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No. 70602
Discuss menstrual cups. Brands, techniques, troubleshooting, etc.
Here are some resources, feel free to add more:
>Cup dimension comparison charts
>Another comparison guide
>Nice channel for honest reviews and other information No. 70611
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I'm using a Divacup atm and preiviously used a Mooncup, with both I found them sometimes very hard to remov, as they are quite hard and create strong suction. The stem and smooth surface don't provide a good grip.
I'm considering buying a Meluna since a nearby shop sells them, does anyone have experience with the brand? And would you recommend the ball or ring kind (not going for the stem again).
No. 70655
>>70610Not true. Break the suction before removing it. Gravity will keep the blood in the cup. Sometimes, there might be a single blood/mucus strand coming out, which is admittedly kind of gross. Use toilet paper if it won't break on its own.
>>70611I have the small MeLuna Classic with a ring stem. I do like it, though I'd try a Silja if I could get one in the US (MeLuna is TPE; Silja is Silicone). I like it and the suction is easy to break, partially due to the design, and partially due to the TPE, which is less springy. It will become slightly oval-shaped if you store it in a crushed position, though it goes back to normal with heat from wearing or boiling it. The grip rings on the base are nice and prominent. Whether you choose the ring or ball stem comes down to personal preference. The ring is a bit longer, so it might help more with removal. The way the base attaches also helps the cup go into a good hot dog fold for removal.
No. 70744
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>>70705Disliking tampons is why I initially tried a menstrual cup. I like menstrual cups so much more than tampons. They don't dry me out, and they aren't weird and rigid. They move with my body and once it's in for fifteen minutes, it shimmies up and I actually can't feel it. With tampons, I could always feel them. It's like a woodchip in my vagina. Cups are great for something you can't feel. Trim the stem or get one with a ring or ball stem unless you have a very high cervix.
It doesn't hurt that they accommodate sleeping nude and doing non-penetrative sexual acts.
No. 70763
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How does everyone store their cups? I'm not a fan of visible branding, but I don't really sew, either.
No. 70838
I love my Diva cup. Been using one for 3ish years without problem except the occasional leak. I might try another brand to see if I could get rid of leaks all together.
>>70610this is completely false. lol who made that up?
>>70811you pull it out while sitting on the toilet. Your hands can get a little messy but it should all go in the bowl.
I heard that horror story too. I also heard it can get suctioned onto your cervix and get stuck. That's not the norm though.
No. 70843
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>>70605>>70603i have one too and i was paranoid about that as well, esp bc one of my strings is wrapped around my cervix but it's been fine so far. the other anon basically stated all you need to do. it's not super hard to break the suction/you should be doing that or otherwise it's super uncomfortable
>>70611if you don't like stems, (i dont either) the cup that i use and vastly prefer to most of the cups with stems is the fun factory fun cup, which is relatively new and has a weird curved tip thing at the end that's hard and has a different texture for getter grip.
maybe something like it might work better for you? this kit has a smaller pink one and a larger blue one, and it comes with a little triangular anti-microbial bag (that's not super-branded) to store them as well. i got it because i figured that i might need the latter for my stupidly heavy copper iUD periods, but the smaller size is actually just fine (and the large one felt uh, too big for me)
No. 70871
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>>70843I've been wondering about a Fun Factory cup. I already have a few cups I've tried, but am still looking for an elusive perfect fit. I bought a Lily cup (not the compact) and can't get it open no matter what I try. Does the Fun Factory cup open easily? Does the suction break easily for removal? Is it stiffer than the Lily cup?
No. 70907
>>70871i haven't actually tried the lily cup, but from what i've seen and know about it and the thinner(?) silicone it uses, the fun factory cup is probably stiffer, but not terribly so!
it does open easily (for me). i really like its design because it fits more "naturally", i guess, because of how it's curved. i use the c-fold for insertion, making sure that the fold and nub/stem thing are facing up. i usually insert the cup laying down (i rarely need to empty it in public), rotate or tilt it a little, and it kind of just opens/suctions up. the suction breaks pretty easily especially when i kind of push down on it with my muscles.
No. 70943
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>>70763I use a coin purse. Obviously one bought for this purpose alone.
No. 72201
>>72126Don't you just take it out while on the loo or in the shower? I've never spilled anything anywhere but on my fingers which is inconsequential.
I will say that I've had "overflow" with the MoonCup when I had heavy days and left it in over night and then lounged in bed for too long (something about the horizontal position I assume). Never happened with the DivaCup though.
No. 72219
>>72048>>72108Try the putacupinit quiz.
>>72119It's messier when you're learning how to manage it. I suggest changing it at home only until you get the hang of it. If you'll be away from home more than 12 hours, use something else for the time being.
Wash your hands before and after inserting or removing the cup.
So if you are emptying your cup, you wash your hands, remove the cup while sitting over the toilet and dump in the bowl. Wash the cup with soap and water (or just rinse in water) and reinsert it. Wash your hands again.
No. 72501
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>>72211Whatever works for you! That said, I mostly don't have to change in public restrooms. You can bring a bottle of water in with you, or you can use feminine wipes.
No. 72648
>>72535Only if you wear it for a few days.
>>72576>>72579Someone did get TSS while using a menstrual cup. She cut the inside of her vagina with her fingernail. So it's the same level of risk as fingering.
No. 74319
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>>74310The small MeLuna (1.50″ diameter) is very small, but also not silicone. I loved mine until it suddenly lost a lot of firmness, and you might not have the same issue. It's occasionally available on Amazon, but your best bet is to get it on the MeLuna website. If length is not as much of an issue, I recommend the ring stem. If you live outside of the US, the Silja cup Is the same as the Meluna, but made from silicone. If you're in the US and don't mind skirting the FDA and paying high shipping costs, you can also get the Silja here: Femmycycle teen (1.22" diameter) is the smallest diameter on the Put A Cup In It chart, but is an unusual shape, so I can only assume they don't measure at the widest point, but at the rim.
You can view a chart with cup dimensions here: No. 74452
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>>74384French cups are for the bourgeoisie
No. 75061
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How am I supposed to trim this stem?
No. 75251
I've just ordered a Mooncup size B and am looking forward to using it next period I have. I've watched the video in
>>74569 and read through this thread, is there anything else I should know before I start using it?
No. 75274

>>75251Congratulations, I hope you grow to love your cup as much as I have!
Some tips (don't worry about remembering all of this; just do what works for you):
>run the cup under cold water before insertion to make it a little firmer so that it pops open more easily>run the cup under cold water after removal, before washing it in warm water, to prevent staining (not that it's anything more than a cosmetic issue)>don't worry about the 360 degree turn; feel around the whole rim to make sure it's in place and has no dents>you can help the cup to travel up and settle faster if you do a few jumping jacks after insertion>if your cup is in properly and the stem is sticking out, trim the stem a little bit at a time>use a pantyliner or something the first day you try it, or make sure you are at home>you might get a little slobber after changing the cup, because there might be a bit of fluid below your cup, but this is not leaking and will happen less as you get more experienced using your cup>if you have a light/medium flow, you shouldn't have to change more than twice a day, and you might be more comfortable doing this at home>if you are having trouble removing your cup, wait 30 minutes, try squatting in the shower, try having a bowel movement, and see the video related No. 75323
hey guys wanna share my experience w the cup. ive been reading all these great things about menstrual cups and when i finally saw one at my local drug store i snatched (heh) it up. i bought a lily cup, it was around $40 but i said fuck it, I'm gonna save money on pads.
i apologize for the graphic languge but i need to say my piece because i am frustrated as fuck. every time i want to empty out mine, i have to rummage inside my bleeding cunt and pull the damn thing by a slippery stem, like it's fucking disgusting. then, once youve pulled it out, where do you empty it? in the toilet? in the sink? cause its going in the sink anyway cause you have to wash it off, dont you? and then shove the dry cup up your snatch, snag your hairs, feel the discomfort if its not inserted juuuuust right? holy fuck. washing off menstrual blood in the bathroom sink, reinserting the dry as fuck cup back in - how the fuck do you even do that with your pants around your ankles? - and then rinsing off your bloody mucusy fingers after you're done?
ALSO. also. when it's kinda full, and youre lying down and can feel all the old period from the cup flow back into your insides?
I'm gonna go back to using pads only or use the cup at home where i can change and clean it in the shower.
i wish someone told me this before i bought it, and hopefully no diva masterrace takes any offense, just my two cents.
No. 75328
>>75323I think you're just being a bit extra, but if it's not for you, fair enough.
I never need to change it when I'm not at home though? Once in the morning and once after work.
No. 75339
>>75323I'm sorry you had such a negative experience. I have multiple cups and honestly, the Lily is the most expensive one I own, and the only one that I couldn't get to work for me. I can't get it to open. Taking it out is hell and a huge mess,
Maybe a Lena or Lena sensitive would work better for you? If you buy it on Amazon, the code LENALOVE saves you $5. I'd understand if you didn't want to spend even more money on the endeavor, though. You could also take the putacupinit quiz for a more specific recommendation. Get something with suction holes.
No. 75353
>>75323Re: the feeling of the blood flowing back - for me I loathe the feeling of pulling a still sort-of dry tampon out, or worse the feeling of squishing into your blood when you sit down while wearing a pad - like, for as long as we have periods it's nasty. You need to toughen up a bit and adjust your view towards your period blood if you don't want to find it gross anymore because otherwise guess what, it's always going to be gross.
If your hair is snagging, trim your hair. Not even shave! Just trim.
There are loads of tips for inserting and removing them, like putting a little water or lube onto the rim to make inserting it not completely dry.
And you normally empty it in the toilet. You can wipe it off with toilet paper to get the worst off and then rinse what's left.
No. 75360
>>75323I'm sorry your experience has not been positive. I understand your feelings of disgust, as I had them too. I've gotten over it a bit, and ultimately find it to be cleaner. That said, I wouldn't want to empty a cup outside of the home.
>i have to rummage inside my bleeding cunt and pull the damn thing by a slippery stem,The Lily cup is especially tricky because it has no suction release holes. Normally, I'd advise bearing down and pinching the base of the cup to break the seal, but I'm not sure if this works with the Lily. Try it out when you can, though.
>once youve pulled it out, where do you empty itThe toilet. Sit over the toilet (if you can) while removing it. If you prefer, you can rinse it over the toilet or wipe it off before washing it in the sink.
> shove the dry cup up your snatch,If this is an issue, try some water-based lube around the rim.
>holy fuck. washing off menstrual blood in the bathroom sink, reinserting the dry as fuck cup back in - how the fuck do you even do that with your pants around your ankles? - and then rinsing off your bloody mucusy fingers after you're done? It is a lot, and it can feel like a bit of a production, especially at first. The steps I follow are
0. Put down some toilet paper on the ledge of my bathtub as a cup spot
1. Wash hands, leaving water on
2. Pee and wipe
3. Remove cup
4. Empty into toilet
5. Rinse under the running water
6. Place on that bit of TP acting as a cup spot
7. Wipe any blood off of my body and use some tp to line my panties if my flow is heavy
8. Get off of toilet
9. Wash hands again
10. Wash cup
11. Insert cup
12. Remove TP from panties and flush toilet
13. Wash hands again
This is not the one true way to do it, just what works for me. It does take longer than using tampons.
>ALSO. also. when it's kinda full, and youre lying down and can feel all the old period from the cup flow back into your insides? Does it feel like it's bubbling over? That's how it feels to me when it's overflowing. Could it be an air bubble escaping as the cup gets settled? I've never felt something like what you've described, but everybody is different.
The Lily cup is not representative of most cups, and is really an outlier. As
>>75339 said, the Lena is an option. The Lunette is also considered a very average cup. If you do feel like giving it another go, try a cup that's more "normal" with suction holes and rotational symmetry.
If you feel like the cup just doesn't work for you, don't feel bad. It's a matter of personal preference, and it's okay to dislike what others like.
No. 75380
>>75369Some cups made for a low cervix:
>FemmyCycle low cervix>MeLuna Shorty (4 sizes available)>MerulaYou could also try a larger diameter, so your cervix sits more comfotably in the cup.
No. 75419
>>75410Yes! I have a really have flow, and the cup lets me go so much longer between changes.
If a high capacity is something you need, this site has information on which cups hold the most: No. 75877
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Has anyone tried the Ziggy Cup? It's made by the same company as the Lily Cup. It looks like a SoftCup, but is reusable for two years (less than most other cups). I think the main draw is supposed to be using it for sex, or for people who like SoftCups but want something reusable.
No. 75905
>>75901That shouldn't be happening, but I've read that it happens to people from time to time. My MeLuna did the same thing, and then went back to being usable. I'm still not sure why. It's TPE, which loses firmness, but a silicone cup should remain the same unless it is damaged. It could be less firm, or your needs may have changed. If there are no small tears, maybe you need a different cup. Try the Luneale just to be sure it's the cup and not another factor. Another thing that sort of helps, if you haven't tried this already, is pressing on your vaginal walls where you need the cup to open up.
There's not much information on Be Cup in English, but it looks like it might be on the softer side. If your abdominal strength has increased, or your kegels have gotten more toned, you might need something firmer.
No. 75917
I tried the Flex and the Joy Division sponges.
In terms of period sex, I think a partner would be able to feel either, but that the sponges would probably work for a wider variety of anatomies and positions.
When trying the sponge, I left it in for 6 hours, and had no leaks. I used the regular size, but the mini would have probably been fine, too. Insertion was easy for me (I use reusable menstrual cups, and used Ob tampons before that) but did obviously require sticking my fingers into my vagina. I decided to wet it with water, squeeze it all out, and then wet it with a small amount of lube, to saturate the whole thing and keep things slippery, as I would want them during sex. I wasn't really able to know if I put it in precisely where it was supposed to go, but it worked, and I could not feel it. On removal, it was pretty easy to grab while sitting over a toilet, and no blood came out of the sponge until I squeezed it under running water before throwing it out. It did feel sort of squishy while inserted, but not like the surrounding tissue. A partner would probably feel it, but it wouldn't be uncomfortable for either party.
When trying the Flex, I left it in for 10 hours, and had no leaks. I folded it to insert, and pushed it as far back as I could, but wasn't very careful to keep it folded. I wasn't sure if I hooked it behind my cervix, I felt the thing, bag-like portion and was pretty sure my cervix was in there. Once it was in, I couldn't feel it. On removal, it wasn't anywhere near totally full, but the mess level was similar to breaking the seal one a fell reusable cup and removing it. Totally manageable on the toilet, and very easy to grab, as I didn't have to reach very far in at all. I do see why the term "blood drawer" gets mentioned with this product, and if you normally use absorbent products, seeing all that blood spill into the toilet will be weird. This is probably a better product than a sponge for someone who doesn't want to or can't reach all the way to their cervix. A partner would definitely feel this, but how bothersome it is would depend on the couple's anatomies and what positions they used. I could see this getting jostled out of place, and if it was very full, it would be easy to squeeze some out. It does fit a lot, though, so if you put it in right before, it would probably be fine.
Either product is worth checking out if you and your partner are happy with period sex, but would prefer to minimize the amount of mess for whatever reason. There are other sponges and other discs available, and the brands I used might not be the best for everyone. I selected the products I was going to try based on price and availability at the time. SoftCups are back on Amazon and cheaper than the flex subscription box model, I think. If you or your partner are not okay with the possibility of there being some blood, I wouldn't count on these products to deliver each and every time. Either of these are also worth checking out for someone who wants an internal product that is an alternative to tampons and reusable menstrual cups.
No. 76044
>>75922That's great! Ruby Cup does a buy one, give one system, or you can donate one without getting one for yourself. They also educate the girls on how to use the cups.
I do wish there was a donation service where I could donate cups to women in the US who want them. Just donating one to a pantry seems kind of pointless, because cups to require some help to figure out. I donated my stockpile of unopened boxes of pads and tampons, though.
No. 79583
>>79465>>79581reusable pads are great. they feel super soft and dry. and are eco friendly
also biodegradable doesn't mean much if they go into normal landfills
No. 79790
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>>79678you can get them on amazon tho, and they last a long time.
No. 79912
>>79790Couple of questions:
How long do they last?
How often do you change them? Like, if you're having a heavy flow do they hold up overnight?
How do you store them after they've been used? And how do you wash them? Do you just toss them in a washer? I imagine it doesn't do a good job. And you'd probably wait till you have a few used before washing them.
No. 79941
>>79795oh sorry anon that sucks, If shipping isn't crazy expensive, I'll buy some for you and send them to you as a gift. Do you mind saying your country ?
>>79912>How long do they last? they last years, I've been using mine for about a year, and they still look the same as when I bought them
>How often do you change them? Like, if you're having a heavy flow do they hold up overnight? I don't have a heavy night flow, would recommend a cup for this situation.
I just use a cup on my heavy days and on lighter days 1 pad in the day time and one at night, maybe I'm just gross tho idk.
>How do you store them after they've been used? >And how do you wash them? Do you just toss them in a washer? I store them in the bag they came with until the end of my period, I don't soak them or anything, then throw them in the wash. they smell clean afterwards so it works for me.