeah, I knew that they were originally a doujin circle, but I never looked at ther magazines. Like you said, since they were (probably still are) 80s otaku moids, they obviously were lolicons, too. I didn't know what Quinty looked like until now. Disgusting, but sadly not surprising.

No. 426497

at least she didn't look like a child in some art

No. 426500

File: 1729684521197.jpg (85.68 KB, 1076x499, 1000008485.jpg)

Can sakurafags stop pretending she was some amazing character when people don't like her? Yeah I'm sure it's because of the evil fujoshis and incels that there's hundreds of fix-it fics of this character in particular. This is a character saved by fandom not ruined by it KEK

No. 426502

It doesn't matter what the story retells or is based on, the fact it was considered at all and there's multiple versions of the story is insane for a children's franchise. Not to mention the amount of pokephilia stories, it's just not the typhlosion cave one.

No. 426515

>Official art
>Says inspired by in bottom left corner
Bait used to be believable. Something I've discovered over years of playing this series since 2012 is that fuck all people actually play Touhou games and because of that I don't want to congregate with any community ever. No one seems to like the product that the developer made, the fusion of religion, eastern philosophy, and estoric themes like Shin Megami tensei, the challenge and good evocative music.

The males who claim to care about it are too stuck in porn but are autistic enough to actually play it and the women are more often than not if the touhou thread is anything to go by, too shit at the games, discovered them late see young female characters and auto to moid blue archive, genshin impact, kantai collection pedofile Little girl shit and have delusional thinking like yourself that gross fangames like this are canon. You could at least have shown Byakuren from hopeless masquerade which is a somewhat official fighting game in the series, but even then those are not mainline games. Simpsons hit and run is more canon to the Simpsons than this shit.

No. 426536

So an alex mercer type? again, he doesn't sound that far removed from most edgy characters

No. 426540

Maybe you lack context but at the time she was a great character by female standards (yes the bar is in hell) and fujos did hate her but that was just a facet of all slash shipping at that time. Definitely agree that she’s been saved by fandom though and I’m an avid fan of fanon Sakura. It’s not her fault that despite all her hyper competence she was never in some god ordained star crossed bromance narrative like narusasu and was instead forgotten. She’s kind of the perfect character for fandom rewrites.

No. 426546

File: 1729707535647.png (463.92 KB, 480x480, KRxLY4T.png)

nta and not even a sakura-fag but this applies to the vast majority of naruto characters, the entire series is basically the biggest example of wasted potential, there are thousands of posts about how every specific individual side character with solid foundations were utterly wasted

No. 426551

Late but based. I completely agree with you and anyone giving you shit was retarded
Furfags will sexualize anything so it's not really surprising.

No. 427105

>Maybe you lack context but at the time she was a great character by female standards
I don't lack any context at all. Her design was amazing by shounen standards and her character was average. I absolutely love fanon Sakura and well-written SasuSaku. I made the post because this is the characters ruined by fandoms thread as you know. None of the Naruto characters are that deep, but I'm not a rabid fujoshi or incel because I don't like the annoying girl who won't stfu about Sasuke.
I completely agree, but Sakura imo is the biggest letdown for being the main female lead.

No. 427624

File: 1730058370548.png (32.53 KB, 642x336, 1698051240971.png)

It's also worth remembering that many of the good writing decisions in naruto came from kishimoto's editor, who pushed him to write more human characters instead of funny animals, have consistent pacing and world-building, as naruto's popularity and profits increased. kishimoto became less restricted to an editor and could do whatever he wanted, which was spectacle fights and gags, samurai 8 is a separate manga where he had complete freedom and it bombed, the art in the series was actually beautiful and the characters (at least humans) were very nicely drawn, but they were also paper thin, it was just spectacle fights, gags and not a single likeable and memorable character

No. 427818

I agree with you, but of course most of us will be shit at the game, it's hard as hell.

No. 428015

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No. 428027

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That said

No. 428060

I can't stop laughing over the mental image of kishimoto making everyone animals for no reason and the editor having to shut that shit down one after another kekkkk

No. 428106

he really likes talking animals, the third hokage was originally going to be a dog, haku was going to be a bear and naruto was adoringly supposed to be a fox demon

No. 428228

The editor could had fixed it all. Give him his own manga

No. 428229

Wtf is this quinty shit? I legit never heard of it until now

No. 428250

I wish his editor did a shit job because I hate Naruto and its consequences on more recent shonen manga.

No. 428262

Quinty/Mendel Palace was one of GameFreak's early games. I don't remember if it was the first one but I think it was.
The weirdest fucking thing about the game is that Quinty, the villainess, is the protagonist's sister and she kidnaps his girlfriend because she is jealous of her…

No. 428363

They always come up with the weirdest plots

No. 428384

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The way moids sexualized a literal cat was so sickening

No. 428404

Wtf??? What did they do to this poor cat???

No. 429412

AYRT, late reply but after seeing an interview with Kojima talking about his mom, I understand a little better now. (Although it's still odd he treats her as a maternal figure, but… still sexualizes her.)

No. 430971

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>milk and cows
sigh them plus they're sisters

No. 430976

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Her too since Super Mario revolves around mushrooms

No. 431086

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Is Minky Momo 'the original character ruined by fandom'?

No. 431131

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Agreed, also pisses me of how scrotes sexualize Cremia's hug, they literally need to kill themselves holy shit.

No. 431146

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Probably not the first but one of the earliest and most notorious.
nonna let's be real, that hug was your typical shounenshit fanservice for horny teenage boys, the same thing happens in Dragon Quest I think

No. 431713

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No. 432640

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Sayori has it rough, you can't have fun with friends and be (deliberately act) silly at times, clearly that means you're a special needs child and must be babied as such. And it's always himes doing this too, they both do this and demonize everything MC says and does to make their OTP (Sayonika) seem more wholesome than it is.
yeah they're doing the literal 2006 fujoshi meme lmao

>Very annoying
agreed, though that was mostly normies who came and went from what i saw

No. 432643

MC is actually the worst character though ngl

No. 432668

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I didn't think much of him until I replayed the game years later for the better ending and realized he had his own issues too, the way MC and Sayori complemented each other was just really cute. He was just a regular, increasingly isolating teenage boy and everyone, including the staff, hated him for it.
I couldn't bring myself to pick the "dearest friend" option

No. 432669

on hindsight this post would be more at home in the "characters you love everyone hates" thread kek

No. 432689

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I normally dont complain about men lewding and making coom art of obvious waifubait shows, but goddam why does she attract so many ryonafags? its so wild to me, i expected run of the mill coomers but not fucking psychos

No. 432699

Should I replay it to get more out of the story? I kind of was satisfied with the original game, what's the difference?

No. 432700

Who's this?

No. 432702

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shinosawa hiro from idolmaster gakuen. By far the absolute worst IM@S gen, literally love love tier ugly designs. She's the only one thats actually cute so its a shame shes subjected to the worst moids.

No. 432721

>the original game
oh are you talking about DDLC+? I just replayed the original game because
>it was my babby's first VN so i kept thinking about it
>wanted to see what events/interactions i missed
>was mad over the bad ending and heard there was a "good" one
if these apply to you then go ahead, i also avoided Plus because other than the extra yuribait events, all you're paying for is retarded reveals about the real world and a fake computer UI for consolebabs lol
It also goes to the pockets of a highly pozzed team so yeah no thanks

No. 440179

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her gooners are mad right now so it's a good day, nonas. most of the moids that like tifa self-insert onto cloud and only like her over aerith, a far more compelling character, because of her body.

No. 440181

why are they mad?

No. 440403

I like Tifa. Don't care for Aerith as much. Both are fine characters.

No. 440411

A lot of people thought Tifa was going to be announced as a guest character in Tekken, but it turned out to be Clive from FF16 instead.

No. 441896

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No. 441898

No. 441921

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I haven't finish the anime though I think it's alright and same for Frieren as a character as well. I just don't understand the autistic shipping with Shrek like do people actually find it funny and meme worthy because it's Shrek himself and are both fantasy characters? Maybe it's just moids that unironically like it because they probably self-insert as Shrek as a fat ugly ogre with a cute anime elf girl. It's cringe. And what's up with her getting trapped by a mimic here and there like I know it's a comedy thing but it's getting to the point where it's becoming a fetish.

No. 441924

Fwiw, pretty sure it's an repeat gag reference to Urusei Yatsura.

No. 441934

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People have been doing Shrek x random character for years now, though going off the art and the types of moids who like this anime it's probably some weird irony poison self inserting

No. 442063

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He is my fav character in the series but jfc both the snapewives and the people who hate him are so cringe. Is it not possible for us all to enjoy a hilarious, complicated, ugly character? No grey characters, everybody has to be either attractive and did no wrong or a piece of shit incel? I kinda dislike snapewives slightly more tbh because every time the topic of fav character comes up I have to be ready with a disclaimer like "snape - no, not like that"

No. 444596

I never cared for Snape. Are you seriously complaining that his character is so devises? At least you get content, because some people care.

No. 444792

>why does she attract so many ryonafags?
The premise of her character is that she enjoys hardship - basically a genius type who finds everything easy so she chooses to become an idol despite being extremely unathletic because she wants to overcome a difficult challenge. It's not really written as fetishy in the game but since this was the first information revealed about her she immediately got interpreted as a masochist which drew in all the ryonafags from day one.

No. 457972

Not ruined by the fandom but some moids who got ahold of Pucca's IP and tried to make it into some crypto shit. Also mischaracterizing Pucca, promoting Trump and gaslighting the fans. Men ruin everything.

No. 458585

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No. 473135

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Short female characters like Midna. Though moids calling them shortstack sounds wrong and it's concerning that they'd fuck this Midna more than her true form. Idk but for some reason she never comes off as coomerish to me and I remembered liking her as a character and her design as some cute dark imp creature.

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