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No. 371073

Old Thread >156622

Nonnies discussing childfree life. Old thread was reaching limit.(prematurely made thread)

No. 371078

I was on family vacation, my sister and her husband brought their two kids. It was so chaotic and their plans were controlled by their kids sleep schedules which meant we could barely do much as a group. At one point my sister said in aggravation “I need a vacation from my vacation. Work would be a vacation from this.” kek I didn’t even dislike spending time with the kids but they are destructive and crazy sometimes. My sisters husband literally told me before “don’t have kids, don’t have kids” so being childfree is one of few things I’m completely sure about.

No. 371089

When I was debating someone about this, they were saying wanting fun vacations was a psychotic reason to not have kids, but it's like humans need breaks. I couldn't even imagine not relaxing on an actual vacation.

No. 371092

File: 1704422999703.gif (7.68 KB, 150x223, sigh.gif)

>Old thread was reaching limit.
>is only up to 1122 posts
>can't even link the "old" thread correctly

No. 371094

Im childfree and constantly get in polite debates with people. The only time i win is when i explain it in a way that makes them sound selfish for having a kid. It usually goes something like:
Me: "…as someone who has had to take care of multiple different aging and ailing people, i wont have kids simply because i dont want them to have to take care of me as i get older. Its hard, its sad, it hurts. I dont want them to go through this…"
Them: "wow, i never thought of it like that.. seriously. One of the main reasons I had kids was because i thought that exact thing 'well if i dont, who is going to care for me as an old person?' I never thought of the impact me ailing horribly and then dying would have on them."
Something along those lines, everytime.
Its sad when you consider how much more selfish people WITH kids can be than people who choose to stay childfree.

No. 371095

My bad, long time lurker, first time actually starting one.

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