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No. 368846

A place for tall women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss issues which relate to being vertically gifted.

No. 368850

>tall girl problems
Finding long pants

No. 368856

>Short moids, who think that you "struggle" with finding a partner
This is the worst type of moids, can't stand them. Your average moid is already pretty bad, but these creatures are something else!
They constantly nag me with their concerns about my self esteem, and struggle with finding a partner, which I don't have, in the end, they always neg me about giving them a chance and how much better short "kings" are.

No. 368877

have dated several, they were all abusive and negged me 24/7. I will never date a shorter moid again, least of all now that they're having a mass psychosis about how oppressed they are by evil women in grainy tinder screenshots from 2015

No. 368879

>have dated several
I am so sorry about that! I have only spent an hour with one of them, but it already felt like torture!
>psychosis about how oppressed they by are evil women
Notice, the same exact moids, would not think twice about having unreasonably standards for women, while not doing even the bare minimum.

No. 368880

fucking kek nona. I'm sorry too
>Notice, the same exact moids, would not think twice about having unreasonably standards for women, while not doing even the bare minimum.
This is why I find incels so laughable, moids are genuinely incapable of any self-awareness whatsoever

No. 368907

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I find that really short (I mean below 165cm), facially good-looking men tend to be awesome. I've met only a couple of them, as I live in an European country with pretty tall men, and I have high standards for facial attractiveness (think young Leonard Whiting).
The real devil (in my experience) are guys just short of average or dead average with average/ugly faces. They are straight up demonic with their incel bullshit and bullying.
Tall guys are low-effort, and it's hard to find one that has a good face. Most tall guys (190cm+) I know are NEETs, working low-wage jobs, relying on others to fix their problems, they just act quite feminine (I can't really think of a good word for it - they are so helpless). They are also almost always coombrains. My personal moid ranking based on height:
short beautiful men>average height beautiful men>tall beautiful men (never met one irl though>short ugly men (at least they are humble and you can take advantage of them a little)>ugly tall men>average-height ugly men

No. 368952

I’m tall and I have such a thing for short men. Every time I feel objectively horny for a man I don’t even know he’s always a shorty.
But god, they always have so much baggage.

No. 370898

Problems when growing up:
>people expecting more from you bc you look older
>don't know if this was me specific, but being told i was "using my height" to intimidate others (like sorry i can't help that i'm tall and you feel intimidated?)
>just being the odd one out in general

No. 370901

>>don't know if this was me specific, but being told i was "using my height" to intimidate others (like sorry i can't help that i'm tall and you feel intimidated?)
I haven't been told this exactly, but I've been told by people that I seemed intimidating when they first met me. I'm softer that I seem, but I realized later it's not a bad thing to seem that way haha

No. 370902

it's a genetic balance thing. Same reason really short women will often love tall men who are otherwise unattractive. Or the way Scandinavian men often have a thing for black women

No. 370903

>wants to be the little spoon
>wants to look up at girlfriend when I kiss her
>wants to be picked up like a princess and carried bridal style
>lives in an area with a lot of lesbians
>the average height here is 5’4” (162 cm)
>be 6’5” (195 cm)

I hate it here.

No. 370904

Based nona and I agree. Tall men are nothing but dildos and personalityless mannequins to drag along for clout. Rarely are they beautiful, their faces tend to be long and disproportionate. Men who are around 5ft6 to 5ft9 usually have the most handsome and attractive faces imo. Moids who are around 5ft10 to 6ft2 are usually dead average looking and also unpleasant.

No. 370905

>the way Scandinavian men have a thing for black women
Since when lol. Scandinavian men are beta incels or manwhores and if they ever marry foreigners it’s usually Thai mail order brides.
t. Scandi woman

No. 370923

I‘m 5‘8 and would try to pick you up

No. 370940

actually all Scandinavian men are handsome, blonde giants. If you were really from Scandinavia, you'd have known that

No. 370948

She didn't say anything about their looks. The Thai wife import is true and a problem because many abusive moids do it.

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