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No. 200307
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applies to historical figures as well, bram strokes has been meme'd into being a closeted self hating gay man cause he apparently sent sexual and romantic letters to Walt Whitman. but if you look them up, they’re not sexual and he explicitly writes the line “You are a true man, and I would like to be one myself, and so I would be towards you as a brother and as a pupil to his master.” he was just a massive fanboy
No. 200323
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the thing is, most characters do not explicility state that theyre straight so can you really say they are "canonically straight" and being "gay washed"?
No. 200344
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>>200306Parappa and PJ have been getting this treatment a lot for a while, all because of the one time in the second game where they LARP as a couple just to play along with a "romantic" exercise show they saw on TV.
In that stage they do a lot of "romantic" things together, such as hugging, holding hands and summoning flowers out of nowhere as part of the LARP, but near the end of the song there's a cutaway visual gag where Parappa takes it a little too far and attempts to kiss PJ, but fails.
People have been using this scene and stage to claim that Parappa and PJ are bisexual and gay respectively, nevermind PJ's actual reaction being that of disgust at Parappa attempting to kiss him, that both canonically have girlfriends and that the creator for the series has confirmed that Parappa literally only has romantic or sexual feelings for his girlfriend, Sunny.
No. 200360
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Literally any gnc flamboyant male anime character, and every single jojo character.
No. 200362
>>200323i bet this thread was done by a bitter hetshipper
>>200344also this creepy parappa autist, i saw you on the fujo site too, you literally want to fuck a cartoon dog
(infighting/ tinfoiling) No. 200367
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Hijitoki-stans be damned
No. 200381
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Even though I don't support this ship, anything is better than Kaneki+Touka
No. 200393
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fans think isabela is a lesbian because she doesn't show interest to the only male character who wasn't her relative in the movie… who she was forced to be with in an arrange marriage by her grandmother. can't isabela be a woman that doesn't want to enter a commitment set by others and doesn't seem interested or in a rush to be in one. I was also glad that her supposed male love interest was cut out of the movie.
i don't mind her being a lesbian but its the fans that shoves this supposed fact down in everyone's throat that ruins the idea for me.
I think this is one of best examples what the thread is about, i guess. most characters i know are just gay for some or most ships. other than that, they can still be straight and certain fans won't turn rabid by the idea.
No. 200400
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Can't wait to watch the infighting that's about to happen in here.
No. 200419
>>200412Damn anon, no need to be so aggro. I'm not super active with fandoms so I wasn't sure.
Also I'm not opposed to this thread, I just thought the timing was weird. I think "militant twittards with crack identity headcanons" is an interesting thread topic.
No. 200420
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>>200412Again…. What is a canonically straight character? And where are these supposed people headcanoning them as "totes gay"? You say this is not about shipping, but the only thing I've ever seen was about shipping. Seems like you got your panties in a bunch over a non-issue,
No. 200424
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nonny, I don’t think the timing is weird? the transwashing thread has been around for a bit longer than this one. I can’t say what inspired the anon who made this one, so idk.
>>200420Are characters just supposed to outright constantly state that they’re straight now? Are we really doing this? Same energy as twitter kids saying straight people should have to “come out” as well refer to what this anon said
>>200376. Also you’re the one with your panties in a twist over some random thread, just hide it? I’m not gonna ruin my timeline by searching for examples but stuff like picrel is very common.
No. 200507
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Sherlock and Watson have to be the most gaywashed pairing of all time.
People say Abe Lincoln was gay but I have no idea if that's true or not.
Oh an they randomly decided that Seven of Nine from Star Trek Voyager is "canonically bisexual" despite never indicating that in the original show (that I know of anyway, I never watched the entire show).
No. 200512
>>200507To be fair with Sherlock Holmes and John Watson I've seen guys from a century ago publishing articles about how they're 100% sure either one of these characters is a woman and they're married to each other, and iirc Sherlock was kind of based on Oscar Wilde because he and Doyle were friends and liked each other's books. So it doesn't come from absolutely nowhere and even homophobes thought the two characters were more than friends.
>>200367I've never seen anyone actually argue that either character is gay/bi seriously, despite them being a very popular pairing. Now that you say it I guess it's because I got into Gintama without interacting with a fandom full of underaged idiots.
No. 200524
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want a REAL example of gaywashing? lance is right there, the most obnoxious heterosexual fuckboy piece of shit turned into an uwu bisexual boy fans projected their insecurities on. allura didn't deserve to die buy maybe it's worth it only for his manpain
No. 200535
>>200393Something similar happened with Brave. I think it's a consequence of Disney being too wishy-washy to include actual gay characters, so whenever one of their films lacks a romance, crazies online assume the main character is "queer coded." I honestly think that's really reductive, this idea that we always need an "explanation" for why a female character isn't looking for a relationship. Women shouldn't be defined by their relationship status, regardless of their sexuality.
The idea with Merida is that she likes freedom and adventure. That's literally all they were trying to communicate by having her avoid marriage. Not saying that means she can't be gay, what I'm saying is that focusing on her sexuality misses the point of the artistic choice to make her single.
No. 200566
>>200507Ayrt, I watched a lot of Elementary, I got tired of it after a while as there were like 20+ episodes every season and like 7 seasons. But as far as I watched they were never in a relationship, though it might have happened later on I guess.
>>200541Imo some episodes were really good but a lot were just kinda boring. Most episodes were just kind of like a regular crime/detective show, which I'm not into. But that's probably a more faithful interpretation of the original stories I guess. Sometimes the mysteries were really good and sometimes they were predictable. There were episodes with an overarching plotline which I found more interesting, but the series was just too long for me.
No. 200598
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Admittedly I ship him hard with one of his unitmates but this guy is the straightest motherfucker in the entire game kek I just hate enstarries and how they're constantly forcing a collective headcanon as canon since they all unironically believe it.
No. 200606
>>200590Eh idk I feel like there’s a difference between shipping and like
>>200598 said where fandoms push sexuality headcanons so hard that people start to believe they’re canon when there’s no basis to it. I’m sort of a fujo and I think it’s annoying when I see people saying characters are 100% gay in canon when it’s not really true or there’s nothing to back it up.
No. 200636
>>200323you can't, but this website is full of hetshippers that seem to think hetero ships are in danger/rare in any way + get absolutely assblasted at homosexuality. kind of sick!
>>200376why are you applying real world statistics to fictional media?
No. 200644
>>200641I seriously hope you're not calling the fujo thread on /m/ "
No. 200679
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>>200331For me it's ridiculous, I love some good shipping but while there's deep love between Frodo and Sam it's in NO way romantic, I wish people would just appreciate it for how beautiful it is on it's own. Adding any sexual / romantic aspect here is ruining it.
In general anyone is free to do whatever they want but somehow this specific ship is really annoying me.
No. 200682
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For fifteen years they tried to make it happen. It is what it is.
No. 200688
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I'm not well versed in these terms but I would assume that "gaywashing" meant that the company or whatever decided a character was gay for woke points despite it never being hinted at in that character. also I don't think it matters if a character is canonically straight, as there are characters that we're explicitly showed are attracted to the opposite sex (pic related) and the fandom will still ship them. does it really matter what fandoms do? people write incest fanfiction and shit like that all the time
No. 200697
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Every single character gets this treatment no matter their background, story… My husbando is a basically an incel whose entire character stems around being rejected by women and some twitter fujos still have meltdown if you imply anything other than him being crazy in love with the male protagonist of his story. I don't think it's worth getting upset over because it applies to every single character because of twitter, fandom culture, identity politics… It still hurts if you self ship to have people tell you your boy wouldn't love you back because he's "gay". But it's nothing personal. I wish western fujos were more like japanese fujos, they don't believe they're male because they like BL nor do they insist on their headcanons being real
No. 200721
>>200524Same vein.
Ruined by Tumblrinas.
No. 200740
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>>200735persona 4 adachi,
nonnie>>200718>>200719he's not real, why would it matter?
>>200704i don't have anything against fujos who think he's gay, it's just annoying as hell to have it shoved down your throat all the time, same with ftm headcanons. Those things applying to my husbando show every single character can become a
victim of it, even the most aggressively straight and normie ones. So I suggested not to take it to heart because it's not a reflection of the character himself or how you love him. Fujos who love Adachi are my sisters too.
No. 200758
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They took fanservice so seriously that it's not fun anymore. (bonus complaint i really hate bryan fuller)
No. 200772
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Oh finally a thread like this. i'm still horrifed about what they did with these poor guys. One is a bpd bihet sure but that doesnt mean they were husbands or something.
No. 200797
>>200775it isn't though lol
>>200772what now you're gonna put kpop in here?
No. 200964
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>>200959I tried thinking but I really can't remember any character that was popular for self-inserting but also turns out to be gay. The only time I've seen that a similiar reaction from fan boys is when Killua from HxH is interpreted to be gay for Gon, since he's also an edgy character popular with young male readers, because he's an assassin with lightning powers and shit. But it's not like he's canon gay and they're kids anyway.
No. 201047
>>200759>>200762I'm not a fujo you tards. I think it's autistic to daydream about cartoons fucking each other in the ass.
I'm telling you the phrase "shoved down my throat" is a homophobic dog whistle. Find a more creative turn of phrase.
No. 201057
>>201047I like your shoelaces
nonnie did you steal them from the president by chance?
No. 201229
>>201228yeah sure this is why there are
crickets when someone online ships het kids, why do you pretend you give a shit about how underage fictional characters are treated when you could just admit you're homophobic?
No. 201314
>>201256But some of the anons* here are insulting women while caping for straight males. How is that any better lmao.
*Not you specifically
No. 201319
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>>201313Also nta but i’m pretty sure this is the general vibe of “gaywashing”
No. 201321
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Hamilton. I can’t believe it became acceptable for a brief period in time to ship and act like these slave owners were gay icons, fuck you Lin Manuel Miranda.
No. 201500
>>201118People can ship whatever the fuck they want, we're here to discuss the actual canon and how obnoxious some people get about their own interpretations of canon (which is not the same as shipping, although both can be related).
"Homophobic dog whistle" sounds like that anon is worried that some anons here might hate irl gay men (who cares) because they don't like it when fans obnoxiously push the idea that an obviously straight character is totally gay in canon. That's why she was told to go back to Twitter.
No. 201805
>>201319The girls who draw this art are the same ones whose only "gay" ships comprise of an actual man and a fakeboi. It's not even gaywashing at that point, just transwashing
Though I agree that the constant use of pride flags in art like this is goofy as fuck, western teenagers please get a personality that doesn't involve LARPing as a "queer"
No. 204123
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I know the western Fire Emblem fandom is cancer, but I always laughed when soft WLW types tried to claim Faye could just be a "comphet lesbian" or whatever. I love femslash and all for that kind of thing, but Faye is a very one-note character and her personality revolves around a guy. There are so many other characters you can pretend are lesbian/bi if you want girl/girl shipping so bad. Then again, a lot of girls on Tumblr pretend to be lesbians while obsessing over guys, so maybe she's the perfect character for them to project onto.
No. 204149
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Frodo I can at least semi-understand (a foppish, femmy eternal bachelor) but how the fuck is this abjectedly retarded fandom convinced they’re both gay?
Not even bisexual like the actors have actually stated/shown, but gay.
Someone on tumblr said dennis’s extreme misogyny was actually just a sign of homosexuality and he was only a predator for power and not actual sexual interest. I would sacrifice my soul to meet this chick and punch her straight in the idiot mouth.
No. 211367
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Michael and Trevor from Grand Theft Auto V were absolutely ruined by tumblr and twitter. Trevor has his LifeInvader (in-game satirising of FaceBook) relationship status set to "any hole is a goal" and is heavily hinted to have sexually assaulted a male character and only seems to use his attraction towards men as a threat, or to wind them up. Michael has a wife and is spoke about as a serial womaniser and his therapist even implies a sex addiction with hookers. They canonically try to kill each other but oh, Michael said "fuck you" to which Trevor replied "I think that's what you want to do" so it's totes canon. Rockstar posted some fanart to their FaceBook back in 2014ish that had Michael and Trevor kissing (it was a collage) and fans literally said that proves it's canon. To this day I can't work out the logic behind that, the closest you get to "confirmation" is that an actual artist for Rockstar entered an art competition and drew a guy who looked an awful lot like Trevor getting a blowjob from a guy who looked an awful lot like Michael. But still, it's not exactly hard evidence, just some fujo employee taking a little artistic liberty for her own personal work. I wouldn't even care if shippers just did their thing, but no, it has to be 100% tru fax and every bit of dialogue is something something repressed homosexuality something something compulsive heterosexuality.
No. 211420
>>200758oh come on anon, did we watch the same show ?
It's not just fanservice if everything leads up to it. I do find Bryan Fuller's pandering on social media annoying though
No. 215541
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I just learned that Gavin Reed from Detroit: Become Human has been gay washed to the point where fujos crowdfunded a fan film about him having a gay relationship with an android.
For those who don't know he canonically hates androids and bullies a character in the game, but ofc to fujos that means he's SeCreTLY GaY for him.
They also gaywash a very close father-son type of relationship in the game which is fucking gross
No. 215569
>>215554He was just tsundere, love changed him
No. 215638
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nonnie you've rustled my jimmies with this one. The entire show revolves around their relationship. You can see that shit coming from the first episode. Don't tell me you husbando the cannibalistic serial killer?
No. 215811
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>>215651The anti-fujo sperg is annoying as hell, but the anti-yume sperg going into the husbando threads to say that everyone there were mentally ill except her is a special level of retardation. Both have been banned before but never take the hint.
No. 220091
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I don't even need to look at the OP to know that a teenager wrote this post. "Queerness" was not a social contagion in the eighties like it is now. Back then, when gay people formed social clusters, it was because they moved somewhere with more of a gay community. People came out and then formed friend groups with other gay people. These days, it's stylish to be ~kweer~ so when one teenage girl does it, so do all of her friends. People didn't do this in the eighties because being gay wasn't a fun fashion statement, it was dangerous. Robin and Will are probably the only gay people at their high school because they're closeted in a hick town in the eighties. That's not "bad representation," it's a realistic portrayal of the social conditions at the time. Also teenage trannies weren't a thing back then period.
Steddie and Byler shippers are the most toxic, obnoxious little brats, I swear. If you don't ship the same garbage they do and want it to be canon, you're "problematic." They're all exactly the same teenage Aidens who flit between fandoms shipping the most popular gay ship in each, lecturing everyone else for being offensive. I say this as someone who ships gay shit myself (Harringrove is my own OTP, but I never had delusions of it being canon.) They're the same shitheads running around in the OFMD and Amphibia fandoms, which I'm thankfully not part of.
Someone please get these "ackshually it IS realistic to have literally everyone be gay" brats off the internet and on some grass. God I hate Aidens.
No. 273239
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>>200758There is no straight explanation for that ending, anon.