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No. 67521
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>>67520Ririchiyo Shirakiin
Liked her since the show first aired back when I was 16. Didn't particularly like it but powered through it for her.
No. 67522
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No. 67524
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the og waifu from when i was like 9
No. 67525
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No. 67530
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No. 67531
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No. 67532
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does she count?
No. 67533
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Got to many but my ultimate waifu has to be Aqua. Also the only strong female character in this game who can actually do stuff. (I hate Kairi since she is useless and told Sora to go away without Riku in the first game, what kind of friend would do that)
No. 67534
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I may or may not have a cybernetics fetish
>tfw no cyborg gf
No. 67536
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I would do anything she told me to do tbh
No. 67537
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this vampire right here
No. 67538
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>>67534fuck yeah good taste
the type of waifu where i didn't know if i wanted to be her or fuck her more
scarjo could never
No. 67540
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>>67538>>67534>she will never beat the shit out of you while invisiblewhy live :c
No. 67542
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i wuv her
shes much cooler in the manga tho
No. 67546
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No. 67547
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No. 67548
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>>67547good pick anon, such a wholesome waifu
No. 67559
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>>67531Came her to post her, thank God taste, anon
No. 67560
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>>67537YEEEEE girl, good taste
No. 67561
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No. 67568
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No. 67569
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Hinoka and her pegasus (':
No. 67574
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>>67568Who's that? I like the design.
Also Ciri ya'll (Yenefer too lol)
No. 67575
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while she might not be considered best girl, i'd still pick her
No. 67578
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i'm not exactly sure what i feel, but i know that i really love her
No. 67579
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>>67559I love Misato (as well as Ritsuko) as a character, but Rei is my waifu since I saw her when I was 13.
I'm a lot like her, so my ability to relate plays a huge part in my attraction to her.
>tfw when you're a submissive piece of shit who wants love and attention and would die for her Master No. 67583
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i just love her so much
No. 67586
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No. 67595
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>>67574Her name is Dr Harold Berselius and she's best science lady.
No. 67600
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I'm a slut for handsome women tbh
No. 67603
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>>67531>>67559Misato is best girl!
No. 67608
>>67602yes, rei's entire characterization relied on her being a literal shell. the beauty of her character is that she has very subtle character archs throughout the series that make her a seemingly real person. she goes from having numb character interactions and being a literal fuck robot, to a point where she gets some kind of semblance of a real personality and tells gendo to fuck off.
her boring and almost robotic exterior is what makes the blips of humanity and emotion from her so beautiful.
she has little need or want till the end of the series and in EoE and her trying to make shinji happy is really mostly for her.
No. 67612
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>her boring and almost robotic exterior is what makes the blips of humanity and emotion from her so beautiful.Yes, this!! I know it became a meme, but the first time she smiles for Shinji it truly melt my heart.
>>67579She's not a "submissive piece of shit" because she wants love and attention, wtf? The conflict of her character is that she's a clone created with two purposes: Be a substitute for Yui and to pilot the Eva, that was also something Gendou made solely for his own egotistical purposes to see Yui again. She's literally soulless (well, partially, at least), so no wonder she has "no personality". When Shinji sparkle bit of humanity on her she starts to be her own person and understand that she doesn't need to be a replaceable clone. She's not submissive for the sake of submission. She was "programmed" that way until Shinji.
Sorry about the rant, Rei is my second favorite after Misato No. 67613
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>>67587Did you miss the entire beginning of her arc when her entire existance and emotional wellbeing relies on Gendo? Not to mention her being formed into an image of complacent fuck doll both by Gendo (before she breaks away) and the fanbase/marketing.
Fuck of with your needless agression and false sense of weeb superiority.
>>67602Perhaps I was too laconic.
To me, Rei (in the beginning) represents a certain masochistic way of existing as a woman: a throw-away object of desire.
Shinji has an entirely different relationship with the creepy patriarch. Never claimed Rei (or myself) wants to be accepted and praised by everyone, just that she's reliant on a certain person.
I suck with expressing my thoughts in a concise manner, so here's a quote.
>Rei’s existence as an image and a body that’s denied human autonomy is expressed through the fragility of her form. It’s suggested throughout the series that there’s something physically (never mind mentally, and I suggest this analysis on her psychology) wrong with Rei, emphasized through shots of mysterious pill packs and bloodied bandages. From what we can assume, Rei’s health problems are a result of the cloning process — i.e. the fact that she’s an “image” and not an organic person. She lacks a natural female biology, particularly a menstrual cycle (“a woman who never bleeds”), and the disconnect between Rei’s biological age (14) and her chronological age (10, as Episode 21 suggests) implies that Gendo has some control over manipulating her growth. As a result of all this biological intervention, by the time we get to End of Evangelion, Rei’s body is literally falling apart, her corporeal image collapsing just as her meaningfulness to Gendo is about to end. With the amount of control Gendo holds over Rei’s autonomy, it’s fair to say that their relationship resembles the dynamic between the desiring male creator/spectator and the female image he projects his fantasies onto.(….)
I’d hesitate to make any direct comparison between Gendo and the prototypical male otaku fan/creator (you can take Gendo’s uncanny resemblance to Anno as you will), but it can be said that to Gendo, Rei is a comfort object cloned in the image of what he ultimately desires — his wife. Along with being the linchpin in Gendo’s plans, Rei acts as a receptacle for his emotions; we only ever see Gendo drop his steely facade and show anything resembling empathy around Rei. She replaces the familial voids left by Yui and the son he pushed away, and because Rei’s more “image” than “human,” Gendo can project onto her all he wants without fear of being hurt. And as Rei’s creator, he assigns her existence a meaning that’s entirely dependent upon his desires, like all those horrible manic pixie dream girls.
(google the entire article if you want, it's pretty nice, beyond a postscriptum comment meant to placate transwomen who are angry about narratives centering on ~cis~ women)
No. 67614
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One of my first girl crushes. Thanks 14 year old me.
No. 67615
>>67612Obviously Rei is not a piece of shit. Was meant to be self-deprecating toward myself.
TBH I find her seeking meaning and self-understanding fascinating and am annoyed at people overlooking subtle signs of her developing sense of self.
I pretty much agree with you though my sympathy and personal interpretation of Rei is colored by experiences of abuse, mental illness and personality disorder.
Accent on personal. I recognize her growth and character arc (which I am thankful for), I just tend to focus on the tragic beginning of Rei's life, cause it's more relevant to me.
Sage for obvious would-be samefagging.
No. 67621
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I enjoyed that game a little too much.
No. 67627
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Yall are clearly blind. Asuka is best girl
No. 67660
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I want to marry her and go on adventures with her.
No. 67666
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as a kid, i used to be O B S E S S E D with dark magician girl, like i kept printing out pictures of her and posting them on my wall, and collecting the rare card i could find of her
No. 67667
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>no perv executioner gf
This sucks
No. 67683
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I love her
I want to BE her
No. 67697
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So eloquent,
She inspires me to always refine myself.
No. 67698
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No. 67710
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>>67672It's Marie Joseph Sanson from Innocent and Innocent Rouge. I recommend it, the manga is really good and yet so underrated. It's like a slightly gore-ish Rose of Versailles with references to our century and a lesbian protagonist that was made to look like Chloe Moretz in her teen years and has had her hair cut and styled like Yolandi at some point.
No. 67747
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No. 67752
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Don't make me choose.
No. 67753
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I know she's an airhead but she seems like she would be such a comfy older sister. I want to use her as a pillow and have her pet my hair until I fall asleep.
No. 67756
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Misato and shinji reminds me of myself and someone dear to me and how she helped me with my depression and gave me courage and strength <3
No. 67825
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Love A2 too bit 2B will always have a special place in my heart
No. 67828
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Forever wife.
No. 67831
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No. 67876
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>>67874it makes you sound underage
No. 67883
>>67881For me it's definetly not the same as "best girl" waifu is a little bit more. Like I call Anime chicks 'best gurl' if they are in that particular anime. Waifu is kinda a level on top of "best girl".
I think tops I have… maybe 5 "waifus" and most of them I know longer than just 2 months or so.
And normally they stay my waifu for a looong time lol. So yeah for me it's a female character that I really love and can connect to it in a certain way and for a longer time than just 1 season.
No. 67884
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My wives.
No. 67891
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No. 67901
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I've always loved her ever since I was a child. So protective, so faithful.
One true love right here.
No. 67903
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No. 67904
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No. 67905
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The only ones I care about.
No. 67918
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my holy trinity of blonde waifus.
glad to see some other mami/mugi lovers her, couldn't leave out samus tho
samus was my first waifu, mami was second, and mugi was right after mami
No. 67919
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shes so cute
No. 67926
>>67919i remember playing the ace attorney games when i was in high school and falling so hard for franziska
she's perfect
No. 67933
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>>67683She's not my waifu, but I can totally stand behind that sentiment.
Kuroneko from Oreimo will forever be my waifu. I think perhaps because she reminds me of my best female childhood friend before we grew apart.
No. 67947
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No. 67949
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>>67901oh shit excellent taste. she inspires me and she's a megababe.
No. 67953
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No. 67966
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Even though she is a child, she is really captivating and I'd love to hold hands with adult Rika.
No. 68067
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Nana. I've been in love with her since I was 12
No. 68079
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>>67547i have nothing against sachi, but aiko 4ever
No. 68080
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one of my favorites
No. 68086
>>67947absolutely trash anime
you should be ashamed
No. 68102
>>68067>>68080Queens among queens.
Ai Yazawa is a fucking genius. Everything she's written has become my fave.
No. 68108
Lain is god and Nana is queen
No. 68137
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>>67710my god, she even refers to herself in the third person
I freakin love Yolandi
thanks for introducing me to this
No. 68148
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>>68137Yes! She's perfect.
And I'm glad I introduced someone to this. Let's adore our tall waifu together.
No. 68158
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>>68111Hehe thanks. Temari is so cool isn't she? :D
No. 68168
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Lilina Sanada (ririna)
I love her so much <3
No. 68174
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>>68137>>68148I don't think I've ever run into so many Marie fans in one place, bless you guys and your great taste. She's amazing.
No. 68328
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>>68086I KNOW ok? but i like her design a lot tbh. i can't even make fan art without the first thing people saying is that it was an overrated awful anime.
i guess a more genuine waifu would be this here
No. 68372
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No. 68377
"I ask that you who's listening to this audio to gift me Lola Bunny's collectibles. Lola bunny is bugs bunny's girlfriend in the looney toons cartoons. I want a collection of her stuff even from when she was a kid. That is, from the start of Lola bunny's life. When she was part of the baby looney toons cartoon. In this cartoon Lola bunny was a kid. The collectibles I want are plushies, notebooks, books, magazines, pens, pencil, shirts, stickers, pants, shirts, bedsheets, pillows, (…) and other Lola bunny stuff.
I am very, very much in love with Lola bunny, and fanatic about her, actually… I'm sick over Lola bunny."
(bad grammar is on purpose, to convey the cringe/ autism. he has bad grammar in Portuguese too)
This video is from 2014 but iirc this is a lot older (like 2008). It was a famous autist who posted everywhere about how much he loved her and wanted someone to buy him her stuff.
That's why
No. 68385
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Forever my waifu.
I'm not even a NEET.
No. 68397
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I want to marry her
No. 68400
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my girl shulkie. fit, smart, and cute as fuck.
No. 68536
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No. 69082
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is it because of Megumi Ogata?
No. 75089
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she's perfect <3
No. 75093
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>>67533aqua is bae. she is so sweet natured but can still be super strong.
still have a soft spot for Ruby though from LoveLive
No. 75166
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>>75093Amazing taste, Ruby is so sweet. Speaking of LL I know she's considered a meme by most but I genuinely love Nico, ever since some of the very first µ's songs came out. I love her impish personality and how underneath her brashness she's actually quite kind and mature.
No. 76551
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Three years strong, I love this powerful goddess with all my heart!
No. 76598
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I love me a strong ice queen
No. 76603
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Dicks out for elegant and calm wives, I love them all so much! Kanade inspires me to be more feminine, Shadow Gale to be more polite and Mami to be more classy.
No. 76616
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She's not the only one but I would do anything for this terrible woman.
No. 76822
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No. 76963
File: 1521918836852.jpg (64.75 KB, 816x459, waif.jpg)

Does anyone else love Izumi, or Ajin in general?It's my favourite anime, and she's my favourite anime character of all time hngh
No. 76967
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I squealed in excitment like a weeb going to her first con when I learned she was officially coming back.
I just have the hots for stronk,big women. Also her voice makes me weak, ugh.
No. 77590
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I love her more than myself
No. 84983
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is it okay to bump this thread for apocalypse wife?
No. 84998
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>>67947if youre gonna have a shit re:zero waifu, at least pick the good sister
No. 85062
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Fuck Undertale for making me question my sexuality
No. 85070
>>85067Same except i just wanna be protected because i'm the "shy nerd girl" stereotype and i'm utter garbage that needs to be supplexed into a trash can.
Tough,badass girls make my heart sing
No. 85074
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>>84983I dont see why not
heres mine
No. 85078
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haru from p5
likes tea time and gardening, therefore the ultimate waifu in my book
No. 85091
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My ultimate waifu. I like to gently fist bump her figure before going to the gym.
Made an ex sleep on the couch when he called her ugly.
No. 85092
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love of my life teacher wife, kawakami
during my playthrough it was a tough choice between her and tae, though
No. 85095
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My stoic bounty hunter waifu, I want to explore the galaxy with her (*°∀°)=3
No. 85130
>>85070Are you me? I kind of hope that my tech skills would help us in a zombie apocalypse
lol as ifAlso, I can't run for shit, I trip quite often from point A to point B.
No. 85131
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>>85078Same here anon. Love her to death.
No. 85190
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>>67533Same waifu here. Aqua is everything I aspire to be and I hope I'll find someone as kind and strong as her.
No. 85197
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Best girl forever and ever.
Hope that the remake won't fuck her up.
Pls no horrible new content on level of Crisis Core
No. 85200
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Rosette from Chrno Crusade is such a wholesome waifu, strong, determined and funny. I remember reading that manga when I was going through some really shitty times in my life and she inspired me to try to be more optimistic. I still cry every time I read it, fucking ending broke me to pieces.
No. 85202
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>>85201no she just makes shittons of money out of making prettily rendered anime girls with trash anatomy and im salty about that. her art is okay at first glance but then you start to notice the arms are dislocated, the proportions are fucked etc. saged for ranting about some artist lmao.
No. 85203
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No. 85337
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>>85091>Made an ex sleep on the couch when he called her ugly.GOOD
she's best waifu tbh
No. 85367
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>>85197I fell in love with her while replaying the original game recently, I hadn't played the first FF7 since I was a kid and the following games/movies ruined my perception of her. She's so much feistier and more playful than I remember, total gf material.
No. 85423
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>>85422and my other FMA waifu
No. 85426
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>>85422olivier is the one true waifu yes, but all fma ladies are great and winry needs love too
No. 85694
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Rina cute
No. 86926
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All the Dragon Age 2 ladies are waifu material.
No. 86929
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No. 86948
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If she slapped me, I would say thank you.
No. 87119
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she has been my one and only waifu for almost 6 years now
No. 87123
she's my adc main forever, idc how much rito nerfs her.
No. 87124
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Yuri is waifu material!
No. 87284
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No. 87287
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No. 87313
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No. 87315
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No. 87998
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I'm not a furry, but…
No. 88034
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Sheena in /pt/ mangling her for AX reminded me of the waifu thread.
Unpopular opinion, but Luna > Aranea
No. 89607
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Sakura Haruno, definitely.
BAMF and underappreciated doctor in the series, mostly realistic female kishi made and great voice actors.
No. 89611
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No. 89624
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Picked up a bunch of old VN's during the Steam summer sale.
>tfw no strong, French pirate gf to carry you on the beach.
No. 89627
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I'm fucking embarrassingly in love with them. (It's never officially stated whether they're male or female but I headcanon them as female.) I just wanna hold them in my arms and promise to love them forever.
It's my dream to someday cosplay as Maka and have a gf who will cosplay as Crona with me.
No. 89752
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I love elves.
No. 90030
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Mila Rose my beautiful strong wife
No. 90056
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>>89752A challenger appears.
Claymore is full of great quality waifus though, hard to choose
No. 90103
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Another Dragon Age wife
No. 90114
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praying for a hilda skin in smash ultimate
No. 90120
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>>76551I love this woman so much, I was obsessed back then and I still am
No. 90187
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It's time to R E W A T C H
No. 90188
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No. 90191
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>>90188im starting to realize i have a thing for girls wielding swords.
No. 91302
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>>76967I see you're a woman of culture as well
No. 91367
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I would do anything for Mistral to dom me, holy shit.
No. 92401
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She flirted with my character to lure her in, manipulated her and eventually backstabbed her. And here I am, still wishing a mod to marry Astrid and cuck her old husband.
No. 92404
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>>92401Now that I think of it, I might actually have a thing for older women who manipulate you
No. 92426
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>>67520the game is meh but i still have a thing for her
No. 92440
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Never played Xenoblade but I got her as a trophy on Smash Bros the other day. Fell in love. Now I wanna play Xenoblade.
>>67918 btw so you can tell I have a type
No. 92445
>>92440XB is an amazing game, and the two other playable girls are cute and have nice party interactions with each other.
Dunno if the Smash Bros. trophy text talks about Fiora's storyline, but if you do pick up XB for her: (spoilers ahead)
She admittedly is not playable for at least half the game. No. 92453
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love all the female characters in this game
but ayla is best girl
No. 92459
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>>92454Omg yes, Lucca is precious
As for me my number one girl is Mukuro from YYH but I also love Genkai so much. Botan is also waifu material, she is wholesome.
No. 99156
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No. 99157
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Akane is prime waifu material
No. 99158
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I still love her, even though she'd probably incubate chryssalids in me.
No. 99159
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>>67578>>85062>>76967>pic related I love waifus that could easily bench me
No. 99161
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>>92426God I love Jennifer. The music in that game is amazing in my opinion, I've listed to the OST about 100 times.
>>67583Mugi is 100% best K-on girl
My waifu is Celty…tfw no headless motorcycle riding gf, her and Shinra's dynamic is really cute though.
No. 99193
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No. 99195
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I was crushing hard on her when LoK aired. Love the voice by Zelda Williams (another crush).
No. 99197
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No. 99209
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>>99159YES! I love Korra. Tan skin and fit body is my ideal irl
No. 99211
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I love her
No. 99212
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Hamyuts Meseta, from The Book of Bantorra.
The anime/novel is really unexpectedly cool, but her… her, lord.
She's so fierce, strong, cruel yet so sweet and playful. So misterious and determined. Smart, childish at times.
I had an hard time choosing between her and Shiki Ichinose, in the end chosed Hamyuts because she's everything I would like to become.
No. 105754
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I love girls from Yoko Taro's works.
No. 105792
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i really, really want to shove my face between nozomi's boobs
No. 105888
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Shuten Douji, shes sexy and cute
No. 105890
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do i have a type? probably not
No. 105906
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beautiful and well written, she felt so real. love her
No. 105908
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I never found Moe cute. Tae is cute. Her personality, mannerisms, and that face she makes screams cute without trying hard. the manga describes her as homely but she's just too damn cute!
No. 105909
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Sakura Haruno.
Alot of people look down on her hustle, I admire her. I wish a lot of people woke up, she's an accomplished doctor in her world. I do kinda aspire to be accomplished as her, surviving in doubt of everything. Maturing eventually, has a deep part in my heart </3.
/Sage for blogpost
No. 105917
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Ayumi from Honey&Clover…she was naive but very driven and sweet
No. 105926
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>>67520I'm asexual, but Shego was the only one who ever made my heart skip a beat every time I saw her on screen. I think she's the only person I've ever genuinely been attracted to, and she's not even real. Fucking sucks man.
No. 105930
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Mirei Park.
I love her so much. She's the female version of Majima. I remember watching the scene where she pulls out a cigarette during a meeting, I was floored.
No. 105933
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>>67918>>85095Everyone here has such nice waifus and we're here loving Samus Aran. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I'm not to only girl with basic fuccboi tastes. Cheers to those in the loving-her-way-too-much-for-far-too-long club.
No. 111884
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oscar, my hero, my one and only
No. 111890
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underrated ONA that I hope gets a full fledged series…
No. 111903
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probably the only character whose redesign for DMC5 I didn't like. She was oversexualized in 4 for sure but it at least fit her character.
The sexiest thing she ever did was pick up a motorcycle in DMC1 and throw it like it was nothing, though.
No. 111918
>>111884I wanted her to have a thing with Marie Antoinette so bad.
10/10 waifu
No. 111981
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Lottie, my fav controversial media personality
No. 112007
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First fictional crush in a long time, she makes my heart melt
No. 112016
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"not sadako" kuronuma