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No. 15093
needed some way to vent about this, and i always love reading about other people's raging hate boners for (insert x title here). this isn't limited to books alone - it can be a show, comic, webcomic, etc. as long as it has your blood boiling almost every time you see it and you can't begin to imagine how anyone could get into it.
i'll start us off: "a matter of life and death" ( is kind of the brainless beauty of western BL. now, it didn't start off that way, but between the author deciding to start acting like a spoiled brat instead of taking responsibility for her growing fanbase during the past year, and the story itself taking an olympic nosedive into overwrought, melodramatic, needlessly vindictive (while somehow still failing to deliver all the emotional punches during actually appropriate scenes), everything-that-makes-BL-shit territory.
now, as a disclaimer, i will admit that i'm not a fan of BL in general. i've seen way too many works that portray stuff like rape, abuse, etc. way too voyeuristically for my comfort, and even in more lighthearted series it usually feels like the authors don't know how guys interact with other people, let alone how gay guys do it. it's just not for me. but for fuck's sake, even i can recognize that BL fans deserve better than this.
No. 15094
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I found Dune to be trashy and misogynistic. I seriously don't understand how it's so well-regarded, it's a Marysuetopia with really dubious morality and again, it's blatantly anti-woman.
No. 15095
>>15094I tried read Dune when I was 15, and got only 50 pages in. I remember nothing other than it was just infodumping and robotic world building.
Ender's Game is another one of overrated books beloved by a specific male audience.
No. 15100
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So overrated for all the ~controversy~, spoiled rich kid drops out of school, lies about his age to get booze and women and is an antisocial weirdo with a speshul white stripe in his hair. What’s so special about that?
No. 15103
I actually love this kind of saltiness too. I'm pretty excited for this thread.
I recently watched Blade Runner 2049 after seeing all kinds of praise for it online. People are calling it the best movie of the year last year, even best of the decade, and saying, "only smart people can understand this movie."
It was really simplistic, and the robot Jesus story is an awful idea to base a Blade Runner movie off of (in my opinion). Plus, the way female characters were treated was pretty bad. Especially the waifu character. I thought there would be some kind of conflict with K being a replicant and waifu being an AI…like he would realize that she doesn't have even artificial sentience, and that even as robots their relationship can never be equal. It would be like being married to Alexa or Siri. But they went for the most obvious story beats and were very lazy about twists. Not that they were really twists, but when you see plot points coming from miles away, it takes away from the story. And one more thing, the visuals and music were great, but they didn't come together in a way that made the setting feel lived-in and real. I wouldn't recommend this movie to a Blade Runner fan, or to someone who has read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
It's mostly the fanbase that annoys me, since it's not a bad movie. But I've ranted enough now.
No. 15105
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The Great Gatsby is a boring, glorified soap opera. It's only appeal is being set during the 20's. I fucking hate this book so much that I threw it into a rentention pond when I finished it. I'd rather read car repair manuals than this shit again
No. 15106
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>>15105Samefag but fuck Hemingway too. You'd think being a miserable old drunk would make one more expressive, but no. Third graders are more engaging writers. That being said, I did laugh at the part where he calls the fish a whore
No. 15109
>>15108Speaking of homoeroticism…
OP, you got any more shitty homosex comics? I need a good laugh.
No. 15110
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Interesting premise ruined by a shite writer and the fact that EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER HAS THE SAME LAME 2007 ERA /B/TARD SENSE OF HUMOR. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
No. 15112
>>15103kek I liked BR2049 but people literally posting about it nonstop on /tv/ on 4chan because they liked the idea of having a submissive holo waifu was the final straw that made me stop going there (though I should've stopped going there way sooner tbh).
>>15110thanks for the warning, I was thinking about starting this book
No. 15115
>>15100>>15101>>15102The thing is, this was a big deal when
it was written, back in the 40s. A kid doing these things back then was ~scandalous~. The controversy stuff didn't hold up as well through out the years, but for some reason dumb conservative parents still think it is oh so outrageous when by today's standards it's not, and then the kids get disappointed reading it. If people stoped hyping up this book so much, it would just be a decent read into a 40's teenaged boy's life.
No. 15116
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I remember sacrificing a week of friendship because my friend couldn't understand why I was ditching her to read this piece of shit, and in hindsight, I don't know why I did that either. And several more of his piece of shit novels. I wish I could abort that span of time from my life.
>>15112>thanks for the warning, I was thinking about starting this bookIf you can suspend disbelief and constantly remind yourself Andy Weir made his career as a software engineer and has not a single literary bone in his body, it's probably not as bad as it could be.
No. 15118
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Out of all, I think I've always felt cheated by this one. Even King himself thinks it's one of his more tryhard pieces.
It's a story of a woman escaping domestic violence, but King fucks it all up and adds unnecessary fantasical elements without any basis and the ending is trash as a result.
>>15117He didn't do anything, as far as I know. His books are pretty edgy and not very well written, so that was more of a confessions on cringe past, if anything.
No. 15119
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>>15110>>15112I personally thought The Martian was really fun! It's a nice summer afternoon read.
>>15116 is right though - you need to remember he's not the best writer. However, pic related is pure fucking garbage. I got it as a Book of the Month and I'm real upset that I wasted a credit on it.
MC is basically the exact same character as the MC in the Martian except a hypersexual (read: she talks like how a 13 year old boy would about sex and how sexy she is) Muslim woman that sounds exactly like a white man. The plot is boring horseshit too. At least you can root for the MC in the Martian.
Also Ready Player one is trash but I think it'll translate better to film. MC is a total Mary Sue. Anyone else read it?
No. 15121
>>15120Ohhh my god. Yes. That "plot twist" if you could call it that had me cringing so fucking hard.
It was interesting with all the 1980s fun facts but the story was so weak and the MC was so unlikeable…
I wonder if they're gonna make Love Interest thicccccc like she was in the book, I didn't bother looking up the character casting (NOT FAT THOUGH SHE WAS JUST REALLY CURVY BUT NOT FAT UNCONVENTIONAL BEAUTY OMG shes not like OTHER GURLS and shes NOT FAT ok shes CURVY) ugh Ready Player One made me want to vomit
No. 15122
>>15119Didn't read it but caught the trailer, and the shot of all the avatars running to battle made me fucking die. Just seeing OW Tracer and the Iron Giant together in the same scene felt like eating a month old stale Mcdonald's fry I found on the bottom of a car. I don't understand this obsession with constant references without substance.
I think I would enjoy the concept better if all the avatars and fantasy universe looked more like VRchat: No. 15123
>>15119Good lord, he wrote another book?
I was hoping The Martian would be a kind of one hit wonder, all things considered.
The Martian's saving grace was the premise and the fact that the MC was so distant from the rest of the characters, their blatant similarities might be easily forgiven.
>MC is basically the exact same character as the MC in the Martian except a hypersexualGood ol' Andy hasn't missed a beat, I see. I'm 90% certain he only knows how to write his own internal monologue, and any discernible difference in characters was all his editor's doing.
No. 15126
>>15124Yup, the actual "Martian" parts were fine for me, but the fact that everyone in NASA had essentially the same personality (in a very serious situation! a man was stranded on MARS!!) is what I meant by "same sense of humor".
>Also there's a mention of how pedophilia is technically legal on the Moon (the setting) because of "some cultures".Yikes
Everyone disparages literary talent as something boring and not profitable these days, but this is the result. Nothing is sacred, and the masses salivate on any vaguely interesting idea no matter how poorly executed it is.
No. 15128
>>15127i don’t hate it, but i never read it nor did i have any strong desire to do so.
had a good sardonic chuckle at how badly jk rowling fucked it up with the epilogue + the cursed child though.
No. 15129
Piers Anthony. Can't wait until that pedophile apologist fucking dies.
A couple of reviews for the unfamiliar: is a man who corresponded with convicted pedophiles in prison & said of one of them that his only crime was being attracted to small boys. Not, y'know, molesting them.
He wrote a story wherein a FIVE-YEAR-OLD has sex with an adult and when the adult is on trial the law is mentioned… and then the law is dismissed as being retarded. Also the child and adult are referred to constantly as lovers.
Child's name? Nymph. What the fuuuuuck
No. 15131
>>15127I loved it as a child but I’m sick to death of adults reading it and treating it like it’s a literary classic.
It’s a fuckin kids book. We had a lot of fun with it and some very good memories but let’s stop acting like JK Rowling is Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Noam Chomsky.
Catcher in the rye and the great Gatsby are shit. Main characters are goddamn dreary.
Chuck palahniuk is king of the edgelords (even though I too enjoy fight club)
I’m a judge prick and think that only stupid pretentious people read YA and supernatural romance. Read a decent book you fuck.
No. 15132
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>>15131>>15127Ah, yes, I fucking hate this cringe obsession with a children's book. Speaking of cringe, this is my cousin's WEDDING invitation. I hope neither one of them know this website exists.
No. 15133
>>15127It weirds me out whenever I see people near their thirties that still obsess over the series. I was a kid when the books started coming out, so reading them and going to see the movies on field trips was a part of my childhood, but my interest in the series completely vanished when Half-Blood Prince was published.
Last semester at Uni one of my classmates unironically asked our business professor what house he would be in at Hogwarts and ofc he had no clue what she was talking about.
No. 15135
>>15105I hate this fucking book so much. Another shit read in literature class was Great Expectations.
Apart from that, other fictional shit I hate is Star Wars (I'm sorry SW fans) and things like Steven Universe or Voltron (mainly bc of the fandoms but SU is so ugly, idk how anyone can stare at it for more than 5 minutes).
This thread is gonna be so dangerous for hurting peoples' feelings, but it feels nice to rant a bit.
No. 15137
I loved new BR, I respect Dune, have a soft spot for Harry Potter and I stan the saga about Ender hard, lol.
What I don't get is the hype for superhero movies. I feel like there's 10 new marvel flicks every year. I watch them sometimes on TV as a time waster or with a friend who's a fan, just to hang out together, and I can't even remember the plot. Like I've seen Thors, yeah sure, few times probably, but I don't even know what the movies were about. The same about Avengers, Iron Man… They're all the same and generic, and I almost immediately forget them after watching.
The only superhero shit I like is Jessica Jones, I guess because it's different, very much about her, not saving the world blah blah. And she's a girl. Damaged and troubled.
But yeah, fellow geek people shame me for not caring about Marvel all the time (I guess DC doesn't count because it's even more embarrassing to like them). I don't get it.
No. 15138
>>15127I loved the books as a kid/teenager and I enjoyed some of the movies but I feel like the rabbid fans and some of JK Rowling's statement as well as the drama surrounding her are making me care less and less about the franchise. It's definitely overrated though, no matter how good I think it is.
>>15137I liked the first few Marvel movies a lot because I like action movies in general but I don't really care about the movies now because everyone hypes them way too much (no way I'm going to watch Black Panther because I know that no matter how good it is I'll be disappointed because of how often the fans said good things about it) or you have to watch almost all the movies in the series before to fully enjoy them. I loved the first Avengers movie but at some point having to be up to date with way too many movies makes things less enjoyable.
>>15135>but SU is so uglyYou're right, it looks so ugly. I can't believe that so few people think so or say it, whether they like or dislike the show. It's even worse because of people being more and more inspired by this show for their art style.
No. 15141
>>15127>I just hate Harry Potter.Someone finally fucking says it. I read the books. I hated them, even as a pre-teen and a teenager. I simply didn't get the hype. J. K. Rowling isn't that spectacular of a writer, especially when it comes to characters. The "whimsical" aspect of the book was way too unimaginative and while I respect it for the effort I just found it to be not that enchanting as it took a lot of overused ideas from other fantasy fiction and didn't really invent anything that special. Harry was a Mary Sue character for sure and the rest of them were either tropes or just not that interesting. The whole plot felt like it was calculated by a formula for maximized marketing value. Like a team of ghost writers writing a book based on market research. And in retrospect it feels even more like that now when Rowling is spending her time on twitter coming up with new trendy tumblr-pandering labels to throw at her characters as a selling point now that she's washed her hands off the series.
I, with no exaggeration, can say that I simply don't understand adults who obsess over this franchise because everything about it is so childish. It wasn't clever, it wasn't inventive, it wasn't immersive. I have an easier job understanding adults liking fucking Sonic the Hedgehog or My little pony than Harry Potter because at least Sonic is an interactive video game and MLP has the excuse of being a cartoon made to sell toys. And I think those franchises are for autistic people too.
No. 15143
>>15136 and I definitely agree with this. The only reason I somewhat like it anymore was because I liked it as a kid. I know someone who was very sheltered growing up and wasn't allowed to read HP. Now she's about 26 and read all the books, goes to the theme park about twice a year, and shits herself over it in an embarrassing way. Like I'm honestly glad I got it all out of my system when I was 14.
No. 15145
>>15141Whew, I didn't expect such a response. Glad other people agree. Sometimes I feel like it's one of those things you aren't allowed to dislike because you'll be jumped on and attacked by fans.
>>15132This is AWFUL. I feel sorry for you if you end up going and have to endure that. Is her school or work on FB some shit about going to Le Hogwartz?
No. 15146
>>15144I don't understand it either.
On an embarrassing sidenote: I did one major in English literature and this girl in my graduating group presented her thesis project comparing Fate Stay to King Arthur and the round table.
I don't remember any of her points because they weren't well-articulated and none of us had a clue about Fate Stay, which she also failed to give a clear synopsis on. It's almost like she didn't know or couldn't name some of the characters if I recall?
They passed her though, I guess she put in the work and they didn't want to tell the spergish girl to pick a different topic on fear that she'd meltdown.
No. 15147
>>15131Agree with all that you said.
Friend and I were having a discussion about how reading is just a hobby like any other and that people are way too pretentious about it even if the shit they read isn’t particularly challenging, educational, or thought provoking.
She responds, “Well, I read GOOD books, like Harry Potter!”
Subject was promplty changed….
No. 15148
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I literally cannot stand this bullshit. I don't know if it's just because I'm the only one in my friend group (mostly artists) who wasn't into it when it was airing, or if fandom ruined it for me, but people go on and on about how innovative and amazing it was and I've given it about 20 tries and I just cannot get into it. There's some solid episodes and it's not necessarily even terrible, I just cannot stand it… I guess I actually can't stand the people who gush about how ~amazing~ it and Korra are. Get fucked, watch an anime, it's not that fucking special,
No. 15149
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>>15144I dislike most of the franchise because it's too close to a harem for comfort and the VN is literally porn, but Fate Zero is awesome, and much more palatable for a female audience. The main characters are mostly men but no shitty Shirou and the women aren't there just to be waifubait.
I can't blame you for not liking the designs or flashy fx, but I found it pretty easy to overlook for the good points.
No. 15150
>>15148i think korra is garbage but avatar is my fave show lmao, i think its different from anime, the storytelling and characters feels very american despite how 'asian-inspired' it is, you arent going to see an anime girl cause any real conflict and not tolerate certain bullshit. season 1 is episodic and sets up the plot and worldbuilding, season 2 is advancing plot and preparation for finale, season 3 is racing towards the end, bringing back things set up in earlier seasons and the finale.
getting through season 1 can be a chore so i dont blame you for giving up.
key season 1 episodes are 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20
the rest are to introduce characters you see later except 11 which is pure filler and 14 which you only see the location again in the next episode. i encourage you try again with my watching guide and then if you enjoy it go back to get introduced to side characters.
it was innovative at the time and still kinda is as every childrens cartoon is episodic and has a status quo so it was refreshing and new and what kids cartoon shows the effects of WAR of all things? even steven universe which everyone drools over having a great plot returns to episodic bullshit that no invested watcher actually gives a fuck about. im not sure if there will ever be another 'avatar' type show again, i still consider it special and unique especially in western animated media.
i hope you enjoy my autistically long post and can give it another go and wont find it as bad as you do now, best of luck anon <3
No. 15152
>>15144Yeah I've had a lot of people recommend it to me but it just seems to be a nonsensical, hard-to-explain story built around waifupandering. While there's nothing inherently wrong with that, people make it seem way more complex and amazing than it probably is.
>>15148As an animu oldfag it's just Americans taking every plot point we've seen in anime since the 70's and regurgitating it for American audiences. But for western newfags it's inventive and fresh as hell so I get why it's popular but it seems basic as fuck children's cartoon to me.
No. 15153
Since I don't really read a lot of fiction, just bc video games are 10x more interesting, my only experience with a shit-tier book was The Scarlet Letter. I had to read it for AP english and it was so infuriating.
Honestly, I get it's a period piece and it's meant to have tons more symbolic meaning than actual story, but the MC pissed me the fuck off for being a stubborn bitch to literally everyone, and Pearl was such a little shit that it just made MC look even worse for raising her kid to be an animal. I'm sure some people may think that's the point, that she's rebelling against a society that treated her badly, but imo I haaate people who treat everyone like shit just because of some 'society is bad' edgy ideology. Yeah, I get it, you got fucked over, no need to be a dick and drop any sense of kindness to people who might genuinely care about you if you showed some humanity. Ruined the whole book for me and I hated talking about it in class.
No. 15156
>>15132Holy shit. Good luck, I hope the wedding ceremony won't be too cringe and unbearable for you. Speaking as someone who like Harry Potter overall but agree on some points with the anon who dislike it, I'd probably try to find a way to not go to her wedding.
>>15144I never watched it and the reason why I didn't watch it when the first season was airing was partly because of the fanbase treating the female characters like they're qt waifus and talking about the show like it's a literary masterpiece. It was cringey as fuck.
No. 15157
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This piece of shit. The story was almost non existent, the characters were bland, obnoxious, whiny cookie cutter 2deep4u teenagers who didn't give a crap about anyone but themselves because they were too high and mighty with their shitty philosophy (especially Augustus with his cigarette metaphor, fuck off out of here), the main character obsesses and revolves her life around a stupid book nobody cares about…UGH it makes me so mad to think about this book honestly, let alone hear people quote from it. It just reeks of pretentiousness, ever nook and cranny of the story and its god awful characters that aren't in any way likeable. So yeah, screw this book.
No. 15158
>>15142Speaking of Disney, the only movies I really enjoy are tangled and bolt. Moana was cute too, I guess, but even as someone who likes cute animals it was clear the sidekicks were forced into the plot.
Frozen is annoying af though, I feel like it only gets hype because it had two princesses. I don't buy it as a feminist movie either.
No. 15159
>>15157Thanks for confirming everything I thought, but never bothered to read.
John Green is such a lame, and everyone I've ever known who stanned him was trash.
No. 15163
>>15158Some guy in a chatgroup I was a part of got furious at me when I dared to mention that I thought Olaf was an annoying sidekick. Suddenly I was given a whole lecture on why Olaf's design was perfect for the movie, why he was the best sidekick a Disney movie have ever had and I was immature for not laughing at his humour.
Since I'm on Disney, I hate all the live action remakes they are doing. Especially The Beauty and the Beast. The Beast's design was awful.
No. 15164
>>15157I came here specifically to post this. The whole book reads like ~tragic~ OC fanfiction written by a 17 year old girl.
My ex was really into John Green and this book specifically. She stanned for him so hard because he is "so real" or some dumb shit like that.
I also have to agree with the anons talking about comic book movies, especially Deadpool.
My most hated one is Nightmare Before Christmas though. I still do not understand the appeal behind it. The songs are annoying and the characters just… annoy me to look at for some reason. In the same way that I can't stand looking or listening to Rick and Morty or Steven Universe. I've never been able to explain it. I just hate that movie and have since I was a kid.
No. 15165
>>15163Not to be mean, but is this guy autistic or something? Like of all the characters to defend… Fucking Olaf?
Also, agreed on the remakes. I can't believe they're redoing Lady and The Tramp. Cinderella is probably the only acceptable one because of the costume design and Lily James is pretty.
No. 15166
>>15163The only live action "remakes" I like are the 101 Dalmatians + the sequel, and that's because they're not really the same story; it's more about watching Glenn Close ham it up. I probably have a firm nostalgia filter on too.
>>15165 said at least Cinderella has some merit from a costuming perspective, but Beauty and the Beast? Nope.
No. 15168
>>15127I liked and still like HP books, but I was never really obsessed. Even as a wee teen I realized those were good children's books, but nothing great in terms of writing in general. I see a lot of wasted potential in this series now, but I guess I might be a bit unfair here. My views on HP cooled a lot when HBP was published (it's the weakest book of the series IMO). Rowling should really give up on any post-canon bullshit, even her most dedicated fans aren't buying it anymore. I also seriously hate all of HP films.
I must admit though, I still really like discussing HP and reading fanfiction, just for nostalgia's sake.
Back on topic, I have this weird masochistic relationship with Stephen King's writing. I read a lot of his books, but I consider him a mediocre writer at best. He always starts pretty well, makes a nice characterization and builds up the suspense, and then, somewhere around the middle of the story, he just drops it all and the rest of the book turns to shit. It keeps happening and yet I keep reading him despite knowing he will ruin a nice interesting concept any moment now.
I also don't understand the hype for Gaiman. I read American Gods first somewhere in high school and I remember being just thoroughly disappointed. That was this new innovative book everyone kept talking about? Same about the rest. I liked Anansi Boys, but merely as a pleasant read, not some mind-bending stuff. I like his graphic novels, though.
Also, book version of The Godfather sucks balls and films are absolutely superior to it.
Tim Burton should take a break from making films, he lost what made him unique and turned his personal style into some cookie-cutter, easily marketable bullshit.
No. 15169
>>15160Motherfucking THIS. That movie is such an overhyped piece of shit and I can't believe so many people are head over heels defending it and praising it as a masterpiece, some going as far as calling it a feminist cornerstone. I don't want to go into depth about what a shitty movie it is because this post would be long enough to count as an university essay but holy shit, the character motivations are so retarded, the songs are so bland and stock (yes, even Let it go) and the "hurr true love" thing is so predictable and the life lesson about not trusting the first guy you come across is thrown out of the window when Anna clearly falls in love with the OTHER guy she barely knows. The characters really never learn anything, Anna gets her way through selfish choices and Elsa has no character growth save for the last moments of the third act. It really shows that the script was in development hell for years and got rewritten again and again until they wanted to make it a musical so they could milk more money out of a broadway show. It's such a mess yet it's STILL huge and STILL being pushed everywhere. What the FUCK.
I watched it when it came out and didn't get why some of my friends liked it so much. Then it blew up and you couldn't go anywhere without having to face some sort of critical praise for it. Disney must've paid every fucking critic on the planet because if you dared to question the movie, you got flooded with people hissing at you for not thinking it's the greatest Disney movie ever.
Sorry for my fit but I really, really hate this movie and the phenomenon it created. It's a top example of how you can create a hype around something mediocre artificially if you're big enough of a company.
>>15163The live-action movies are awful and we're not going to get rid of them for another decade. They're a brilliant move financially, Disney doesn't have to pay for royalties because they're remaking something from the public domain and the adult audiences will be drawn in because it's something they grew up with made "adult" and the kids will like them for the fairy-tale aspect. Get one or two big-name actors and there's your blockbuster hit for the year.
No. 15171
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This is not just overrated, it outright sucks. None of the characters feel like people, worldbuilding that makes so sense, and terrible writing with fantasy cliches on every page.
No. 15172
>>15169Oh man, don't get me started on the live action remakes of Disney classics. I think it shows everything wrong with how the movie industry can be currently - they're running out of fresh ideas, creativity, cashing in on stories that have already been made and don't need to be done again to look for a cheap, easy way to gain some money. Then they overuse CGI effects to compensate how bland and boring the characters are. I feel like most movies nowadays feel the need to have this huge, bombastic, dramatic quality to its scenes, if that makes sense, like everything has to be EPIC, the music loud and all that shit, and I'm getting so sick of it and the shitty Disney remakes use all these formulas and somehow get millions from dumb audiences. It doesn't matter what remake they're doing in the end, you're always going to be left disappointed, thinking the movie was just "meh", forget about it and move on. No one wants to make an impactful movie with effort. Disney just isn't what is used to be. You hear about a Disney remake every damn year and it got boring and old real fast. And nowadays the majority of huge movies are from comic books or novels, and just….please someone make something actually good and original lmao.
No. 15174
I'm a huge Harry Potter fan but I agree with most of the things said here. I can't stand JK Rowling, The Cursed Child book was pure shit and Fantastic Beasts was awful (and the next movies will probably also be shit)
>>15105Writers from le lost generation are all overrated
>>15157Never read it and will probably never do, I don't know why but every girl that I knew who loved this book had some kind of mental issue
No. 15175
>>15171I've never watched/read Game of Thrones, but everyone trying to make me watch it kept going on and on about how good and realistic it was because 'hurr it shows rape and violence durr'
If they actually showed rape, torture and all that other shit in a realistic way, neither they nor their fans would sleep at night. And in my opinion they shouldn't strive to either, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's where this trend is heading.
Whenever I see a new show being described as "even grittier than GoT" I just check out. I don't mind violence in fiction at all, but this whole "look how realistic we are for showing this" just makes it feel even more empty than if they had done it just for fun.
No. 15176
>>15175>>15171imo it was pretty good but daenerys was such a one sided annoying character that it kinda destroyed the show for me. I dont understand why everyone loves her.
Jon was also one miserable motherfucker.
No. 15178
>>15177I watched it up to season 5 I think and checked out. I got bored.
I feign ignorance when people talk to me about it and ask why I should watch it. Majority of people will say because of nudity and violence. Compelling
No. 15180
>>15118The chase between the husband and wife were really awesome for me but once it got to where she magically gets a job and a perfect boyfriend (and the minotaur fantasy ending), it was ruined. I kept expecting the new boyfriend to completely betray her or something, not this dumb retelling of the old minotaur maze tale. It's unfortunate. King has a lot of out-of-place sexist/objectifying undertones in his other works though so I think this one was a good outlet for that through the character of the husband, lmao.
>>15163>live action Beauty and the BeastGaston was too likeable. I hated him in the animated movie but preferred him over the Beast in the live action, because it seemed like he had leeway for Belle to change him for the better if she never met the Beast. That would be and interesting alternate story if made tragic by the death of the Beast or whatever.
No. 15182
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In response to violence and GoT:
I think Killing Stalking is insanely overrated for basically being torture porn.
On one hand you have the fetishizing tumblr crowd being like "buT THE ROMAAAAAAANCE UWU" and then the super hardcore "finally someone who doesn't glorify mlm relationships".
When the writing is shoddy, the art is decent at best and the characters are either insanely cliché and OP (Sangwoo being basically Batman without the good: handsome, rich, intelligent, built, charismatic, Bum as sMoL UkE bOi~).
The story is one big gorefest and I don't believe anyone who says it doesn't glorify abuse, because Bum doesn't stay with him out of fear but because it's obviously ~true wuv~ for him.
No. 15184
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>>15183Are you the same anon as >>236794
So salty I could cure meat with it
No. 15186
>>15185>>15185The thing is… it's just not good. I absolutely get your fascination (which was basically how I discovered it as well a year ago or so) but it's not at all well written. The whole first act with this girl in his basement and Bum breaking in was just so unbelievable it basically suspended common sense. And this comic prides itself on depicting anything but the typical BL relationship, but has backfired storywise so far into the other end of the scale that it's basically comical.
I'll admit the beginning was a big mindfuck in regards to the sudden twist from innocent crush to psych horror, but all through act 2 it just got worse and worse. Fanservice from a beleaguered author and the story deteriorating rapidly.
No. 15187
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>>15171Season 1 and 2 last episodes of season 3 we’re solid, rest is absolute rubbish. Can’t wait for it to end.
No. 15188
>>15182I am not interested in yaoi but I did read some of this.
In early chapters I thought it was decent in portraying a relationship between a socially maladjusted stockholm syndrome
victim and a manipulative crazy psychopath but as it went on it became clear that the plot is going nowhere and that it's supposed to be a pandering, fap material.
It really sickens me that author decided to romanticize and sexualize extreme
abusive relationships. They are probably going to turn it into a ~tragic romance~ if it hasn't been turned into it already.
What bothers me even more is dumb fujoshis posting "POOR BABIES THEY DESERVE TO BE EACH OTHER; THEY ARE SOULMATES!!"
Like what the fuck you bitches?? What is wrong with all of you? That psychopath deserves to be burned at a stake and the stockholm syndrome
victim needs some serious psychiatric help.
Few weeks ago I saw someone reblogging a Christmas special chapter- barf.
(Also couldn't help to notice that the main characters' designs are basically rip-off of popular Attack on Titan characters' designs - forgot all of their names lol)
No. 15192
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>>15171Loved the books but I completely dropped the tv show
>>15176>I dont understand why everyone loves herMe neither tbh
>>15182kek, oh shit. OK, I know it's bad but for some reason I used to be hooked, and I found it to be really entertaining. I stopped reading it tho, I need to get back to it.
>>15185Speaking about Harley Quinn and the Joker, pic related was a shitfest
Is Black Mirror a good serie?
No. 15193
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>>15188Now that you say it…
No. 15195
>>15188All of this.
You pretty much summarized all of my feelings about K/S. It looked really promising, but similarly to Starfighter shot itself into bad porn hell by making all the wrong choices.
Starfighter started out as a comic trying to make fun of all the bad BL clichés but then fanbase and author ego took over and now the MCs completely dysfunctional and dubcon relationship is being fetishized into all heaven. Disgusting.
No. 15197
>>15196Well the series' huge fujoshi fanbase surely does not.
It's still awful.
No. 15199
>>15197I'm sure most of the fujos reading Killing Stalking can understand that the relationship depicted in it shouldn't carry over into reality. If they can't, then the problem is them being too immature to consume the media, rather than the media being 'awful' just for depicting something morally questionable.
I don't think K/S is particularly good; it was pretty exciting as a thriller at first and I think the author does know how to portray the occasional tense scene, but overall the plot is dragging majorly. However, those are criticisms about competence, not moral policing.
No. 15200
>>15194Close enough but I'm a baguette who made a typo
>>15198Yeah, never really got that whole "don't romanticize fucked up things" in fiction… because it's fucking fiction.
>>15197>the series' huge fujoshi fanbase surely does notIf they can't distinguish fiction from reality, that means they are mentally unstable. People who are underage or mentally ill shouldn't have access to +18 media
No. 15201
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>>15199>>15200I mean… that was 5 seconds into the tag….
No. 15202
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Okay, but let's talk about the shitty ass art. Dude's LACKING A FUCKING EYE.
No. 15204
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Picture in question sure looks a lot like a fetish to me. Crossdressing + erotic asphyxiation.
No. 15206
I feel pretty divided about romanticized depictions of abuse and other shit. I mean, aren't there tons of studies showing that imagery in pornography causes people (or men, since I don't recall if the studies used women) to harbor more sexually violent thoughts? Porn is pretty fictionalized but people take it for reality. In a bubble, consuming violent media shouldn't be a problem, but a lot of people genuinely take fiction at face value and can't separate it from reality.
But I guess unless K/S's fandom overlaps with serial killer fandom, it's probably harmless when they just fap over 2D fujobait.
>>15202Dead ass thought he had a disfiguring scar across his face from the thumbnail, until I realized that was a guy's ear. Poor panelling.
No. 15207
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Superhero films.
I feel like this isn't even an unpopular opinion, but superhero films just keep coming out and making shit tons of money, so idek. How many more of these boring snooze-fests are gonna have to come out in a row for people to get sick of them? Adults in my age group seem to care about these films so much ffs, theyre for children! I haven't seen a single superhero movie in the past 5 years that hasnt been shit tier.
No. 15208
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I saw this page from Ready Player One being posted around 4chan and jfc…
No. 15211
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>>15208This is also from the same book and it sounds like a fucking Onision religion rant video
No. 15214
>>15207>WW's first 1/3rd in the Amazonian civilization was fun as fuck>last third is CG wompfest featuring an awkward mustached British guy as the Greek War of GodSuperhero films usually have fun premises and buildup, but then the last third is always fucking garbage where it's 90% fighting with no weight and it's just shit.
>>15208>>15211Where's that "Ode to Nerd Girls" poem the author wrote where he's basically saying he's an elite mind because he's into librarian or school girl porn.
No. 15215
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>>15213i can barely parse this, it just reads like a fevered list of pop culture references. jfc this is fucking bad
No. 15218
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>>15213oh wait, it's not the last one
No. 15219
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>>15214Found it.
>Cline spent the next few years working in a cubicle doing IT, winning Austin Poetry Slams with tracks like "Nerd Porn Auteur" ("These vacuum-headed fuck bunnies don't turn me on"), and waiting for the release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.>won a poetry slam contest with this No. 15221
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>>15219>"I don't wanna watch this misogynist he-man woman-hater porn">"these vacuum-headed fuck bunnies don't turn me on"for fucks sake
No. 15223
>>15184What? No, I was just trying to sympathize with
>>15181 because having to watch a show you aren't interested in sucks. I don't even like the HBO show, but the books were okay enough for me to read them up to the most recent.
No. 15225
>>15171I really enjoy the books as a fun fantasy read but they’re not that great. GGRM
did a solid job but he’s not a hero for depicting rape and violence as consequences of war and he’s hardly gone and outdone Tolkien despite a lot of world building and lore.
He’s also terrible with distances, realistic travel times, sizes, overly long fighting sequences (seriously, Jaime and Brienne would not have fought for more than a few minutes, the viper and mountains fight was stupid and insanely out of character for a fighter like book-Oberyn, and children do not thrive through trauma like all of the Stark and Targaryen kids do.
He’s great at scene setting and some of his characters are great, fleshed out, and compelling but then others are y’know..Arya/Cat/Everyone at the wall except Jon and Sam.
No. 15229
>>15227Paper towns is nerd sex ending.
Alaska becomes an hero and everyone decides to solve her shitty mystery suicide note instead of acting like humans would. The mystery is that she’s a shitty person and wants everyone to notice her. The edgiest edgelady and so much weird focus on cigarettes a la fault in our stars. Cigarettes as metaphors for edge and boring pixie dream girls.
No. 15231
>>15230Horribly similar.
Suicide as a romantic means of getting back at the big mean world that just doesn’t get you. She is poor at a fancy school and smokes so she is just too different and alienated to live. The main character is in love with her because of course he is.
No. 15232
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Ex-Machina was a dissapointment to me, I really like the concept of the conflict human-machine and all that existensialism stuff about what makes a human "be human". But that didn't offer anything new to the typical sci-fy script, extremely predictable with insuferable main characters,good photography and some nice views but nothing else.
Then I tried to give a shot with anihilation and happen exactly the same but worse, even worse characters, predictable "twist" and trying to hard to be deep and interesting, also every person that I tell that I personally don't find any of both as good movies, the first response in BOTH cases that I heard from them is "You didn't understand it" "2deep4you", both are pretencious pieces of fictional crap, it's not hard to get how overrated they are, and also makes me think that the director has a weird fetish with Natalie Portman face.
No. 15234
>>15207>>15214>CG wompfestsThis is why I get bored of superhero movies, especially Wonderwoman and Black Panther.
I LOVE the world-building that starts at the beginning. Love the character narratives.
Then of course, about halfway into the movie the producers have to rev up their retarded ass CG fight scenes that just drag on forever. Takes me out of the world completely because it all looks like bullshit. None of them ever fight like how humans fight–be that enemies or heroes–either.
Fans always jizz themselves over the fight scenes though, no matter how stupid or overdone.
No. 15235
>>15232Annihilation… Overrated? I don't even think it's made back its budget (but I guess that doesn't matter cause of the Netflix deal), and reviews are lukewarm or mixed, even with critics. The "2deep4u" argument is bullshit, though.
>anytime someone says they don't like the Monogatari series>"you just don't get philosophy, man">entire series is tits and ass and distracting fanservice and slideshows>>15233Maybe it's cause I read the trilogy after watching the movie, but I think it's a good translation of the themes and world, but not a good or accurate adaption of the story. The tower and the lighthouse keeper seem like they would be really hard to depict in live action and CG without disappointing or not living up to the hype built up in the books. Plus the CGI was already stretching thin, so those two elements would've really looked bad, imo.
>>15234BP's car chase scene was pretty much the only CG fight I was really down with amongst all the superhero films I've seen. Maybe that's just cause cars look good on the screen and my love for Vince Staples talking, though.
No. 15236
>>15188>>15182While I do think KS is overrated and the fandom is pure garbage I think you've misunderstood the series. The author has said that it's not a romantic story and I never got the vibe that it's supposed to be either. It's a thriller about two mentally insane people in a messed up situation. The story made it pretty obvious that Yoonbum's perversion towards Sangwoo is caused by lifelong abuse and the time Sangwoo saved him from a rape attempt during their military service. He has a sick obsession towards him, and that's why he breaks into his home. It's not uncanny, there are a million cases of seriously disturbed people doing that with the people they're obsessing over. Sangwoo is just as nuts and he uses Yoonbum as a dumping ground for his frustration and twisted desires, because he has to keep up a facade outside of his home. They're not in love, they're not supposed to be seen to be in love. Their few sex scenes are uncomfortable and painful both physically and mentally. It's not a uwu cute edgy yaoi uwu but a horror story. The shitty horny fandom just forces that narrative because they barely read the goddamn comic.
However I do think KS has a subpar execution because it gets insanely repetitive and overuses the false scares and other mundane horror cliches a million times to the point it becomes annoying and frustrating. The police force is shown to be extremely incompetent and full of idiots which really bothers me. I kept reading further in vain hopes of it maybe going somewhere and getting better but nah, it gets old really fast.
No. 15237
>>15236Couldn't have said it better myself - I can't understand for the life of me why people would ship the two characters together except for wanting to see two guys fuck. That's the thing about fujoshis and horny teen girls, they don't give a shit about the story, they just look for a series that has two attractive guys to ship and write smut fanfics about, and they happened to latch onto a story where they miss the entire point of the guys' messed up relationship just for the sake of fulfilling their fujoshi fantasy. KS is an interesting story to discuss because of the
toxic and
abusive dynamic between Sangwoo and Yoonbum, the nature of blind obsession and stockholm syndrome, and why exactly the characters behave like they do, the desires they hold, and how that bleeds into their relationship in such an unhealthy and disturbing way….but of course uwu so cute two guys together uwu. The fans wanting cute and sweet scenes between them are completely missing the point.
I read the story too when I was bored and curious, and yeah at first it was very intense and interesting but it got too repetitive and shock-value like and frankly a little disturbing to read when I got up to the flashback scene where Yoonbum gets raped by his uncle.
No. 15239
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>>15235>anytime someone says they don't like the Monogatari series>"you just don't get philosophy, man">entire series is tits and ass and distracting fanservice and slideshowsomfg this
I remember browsing /a/ when Monogatari came out, everyone was trying to defend it as some kind of a deep, social commentary anime while that shit is just another harem - just a bit more modern one with not-so-typical animation style.
Main character is a nerd self-insert who has pedo tendencies and also wants to fuck his sister. He solves all of the female character's problems and they all are attracted to him, even the lesbian character.
And as much as monogatari fans tend to shout how deep and special the plot is, all they ever discuss is tits, asses, lolicon and incest.
No. 15240
>>15236I'm the OP of the earliest post and I don't see how we disagree. I don't think it's portraying it as a cute lovestory.
My problem with it is that it's just plain bad. Badly written, badly drawn and not as half as imaginative as it sells itself as. A lot of the plot twists are taken from early 2000s horror movies and are downright cheap. And the sex scenes are just a little too suspense-of-belief for me to swallow them even with the "two psychotic characters who don't fit together" deal.
About the glorifying abuse: I think it started off in a good place, as everyone here has agreed at, but slowly spiraled into some kind of "tragic star-crossed lovers who can never get away from each other". It COULD be realistic, after all there are many abused partners who stay with their
abusive SO, but the whole story is just too fantastical to portray what it prides itself on: a gritty, potentially realistic story of a
toxic relationship.
It's not.
Instead it's completely and insanely (lol) OTT and the characters behave so… weirdly, for a lack of another word. It's ceased to be compelling after the first two, three chapters.
No. 15243
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I find Death Note to be overrated, probably the most overrated anime.
>Nice plot
>Story starts good and strong
>L dies
>Everything goes to shit
No. 15245
>>15243I loved Death Note but holy shit it went down the drain HARD after
L died. It was like watching a completely different show after that. And a bad one at that.
No. 15248
>>15243Death Note definitely had an unique premise, but Light's overpoweredness definitely spoiled it for me. That was the time of godmods in anime/manga and it's so obvious in Death Note. It has some symbolism but is so cliché and executed so literally that his character becomes somewhat hollow.
Also, Mello and Near were basically bad clones of L with some stereotypes to boot.
No. 15250
>>15238MC's best friend
is presented as a white male through the book (due to characters using avatars) and at the end is revealed to be a gay black woman. However it's done so poorly and the writing is honestly atrocious. Examples of his cringe niceguy writing is up above.
MC's love interest
avoids sending photos of herself to MC. Eventually he meets her IRL and she looks just like her avatar…. but she has super spesh vitiligo. Tumblr trait numero uno. He's just a fucking hack lol
No. 15251
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I'm so mad WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO TOKYO GHOUL. hOW many times is kaneki going to change his personality?? How many times is he gonna die to be considered ENOUGH?? I'M tired. Last time I checked he was again with white hair looking like a clueless smol cute uwu BITCH, god I hate him, I hate Ishida for fucking everything up. He has been milking that story for way too long and now. It's time to stop
No. 15256
>>15244Personally I did like Kimi no Na Wa, it was cute, but in comparison to Shinkai's other works it really was kind of boring.
>>15251I agree, I loved the beginning of the story but both the anime and the manga went to shit. The story should've ended with Kaneki dying, RE is nothing but a cash cow
No. 15261
>>15260>It's been a while since I got into new shonen manga but isn't that a big problem mostly for the series published in the Shonen Jump? Yeah, most of them get like that. IMO the worst are sports series because they drag out matches/races for ages. Haikyuu is going to be 30 volumes soon and Yowamushi Pedal runs in another shonen mag and it’s already 54 volumes long!
Shonen Jump has been canceling a lot of newer series, too. The only recent ones I can think of that have managed to outlast their intro periods are Promised Neverland and Kimetsu no Yaiba.
No. 15263
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I liked this show when it was on, but I feel like as the seasons when on it got more and more sillier and overrated. They didn't even explain how Sherlock survived his fake suicide, and there was just a lot of lazy writing and stupid plots and boring scenes. The fanbase was so fucking trash and legitimately insane too, so much entitlement and embarrassment, and the Johnlock shippers just ruined everything for me in the end, especially when they were REEEEing that they didn't get to see john and sherlock fuck in the season finale and calling the writers ""homophobic"" lmao.
No. 15266
>>15263h bomberguy did a really great video on why it became so terrible. I'm not a fan of the series and also thought it was overrated, but his breakdown of all 4 series was really good.
>>15264How did the fanbase force the writers to change the story? from the sounds of it the writers ran out of ideas. I know many fanbases are
toxic but its hardly their fault the series went to shit. I also dont understand the fascination with the lizard king benedict cucumbersnatch, there are some thirsty hoes out there.
No. 15272
>>15144Speaking as a Fate fan, yeah, it's pretty generic and Nasuverse as a whole is pretty much powerleveling and waifupandering. I personally find the characters compelling though, which might not ring true to others so you won't stick through for characterizations/waifus/husbandos. I mean, King Arthur is a woman. No matter the explanation they gave, Saber is a woman to make it easier to get a romance plot. The writers themselves say Fate was always supposed to be a boy meets girl story and Fate Zero (and maybe FSF, which i haven't read yet) is an outlier to the formula. Even Fate/Extra and Fate Grand Order (to some extent) are like this.
tl;dr Fate is for waifufags like myself, Zero being an exception you won't see often. Unless you're already neck deep into weeb culture the appeal of Fate will be next to none.
No. 15273
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I remember people having this whole discussion about Killing Stalking a few weeks ago here.
I present you with: someone who romanticizes it. Fucking starcrossed lovers fetishists.
No. 15274
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>>15171George R. R. Martin cannot write women. And I’m so fucking sick of everyone quoting his flippant reply to a stupid question
> how do you write good female characters?
> You know I've always considered women to be peopleWow. Amazing. Revolutionary. If only that’s what authors of the past needed to be able to write good female characters. If he hasn’t explicitly stated it, you’d have never known.
The only main female character to not be raped or abused is Arya, the most masculine coded who takes on male coded activities and even fucking dresses as a boy for a period of time. Every female character to show an interest in female things is fucking broken and destroyed until she is “strong” aka acts like a man. Sansa likes fashion and sewing? Best get her raped till she comes back a shell of a woman. Her little sister likes sword fighting? She’ll be untouched and will come back to lecture Sansa about her choices. Danny wants to be a mother? Nope, fuck that. She has to lose her baby and rapist husband and refer to herself as a Dragon Mother, while displaying absolutely no maternal instincts and locking her symbolic children away for a good chunk of time. Cersei has long beautiful hair and dresses? Give her a short hair cut and dress her in black, after she’s raped by her twin and paraded around down town. The only real motherly presence and she’s demonized for it, loses her kids, and can’t be in a position of power by herself without looking stupid.
Martin’s way of writing women is to fucking crush them and remold them into male-coded characters because that’s what he views as strong, except his tomboy pet who started out that way and is glorified for it and gets super speshul powers from a man.
So progressive.
No. 15275
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>>15274>Cersei has long beautiful hair and dresses? Give her a short hair cut and dress her in black, after she’s raped by her twin and paraded around down town.In the book she also gets super fat, she's described as gaining so much weight that she can't fit into her beautiful dresses anymore. They skipped this on TV for obvious reasons (male viewers want hot women, no way you could have a fat main character in their war and rape fantasy show) you'd think that because he's a chunkster himself, martin would be more contentious of avoiding the "punish someone by making them fat/fat=bad trope" but newp he's totally disconnected.
I know that's a small nitpick and there's so many other bigger problems but it's one that's always bothered me.
No. 15276
>>15274Not that it makes GRRM any better, but Sansa's not raped in the books, just (I use 'just' lightly) threatened to be. Her storyline in the show is merged with a minor character's, but I get you if you consider this change to be GRRM's if he approved the creative decision. The directors of the show are as bad for not even bothering to work on the books' faults and add dumb shit like a 10 minute brothel scene and other tits in places they shouldn't be.
And I hate how male oriented the fanbase is, to the point they demonize everything about Sansa just because she's not Arya. It gives me flashbacks to Breaking Bad and how the fanbase treated Skyler just cause she wasn't down for her husband becoming a meth manufacturer.
No. 15277
>>15275>punish someone by making them fat/fat=bad tropeWell remember, being fat is only bad if you're a fat woman.
Men get to be whatever the fuck they want to be, which is why that obese underachiever can be a lazy writer and also not have to defend his image 24/7.
No. 15278
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>>15274im not really sure what youre talking about. first off, thats the tv show that is
slightly cough adjusted for mainstream purposes. second, while still mediocre this is more that female characters get instead of being just the pretty accessory waiting for her prince to save her.
ever heard of the bechdel test?
No. 15280
>>15278It’s been a long time since I read the books and afaik Martin had a lot of creative control over the show.
And yeah let’s all clap for the male author who wrote female characters slightly better than we are used too. Whoo let’s hold him up as the standard of how to write women! /s
No. 15282
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>>15280oh my gosh THANK YOU for this! mte I was cringing when certain outlets were praising him for "writing women so well" because yeah-man certainly knows exactly how women and especially teenage girls feel, same guy whos obsessed with his 14yr old protagonists breasts that he had to add in how they move and feel because thats not totally creepy, or how she falls for her rapist (yeah I know im gonna get slack for that but that is what happens in the first book) thats
totes great female representation!
No. 15283
>>15282I advise anyone who is on the fence about GRRM to read or skim fevre Dream
>tons of unnecessary racism e.g drops the n-word a few thousand times plus unpleasant/unfavorable descriptions-b-but it's accurate to the time period!!!
>it's about vampires>awful sexist descriptions of womenI think he was around 30 when he wrote it, he seemed like a real incel type
No. 15286
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>>15275She doesn’t get super fat, and it’s not a reaction to the rape. She gains like fifteen pounds because she’s aging and drinks way too much wine, Cersei losing her most utilised weapons ie her beauty and family’s power is like, the leading reason she starts going a bit mad and puts in place sloppier plans and burns everything.
There’s so much to legitimately criticise and you managed to reach far enough to find some fat victimisation bullshit.
No. 15287
>>15099"Women" do not "rule" their society, the Bene Gesserit manipulate them. All of the outsmarting is done by Paul Atreides, who is literally the only man with access to Bene Gesserit skills, and is the end result of thousands of years of eugenics.
There is no "morality" in these books, the Bene Gesserit literally ally themselves with space incels called Bene Tleilaxu(their rivals) to fend off an invasion of a violent matriarchal empire.
No. 15288
>>15274Both Sansa and Arya got beat by Meryn. His misogyny is the reason why he dies. Arya gets beat by multiple men during the show.
Arya is the most masculine coded? She doesn't enjoy sewing, wow. she definitely portrays "feminine" behaviour multiple times in the show, for example when she and Sansa have their spat in Season 1, on top of that in Season 4 almost every dialogue with The Hound - where she's the voice of empathy.
Joffrey is a huge misogynist during the show, which bites him back in the end badly - they even call it a "womans weapon". The female murderer gets away with it through being cunning. If you had paid attention to the show, you'd have noticed that the characters that act cruel and misogynistic ALWAYS die in the end directly due to it. Meryn, Joffrey, and Ramsay are prime examples of it.
No. 15289
>>15099that's a really weird take on Dune, and very inaccurate. I hope no-one allows themselves to be dissuaded from reading it by your misrepresentation and projection.
meanwhile, Lord of the Rings and Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series are awful, bland, overblown, trite bullshit. I will never understand how they got popular.
Also, a bit obvious, but Stephen King is a decent writer who turns out some really woeful shit for the majority of his career.
sorry I can't contribute anything to the GoT discussion, I never had the slightest interest in it - it seemed like it was Too Edgy, The Show.
No. 15292
>>15289>Lord of the Rings>awful, bland, overblown, triteJeeeeeeeeeesus. How wrong could you get?
>never understood how they got popularEvidently, because some people and scholars didn't think it was awful, trite shite.
No. 15294
>>15291I forgot to mention that my last paragraph is talking about the latter books. Bene Tleilaxu appear later in the books.
Fremen are literally based upon Arabs and are a warrior society, ofc they are going to patriarchal af.
You are essentially asking the details of how their powers work, and the exact limits of their powers, which is of course impossible. It is clear from the books that they are as "hypercompetent" as an covert agency today.
As to why the Bene Gesserit don't take direct control, they have very clear reasons for it. They fear abuse of their powers, and distraction from their goal which is create a Kwistaz Haderach which they can control. They also fear defeat; Bene Gesserit methods are not infallible.
No. 15296
>>15292>>15295Speaking of LOTR, what do you guys think of Tolkien's works?
To me The Hobbit/LOTR are the best works of fiction ever written. Never read The Silmarillion though
No. 15298
>>15254I couldn't get over the blatant sexism in Death Note. It's too recent of a manga to excuse it due to age…even female characters in harem mangas have more motivations and life than the female characters in Death Note.
Also, the memory arc was executed horribly and was super unrealistic. Overall, the plot felt too calculated for my taste.
>>15276Breaking Bad is overhyped as fuck. When asked about the blatant hate for Skyler, the writers held their hands up and acted like they didn't see that coming. Sure.
No. 15302
>>15300> all the characters were basically just plot points to show us how self absorbed light wasI'm not sure if you're referring to all characters and just the female characters
But if you're referring to only female characters, I feel like there was a more elegant way of achieving that same goal than relying on overused tropes that portray women a certain way. To have every female character's motivation essentially be to love a man (with the exception of the shinigami, but even so, her motivation was still love) seems like the result of sexism and lazy writing to me. It was noticeable enough to me to be distracting. And it wasn't just Misa, it was Naomi, Rem, Shiori, etc.
I mean, I listed other reasons I don't like the series (that haven't already been mentioned in this thread). I didn't anticipate people caring so much about the casual sexism I think is present in the series. Sure, part of it is because everything is centered around Light in an overdone way, and I wasn't saying it's not used for the sake of anything else in the series.
No. 15303
>>15302i'm talking about
all the characters. every one of them became blithering retards cause of light until near, but that only seemed to be the case so the series could end. i don't think any of the characters, male or female were good or acted on their own volition at all.
No. 15304
>>15144I love FSN, but the anime adaptions (except for zero) aren't that good and we still don't have a proper adaption of the whole VN. I love the VN and it's characters but it's long as fuck and info-dumpy. The plots not amazing but the characters are all pretty easy to get attached to and I liked the way it was structured and how it explored it's themes. You might be put off by the sex scenes too, though they're a really small part and Realta Nua gets rid of them. I personally don't care for the extended universe of F/GO and prisma illya and all that other shit at all, they're just milking it.
>>15272Actually, the original concept for FSN was a light novel with a female protagonist where Saber would be a dude, but they shelved that when they decided to make a VN because it's hard to sell a non eroge VN and they weren't as big as they are now.
No. 15305
>>15149>and the women aren't there just to be waifubaitI love zero but the way Urobuchi writes the female characters in Zero and many of his other works is honestly pretty, I hate to say the word sexist but pretty much that. They're mostly weak, fragile women who live entirely for the men they love, and get nothing but suffering and dying horribly to cause grief for their male companions. The only powerful female in zero was Saber and zero is all about beating Saber down. The closest a female got to being a master was that mage's wife, who was literally just a plot device.
Nasu has his own sexist quirks and likes to write about poor fragile victimized girls but at least they learn to overcome it and get happy endings, and can be genuinely powerful in his setting.
No. 15306
>>15299The whole book is supposed to have a mythological and poetic feel to it, and hint at a deeper and richer lore than we ever get to actually see. A lot of poetry has very superfluous descriptions.
I can see why people don't like it but I quite enjoyed it. I think it's just something you'll either love or hate.
No. 15308
>>15274I stopped reading when you started bitching about Arya being "masculine coded."
She's a small prebubescent girl who's forced to abandon her female identity entirely to avoid rape and murder, basically. Because, believe it or not, shit like that tends to happen to women and girls when riots occur, because tribalism and patriarchy are awful. It happens all at once and she also loses her teacher, one of the only men who didn't tell her that girls shouldn't use swords, in a matter of minutes. After she watches her father be murdered.
I understand to people like yourself with no grasp of history beyond the sanitized white American suburh you live in, but stop trying to make everything PC.
A medieval inspired setting full of tribalistic peoples who live in feudal kingdoms isn't "progressive" enough for you? Fuck off. Dragons might not be real but many women still live in similar situations conditions, and some have to make similar choices to Arya's. "The Breadwinner" touches on this.
No. 15311
>>15308Stop sperging, Jesus Christ. You don’t know my history knowledge or even if I’m American.
She was masculine coded before any of the major events took place: short hair, sword fighting, male friends, bonded with brother,
Refused to do traditionally woman activities like sewing or embroidery, etc.
Im not sorry I dared be critical of your precious
fictional fantasy book series. Get over it. There’s no need to be so offended over my opinion.
No. 15312
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>>15308Wow anon, why so personal?
No. 15314
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A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. I hated this shit when I was forced to read it TWICE, once for middle school, once for high school. Francie is an insufferable, annoying brat and I hated her. I never sympathized with her. The book is so fucking boring. One of my favorite parts
>francie meets stranger soldier guy who has a fiance
>she's delusional enough to think she loves him after knowing him for 2 days
>he wants to fuck her and she says no
>asks mom what she should've done
>mom says some shit like it would've been beautiful, she won't get that chance at that type of love (?? wtf he wanted an easy lay, he faked being in love with her and was taking advantage of her)
>francie cries
Francie's character was just awful. And I hated the pseudo-deep tree metaphor and Francie with her edgy "can't trust women ever again because women are vicious!!" shit.
No. 15315
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>>15098hehe, it's dry. got it. It's dry because of all the sand.
No. 15316
>>15135I love Star Wars and Voltron, but both have pretty shit fandoms. The Star Wars fandom has always been bitchy, but since the Disney buyout, it's gone full on asshole mode. You can't even discuss the older (now non-canon) work without someone screeching NOT CANON over and over again. And Voltron is a total cesspit of a fandom. I pray every day to be set free from this fandom, yet I never am.
Agreed on Steven Universe being ugly as fuck too. It has some of the ugliest character designs I've had the displeasure of looking at. And those gross lips are being slapped all over fan art now. I saw someone post a webm of it on /ic/ a few days ago, talking about how it's trying to save 2D western animation. the animation was so dull and lifeless, with no weight. If that's saving 2D in the west, then 2D deserves to die.
This is more of a general media complaint, but I am so tired of the overuse of sex and nudity in tv shows now. Yes, we get it, you're "adult" tv. Now stop shoving in pointless sex scenes like you're a bunch of horny 13 year old boys.
No. 15319
>>15317Stephen king is one of those writers I read over and over again without ever being satisfied. I love the feel of his work but his endings are so bad and there’s so frequently gross or ineccessary sex and scat humour that it feels juvenile at times.
He’s this wellspring of ideas and great intentions but idk..somewhere his executions crumbles a little.
Tbh horror is so overstuffed with crap authors that a lot of Stephen kings merit seems to ca me from the fact that he’s at least original and not entirely mediocre.
No. 15320
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Probably the first post about video games in this thread.
Fuck battle royales. It's pretty much nothing but a teenage-infested hell-hole where there's large patches of NOTHING. And when you do find someone, you'll either kill them and pretty much wreck everyone else, or they get the drop on you and you die 'cause you can't see them in time. There's also the fact that two of them (PUBG and Fortnite) get constantly praised to hell and back, while other games that deserve better get left in the dust.
One last thing: PUBG is still a fucking broken mess, despite not being in early access anymore. It also still uses store-brought assets. C'mon, Bluehole, it's not going to eat up your TERAbucks/PUBGbucks to develop original assets.
No. 15323
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Hang me on a noose if you have to, but I find the entire Danganronpa franchise to be a giant ball of confusing, identity searching, cliche-filled anime bollocks that gets too much praise, and comes with an absolutely awful fanbase to boot. I'll say this, though: The artstyle is great.
Probably the only positive thing I have to say about it, though. Even then, the
non-Monokuma main villain in 3 looks like someone's shitty OC.
No. 15325
>>15323I loved the first game but couldn't finish the second one when I saw that
Junko was involved in all of this somehow in chapter 3 and when I saw after this that if you didn't read a novel that's not available outside of Japan you won't understand everything that's happening. I really dislike it when it happens in series in general, and especially in video games when I expect each entry to be self-contained. I got the 3rd game on sales and didn't even start it so no spoilers please but I've been told it's not related to the first two games and the despair girls spinoff so I have higher expectations for this one. I hope I'm not wrong.
> comes with an absolutely awful fanbase to boot.The fanbase almost turned me off the first game when they wouldn't stop posting untagged spoilers before the game's official release in English, I hate this fandom so much.
No. 15330
>>15328I played some mainline SMT games as well as DDS, P2IS and Soul Hackers after playing P3P and P4G and Persona starting from 3 doesn't even compare. I still love P3P more than P4G and all that. People praise the social link feature but I think that and the calendar system make the games more boring than they could be. There's also the fact that the stories always start with really interesting plots and characters and at some point it becomes so slow and boring until the very end. I wish I could play P2EP on my
PSVita but I'm in Europe…
No. 15331
>>15330100% agreed! P3 and P4 weren't as good as any of the other SMT games on PS2, shame that they were the ones that blew up. Did like the Answer in P3FES despite the difficulty though and yeah, I think Shinji's social link alone made p3p better than p4g.
>I wish I could play P2EP on my PSVita but I'm in Europe…You mean the psp version or the ps1 verion? You could play both with the Adrenaline emulator, I have. Runs extremely smooth, but the psp version is only in Japanese right now ;-;
No. 15332
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>>15331I thought about doing that but that was when my previous laptop couldn't even run paint correctly. I'll think about it, my new laptop might be able to handle an emulator and a PS1 game.
I only played P3P, not P3FES so I can't say much about The Answer, just that the story doesn't really appeal to me. But if it doesn't have social links and the goddamn calendar it should be better than the main quest/story (which I loved but it could have been better). Also yeah, Shinji's social was totally worth it. That and the side quests with Theodore. Literally the best boys of P3.
P4 and P4G are a bigger case of "it could have been so good" for me than P3. It has much more to do with the story than gameplay because I already expected the social links and the calendar when I started P4G. The story could have been full of suspens and mystery with interesting character arcs and it's only like than for the first few hours and the game barely acknowledges that Teddy is a bit weird, even for a shadow, and even creepy in insight
we still don't know if his human form has internal organs iirc and the facts that
Adachi and Yosuke have so much in common, that Yosuke was going to be the serial killer when the story was still in development and that the similarities between the two aren't even mentioned in-game is are so frustrating. They gave what could have been a satisfying backstory for Teddy to
fucking Marie of all characters. And you can't even date Yosuke, what the fuck Atlus, he's so less unbearable than the female characters, what are you doing.
I'm complaining but I spent like 150h on this game, I still like it. No. 15333
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>>15332ohmygodyourspoilersmakeitsohardtoreadThe Answer is a fucking shitshow. They did that after P3P racked in that sweet dolla dolla bux and decided to cash in on it while it was still hot. I agree with you about Shinjiro, though, although I'm still bitter everyone's sleeping on Akihiko, when he could have been so much more than that awkward boxer dude. He has a really intricate backstory with his sister and all, and they mention it like, twice, and don't built him up beyond the "shy, tsundere boxer who gets pushed around by Mitsuru and apparently has Tourettes with his random bouts of shouting".
P4 is a whole other can of worms, honestly… I agree that it started out fantastically, with the first death and the one hanging from the pole in the fog I was super intrigued, but it just kind of… dissolved. Except maybe Nanako and Adachi, every character was just an amalgamation of tropes .
>Yosuke the buffoony comic relief>Chie the tsundere tomboy>Yukiko the hime crowdpleaser with a raNdUm quirk like that weird laugh>Kanji the token closeted brawler slash second comic relief>Rise the thirsty possessive slut that makes all the other girls jealous>Dojima the remote dad>Teddy the quirky foreigner slash wacky sidekickI just found those characters ultimately unlikeable and I WANTED to like them. Maybe in their social links I somewhat did, but in group scenarios it's all just "oh Teddy is a pervert" or "Yukiko laughs snortingly again because someone slapped Yosuke".
Thoughts about P5? The critiques were rave.
No. 15334
>>15333Sorry for the incoherent spoilers lol.
>The Answer is a fucking shitshow.Glad I didn't miss anything then.
>Except maybe Nanako and Adachi, every character was just an amalgamation of tropes .Yes that's the biggest problem. Then there's the fact that between the introduction and the moment we find out about Namatame almost nothing interesting happens. The stroy could have been so creepy without being as "edgy" as the beginning of P3, I would have loved it. I didn't really give a shit about the slice of life parts of the story, it was funny sometimes with the date group café for example, but most of the time it was boring. And I agree about Adachi and Nanako, but I would add Dojima, he's cool.
Fun fact, the writers and developers hesitated between writing Yosuke, Yukiko and Dojima as the serial killer. I liked Yosuke and Teddie because of their social links but I don't care about the rest of the playable characters.
I haven't played P5 yet, I don't have a PS3 or a PS4 so I need one of them first. I was looking forward to it so much for years that when the game was released in Japan I just looked for spoilers on /pg/ and it was fun. But now I'm not as excited as I used to be. I feel like while the gameplay seems much better, the story looks like it has the problem as in P3 and P4. I'll definitely play it once I get either a PS3 or a PS4 (and a TV too).
No. 15335
>>15332Oh, Adrenaline is a henkaku app on vita. Your vita also has to be on 3.60 to run it, so you might need a new motherboard (got mine secondhand for $20~ little over a year ago, idk about EU) on that FW or lower.
>But if it doesn't have social links and the goddamn calendar it should be better than the main quest/story It doesn't, but it's hard as piss and requires a lot of grinding and luck. You get to play as Aigis though desu ♥
99% sure it is cannon that teddie doesnt have organs or a skeleton. Still agree with everything you said about P4, and I still liked it too if not just because it was one of the only good vita games.
>>15333>Thoughts about P5? The critiques were rave.NTA obviously, but P5 was specifically what I was talking about when I said these are mediocre games that take themselves way too seriously. Nice soundtrack, but overrated as fuck overall.
No. 15338
>>15334> The stroy could have been so creepyYeah… The killer reveal hit out of left field, which is one good thing about it. I can only imagine how creepy it'd have been for Yosuke to have been it (not gonna spoiler, this game is what? 7 years old?).
I'm kind of laying off playing P5 because I know it'll have the same recycled tropes again.
>Ann the mix between Chie and Rise>Ryuji is Yosuke 2.0>Morgana is Teddy 2.0>Yusuke is male Yukiko, Haru is Yukiko 2.0>Makoto is Naoto>Goro is playable Adachi>Futaba is grown up Nanako No. 15340
>>15338Yosuke as the killer would have been so fucked up because he's shown as the comic relief by being a horny teenager. Imagine the comic relief who is shown hitting on girls and failing in funny scenes with typical humor you see in anime aimed at a young audience (well, not so funny but that's meant to be funny at the very least). There are scenes where he's having a hard time getting over the death of the girl he likes and you have to support him and help him get over it. Now imagine at the end of the game he turned out to be a serial rapist and killer who targeted his crush because he could get away with it. I bet that's why he wasn't chosen as the serial killer by the writers. Dojima wasn't chosen either because it would have been to fucked up because of Nanako according to the artbook. So much wasted potential. I guess since Adachi is more detached from the main plot at first they thought it wouldn't be as much of an issue if he were the culprit.
>>Makoto is NaotoFrom what I've read and seen she's more like Tatsuya 2.0, and her sister is discount Katsuya 2.0. Don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, but Makoto looks boring.
No. 15341
>>15340god, all of this. so many of the writing decisions in this game just felt like they were done to create as little moral conflict as possible.
No. 15344
>>15342I don't know, Persona 3 took more risks and it sold well enough for the Persona team to make a sequel very soon after so maybe it would have sold well too. Who knows.
Maybe they just wanted to separate the Persona series even more from the mainline games (+DDS) because these games are way more pessimistic, just so they could reach a wider audience. They almost went bankrupt at some point despite the Persona spinoffs selling like hotcakes and then Sega bought Atlus. Maybe they just thought they couldn't pull off that kind of plot twist after all because they're not very good writers even though they have a lot of good ideas. We're talking about the people who made Rise the typical fanservice character even though her character arc is about how she's sick of her job as an idol because of all the fanservice it involves, as well as other reasons, so they weren't very good at being coherent at the time.
No. 15345
>>15340I really loved P5 but Makoto is boring as fuck and I have no idea how she's universally one of the most popular characters. Her social link basically starts off with her asking you to pretend to be her boyfriend and that's where all of their chemistry comes from. It's such a lazy trope because it means they don't even try to have anything interesting between them, a load of your time with her is either acting like her boyfriend and calling her perfect, or silently watching her be stuck up and then calling her perfect at the end. With every other character there's at least some things I like but I seriously couldn't stand Makoto being onscreen.
The way the game doesn't know how to have Ann as a sexual character is annoying too. Your first introduction to her is through people talking about rumours she's a slut and it's alluded she's sexually assaulted by her teacher, and the point of her persona and parts of her general arc is that she wants to be sexy and confident on her own terms rather than being stared at and groped. But then the whole way through the game it's still joked about how she's really curvy and how all of the guys on the team want to fuck her while she looks disgusted by them. It's like they wanted her to be a confident sexy foreign domme but didn't want her to be too confident, so they had to keep balancing it out by making her embarrassed by her shirt getting wet. I think the game tackles some of its fake-deep themes pretty well but with that one you can kind of see where they messed it up by needing her to be fanservicey too, it'd be less jarring if she was just one or the other since they couldn't do both well.
No. 15346
>>15345The target audience just want cute female characters to date and don't care about character development so I guess Makoto is popular because she's supposed to be perfect and she's into the protagonist in a way that shown drectly to players? The reverse would be Yukari from P3, she's hated for being a "bitch" because she has an established background that's directly linked to the plot, she has personal goals and her own personality.
And yeah I'd say that overall the real flaws in the Persona stories starting from 3 is that they're full of wasted potential and not coherent. Gameplay wise it's the calendar system and the social links (which is linked to the story, if you don't like the characters you won't care about their social links). I feel like I'm repeating myself with that, sorry about it.
No. 15347
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>>15345I feel like everyone's hyping Makoto up so much and I don't see the appeal. She sounds like a know-it-all, stuck up basic tsundere with zero personality. I increasingly find myself ffw through her hangouts.
Meanwhile, everyone rags on Ryuji for not putting up with that stupid ass cat constantly insulting him.
No. 15348
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So now that the Persona dust has settled…
Tales of Berseria is edgy, mediocre garbage, and I don't know why it's considered the best Tales game. "BUT IT GETS BETTER", some of you say, but that's at the end of the half-way point. I don't want to spend that amount of time just to start liking Velvet.
I'm also not a huge fan of the Tales series in general, due to the stiff combat.
No. 15349
>>15345I also didn't like Makoto that much. She seemed boring. And her social link was ok but it was mostly about her friend.
I also hated Futaba. She's my least favorite Persona character by far. I've never cringed at a character so hard in my life. She is really annoying, and her English VA doesn't help things.
>>15346I think P3 was the worst about not being coherent. I understand Atlus was dealing with a new gameplay system but I don't understand why everyone loves the plot. I think it's a good game but I liked P4 better. And even though P4 plot was more cliche, I think it was more streamlined instead of having a bunch of random stuff thrown together. For example, I don't like how in the beginning of the game it's supposed to be a big deal that shadows are attacking random people, but it stops being an issue after the first month of the game and none of the characters care about the problem.
>>15338P5 is awesome even if you don't think the story would be good. The gameplay is amazing.
How is Futaba grown up Nanako? They're nothing alike. People also say Goro is like Adachi and they have similar names but they're also pretty different.
I would say Ryuji is more like Junpei.
No. 15350
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>>15348I found it to be a pretty OK game. I'm very on and off with the tales series, I haven't played them all and my fave personally was Destiny.
But I didn't hate Berseria. Velvet is really hard to like. She has a breakdown basically where she finally sort of changes her perspective, but its not until the middle/end of the game. So if you weren't invested to begin with, I get not wanting to stick with it.
Magilou's backstory they really dropped the ball on, not even properly building it up until they drop the bombshell at the very end. Which is disappointing because her backstory would have been super interesting if they had built that up correctly.
Also not for nothing but selling DLC costumes is bullshit.
No. 15353
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>>15348Still miles better than Zestiria, the game everyone seems to love despite being a plothole-ridden broken piece of bugged shit with a lousy, hard to follow story and the worst Mary Sue ever written. I'm glad it cost Baba his career at Bandai-Namco and despite the newfag spergs loving it most people are able to see the flaws.
>inb4 don't insult my lesbian queen asshole!!!!!uwu No. 15354
>>15348I don't get when people call it THE BEST. It's not close to the best (I'd put Destiny, Destiny 2, or Rebirth in that slot). It's just better than Zestiria, like
>>15353 said.
No. 15355
>>15354>>15353>>15348>>15350Zestiria's camera work pissed me the hell off tbh. I think the reason everyone liked it was because they saw Mikleo and Sorey as butt buddies or something. Gotta get that fujo bait I guess.
I haven't played Berseria yet but I have it just kinda sitting around untouched. Zestira wasn't painstakingly awful for me but it's overpraised when Symphonia or Rebirth were so much better. Hell even Graces was better even though it wasn't my favorite(Cheria was the worst character in that one imo)
No. 15356
>>15354Another Destiny fan! I love that game so much.
>>15351Yeah the story was pretty ok. Nothing amazing really.
>>15355I don't know how much I'd recommend playing it. I played it because at the time I was unemployed so I had a lot of time on my hands, so it was fine for that. But I'd say its only worth it if you don't have anything else to play instead.
No. 15358
>>15357Alisha's sense of duty and knighthood was so huge idk how players didn't see it coming that she'd be leaving the party to help villagers. I think her main purpose was really to just get Sorey out into the real world and no longer among the seraphs but that was it. I remember reading somewhere that in Japan people would return the game or pitch a fit immediately after finding out Alisha left. I noticed that the game was originally close to 50 bucks but then not long after that it plummeted down to 20 where I live because of it.
The other thing I didn't like about Zestiria is that they made it seem like the Shepherd and all that jazz existed hundreds of years ago and then as I play on I found out the last Shepherd existed barely even 20 years prior to the game. It just didn't make sense to me I guess. They built it up to be some mythical legend when really it was only a couple decades ago.
>>15356Until the next tales game comes out I don't have anything else to play so it sounds like I'll be in for a long ride.
No. 15360
>>15352because 60% of P5 players are thirsty neets trying to romance all their "waifus" and Makoto is "canon waifu" according to the subreddit and 4chan and her codename is "queen", blah, blah, something something ~strong female characters~, something something step on me Makoto-hime.
Don't ask me, I don't get it either. She's so fucking boring but every male Persona player I know thirsts so bad for her.
No. 15362
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>>15354>Destiny 2>best gameDon’t get me wrong I’m a fan of Destiny aswell, but that sequel is a fucking abomination of a game and was probably one of the biggest flops of 2017.
No. 15363
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>>15362>I seriously can't tell if baiting or notI'm pretty sure anon was referring to this game there my friend.
No. 15365
>>15358To make matters worse there were rumors floating around in 2chan that Alisha was supposed to be the main heroine and Sorey's squire in the beginning, but the producer shilled his waifu (Rose) in at the last minute and gave Alisha's place to her. Which is why they had to completely rewrite the story and that caused the plot holes and the strange "discovery points" as the skit flags were already put in the game but Alisha had to be taken out. This was further pushed when people found out that the voice actress for Rose auditioned a year after the other actors.
Don't know if it's true but it would explain a lot, including the producer's leaving of the company shortly after. It could be why so many of the secondary characters were left unfinished (Mayvin and Sergei for example) because they were meant to interact with Alisha and why the anime was so different from the actual game, even giving Alisha an armatus mode.
No. 15366
>>15324He’s definitely got some great stuff, I’m not saying he doesn’t. Part of the shining and It are legitimately terrifying and he writes the fears of childhood in a way that makes them feel fresh and real.
It’s just that when he fucks up, he does so spectacularly. Under the dome was brilliant until aliens. Carrie was scary but the mother’s dialogue was just..strange. Dirty-pillows? I can’t take that seriously, but in the same novel he describes her isolation and shame so well that I squirm.
There’s so much hit and miss that it’s a crapshoot with every new story.
No. 15367
>>15361I would literally kill for at least a digital release so I could get my friends to play it. I was lucky to get a copy, but I found out a new copy in 2018 is $400 +
I'd also kill for Destiny merch that wasn't just Leon. I like Leon well enough but he isn't my favorite.
No. 15372
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>>15369Jessica Lange was the only thing that made me keep watching at times.
I really liked the concept of Coven, but it seemed like they simply had too many ideas for one season and crammed in too much so the whole thing became the fast-paced messy shit it is. Season 1 was great and Season 2 my favourite. I stopped watching during the Hotel season, it got old and Lady Gaga's role made me cringe.
No. 15374
>>15372will never get over the jarring way characters would be cruelly torturing and murdering someone immediately followed by a scene intended to provoke empathy for the same character; whilst they namedrop some designer brand as if it automatically makes them sassy, cool, and relatable.
It's super sinister actually and not in a good way. It must have fucked up young people's minds.
No. 15375
>>15374which scene are you referring to?
imo freak show was the worst because they had all of those out of era musical numbers sung by people who can't sing
No. 15377
>>15375I'm pretty sure it happened in most episodes, even multiple times an episode sometimes.
I'm pretty sure there's a scene in coven when the characters march straight in from a murder scene to gush over Stevie Nicks playing piano, as if she would just be jamming at home waiting for her audience of amoral serial killer mates. I doubt she knew what she was signing up to.
No. 15378
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>>15369Yeah it’s frustrating because I think it has a pretty good main cast and set up. It’s just the execution is shit. I also hate how they use disability as a creepy element, especially the Down syndrome girl, like they think throwing a special needs person in a shot makes it scary or some shit
No. 15379
>>15370They have so much material and somehow they always come back with the most boring, poorly written, fan servicey, stupid shit imaginable.
The plot is always messier than a clown orgy and every time they have the opportunity to do something really interesting or really cool, they do the exact opposite.
You could take someone, stick a pen behind their ears, put them on a pogo stick, and push them down a stairwell and they would write a better screenplay on the walls.
No. 15382
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>>15367I'd kill for Johnny merch, but in Bamco's eyes he might as well not exist anymore. It took him winning a popularity poll in Link for them to even give him a 5*.
No. 15383

>>15333>Thoughts about P5? I'm about 70hrs into P5 and its massively disappointing and awfully cringy.
I've been a fan of Atlus in general for years now, played all Persona games and i'd rank P5 below 3 and 4 for its sheer lack of originality alone.
My main problem is its being praised for things that already existed in mainline SMT and early Persona games such as the ailments system, demon negotiation and multiple endings shit, also Guns which exist in a large chunk of SMT games and P2.
Whilst taking away for example same sex options for romance like that of P2. And no hope for a fem MC due to the massive delay since 2015.
The good:
>Great soundtrack shoji meguro has yet to make a shit OST.
>Gorgeous art, every menu is interactive and amazing its quite a spectacle to just use fucking items. The pop art super hero, comic red style they went for is cool and far distinguishes itself from the cool undertones of P3 and sharp electric yellow of P4.
>One aspect of the theme was law and when law should be questioned I found this to have merit and found myself agreeing with whats his face a lot - the lawyer brown hair guy. Unfortunately this theme was promptly forgotten and replaced with a bullshit theme of self expression or some muddled shit.
>The "palaces" were cool, pretty meh to navigate with shit puzzles that a preschooler could solve but still pleasant visually and had rad themes.The Bad:
>Shit characters/recycled tropes, literally the same designs or similar designs for some.see
>Massively predominated female cast to joking levels, the majority of the social links are grown women which are creeping around you for whatever reason.Inb4
>hidden secret ending where teacher or journalist chick get arrested for statutory rape of a minor.Though this brings up a good point, why were none of the adult female characters paranoid of being arrested for statutory rape? At one point in the Social link of the journalist woman you have to lie and say your a boyfriend of her. As if that would somehow get her OUT of trouble with her boss, bitch could get arrested.
>Entire game is a huge drag full of text pop ups, text boxes and uninteresting padding filler shit.This speaks for itself, or doesn't because its just bland writing on a screen.
>Literally all the female characters are sexualized massively. Ann - throughout the entire game from start to finish, Haru - her shitty sub plot of her fiance, even fucking Makoto at one point by the mobsters, even the computer girl who's a first year comments about why and how her costume is skin tight. Good question Futuba why in a game about breaking the shackles of oppressors is your fucking costume skintight when your clearly not comfortable with it being?
It puts a sick taste in your mouth as the game tries to tell you to fight against this as a form of discrimination telling you to stand up to people who treat you as a sex object, but also all females must be sex objects.
And that leads me to the next point and probably the most important the conveyance of themes in the game is trash, and definitely the weakest in all of Atlus storytelling ever, inclusive of the SMT and Persona series.
Basically its fighting against itself to express what the core ideas are but the core ideas are constantly contradicted and muddled to the point of confusion the overall impression is weak due to this, contrast this to the ever present themes of mortality and death present in P3, and as gay as P4 is, the constant themes of friendship and unity. Both games have clear themes expressed pretty strongly in the case of P3 where your literal evokers are guns you shoot in your with.
The masks in P5 are literally just to look cool, they symbolize bullshit and aren't necessary in Mementos or palaces, at some points in the game the characters aren't wearing them and whether or not this is forgotten or poor writing isn't explained.
>The game becomes extremely repetitive fast, after the second dungeon you'll get bored shitless.
>There are no "stakes" P3 had
>the dark hour, basically zombification of people by apathy syndrome and the literal destruction of the world by Nyx. P4 had
>gruesome murders, the potential threat of murder as a stake even moreso murder of your own friends and schoolmates. P5 has
>you might be expelled and have to go to a different school lel. Booh fucking hoo.
>Its highly unrealisticThis is debatable since it is fucking Persona but P5 tries to be so realistic and relatable to modern life that I feel this actually should be brought up as a
valid point. The idea of Mementos is barely developed upon in addition to it being some vague manifestation of human emotions representing the bulk of the city.
>The Social links suck ass and are the weakest in the seriesAnns is the most blatantly weak followed by Yusukes I believe. Additionally the NEET character unrealistically breaks out of her shell almost immediately which sucks, they had so much potential for these characters but wasted Anns arc on a pointless bicker with some rival model, Yusukes is literally just he weird, Futubas sucks and is unrealistic. At some points she's timid of being outdoors then she becomes enamored with it. There's no consistency.
>The concept of "hearts" is never explained enoughIts left vague almost on purpose. Its not clear whether you can kill individuals by taking their treasures.
>The whole group thingThe phantomthieves don't feel like they'd actually associate with each other due to their severe differences.
The scooby doo thing with P4 worked and the group seemed like genuine friends deeper than P3.
The P3 cast were forced together but were aware of each others situations and convictions despite being severely different.
>Everyone is boring and unopinionated , even downright fucking stupid at points.Especially Ryuji and Ann, both are morons
Thank fucking god for Makoto and to a lesser extent before you get Makoto Yusuke. I honestly believe their group would be immediately disbanded and arrested if Makoto never joined, she's very by the books but someone fucking has to be in their situation.
>Inb4 shitty plot twist is coming up but I have no fucking motivation to finish this trash fire.I'd rather replay Nocturne, or drop it for SMT V. At this point I shouldn't be expecting a plot twist but its become a fucking meta in the Persona series which is just cancerous.
There's an unofficial meta to Persona games now the meta is basically this:
have 4-6ish main characters with funny boi who your friend, MC, and grill also retarded mascot thing which never existed before 4.
It could be argued that Komaru was a mascot to 3 but it was literally just a fucking dog not a mascot, not a caricature of an animal, not some inhuman shit, just a dog. Aegis was equal to a person not a shitty mascot this is sort of the focus of "The Answer".
There's a mandatory p l o t w i s t in every Persona game now as well which hurts my fucking brain.
There's an awful amount of female characters to the point of cringe its become a straight up waifu, harem sim. I might ask why in a game about defeating discrimination is there so same sex options but you can hook up illegally with the teacher and random journalist woman?
>"Discrimination"At many points in the game Yusuke is teased for being eccentric and he's downright living off scraps at some points in the game, Ryuji is constantly berated by the cat to a deafening level for being stupid. There's points in the game where you have to escape a bunch of random gay men on a beach.
>MFW P5 is toted as the best game ever getting great reviews.Fuck this shit. Fuck Atlus for delaying this shit for 3 years.
The only people who think this is the best game of their lives are fucks who never played a SMT or Persona game in their lives, this is a rehash/recycling that can barely hold a candle to P4 let alone P3 or the SMT series.
I could literally go on forever about shit I despised in this trash heap but I've bored you enough.
For a game that obsesses over hearts this one sure had no fucking heart in it, and with its shitty writing effectively broke mine.
No. 15384
>>15383>I could literally go on forever about shit I despised in this trash heap but I've bored you enough.No please go on, I'm interested. I want to play Persona 5 because of the gameplay but I can't yet, and megaten fans' opinions interest me. A lot of reasons why you dislike P5 were already in P3 and P4 somehow, and I remember everyone thinking that P5 was going to be innovative when the first trailers were shown by Atlus so I'm really curious.
>retarded mascot thing which never existed before 4I liked Teddie a lot but I feel like his role was going to be very different until Atlus decided that they needed a cute mascot because it sells. I was really disappointed when Morgana appeared for the first time in trailers because of that.
No. 15385
>>15383>Inb4 shitty plot twist is coming up but I have no fucking motivation to finish this trash fireoh baby, you haven't gotten to it (or "them," i guess) yet?
very good post, but i feel like you would've really had a field day with the fun plot twist(s) at the end.
No. 15387
i hate any novel written before mid-late 19th century for the exact same reason literature professors love them: they're long, clunky, usually unnecessarily complicated and their main plot is shit literally nobody cares about. can you imagine praising a book specifically because it's boring and unexciting to read? just say the word Middlemarch to a faculty member and watch them wax poetic about mundane minutae of life in a fictional English village 300 years ago and stilted, starched relationships of its inhabitants being the most universally
valid and beautiful thing ever written about human condition.
novel as a genre was cheap entertainment for newly-emerging middle classes and charles dickens was the equivalent of today's semi-trashy TV series, get over it. yes, they have their place in study of literature but they're crappy as hell. anything old being automatically deemed artistic and sophisticated annoys me so much. if anything, they're much less sophisticated than highbrow examples of modern literature simply because they were much more primitive and we didn't know any better. same thing goes for early examples of most genres and art forms.
>>15127>>15131thank you. i never understood the appeal either. i cringe so hard when my 30-something friends still make a big deal out of being "Potterheads" and act scandalized when i don't show any interest. there're so many more imaginative and interesting magic and wizardry themed books for children too.
like most anons here, i also find most US "classics" to be highly overrated. The Giver is also a super meh book i can't stand when praised too much.
No. 15390
>>15389Writing rape is fine. But I just don't enjoy his books, and that's an aspect of it.
Daenerys is forced in to a marriage by her brother, and then raped- but eventually she starts saying yes during the act, and then falls in love with him. Uh huh. If the end goal was for her to fall in love with him, the rape makes no sense and was unnecessary.
Joffrey's abuse of Sansa was to… make him look really bad? Show how bad he was? Even when that was shown in a variety of other ways. Show how shitty she was treated, cause that was the only way how? Again, it felt lazy and gratuitous.
Sansa almost gets raped in a riot, but the Hound saves her. Whoo. Thrilling. Brienne is almost raped until Lannister saves her. Ohh. Scary.
And on and on. If you enjoyed the books, good for you. But not everyone is going to enjoy reading about women being brutalized in the name of ~realism~. Especially when it feels poorly done.
To explain why he includes so much, George R.R. Martin said
>I wanted my books to be strongly grounded in history and to show what medieval society was like, and I was also reacting to a lot of fantasy fiction…But if you’re going to write about war, and you just want to include all the cool battles and heroes killing a lot of orcs and things like that and you don’t portray [sexual violence], then there’s something fundamentally dishonest about that. Rape, unfortunately, is still a part of war today.Again, I mean, fine. If that's what you're into, go for it. But I don't enjoy reading a "historically accurate" fantasy novel depicting the rape and abuse of women. Its just not my thing. There's clearly an audience for the book series, and that's good for him and those who find it entertaining. It doesn't wind me up that people find it entertaining, so I don't know why fans get so upset that some people just don't enjoy it.
You're annoyed people say
> ‘I’m a woman so I don’t like rape so I don’t like GoT’It's totally fine if someone doesn't want to read about characters resembling them getting abused in a way that is "realistic." If someone is like "I'm a woman, and I don't want to read about other women getting raped, especially when its grounded in history and actual events." That's totally fine to me. If they said "I
wish the books had less abuse of women so I could enjoy them more," I think that's also totally
valid. If they say shit like "the books NEED to be edited to remove the content I dislike," that's a different kind of complaint and pretty dumb.
No. 15392
>>15390I'm not even a big fan of the series/books but seems like you misread it.
>If the end goal was for her to fall in love with him, the rape makes no sense and was unnecessary.It's important to remember she was only thirteen when she was married to Drogo, so I wouldn't consider it 'real love' and I'd even go as far as saying it wasn't the author's intent. Daenerys is meant to start out as a child and slowly grow into a woman and that includes enduring Drogo's barbaric ways, I don't agree with it either and found it boring but I can see why it was necessary to the plotline.
>Joffrey's abuse of Sansa was to… make him look really bad?Yeah, because that's the worst thing he did… You forget this is the same character who cut open a cat mom's belly just to show the kittens to his father when he was only a child. Joffrey was clearly insane and didn't want Sansa sexually, only liked tormenting her. His abuse of Sansa is pretty much on pair with his sadistic personality, it's not that complicated.
>Sansa almost gets raped in a riot, but the Hound saves her. Whoo. Thrilling.Sandor's older brother pressed his face against the fire until it melted when he was just a child but obviously Sansa almost being raped is so much worse than that. Theon also almost gets raped in the series and books if I remember correctly, but obviously you'd only care about the female characters.
>Brienne is almost raped until Lannister saves her. Ohh. Scary. And what did you expect, to see her breaking free from her chains and killing everyone? As you said GRRM likes keeping his books a little bit more realistic. Jaime lost a hand trying to save her and Vargo Hoat had his ear bitten off when he tried to violate her, I don't see why you make her look like some damsel in distress.
>>15389 said, it's not depicting only the female character's suffering so I don't see why it is somehow worse than the explicit violence in the books. It just reeks of third wave feminism. And even though imo his books are far from perfect, I agree with him here.
>"I can describe an axe entering a human skull in great explicit detail and no one will blink twice at it. I provide a similar description, just as detailed, of a penis entering a vagina, and I get letters about it and people swearing off." No. 15394
>>15093I hate how it's becoming common place that there's no more clue, warning or atmosphere change to introduce a sex scene in movies and television, specially in stuff from Netflix, Amazon, etc.
I'm not always in the mood to watch fake sex out of no where, what the fuck, the media acts like people have sex all the time with whatever people like it's a handshake.
What if I'm with kids or family near the screen? At least start with a kiss scene or lights down so that the audience knows what's coming.
No. 15395
>>15362>>15364Hey I like Destiny. And yeah Destiny 2 was a terrible sequel. They messed up so many things. The gameplay and UI aspects were the most confusing, because they spent so long fixing them in the first game.
And I have so many problems with the storytelling. We still haven't gotten a continuation of the main stories from D1. Instead it's just random side stories. I didn't care about Ghaul in the first place, I wanted to see what happened to Mara Sov.
A point that really bothers me, though, is that while the writing is bad, I can't stand that all the blame goes to Christine Thompson. Destiny always had a fairly progressive fandom, until the PC players came along. It's funny how so many people are willing to overlook the trash writing in the first game (barring the somewhat decent Taken King), but as soon as someone figured out the head writer for D2 is a woman, they started calling for her to be fired. The writing has been at its current level since Rise of Iron, but people didn't care at the time because they got everything else they wanted. Entitlement is a big issue in that fandom, it seems. Anyways sorry for the sjw rambling, I'm probably overreacting.
No. 15398
>>15318what fucking idiot ever rooted for Dany? books or tv she was a complete fucking moron and scrapes by bc of those damn dragons.
I'm still salty that none of the GoT chars are fleshed out correctly. s1 and s2 and even a bit of s3 were so promising and now we have this shitfest.
I do enjoy the books more than that shitshow on HBO, but maybe that's bc I love chars over story. it's exactly what keeps me holding on for MCU… even after they let me down time and time again.
I don't know if anyone's mentioned Stranger Things yet. but it's fucking ridiculous to me. I get the Stephen King nostalgia/80's bullshit, but goddamn, that entire show is just every King book in a fucking blender. Firestarter and IT and Carrie all mashed up into one bullshitty show that may or may not be going places. altho tbh that's King down to a tee. he can write a story but he can't take it anywhere or end it.
No. 15402
>>15400Nope, I was thinking of It by Stephen King. I don’t get how Stranger Things and It are the same, except I guess they’re both about a group of kids? But even then, the characters are all wildly different.
>>15401I agree. And cause that kid was in both the remake of It and the Stranger Things show, everyone sees them as more similar than they are. Even though the character he plays is completely different.
No. 15403
>>15399I’ve never seen the remade It but the book takes place in the 80’s, deals with horrifying monsters, a group of uncool teens who deal with some kind of strange monster the rest of the town knows nothing about or believe in.
You sub Pennywise for a demogorgon, swap the kids and add in some Firestarter government experiments with Carrie powered results.
The Duffy bros or whoever legit stated many times that they were inspired by their favorite parts of Stephen King. (altho, i did hear that they ended up plagarising Stranger Things from a college kid or something? who the fuck knows if that’s true or not)
You’ve got to be blind to believe there aren’t parallels between King’s books and the series.
No. 15404
>>15403>takes place in the 80’s, deals with horrifying monsters, a group of uncool teens who deal with some kind of strange monster the rest of the town knows nothing about or believe in.That’s not enough to say the show is just
>>15398>Firestarter and IT and Carrie all mashed up into one bullshitty show It’s more E.T than It. Or the Goonies. Or Stand By Me.
Or a dozen other 80s movies. No. 15405
>>15404I def. agree that Stranger Things is a mishmash of 80’s movies and tropes like ET and It and The Goonies and a hundred other 80’s products. I enjoy that part.
I’m just not a fan of it bc it doesn’t seem original in any way to me. Movies like The Goonies and ET and books like Carrie and It were all original ideas- ST seems like each of these really interesting 80’s ideas all blended together to make it what it is. None of the concepts that are in ST are original and they haven’t been executed as well as they could be (altho it is only s2, so hopefully it goes upwards).
I just don’t get the hype of it. It’s literally cherry picking parts from every hit 80’s book/movie and throwing them all together to make a show. It’s nothing new or original. Just my opinion tho. I know people love it- which is super great. But, Netflix hasn’t done a great job taking all these tropes and concepts and making them into something unique imo.
No. 15408
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>>15407Funny, I don’t remember this scene in Stranger Things.
>Their appearance is similar to humans, but with several differences, namely horn-like protrusions on the forehead and the presence of telekinetic invisible arms called "Vectors". >an event which causes her to develop a secondary, childlike personality known as Nyu.They might have been inspired by it, but they definitely didn’t rip it off. Unless Eleven developed a second personality, horns, and telekinetic arms kek
>More recently I had seen an anime called Elfen Lied that is clearly inspired by Akira. And that was really influential. When I watched it I thought it felt like an ultraviolent E.T. There were a lot of things in there that I really liked and that made their way into the show, particularly related to the character of Eleven.They also mention Akira and Silent Hill, among the 80s movies.’s definitely a derivative work but it’s not a rip off of any one thing, and neither are any characters just cut outs from any one movie or show. They’re a jumble of nostalgia and references.
>the creators admitted that they ripped off Eleven from Elfen LiedSo gonna go with no, that’s not what they said or did. Being influence by something is not the same as ripping it off.
Still didn’t watch the second season all the way through because I thought it was predictable and boring, but that’s besides the point lol
No. 15409
I can't stand Stranger Things, imo it's so unispired and boring. And the fans are so annoying acting like it's some masterpiece. My brother actually got mad at me when I said I didn't like it.
No. 15410
>>15406Right, so you’re saying that if you see a show which blatanly copies many aspects of books and movies and television, blends them all together in an uninspired fan-nostalgia (bc the creators were those 30 y/olds who did do all of that, and they admit it many times), that you wouldn’t understand why it got so much fanfare?
I get that this is something new and exciting to the younger crowd and even my age; but they haven’t improved anything. They haven’t changed anything. This isn’t groundbreaking in any way- despite what people treat it as.
>>15409I totally agree- I don’t mind sitting and watching it as one of those mindless tv shows- I enjoy all the aspects of it- but the fans fucking ruin it. It isn’t that fucking great. At all. It’s a pretty average tv show for what it is.
No. 15412
>>15182I about 15 chapters on a binge and couldn't/can't understand for the life of me how anyone could see it as romantic/a love story… It's fetishizing and gross, at best
I thought some of the elements were interesting: stalker being caught by another criminal and then becoming a
victim of crimes he would've likely perpetrated when stalking wasn't enough of a thrill anymore. And the police officer trying to solve it all. Could've done without the torture porn, obviously.
No. 15413
>>15411I think people mainly became obsessive with it when it was still on-going and there were a lot of questions and suspens. I remember in middle school when I was really into HP, the media were all over it too, and there were multiple magazines aiming for a lot of different readers talking about how the last volume could possibly end right before it got released. And many adults who are still obsessed with HP seemed to have been kids or teenagers when the series was still on-going so there's also the nostalgia factor.
> it comes off as a bit pathetic when it's basically a personality trait.I feel like that could apply to every fandom at this point, since they all have fans who seem to only live for their favorite series or celebrities to the point where it get creepy.
No. 15415
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The Picture of Dorian Gray. Everyone and their mother seems to love this book but to me it's just meh. I admit that Wilde has a nice writing style and there are some great quotes but reading it just felt so annoying and exhausting, almost like a chore. I even read it twice to see if I missed something, but nope I still don't see it. I might try one more time because it might be something on my part since this is so universally beloved.
No. 15418
>>15415Books don't make it to the canon because they're enjoyable or well-written or anything like that, it makes no sense to think you disliked it because you missed something.
Most classical books people like are just a combination of tolerable plot and high status anyway. If you're not autistic levels into literature you're better off reading the best-seller tier stuff everyone else reads that you'll likely enjoy. I don't mean it in a demeaning way, btw, it's just less of a waste of time.
No. 15419
>>15415hey, i agree. i read it recently and it's… meh. wilde can come up with some witty sentences but other than that… it's a bit of a struggle haha. it's like - i can see what he's going for and all the ~subtext~ and ~hidden meaning~ but… it does nothing for me lol. i don't like most of his other work either, just not that into the whole #aesthetics and symbolism thing he's got going on i suppose.
>>15418>Books don't make it to the canon because they're enjoyable or well-written>you're better off reading the best-seller tier stuff…what?
just because anon disliked one book from the "canon" (whatever that is…) doesn't mean all of the classics are shit and not worth reading. pls love yourself.
No. 15427
>>15420No you’re totally right anon. YA is trash for kids and adults who read it and gush or obsess over the fandoms are freakish.
There’s nothing wrong with reading it if it’s where you’re at re reading level,(because, dead serious, who the fuck actually needs to be able to analyse literature)
It gets weird when just about every mid twenties woman I meet gushes about Harry Potter/hunger games/whatever vampire junk it is this week. It’s almost always all paranormal romance.
I’m a raging fuckin snob (dont push your kids into academia, plz) and idk how to react we discover we both like to read and share favourites.
It’s a garbage book’s nearly 400 pages of a horny teenagers weird fanfiction. The antagonists name is literally Latin for ‘evil vampire’ and there were 75 mentions if the love interests ‘steely grey eyes’
What the fuck did you get out of that?
I know it’s partly because I’m an insufferable snob but goddamn, as a genre it is stuffed to the brim with garbage stories by garbage authors.
No. 15429
>>15428>defends "classics">talks about how such rankings and classifications may not be validYou sound dumb and exactly like the pretentious people I referred to in my post who read "classics" (lmao) and think that makes them very smart.
I don't think people should read "shitty YAs", I just think the common "shallow" books criticised by pretentious cunts very worried about teh classiks and ~art~ have their merit, and that if someone's not interested in the history of literature, writing as an artform, literary theory and criticism etc they're wasting their time reading complicated books that are considered "classics" precisely because those into literature say so. Not that people can't also enjoy these books, but assuming they'll be "good" books by regular people's standards (and if they dislike the books they're "missing something") because they're "classics" is misguided. We're taking about different audiences with different interests and different approaches.
And tbh I don't believe someone who says "canon whatever that is" and refers to books as "classics" is familiar with the academics surrounding literature. You sound like you just googled that
No. 15430
>>15429Nta but holy shit you're sounding more pretentious than any person concerned with the "academics of literature"
>>15422Same. I try time and time again to get into it but I just can't. The opening is pretty good though.
I am so tired of twist games and anime that mix cute/moe shit with horror. People say madoka started that but even madoka had things going on from the first episode so there weren't any tricks. Doki doki literature club, omori, undertale and other western attempts at it are even more cringey than when Japan does it. Half the time there is absolutely no point to the plot and creators use the "it's open ended" excuse for not properly planning their series. You see it a lot with rpg maker games like pocket mirror or dreaming mary. And it's even worse when people eat it up like it's the second coming of christ and write theories that have more thought put into them than the original.
No. 15432
>>15411Similar here, I liked HP a lot, but I was never that much into it to the point of buying merch, cosplaying, going to see the movies in theaters or even participating in the fandom. However, once all books were finally out and the excitement died down, I suddenly discovered HP fandom with all of its drama, shipping wars, crazy theories, snapewives and contrived fanfiction, and I fucking loved that. I still like browsing HP forums and fansites, both dead and active ones.
So basically, I don't love HP, but I love reading about people who are obssessed with it.
>>15415OT, but why the fuck did they put Liszt on the cover? I know he was madly popular at the time, but he hardly fits that book.
Sage for ot sperging in general.
No. 15433
>>15415While I don't think Dorian Gray is perfect because it does a drag a bit (what was up with the whole entire chapter about him finding treasure and shit?) But I think it does a good job of showing corruption of innocence from influence with the relationship of Lord Henry and Dorian.
The best part of the novel for me was always about Dorian trying to fight to stay good while dealing with his obsession with staying young and getting more deprived
Though if you're not into that; I can understand why you don't like the book.
No. 15434
>>15433I really enjoy "canon" or at least "classic" books. Like The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, The Metamorphosis, The Scarlet Letter, Of Mice and Men, Dracula, etc. I get they're not for everyone, but I feel like people who bitch about them and how they're boring didn't give them a fair chance outside of a school setting.
Invisible Man is one of my favorite books in general. But I hated Fahrenheit 451 even though I get why its such a significant piece of literature. Catcher in the Rye can fuck off tho.
No. 15439
>>15437I like him in smaller dosages, but man, 1Q84 was just a fucking slog and felt like a waste of time.
Also I get he loves pubic hair but I don't need so much emphasis on it.
No. 15441
>>15438ikr. he's just written 1 story several times.
the best murakami is the first murakami you read. its downhill from there
No. 15451
>>15450So why post anything about it?
It’s annoying to be surrounded by adults who brag about being well read when they spend six months plodding through christens books.
No. 15452
>>15444No shame about liking Hunger Games. Those books are great and well-written, especially in regards to the sociology of the world and character psychology.
If you want to branch out, maybe think what themes or topics interest you and look for lists with books concerning them? For example, mental illness, paranormal romance, dystopia etc. Try some of the adult books from the list.
No. 15453
>>15452>hunger games>well writtenPick one anon, because it’s not both. YA is rarely written well, and teen romances set in prototypical dystopias aren’t even close to good, let alone verging on literary or important.
On topic opinion- every single ‘paranormal romance’ is trash and fans of it are kindly letting you know they are dim and have poor taste. It is impossible to write anything about a sexy ghost that isn’t trash.
No. 15457
>>15456How else can the reader self insert if there’s no character description?
Bonus points when the female lead is quirky, clumsy, brunette, and totes not like the other girls
No. 15458
>>15453>>15456>>15455That's like, your opinion, anons.
Battle Royale is too different to call HG a rip-off, but I guess that would kill your hate-boner.
If HG is a rip-off of BR than Stranger Things is a rip-off of Elfen Lied kek.
BR is not allowed to be the only series about teens killing other teens because evil government.
I like many things about HG, though I'm not a fan of Nabokov-like writing style. Though I agree that dropping description of main character is fanfiction-worthy mistake, I don't mind it if the rest is good. I don't think I even noticed it while reading, kek. I enjoyed the world-building, the way the fictional society was depicted. Katniss was interesting character with all her contradictions (like hating her motherfor her depression yet becoming almost useless due to ptsd).
Not saying HG is some literary classic, but it's good and on a completely different level than Twilight or The Fault In Our Stars.
No. 15461
>>15458It’s more poorly written than John Greens stuff in a technical sense, (Suzanne Collins needs a fucking copy editor as badly as she needs kidneys) and I’ve taken dumps with better literary content than twilight, so being slightly better plot-wise is hardly praise.
It’s fine to enjoy young adult stories, you don’t need to stan for a kids book.
>>15460Does anyone here read books marketed to people over 15?
No. 15463
>>15462Nobody is upset, just asking. I’m clearly not a fan of it but that’s got nothing to do with the readers themselves.
As far as suggestions go, sirens of titan, stranger in a strange land, and alias grace were really good imo. It would depend on what genres and topics you’re interested in though.
No. 15464
>>15461I don't stan for them, I just enjoy them enough to own a copy. I see them as entertainment and that's it. (Which, as a sidenote, Battle Royale is too, except with more violence porn and literal porn - with middleschoolers to boot, kek. No wonder everyone had to get aged up when the manga came out here).
Maybe John Green's stuff is better edited,but the plot is pure wish-fullfilment drivel and tragedy porn. Hate how he panders to teens with writing adults as idiots in comparison to his teen protags (at least that was the case with The Cancer Girl's mom).
I don't see why someone should be ashamed of reading/liking HG, though reading just YA is a bit too much.
Don't get why you care so much about someone disagreeing with you. It's fine for you to disagree HG.
No. 15466
Those who read books from decades ago, and try to apply current ideas and social constraints, should look into the history, and social climate when the books were written. It has not been any great period of time since Women disguised themselves as men, or avoided revealing themselves as female, to get published. J.K. Rowling comes to mind and there are many others. Piers Anthony wrote during a time when 'boys will be boys' was still acceptable, and non-consensual sex was still considered "a fate worse than death". Marriage could occur, with the parents consent, at the age of 15, and pedophilia was so deeply buried that it wasn't even mentioned in "polite society". To expose such topics, in whatever way, and to champion the "sexual revolution" which was still brand-new, was a far cry from all the stupidity one encounters in the reviews currently published. Just consider that Misogyny was considered a 'life choice' in those days, and LGBT was still a criminal offense, in most states. You cannot judge any work, from an earlier time, by today's criteria, since times have changed and many of the things which we consider 'wrong' were simply 'scandalous' when they were written. Emily Dickinson was unable to publish as she chose, while she was alive, but no one seems to remember it being because she was female. If you don't know what you're talking about, then don't talk. The "#MeToo" movement would have resulted in jail time for the "lying women" involved, in the late fifties and early sixties. Think about that, for a moment.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 15467
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The Female Man by Joanna Russ
Everyone hales it as some great feminist milestone but it seems so disjointed and incontinent and the only defense people have for the writing was Joanna wanted to establish a "feminine writing" that is nothing like classic male way of writing of that its supposed to be that
also her weird little femcel fantasy
No. 15468
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This was me when I started reading The Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follett. It was so damn horrible and I want my time back
No. 15473
>>15472I know they're kids but they acted like cartoon kids. Like the whole thing with the photograph, what actual teenage boy screams and cries like the MC in the movie over photo?
The music was awful too, I don't remember the scene exactly but that weird "romantic" music that plays when one of the girls and boys is talking in some cottage/hiding place is horrible! It's like I as watching anime.
So by childish I mean the characters are written in childish way that you would expect from children's media but I see this happening with japanese drama series supposedly meant for adults too that they're written like cartoon characters. It's jarring.
No. 15525
>>15468I had to force myself to keep reading in the beginning but I do think it got much better eventually. Or maybe I just acclimatised, I don't know. Though I agree that I don't really understand why it became a cult classic.
>>15477How does this adaption handle the rape scenes? Including the part with Tom and Ellen in the forest after
Agnes dies and they lose the baby because that very nearly made me put the book down permanently. How the fuck was that supposed to be romantic?
Honestly there were too many parts where it felt like I was reading the author's self-insert erotic fiction with either Tom or Jack as his author avatars. Adaptations can correct for this sometimes, so I'd be interested in checking it out.
No. 15535
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The Female Man by Joanna Russ
Everyone says its some great feminist milestone
finally decide to read it
it seems so disjointed and incontinent and the only defense people have for the writing was Joanna wanted to establish a "feminine writing" that is nothing like classic male way of writing of that its supposed to be that
also her weird little femcel fantasy
No. 15540
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I pretty much avoid any anime that has teen protagonists and/or is set in an high school. I am so fucking tired of this neverending trope, how boring it is and how annoying teens are. I know animes with adults are rare but watching less anime in general has been a benefit
No. 15622
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Does anyone else hate this book? Looking for Alaska is one of the worst books I've ever read, even when for I was in high school. The main character is a pretentious twit. Alaska seems like a stereotypical manic pixie dream girl who is also spoiled. Her emotional instability is so attractive because she is hawt. But she isn't normie either. She's not like other girls!!!!
Also, I don't get how it's so sad that she died while drinking and driving. I understand no one is perfect, but it's not cool to put other people's lives at risk. It's not like she's an ignorant hick living in a bumfuck area where that behavior is normalized either.
This book is targeted towards kids who think they are so intellectual and better than anyone else. But they have no work ethic, have no intellectual curiosity beyond trite quotes, and never want to read anything more challenging than YA fiction. They are the worst.
I imagine that after graduating high school, the main character gets an English degree. He doesn't have the luck/connections that Green has so he works in a shitty office job. lmaoooo
I hate this book so much. Also fuck YA books in general for being overrated af and having such a shitty, toxic culture.
No. 16777
>>15525I found no rape scenes in the game, so you should be fine if that's a
trigger for you. There is one scene where it almost gets to sexual assualt, but it's stopped before hand. I haven't read the book, so I don't have book to game comparisons for you, but I did really enjoy the game.
No. 21966
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fucking atlas shrugged. it was so overrated, i heard so many good things about it and i was really disappointed. to be fair, i didn't finish it, gave up after 200 or so pages. the way it's written is so pretentious and the main character isn't likable. the entire "story" is basically ayn rand rimming capitalism so hard she ruptures its rectum. it's ostentatious garbo, seriously, fuck this book
No. 22318
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>>15323 Mentioned Danganronpa but I'm gonna add to it because holy fuck do I hate these games. I'm so mad it got localized, the fandom was bad enough on tumblr during its fan-translation days, but now the series is everywhere and it's only gotten worse.
I was so happy when I heard about how the third game pissed off the fans with its ending that can be read as the creators going
"we hate this game, we hate this franchise, you're all sick for enjoying this." It's not what they actually meant but seeing all these fans gets upset over how it ended was great. I was hoping this would cause a bigger backlash, I just want to see stupid franchise crash and burn already. Yes, I'm mad.
Also the fanservice is disgusting. Every female character is just there for men to ogle.
No. 22326
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Ghibli movies. Yes, the movies are easy on the eyes but I find Miyazaki's art style pretty bland even though he's a skilled draftsman. I also have way too many friends who go absolutely crazy over these films, have watched them multiple times, and can't stop gushing about them when they are brought up. I guess it isn't actually hate from my end but I'm just so over these movies at this point.
No. 22327
>>15100Ik this post is a year old but I clicked on this thread specifically to bitch about this book. I almost failed my first semester of American Lit cause I could barely get through the whole thing and the book report after was a huge chunk of our grade.
>>22326I like a lot of Ghibli movies a lot, but I will never understand the obsession with Totoro. It's such a non movie. It reminded me a lot of Bambi, really cute, easy to look at, but there's no real plot. It's boring.
No. 22346
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>>22326The only Ghibli movies I genuinely like are Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle, the others are such a bore.
I tried rewatching Princess Mononoke last year and I could not focus at all. The story had a lot of holes in it. Totoro is cute, but the story is really slow. I also didn't like Spirited Away that much either. Loved the character designs, but the movie itself is… eh.
I can't get into a majority of Zelda games. Ocarina of Time was boring. Majora's Mask was worse and difficult in not even a fun way.
However, I did like Twilight Princess, but I had the Wii version so I probably would've liked it more and actually finished it if I used a Gamecube controller.
No. 22363
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Totoro and Ponyo are my favorite Ghibli films because they both capture the same thing: comfy childhood joy. I love films that take place in rural settings with childhood as its main theme. I saw them both as an adult but the way they make me feel is very special.
As far as visuals I like Princess Kaguya above all else. The painterly art style is extremely expressive and stands out amongst the Ghibli fikmography, especially during the emotional climax of the movie.
No. 22416
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>>22371“ironic” sexism is still sexism, dipshit
anyways since video game moralfagging pissed anon off so much, can i just say how much i hate the witcher 3 and its shitty woman pandering nonsense? the whole game is riddled with this typical male brand of faux-feminism and there’s one storyline that’s a perfect microcosm of the whole thing:
this female warrior goes into battle with her tits out (pic related) and gets chided by her male superior for putting herself in danger and does the classic “i’m an empowered woman and i can wear what i want!” shit (which you just know the male writers were patting themselves on the back for) and we’re meant to cheer for her as if she’s a real person and not a fictional character deliberately designed to be sexually titillating by a bunch of men. this tone deaf shit makes my blood boil like no other, not to mention it kind of loses its edge when 90% of the female npcs in the game have their tits out anyways, including random villagers and noblewomen.
i hate to see how much praise this game gets, even in supposedly feminist circles. and i’ve never played the first two games but i’ve heard they’re even worse than the third in regards to misogyny, so i won’t even bother.
No. 22423
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Fuck this character and everything he stands for. I've never seen anyone write a more obnoxious, overpowered, morally ambiguous, virtue signalling piece of shit. He was literally only in the show to fuck shit up when things started getting too easy for whoever he sided with. Ruins the entire show. He should've killed his father and then himself.
No. 22445
>>22346Have you watched Castle in the Sky? It's easily the best Ghibli movie. I agree with you on Princess Mononoke, I couldn't get into it at all despite trying multiple times but I thoroughly watched Howl's Moving Castle and that shit was ridiculously bad with tons of plotholes and questions left unanswered. Spirited Away wasn't that memorable.
Totoro and Kiki were good but Castle in the Sky was great and actually had something going on compared to their other films.
As for Zelda, you kind of have to discover it as a kid to get it. Wind Waker is the best one in all aspects but I'm surprised you didn't like OoT as that's second best. TP was shit.
No. 22455
>>22454Well she said she's not into zelda so her opinion on that isn't
valid at all.
No. 22456
>>22416Reminds me of some male and also female gamers who are huge fans of Bayonetta like to go on about how empowerful she is.
>in b4 she is a strong independant woman and the designer is femaleMeanwhile, male developers were obsessing about making her ass "perfect" before the game was out, her clothes are actually her hair, etc etc free to love the game but don't pretend it's not full of objectification.
No. 22464
>>22332Danganronpa's popularity among the tumblr crowd continues to baffle me. I get the first game since it's light on the ~
problematic~ elements, but by Another Episode I expected people to disown the series now that 10 year olds were the
victims of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. However as far as I know there wasn't any outrage, I guess because it's a spin-off so people didn't care for it.
>I bought the third game as it got released and never played it but if it pissed off the obnoxious fans then I'm looking forward to this.My friend got me the third game after I heard about fans getting pissy and as someone who used to like DR before it went to shit, watching the ending and everything unfold was pretty satisfying knowing it outraged the fanbase that much. Seeing as you've already bought the game it won't hurt giving it a go if you wanna see what upsetted everyone, if you're anything like me you might find yourself liking hate-playing it.
No. 33672
>>15415This post is super old but I just find it so weird that the cover photo of that book is of a composer named Franz Liszt
By the way, has anyone ever read the book "their eyes were watching good"? I'm sorry, but that book was actually so fucking boring to me I can't even begin to explain how much I didn't want to read it. We had to do it as a requirement in school before and honestly I just looked up summaries of the entire thing. I'm guessing I expected more from it because my teacher was all like "it's one of the best books I've ever read" but it was just another story about a black woman maturing through her years around the time of slavery. It just wasn't that interesting to me.
No. 33689
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I think I only managed to make it about 300 pages into Carry On. Annoying characters, annoying writing, constantly switching POV with no matching character voice. Whenever I mention not being able to get into it or finish it, people give excuses like 'oh it's supposed to read like fanfiction' or 'it gets better'. And, yeah. It does read like fanfiction. Shitty fanfiction. And if I wanted to read shitty fanfiction, I'd go somewhere else. Besides, I shouldn't have to trudge through 300 pages of bad writing, hoping it's gonna get better.
Also, it's so nice to see that I'm not the only one who's not that into Ghibli films. I was pretty indifferent to them to begin with, but after what they did to Howl's Moving Castle, I just can't sit through any Ghibli film without being reminded of how they threw out some of my favorite aspects of the book.
No. 33708
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I honestly can't wait for people to get tired of Marvel movies. The last one I actively watched was Civil War and it's been a complete trainwreck since.
The movies are just so mediocre I don't understand how the gp eats this shit up.
No. 33714
>>33708god, yes. marvel movies are so fucking exhausting.
i'm probably gonna be shitted on for saying this, but i hate anime. i used to be obsessed with it when i was a teenager, but now that i'm older, i look back and all i see are overdone tropes, rampant misogyny, and boring two-dimensional characters. i haven't watched an anime that i've genuinely liked in years, and even those animes i look back on now that i used to like just don't have the same luster that they did back when i was a kid.
not to mention that anime has caused a surge in men becoming freaky sex pests. i'm talking about dudes that wear ahegao jackets and supreme logo mock-ups with "hentai" on them in public. that shit's fucking weird and i can't wait for that trend to die.
No. 33804
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Webtoons "choose the style you like" page is like choosing the best piece of trash. All the rop comics are either 'tumblr romance' or 'reddit comedy'. All the top horror stories aren't scary, but are just weird (Most of them I only read out of this weird desire to see what happens). The site also suffers from this gigantic issue of all comics either being popular or being some 12 year old's fan project. Like the discover page is horrendous artists, with no followers, and amazing artists, with lots of followers. No inbetween. The only thing you need to be popular is good art, or at least make it aesthetically pleasing, and constant updates.
Also I found "home sweet home" hilariously bad and "Bastard" was an edgefest.
No. 33819
>>33708>I honestly can't wait for people to get tired of Marvel movies.It's already kind of happening. Now that the franchise has so many movies and TV shows, retconned and canceled one of the most interesting ones (Agent Carter) because it would contradict the last minutes of Endgame, and now that so many short series are planned for Disney+, the whole MCU will be a giant mess the way the comics are and normies will only care about some of the new movies depending on their favorite characters.
And since the MCU lost its two poster boys I feel like a lot of people already decided to stop caring about any new releases.>>33714>i haven't watched an anime that i've genuinely liked in yearsSame for me, I can only enjoy watching anime or reading manga if I'm very picky. Which is normal but anime fans seem to think you have to watch everything that's released each new season to say you like or dislike anime, which I think is really weird since there are so many series and so many different demographics.
No. 34001
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>>33999what i'm kind of curious about is how mgs and kojima have stayed so popular and relevant. mgs 1 came out before most of the zoomers on the internet were born, mgs 4 came out 11 years ago, and mgs 5 was incomprehensible to anyone who hadn't played a previous mgs game. how did mgs not sort of fade away, in a "remember these games i used to love when i was 12? they were so good! too bad no one talks about them anymore…" i feel like most people who grew up with mgs are at that age where they're losing interest in video games.
the older games are annoying to play if you're used to games with better controls. you can't even play mgs 4 without a ps3. so how did kojima generate so much hype for death stranding?
No. 34043
>>34001Maybe it's unbelievable to you, but a lot of people kept up with MGS throughout all the consoles. It's not that hard. Look at Kindom Hearts, first game came out in 2002, the sequel in 2005. We only got the third one just now and in the meantime Square kept shitting out midquels/prequels on all the systems possible… and yet people were hyped for KH3.
Plus whatever you say about Kojima, he's one of the few author gamedevs. He's got a vision and a personality. Crazy marketing ideas (like what happened with MGSV) also probably helped.
I know a lot of people who played MGS in their childhood and kept on following the series. It's one of a kind, and it appeals to both patient kids and slightly spergy adults (not that MGS is meant for kids, but you know…).
Part of DS hype is that people are happy to see Kojima work on a new project after the Konami basement bullshit. He is an industry legend and at least deserves fair treatment.
Death Stranding also involves famous actors and seems weird as hell. No wonder people wanna play it.
No. 34633
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Masterclass feels like another form of the "I don't have to work to get good. I just need to figure out the masters secrets" (look at /ic/ as the purest form of this). It's a lot cheaper to just buy a few 'how to' books. Also the fact master classes are aimed at the broadest possible audience you wont learn much if your an intermediate hobbyist or are trying to get a job in said field.
No. 35027
>>15093Steins;gate is SO BAD. But it's literally rated the second highest anime in MAL and the community on r/anime would crucify you for not treating it as a sacred cow.
The first cour is notorious for being mind-boggingly slow and many people admit to dropping it. I dropped it too, but on a re-watch it was a cluster of intrigue, boredom, and a little enjoyment. Just painfully average.
The real kicker apparently is the second cour and the reason why the anime is treated as Jesus as a TV series. Went in with high expectations and damn.. damn… Is it shit.
Spoilers that are vague enough for you to not understand anything, but the people who've watched the series might get it:
We now have 12 episodes left.3 episodes are dedicated to the biggest melodramatic cluster-fucks of character arcs filled with nonsensical events, asspulls and contrived sequences. Essentially filler. Horrendously bad.Two episodes were dedicated to the biggest asspulls in the history of anime. At the ending. Deux ex Machinas so bad my emotional attachment to anything happening was so low because it felt like I was watching a completely different anime from the middle.One episode is dedicated to 20 minutes of a character dying over and over again. Intense but too long.One episode is dedicated to the most melodramatic and cringe interactions between a couple dragged on for 20 minutes. The context is sad, yes, but can I not have 20 minutes of filler in my face? I don't want this!One episode is an exposition dump of the life of a character that jumped back in time. 20 minutes of it. No flashbacks whatsoever. Just a melodramatic and terribly written letter and exposition dumps. What am I doing here? What attachment am I supposed to have with YOUR descriptions of her life?One episode dedicated to uncovering the secret identity of one character. A contrived mess. It was so fucking contrived. The asspull was so fucking lame. What were the odds that it had to be this guy?? What were the odds that all characters had to meet here??. Inanity ensues. Drama happens between his character and this bitch of a character. A slow mo of her collapsing on the ground as she's shot in the face made me giggle, and I'm supposed to feel bad for her. I have no connection with these characters. What am I doing here? 8/12 episodes suck here. I don't remember what even happened in the other 4 honestly.
When I say it's boring. I say it's I-nearly-pulled-my-hair-out-of-my-head boring. When I say it made me angry, I say it's the-type-Ill-make-50000-words-rant-about-it angry, the Ill-punch-the-fans-for-even-liking-this-atrocity angry, and the Ive-suddenly-developed-more-anger-than-a-berserk-moid-on-testosterone-for-20-years-who-punches-walls-and-shit- type of anger. When I say it made me sad, I mean is-this-embarassment-to-humanity-rated-SECOND-on-MAL?-Wtf?WTF???? type of sad.
Moids have terrible and shitty taste. Horrendously bad taste. More news at 11.
No. 35051
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Honestly it isn't that bad but I know this book got a lot of positive reviews for being "so raw & authentic" when some bits are just so goofy and the grammar is kinda obnoxious.
No. 47473
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Fucking Amelie
When i first watched it i thought it was a shitty movie, didn't think much of it, only later i realized it was a huge meme because every other girl i went to school with was shilling it HARD.
>bur amelie, my fav movie es Amelie, dude have you watched Amelie, Amelie is true art, real movie magic, i want to get a Catrina tatooo, i watched Amelie a million times
God, stop, i have actually tried rewatching that shitty film a couple times, and each time it was worst, i can´t stand the Manic Pixie dream girl archetype "uh uh i act retarded and like a 3 yr old , is quirky and autistic fall in love with me, Not like other girls uwu ". I actually liked Delicatessen and City of Lost Children, they were okay, but could never stand Amelie and can't stand the spergs fans.
Also, i am not much of a fan of Leon the Professional and i think is creepy pedo fodder. No surprise you see gifs of it all over tumblr from girls with daddy kinks, yuck.
No. 47630
>>47473I wonder if it's childhood nostalgia? If you see the movie when you are a kid I think it's way better because like you said she acts like a child, so it is way more appealing to children.
Also IIRC the director of Leon was actually a pedo IRL and pedos also loved the movie and sent Natalie Portman letters saying they wanted to rape her so yeah it is definitely pedo pandering garbage.
No. 47672
>>47663There is a book? I kind of want to read it, but can't find any info on it online.
>>47664The Leon in the movie is not a pedo, so I understand why people like the movie. My parents loved it because they saw it as a story about unconventional family bond (in a sense of more serious Despicable Me). When I first saw the movie, I was same age as Matilda and I was very confused if it's a love story or not.
No. 47677
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>>47672sorry, i meant the original screenplay. Been a while since i read about it
"Leon embraces her. He's full of happiness, shame, so many
emotions, he can't control very well. But, hell, how
beautiful it is seeing them sweetly making love." No. 47736
>>47663>>47664Lots of women see Matilda in Leon as an inspirational and empowered character, especially when they saw it too young enough to grasp the idea that actually she had very little power over her life after all. When I was young of course I loved the film, there was a girl my age with the power to kill people, and even though she was my age she was coded as sexy too just like I wanted to be at the time! Same with Hard Candy.
I'm so glad they didn't follow the creepy sex plot, things were bad enough for Natalie Portman as it was.
No. 48019
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Fucking Requiem for a Dream, I don’t care what anyone says.
It’s beyond me how that pretentious crap always ends up on “best movies EvUrr!!1” lists. Is it because so many people had watched it as easily impressed teenagers and view it trough the lens of how it affected them back then?
It’s basically 1,5 hours of shock value and cheap emotional baiting with no depth to it. It feels like an overblown anti-drug PSA. I’m not disputing the message that drugs are bad but how is beating the audience over the head with it in most bombastic ways imaginable considered good filmmaking again? It’s just annoying to me when a director fools people into thinking a movie is deep and thought provoking, when it’s blatantly form over content and I feel like most Arronofsky’s work can be described that way.
Also, cool montage, Darren. Let’s see it 45 more times.
No. 48032
>>48019Its was too hammy and way too cartoony. The movie did make me feel like shit but it was because of how it was directed, everything about it was purposely unpleasant, but that doesn't add any believability to what's happening, as you say it felt like a PSA and everything is over played, i didn't came out of that movie thinking i knew any better about drugs, it was like coming out of an horror film believing in Freddy Krueger.
Even if it has some cartoony momments too and the tone was more like a dark comedy Trainspotting felt more real and hard hitting in that aspect.
No. 48254
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The Goldfinch will always be pretentious garbage to me. Donna Tartt really needs to pull the tree branch out of her ass and start letting her editor actually cut bits out of her manuscripts, not just correct the grammar. The middle of the book, where Theo is in Nevada, dragged like nothing I'd ever read before. There was absolutely no need for ~100 pages straight dedicated to his benders with Boris, just establish that he's a functioning addict and fucking move on!
What gets me even more is how no one ever even mentions how Theo is obsessed with Pippa to the point of stalking her, and if his fiancé weren't also carrying a torch for someone else, he'd no-doubt emotionally abuse her. Pippa isn't even given a last name IIRC, that's how little characterization she's given outside of being Theo's supposed one true love. Even then, their "love" is just rooted in trauma-bonding from the explosion, and we never get to see if they have anything in common outside of that.
There's not one likeable character in the entire book, save maybe Hobie. But I guess that's a theme with Tartt's work, all of which is unbearable. Shame the movie looks so gorgeous.
No. 48332
>>48272The same person did Mother and Black Swan? I didnt mind Mother for the first part of the movie, but then everything went fucking haywire and i wished i was high to even finish that garbage.
Black Swan was pure trash. The main guy in the movie is a freakin creep.
No. 48452
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I am sick of hearing people raving about the twist and how "brilliant" it supposedly is, but it's not, it just makes 99% of the footage of this shitty movie completely useless. And even outside of the twist, the movie is not good, it's just an unimpressive gangster movie (let's not even talk about Singer and Spacey being pedos).
I also found the Godfather to be a giant borefest, 3 hours of men in suits talking and sometimes getting shot at, how thrilling.
No. 48464
>>48272The Wrestler was really great on the other hand. I’d say it’s his best movie, maybe because to me it’s so different from his other work. As in, you feel like you’re watching a movie about a real, living person that you can actually give a shit about, instead of a 2D character meant only as an accessory to Aronofsky’s artistic vision.
>>48032Good point about Trainspotting. What’s funny to me is I’ve seen people shitting on this movie for supposedly glorifying drug addiction, while praising Requiem for a Dream for being a cautionary tale. Which I don’t understand, because imo Trainspotting does way better job at conveying reality. The characters are scummy and ugly but also written in a way that you can laugh at them/with them, because that’s what makes them more fleshed-out and relatable but not necessary likeable. The point is, I don’t see glorification of drug abuse, just a slightly exaggerated portrayal of real people in a very real context of drug-ridden 80s Edinburgh. Whereas in Requiem you have these basic-ass characters who just wanted to fix their lives uwu~ The film basically browbeats you into feeling sympathy for them with the endless misery porn, but once you see past that, it feels really empty. Here’s my hot take: despite all the gross imagery Requiem is way closer to romanticizing drug abuse, in the sense that it shows you those pretty, tortured heroes, who are fighting and losing against the cruel world and forces you to feel for them, instead of actual, sleazy junkies that mostly don’t deserve much sympathy.
The comedy in Trainspotting might be crude, but at least it serves to make characters personable. You need these lighthearted moments to make people relate with your story. Constant pain and and awfulness just get mind-numbing and pointless after a while.
I kinda feel bad for shitting on Requiem so hard though, lmao. It’s definitely a unique visual experience and I can enjoy that, I just wish people would stop making it out to be some kind of masterpiece when it’s just misery porn disguised as art.
No. 48686
>>48670Thank you anon, I've never seen anyone else agree with me on this before. I was so excited for the movie, everyone had told me it was amazing and I loved the premise, but it ended up being a Disney movie with some sex stacked on top.
I wish the alien had actually learned to speak; it's hard to feel invested in a romance between a normal adult and a child-like, abused alien who mostly signs "egg" and "music". He didn't have his own character at all, so how can there be romance between them? The only part where they had actual, fully sapient interactions was when the protagonist imagines dancing with him. It conveyed a lot more about her desires, their relationship and limitations than any other scene did. He just came off as a clingy pet in every other scene.
Also I was super put off by how the movie uses gay men and women just to seem woke. Sassy black woman sidekick, gay man whose only purpose is to suffer so you can see how happy the protagonist is in comparison, even the MC's muteness only serves the purpose to make her "different" and quirky. I understand that the very point of the movie seemed to be about accepting differences, but it didn't seem genuine at all, since it was all so surface-level. It really felt like a movie made by a bunch of old men for what they think young women want.
No. 48707
>>48686Exactly. Its super creepy how he doesn't even talk. There's nothing ever that validates them having sex as a sane thing and natural course of events or them being in love as relatable or believable or even less something to root for. It reminds me of Twilight, it is basically the same thing of spezhul self insert girl loving a monster for reasons and when you think about it the whole thing is full of red flags and i wonder why so many girls keep falling for this trope.
All the characters almost look like some right wing guy wrote them to make fun of the usual leftist stereotypes too. The quirky ~disabled~ uwu girl that is not like other girls. The strong black woman that needs to learn she don't need no man, the incel gay guy who is oppresed by society because the straight dude he stalked didn't want to sleep with him. Come on, its the cheapest, hackiest screenplay ever, and of course in typical tumblrina fan fic fashion the main villain is an extreme "evil guy" caricature of the most satanic demographic: a conservative white male with a job. Soooo lazy and baity. Its great to have social commentary and all but he set out to do it at the expense of a interesting and believable story and well rounded characters and the actual social commentary there is is extremely shallow and cliche.
You are right about the dancing scene, the whole movie stands on one single aesthetically pleasant scene and nothing else.
No. 48734
>>48670I didn’t completely hate this movie but I’m super fucking salty Del Toro made this and not At the Mountains of Madness.
It was already halfway done, at least let the fatso make a Netflix show out of it or something, ffs.
No. 48766
>>48734>I’m super fucking salty Del Toro made this and not At the Mountains of Madness.Me too, a Lovecraft movie would be so perfect for him. I am very salty about all the cool projects Del Toro was involved with that went south. Like Silent Hills and The Hobbit, i think he was supposed to be making a remake of Dr. Moreau. It is heartbreaking, all of those would have been a lot cooler.
>>48721>Also I'm sorry but if you eat my fucking cat you're not getting this poosy.omg i had forgotten about that scene. I would even strangle Antonio Banderas himself if he harmed my cat in any way. That didn't make the creature endearing at all.
No. 52850
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I was hanging out with one of my friends recently and she put pic related up on Netflix.
This movie is as bad as I remember it, holy feck.
No. 52857
>>52856>how it got so populaThe movie bombed hard at the box office actually, deservingly so, it was a shallow movie who's only redeeming quality was referencing other pop culture shit, a trend trend that exists to this day in bs flicks like Ready Player One. It was only popular with fedora wearing neckbeardos that probably also had at least one rageface shirt.
For years cringy sites have been using it as an example of "amazing movies dumb normies didn't get, this is why we can't have nice things waaaaa".
No. 52915
>>52850the manic pixie dream girl schtick hadn't been beaten into the ground as much as it has today so it was less obnoxious to a 2010 audience. I like it now because it's a fun, flashy movie with a good soundtrack and a lot of actors I like in it but I was genuniely into the comics ten years ago and had the movie poster on my wall when that came out. I was just coming to terms with being bi around then and found Alison Pil and Mae Whitman really cute in it, and both their characters were into girls so it was sort of important to me in that respect. Spoilered for austism, but
I'm still mad they cast Micheal Cera honestly. the rest of the cast was perfect but he was so off to me. >>52857I didn't own a rageface shirt, but when I had the movie poster on my wall I covered Cera's face with a printed out trollface.
No. 52969
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I'll never understand what was supposedly so amazing about Gatsby or what made it a classic. Also apparently F Scott Fitzgerald plagiarized a bunch of work from his wife then had her thrown in jail when she tried to accuse him.
No. 55541
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Seriously what the fuck was this? It had an interesting premise and the acting wasn't bad and then it fell for all the Netflix shows have: random sex scenes everywhere, unnecessary violence, and strange unrealistic character reactions to situations in a way that feels like the writer is trying to brainwash you
No. 55673
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>>55542This is like all western shows for the past 10 years or so.
>No fun allowed>Everything has to be shot with a yellow-greenish/green-bluish filter slapped on and contrast and shadows cranked up to the skies>Everything needs to be 3edgy5u, nobody is allowed to smile, everyone needs to have a slightly annoyed stare and talk with either monotonous ranting voice or straight out screaming, at least one character needs to do drugs because that instantly makes a character cool and edgy!! >Preachy politics and beating the corpse of a horse with ~amazing~ fresh takes like like duhh smart phones make us zombies! social media baaaad hurr>Token characters from each minority group that are obviously there just to fill the diversity quota>So many sex scenes it's one nipple/dickshot away from a porno rating, they also drag on WAY too long and become uncomfortable after like 5 seconds>Also so many unnecessary and generic melee fighting scenes that go on and on and turn boring very quick>Having jumpscares equals a smart thriller right?>Gratuitous self inserts in the form of mary sue OCs from the writers>And fuck sense8 and its porn thirsty creators, pic relatedEven when they're trying to make comedy shows they're always mean spirited but NOT funny, the "humor" is either lazy random access pratfalls or more based on the writers ranting about things they don't like through the mouths of the characters. Even that new Matt Groening show turned out to be a snoozefest that wasn't really funny despite him coining two successful comedies before. I'd 100% rather watch shitty, dumb teen shows from the late 90's because at least they seemed somewhat genuine and weren't so up their own asses about trying to be ~an intelligent and unique show~ while being painfully generic.
No. 55674
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>>55541>>55542it was a wachowski production, it was always going to be a mess. I don't think I got past the first episode. the ebul terf at the pride festival making fun of the tranny was hilarious. you know that had to have come from a much more pathetic real life experience one of them had.
No. 55769
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I just wanted to know why Western media decided no fun allowed and boring, shoe horned violence is the best thing ever. Also, why do so many remakes of the 80s just.. do not have that 80's vibe at all? It's so hard to just do a faithful rendition of the 80s? Looking at you mixed-ish.. american horror story..
No. 55786
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This is honestly kind of fucked up , something is wrong with my countries media.
No. 55798
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>>55792Not even 6 months between each other!! WTF
How can someone see this and think, "Yeah this is alright.
No. 55833
>>55786First Ted Bundy, now this. Why? Actual people died because of these shitty men.
Who's next? The Charleston church shooter? Shit's disgusting.
No. 56057
>>15622I know this is six months old but I was obsessed with John Green's work when I was in high school, especially Paper Towns. So much so that I chose a cringy quote from it for my senior year book photo and it haunts me to this day.
As for what I think is overrated now? Disney anything. Yes, I grew up watching Disney movies but I don't get the hardcore obsession so many people have. I've never wanted to go to Disneyland, I don't get all the liveaction remakes. There are some movies I really enjoy (like Mulan) but the majority aren't as amazing as people make them out to be. I think it's weird that adults get so crazy over Disney shit.
No. 56213
>>55833No respect for the
victims and their families.
No. 56888
>>55991the caption is describing how they portrayed him in AHS, not how he actually was. if you read the actual article it's a criticism>>56057I didn't grow up watching disney movies (well, some of them, but not most) and I've never understood the disney obsession that so many grown ass adults have? the stories are really not that great. and disney land looks like a stressful af place to be and probably really expensive.
No. 57595
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I liked Alice in Wonderland when I was a teenager, and now I'm not even sure why. It doesn't have a compelling plot or characters, it's just like an acid trip with a bunch of weird shit happening and then she wakes up. I don't get why it's so iconic. Also the author was a literal pedo.
No. 59778
Breaking Bad - it just got mindlessly evil, I dropped after they killed the libertarian partner of Walter.
Seinfeld - annoying people/situations doesn't equal funny
Star Wars OT - I tried to watch the first movie when I was older, I barely gone through it was boring. The acting was too subtle, no proper exposition (hey there a princess you need to save. Alright!) and barely 5 people in stage at most which doesn't make it feel Galactic Empire.
>>15094>>15098>>15099>>15095>expecting a book heavily based on Islamic religion and Arabic culture to be feminist What were you thinking?
Dune is great, but it's somewhat tedious to read I'll give you that. I think it's due to all those epigraphs every chapter.
>Ender's Game is another one of overrated books beloved by a specific male audienceEnder's Game is another great Sci-Fi book and your reasoning is stupid, change your sentence to female audience and it's the same shit. For someone who cries misogyny, you sure don't mind misandry, how hypocritical.
No. 59905
>>55798I really don’t think that movie was trying to make Ted Bundy to be “mistunderstood.” But it had a odd narrative that really didn’t show what a piece of shit he was till the end. I think in this case it’s less about romanticizing and more about poor choices in storytelling.
The director for that movie also directed the Ted Bundy Tapes documentary on Netflix and that doc has no trouble telling you what a terrible person Ted was. So again, I don’t think romanticizing Ted was their intention.
Haven’t seen AHS 1984 to comment on Richard Ramirez but Ryan Murphy has always been a hack.
No. 60059
I really fucking hate almost all sitcoms but especially Modern Family and How I Met Your Mother. I would say BBT too but I think everyone already hates it. I don't like The Office or Parks & Rec either.
>>59778Even though I think Seinfeld is decently funny/more watchable than other sitcoms, I can see why someone wouldn't like it.
I've never read Enders Game but I know the guy who wrote it is Mormon, anti gay marriage but also an anarcho-communist. I know the books could still be good but knowing that about him just puts me off from wanting to read it.
No. 62074
>>60167I like the HP universe and aesthetic, but I could never really get into the story. The books are honestly depressing/bleak in my opinion (there's a lot of abuse and other tragic things in them).
Harry Potter has more plot holes than there are stars in the galaxy, and just when I think I've heard all of the plot holes someone will point out new ones. It kind of ruins it for me when a story has that many plot holes.
Also the whole premise of the Harry Potter world just requires too much suspension of disbelief for me. The fact that there's a whole magical world that goes completely unnoticed by "muggles" and the muggles who do know about it never tell any other muggles about it apparently. The amount of effort it would take to hide it from the muggles just seems unachievable, but then again I guess they could use magic to help with that.
I think most people like HP because of nostalgia, and it's more the kind of thing you have to get into when you're younger. I enjoyed it when I was younger but mostly because of the hype.
No. 62148
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A Clockwork Orange
Alex is a piece of shit. Him and his friends run around killing and raping people and I guess you're supposed to question if it's bad that he gets forcibly treated with aversion therapy. I'm someone who generally believes the death penalty is good when used against guilty rapists and murderers, so the question of morality is null to me. I think the majority of people just like the aesthetic and the notoriety of the novel/movie but I really don't trust any man who's into it because it feels like it's basically just asking "should we allow men to do what they want free of consequences? Isn't this what men naturally want to do? IS IT BAD TO PUNISH THEM FOR KILLING AND RAPING AND ATTACKING PEOPLE??
No. 62162

>>62148Blame the people who consumed the movie and came to idolize Alex without ever having read the book or understood the intentions of the author.
In the movie: Alex was
always supposed to be viewed as a piece of shit, and an irredeemable, unreliable narrator while committing these deeds. An adult who consciously and intentionally picked his crimes and wanted to continue them. Alex was evil to the core, and even when he opted for the LT technique to get out of jail quicker by becoming an accomplice of the state (see the video), he tried to manipulate the people around him into feeling sorry for his plight because he still wanted to choose evil. People liked movie Alex because he was an honest and unapologetic depiction of primal urges. Immature people like to be told that there's a deeper philosophical justification (an appeal to nature if you will) to their choosing evil. Anything else is forcing artificial goodness, which is like, totally fake man. The movie satisfies that sentiment. Moreover, people could blame the actions of this character on a failed society which further distances themselves from the responsibility of the individual.
The novel intended to highlight the morality of
choosing goodness through the duality of there being an option for evil. Not to mention the slippery slope of an unethical government forcing its citizens to behave in a particular direction (in the book the LT wasn't optional to get out of jail quicker; a teenage boy was forced to undergo this experiment).
The book character wasn't intended to personalize or normalize psychopathy, but that's the edgy message people took from the movie adaptation.
Here's what the movie left out: In the book Alex is a teenager of about 15 years. They aged him up for the movie because the public wouldn't feel good about seeing a teen murdering people. In Kubrick's film, there's a consensual sex scene whereas in the book Alex is raping even younger girls.
Alex would be considered pathologic, not admirable, if Kubrick had stuck to those details.
Then there's chapter 21 that was left out of most American publications that depicts Alex later growing out of the violence and opting to fit into social order. The movie adaptation ends on the note that it does because Kubrick read the US publication that lacked this final chapter. Burgess's point was that people could be reformed, and morality comes with maturity. People can change.
US editors took the final chapter out because they thought that a violent character turning good with age made the story "bland," if that says something about the consumer public.
Burgess is eternally pissed that the intention of his novel was bastardized into a poesy for violent nature.
No. 62164
>>62162>>62148I'm honestly so happy to see anons call out this movie/book because Alex is glamorized by people almost the same way Leon the professional is. There is no good in Alex and there is no excuse for the violence he chooses. I think people enjoy the aesthetics of how it looks but miss the point entirely.
Also, thanks for chiming in on how Kubrick adapted the novel quite differently.
No. 62190
>>62148So… what exactly are you criticizing? The book or the dumb men who like it for the wrong reasons?
>>62162Thank you for writing that out, anon.
>>62178Yeah, I have to agree unfortunately. Also I can’t help but think half of them never bothered to read the book they’re discussing, and instead regurgitate stuff they’ve read online, confusing random people’s opinions with the author’s actual intentions. It’s the same with Nabokov’s Lolita. Some people should really let go of the notion that a main character in a book is always meant for them to root for and identify with, except maybe YA novels.
I’m not denying there are books where you can tell the author was writing depraved sex scenes with one hand in his pants (fucking Piers Anthony) but Clockwork Orange isn’t one of them.
No. 62197
>>62178>>62190Why are we meant to care about how unethical it is for a government to try and forcefully rehabilitate violent criminals, even if they're only 15?
What's the other option? Stick them in jail and make them worse? ACO isn't posing a thought-provoking question.
No. 71997
I just finished Rebecca and I HATED it, good Lord what a waste of time. Rebecca is a classic gothic "suspense" novel. (I had originally been told this was a horror novel, but it's barely even suspense).
summary (including spoilers) and why I hated it:
Rebecca is about an unnamed woman who marries a recently widowed rich man. She goes to live with him and everyone is always talking about Rebecca (his recently dead wife who allegedly drowned). The servants and friends are all obsessed with Rebecca and keep talking to the protagonist about her, so naturally the protagonist compares herself to Rebecca. It turns out (shocker) that Maxim actually murdered Rebecca, because she had allegedly slept around and was shitty to him. When he tells this to the protagonist, she says "only one thing matters now, that he never loved Rebecca, he only loved me". Yes, after he told her he MURDERED his first wife, the only important thing is that he didn't love her? What the actual fuck? And how did she know he wasn't lying about all that? Anyways some suspicions about her death comes up and Maxim goes on trial, although her death was ruled a suicide. But even before Max was acquitted, he said he was happy he killed Rebecca. And then it turned out that Rebecca, right before she was murdered, had found out she was infertile and terminally ill, and that she WANTED Maxim to kill her. This upset Max/the protagonist because it meant "Rebecca had won". Then their mansion, Manderley, burned down at the end, though it never said who burnt it down. Why is this a classic? It's fucking god awful.
No. 78558
>>15387My god this is a bad take.
>we were much more primitiveYou need to explore outside of pop culture and realise that the world was not created in 1963. Haven’t read Middlemarch specifically but if you’re past high school and still think Shakespeare is difficult you’re genuinely dumb. Hamlet is Hamlet by any standard. The Iliad is dope. I thought like you when I was 12 but there’s a point where art as opposed to entertainment clicks and age is never a barrier to you again.
No. 81147
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I don't understand the fucking appeal for this cartoon right here,I can't take the weeb culture references seriously and holy fuck Miko is so annoying with her stupid fucking voice and the faces she makes not to mention I can't believe how forgettable it is I know it's for kids but I literally had a straight face watching every episode.i swear people like this or may I say scrotes like this because of a sexualized 14 year old annoying girl gamer,she almost looks like a character created by shadman ugh don't get me started on the creator who unintentionally liked diaper fetish art on Twitter with Miko and another girl
0/10 don't recommend watch tangled the series instead.
No. 81240
>>55786>smile to die forlmao
he could literally suffocate a person just by openin his mouth
No. 81426
>>81295>mature bodyAre you referring to her hips, anon? Her hips do seem exaggerated for a teen girl but that's because it's a cartoon.
She also looks to be bottom heavy when with her wide legs, so it makes sense for her hips to drawn wider to fit with her overall silhouette.
All the characters are drawn with exaggerated body types in
>>81147. Most likely to be diverse in body types and make each character easily recognisable with their silhouette.
No. 82722
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god this thing sucks. The TV show especially. I hate Pepper with a burning passion.
No. 136020
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This game is overrated in the underrated gems category, especially when it comes to vita games (where it's often called a must-have). I always see people praising the humor and the atmosphere, but it's all so try-hard. I really love the concept (you're a bartender mixing drinks for customers and based on what you serve them, the story supposedly changes) but the characters are unbearably dry, and all the humor is snippy one-liners, hurr durr look at us talking about weird sex thingies with cyborgs and i hate my job. I only played until shortly after New Years, so maybe it got better but I don't have any motivation to finish.
No. 136121
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everything about homestuck pisses me off for some reason
No. 158961
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This anime pisses me off so much. It's not especially bad, but everyone in the anitube community praises it like it is a masterpiece. The protagonist is a fucking Mary Sue and that fucks up any character development she could have, and she's not even fun to watch.
Yes, the direction it's great, but I don't care, Violet ruins everything.
No. 159005
>>158964The poster is in Spanish anon. That's how April is spelled
>>158957I don't get the appeal behind any of David Cage's games. His writing is cringey, pretentious drivel
No. 161510
>>47677The post is old, but I also wanted to add that the movie was based on the relationship of Besson and his second wife Maïwenn Le Besco.
>Besson's second wife was actress and director Maïwenn Le Besco, whom he started dating when he was 31 and she was 15. They were married in late 1992 when Le Besco, 16, was pregnant with their daughter Shanna, who was born on 3 January 1993. Le Besco later claimed that their relationship inspired Besson's film Léon (1994), where the plot involved the emotional relationship between an adult man and a 12-year-old girl.Besson met her when she was 12, btw. "Emotional relationship
No. 161518
>>160189You're probably not around, but did you read it in Polish or some translation? I also hate how scrotey Witcher is (especially since it used to be treated as the holy bible), but I do think Sapkowski had over average writing style (for the genre) and some interesting plot ideas. If you want to see actual zero talent, take a look at various Witcher rip-off books.
NGL, I love Yennefer for being a fucked up bitch that isn't afraid to screw around and stomp all over widdle Geralt's heart - while having a lot of nuance. I wish a woman wrote Witcher and made it at least 50/50 between Geralt and Yennefer story parts.
No. 161566
>>161518ayrt, tried two different translations (french and english).
i can't speak for his writing style as i can't read polish. but i meant 0 writing talent as in he can't plot and the books are super repetitive and formulaic imho.
plus it's just too scrotey for me, geralt is essentially a gary stu and most female charcters are only there to get fucked, killed, or both.
No. 161680
>>161566>he can't plotWDYM? I ask this more as an amateur writer rather than Witcher fan (or rather someone who kinda enjoys the book/series, with many caveats). I'm genuinely interested in your criticism, of course if you feel like replying. Sapkowski was praised for the short story collections, but the Witcher Saga got varied responses AFAIK.
>plus it's just too scrotey for me, geralt is essentially a gary stu and most female charcters are only there to get fucked, killed, or both.I was so angry when I read the Witcher for the first time because that's exactly what I felt. I was so disappointed that the cult fantasy novel series turned out to be… this. On the other hand, I couldn't stop reading and parts of the books stayed with me, so I DID end up liking it a bit. I know that it's probably a weird position to be in. I absolutely would recommend anyone wanting to avoid scrotey fantasy to stay away from the Witcher (even if it has some good things in it).
I feel like the Netflix series is significantly toning down the scrote shit (i.e. by giving Yennefer more plot and screentime), but the USA-centric casting, poor direction, stupid plot holes due to narrative changes make me not like it much.
No. 161740
>>161680ayrt, it's been a while since i read it so i couldn't give you a detailed critique, just that it felt like he was repeating the same formula over and over? it was very "monster of the week" shit.
it was hard to maintain interest for long. maybe i missed some shit bc the repetitiveness and the misogyny made me zone out after a while.
and i didn't find any reason to care about what happened to geralt, he was just a "look how cool my MC is" generic fantasy protag.
that said, these are all my personal opinions. i couldn't get into that partcicular book but there definitely are some scrotey books i still like.
if the witcher is your guilty pleasure, there' so reason to feel conflicted about it imho.
No. 162241
>>162118The thing I find with the original Twin Peaks is that, when it's good, it's really goddamn good, and there lots of episodes and little scenes that are very well done. However, when it's bad it's shit, and unfortunately there are also way too many episodes where nothing really happens except cringey eye-rolling moments. The whole second half of the second season was like this due to David Lynch leaving until he came back for the last episode (I'm surprised you think the ending is bad anon, I think it's phenomenal and one of the best I've seen). It's a shame because I actually prefer the first few episodes of season two to season one. Another thing which stops me from being a huge fan of the series is that truthfully I don't really care that much about most of the characters, which is disappointing because normally I love a huge cast of weird whacky characters that are somehow entwined with each others lives, but with Twin Peaks I was kinda like "meh". I only love Cooper, Audrey and Laura, and was only half-invested in a couple other characters. And yes, like you said, there's a lot of sexism in the show which can get hard to ignore.
And god forbid you say anything negative about the Twin Peaks revival from a few years ago. There's a lot of things that annoyed or disappointed me about the show and I'd probably be here forever if I started with them lol. I think people don't wanna admit they didn't like it because it would make them seem like they don't "get" David Lynch or his art. And I'm a big fan of David Lynch, but someone really should've taken him aside at one point and told him to stop fucking around on purpose and just give us a story and stop wasting everyone's time. It's one of those shows you enjoy watching, but then when it's over you think back and wonder "actually was it really that good?" So yeah there's a lot of things I love about Twin Peaks - the music, the aesthetic, the lore, the supernatural elements, Dale Cooper - but there's also a lot of things I dislike.
No. 162245
>>162118I love TP, but agree with some of what you said and I respect your POV overall.
>every conflict between people is them having an affairI think that's cause TP was supposed to vaguely resemble a trashy soap, like the one Invitation To Love was spoofing. The cheating truly reminded me of watching The Bold and Beautiful with my mother and grandma. Lol. Not that your criticism isn't
>Not to mention the love interest was SO clearly added just so Cooper could be hurt by her being in danger, she has like zero personality or agenda on her own.I liked Annie, but she deserved so much better when it comes to writing. Even though her backstory also primed her for being Coop's LI, there was a lot that could have been done with it. She's been in a convent following a suicide attempt
triggered by heartbreak. She could have been even more weird, "fish out of water" (it was hinted at in the first scene of her waitressing), a (quiet or not) BPD-chan etc. It doesn't help that Mark Frost threw her away like trash in the sequel book.
BTW, thank Lara Flynn Boyle and Kyle MaLachlan for Audrey not getting with Cooper. Finally someone who isn't obsessed with her lol. I love that Coop let her down gently, and didn't prey on her. As expected from the actual angel that he is.
I would recommend giving The Return a shot, but that's up to you. Not saying you should watch it if you are sick of TP already, but it has some priceless stuff in it.
No. 162258
>>162118Lynch’s style is pretty unique and he did end up influencing a lot of other creators, so you feeling his stuff isn’t unusual may be an instance of having seen a bunch of derivative work. He isn’t overwhelmingly weird or creepy, it’s the subtle line between the mundane and the surreal/shocking that he does well. I do agree some of his work is misogynistic, he has a weird psychosexual obsession with women’s suffering that seems to have developed at a young age. He witnessed a bloody naked woman walking down his neighborhood street when he was a child and his dad was emotionally
abusive. He seems to both acknowledge and sympathize with women’s pain as compared to men’s but also be a bit of a voyeur for it. I think he can write some solid female characters and I love Audrey though.
No. 162267
>>162241 regarding the ending (and this is of course without having watched the return)
i'm fine with "bad" endings if they feel satisfactory but twin peaks ending didn't. The whole show was about stopping evil boy bob: they tried to stop him and he got away, they tried again and he got away again - oh that's the end i guess.
That paired with how we don't get to see how any of the characters end up, we're just left in the middle of action for most of them, it just comes across as lazy, unfinished bad writing to me. Feels like those shows that set up for a new season but get cancelled due to a lack of funding.
I did like a few characters, Cooper was charmingly autistic for most of the show, the log lady was alright… but most characters were unlikeable and I borderline hated them so not even getting to see what happens to them makes it feel like I literally only wasted time watching them.
No. 162555
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Overrated scrote-tier forced meme of a series that would have been drowned in the oversaturated sea of open world crime games if it weren't set in GRORIOUS NIPPON!!! Even here I remember seeing an anon long ago claim that it caters to the "female gaze", I had to laugh. Any fujo or yumejo who finds those ugly men attractive has abysmal taste.
No. 162585
>>162555Played 1 and 2 before the series blew up, those games used to be extremely niche cause they weren't like other crime games. Yakuza was a J-RPG, but with fighting game style battles, plot heavy - and yes, weeby too, but that wasn't all. It was universally praised for how Tokyo was (re)created: it was surprisingly large and lively for what PS2 could do. From my POV, it was also surprisingly nonvulgar for a crime game and "realistic" for a week one. IDK if now there is more vidya like that, but it wasn't just the game's setting and the series almost did get overlooked.
Not discussing your like or dislike of the games, btw.
No. 162617
>>162585Seconding this. Not arguing with you or saying that you have to like the game but it's a very unique game in terms of how it blends it's heavy, detailed plot with easy to learn/hard to master beat 'em up gameplay; not to mention the RPG aspects and silly, light-hearted side quests. It's pretty much a spiritual successor to Shenmue, so it's quite unlike most crime games. I wouldn't really call the earlier titles "open world" as you were in a relatively small area - what made it
feel open world was the dense detailing. I slightly disagree about it being scrote tier, in Japan it was to start with but now a lot of women play it too. The western fandom has always had more female fans than male though, even before the fandom got invaded by yellow fever fujos who only care about Kiryu and Majima bumping uglies.
No. 162627
>I wouldn't really call the earlier titles "open world" as you were in a relatively small area - what made it feel open world was the dense detailingThis, this, this! Those games weren't open world like Bully, but they seemed so cause there was so much to do round every corner. Even the thugs randomly attacking you added to the feeling of a bustling metropolis.
Spoilered cause nobody fucking asked, but my dad loves the PS2 Yakuzas even though he isn't exactly a fan of weebshit, except stuff like GITS movie or some Ghibli movies. We have to play 3 or 0 together someday! I'm laughing so hard imagining his reaction to being informed about the fujo fanbase. I know that I may be adding fuel to the other anon's 'it's a scrote shit game lmfao' argument, but I think it was super sweet how my dad was moved by the plot of the first one. I won't argue that Yakuza is a ~female gaze~ game (though IDK, maybe the new Yakuza games do pander to fangirls somehow), but to me, it seemed like a unisex game. I genuinely think that the Witcher game series (which I also like) is a better example of a beloved game series being scrotey as fuck No. 176903
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No. 176944
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1984 and basically all the "classic" books they forced us to read. They were dry with no emotional depth, and woman hating. I remember in the first chapter he just started fantasizing about burning a woman. I legit got traumtized from that shit and had nightmares. Apparently he also stole 1984 from his wife and smeared his male shit all over it.
No. 176982
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“it’s actually a really clever parody, you just don’t get it!!”
No. 176986
>>176982I had an autistic(as in actually diagnosed) who loved the series, brought it up almost every second conversation
I tried playing but could never get into and especially the fandom which my friend loved
sad case really
No. 177026
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>>176944I have to agree. I mean I kinda liked 1984 (it was a little bit dry though) but other very male dystopian novels have these stupid and cringy thoughts about women. Like how women are the ones who actually like the ebul oppressing government because lmao women are just like that: sheep. So blatantly misogynistic.
Also Fahrenheit 451 got a really weird part about abortion in it.
If I want to read some dystopian shit, I'll grab one written by a woman.
No. 177038
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Pretentious, drawn-out garbage. I get that the special effects were revolutionary, especially considering how none of them were digital, but the actual movie is a senseless bore. Even Lovecraft could write more compelling interactions between humans and extraterrestrials. Plus, the entire HAL plot makes no sense in the context of the rest of the film and just feels shoehorned in.
In a similar vein, Blade Runner 2049 was also overhyped and about twice the length it needed to be.
No. 177040
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>>177038Well, I'm biased as fuck because I love the movie and it made me interested in cinema when I was a teenager. I think a lot of the movie's theme makes 10 times more sens if you know a bit about Nietzsche. It's also one of those movies which is suppose to be an ""experience"" that speaks to the unconcious, watching it on a good cinema screen and good sound system would probably help a ton to get into it!
>the entire HAL plot makes no sense in the context of the rest of the film and just feels shoehorned inI think it makes sense, so I'm really curious to know about your opinion, I'm not trying to troll I'm genuinely interested kek!
No. 177051
>>1770382001 is one of the films if you criticize it moids will be screeching kek
I didn't also like it at all, like you said it was very pretentious.
Liked Blade Runner 2049 though, it had great visuals and audio. I'd still admit that the plot was boring and got the same old 'misogyny in cyberpunk setting' schtick.
No. 177088
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I hate capeshit movies and I absolutely despise MCU. Everything is the same and the ""funny one liners"". Shit is like the fast food of the movie industry and i despise the fanbase. It ranges from manchildren to people overanalyzing shit and claiming that the characters are LGBT then get pissed off when theyre queerbaited.
No. 177136
>>177088I watched The Legend of The Ten Rings some time ago (I hadn't seen any marvel movie in literally years) and I swear, the CONSTANT quips gave me whiplash, especially when they would suddenly interrupt serious moments.
Also, I'm not sure if this might be just that I haven't watched movies in so long I stopped being used to "movie character reaction time" but there were some moments in the final battle where stuff happens and it feels like the characters could do something but they just stand there. Does this happen in other marvel movies?
>>177098Personally I'd be willing to give anime like KochiKame or Doraemon a pass because they're anime that was meant to be watched in ramdom order just for the hahas, but One Piece fans defending how it's actually awesome having to watch 1200 episodes to get the story sound freaking psychotic.
No. 177420
>>136020played this recently and dorothy made me very uncomfortable.
why did they have to include this shit?
No. 180274
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No. 180366
>>180296I get this as well. Everytime my fellow weeb friend recommended me new anime to watch, it's always the same recycled, stereotyped characters, overhyped over nothing.
I don't give up on this hobby since I've managed to follow a few curators that would do the job for me to comb through recommendations, and now I have a long backlog of good hard-hitting anime/manga to go through. Keeping this hobby private does help me from having to talk with annoying anime fans too. Anitwit is a disease.
No. 183707
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How does this garbage have so many fans?
>>162555Based trips
>>180301Also true
No. 183836
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Skyrim. I don't exactly hate it but it's so overrated it hurts. The graphics are garbage yet every once in awhile there's a post on reddit with a picture that says "Skyrims graphics are still beautiful years later!" And the game in the picture is riddled with mods. The actual graphics in the vanilla game are god awful. If you get even slightly close to plants to collect ingredients, you can see every single pixel and the berries are pretty much just flat stickers on a stick. The trees too.
There are so many bugs it's not even funny. I just got into skyrim again years later and I think I had a bug every other quest. Many of them were game breaking. And Bethesda doesn't even fix them even after they shit a version after version to milk that cow to death. And people still buy them. And can they just fucking finish the next game already? It's been ten years.
I may be biased because I prefer Oblivion, but that game was heaps better. Okay, everyone looks like a retarded beat up potato, but at least the stories are good, background and nature graphics are decent and I don't think I have had a single game breaking glitch even once, even though I play it with my shitty Xbox 360 that I've had since middle school. Not to even mention Morrowind that had actual nice story telling to compensate for its short comings.
And these fucking skyrim baby's first rpg fans say "This is the best, most beautiful game ever made and the story is so good!" No. It's a buggy mess with shitty graphics and short quests that lack any nuance. The previous games might have shitty combat and only somewhat worse graphics but at least they have some good story telling and other mechanics(like spell crafting). And for fucks sakes, Bethesda, you are a triple A game company, how the fuck can you not afford more than like four voice actors already?
This whole game is kept afloat by the modding community that tries to fix all of the game developers messes and keeps the coomers coming back with porn mods and gross bikini armors.
No. 183909
>>183730me too. i hate how basically every webtoon is that premise now. especially the countless comics aimed at women who are just "i got isekai'd as the villainess but i'm actually good!!!" it's just so boring. they're all the same and not a single story is unique in any way.
we need to get rid of:
-sports anime
-idol shit
-isekai shit in any way, shape or form
obviously all coomer shit too but that's a given.
No. 183936
>>183707Because it was promising and at some point it really seemed to have taken a big quality leap, it had an unpredictable twist.
It shat the bed with the part leading to the ending, and the ending was an absolute shart set in a way that it retroactively ruined the whole series, including the good parts. It was incredible, I've never seen such a fuck up.
No. 183966
nonnie, I've never even played Skyrim but I love your rant. I bought Oblivion last year when it was on sale, played it for an hour and half, and got a refund. It's just not my type of game I guess, kek
No. 184018
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>>180301I think death note should have come to a conclusion after L died. But seeing the downfall of Light was glorious. It was refreshing to see a manipulative scrote get his just desserts.
No. 184021
>>184018I have no shame I'm still a huge Death Note fan and was a massive fangirl when it came out
(I'm in my mid twenties now so do the math) and the last episode of Death Note was one of the most satisfying series finales I've seen for the exact reason you stated
No. 184025
>>184006>I thought they were going to do something different and the reborn villain woman was going to fuck the villain's older father, instead it was before the villain was born and she had to get with the twink "father."Kek, I would've seethed pretty hard too. Sick of every single female-oriented manhwa being shitty romances where the office worker protag falls in love with her (young) piece of shit boss, or slightly less shitty romances where the protag is isekai'd into a generic "Medieval European Fantasy" kingdom and falls in love with a generic-ass "MEF"-themed bishie. Wow, so much for variety. How can people stand reading tons and tons of this same shit with
very slight variations in art, designs, characters and plot?
No. 184027
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>>184021Yeah same,
nonnie. I was 13 when it was the hottest anime on the block. I’ll be 28 this year.
There was some cop-outs here and there but the ending made it so worth the watch. Just avoid anyone who says light is their favourite character and was acktually based. Kek
No. 184097
>>176944you just know it's garbage by looking at the people shilling it, which is always alt right antivax retards.
>>176903i liked the scary moments but the idea of some bitch literally offing herself because the MC didn't pick her is just so ridiculous yet kind of sinister because it's still a form of male wish fulfillment
No. 184168
>>184097>>184097no bitch offed herself just because she didn't get pick AFAIR. Sayori has been suffering from clearly untreated depression for a long time before she killed herself. Even if she did it because of MC (hello School Days)… sadly it happens. I agree that the trope can be a culmination of scrote fantasy, but in Doki the suicides were presented as something horrifying and scary anyway. IDK about School Days, it probably applies more.
I swear that I'm not even a fan of that VN.
No. 184222
>>183992ayrt, i used to be super into sports anime and idol shit too, but i'm just so tired of it. i got tired of it years ago. i especially hate the "only girl at an idol school" or the "20 y/o manager of an all male idol group who all want to bang her" trope.
i wouldn't mind if there was just more variety. shit, make an anime about arts and craft competitions, i don't care. but every anime chart is just the same. coomer bait, sports anime, idol shit, isekai shit, coomer bait sports anime idol shit.
No. 184247
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Painfully unfunny lolrandom humor and the characters look like Pixar dads, I will never get why this game is popular with fujos.
No. 184249
>>184207Holy shit thank you. FLCL fans get more offended when I say I don't like their series more than any AOT or Eva ever could.
Lulsorandum!! I swear people only pretend to like it because they think it makes them look cool. "You just don't get it, it's 2deep4u" fags. Lain fans are like that too.
>>184211Out of curiosity, what is your least favourite and favourite anime?
No. 184257
>>184207>>184211>>184249>>184249I fucking hate FLCL, thanks for validating me
>>184247Look at the picture again. Do you see any woman?
Yes I know there is a single female character, but she isn't as important and may be a lesbian anyway No. 184266
>>184249>I swear people only pretend to like it because they think it makes them look cool.It's gotten popular on tiktok recently so that issues only gotten worse. Kind of ironic since one of the major themes in the show is characters faking maturity for validation (Noata and Ninamori) and superficial masculinity again for validation (Amarao and Naota).
Seriously, look up Fooly Cooly on tiktok and one of the first videos that pops up is some acne riddled zoomer misinterpreting a quote from the creator, saying that he meant for the show to be meaningless as to say "It's okay if you don't get it, you can still pretend to like this show while not feeling COMPLETELY dishonest!!!"
Can't say I agree with your lulsorandom statement though. Can you give examples of it in the show?
No. 184283
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>>184273>left me feeling the same way about how game of thrones ended. people get way too wrapped up in their head canons and the writers always seem to start panicking because of the pressure to make the fanbase happy and yet make something creatively satisfying for themselves.The ending was absolutely retarded and ruined so many character arcs in the name of 'sUbVeRtInG eXpAcTaTiOnS'.
>like you guys couldn’t see the build up to dany burning king’s landing or the self-insert of king bran/grrm coming?Picrel. Also GRRM's self insert is the fatass scribe. The build up to Dany burning King's Landing was extremely weak and seemed contrived so that we get a shocking ending. See also Jaime deciding to die with Cersei after he mostly got over her. Probably some more shit, but I don't want to think about it more.
No. 184304
>>184275i remember reading that as well. people would have literally self-annihilated if that had happened lol.
>>184283i am not defending in any way d&d’s slapbang writing at all, that shit was a mess but they were clearly sick of the show, tired of waiting for grrm to get off his fat ass and finish the series, and clearly wanting to work on something else and honestly, i get it. grrm apparently wanted to drag that shit out for another couple of seasons; i would be pissed too tbh. they were smart enough to see the writing on the wall and from my understanding, already had the basic groundwork for how the story would end but not enough details to properly flesh things out. if grrm had finished winds of winter by then, maybe things would have been better. i don’t know.
i feel like the issue with dany’s ending was that the writers mixed the book (f)aegon hinted drama into the lover jon plot, which was painfully overcomplicated and divisive, downplayed tyrion plotting against her because tyrion was a fan favorite and people can’t handle moral ambiguity, and then yeeted her dragons in the most retarded ways because she was “too op” or some other bullshit, and one of the co-writers was a jon fanboy and hated her. i really have no words for how cersei and jaime went out lmao.
No. 184315
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you know the game is shit when you get more attached to a secondary, non-playable character than any of your party members
No. 184383
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I will never understand anyone who say that FE3H is better than FE Fates. In terms of gameplay and designs Fates is so much better than 3H it's not even worth making a more detailed comparison, but in terms of story I found Fates better written than 3H and just way more fun and interesting. At least in Fates the incoherent parts of the story are 99.999% because of the terrible "localization" trying and failing to make the game more family friendly, but 3H is so full of bullshit I wouldn't know where to start. Between Claude being described as clever but never doing anything clever on-screen because the writers themselves are too stupid and can't write smarter characters than themselves, Dimitri's schrodinger step-mother, Edelgard… everything about her, really, the horribly written edgy mole people, etc. yeah, no, it's an incoherent mess. Corrin is loved by all the characters for either being their close family member or their employer or their friend and has a set personality and backstory that makes perfect sense in the story, Byleth is a silent self-insert you can't even customize, that's supposed to be an experienced warrior and traveling mercenary but is actually so retarded they don't know anything about the world where they live for no actually good reason, etc. Legit, FE fans will say a game is better written than another just because the continent where the story takes place has a name.
I also don't get why people praised Echoes compared to Fates and Awakening because my god, these maps and dungeons were trash. The story is so horrible I wanted to throw my 3DS against a wall everytime there was a cutscene with that ugly retard Celica. It was the very first game I sold in my entire life after hesitating for years for some other games, that's how terrible it was.
No. 184398
>>184025>>184222Villainess stories are NLOG cope and the MCs therefore have no option but to be retarded, sports anime is full of characters with literal autism, isekais are illustrated virgin moid wet dreams, and idol shit is pedo coomer bait whether it's real life or 2D.
I wish there was more variety too, I want to have more sports anime where the characters have lives outside of their special interest and isekais where the plot doesn't revolve around booba. I'm still waiting for the day when I find a villainess story where the MC doesn't tie herself in knots over being polite to assholes because they're royalty and just beats the shit out of them.
No. 184474
>>184446>literal petting minigame >feeding a literal retarded tadpole dragon some bread>grinding zombie fightsNone of this is mandatory and takes at most 5 seconds, unlike the shitty monastery, which is really fun at first and becomes a real chore later. The fish thing was useful if you played online or thanks to streetpass against other players' team.
>and being able to marry and have children with nii-sanI'm gonna be real with you, the kids' presence was just there for gameplay reasons so I just see it as a way to unlock more maps and playable characters. I'd say for some of the characters it's actually a good way to show who they really are, it lowkey shows that Ryoma is a manipulative shit with Corrin, which he confirms later in Conquest and in his support with Camilla where he brags about being even more unhinged than her. You have plenty of choice, you can very easily marry unrelated characters anyway. I'd rather have that than the side quests in 3H that show uninteresting cutscenes between the students, make you go through the same maps for the 5 times already because 3H reuses maps all the time, and the items being good or useless depends on the quest. I'd say Awakening at least made the effort of making the kids part of the main plot at least. The DLC that focused on the kids in Fates was pretty good imo.
So, again, I'd rather play a game with good gameplay and level design and a meh story than a mediocre game with average gameplay and a meh story that gets infintely worse the more you think about it.
No. 184935
>>184474I admire your passionate hatred for 3h, but unfortunately all of your gripes are really the same between all three of the newer gen FE games (awakening, fates, and 3h). Liking the supports or not is subjective, and the level design for all three is objectively shitty with gimmicky mechanics. The monastery was also not mandatory fyi.
There's a reason people hate Fates,
nonny, whether you want to see that or not. You really can't tell me that Garon turning into a slime monster was any better of an ending than the retarded Shamballa dubstep, or the literal 'I came from an alternate dimension with zombies!' narrative from awakening. They are all equally retarded.
No. 184964
>>184935For the supports, I disliked their presentation in 3h, not the supports themselves. In previous games you just saw the characters' portraits and the text, I'm a fast reader so I read the way I usually do. In 3h you have the characters' 3D model doing awkward actions that take time for no reason, they say the same shit in all their supports so even the good ones get annoying quite fast, and the ones with Byleth try and fail to give you the illusion of choice by making you choose between two sentences with the exact same meaning every five second. They should have made Byleth its own character and not a self insert.
At the end of the day Fates is way more focused on its characters so I forgive stupid moments like the goo monster dad. I admit that Revelation was trash for its maps and its story but it's just a DLC so I don't count this here. 3H is way more focused on its plot, which is why its bullshit gets embarrassing to look at and hard to ignore. That's why I liked AM more than the other routes, at least I can pretend the rest doesn't matter because the cast is legit interesting and it made Edelgard look like a cool villain and not a kawaii uwu waifu who did nothing wrong. The monastery isn't always mandatory but it's required a few times iirc. I started skipping it halfway through my first run though.
No. 185335
>>183707this is honestly one of the most hilarious, baffling stories i have ever read or seen.
the story really ranges from medicore to shit and isn't the masterpiece it's fans say it to be, but it has these little moments of brilliance that makes me lose my mind, like where the fuck do those moments come from? it happens enough times that they probably weren't accidents but suddenly the author goes right back into writing such utter shit that they have to be accidents? would the story be better if it wasn't written the usual way manga is, making shit while you go but was published in slower way than monthly chapters?
then there's just so insane plot twists that they are absolutely hilarious, this is one of the funniest most entertaining stories i have ever read. i suspect the author is legit mentally ill the story just oozes batshit insane.
No. 300469
>>176982I liked the anime (all 3 of them) more than the games. The games not being fully voiced is a big downside for me.
>>158961It's overrated on MAL for sure, but /a/ trashes it more often than not, so I don't think there is a 'consensus' about it being any good.
No. 300508
>>184891this is a year old post butit's nice to see a fellow Percy Jackson hater. I was the right age demographic when I read the first book and I still thought it felt too juvenile. The story in the first book is also tedious it's just
>characters goes to point A>random monster encounter>monster is defeated>characters goes to point B>rinse and repeatI know that's the formula for every fantasy/adventure book but Percy Jackson was so obvious about it you can tell the author followed a checklist when writing the first book. Their also is no reason for the monsters encounters because Percy never randomly encountered monsters in NYC until his quest begins. At least in Harry Potter Harry first starts encountering monsters when he reaches the wizard world.
I was really into greek myth before I read Percy Jackson and I slightly judge people who got introduced to greek myth trough Percy Jackson kek
No. 300570
>>184383Fire Emblem in general is bad but 3H is the absolute worst because of the fans it produced. It had the most braindead takes on socioeconomic topics but the mere fact that it mentioned them in a serious and drawn-out setting made fans jizz themselves over the supposed depth of it all. Anybody who takes the politics in this game seriously is a retard, like JRPGs generally fail to approach these issues in an interesting way, but 3H really took the cake.
Fire Emblem needs to be enjoyed as vapid fun with an ensemble cast and my no.1 issue with it is that the backdrop of war ruins the chances of fans approaching the games realistically.
Engage may be stupid but I was honestly glad to see the series make mask off so blatantly.
No. 300577
>>300564Nonna we must be on the same wavelength because I was just about to post about this! Imo Persona 5 in particular is the most egregious example of everything you're saying. For a game that was literally marketed as "We Live in a Society: The Game" it is such an incredibly surface level (if not somewhat regressive) portrayal of both Japanese society and the people who are most negatively affected by it. So many interesting aspects of P5 were pushed aside in order to not generate controversy in Japan and/or to make the female characters more appealing to moids. It barely takes any risks in the social commentary aspect, so to see people praising the story kinda drives me crazy…did we play the same game?? Same with both Naoto and Kanji in P4 - there are some issues around sexism and gender roles that the game attempts to tackle but literally nothing comes from them
except people thinking Naoto is a tranny. Tbh the way women in modern Persona games are treated makes me wanna scream!!!!!! Waifuism is a sickness, I just want a game that respects their female characters and gives them unique, complex personalities that they deserve.
No. 300587
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>>15232Man, I loved the vibes and imagry in annihilation, but the ending part just fell completely flat. Makes me wonder if the book had something going on that just doesn't translate well to cinema.
>>34633True, some of these courses are hilarious. The climbing one, has two people at the absolute peak of their specializations, teaching people how to tie a figure 8 knot. Like, what does Tommy Cadwell add to this? Just take a fucking course at your lokal climbing gym you'll learn so much more.
No. 300709
>>300633This makes sense, but I do think that:
A) The fans are a huge part of the issue here because a lot of them themselves assert the games as more nuanced/deep than they really are
B) The games go out of their way to market themselves with a promise of more nuance/depth than they really have
The heavy references don't really detract from this as for the most part they don't rebut my criticisms. I am glad that you've found a way to enjoy these games, though, nonna. I don't think there's anything wrong with how you've chosen to approach them and I wish more fans came from your angle.
The Kamen Rider thing honestly gives me an even bigger headache as a longtime KR fan because there's a very loud constituent of KR fans who insist on seeing the original series as a trans metaphor just because Hongo gets disfigured into a cyborg by Shocker. It really plays into the stupid transwashing of Naoto even though I doubt that was the original intent. This point is mostly an issue on my end from seeing too much shit, though.
>>300577>Waifuism is a sicknessI adore you, nonna! Glad to see somebody else on the same page.
Out of curiosity, have you played 1 & 2? Were they better about these things? I've always wondered if that's part of where this persistent overhyping of the series' writing comes from. But the old gameplay and length is too much to undertake for a series I've had so many misses with.
No. 300712
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The movie itself I think is pretty mediocre and boring, I just hate people praising the director for emotionally abusing women on set and calling him a genius for this, it’s fucking sickening.
No. 300715
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This retarded anime. I legit fell asleep watching it. The characters are annoying and insufferable. They were hard to sympathize with, and had the dumbest issues to deal with. The overall plot was stupid and humans were in the wrong for kidnapping a fucking angel/alien and cloning it, if they just returned it nothing would've happened. And it's mostly child porn and some sexist ideas said by the "scientist" character. It's an anime for people faking mental illness online.
No. 300722
>>300715Anno is just another dime a dozen male "creative" who has too much fake-deep shit to say because of his mental illness. And people eat it up because they'll obsess over anything that implies depth from a beautiful enough podium.
I hate that the Shin movies mean I have to hear everybody sucking his dick again. The new Shin KR had the most meager hint of lesbianism in it and suddenly libfems are worshipping Anno as if he's God's gift to lesbians. Like okay? Let's just ignore that he's historically been shit about women in his media and has never made any notable effort or statement towards improvement.
No. 300745
>>300715>characters are annoying and insufferable. They were hard to sympathize withyes
>humans were in the wrong for kidnapping a fucking angel/alien and cloning italso yes. but both of these things help me like it more. i feel like it has more to say about humanity and relationships by focusing on flawed characters who are often in the wrong
No. 300766
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>>300709Second ayrt, and yes!! I haven't played P1 but I have played both Persona 2 games and they're my favourites in the series. I think that since the duology has adults in the main cast there tends to be a somewhat more mature tone to the story (and less moid-pandering). The gameplay itself is a drag (a loooot of dungeon crawling, a pretty basic combat system and an annoying random encounter rate), but the storyline and characters are some of the best in the series imo. I'm sure you're probably aware but in case you aren't; the protagonist of the second P2 game is an adult woman who generally isn't infantilised and disrespected which is amazing
especially considering there's only one other female protagonist in the fucking series. Some aspects of the games treatment of certain female characters wasn't ideal to me personally but considering the first game was released in 1999
and the fact that I'm incapable of seperating entertainment from my politics I can give it a little leeway. Even with the few issues I had with it, it's still a million times better than modern Persona games when it comes to the women having actual personalities. I played a fan translation of Innocent Sin and I've heard that some parts of that game had content changed due to being deemed too ~
problematic~ for a modern audience, so maybe it's not an issue in that version? I'm not super aware of the differences between the fan and official translations though. And agreed
nonnie, it's nice to find another woman who has the same gripes with the series! A lot of the time I talk about these games its to moids who are exactly the types of guys the newer games are aimed at which is mildly infuriating kek
No. 300768
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It's not a bad game, far from it, but the way people praise it as groundbreaking is exaggerated, like they always say it's so philosophical when it's just surface level shit you study in high school, and calling robots after famous philosophers doesn't make you a scholar. The gameplay is fine but it's mostly a watered down version of previous Platinum Games titles, once you equip the correct chips you don't need to press more than 2 buttons even for the hardest encounters. The humor fell flat most of the time for me, and the coomer cult around the game is so fucking strange, I know Yoko Taro is a coomer himself and he encouraged it but even Bayonetta didn't get this kind of fanbase.
No. 300772
>>300768Could you elaborate because my friend wouldn't shut up about how deep it is because
you give up your items at the end to help others progress and that it's about humanity and what is means to be human. The coomer cult also repulsed me to the point I wouldn't give it a chance.
No. 300782
>>300772I finished it recently and it's basically a mix of the machines imitating human behavior, the androids in denial of it, and the implications that the machines and androids are more similar than they think yet they keep fighting in a bullshit war
And then the last route kind of tosses all of that aside in a "Dude nothing matters it's all fake and gay" way unless you do that action your friend did for the true ending
It's not the deepest shit in the world like some reviews say nor is it the most refined philosophical work like some people try to theorize, it's just a fun (to read/play) story that gets overpraised to the point it turns off potential players because they go into it expecting biblical tier writing
No. 300789
>>300772>spoilerOG Nier did that part way better imo. Not to mention the voice acting was phenomenal.
Speaking of, the remaster sucked ass. They completely botched Tyrann's voice acting.
Comparison really think Yoko Taro is getting lazy because he knows his new normalfag fans will happily eat the forced pretentious shit that he spews out. Sad and disappointing. The only real good thing left is the music in his games.
No. 300791
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>>300768The only value this game had to me writingwise is that it showed some improvement on Yoko Taro's end from the stupidity on display in Replicant. I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't get past the coomer shit, though, because 2B's outfit was bad enough knowledge going in, but then seeing A2's designs and the way their clothes explode off ruined my ability to respect anything said by the writing. Classic example to me of a guy who wants to say deep shit but undermines it by making it clear that women will still always be sex objects. Maybe the guy would be less strikingly depressed if he started seeing half of the population as complete people.
Don't even get me started on how I'm supposed to respect Replicant's already retarded plot when Kaine looks like this in every cutscene and is somehow the one who is ALWAYS getting skewered through/sacrificed/almost killed throughout the game. Moids can be such weird freaks about their "strong woman" characters.
As for issues unrelated to misogyny… It's been years, but off the top of my head:
The king of Facade was so fucking stupid. Not a single decent instance of believable governance on display, and it's laughable that we're expected to then feel anything when he and his entire entourage get themselves killed. He says he cares so much for his wife and her shit past but then gets destroyed by a hulked out pig made from baby souls instead of, I don't know, becoming a good ruler and effecting real change? Sure, he's still young, but the fact that we're supposed to accept that the ENTIRE nation backed this (the guardsmen allegedly went door to door hat in hand asking for permission) and that not a single adult around him found this as retarded as it actually is staggers belief.
And then Route B… The stupid nonstop fest of "actually the bosses all have sad backstories". But there's no way the characters could have known this and there's seemingly no real message behind it other than the fact that you constantly hurt people who hurt others and everybody has a tragic past. It's clearly supposed to make you feel sad, but it's such an unproductive doomer worldview resigned to not understanding why shit happens or how it can be resolved that I can't even be sad about it. It just makes me want to tell the devs to go outside and try to sell this shit to people who are actively living through the trauma of conflict and fight for their right to survive regardless, and try to sell them on this loser mindset.
If this game wasn't couched in beautiful graphics and sensitive material (again, that says nothing of true substance, at least for most of Replicant) it wouldn't have a fraction of the audience it does. And then when you add in coomerbait… Well, it's a lost cause at that point, because hordes of men like it so it MUST be good.
No. 300797
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Just poorly written and boring.
No. 300805
>>300794Yeah, it was so bizarre that everybody who recommended the game to me NEVER mentioned how weird Kaine's depiction was? Like the camera was always slowpanning over her body or focusing on her exposed parts, especially her ass. And this didn't let up even in scenes where she was being brutalized or scenes that were supposed to be heartfelt. There's no subversion or commentary there.
I think that assertion is just another way to excuse liking the game without critically thinking about all the ways in which it undermines itself. Doubly so because coomermoids obviously love that she looks like that, is looked AT like that by the camera.
>>300795This may be giving him more credit than he deserves, but Yoko Taro seems like a genuinely troubled individual who is at odds with the tragedy of life. I don't see this as justification for the vapid shit in his games, though, because the takes present in them are overwhelmingly those of somebody who has not done anything substantial to confront his dread over wrongs in the world. Subscribing to this kind of mindset where everything is shit and there's nothing you can do about it is both condescending to people who actually work to effect real change on important issues and incredibly sheltered navel gazing.
I do think he's shown some improvement when you look at the shit presented in ghe Drakengard games (party members included a baby eater and literal pedophile alongside an immortal child– wow, the edge). So the evolution into some degree of moral assertion in Automata instead of the basic torrid swirl of degeneracy present in his earlier works is at least somethimg. But he's given way too much credit for arriving at basic conclusions this late into his career when all of this could have been understood by like… I don't know, basic political literacy and understanding of how conflict arises in wars.
No. 300806
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I guess it was easy to read, but I don't understand why it's considered life-changing. Felt like middle-school reading level entertainment with some interesting concepts. Youth literature can be good and impactful, but it's being taken too seriously as a book for adult audiences.
No. 300818
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Bump don't scroll
No. 301139
>>301136That's interesting, I didn't know that. Translators are kind of notorious for that. The story in Endwalker with the
bird of despair was pretty standard 2deep4u anime clusterfuck, not sure how much of it can be blamed on the translators. Got any examples?
No. 301141
>>301139I don't have a lot of examples right now, I was at my friend's place and she showed me a bunch of cutscenes in Japanese, French and English. Then she told me there was no Spanish localization which… wtf? It was long ago when FE3H got released because we were sperging over Fire Emblem localizations at the same time and she showed me that FF14's was even worse but only in English. She showed me a cutscene of a pretty, cutesy small fairy introducing herself to other characters and in Japanese she talked normally and had a youthful, high voice. Same in French, with an accurate translation. Then in English she sounded like a Scottish chain smoking woman in her 50s and was yelling some completely unrelated text, my ears were not ready for that kek. Then there was something about a character who wrote a poem or said it out loud and the text in English was so unrelated it looked like the localizers gave no fuck. But I don't remember the details on that one.
What's weird is that usually with JRPGs we have translations based on American or maybe British localizations so if these ones are bad, the French one will have the same issue. So I guess Square Enix stopped doing that long ago? Unlike Nintendo.
No. 301182
>>301168Alright, you're a long way off from experiencing the whole thing. This is also covering one base game and four expansions and ten years now so it spans a while. Overall, the FFXIV story from ARR-Shadowbringers the story is completely serviceable. It's cool, government intrigue, FF style big evil empire. I liked how grounded the story was compared to other FF games sometimes. Filler obviously like any MMO story , but if you like FF games you can definitely give it a go, the majority of the playerbase resubs for the story and unsubs for the rest of it (raiders are like less than 5% of the playerbase). I am mostly bitching about Endwalker because it was hyped so much. Spoilers after this so you have been warned.
For one thing, an enemy that was built up as this serious antagonist was just kind of dealt with very early on in the first trial of the xpac. My main problem was a shoehorned villain that was introduced 2/3 of the way through the expansion ("foreshadowed" by 'there was a sound and then the world ended'. Yes that was their explanation.) Especially coming after Shadowbringers, the strongest expac, it just felt so weak. I didn't care about the villain at all and 'the true villain was despair haha get it cause we all play MMOs were all depressed' fell so flat. Such 2deep4u garbage I am sorry read Dostoevsky or something. The praising of that aspect especially made me think people who play this game just don't read. The secondary antagonist was just kind of there, there was a cool body swap duty but they did nothing with it.
>the reason why hermes/fando become sad is that the bird went to space and got sad and then it came back and told hermes it was sad and that made hermes want to kill everyone
(^how my friend summarised the villain)
Shadowbringers was a self contained story that wrapped everything up beautifully, had a villain you could sympathise with but had to fight against. He was basically just like you except on opposite sides. Endwalker was two expansions in one basically. Garlemald went from being in a stalemate with the alliance to a burned out refugee camp in two weeks. There was so much fanservice, bringing back a villain who got a perfect send off (Emet) and a villain who has a lot of fans here but I personally can't stand back for the fourth fucking time (Zenos). The fistfight at the end was such schlocky anime garbage I audibly groaned. The 'final days' were one weather change. The stakes didn't feel real, there was no sense of urgency or tension. It is basically surface level philosophy, the power of friendship saves the day in the end, etc, etc. Again, it's fine, even above average for an MMO. But for something that was being called best story ever in a game? Over this I was told 'women will never understand'? No. 307432
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Can we talk about the 13 year old character in Norwegian Wood who was sexualized and then has a lesbian fetish rape scene where she rapes a 31 year old woman? It reads like a lesbian porno and nothing like a sexual assault as the victim describes it to some stranger. Murakami also goes on how beautiful this unnamed 13 year old girl is, describing that her breasts are so big and bouyant and whatever, but that she's so smart and calculated that she ruined the life of the 31 year old woman and is the reason she ended up in the mental hospital.
Picrel is the text of this sexual assault that is way too vivid and pornographic for a woman to tell some random guy she's newly acquainted with. Ew.
No. 307457
>>301182I had the opposite problem with hermes writing to where I felt he had
valid complaints about his society and then the game itself demonized him for it and im like. didn't
they write it. you wrote it to bring it up and then gave the equivalent of "just do yoga for depression 5head" it's. just bizarre choices like that and pardoning the sex slaver that made yotsuyu a monster. I like the characters but think they've fumbled every deep point they've tried to make. Not to mention they won't ever make tough narrative decisions bc killing waifus would stop people from subbing
No. 308179
>>15207I don't know how to explain it besides saying that I find these movies incredibly cringe.
I never liked superhero stuff to begin with since it's even duller than generic battle shounen and more obnoxiously pathetic. But what makes it even worse is seeing these stories as live action. Real actors wearing skin-thigh cosplays and shooting badly made CGI lasers and shit will never not be painful to watch. I am genuinely incapable of taking these movies seriously even if one of them actually had a good story for once. And the massive usage of CGI backgrounds and shitty filters make it even so much worse, these movies look as flat as video games to me just with real actors.
No. 308335
>>307434The only female character he’s written pretty well that I’ve seen was the dowager of 1Q84 who runs a safe house for abused women and coordinates the killing of
abusive men. I liked Aomame too but since she had a few embarrassing pickme-isms courtesy of Murakami’s double standards and misogyny (like being a sexy hitwoman who happens to love receding hairlines, yikes). Just be warned that the teenager character in that book is pitifully sexualized by Murakami. Aside from that, I really love that book—but mostly Aomame & the dowager’s storyline kek.
No. 310113
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A few years back, I tried playing Metal Gear Solid for the first time. I'm a Millenial, but somehow never got around to playing the games, despite all the hype around them. I knew beforehand that it was going to be a dialogue-heavy game, but I had heard only good things about the writing, so I went in with high hopes.
…and holy shit, it's one the most retarded pieces of media I've ever experienced. I'm not exaggerating. It's like an action movie written by an autistic 14-year old, who just read the TV Tropes page about the fourth wall. The dialogue was so clumsy and juvenile and went on an on. I get that many people praising this game played it first when they were still 14-year old autists themselves, but shouldn't they have figured out what garbage this is by now? I initially planned to play the whole series, since it's deemed essential vidya, but this game left such a bad impression, I haven't really followed through with that plan.
No. 310151
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>>310150samefagging bc I dropped the pic
No. 310158
>>310113the script is definetly not all that, but you know moids, any action piece of media that's remotely deep gets praised. Personally, I think they're pretty fun to play (at least from 1 to 3, never touched the others) so if you enjoyed the gameplay I'd say give the others a go, if not, you're not missing out.
What bothers me though is the overanalysis of the series. The core message is always the same and it's always so clear, nuclear war is bad, politicians are trash and technology is often used with evil purposes (which is also the message behind half of japanese media post WW2) so I don't get why people feel the need to make the same video essay or twitter thread explaining how great and 2deep4you the series is over and over again. If you read the dialogue it's pretty self-explanatory.
>>310150>the message is obvious and relatable but if you look up forum posts from back then there are plenty of people who seem confused or annoyed by the monologuemaybe they took the premise of the game at face value thinking it would be just another shooter with espionage elements and when they were faced with any type of social commentary they were shocked by it but that has more to do with audience consuming videogames at the time than Kojima being some sort of Nostradamus (especially when the influece the "virtual world" would have on the real one was such a hot topic back then). Kinda like how, since most of the audience consuming anime are otakus, they get shocked when authors reference books or movies they wouldn't read or watch themselves.
No. 310181
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Dune is misogynist, racist, homophobic slop. The only interesting thing about it is some of the worldbuilding and even then it's mid. I first read it as a teenager and even then I couldn't shake how blatantly misogynistic it is.
No. 310324
>>310136This is pretty much it with Kojima. Dude consumes a lot of media, chews it up, and regurgitates it. Fans who consume nothing but games mediawise then proceed to go wild about his genius because to them the regurgitation looks deep, when in actuality its a funky pulp.
Fun stuff, and I think the dude does genuinely have an eye for and appreciation of good media, but he's really overhyped by his fans. I hate him but that's because I'm sick of male creators who get hyped to hell and back for having a big budget and superficially deep products (looking at you, Hideaki Anno and Yoko Taro)
No. 312956
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I don't really hate Star Wars, I just don't get it. Pretty sure people told me the director made stuff up as it went, like Lea wasn't originally meant to be Luke's sister. It's fine, but then the fanbase acts like it's a holy grail and forgets it's inconsistencies and pitiful flaws. I can understand how impressive some of the movie techniques were in the old movies, but beyond that it's just some silly action movies. The episodes 1,2 and 3 are fun and anakin was cute, the flying car race is my best memory of the entire Star Wars movies. The games are boring, all of them. Some people put Star Wars on the same level of LoTR but that's just unfair and I don't even care for LoTR either. Maybe I wouldn't dislike it as much if the fans weren't so weird about it, like comic book fans and some game fandoms can ruin the experience sometimes.
No. 313145
>>313092for me it's Natalie Portman, I hate her acting in every movie so far, I hate the Padme Amidala character, I just can't stand anything about her, but if you tell it any moid, oh, they will hold a monologue about why you are wrong. I honestly like Harrison Ford and the Han Solo character, but I always liked older men, kek. Anakin is annoying, he is as annoying as Kylo Ren, all this crying, whining and stupid anger and then the actors aren't even good looking.
No. 336910
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No matter how unique or creative is trying to be , it'll always comes off as soulless and humorless also hate the ugly furbait that is Jax.what would a furry be doing in a digital circus???
No. 336925
>>336921Samefagging but allow me to amplify my point
>Jax or whatever is Kademono (Poppee The Performer)>Ragatha is Raggity Ann>the mask thing is SCP-035>the pink piece of shit is the creator's persona/OC from his pfpIt's insane how uncreative this dog shit is and everyone is just eating it up because it's tailored to amass the biggest following possible, from furries to troons. It's so frustrating…
No. 336927
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>>336925hey give kedamono more credit, he's actually a nice guy unlike jax.
No. 336953
Beetlejuice is so overrated it hurts. Do people really like this movie or are they saw it at the age of 6, remember nothing of it and just pretending to like it?
It’s so bad - so unfunny, boring and tryhard. What keeps me eyerolling, that it wants to be edgy. The only self aware (at least I hope so) scene was lydia writing a suicide letter, that was funny, okay. The rest is just out of touch with reality: aimless satire of some bad bad wannabe hip rich people, to which burton ironically belongs himself, good good country people, they are good because they are young and good looking, you see. And the teenage goth gf wetdream waifu - she’s so speshul and totes nlog, fuck offff
And don’t get me started on the beetlejuice himself - aside of weird tif following for him as tumblr sexyman - he’s ugly, crude, disgusting and will hump every object - so it’s believable he’d fuck them, to add he’s chaotically extroverted and I guess it’s a charming point to socially disabled nerd girls. ANYWAY, aside of all this, his character is so “oh look how edgy I can be oh I am such a nonconformist rebel”, I guess it could be funny for kids, but why all those sexual harassment “jokes” then
I recently rewatched it and was baffled how nothingburger it was, considering its status. I also rewatched nightmare before christmas and also was surprised how boring it was - not surprising was the fact, that story was written by beetlejuice director and by beetlejuice screenwriter. The former did some episodes of mystery/horror anthology tv series and wrote some horror books, also was a speshul edgelord, according to his page on wiki. So the worst of all beetlejuice is not even close to comedy horror - no comedy, no horror, that’s it
The sets and some costumes was nice, afterlife bureaucracy is a tired trope, but still cute imo
The only really good thing is elfman’s music, the rest of music suck ass, I hate the closing wHimSical dance scene
No. 336966
>>336953I agree with you,
nonnieI've always found Beetlejuice extremely boring then again all of Tim Burtons films are boring and overrated as hell except for the FrankenWeenie films,they got my heart.
No. 338524
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>>336910Kek I checked out what channels had to say about that digital circus pilot, and already there's autists eating it up and unironically making 30-minute videos on why the bunny guy, the raggedy ann doll, and the jester girl are "trauma babies" or why it's gonna be "so deep". The pilot is paced like an ADHD simulator, all of the characters are one-dimensional tropes that are already popular, the jester girl's voice acting is so shrill and annoying, and the creator is even a trannoid that even seems to encourage the coomers. The only thing I like about it is the animation. Sure, maybe I'm being harsh because only the pilot is out, but where else am I gonna talk about not liking it?
No. 338570
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>>336925The pink piece of shit is just a Zolo toy so it's no original either. I hate this shit
No. 338590
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>>336953yes, i absolutely love beetlejuice, mostly because of the idea of nice, kind of dorky husband-and-wife ghosts trying to help a lonely goth girl get away from the creep that is beetlejuice and ultimately triumphing. i remember wanting them to adopt me when i saw it as a kid. it's a fun movie.
No. 338598
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>>338576>Anything Madoka tries to do is done well by another animeI loved Madoka and would love to see something even better. Do you have recs?
No. 338729
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>>336910Today i will remind them
No. 338871
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>>336910At first I thought it was interesting and enjoyable but after knowing about Goosetranny's creepy background, his head drilling/abused girls fetish and encouraging his fans to make coom art, it all so icky and off putting. I hope TADC and Goosetranny gets more tomatoes thrown at while being a dumpster fire.
>>336921>>336925>>336927Jax is inspired by Popee since they're both bunny bullies and Gangle is inspired by Kedamono since they both wear masks and get bullied. They basically have the same character trope and just switched their color palettes.
No. 339001
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>>338698I dont get why people are so defensive towards the magical girl genre. Cutie Honey and Majokko Megu chan are from the 70s and they are both pervy shows pandering to degen males. They where both a huge impact on the magical girl genre and its dumb to deny their legacy. Minky Momo and Creamy Mami where popular amongst lolicons back when it aired. They weren't the target audience but the studios they didnt care that lolidegens watched their shows
kinda like the MLP:FIM staff. Azuma Hideo an oldschool lolicon also dabbled in the magical girl genre back in the day.
Hero with an alter ego is a really old concept that isnt unique to magical girls. The only thing that is unique to magical girls is that its all girl teams (which is done for marketing purposes) and elaborate transformation sequences which only became a trend because of Cutie Honey.
All that aside most normies in japan sees them as childrens entertainment that exist to sell toys. Idc if people like them but magical girl fans needs to stop acting like their fave genre is profound.
regarding Madoka: I dont know if the creators ever claimed it was a deconstruction? Most japanese otakus are aware that there have always been pervy magical girls shows and there have existed dark magical girls shows prior to Madoka. It was mostly westerns who called it a deconstruction. I dont blame magical girl fans for hating Madoka but it csn be criticized without claiming its an " appropriation" of Magical Girls
No. 344827
>>15126>>15124I think this a reference to
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
by Robert Heinlein. The inhabitants were a lunar penal colony based on libertarian values, and then they created a new culture and they based maturity on "moon years"
No. 371601
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Boring as fuck,tried watching it again as an adult,still doesn't even have good female characters.
No. 372562
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Was so disappointed when I picked it up and found this series of books to be very boring and childish. While I didn't like it in my 11-12 years old, I can see why many liked at the same age, what I don't understand is the amount of old horses shilling the series as the pinnacle of good entertainment for teens and pre-teens.
No. 372912
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>>371601Different people have different tastes. I like Gaz, but I'll agree that there hardly any female characters in it. Gaz would kill a man.
No. 395692
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Picrel. It was… okay. Definitely not worth getting a movie, though.
No. 395776
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It was okay, far from bad but not the masterpiece everyone shills, I liked the art and the character development but I really had a hard time suspending my disbelief for all the contrived situations happening, anytime somebody came across another important character or clue I was like "damn what were the odds". The resolutions were a bit too convoluted for my own taste as well. Also Johan was a bit lame, how the hell did he kill all those people, especially as a kid? I thought Roberto was a much scarier villain. I think I would have loved Monster had I read it in my late teens but I'm not as easily impressed now, and I'll probably get the same reaction with 20th Century Boys.
No. 395780
>>395776Billy Bat is Urasawa's most fun work IMO. The others haven't persevered in my memory as well.
Likely because Billy Bat's premise melds best with Urasawa's penchant for wild stories crossing time periods.
No. 395788
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So my controversial take is that Code Geass was very boring and none of the characters were likable. I really don’t understand how it is considered a masterpiece
No. 395792
>>395782Yeah, I think you'll likely prefer BB then.
Pluto is good even without Astro Boy knowledge. If you're planning to do a full tour of his work, I'll also say that Asadora OTOH is improved by an appreciation for the tokusatsu genre. I'd at least watch a Godzilla movie or something before giving it a go.
No. 395793
>>307432Murakami is so overrated. It's embarrassing to worship him past the age of 25 max.
I really think he coasts on purposefully enigmatic but atmospheric imagery that people can project whatever interpretation onto to feel smart about. But the truth is that he's gotten increasingly substanceless over the years.
No. 395809
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BORING ass shit
No. 395932
>>395791Thanks for the heads up. I've always wondered what the deal with Murakami was. I knew some lolicon weeb moids who praised Murakami like mad. Now I know why.
Japanese media outside of anime never appealed to me. It seems like subpar media that weebs only pretend is good so they can feel high class and separate from other weebs.
No. 395975
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I thought it was going to be groundbreaking but it was very meh to me. The ending was fucking ridiculous and the part where they reunite and immediately begin to eat each other out on the beach came off as coomerish to me
No. 395994
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>>395815To be "fair", Norwegian Wood is a work that even he's not proud of– he wrote it to appeal to the mainstream so he could get his foot in the door as a novellist. It's not really representative of his work as a whole.
I still think he sucks though (I read a shitton of his books when I was young, up until IQ84 sucked so bad I couldn't stomach it anymore). Being bad and/or fetishistic about women is also invariably an element of all his work.
Not surprisingly, he's allegedly not very popular with older generation / high literature circles in Japan who similarly believe he only appeals to Westerners due to their general mysticism towards Japanese culture. Japanese readers ran entire "fake Murakami quote" contest online about 15 years ago where people submitted one-liners mocking his contrived style.
No. 396179
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>>396024the drama's all in french but basically once she trooned out she made a stink on french wikipedia trying tto edit her own article and seending her minions to do it. because she didn' t like that it menioned her 'deadname'. wiki had edited the article to reflect her new gender but since all her notoriety was ganied under her female name it was meentioned as well (that's wpfr policy). when she got the boot for brigading and sockpuppeting,she actually went to the media to reeee about wiki being transphobic. that was years ago but gendies still regularly try to edit her article'_Marohthis is the kind of shit she draws now btw
No. 396204
>>395776Fair enough, but I think if you could relate to the characters that were
victims of Kinderheim 555 you would enjoy it more. I enjoyed it for the overall experience and message (child abuse bad), and didn't pay much attention to the details, because it's just what fiction is about. And all his works have those different subplots somehow being all linked. I'd say his most realistic story is Happy!!, not actually realistic in the situations, but things aren't too convoluted. It's one of my favorite sports manga ever.
No. 426357
>>426353I agree but
>LOTR>Awooga sexy womanWhere? There's like three female characters (not that it makes it better kek) but none of them are sexualized. I'd say that there's more way guys to ogle at
No. 426392
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>>426357arwen walking around in low cut dresses and super sheer gowns, whisper-talking like a phone sex operator? especially in aragorn's retarded dream sequences which were like bad porn intros. it's like the director really tried to make her as sexy as possible without it being outright disgraceful to the setting, while playing it off as some sort of exposition/including a romance arc. those scenes were literally only there for the hollywood-required male gaze eyecandy quota to be filled and nothing can change my mind. like they could've used the actual contents from the appendices to build up arwen's character and their relationship instead but nah, they needed more blurry, slow panning over and closeups of her body and them making out. absolute trash. i understand this critique comes across as extreme pearl clutching in comparison to the excessive amounts of nudity in game of thrones or whatever but for a book fan it's still fucking offensive to arwen's character. and don't even get me started on how they made her into a situationship cuck who gets dumped but then insists to go back and cling at the prospect of being a tradwife mommy.
No. 426407
>>426396i mean canonically she is, but holy fuck the casting and styling of aragorn was beyond awful. i want to vomit when i see him. movie arwen was way too ugly for me too though, just like the other 99% of the cast.
>>426398they were tasteless and looked like shit. the creators showed no respect for or understanding of basically any of the characters.
No. 426487
>>312956The only reason I want to get into Star Wars is to be horny for some characters, to be honest. Aside from that, I think it and its fandom are the cringiest shit ever. I like space operas but I don't really like the cheesy-ass way Star Wars does it.
>>426353Holy shit, I had the same experience. Well, I did watch some scenes when I was little and Star Wars was on TV, but never a full movie. The only time was when a moid and I went on a movie date and he picked The Rise of Skywalker. I don't know why he thought forcing someone to sit through the ninth film in a franchise they know nothing or care about was a good idea for a date. Sorry for the blogpost, but this is how I found out how bad Star Wars really is. I'd understand liking its cheesiness, but fans take it way more seriously than it deserves. The only thing that kept me from falling asleep was desperately wishing Kylo Ren and Rey would have more
cute scenes together. Maybe it was just because that movie was shit, according to the critics who are fans of the franchise, but something tells me it's not just that. It gave me the same vibes as the Avengers movie my high school friends forced me to watch many years ago.
No. 426607
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Finally watched Akira after many years of hearing its praise and was severely disappointed with what it is.I almost feel like I’m missing something but I understand the plot and quiet a bit of the historical context it has but I came out feeling nothing.I joked that I’ll stop watching the movie once the ‘epic slide that’s over referenced in pop culture’ popped up but I really could’ve actually stopped there and feel the same way after finishing it.The animation is gorgeous and I dig the style but the characters came off as bare and rather annoying.I don’t care what happened to them or what they did,it’s only when Tetsou became more mutated was when I became just a bit invested but it’s really not much.Im disappointed that this movie is as hailed as it is only because it’s baby’s first anime for so many people and they are easily wavered by detailed visuals.I only look at it as a fear of animation,very overrated film.
No. 426680
>>426607That’s because it is very heavily cut from the comic. Most manga readers didn’t like the movie other than the animation and the fact that it brought so much attention to the manga.
Try reading it, maybe you’ll enjoy it more.