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No. 444336
I love this site and I really mean that. You nonnies will make a thread about everything.
>>444334I think it's nice, sometimes my friends and I will talk about medical stuff in a casual way and give each other advice, obviously it's not professional but me telling someone to give Excedrin migraine a shot isn't out of the question if she's having a really bad headache, surely?
No. 444581
>>444524No, last time that happened to me I got food poisoning from Huckleberry’s.
You might have a GI disorder if it isn’t food poisoning.
>>444511Thanks! I looked it up but my heart rate wasn’t that fast, all the other symptoms match up though. Maybe I got an asthma attack… ?
No. 445164
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>>445154Drink plenty of water regularly and warm (not hot) foods such as these. Avoid speaking at all costs and stay inside a warm room that has some humidity to it.
No. 445258
>>445154Your nose keeps running, you are probably experiencing some post nasal drip. You most likely want to stop the runny nose, reduce inflammation in the affected areas and reduce fatigue. If you have access to something like pseudoephedrine or
oxymetazoline use them, but only for a few days. I would suggest you check and see if your glands are swollen. A runny nose can cause sore throats but it doesn't normally cause symptoms that sound like laryngitis. You could also be dealing with a sinus infection or rhinitis. The Traditional Medicinals tea is really good at soothing.
No. 445699
>>445690Losing consciousness is always worth making a doctor's appointment over, if not heading straight for an emergency room.
Yes, many times fainting can be stress or blood pressure related. But risking sudden unconsciousness being something more serious and not finding out in time is not worth it. The amount of time you were unconscious greatly concerns me, it does not seem typical of average "fainting spells".
No. 445734
>>445731If you touch that chicken and it is not at least cold, you are going to have a terrible time. If it is warm at all, throw it out.
USDA says you should not have left it out for more than two hours, or you are at risk. Personally, I have never gotten sick from food that still had ice in it, but reasonably you should write it off.
Refrigerator thawing is best, straightforward instructions in link, along with alternative methods you can cook foods frozen
>The cooking will take approximately 50% longer than the recommended time for fully thawed or fresh meat and poultry.Sorry for sperg, hope this info helps!
No. 445813
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Recently my hands have been entering this phase on and off where they're wildly overreacting to mild heat. For example I'll try to pick up a spoon that's in warm food, and it feels like I grabbed super hot metal even though it's probably barely above room temperature. I don't get what's going on because they look normal, like my skin is maybe slightly dry if you nitpick but there's no redness or injury. Touching cold stuff helps so I've been icing my hands whenever I can but the burning pain returns if they get room temperature or warmer. This will last for hours at a time when it starts and then goes away, idk what triggers it.
This is an issue because I work in a restaurant where my job is literally handling hot food. Anyone know what could cause the sensation of intense burning pain when everything looks normal? I don't even know how to report this because there's no visible symptoms. It definitely feels like a surface thing as opposed to bone pain or something so idk do I have nerve issues or something
No. 445851
>>445721I actually am epileptic, but didn't think at all it could be a seizure since I've been relatively seizure-free and when I do have them, they're focal-aware or in my sleep and very short. I was confused and scared when I woke up, I tried to talk to my roommate who walked by and had trouble expressing myself, still sluggish.
>>445699I'm thinking of making the doctor's appointment. I've felt pretty weak and anxious since it happened and my mom suggested it could've been a transient ischemic attack. The strange part really is the amount of time I was out, which doesn't match anything I've looked at online, and leads me to think my body just fell asleep after fainting for a short moment.
No. 445885
>>445851Ayrt about seizures, Anon are you kidding me? You’re fucking epileptic and just experienced a bout of losing consciousness followed by confusion and difficulty expressing yourself. You need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Fainting from low blood sugar or stress DOES NOT
>put you out for an hour>happen when you were already sitting down for a while>result in confusion and difficulty communicatingWhatever happened to you is 100% neurological and it sounds a lot like the seizures/episodes a family member of mine started getting due to malformed blood vessels in her brain. She gets dizzy, very tired, headache, loses consciousness and sleeps for a long time, and is confused and can’t communicate properly afterwards. Make a neurologist appointment ASAP.
No. 445997
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important information from a nonny about antibiotics
No. 449121
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I have mycoplasma pneumonia. My gp doesn't kow what else to do after 4 boxes of 2 types of antibiotics. I went to the hospital, my roentgen photos are clear but my left lung hurts like a motherfucker for days. It used to only hurt at night, but now it's all the time. The doctor at the hospital didn't give a fuck at all and just sent me home with no advice or pills. I have a high temperatire for a month and a half as well. I have an alternative medicine type of device on my back which helped me for 3 days but now it's back to being bad. I drink herb teas for lung health, try various painkillers which some help, some don't but it doesn't solve the problem. I don't know what else to do, it's not getting better no matter what i try.
Did anyone healed from this somehow? I saw there has been reports about "walking pneumonia" on american youtube but there's no advice about it anywhere. It's a resistent bacteria from china it seems, guess i'll die.
No. 449894
>>449757of course nona. respiratory illnesses can take forever to completely clear up.
its a good thing to have an slightly elevated temp bcus it helps your immune system fight off the infection, as long as it doesn't get too high.
another suggestion is to try and do some deep breathing and back stretches/exercises. the one in this video is good.
also- try 'splinting' if you haven't already. basically just take a pillow, and put it on the part of your chest that hurts and apply pressure whenever you need to take a deep breath, cough, sneeze, laugh, etc. it helps it hurt a lot less, if the pain is really bad.
just don't do it with a ton of pressure or all the time though, because you need your lungs to expand fully (do the video!).
i hope you start feeling better soon! make sure you follow up with your docs and make a new appt if anything starts feeling worse ok
No. 457070
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I was wondering if sex havers could help me. I read through comments on a lot of Reddit posts and a few health websites, but I'm not sure which to believe about when it's a good time to get tested for certain STDs and STIs. The answers all seem to be different and since most of the answers are extremely old and it's going to be 2025 soon, is there a resource that has updated timeframes for them all? I keep seeing "three months, six months, and a year" mentioned, but do you agree with that? I'm afraid of taking a test for something and thinking I'm safe because it showed up as a negative when really it's because I got tested too early. It has been a month since I gave oral, but a few days after that incident I masturbated with spit. Did I potentially fuck myself over more?
No. 457798
>>457084Thank you,
No. 467612
>>467608My guess is covid ruined a lot of people's immunity, mine too. I don't get sick as often as you but I get sick for looong time, like one disease lasts me 4 months and the meds hardly work. Lot of people are seeing changes in way they get sick after the pandemic, for example whatever the disease is it "travels" around your body. Every day or two days affect different bodypart… and weird stuff like that.
I'd start with quality expensive probiotic powder to fix your bowls, it might help your brain because they are very much connected organs. + a shit ton of various minerals and vitamins.
No. 467648
i already got my blood taken twice and nobody is still able to figure out why i'm light headed 24/7, feel like i'm going to faint if i stand for more than a few minutes, can't use stairs anymore, can't pick up anything heavier than a book and have an abnormal heart rate (which again, doctors acknowledged but still don't know what's causing it). i've been tested for covid, it's negative every time. got x-ray scans, nothing. i don't drink caffeine, carbonated drinks or alcohol, don't smoke, don't take drugs. i already drink tons of water on a daily basis so i'm hydrated. i tried changing my diet and taking vitamins, there's no difference. this has gone on for months.
No. 467659
>>467618I'm the second anon. Forgot to say that if possible you should make a doctors appointment in case us anons on the internet are wrong and you've got something even more nefarious. Keep in mind covid/viruses can also
trigger a bunch of stuff such as diabetes, thyroid problems, early perimenopause and so on. Although there's no cure for long covid as per now, sometimes the symptomes themselves can be medicated. All the symptoms you've listed are symptoms i've heard of from people with long covid/me/cfs/post-viral fatigue, but theyre also very vague.
I'd recommend avoiding alcohol for now due to your sensitivity and gut issues. I also strongly urge you to rest as much as needed and dont try to push through the fatigue as much as possible. Due to the number of infections you've had i think you are at an increased risk of progressing to worse.
No. 469717
>>469048Feeling like you can't get your pee all the way out, feeling any kind of burning, pain in your flanks on your back. That's how it always starts for me. Basically the same symptoms as a UTI. If you feel any of that try to drink more water. It might not fix it but it will help.
When it gets worse you will have a fever and feel super tired, if it's at that point you need antibiotics.
No. 471542
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I've been having aphasia lately, like within the last 6 months. I regularly cannot come up with the words I need. For example today I couldn't think of the word "tablecloth" and was so humiliated about it i refused to google "fabric you put on a table" so i just sat concentrating for like 2 minutes until i finally remembered the word. It's so embarrassing when this happens mid-conversation on a really basic word. Like I was talking to someone the other day and couldn't remember "fruit punch." I stammered and ummmed until finally I just had to say "party drink". Lately when this happens in the presence of people i'm close to I just say "sorry, I have terrible word recall" and give up instead of taking so long to remember like, the word "toaster."
I used to be very quick-witted, then I started taking Spironolactone for hair loss. It gave me bad brain fog that never alleviated, I've made a fool of myself many times especially when I first became dumb because I still thought I was smart and would assume I was doing everything right and that other people were wrong or things were broken. Now I'm used to it and have adapted to being slow-witted, but this aphasia is new. I haven't changed my dose or anything though, so I just don't think it could be the medication. Why would it suddenly spawn a new symptom after 2 years of taking it?
My parents say I should get an MRI but I have useless health insurance and I can't help but feel that's overkill for a symptom of "forgetting words now and then." IDK. I just am so tired of living like this, and now the aphasia too, I really used to be so quick and smart. But if I stop taking the med my hair will fall out and never come back. Plus the aphasia, I struggle to believe it could really be the meds fault after all this time.
No. 471580
>>471542You should see your doctor
nonnie. It's possible your aphasia isn't related to spiro. It could be the result of a silent stroke or neurological disorder. I don't mean to scare you or anything, but your parents are right to be concerned
No. 471601
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>>471542Have you taken any SSRIs in the past 5 years? Other possibilities off the topic of my head (that you can be proactive and do something about while waiting for examination): low iron (spinach/organ meats, low vitamin d (sunshine/supplements), bacterial or fungal infection (avoiding sugar/foods that convert to high glucose) and lots of psychosomatic reasons like stress, cPTSD, depression, etc. While you're waiting to get checked out, make sure you're eating the cleanest diet possible (as per picrel), getting 8 hours sleep and avoiding high stress/conflict situations (or people)
No. 483959
>>483846You should eat magnesium every day, I have cramps in my calves too and it's impossible to live without magnesium. If i get a cramp my leg hurts for couple of days too.
Coffee eats up your magnesium so if you drink coffee you need to eat even more magnesium.
If that doesn't help in 2 weeks of magnesium every day i'd go to the doctor.
No. 484157
>>483867Yes mostly. But ever since that calf cramp yesterday, upon waking, standing with my one foot flat on the floor is uncomfortable and I have to avoid doing so. Usually it doesnt do this, its just recent after the bad calf cramp.
>>483959Ill look into it, and yes, I love coffee. Ive heard of epsom salt feet soaks, but Im not sure that would be enough magnesium.
Thanks nonnas.
No. 484197
>>483846I have had intense calf and foot cramps for a year and once I cut caffeine out it disappeared (that, and buying new shoes). My ballerina flats were 5-years old and constant wear and tear diminished their arch support.
Any med or pharmaceutical nonnies here willing to give me some info on Advil-abuse? I’ve been taking Advil extra strength like 4x every month on my period week for massive hormonal headaches. Apparently taking them long term like that isn’t good for you and they can cause non-serious chest pains, which I’ve been having. I went to the doctors and they thought I was crazy since my vitals are all good and I do not have a heart problem.
No. 493424
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>>493263This muscle, tensor tympani, is probably just having spasms. Some people can voluntarily flex this muscle. If you can, it might provide relief. Like stretching out a muscle cramp. Mine will occasionally spasm and I just flex it for a few seconds before letting go.
No. 493763
very glad to see this thread!
so…honestly, i've been really weirded out by what appears to be extreme head fevers that often come with severe headaches.
the feeling varies. sometimes it's a more painful hot, sometimes it's more of a facial fever, but either ways i've just never felt anything like it even when i've had the common cold or the flu. my eyes and nose feel terrible too. and, in general i just feel so wired and tired especially when it gets really bad, though it's localized to my head. my chest also feels…weird too sometime, but it's hard to tell if it's just GERD/tension/my asthma or something that's related. i've tried antihistamines and they have 0 effect on it.
i'd say i feel some degree of it most of the time, though how bad it gets is super variable.
i know, it's kind of vague but i've already talked to my doctor and i was just advised to stop drinking soda and eating junk food, which was ironic bc i stopped doing that years ago. and i know the symptoms don't seem like much, but it's bad enough that i've stopped doing anything recreational while outside, my body just feels so uncomfortable.
No. 493853
>>493777anxiety was actually the only other thing the doctor said it was, kek.
unless it's some sort of extreme delayed reaction it might be unlikely as i've had several very stressful events in the past months and the symptoms weren't worse then.
and the infection suggestion isn't offbase.
i do overall feel much more sickly, throat often hurts especially one side, and my chest is getting congested sometimes and i cough a lot which never used to happen before. some bacteria was found in a urinanalysis but i was told it was normal for some to show up. i don't really blame her though. i've gotten that result for…years now? i don't really have the symptoms of a uti though.
No. 494647
>>494606hmm, no unless i'm not feeling the right spot. a few months ago one on my chin swelled to golfball sized to the point it looked very deformed - only time i ever noticed lymph swelling tbh - though and on another occasion i woke up with a very severe fever in the
problematic side of my throat, like it really did feel like it was on fire. however nothing like that has happened for a while.
and…uh, being honest, i have been diagnosed with sinutis quite a few times over a few years now, rather randomly too after check-ups even before i started having fevers or headaches.
doctor brushed it off tbh.
>>493879tbh it was so bad that i really regretted going, i'm definitely going to try switching. at my old doctors i got way more help for what were very mild complaints in comparison.
No. 498887
>>467608More iron, more exercise, preferably cardio.
Prolonged stress puts a strain onto ones immune system.
No. 504875
>>504266Covid is hell. Some scientists have shown it can compromise different parts of the immune system, making you more susceptible to new infections, so your best bet is to avoid getting sick again altogether which is easier said than done. For POTS some people have used beta-blockers for a limited time, but oftentimes POTS will get better on it's own although it can take many months. From what I understand covid causes a highly inflammatory immune response in the body, leading to microvascular damage, sometimes further leading to small fiber neuropathy, which results in the symptoms you have. It also seems like an immune response stays turned on in some people, but researchers aren't sure why yet (whether it's viral persistence, some undiscovered autoimmunity etc.) so symptoms linger despite treating the microvascular damage. Assuming your body is struggling with inflammation right now due to immune activation, anything that lowers baseline inflammation in your body is good. Antihistamines or diet changes can give some people symptom relief, though it's not a cure. People are different and different parts of the body can be afflicted, so there's a lot of trial and error. Science just isn't there yet so seems like people are trying any med/supplement out of desperation and some of it helps some people, but it's incredibly frustrating. Whatever you do just take it easy, do some light movement if you're able to, but rest lots.
No. 506009
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What might my night sweats be? Dealt with them since I was a teenager. In my late teens I started taking guanfacine as an off-label treatment for nervous tics and it coincidentally made my night sweats way more minor. Now at 30 they’ve been coming back, and this past week has been hellish. I’m sick of getting up multiple times in the night to peel off soaked pajamas and then trying to fall back asleep in a damp bed. It’s bad enough I’m getting very little restful sleep and my productivity has ground to a crawl. Should I try to get testing for PCOS? I’m not overweight and my periods are fairly regular. I have noticed an increase in the number of dark hairs I have to pluck off my chin (always been a hairy woman). Also in the past 6 months or so I’ve had an intermittent cramp-like pain to the right of where my period pain normally is.
My experience with doctors for almost everything is that if you don’t go into it with potential diagnoses for them to test you for, they’ll shrug and offer some pill to treat the symptom without caring about exploring or fixing the cause. So I’m gonna see a doctor for this but I want to have some potential explanations on file before I do.
No. 509287
What is wrong with my digestion? No matter what foods I eat, no matter how much fiber I consume, I am chronically constipated to the point of injury. After trying everything else, I started taking daily osmotic laxative to prevent severe issues. This lead to me discovering what I think might be the first clue. There is an 8-10 day lag between when I start taking the laxative, and when i see the result (passing softened stool).
So that means my digestion for anything I eat takes 8-10 days until it makes it out the other side! That isn’t normal, right?
In addition to that, I have the following symptoms
>I often feel full almost instantly after eating just a tiny amount. I can’t eat anything between meals (not even like 40 calories), or else I won’t be able to eat the next meal because I will feel full
>I get heartburn at inexplicable times. I never get heartburn after eating (as is expected), and instead only experience it when I’m starving.
>I cannot burp. I have never burped in my life and can’t even when I try. Yes, this is uncomfortable.
I really do not think this is a diet issue. I eat an extremely healthy and well balanced diet, and have even tried shifting it in one way or another to relieve symptoms, with never any results.
No. 512375
>>504266This popped up today and it made me think of your situation. The video is a tldr of about 6 papers in the video description. I hope your having a good day
No. 513246
Not urgent, but I have had this for over a year and a half now where both of my hips hurt super bad when I lay on them too long. I am a side sleeper so this has really fucked my sleep and quality of life. It feels like pressing on a bruise at first, that gets more intense over time and after a few hours becomes a deep unbearable burning. I have tried so hard but cannot make myself a back sleeper through the whole night. I have had an xray, CT scan, and MRI. MRI showed a bursitis in one hip but not the other I guess? I went through PT but it didn't help. Ibuprofen and aspirin don't help, I don't think/know gabapentin did because it helped me sleep a bit better at first but then I would wake up in awful pain from having slept on a hip for so long without my body being able to wake me up to stop it. I am not overweight. I don't know what to do now, like the next step. Pain specialists just want to give me shots, the PT didn't help. GP just wants to refer me to an orthopedic specialist, which I am waiting to see but they have a stupid long waitlist, high price, and when I do have my appointment they are only planning a steroid injection into the bursa. I really don't think it will help. My gut says there so many muscles around the hip that maybe I am fucking one of them up day to day, mindlessly, and this is actually a simple fix but I have no idea where to turn to anymore and this is really lowkey destroying my life and sanity. I want a specialist on, I guess, muscles and tendons to spend time with me on a consult.