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No. 95338


so I never got into make up during my teens and I guess now that I'm curious I'm too worried about that other people think. I'd be interested in you guys' first experiences with make up and stuff

>How did you start wearing make up? Gradually (started with a certain product) or multiple products at once?

>How did other people react?

Don't have to answer these questions specifically, if there's anything else you'd like to talk about go ahead.

Sorry if this is too autistic even for lolcow lmao

No. 95342

No. 95355

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you think you don't touch your face? wait until you wipe lipstick across your arm or rub your eyeliner straight off your face when you forget you actually wore makeup for once

Anyways - started with power/foundation and mascara and shitty eye shadow in middle school cause my skin was so bad - by senior year hs I just wore lipstick and powder. Nowadays I don't wear anything and when I do I fuck it up for forgetting

As for people reacting, if its the first time people will notice and comment but if you keep doing it they wont care anymore unless you do something wild - same goes for if you stopped wearing makeup all of a sudden. Nothing bad usually though unless you do a really abysmal job

No. 95358

>How did you start wearing make up? Gradually (started with a certain product) or multiple products at once?

extremely gradually. in hs i had no sense of what would look good so i just wore mascara and green eyeliner and nothing else kek. then around senior year i got full makeup done at the counter at the mall and started watching beauty youtubers so i started wearing more

>How did other people react?

my mom was pretty controlling so she always said it looked bad and tried to make me stop wearing any. some dumb friends would make comments like "whoaaAA YOU're wearing MAKEUP?!?!" but maybe it just looked bad

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