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/int/ - international cows

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No. 1537

Because the eurofaggority in /ot/ is getting out of control (not shaming anons, a fucking war does that to you i guess) maybe we can use this board again. But not for international cows, but rather International farmers. We can try? Also it would end the invasion of poltards in /ot

No. 1538

I'm interested!

No. 1539

Yes! That's good idea!

No. 1540

Too few people visit hidden boards.
I think it'd only work if it was put in the menu and existing regional threads were moved here by mods.

No. 1541

>>1540 well, yeah. Like 2X and the male psychoanalysis thread

No. 1542

This needs to happen.

No. 1543

If only the mods cared enough, but i don't want to spam meta

No. 1600


No. 1601


No. 1607

Honestly, there's nowhere near enough traffic for a whole board. /ot/ is fine. Imageboards should have as few boards as possible to not divide userbases.

No. 1614

I still think this board has potential.
Lots of regional threads in /ot/ could be moved here, without having a substantial impact on that board.
Oh well

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