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/g/ - girl talk

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File: 1690527562656.jpeg (432.4 KB, 640x639, 187A1BC5-D9C0-4219-9380-F62FD0…)

No. 342272

I know Adam Driver gets a lot of controversial lust because his face is cartoonishly ugly, but look at that STUPID body my god, those fat tits and huge shoulders every man’s body should look like this imo.

ITT post a sexy man body, do NOT post his face tho
That’s what the irl husbando or attractive men you wanna fuck thread is for

No. 342273

File: 1690527687770.jpeg (114.18 KB, 329x312, BE891F81-2B3C-436E-9413-4D9134…)

Samefag he’s tall too which is another plus just I need that body pressed up against mine and those titties pressed on my mouth

No. 342274

File: 1690527861501.jpeg (76.91 KB, 271x258, 6FB500C2-81E8-4D0D-A7B9-3AF68E…)

I’m OP and I’m a sucker for men with tall broad shouldered with big titties. Here’s Brendan

No. 342275

File: 1690528033045.jpeg (232.38 KB, 521x575, 92FB1CC4-3F06-4EAE-9C25-02EDCC…)


No. 342345

File: 1690569502901.png (175.93 KB, 503x322, boobs.PNG)

Anyone interested in a webm of a headless guy humping a pillow fully clothed? I only thought to post it in this thread because he's really broad and has a cute butt which is ideal imo. His face is cropped out in the op but it is NSFW. I'd change the thumbnail to a spoiler and sage so as to not offend any nonas who are disgusted by scrotes. Lmk if I should post

No. 342383

File: 1690578650456.jpg (48.08 KB, 750x490, 1540185598490.jpg)

Blurred + tiny nipples.

No. 342385

File: 1690578793638.jpg (58.21 KB, 498x612, IMG_7330.jpg)


No. 342387

tell me where to find pics of guys who are built like the worm guys from men in black, tell me now

No. 342389

try /soc/

No. 342391

Tim chalamet don’t post his face tho

No. 342392

I like this one

No. 342394

File: 1690580059273.gif (1.72 MB, 325x232, 1668593890339.gif)

No. 342395

File: 1690580139740.gif (8.09 MB, 270x481, 1668597637699.gif)

No. 342396

Thank you for posting this

No. 342398

I’m sorry he’s not a bbl baddie like John boyega

No. 342400

>ogre hands

No. 342403

The best hands

No. 342408

Whoa, it's jiggling… He got a donk.

No. 342409

>editing and deleting to add that he has a donk
Based. Imagine what you could do with an ass like that. Rest your head against it while you both read hehe~ or fuck it.

No. 342423

File: 1690585380450.jpg (47.25 KB, 483x357, predator.jpg)

No. 342424

please post it nonna

No. 342429

Post or link. NOW! Please…

No. 342430

Please post male humping

No. 342431

File: 1690588887944.webm (Spoiler Image,2.4 MB, 720x720, CC64AE74-A172-47D6-BA67-1E21F4…)

I love his arms and his cute butt. I wish I knew his name or had the OP link. I don't remember how I found this but it's been marinating in my files for a long time

No. 342432

Forgot to put a warning but don't click this if you don't want to see a man humping a pillow and moaning KEK

No. 342433

Guys need to do this more imo

No. 342435

I don't wanna be that person, but this is fucking hilarious and so awkward lmaooo. He looks like a fish out of water, I can't

No. 342436

Ayrt the sad thing is you didn't even ruin it for me by saying that even though I completely see what you mean, that's how attractive I find him

No. 342439

It's cuz he is desperate and a slut

No. 342455

File: 1690602997503.jpg (27.17 KB, 337x400, brody02.jpg)

No. 342456

File: 1690604026384.gif (488.23 KB, 245x209, adrien-brody-5xDCfZ.gif)

I'm glad you posted Adrien Brody. For me it's the legs.

No. 342459

i think this is the only photo i've seen where his body looks normal. i still can't forget that gross pic where his girlfriend is washing his ass.

No. 342462

File: 1690606165677.png (669.54 KB, 706x950, damnharry.PNG)

I used to be neutral towards Adrian Brody but I hate him for being hideously miscast as Harry Houdini in some tv series from 2014. I've never seen it but it's just so wrong.

No. 342464

File: 1690606343456.png (184.43 KB, 442x410, wrong.PNG)

Samefag for comparison. Ugh!!!

No. 342466

He's also a huge Polanski supporter and a cheater.

No. 342468

File: 1690607325777.jpg (689.12 KB, 1792x1290, sweethearts.jpg)

Disgusting. Houdini would never.

No. 342479

You should be

No. 342483

I have such a weak for attractive blonde men with long hair it's unreal

No. 342495

File: 1690627415548.jpeg (148.61 KB, 425x592, C413E3A6-1C15-4198-AA13-0F60F6…)

Ew what the fuck is that.

No. 342512

now im horny

No. 342524

File: 1690645751618.jpeg (Spoiler Image,113 KB, 519x436, 0A7F5435-7438-4D61-8E85-381DB1…)


No. 342527

A bit too skinny for me.

No. 342532

File: 1690655182979.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1162, IMG_2897.jpeg)

No. 342536

File: 1690656583254.jpg (42.24 KB, 480x640, 1610129819677.jpg)

No. 342537

>hair shirt
>retard proportions
>ugly as fuck face
This thing is so ugly

No. 342538

omg yes nonas, I've had such a crush on him for years. I love his long legs and his big ol' shnoz, I can't explain it

No. 342539

Now this I like. I fucking love big blonde men

No. 342541

Love those freckles omg

No. 342544

File: 1690661095222.jpg (83.52 KB, 658x1200, 1610279112288.jpg)

No. 342545

What the fuck is this thing

No. 342546

is this the guy from gossip girl lmao

No. 342548

>Or fuck it

No. 342551

Kek yeah, and Joe Goldberg from YOU
What the fuck is this

No. 342552

No. 342553

That’s so cute, that guy has literally the body I would love to touch if I could find an attractive dude.

No. 342555

I swear I've seen this before as a 4chan selfpost by a guy claiming he just couldn't get a gf despite being fit blah blah. If this isn't that picture it sure is similiar.

No. 342558

Delicious, I want to lick it

No. 342792

File: 1690858077720.jpeg (201.58 KB, 640x804, A273D706-D3DE-406B-80D8-B58968…)

No. 342803

There’s multiple moids who post themselves to LC. The femdom thread had one of a dude posting his own pictures. Can you imagine being a moid and being so preoccupied with what autistic women on a small niche corner of the internet think of you? It’s so hilariously pathetic but somehow the scrotes have decently fit bodies. Since when are autistic moids into working out?

No. 342813

File: 1690873606250.jpg (66.75 KB, 490x880, 0045262e-03d7-4166-9377-ddb776…)

i like guys with midriffs but they are so hard to find

No. 342814

Abs are so hot but the guys who actually take photos of their midriffs like this are always gay. Why can’t we just have nice things

No. 342815

File: 1690875542669.jpg (63.51 KB, 564x733, 80171dfebafdb25bd7ed035d5ee562…)

men are so insecure, it's pathetic

No. 342835

File: 1690902021850.jpeg (37.21 KB, 695x648, fac250c9ac93970f51a81efdf3ce50…)

Lean, not too bulky, nice tan and a bit of hair

No. 343004

File: 1691022316812.jpg (280.83 KB, 806x861, IMG_09875123.jpg)

No. 343005

he's such a fucking cutie

No. 343030

File: 1691030868019.png (520.49 KB, 603x840, skdfnsndfnsf.png)

I think inverted triangle type bodies are a must for me. I need a scrote's shoulders to be visibly broader than his hips.

No. 343031

File: 1691031448770.gif (2.01 MB, 498x280, abs-sit-up.gif)

No. 343080

Guybellies like that make me want to smack them so much, and rake my nails across them (these are both positives)

No. 343154

File: 1691109307803.png (385.78 KB, 577x518, Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 17-35…)

Especially when a guy fills out military trousers…

No. 343164

File: 1691117018795.jpg (55.2 KB, 750x934, abs.jpg)

Some actor named Michael Cimino. He looks just ok but his body in this photo…hawt.

No. 343216

File: 1691168553944.jpg (58.43 KB, 640x640, bb6310538b0be38d2b998778daf8e2…)

No. 343217

saw this on the front page and my neurons activated. Thank you nona.

No. 343220

Anon, you or SOMEONE is going to have to post more of this. So chunky and nicely proportioned!

No. 343231

God damn I'm saving this, please post more.

No. 343247

Now this is beauty

No. 343270

File: 1691216001494.jpg (49.9 KB, 640x630, FlUwZhMXoAMYfK3.jpg)

I love men. Like their bodies. Not them as people.

No. 343271

thighs this big kind of scare me tbh

No. 343366

File: 1691280065027.webm (3.31 MB, 480x848, would-you-react-the-same.webm)

I have this exact picture saved as well.
I shall post this one again as well

No. 343386

Is it weird that I want to grind on them lmaoo. I’d climb him like a tree

No. 343523

very nice

No. 343660

It's so cute how he rolls away kek

No. 343722

File: 1691466338706.jpeg (94.42 KB, 750x706, IMG_3809.jpeg)

I always get a sense of revulsion of how especially insufferable the moids taking these slutty pictures must be irl kek. I need a normie with a nice body like the ones posted here.

No. 343728

Found this Japanese acc where she gives handjobs to and pegs tied up guys (no faces and their dicks are censored if you want to click the link). Most of the guys on here have really nice bodies. Pale but not unhealthy-looking, hairless, fat tits and slim torsos. Like they just look juicy…. Only thing is these are some of the ugliest moans I’ve ever heard.

No. 343745

oh my god. the video she posted on 11-15-22 is driving me crazy nona. i don’t really watch porn anymore but i do enjoy the handjob torture videos by random japanese dommes ngl. thank you for sharing

No. 343747

No it's a normal reaction.

No. 344652

File: 1692065073748.jpg (34.8 KB, 554x415, tumblr_14d7680404ca0a06a2b9fef…)

No. 344653

File: 1692065211579.png (Spoiler Image,176.77 KB, 400x534, tumblr_2ebedf882e3573590997486…)

No. 344656

Not for the weak

No. 344657

any nonnies interested in more humping vids featuring whining and begging

No. 344658

I want more tasing ones personally

No. 344660

File: 1692068529239.png (Spoiler Image,107.49 KB, 400x300, tumblr_d8b8300fcfeafef0f70ffab…)

>>344658 for the nonnies

No. 344691

File: 1692086247890.jpeg (84.85 KB, 812x960, EE03743A-81D8-4B00-932C-1B7F9B…)

Ted Cassidy had Acromegaly I need me a giant with big boobs

No. 344769

You could harvest enough blubber from this fag to heat up an industrial sized oven. I’ve seen skinnier broads with 4 kids… fat boy, yuckie

No. 344818

File: 1692141228891.jpg (43.4 KB, 1140x628, Screen-Shot-2023-03-28-at-12.5…)

pretty much ideal to me

No. 344839

>looking respectfully at some pole vaulters

No. 344864

Nona who originally posted that one guy humping his bed here, yes always. Feed us nonny
This is peak.

No. 344883

Peak what?

No. 344895

File: 1692189867090.png (169.8 KB, 396x396, Screenshot 2023-08-16 224454.p…)


No. 344896

too hairy imo

No. 344897

hairy men disgust me

No. 344898

should he shave?

No. 344899

Yes you should.

No. 344900

File: 1692190702101.png (295.72 KB, 347x596, Screenshot 2023-08-16 230021.p…)

No. 344902

fat and hairy

No. 344904

I love when guys' collarbones make that little bump on top of their shoulders. So cute, I wanna kiss them

No. 344905

File: 1692191026320.png (193.42 KB, 500x375, tumblr_e484eca2c4d027faa1ee20f…)

No. 344918

File: 1692194291988.gif (2.55 MB, 343x612, ooooh maiiii gawwwwd.gif)

Literally the same guy. Stop posting him we already told you he's ugly.

No. 344920

The maneskin guy is so hot

No. 344922

He's been blubbering up. He's borderline fat now

No. 344923

All of these men are fat, hairy and old.

No. 344933

Who, Maneskin boy? Post proof

No. 344934

Nooooo please don't tell me that's true. He's too cute and Italian to be fat.

No. 344935

File: 1692199033971.webm (3.68 MB, 576x1024, 1692061854445572.webm)


No. 344937

If bishies looked like this instead of anorexic butches I'd like em more

No. 344940

There is no proof she's lying
If he had 0 tattoos and normal human hair he'd be hotter but this is very impressive, though he should be naked.

No. 344943

File: 1692201535614.webm (1.21 MB, 576x1024, 1692064035481804.webm)

No. 344946

Is he gay? Is that his fag in the background? If he is gay I want no more of this. Homosexual males begone.

No. 344947

File: 1692203677340.jpg (56.13 KB, 600x325, starship troopers.jpg)

he's acting kinda gay here and there's a lot of face showing

Casper Van Dien in Starship Troopers had a perfect body

No. 344949

File: 1692203843390.gif (498.55 KB, 500x278, true-blood-alcide.gif)

He was such a female pandering character

No. 344950

File: 1692203885250.jpg (365.91 KB, 1202x1384, Matthew Ludwinski .jpg)

No. 344951

File: 1692204035614.gif (1.37 MB, 245x360, jason.gif)

someone had to be hot because Bill sure wasn't. Jason was pretty good though

No. 344952

File: 1692204065250.jpg (1000.12 KB, 1538x1220, Matthew Ludwinski.jpg)

No. 345024

I swear this is that same moid who posted himself in the femdom thread a year or so back. Why is he so desperate for attention from this site of all places?

No. 345027

Probably some butterface /fit/ homo

No. 345049

At least he's got a nice body I guess better than most self posting moids

No. 345066

File: 1692266326187.jpeg (6.27 MB, 3744x5616, 84C59A25-6C43-413B-BFDB-30BD7D…)

No. 345067

No. 345069

File: 1692267074866.jpeg (11.6 KB, 274x184, 741DE3D3-A6FB-44C7-88C1-DEEC38…)

*He’s bouncing off my booty cheeks I love the way he ride
I can barely breathe when he pumps me deep inside
I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy
Call him daddy when I holler,
man that boy so damn good lookin*(no faces allowed on this thread)

No. 345071

No. 345075

Did you look at the file names? I don’t think that’s a self poster, seems more like the pics just got around

No. 345084

Ugly and can't even see his body in these images to know whether or not his body is hot. He looks deranged.
Why is he posting lyrics about having gay sex then

No. 345087

I know

No. 345092

Yeah it's the same dude and he always posts his body on here and gets upset when he doesn't get positive attention. I also remember his posts in other threads.

No. 345170

Lol I mean it's a nice body but moids

No. 345182

You literally posted video proof yourself. His arms are all jiggly now.

No. 345186

>t. Pedophile

No. 345187

File: 1692326463252.gif (9.86 MB, 540x400, tumblr_a20960df4f9567af1f0c49a…)

I want to watch him jerk of so bad

No. 345210

This is why the OP said don't show face…

No. 345222

File: 1692354631043.jpg (66.7 KB, 736x805, 30d553f205275925297eb36a101ae0…)

No. 345225

No. 345246

File: 1692359887870.jpg (86.81 KB, 1019x1280, 1625383379128.jpg)

No. 345250

File: 1692360759178.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.96 KB, 619x545, a1a48b2b85c286adad39f43cce703b…)

Okay b8er, is this your type?
Spoilered for the integrity of the thread, it's just Peter Murphy

No. 345262

idk it's just a picture I came across on pinterest, sorry.

No. 345356

File: 1692397557454.jpeg (13.39 KB, 167x177, 1F12BCC1-794B-4702-9CFD-26580C…)

No. 345357

disgusting childbearing hips for ants. Please be baiting!

No. 345364

File: 1692400185313.png (616.99 KB, 650x735, 11 n default (2).png)

No. 345368

Very pretty and dramatic I approve

No. 345370

Boyega if he worked out.

No. 345389

File: 1692419458873.jpeg (40.72 KB, 568x593, батя терминатор.jpeg)

I shouldn't have opened this thread at this time and ovulating

No. 345393

God damn I need him inside me

No. 345396

Are those moob implants

No. 345397

File: 1692422221744.png (Spoiler Image,328.63 KB, 638x812, Screenshot 2023-08-19 151925.p…)


No. 345398

File: 1692422446457.png (Spoiler Image,666.69 KB, 627x792, Screenshot 2023-08-19 152333.p…)

No. 345454

this reminds me of that time when people were thirsting over Anonymous in 2020 on youtube kek

No. 345495

Pregnant asscheeks

No. 345505

Is he a dancer? This is what I imagine a ballet dancer might look like

No. 345539

hes hot

No. 345541

No. 345542

File: 1692491706185.jpg (102.34 KB, 720x720, 1690791737715529.jpg)

No. 345543

Those tits are gross and all Slavic moids are roidtrannies

No. 345551

Well let them serve the public in their short lifespan

No. 345565

I wanna fuck a white boy so bad I’m ovulating and I could feel my heart beat through my puss

No. 345578

ayrt, I agree lol

No. 345580

like i wanna give him strap

No. 345700

File: 1692578216726.jpg (94.59 KB, 736x1122, c1153968366a8b2d43e3483698d709…)

No. 345712

My jaw dropped at this

No. 346085


No. 346086

>that belly button
I puked.

No. 346114

Ewww what? Maybe you can't pick up one because you sound like a creepy race fetishist.

Kek ah the old military gear fetish. I missed when nonnies kept posting these.

No. 346123

terminator is way better than roman polanski or whatever that balaclava guy is called.

No. 346126

File: 1692853677623.jpg (72.28 KB, 564x1061, c6e305d7629fb0ffc0b3205219662a…)

I know this is a cosplay but you can't see his face, nice arms and thighs.

No. 346129

Nice but I wish his chest and arms were more built. Men always look better in husbando costumes (mask stays ON)

No. 346236

It's so fuckable and tight and tiny you're just a hater

No. 346325

Nah it's just repulsive.

No. 346344

It's tight and tiny and fuckable actually

No. 346347

What do you mean by fuckable? Kind of recently I thought about fingering a boy's belly button. I'm assuming they have the same nerve connections to their crotch as women do. Do you just stick your finger in there and violently jack off his belly hole? Press down on it real hard? Both? Does he moan?

No. 347058

File: 1693539976526.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x1551, AA928B3C-B1C2-41A2-A6A1-768C2A…)

Posted on r/GregDoucette lol

No. 347064

I think its less gendered and more variable person to person but it's mostly just uncomfortable sensation in urethra

No. 347075

File: 1693555378409.png (813.94 KB, 694x942, ghoest.png)

With masked (military) men thriving once again right now, my TikTok FYP page is practically only Terminator & this Roman Partizan guy, Ghost cosplayers and special forces. ACAB, but I would still take all of them.

If they‘re clever, masked terrorists from Al Quaida will soon have a great new source of income, kek.

No. 347078

Roman partizan said he couldn't find one woman enough and that he thought cheating was ok in a past interview btw. He's also ugly irl without his mask

No. 347080

aren't all masked men? For what other reason would they mask up

No. 347083

Not even joking besides the lack of boobs this is almost identical to my body kek

No. 347088

Damn. I'll finger a belly button anyway.

No. 347136

You must be really hot nona wtf

No. 347139

eww please dont post this guy any more

No. 347219


No. 347221

It was from 19 days ago, she stopped already

No. 347245

wasn't it a self poster?

No. 347363

File: 1693806433517.jpg (Spoiler Image,625.95 KB, 2348x2448, 1693772402498536.jpg)

I love hairy men

No. 347685

File: 1694054175261.jpeg (352.65 KB, 640x767, CA9B0F5D-0302-4740-A5C3-9A7847…)


No. 347837

File: 1694183965519.jpeg (147.73 KB, 850x1794, DF4D0506-751D-475B-8A5B-1813BA…)

Tiger Shroff

No. 347853

File: 1694194486215.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.47 KB, 500x353, IMG_20230908_203703.jpg)

Males are not supposed to have "body fat."

No. 347855

What am I looking at?

No. 347909

This looks like a stalker from Half-life 2

No. 347911

File: 1694221374393.jpg (30.23 KB, 480x343, 585177d2b0c9fea36c691b1dc834b9…)


No. 347912

too much

No. 347913

Hope your hormone imbalance gets addressed

No. 347916

File: 1694226872881.gif (2.42 MB, 640x640, 1694183862240937.gif)

Please no bully

No. 347917

need to bite through his tits like they're a raw steak

No. 347920

he looks like he has 2 brain cells but let's be honest, with balloon tits like that he doesn't really need any

No. 347925

Bully you for being a faggot? Moods aren't allowed, fag.

No. 347930

Sick burn

No. 347934

File: 1694233615745.jpg (84.48 KB, 596x466, manzonga.jpg)

No. 347937

too boob-like and reminds me of those poorly drawn korean webcomics. sorry

No. 347940

File: 1694237256656.jpeg (Spoiler Image,184.25 KB, 652x220, 519D8686-8EE9-4204-8A4C-AEE00F…)

Ranveer Singh is drunk and passed out on the floor
>what do you do

No. 347941

Tfw no bf to put face between boobs and smell the musty sweat

No. 347942


No. 347943

File: 1694237293695.jpeg (Spoiler Image,257.97 KB, 395x699, BE457849-025C-4BDF-B259-558E2E…)

No. 347944

File: 1694237437009.jpg (381.13 KB, 1179x1459, 1694235509180529.jpg)

I love buzzcut

No. 347988

File: 1694280711528.jpeg (337.32 KB, 640x685, 9FB9D9CD-50DE-408E-A6E5-764D74…)

So Delicate and perfect 10/10 I don’t care for body hair usually but damn

No. 347989

File: 1694281106196.jpeg (17.37 KB, 201x251, 59A7704B-F2D3-4147-B2B7-6F3C0D…)

Ripped native bf

No. 347994

File: 1694283244151.jpg (108 KB, 1080x853, IMG_20230909_210755.jpg)

Micheal tintiuc used to be my favorite male model. His boyish beauty has since faded but I still fondly remember his peak.

No. 347995

File: 1694283289517.jpg (105.17 KB, 1080x840, IMG_20230909_210905.jpg)

No. 348020

That fuckass bob

No. 348037

It's been a decade. Team Jacob lost, you have to let it go.

No. 348045

I felt so bamboozled and confused when I found out Taylor Lautner was a white man

No. 348065

File: 1694344767417.jpg (112.17 KB, 600x600, 1673383400543790.jpg)

No. 348070

>ideal male bodies
>literal scoliosis patient

No. 348078

No. 348109

File: 1694369790502.jpeg (151.38 KB, 435x453, 5D0241CC-B08F-4B7B-BBD2-21CBEF…)

I hated how he was attracted to Bella for her daughter like thank you steph Meyer for ruining him!

No. 348111

You are a moid. Gay moids finds manboobs hot.

No. 348144

he's 90% torso

No. 351077

Where do I get one of these?
This whole thread makes me suffer kek. I just want a nice looking man with a more muscular body but all I attract are nerdy/autistic types who only care about being slim at best. I also don't know where to look for them, typical gymbros are insufferable in every way. Do buff guys with more nerdy interests even exist?

No. 358850

Yeah ime lot of younger Gymbros are weebs who work out to look like a jojo or baki character

No. 358881

best taste

disgusting af

No. 358893

fucking thank you for this model. Finding men with nice bodies that arent roided or fat is so hard. It's excellent for my art reference folder.

No. 358904

awoof these are hot

No. 359500

File: 1700253787587.jpg (62.25 KB, 573x720, 1467852350899.jpg)

Refute this

No. 359513

Veins creep me out because they look like they're about to explode, and fat asses look too ridiculous and gross imo. Just my own preference I know it's probably unpopular lol.

No. 359514

It looks like something a gay man made to be honest. That horny Japanese artist who wrote the manifesto about seeing a salary man’s wrist or ankle exposed when he crosses his leg or checks his watch knew what women were looking at.

No. 359516

I never understood the veins, is it because the arm looks phallic? Or is the arm supposed to be a veiny dick but the person who made the original meme put an arm to be like “wink wink veins wink wonk”. I guess I would like easy to locate veins if I was a nurse learning how to take blood samples, a medicine student struggling with the circulatory system, or a vampire.
The other characteristics are nice tbh, as long as the guy has all of them, but only having one breaks the balance, having two of them is nice as well.

No. 359517

I don't like it when men shave their happy trails

No. 359519

I don't like that torso, it's excessively muscular and lean to my tastes. The asses look shooped and disproportionate and I think veins actually look kind of creepy. I have no real comment for the jawline thing but they can be too big and sharp.

No. 359599

idk I never had a thing for butts on men especially when dressed. As long as the butt isn't droopy it's fine lol

No. 360726

File: 1700766615735.jpeg (247.53 KB, 640x685, 9272519E-E3FB-4F84-9BCB-B31182…)

No. 360727

asian men that work out are really peak male i think it’s their skin tone it just looks so good with muscles

No. 360728

And that black straight hair UGHH

No. 360729

File: 1700767309188.jpeg (966.38 KB, 1125x1265, D9B807A7-2A19-4D38-A9BC-8F416D…)

the nails are disgusting but the squishy tiddy

No. 360730

i personally enjoy the clavicles and the adonis belts on men more than veins and butts tbh, ofc he can't be flat, just want him to look proportionate yk?

No. 360731

any nonnies with examples of men with pretty hands? i see too many short ass nail beds, it's a pain

No. 360750

looks like the rapist version of gollum get a grip kek

>inb4 someone posts reviewbrah

No. 360753

>inb4 someone posts reviewbrah
kek, i do like his hands tho, long nail beds, palms aren't scruffy, underside of nails are clean even if they're long, i like the way he holds stuff too, rest of him is bleh

No. 370881

File: 1704332863442.jpg (38.76 KB, 564x521, a2cdd099d64b9c8a64a9775a039178…)

No. 370882

fuck i forgot to hide this thread because threadpic scares me but this one is actually good and i love backs, love how his necklace goes down to his nape too, thank you for sharing
i hope i'll never meet a moid like this

No. 370884

File: 1704334429133.jpg (86.28 KB, 735x920, 1000006805.jpg)

Thanks nonnie, here's another post of him

No. 370885

The only way i could consider getting married to a moid is if i woke up every morning to this.

No. 370886

For me it just feels like a very masculine feature and the fact that really only moids have it turns me on. Kinda hard to describe but it's something I don't have and that makes it sexy kek.

No. 370889

it just makes me feel like they have high blood pressure. doesn’t look healthy to me

No. 370895

i'm nitpicking but his head looks weirdly tiny compared to the rest of him

No. 370914

I'm female but have kinda veiny arms like this. You get them from working out/doing manual labor. I also think they look nice on moids, I guess because it's oftentimes a dimorphic trait and I think the lean strength is attractive

No. 370960

I'm probably in the minority, but to me it's hot because it's a very vulnerable part of the body, and when they pop out in that way it's a sign of vigor and livelihood (you'll notice fatty fat guys don't have many visible veins). It's the same reason why I like resting my head against a man's chest and hearing his heartbeat, it's this weird contrast between vulnerability and liveliness that I find appealing. I definitely don't think of it as being phallic, that's just weird as fuck.

No. 371016

File: 1704395306071.jpg (205.05 KB, 753x1130, back2.jpg)

You guys seem to like the last photo of a back I posted so here is another photo

No. 371032

absolutely not true look at his insta

No. 371034

These are nice

He needs to give his good nail genetics to me

No. 371037

If I was a farmhand I would permaban you for your atrocious taste.

No. 371047

File: 1704403290868.jpg (47.03 KB, 564x560, front1.jpg)

No. 371052

File: 1704405032540.jpg (36.9 KB, 564x532, 8722abe51fdcee1633f9f5c92a9d3f…)

No. 371076

I feel better when i critic moids so i will say that even if i know this look is attractive to a lot of people, i'm not into it. It looks too dry and rocky, it reminds me of an old man.
Maybe the lighting is just making it worse but i prefer the moid on the previous post.

No. 371363

File: 1704518868864.jpg (142.19 KB, 675x1200, 1000006915.jpg)

I feel like an idiot for accidentally creating a new thread instead of posting here, what a stupid mistake.

No. 371364

this gave me a good laugh, thanks LMAO

No. 371377

This is kinda stupid to say about a hot half naked dude but I've scrolled past this picture like three times now and I keep thinking he has such nice skin

No. 371380

We don't care.

No. 371411

File: 1704544561322.jpeg (295.26 KB, 735x898, 184DE626-DE40-417B-A17A-89DE47…)

No. 371412

File: 1704544582027.jpeg (189.07 KB, 736x552, 63A7CB3B-623E-41C4-8F6E-828FAE…)

No. 371413

I swear these kind of pics come up every so often and they always startle me when I see them out of context

No. 371415

File: 1704545163786.jpg (42.24 KB, 480x640, 1690656583254.jpg)

I've been thinking about this man since I saw this. I love gingers

No. 371416

No. 371417

EWW this is the guy with twig legs that did the video of him crushing a watermelon with his thighs while doing anime girl whimpers. Corpse husband 2.0 I bet

No. 371418

gee, thanks for showing me the top of a guy's pubes first thing in the morning /g/

No. 371419

genuinely lmao

No. 371421

It's /g/.

No. 371423

I for one appreciate this thread, thanks for posting anons

No. 371491

File: 1704560964020.jpg (63.61 KB, 560x793, 1670937164179.jpg)

This looks kinda sloppily tied, but I love these kind of pictures when they're tight enough to slightly bite into their muscles.

No. 371492

File: 1704561225281.gif (3.79 MB, 576x1024, 1699757863978.gif)

No. 371493

Do any nonas here like skinny guys?

No. 371497

File: 1704562203696.jpg (67.53 KB, 615x800, tumblr_oc2be6dMiO1ttodyco1_640…)

I like both muscular guys like the previous posts, and guys that are more average lean + strong, but I'm not into overly skinny guys. I know there are some scelly lovers on lolcow though.

No. 371562

i'm >>342387 and i'm still searching.

No. 371598

It was posted already >>342536

No. 371615

Thief, you will never be me.

No. 371627

I do. The ones I like are too unconventional tho so I can't share.

No. 371649

I don't know what you're talking about, but the source is boerboelwear.

No. 371707

File: 1704606125419.jpg (34.6 KB, 580x626, 1000006930.jpg)

No. 371719

File: 1704611887070.jpg (47.76 KB, 736x914, 7e1d63fa18daf223f26887f19b8750…)

I don't think I have one ideal body type. I love current day gymbros, but I also love the lean more natural look from the 90s. I think it's mostly about proportions of the individual guy, for example tall guys look good if they are slim with more natural muscles and have a tiny perky ass, while manlets can often afford to be a little more bulky. What matters the most is having a flat belly. I think backs are my favorite body part on the male. I love looking at them from the side when they have that cat-like appearance and I love the entire silhouette from behind with the broad shoulders gradually descending into a narrow waist/booty. I think the little dimples on the lower back right above the ass cheeks are so cute. On the other hand I also like athletic guys with provocative hip to waist ratio like >>342536. Sorry for the sperg, guess I'm just a hopeless straight.

No. 371833

File: 1704653241490.jpeg (93.37 KB, 828x593, IMG_1419.jpeg)

No. 371890

ew wtf is this

No. 372040

audibly laughed

No. 372207

File: 1704773760984.jpg (55.16 KB, 735x899, 1000007006.jpg)

No. 372208

Holy shit anon that moid is built like spongebob

No. 372209

yes, I like them really lean and all legs, but not outright skelly. >>371497 isn't bad. Though I also prefer men in clothes.

Now I'm curious nonna

No. 372210

File: 1704774475554.jpg (92.39 KB, 600x900, 9758b35ac3ab818614a1ab226f5dd3…)


No. 372214

Post one or two, if it’s your ideal it’s fine. Just don’t post any faces.

No. 372328

File: 1704837775506.jpg (48.03 KB, 564x1002, f759a2e3cad484c75b508c17d6633c…)

No. 372330

File: 1704838504401.jpg (44 KB, 563x751, f6f09f418cbc2403aa6784c7026c2d…)

Back should be there instead of veins, its not like I find them attractive they are just not something I care about

No. 372338

True, I love a nice back. Veins are eh and they can be too much sometimes, like honey drink some water please

No. 372340

File: 1704839574697.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.74 KB, 563x551, 7fd962838e399d6179ab740df6f4be…)

Fellow backfag, I think it's the defining feature of moids kek

I wanna grab his tiddies. I also find the prominent lower abdominal veins that skinnyfit moids have endearing. My bf has them and I imagine all the blow flows to his peen

No. 372342

File: 1704840206494.jpg (50.6 KB, 736x904, 1000007018.jpg)

No. 372568

File: 1704937630595.jpg (38.67 KB, 735x726, 1000007040.jpg)

No. 372590

What the fuck is the point in posting a black and white pic of a back that looks like a chicken flat.

No. 372593

kitty cat

No. 372594

Idk maybe anon lives in America and is surrounded by fatasses and loves to see men who aren’t obese

No. 372595

Omg not to be weird butBlack men are so good with moisturizing. They always smell good and feel so smooth

No. 372610

I'm saying it's a dumb picture faggot, has nothing to do with weight. Literally no limbs just posed like a chicken flat.

No. 372611

What the fuck is a “chicken flat”.

No. 372616

I don't know what a chicken flat is either but i like seeing fit moid's backs.
You just don't have the vision nona, too many chickens in front of you.

No. 372919

File: 1705063861675.jpg (47.76 KB, 736x736, 1000007074.jpg)

No. 372952

File: 1705072480707.png (662.06 KB, 1122x561, 1.png)

No. 373026

File: 1705091631371.jpg (66.98 KB, 677x1016, 1000007086.jpg)

No. 373027

File: 1705091970927.jpg (65.37 KB, 736x925, 1000007087.jpg)

I like little waists

No. 373034

File: 1705093638539.jpeg (252.46 KB, 1242x940, 3472E28F-CA1C-4E01-93A5-DC247D…)

Oooh. The adonis belt is my weakness

No. 373036

I howled like a monkey do you have any more pics like this nonna?

No. 373037

Who is this sexy man and why does he have such weird tattoos?

No. 373049

File: 1705095020071.jpeg (140.43 KB, 893x700, C071A901-4A6D-41B3-91E0-A66420…)

Andrew WK. so sexy

No. 373050

He sings weird songs about partying and he’s married to Kay Dennings one of the luckiest women ever. I have delusions of running into him and asking for a picture so he put that big ass arm around me

No. 373051

ayrt holy shit it's andrew?!?! i've listened to his music since like 2014 i just never bothered to google him or watch any mvs, i have this fantasy of a sexy long haired moid singing She Is Beautiful to me

No. 373054

File: 1705095460052.jpeg (387.76 KB, 640x668, 48FFF308-07B1-40D6-ACD4-1FBF34…)

His album cover has his sexy (imo) mug tho(don't post faces)

No. 373055

i've used youtube lyric videos to mp3 downloads my whole life, man i wonder how many more sexy moids i missed

No. 373072

could stand to lose the body hair imo but otherwise yes hot

No. 373090

What a whore, I need him

No. 373262

File: 1705183057283.jpg (178.31 KB, 1440x1632, vm9cfzyzhln91[1].jpg)

Chad Zuber (some dude who lives like a caveman)
Pic related, Khabib Nurgmagomedov, martial artist and my #1 crush.

No. 373266

why does he have a turtle shell back

No. 373268

Are you bi? Testing a theory.

No. 373279

CHOP HIS HEAD OFF or throw him in the unconventional moids thread

No. 373294

File: 1705196775645.jpg (1.09 MB, 4096x2732, EcsolzIUMAEcdhI.jpg)

idk but i like it
he cute tho

No. 373303

He looks like those fruit juice cartons after you suck the air out of them

No. 373305

Anon… this is disgusting but at least your standards encourage men to be at their peak physical form.

No. 373306

File: 1705201308860.jpg (27.8 KB, 800x644, live-crab-lying-back-isolated-…)

Bitch what the fuck

No. 373311

Throwback, this was so good, i need him posed like >>372207
Bed compilation

No. 373313

For me it's the caveman face

No. 373314

This isnt even a picture of him

No. 373315

File: 1705204179607.jpg (105.69 KB, 500x500, deep-fried-chicken-wings-0710-…)

These are the chicken flats. Apologize to me immediately.

No. 373325

Cute nona, can we eat some together now?
I still don't see the resemblance btw sorry

No. 373334

File: 1705208294653.jpeg (84.18 KB, 560x743, BB6542A5-E6EC-488B-AA63-6886DB…)

Who dat.? Looks like him when he was younger(don't post faces)

No. 373387

File: 1705228779701.gif (Spoiler Image,9.68 MB, 540x450, hm.gif)

>no faces

No. 373424

File: 1705240193150.jpeg (66.37 KB, 204x363, 4C804E37-54F0-4F59-B304-30777D…)

No. 373437

File: 1705244085292.jpg (78.13 KB, 640x640, royal-family-prince-charles-ge…)

>>373334(don't post faces, especially not this)

No. 373447

Is this the forbidden man

No. 373448

you should all be ashamed of yourselves, it's illegal to show me pictures of men who look this good when you know I'll never meet them

No. 373452

it's from the flash iirc

No. 373465

Just look at those pecs omg
Perfect, and just my type

No. 373469

Failure to resize image error passing me way off

No. 373489

File: 1705264033362.jpg (59.12 KB, 635x635, 1000007132.jpg)

Abs are nice, but they don't have to be super defined imo. I like pectorals more. I think they are a little underrated, since it's harder to find photos of them, especially under well-fitting shirts.

No. 373491

No. 373709

File: 1705355779408.jpg (109.52 KB, 1603x902, EqXLgerXIAEXddI.jpg)

It's really quite remarkable

No. 373711

File: 1705356581956.jpeg (Spoiler Image,16.57 KB, 336x315, IMG_2514.jpeg)

My sister in pecs


No. 373721

Mood, I love muscley men and I’ll be damned cause most drawn lewds of them is just bara targeted at fags

No. 373728

File: 1705361965253.jpg (684.4 KB, 1292x611, bridgmanart.jpg)

Has no anon here ever taken a fuckin' Human Anatomy class? Jesus.

No. 373736

I mean, most people haven't. But I have, and I say nonas are right, he looks weird.

No. 373747

File: 1705368812798.jpg (35.26 KB, 510x700, tumblr_lzude845Zy1qc2bcn.jpg)

He doesn't, that's how muscles look.

No. 373752

Most of the other guys posted don't seem to have that hunchback thing tho

No. 373930

File: 1705437374980.jpeg (Spoiler Image,186.74 KB, 1289x1559, IMG_3943.jpeg)

Tall, muscular guys with self harm scars (or any kind of scars really)

No. 373939

That leash ain't doin a thing attached to the handle like that

No. 373956

File: 1705442262186.png (311.13 KB, 733x1156, Latissimus_dorsi.png)

Latissimus dorsi

No. 373957

File: 1705442607858.jpg (63.49 KB, 557x557, 1000007175.jpg)

No. 373958

File: 1705442629329.jpg (44.61 KB, 525x525, 1000007174.jpg)

No. 373960

Oh my god. This little whore.

No. 373979

dang, that's hot af
>height: 1.9m

No. 374015

It uncrops and its just projared

No. 374230

File: 1705552299515.jpeg (233.8 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_9973.jpeg)

the thighs

No. 374322

Nah, jawline too defined

No. 374328

File: 1705611191560.jpg (51.57 KB, 606x554, 1000007257.jpg)

Just realized I posted a guy with a face

No. 374332

File: 1705612165684.jpg (47.1 KB, 736x1308, 1000007259.jpg)

No. 374486

File: 1705698680795.jpg (40.57 KB, 736x526, 1000007302.jpg)

No. 374529

No. 374531

This is really nice. Muscly but not too roidy. Really wide shoulders and lats with a nice more narrow torso. Looks like he could fireman carry you around. Nice soft skin. Chefs kiss.

No. 374533

File: 1705706669762.jpg (192.53 KB, 458x581, SHORPY-394-01.preview.jpg)

No. 374535

File: 1705706826595.jpg (358.51 KB, 812x1040, SHORPY-1458A.preview.jpg)

I like it when they're doing something

No. 374547

yeah. moids making themselves useful. very sexy

No. 374752

Back in the day this was common!

No. 374758

File: 1705810784580.jpg (416.37 KB, 755x1073, FNnmM9KacAE9bxb.jpg)

His body makes me so emotional

No. 374760

no way, Mr. Ideal Man Body himself
absolutely perfect

No. 374762

i will never stop seething that gay moids took this from us

No. 374773

File: 1705815816704.jpg (185.62 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_0ad60489176bdb1297923a6…)

Says who? Speak for yourself. Its my man.

No. 374777

File: 1705816629091.png (1.19 MB, 1227x1222, 1505451690242.png)

I didn't want to post here but after this i have no choice, here's the moid that has been engraved into my brain since i saw him.
He makes me believe in that ps2 metal gear moid physique.

No. 374778

god youre so fucking right
love me some (hairy) pecs
something about a moderately hairy chest with great pecs does something to me

No. 374780

File: 1705816757396.jpg (252.72 KB, 1200x1200, EtZYwiXWYAEiBMT.jpg)

I've seen that pic so many times

No. 374781

sorry, i don't really go moid hunting myself… but i like them smooth and softer

No. 374782

i meant the slutty fashion

No. 374784


No. 374796

Kek sorry I thought you meant wonho

No. 374920

File: 1705868374807.jpeg (280.92 KB, 850x805, choi.jpeg)

No. 374921

Damn what's with the gimp thing going on rn? What a poser, flared comfortable pants.

No. 374988

Gimp masks and motorcycle helmets on moids are hot

Nobody wants to see moids wearing faggy weird full latex fetish gear that’s gross, the mask is enough

No. 375000

Nope, not a true gimp. A gimp would never be comfortable. poserr

No. 375007

Some of us like just the mask and not the whole rubber getup mmkay

No. 375233

File: 1705983329349.jpg (75.2 KB, 607x610, 1000007372.jpg)

No. 375235

File: 1705983511561.jpg (54.78 KB, 337x600, 1000007373.jpg)

No. 375444

nonna is that Wonho?

No. 375535

That's actually a pic of my bf, you wouldn't know him.

No. 375684

File: 1706235103101.jpg (94.47 KB, 544x546, 1000007469.jpg)

No. 375704

File: 1706248666770.jpeg (Spoiler Image,186.07 KB, 1618x596, perfect.jpeg)

I love when a man is skinny, soft, and musclar all at the same time. Picrel is perfect to me shame about him being gay

No. 375719

Sorry but you’re deluded, this man not in any way skinny he is mildly fat. I’m mad you tricked me into opening this image thinking it would not be a fat body. False advertising.

No. 375751

would be perfect if he could keep his mouth off food more, also, probable water retention from alcohol.

No. 375820

Other anons are haters, he's hot af

No. 375877

Who is he anon? The middle picture is my favorite.

No. 375880

looks like a tif

No. 375883

File: 1706324472235.jpg (226.72 KB, 1233x1218, 1505509852508.jpg)

No. 375887

Cody Fern!

No. 375929

I love hairy men so much but I don't want to be dogpiled for posting them here so I will just leave this as a proclamation of undying devotion.

No. 375944

I love a hairy chest for sure

No. 376035

I could never get with a man with a bigger ass than me. Unfortunately I’m a pancakebootychan who can only admire these types from afar

No. 376038

A whole bakery down there, goodness gracious!

No. 376056

You are weak of will sister. Pancake asses make me nauseous. I don't care how jacked he is if his ass is flat I dont wont to look at himn.

No. 376060

Same, it looks too exaggerated and out of place. And I have a feeling those men are gay I don't know why it's the impression they give.

No. 376063

File: 1706415472994.jpg (169.05 KB, 1227x1243, 1505451690242.jpg)

same. it's such a turn off when a man has a flat ass. even worse if it feels flabby and soft. a mans bum should be at least medium sized and firm to the touch. though ofc there should be a distinct male shape to it. if his hips are too wide, his ass may look feminine and unattractive.

No. 376065

it seems gay to you because straight men aren't sexualised enough. there's no porn aimed at women in which males show off their asses

No. 376071

File: 1706418117547.jpg (28.97 KB, 445x502, 1000007548.jpg)

No. 376079

They're negging to the void in this thread because they're too insecure to actually go after hot moids so they mock nonnas for actually having taste while crying over their long distance Discord scrotes.

No. 376080

great thread op!

No. 376082

File: 1706424511207.jpg (131.09 KB, 566x645, 1000002418.jpg)

Bosa except when he doesn't shave his body hair is peak to me

No. 376083

Not everyone finds fat men attractive anon. That post probably would've had less negative replies if the anon didn't lie about that guy's body type.

No. 376088

Um or they just troll for fun and reaction farming probably. you defending some random cookie cutter disembodied torso is just as futile

No. 376089

>there's no porn aimed at women in which males show off their asses
thank fucking god

No. 376090

File: 1706426090594.jpg (150.62 KB, 736x772, 1000002420.jpg)

I find him very appealing TO ME he is so beautiful and I like his eyes and nose and scruff. But his body I could cry. I love his legs. And his stomach. And him

No. 376092

File: 1706426396675.jpg (47.57 KB, 960x611, 1000002422.jpg)

It is okay to like different things. Not everyone is the same.

No. 376105

Since when was an athletic body mildly fat. Please touch grass.

No. 376144

Is this what 'mildy fat' men look like where you live? Please tell me your region, I wish mildly fat men looked like that where I live

No. 376188

nta but you're probably a burger. yes, he is mildly fat. get over it

No. 376190

I hate burgers. This is obviously overweight.

No. 376221

File: 1706500454359.jpg (83.17 KB, 736x919, 1000007576.jpg)

How about we stop infighting and start posting more attractive male bodies, hm?

No. 376222

File: 1706500661632.png (776.67 KB, 736x901, 1000007577.png)

No. 376225

File: 1706501115620.jpg (26.67 KB, 560x560, 1000007575.jpg)

No. 376231

File: 1706502322069.png (558.08 KB, 602x695, Screenshot 2024-01-28 212453.p…)

Hes so fucking hot I wanna bite into his massively fat man tits like he's the farmer's prized heifer and I'm a bloodthirsty wolf who hasn't eaten in months

No. 376238

Those are massive to you? Pathetic

No. 376241

I like this picture because if i use my imagination he looks like someone who has been kidnapped

No. 376246

No. 376247

Just a random moid i catched and keep locked in my room with no clothes on?
Didn't mean that he looks like anyone in particular

No. 376251

fit 22y old vs 30y old gym bro

No. 376252

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No. 376367

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No. 376368

love me some twinks

No. 376369

File: 1706578410701.jpg (115.03 KB, 693x950, 1000007618.jpg)

No. 376377

File: 1706582977502.gif (933.29 KB, 275x275, 1703700029326.gif)

Yeah, different people find different things attractive.

No. 376538

What is that weird v shaped part >>376225 called? Idk its name but I really like seeing it, I guess it's part of the belly?

No. 376542

please do moids with bodies like this one actually exist? I either see fattys or the big bulky gross overly muscley guys. Do only young 20s men have bodies like this?

No. 376545

File: 1706665059329.png (480.33 KB, 580x622, hot.png)

No. 376553

If I understand what you mean, that’s the adonis belt.

No. 376587

File: 1706691043964.jpg (90.36 KB, 720x588, 1000002462.jpg)

A blessing, carved by angels

No. 376592

File: 1706693005391.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.43 KB, 930x1163, 1000002464.jpg)

Contains face but looks like the kinda thing some of you flick to(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 376597

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No. 376613

File: 1706708248449.jpg (153.83 KB, 1080x1325, coltonxdane_1706708207033.jpg)

No. 376623

Slenderman arms

No. 376639


No. 376865

File: 1706846353185.jpg (25.81 KB, 473x575, 1000007706.jpg)

No. 376919

File: 1706873716427.png (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1080x1609, 1000002500.png)

This shit pisses me off. Why toy look like that but shidding in a diaper. Diaped up at uni. Got that crinkle on you for a psych exam.(weird diaper derail)

No. 376944

even without the diaper he looks kind of meh, i can barely see the body. plus he has that hideous broccoli cut.

No. 376988

File: 1706912506618.png (1.49 MB, 1348x920, 1000007729.png)

My contribution

He is not ugly but the diaper ruins any attraction that could've happened

No. 377001

I envy moids that have natural nipple filter.
If i wear a fisherman sweater + bulletproof vest mine are still visible and this mf is barely wearing a shirt yet it looks so nice. He's not real.

No. 377002

File: 1706914914950.png (686.96 KB, 736x1070, 1000007732.png)

No. 377005

what the fuck KEK

No. 377009

They must be shopped. There's no way they could be so invisible.

No. 377012

I think he's wearing nipple covers. They're not uncommon for men

No. 377023

>nipple covers
the fuck? why would a man wear that lmaooo

No. 377026

yes i like

No. 377037

Could also be an undershirt

No. 377053


No. 377107

File: 1706970742370.jpg (Spoiler Image,293.6 KB, 800x800, 6598a04a180fe2532d1de21a-marat…)

nta but men's nipples bleed when they sweat. google "marathon nipple bleed"(spoiler this)

No. 377110

Kek anon it’s not from sweating it’s from the friction of running a marathon with fabric chafing their nipples. I love your attempt at misinformation though because it’s so funny

No. 377112

>The moisture from sweat makes skin more susceptible to chafing.
Common areas of chafing seen in athletes include inner thighs, armpits, and the groin.
“Runner's nipple” is commonly used to specifically describe chafing of the nipples from repeated rubbing against upper body clothing.

If god is a man why would he do this?

No. 377117

Happened to me once when running a marathon, but not that much blood. Just a few drops. I learned the hard way to put nipple cover or bandaids if I run for long. Or wear a fitted tank top. I don't like bras.

No. 377118

Kek men chafe their groin often and have to wear compressed underwear or they'll sit on their balls. Sucks to suck

No. 377180

File: 1706997431855.jpg (71.98 KB, 708x826, 1000007751.jpg)

No. 377182

File: 1706998190232.jpg (22.41 KB, 540x540, 1000007753.jpg)

No. 377183

Fuck that's so sexy

No. 377186

File: 1706999482826.jpg (123.84 KB, 736x1034, 1000007756.jpg)

No. 377188

File: 1706999871644.jpg (81.79 KB, 736x962, 1000007757.jpg)

Kekk can't believe a photo I posted caused an entire discussion about nipples never change lolcor

No. 377193

I was with a scrote with a big dick and he would constantly sit/lay on his balls, smack his dick off his desk corner etc. and get dick related injuries. I tried to be sympathetic but it was kinda funny ngl

No. 377211

You're right anon, that's fucking hilarious.

No. 377268

It's so hard to take a man with big ol hangers seriously. Why you on soft but I can't stop staring at the way they're bouncing around in your drawers when you get up to grab a drink or use the bathroom. Just wiggling around in there while you're dead serious. Like when a dick and balls takes up tons of space when soft it's just way funnier, at least growers can maneuver comfortably. Big old grandfather clock swinging and hanging low in the summer.

No. 377335

File: 1707062571486.jpg (24.11 KB, 499x500, 1000007778.jpg)

>Big old grandfather clock swinging and hanging low in the summer

No. 377362

Your picrel is accurate to my reaction also kek >>377268 nonna this was the funniest thing I read today

No. 377420

this pic reeks

No. 377476

File: 1707098494609.png (2.51 MB, 1401x1337, Screenshot 2024-02-04 190155.p…)

His back being all fucked up and injured makes me wanna strangle a horse.

No. 377477

File: 1707099127776.png (1.3 MB, 843x1263, Screenshot 2024-02-04 190744.p…)

I wish I could post his bloody, fucked up face from the end of the movie. Watching him go through a lifetime of emotional trauma only for Michael B Jordan beat the shit out of him gave me butterflies. His mom had the right idea, fuck him stupid and leave at the first sign of cringe

No. 377498

File: 1707107873587.jpg (101.69 KB, 736x867, 1000007821.jpg)

I like midriffs

No. 377499

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No. 377500

File: 1707108353436.jpg (64.93 KB, 736x827, 1000007819.jpg)

No. 377502

Why can't autists use normal metaphors and euphemisms

No. 377615

File: 1707170285415.png (624.23 KB, 736x736, 1000007860.png)

No. 377712

Dman those tiddies pointing down. Who you looking at

No. 377753

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No. 377754

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No. 377791

Damn, he meaty where it counts.

No. 377817

Good taste!! These are my ideal men

No. 377920

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No. 377921

File: 1707311554137.jpeg (58.68 KB, 588x747, IMG_4356.jpeg)

(no faces, crop next time)

No. 378027

File: 1707356581706.jpg (487.2 KB, 2208x1789, 1000007910.jpg)

No. 378028

Finally some fucking good food.

No. 378271

File: 1707494732327.jpg (55.87 KB, 540x560, hrrrrrrgrhrh.jpg)

How are there so few scrawny fans ITT?
It's fashionable, it's unbelievably sexy.

No. 378272

File: 1707494841274.jpg (123.41 KB, 960x1083, 20180427_05044658_M.JPG)

No. 378282

Probably too afraid to post considering the beefy nature of most bodies posted here but I knew one of you would come through eventually with some lean ones

No. 378289

ew this looks like the body of a 15 year old

No. 378295

What 15 year olds do you know

No. 378307

I think he was around 19 here actually. His current physique in recent shoots doesn't seem too different, though his face has matured.

No. 378331

No. 378337

i dislike men with narrow ribcages. it's not about them being skinny that bothers me. there are skinny men with great proportions. but narrow ribcage + stick arms and legs? no, thank you

No. 378343

Sorry they’re shitting on you anon, these are the only bodies I’ve been attracted to itt so far. Also I definitely prefer narrow ribcages and waists with long limbs on men, way more attractive than the bulky look (to me).

No. 378344

i'm a scrawny fan but this guy looks freakishly elongated and a bit pigeon chested. and those pants are so bad. feel free to post some other guys though, xox

No. 378391

not the anon who posted but glad to finally find someone else who relates. i cannot find 99% of men attractive even if they have what's considered conventional traits because of those giant ugly ribcages and brick shaped bodies. it ruins the whole look, it's nice to see there's a few who don't have it.

No. 378400

File: 1707549312886.jpg (40.82 KB, 442x514, 3c3a725aea53d541ab007d37d4e41b…)

example of a well-proportioned skinny guy.

No. 378401

File: 1707549364957.jpg (54.67 KB, 453x562, dcc20b89aa39d6470d46e3b325aed2…)

another skinny guy with long legs

No. 378402

these are perfect

No. 378490

File: 1707592102901.gif (29.3 KB, 498x268, 078A5ED2-37ED-4A65-A785-12A090…)

Show us the body of a man who “looks like a grown man” then. Bet it’s a beer gut greasy puffy post-wall moid like Jason manoa

No. 378491

Anon that is hilarious KEK

No. 378521

scroll up.

No. 378533

File: 1707608513545.png (871.07 KB, 688x1124, 1000001502.png)

I like with legs so I know it's not a manlet

No. 378542

File: 1707611914986.jpg (74.4 KB, 735x983, 1000007963.jpg)

I like skinny bodies with some defined muscle

No. 378543

File: 1707612130157.jpg (60.77 KB, 536x704, 1000007964.jpg)

No. 378553

smooth milky skin

No. 378556

Omg I knew a guy like this, I like tight small stomachs. All men should have a visible adonis belt

No. 378568

Isn't that just a male body in its most natural state tho? I wouldn't call it skinny. I like muscular guys but I agree this type of body is also nice, they used to be popular when I was younger before the gym craze started

No. 378576

File: 1707646307463.jpg (151.88 KB, 735x839, odd one.jpg)

yeah i dont know

No. 378600

Underdeveloped chests and sternum look soo yuck to me.

No. 378602

File: 1707668229854.jpg (1.13 MB, 1536x2048, 1000002680.jpg)

He's so cute, Chipotle bag tattoos aside. If he was a couple inches shorter so his legs were thicker then he'd be a perfect specimen.

Thank you fellow body hair enjoyer

No. 378898

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No. 378971

File: 1707794856681.png (913.54 KB, 735x910, 1000008010.png)

I like nice skin

No. 378973

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No. 379143

It's not the narrow ribcage, but it's the weirdly close together nipples in >>378272 that turn me off. His posture doesn't seem to be the best either.

No. 379181

File: 1707903677406.jpg (120.86 KB, 1200x1074, EU-C4gYX0AIy1N1.jpg)

No. 379182

why cant they hire guys like this for anatomy and figure drawing references? instead it's all old and fat moids

No. 379200

File: 1707915708018.jpg (45.48 KB, 1357x758, okay.jpg)

>check thread again
>still so much hate for my modelhusbando
I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes gangly sticks, anyway. The awkwardness of it is cute.
Pretty nice, I can't lie.

No. 379218

It’s kind of impressive how flat his pecs are. It’s almost weird but mostly nice

No. 379238

wonky pecs

No. 379345

This bitch dont know how angles and shadows work

No. 379356

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No. 379357

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No. 379542

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No. 379545

File: 1708038381305.jpg (25.63 KB, 300x300, 1000008127.jpg)

Here's one I think the skinny enjoyers will like

No. 379547

Good effort (truly!) but he could be skinnier.

No. 379566

Ooh he's a ginger, I'm interested. Do you know who is he?

No. 379570

File: 1708041261685.mp4 (909.94 KB, 586x480, 3KN9Unt4lx34LAeo1.mp4)

No. 379578

KJ Apa when he was playing Archie in Riverdale. Fyi nonnie, he is not a natural redhead, but red hair suits him.

Wtf is this? Where did the muscles come from?

No. 379681

File: 1708049646926.jpeg (149.32 KB, 960x960, FGyGQQ7XwAQ6Goj.jpeg)

No. 379694

Was hotter before he flexed ngl

No. 379701

File: 1708051479161.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1565x1688, F0D0F649-74F9-41AC-8489-F6823C…)

I used to hate chest hair now it makes me so fucking horny. I love men who have bodies built from fighting and manual labor, not just lifting weights at the gym. It’s not enough that a moid is toned and muscular, he needs to be able to kill someone who is attacking me and lift extremely heavy objects for me. I also like men with some hip meat and Adonis belts.

No. 379702

This looks like the body my druggie neighbor had, I hate crackheads

No. 379732

No. 379733

File: 1708055302519.jpg (30.23 KB, 482x720, 1000008137.jpg)

Body isn't bad but hate the hentai crop top. I hate when men flaunt their porn addictions in public

No. 379740

Good for you I guess because most of them are hairy but I'm genuinely repulsed by chest hair, so gross.

No. 379899

Sorry anon, he's too muscular. I'd be turned off to find this.

No. 379918

>ironic weeb
>probably thinks he's funny while being painfully annoying
>ugly gay hitler haircut
>consooming microplastics in a toxic chinese alibaba mug
the only hot thing about him is the croptop

No. 379922

File: 1708110759629.jpg (173.68 KB, 500x649, Screenshot_20240216-191441.jpg)

KEK this woman's face in the background

No. 379934

Can't believe someone like this existed in 2021, what a cutie.

No. 379938

Lmao the bombastic side-eye from those two women

No. 379961

File: 1708125182720.jpg (87.99 KB, 827x1244, homemade_ix_by_divasoft.jpg)

Based women for giving him side eye, he deserves public ridicule. More men should be punished for displaying their porn addiction

No. 379995

But nobody asked you. Post what you like then.

No. 380201

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No. 380208

File: 1708229844460.png (184.26 KB, 480x480, 1000008548.png)

No. 380209

File: 1708229899434.jpg (9.06 KB, 350x350, 1000008547.jpg)

I like midriffs

No. 380211

Hell yea

No. 380283

>hentai crop top
>consoomer porn addicted shitty cup from a coomer brand
Such a waste of a good body

No. 380390

File: 1708310637205.jpeg (362.67 KB, 1170x1168, 627D2C50-931A-4BBE-9CA6-432BC1…)

Good face too imo but can’t post it

No. 380482

File: 1708373420977.jpg (50.58 KB, 736x920, 1000008598.jpg)

Seems like statues are allowed itt

No. 380484

File: 1708373895521.png (700.98 KB, 736x1104, 1000008600.png)

No. 380485

File: 1708374023390.jpg (330.43 KB, 1280x898, 1000008601.jpg)

No. 380888

No. 380890

I’ve cummed to this so many times kek. The before and after are both beautiful

No. 380902

God damn it this is hot and makes me sad at the same time. It reminds me of my ex, who looked so skinny with clothes on but was just pure lean MUSCLE underneath. No fat on his body at all, and he loved to work out so his arms were HUGE and his abs were out of this fucking world. He was so damn hot and I've never, ever seen a guy with a body like his IRL since. I hate being an Amerifag, it feels like every guy here over age 25 is a fatass, and the ones who do work out look like red-faced, barrel-stomached meatballs. Where the fuck are all of the LEAN muscular men?

No. 380903

I came back here just to see this and laugh out loud

No. 380910

No. 381162

File: 1708660548220.png (343.14 KB, 757x676, mus.png)

nyart but same, he's really cringe on his instagram (c.saifiev) but I appreciate his older low quality videos

No. 381164

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No. 381165

I don't get why this video is such a big deal. Is this not an edit?

No. 381364

of course it is

No. 381371

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No. 381392

File: 1708752981681.mp4 (1.24 MB, 576x1024, 1000002954.mp4)

No. 381573

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No. 381575

File: 1708831569987.jpg (198.39 KB, 736x917, 1000008726.jpg)

No. 381579

Very nice.

No. 381599

No. 381600


No. 381607

Hot as hell

No. 381646

File: 1708897837221.jpeg (303.46 KB, 750x1118, IMG_4516.jpeg)

No. 381647

If only all ginger men looked liked this

No. 381656

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No. 381657

File: 1708901171507.png (1.05 MB, 794x1036, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 5.48.…)

No. 381658

why did you make your own thread for these pics asking what the consensus was for men who look like that, delete the thread, then post here?

No. 381659

The word ‘ham’ comes to mind

No. 381669

Best male shape imo

No. 381676

File: 1708913612144.jpeg (112.32 KB, 900x1600, 88.jpeg)

No. 381677

this is a TIF

No. 381680

He's taking up like 3 seats, what an inconsiderate prick. That makes him very unattractive to me.

No. 381693

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No. 381694

File: 1708922308695.jpg (57.73 KB, 736x720, 1000008746.jpg)

No. 381698

If that's ham then baby I'm addicted to haram

No. 381699

i'll take him, i'll even ask him to rest his feet to the sides of my seat next

No. 381700

File: 1708925410904.jpg (186.99 KB, 640x868, 1000000140.jpg)

I have that pic too kinda

No. 381702

File: 1708925539309.jpg (80.1 KB, 640x630, 1000000058.jpg)

Twice, even.

No. 381705

File: 1708925667930.jpg (288.57 KB, 1024x768, 1694787033494551.jpg)

A third time as well, if you're willing to count the abstract

No. 381707

why cant men have sexy fat thighs without being fatties. Also i wish they would shave hairy legs are fucking disgusting

No. 381709

Same nona, i hate body hair in general but moids body hair is particularly gross to me.
If i see a photo of a good pair of hairless moid legs i just start crying at this point, it's so sad.

No. 381718

Instead of whining like a little bitch you could just post what you like instead.

No. 381863

File: 1708999573944.png (1.13 MB, 986x1318, Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 9.08.…)


No. 381868

No. 381887

If only they didn't like penis

No. 381890

I agree. All men need to shave everything below the nose if it were up to me, male facial and body hair genuinely grosses me out. Muscle underneath taut clean skin looks best.

No. 381967

File: 1709067935994.jpg (27.46 KB, 563x378, a4f8af6d748084d77b6b4f08978693…)

No. 381971

Do you have more like this? Love this one

No. 382022

Truly top tier body type nothing dadbod about it

No. 382039

amazing taste, nonna

No. 382156

File: 1709162860827.jpg (26.22 KB, 474x474, 1000008830.jpg)

No. 382157

File: 1709163012378.jpg (44.73 KB, 735x681, 1000008832.jpg)

No. 382180

Turn the light on wtf

No. 382222

File: 1709182839193.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.12 KB, 998x1081, 1000003061.jpg)

Guys please look at this egregious bush

No. 382241

when the dentist tells u to floss more

No. 382254

anon ill be seeing you in hell for that KEK

No. 382258

You ever had one get kind of stuck just down the beginning of your throat and you can't seem to swallow it or bring it back up? A purgatory of its own kind, really

No. 382276

EW men need to be bullied into shaving their body. I’m dead serious.

No. 382280

holy shit is weird al going to jump out of there

No. 382295

File: 1709213777400.png (28.98 KB, 500x135, hide.png)

No. 382380

File: 1709254396023.jpg (38.8 KB, 564x519, 29ca4bb05b22d13c2883f813d4ae78…)

i like midriff

No. 382381

File: 1709254456450.jpg (17.63 KB, 400x400, fa9e4269da263b3bd0a597902b5cff…)

No. 382382

File: 1709254708841.jpg (58.89 KB, 564x1019, 000e844bc734ea971d01a341231662…)

No. 382388

File: 1709260042794.jpg (40.91 KB, 374x750, tumblr_0412e46ec19879546360708…)

Moids should've only had enlisting as an option because every military man I've talked to had such a nice body, that's it though.

No. 382395

Perfect taste!!

No. 382398

Absolutely delicious taste

No. 382402

saggy and disgusting, you need to respect yourself more

No. 382415

Then they shoot you

No. 382613

File: 1709349421785.jpg (19.36 KB, 564x705, 050c7752dae664010dc6d4285e1fa6…)

Too bad the rate of domestic violence is higher among military

No. 382667

File: 1709397146481.png (935.1 KB, 910x772, serve.png)

ayrt. You never should pursue with a military moid any in that matter Solely use them for their bodies, though I think their desperation is a bonus.

No. 382710

File: 1709415264318.jpg (29.86 KB, 563x636, 3669b542902170bd0344392514e3d2…)

No. 382725

I just wanna fuck a man with a body like this once in my life god please.

No. 382746

It is not a difficult thing to aspire to anon

No. 382749

File: 1709443695631.png (468.77 KB, 487x810, 1000008923.png)

No. 382750

File: 1709444043988.jpg (106.56 KB, 733x967, 1000008925.jpg)

No. 383633

File: 1709841291714.png (1.4 MB, 927x1247, 1000009099.png)

No. 383639

File: 1709842716951.jpg (81.11 KB, 736x815, 1000009100.jpg)

No. 383715

File: 1709868755491.jpg (49.09 KB, 562x502, 1000009109.jpg)

Arms are nice too

No. 383716

File: 1709868786576.jpg (97.97 KB, 736x736, 1000009110.jpg)

No. 383724

Why do all the moids like this have to be gay smh

No. 383905

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No. 383908

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No. 383912

Straight men have no incentive to take care of themselves

No. 383936

File: 1709961673086.png (213.22 KB, 588x430, need more of this.png)

I know its not amazing but i love this lean fit body type. I am so tired of all male figure drawing models being fatties and old, this guy has the perfect body and i wish he had more videos.

No. 384088

File: 1710032900739.jpg (116.97 KB, 735x963, 1000009189.jpg)

I like the body type too. Luckily, there are photos that I can use as references instead.

No. 384090

where are his videos? would love some refs of cuties.

No. 384101

File: 1710039522415.jpg (58.88 KB, 564x718, 8f907463295f743411638c24d5560e…)

No. 384120

File: 1710042698178.jpg (83.5 KB, 866x1390, 1000006724.jpg)

Men that swim a lot or swimmed a lot during puberty and have a nice lean frame with defined chest.

No. 384121

File: 1710042745824.jpg (42.99 KB, 602x339, 1000006725.jpg)

I dated a swimmer and I still fantasise about his body. You can still find lean tall fit dudes in the wild but they don't have that same chest as a swimmer. Oh lord(did you read the thread's rules? do not post faces)

No. 384123

File: 1710042987570.jpeg (104.64 KB, 400x400, IMG_3867.jpeg)

Oh my god nonas YES. Swimmer’s bodies are so perfect, they’re always so long and lean with nice arms and slim waists, unfffff. I also used to have a crush on Anders from Workaholics and of course he was a swimmer too(did you read the thread's rules? do not post faces)

No. 384134

Moids with nipple piercings are whores and/or bisexuals but that doesn’t stop me from finding them hot

No. 384135

I hate when they only have 1 nipple ring tho it looks so stupid. One nupple all warm and relaxed and manspreading, the other on high alert

No. 384161

File: 1710058007843.jpg (252.94 KB, 1078x967, 1000003308.jpg)

What the hell

No. 384173

the anime plush in the background ruins this

No. 384176

what's with all the marks on his legs? is he bad at shaving or does he have fleas?

No. 384178

Fleas from the plushies.

No. 384185

The normal answer is that he is bad at shaving. But the funny answer is that he has fleas, so I'm going with that.

No. 384186

File: 1710077988464.jpg (130.35 KB, 736x918, 1000009191.jpg)

No. 384319

File: 1710123643733.jpg (56.32 KB, 736x736, 6f06ee17c7d2f940e6545aa050e7c3…)

No. 384321

File: 1710123769565.jpg (49.65 KB, 480x462, 44014ed0bb1930883eef16cb07d184…)

No. 384468

File: 1710191925438.jpg (43.15 KB, 455x676, statuecore.JPG)

No. 384659

Wow thats the first thing you saw? You're gay

No. 384668

and what faces. lol. looks like the cockmongler old meme.

No. 384783

Looks like some guy but I will admit the body is nice

No. 384789

File: 1710293123477.jpg (112 KB, 856x1076, tumblr_ca9b321c5cf74fe82fcbc81…)

No. 384791

File: 1710293227845.jpg (105.55 KB, 750x1000, tumblr_212e1dd63084fafd75f09f2…)

No. 384794

File: 1710293537222.jpg (59.21 KB, 564x623, 51d7e607b5a0ac5bc2d6258c74a983…)

black and white

No. 384798

File: 1710294251716.jpg (60.37 KB, 485x454, 0ff83cade590feecd9a23e1c9402e1…)

No. 384803

That is literallt what this thread is for omg what is wrong with some of you. Stop complaining and post what you like

No. 384808

Idk if it's the filter but his skin looks so soft

No. 384811

You can't see anything

No. 384918

File: 1710359714312.png (683.62 KB, 640x628, IMG_5148.png)

No. 384920

File: 1710359785013.png (959.63 KB, 720x712, IMG_5147.png)

No. 384929

who is he?

No. 384936

Roger Waters. You’re either gonna think he’s handsome or think he’s ugly and I’m interested to know what you think.

No. 384949

File: 1710369049406.png (170.36 KB, 292x634, Stonetoss.png)

You might not like it, but this is the ideal male body. Too many women cannot appreciate a true masculine form and rather opt for a skinny man that resembles a breastless woman instead.(baiting)

No. 384950

No. 384955

File: 1710371906790.png (1.85 MB, 1200x1600, 1000009280.png)

No. 384956

File: 1710371929638.jpg (184.22 KB, 799x984, 1000009277.jpg)

No. 384957

I can't get over how he's bloated on top yet has twiggy legs.

No. 384966

File: 1710373644427.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1773, 1000009282.png)

Looks like the pinnacle of this thread has been reached. Guess I shouldn't post here anymore

No. 384968

Sorry but he is indeed ugly. Typical horse faced English man. He's what I see when I open the front camera.

No. 384972

Ayrt and nonny…. I am obsessed with him and also English and if the typical Englishman looked like him I’d be getting dick every night

No. 384974

>see his face posted
>makes me wanna puke
>see only his body posted
>makes me wanna puke
He's so vile.

No. 384982

Live your truth, anon. I won't judge. I had my weird obsessions with British rockers a few years ago as well. I ain't doing any better crushing on modern rockers or a fucking country singer a week ago.

No. 384985

this is the only man in this thread i’ve found attractive nona, more tiny waists please

No. 384993

Roger Waters anon no disrespect and all love but your autism is so funny, it chose this man as your special interest kek.

No. 384999

omg this is dreamy

No. 385041

File: 1710423729542.png (697.41 KB, 736x865, 1000009296.png)

No. 385042

File: 1710423793300.jpg (94.06 KB, 736x736, 1000009294.jpg)

No. 385083

oh my god wow

No. 385145

File: 1710469568397.jpg (74.71 KB, 660x588, 1000009501.jpg)

No. 385149

File: 1710471758123.jpg (191.33 KB, 672x1200, 1000009504.jpg)


No. 385160

File: 1710478559850.png (292.06 KB, 463x485, slut.png)

I'm yearning for a slutty waist… I'm rolling on the ground with tears for a slutty waist

No. 385164

Sexy but looks gay. Sad

No. 385195

Love when the broad shoulders taper off into a nice waist.

No. 385234

File: 1710517476180.png (467.77 KB, 670x600, anotherslut.png)

Ugh it's the best.

No. 385236

seeing lean men with moles on their abdomen just makes me turn into a caveman, peak male bodies right there

No. 385296

File: 1710536905667.jpg (110.86 KB, 704x1157, 1000009524.jpg)

No. 385306

File: 1710539813655.jpg (106.31 KB, 623x617, 1000009529.jpg)

No. 385326

File: 1710544018475.jpg (75.95 KB, 930x870, wally.JPG)

No. 385352

omg yum

No. 385373

File: 1710554855877.jpeg (330.11 KB, 1271x1284, FqVRI7uXsAIdNod.jpeg)

This is nice, messy bed notwithstanding.

No. 385377

Oh god some crumpled blankets oh noooo 4/10

No. 385384

File: 1710557123610.jpeg (180.1 KB, 887x1256, Fq2yT_BaYAIjhwU.jpeg)

I don't know why you're offended on his behalf. I said the mess didn't matter, dummy.

No. 385387

File: 1710560794975.jpg (93.63 KB, 646x581, 1000009537.jpg)

No. 385392

You guys have got to stop pretending every reply you get is mad or offended its weird

No. 385413

File: 1710583134890.jpeg (404.21 KB, 815x1221, F3GSGohWsAQX3g6.jpeg)

The water dripping on him…

No. 385429

Zamn Jesús christ 20/10 would make him dress in a suit and get his hair done in a very fancy way to take everything off and see the emo boy underneath the fancy stuff.

No. 385451


HNNNNGG. Mid-athletic but effortless, which is only attainable during fleeting youth, before senescent hypertrophy sets in. The smooth thin waists stand out the most.

No shade towards roidpig enjoyers, but this is what twinkskelly fans really mean when they say they like "feminine" or "skinny" men. You guys like young men, and it's perfectly fine. And no, this body type is absolutely not weaker than a 30+ roidpig so it's not "dysgenic" to want this.

No. 385455

manlets never learn.jpg

No. 385485

You get it so wholly and completely.

No. 385502

These are just the bodytypes of the average athletic person. If you watch a local marathon, you will notice many of the men have a body like >>385373 or >>383936. These body types would be more normal in a world where physical fitness was more encouraged.

No. 385514

File: 1710622823991.jpg (159.04 KB, 720x1063, hair.jpg)

Nonnas have been talking about male body hair sometimes and I just wanted to know what anons do like it? Do any nonnas appreciate male body hair? Maybe if it were trimmed and all, but dudes tend to shed and I hate finding hair all over the place. It's like having a pet, but it's gross curly leg, arm, or back hair.(no faces)

No. 385522

I personally find straight light arm, chest, armpit and pubic hair attractive. I'm neutral about any other area, and I can't shame someone for something like backhair, kinda makes me feel bad because I'm hairy myself and I have chest and back hair and never shave so I'd feel hypocritical. Plus I'm not gonna fuck anyone's back so that hair will never get in my way in any conceivable way (I hope) so I don't think I need to worry about it. I hate facial hair though because it can obscure their looks and not let me know if they're ugly or hot, and if they're hot it diminishes their hotness imo.

No. 385526

I enjoy some light chest hair. Nice to rest your head on and looks decent. Not thick dark hair like a bear though.

No. 385555

My favorite is well kept body hair thats a nice shade of brown and when they have it make like that kind of fadeout pec bra on their chest it looks sooo good and then a nice happy trail and hairy arms and legs. Back hair is triggering though and ass hair is a NO.

No. 385561

Light hairiness is fine. Hate chest hair though, but I love full, bushy pubes.

No. 385865

File: 1710722438486.jpg (74.42 KB, 731x880, 1000009597.jpg)

edited out the tattoo

No. 385868

Omg I came from the front page because I thought the thumb was something more insidious and had to check

No. 385869

File: 1710722606277.jpg (68.57 KB, 424x754, 1000009598.jpg)

No. 385886

i want to do lines of coke out of that stomach, damn i fucking love midriffs

No. 385902

File: 1710732484673.png (227.37 KB, 967x581, 75430.png)

kek is this a self post? if so, keep it up

No. 385926

Insidious only because that would be one skinny head

No. 385927

>keep it up
This generally just means it was posted in a reddit group or something, youre thirsty and desperate looking no offense

No. 385968

I got it off pinterest kek

No. 385986

Whether it's a self-post or not—PLEASE do not encourage attention whores. Looking at pretty bodies doesn't mean we have to stroke their egos.

No. 386029

File: 1710791684238.jpg (230.86 KB, 720x1280, 20240318_205640.jpg)

No. 386031

looks like implants kek

No. 386059

Bro's nipples looks as if he has breast cancer or something wtf

No. 386071

I love the boy milkers but his nipples just ruin it. They're supposed to be wide and pink and moist. His jugs feel kinda dry like little raisins. But the meat is nice. I wish all males grew tits this big

No. 386073

File: 1710806251935.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1853, 1000009630.png)

No. 386163

Any "straight" woman who likes this is a repressed homo/bisexual. Or just likes fatties.

No. 386259

Looks like someone's boy is flat like a board. Sad!

No. 386338

Sorry, this is a video and I can't censor his very questionable face but damn his body is perfect. Tall and non roided strong. Wish I could be lifted up like that

No. 386424

Man this makes me feel so blackpilled. Why are other women attracted to hideous monsters? Is it my fate to settle down with something like this? Are other women stupid? I can't imagine what goes through your mind. What do you like about his body? There's nothing to sexualise. He's a stick man. What's there to be attracted to? I'm genuinely upset because I just don't understand. Are you attracted to the fact he lacks a second x chromosome or is it looks? What are you looking at?!(take your blackpilling to 2X)

No. 386543

File: 1711024437306.jpg (99.81 KB, 736x891, 1000009732.jpg)

No. 386549

At least from his body type alone, I don't think he's a "hideous monster." He'd probably look okay if he was wearing a fitted t-shirt. His shoulder to waist ratio isn't bad, but the t-shirt hides it mostly. I suppose most of the attraction is in that he's tall. Personally I don't give a fuck about height, I just want a moid to have a nice body shape (broad shoulders, tiny waist, thick thighs and arms).

No. 386651

Delusional belief. Nothing about it looks like women's breasts and if you genuinely think that, you're probably just autistic and your faceblindedness extends to bodies. Not everyone is so crudely unable to see what is in front of them kek.

No. 386820

File: 1711155386771.jpg (78.5 KB, 735x770, 1000009764.jpg)

No. 386824

File: 1711155645029.jpg (106.66 KB, 735x979, 1000009765.jpg)

No. 386830

File: 1711156752541.jpg (71.82 KB, 736x736, 1000009770.jpg)

No. 386841

File: 1711162053927.jpg (84.1 KB, 736x847, 1000009778.jpg)

No. 386842

File: 1711162375668.jpg (65.61 KB, 736x736, 1000009781.jpg)

No. 386843

File: 1711162917510.png (614.2 KB, 736x1104, 1000009784.png)

ok this is the last one

No. 386922

File: 1711211728437.mp4 (2.25 MB, 720x1280, shirt_stays.mp4)

No. 386995

File: 1711241781605.jpg (28 KB, 489x373, xgf2t897u4k71.jpg)

No. 387384

based anon

No. 387826

File: 1711569332926.jpg (108.72 KB, 736x736, 1000009876.jpg)

No. 387856

Kekk, most moids get the most ugly basic tattoos just so they can call themselves “tatted”. I sometimes look at hot muscular dudes on twitter and they always have the same fucking tattoos, especially the berserk symbol and other anime related shit

No. 387861

File: 1711584805335.jpg (35.6 KB, 453x604, 26394f3261d9ad5028be67e5b7a25e…)

No. 387863

File: 1711584936434.jpg (44.24 KB, 536x933, e3459b87fa964f8ffef982bed82dba…)

No. 388136

File: 1711751738048.png (750.77 KB, 735x838, 1000009946.png)

Surprisingly not a painting

No. 388150

who is that

No. 388154

Sorry to this guy but I'm gonna use his body as inspo for what my husbando's body is like naked. Thanks for posting anon.

No. 388155

Seconding >>388150 , who is that? This is very intriguing.

No. 388169

File: 1711764252823.png (968.07 KB, 1080x1350, 1000009952.png)

He is Fedor Kuts, a model/cosplayer from Moscow. He definitely has a nice face, but can't post it here for obvious reasons.

No. 388178

Thanks for replying! Russian men supremacy

No. 388216

No. 388286

File: 1711827313818.png (679.09 KB, 1080x1350, 1000009953.png)

No. 388287

Whoa, not into it sexually but love the composition of this photo

No. 388301

Wow. Bless his photographer

No. 388304

thank you so much for sharing, his body looks so nice and the lighting and compositions are really so beautiful also i was curious about his face and wtf he has the same face of a moid i like but with a better body, it almost looked like deepfake to me kek

No. 388399

Roid gut kills it for me. He is contorting his diaphragm and abdomen with all his strength to keep his bloated gut in but you can still see his bloated adonis belt bursting at the sides in most of his photos. I think that's why he favors these hunched or tilted poses. I like whatever editing they used to make him look like a painting though.

No. 388537

File: 1711942336574.jpg (56.83 KB, 564x644, 1000010055.jpg)

No. 388538

File: 1711942381292.jpg (100.02 KB, 720x670, 1000010056.jpg)

No. 388539

File: 1711942484118.jpg (32.82 KB, 736x759, 1000010051.jpg)


No. 388542

is this that edge lord who yells at incels on tiktok?

No. 388550

File: 1711948124274.jpg (130.89 KB, 666x845, 1000016436.jpg)

No. 388580

i'd recognize that bod anywhere, face-wise i consider him cute too give it another year and i bet i'll have to eat my words

No. 388607

Why the fuck does it have weird boob armor?

No. 388609

i still cant believe he's real, he's jsut perfect. Men who do sports that require talent and elegance(swimming, ice skating) have better bodies than moids who do ape sports like football

No. 388613

no the fuck i would not

No. 388614

how did you even manage to look that far up

No. 388619

this is perfection

No. 388671

File: 1712011375092.jpg (72.07 KB, 670x1128, 1000010079.jpg)

Back with more stuff from pinterest

One of the best ones itt

No. 388672

File: 1712012005500.jpg (29.88 KB, 735x550, 1000010080.jpg)

No. 388687

I understand trannies are unwelcome here (except when they are mods lmao) but that dick was completely next level, close to unbelievable.

No. 388691

File: 1712025971181.gif (1.42 MB, 275x393, tumblr_obwkdlM5NG1vasyrco1_400…)

Young wrestlers have the best bodies.

No. 388692

File: 1712026236820.gif (1.82 MB, 300x337, d908ad6a836897f5fba6c07e8db713…)

Look at how snatched that waistline is compared to roidpigs above 25.

No. 388697

File: 1712028643772.jpg (56.51 KB, 800x533, 101.jpg)

No. 388698

File: 1712028762684.gif (1.63 MB, 300x529, 317f51ccfc9f95e9f51efe050044f6…)

Oh they're painfully aware of it themselves

No. 388703

File: 1712030008784.jpg (57.79 KB, 584x588, FjMY_XzXkAEEXEU.jpg)

This is what all men should aspire to look like. I love snatched waists on moids.

No. 388714

I want to bite his fucking thighs like a rabid dog biting a KFC thigh.

No. 388821

didn't want to say anything even if that did damage to my eyes but i'm going to do something incredibly questionable and say that it wasn't a man.
The thread is called "ideal man bodies" for a reason and not "trannies or men dicks in your face" kek.

No. 388860

>men should aspire to be 5'6" twinks

No. 388997

File: 1712171790157.jpg (83.37 KB, 736x766, 1000010078.jpg)

No. 388998

>>388860 you can't espire to be short. but you can espire to build like that

No. 389007

>men should aspire to be twinks

No. 389016

You're right. Maybe 5'9'' twink.

No. 389023

File: 1712190432922.jpg (35.81 KB, 694x694, 1000010183.jpg)

No. 389024

File: 1712191008601.jpg (40.2 KB, 651x608, 1000010185.jpg)


No. 389080

No. 389085

File: 1712220220672.jpg (201.91 KB, 720x746, 1000002123.jpg)

i need to hold a skinny twink's waist so bad

No. 389105

Jesus christ, God bless him, may he never hit the wall.

No. 389109

Someone posted the… cropped out… bit… I caught sight of it before mods deleted it and had to immediately excuse myself from work for a little while.

No. 389115

well, i'm relieved i wasn't the only one. i'm disgusted by coombrained posts but i swear to god the pause i had to take before clicking on report was long enough that it was already deleted by then. what is that size. the way he moved those ripped shredded hips.(samefag)

No. 389116

skinny guys with pale X-packs, softly muscular tits and shredded serratus are just too OP

No. 389129

>i missed the benis reveal
why must life be so cruel

No. 389158

This is my type 100%.

Was it big? These skinny guys always have huge ones

No. 389169

i literally don't think i've seen a skinny- muscular pale guy that wasn't carrying a massive package underneath. and why are they always curved? blessed phenotype
the mods should really open an exception to that one. because, like

No. 389186

File: 1712271472432.jpg (28.97 KB, 375x282, 8646364843_23300f70a4.jpg)

No. 389187

File: 1712271503583.jpg (27.12 KB, 340x304, enhanced-buzz-7332-1438250235-…)

No. 389188

File: 1712272049266.jpg (53.06 KB, 740x750, tumblr_m9oksdrn651qd3k14o1_128…)

Weak, sloping shoulders + flat chest + no waistline. 3/10. Picrel so you can gaze upon a real man for once(no faces)

No. 389189

File: 1712272255478.mp4 (723.95 KB, 240x424, 1691280065028.mp4)

Now, how did this get on my phone? Hopefully not reposting from this thread lol.

No. 389251

rare instance of enjoyable moid stupidity, made me smile

No. 389252

The serious voice saying "the United states of America" in the background is what makes the video.

No. 389321

Honestly IDC if this was already posted, it's funny

No. 389333

Kek I was the one that originally posted that video, but it was on another, older thread. You're safe and I love to see it again

No. 389371

File: 1712361265720.png (624.14 KB, 720x1280, 1000010247.png)

No. 389420

Can I make a request? I want an uncut dick.

No. 389471

File: 1712405750045.jpg (30.62 KB, 215x542, 00f1ccad7767dcc145785eef4af3f2…)

Perfect tiny waist. He has nice legs too but I couldn't find a pic with waist and legs

No. 389472

Men were created so big dick tiny boys could exist. Every other man should aspire to be like them and look up to them

No. 389473

His Jimin tier fish lips and edgy outfit ruin it but yeah, nice waistline.

No. 389474

Im going to kill myself, I opened the thread to see the spoilers and one second later they are fucking gone.

No. 389481

File: 1712412660927.gif (2.47 MB, 506x640, thighs!!!!!!!!.gif)

i know the angle exaggerates the size but big thighs drive me insane(no faces in this thread)

No. 389482

Nona you have to crop his head out

No. 389483

File: 1712414416740.jpg (38.7 KB, 640x632, hopes and dreams.jpg)

don't tell me i missed yet another benis reveal

No. 389484

It was a huge benis.

No. 389488

No benis for nonna

No. 389493

"All art aspires to bony white boys hiding XL wieners and rail fence abs underneath their baggy clothes." (some eurofag 100 years ago, probably.)

No. 389495

File: 1712420516244.jpg (77.66 KB, 736x1104, 2d5bb0d0a754a043bd5d825035b391…)

I'm sorry about that ugly ass choker.

No. 389496

It was nothing you couldn't find on the /hm/ twink threads.

No. 389497

File: 1712420724478.jpeg (239.82 KB, 1170x1755, 2966B7F4-FA2F-434E-8837-1CC8C5…)

No. 389498

File: 1712420983275.jpeg (141.59 KB, 736x920, 8d2b5a4404fe53af9ca9003c8ce263…)

No. 389499

Out, out, troon.

No. 389510

File: 1712427141829.jpg (189.87 KB, 1003x1080, tumblr_74e0c7398687014be2b274e…)

Just a straight chick who likes to look at anonymous dicks sometimes.

No. 389520

Acid attack victim skinwalker hands

No. 389526

i'm so sorry nonnies! i was going to post it in the men you want to fuck thread, not this one. farmhands can you kindly delete my mimstake? i don't want to shit up the thread

No. 389606

I hope they aren't underage.

No. 389613

Kek, was gonna comment about how ugly the hand and nails are but your comment is perfect.

No. 389648

We've gotten to a stage where it's so rare to see a handsome and cute hot 20 year old (because most 20 year old moids start balding and getting fat), that the actual good looking ones get mistaken to be underage kek

No. 389704

I remember when the World Cup was on and everyone was going crazy about him

No. 389753

File: 1712537965361.jpg (43.46 KB, 736x652, 1000010293.jpg)

No. 389754

something is off about this one. shoop job?

No. 389767

forearm is way bigger than it should be

No. 389769

File: 1712545898576.png (1.04 MB, 716x1115, 1000010306.png)

swimmer body

No. 389910

File: 1712602069907.jpg (35.49 KB, 476x575, 1000010321.jpg)

Looking back I can definitely see signs on editing with the arms. I probably didn't notice since I was tired at the time.

This looks edited too

No. 389925

Oh my god the way they scrunch down the swimsuit below the hips

No. 389964

File: 1712616017040.jpg (1.76 MB, 3180x3976, 1000027447.jpg)

I saw this pic in the varg thread and I can't lie I stared at it longer than needed.

No. 389968


No. 389970

Is that Alex Eubank lol?

No. 389974

File: 1712619115057.png (671.69 KB, 720x756, a2bf04393b772f6c058d2fa3ef402a…)

No. 390021

File: 1712640429795.jpeg (168.03 KB, 817x1008, IMG_9845.jpeg)

No. 390023

Can I make a request? I want fit guys who are naturally fit, have a nice accentuated waistline, have really pale skin, of ~180 cm height, pink nipples pink uncut dick if possible, and no freckles. Not too skinny and fatless like an anakun, but not roidpiggy with popping veins either, just normal.

No. 390026

Almost perfect but damn he got small ass hands.

No. 390147

File: 1712697859580.jpg (31.97 KB, 600x648, 788f2dfc-717a-4b76-9d21-1caf70…)

fuck all you bitches in advance who are gonna say i'm ugly or have no self-esteem or whatever else, i love builtfat bodies, and maybe even a little more belly to spare. it's so fucking cute and masculine. this one needs more hair though.

No. 390150


This is hot, anon. No shame here!

No. 390154

Hard agree, i like muscly but beefy, not lean and slim.

No. 390155

I don't get why women like bellies on men, it means he has low test/is aging. That picture is sexy though, but I bet his jawline and chin look like shit at that bf%.

No. 390157

File: 1712700092996.jpg (1.41 MB, 5120x2124, maxresdefault-1.jpg)

Hope you like this one

No. 390159

lmao expand this image and zoom all the way in, you can see where a brush tool was used to remove his chest and back acne. hahaha

No. 390160

File: 1712701422169.jpg (40.15 KB, 540x632, 1000010331.jpg)

edited out the tattoo here too

No. 390161

File: 1712701708276.png (300.44 KB, 512x640, 1000010333.png)

No. 390174

None of what you guys are saying makes any fucking sense because I reverse image searched, and the original pic does not show his penis. You can't see literally anything because of the pants and boxers.

No. 390180

there were like 7 deleted dick videos and pictures; mods took them down because posting porn is banned. also some were tranny porn (I don't think the man ever touched hormones because he was very clearly male but his whole porn schtick is being a tranny, wearing little shitty fake boob bras and having a big dick). also the person who was samefagging was being weird so just disregard their words.

No. 390181

No. 390183

I enjoying seeing evidence of his insecurity but he could have done a better job shooping it. I wonder if it's acne from roids.

No. 390187

Beautiful, 10/10 would buy a sculpture made using his body to adorn my garden so I can see the sculpture slowly decaying as the time passes by.

No. 390222

Maybe, all the acne I’ve seen from steroid use is usually way worse, like leper-tier shit. But I think it can be milder and usually occurs in the middle of the chest and back. At least he has the sense to photoshop it out instead of flaunting it like a lot of disgusting bodybuilder moids do. Going on steroids is one of the most pathetic things moids do, risking their health, making their skin break out in disgusting blisters, making their cock and balls shrink and getting ED, having endless violent chimp freakouts, all just to impress other moids. No woman wants a violent bepimpled incontinent retard who gets out of breath just from walking, it’s their own gay obsession with male approval and validation that gets them there. Then they die, good riddance.

No. 390228

I'm the anon who posted the picture, the guy is a natural body builder, and he showed that bulking with food and proper exercise is possible without roids, and he doesn't use any. At least that's what he says and what his channel is all about. He competes in bodybuilding competitions.

No. 390229

hot, what’s his channel

No. 390247


No. 390256

ayrt, i have to wonder if it's because i'm bi and generally more attracted to women, so maybe i like the look of a softer male body as well. i don't like flabby dudes but muscle + fat is so hot to me. i don't feel anything when i look at sculpted male bodies and male abs. but women's abs, and women in general, i always find hot.
my people

No. 390301

Ah this is really nice.

No. 390711

File: 1712885200316.jpg (61.55 KB, 736x981, 1000010401.jpg)

No. 390712

File: 1712885478326.jpg (24.56 KB, 500x500, 1000010405.jpg)

No. 390714

File: 1712885603829.jpg (45.5 KB, 724x1080, 1000010406.jpg)

No. 390952

File: 1712982479415.jpg (37.99 KB, 735x454, 1000010433.jpg)

No. 390953

File: 1712982763645.jpg (42.81 KB, 736x600, 1000010436.jpg)

No. 391593

File: 1713230927246.jpg (36.58 KB, 500x569, 1000010572.jpg)

No. 391594

File: 1713230983882.jpg (74.08 KB, 688x655, 1000010573.jpg)

No. 391595

File: 1713231427503.jpg (50.29 KB, 736x920, 1000010574.jpg)

No. 391790

File: 1713317437337.png (2.41 MB, 2503x1306, 1000010631.png)

Most of the males posted here are some flavor of fit or muscular, but the amount of variety in thread interesting. Nonnies, which body types do you find attractive? Doesn't have to be one in picrel, just listing some examples that seemed popular here.

No. 391791

No. 391792

No. 391793

4 and 6.

No. 391798

Forgot to add, what do you like about it?

No. 391800

I don’t like any of these. I think I’m broken kek
my ideal man doesn’t exist

No. 391805

Defined but not super cut abs, and defined but not boob tier pecs.
And a slimmer torso, no veiny arms.

No. 391807

i posted a body i liked once and got anons assuming i was a self poster or trolling, it's ROUGH being free independent thinkers such as ourselves.

No. 391830

Two, easily. Also >>391595
I think it's gross when they're too muscle-y.

No. 391832

File: 1713332192322.jpg (528.51 KB, 978x1757, cupid psyche.jpg)

I love the way Bouguereau painted Cupid. He's cute and slightly muscular with pouty lips and curly hair.

No. 391855

Top one is 8 but 5 and 2 are also nice, I like 8 the most because I like bodies I know are soft to the touch and squeeze. I'm into chubby women and skinnyfat men too but in men I prefer the soft kind of buff, Love me a human bodypillow.

No. 391954

I like the waist on 2, and 4 is also quite nice

No. 391955

2, 4 and 5 a bit. I like how they're not too skinny but not too muscular either. I like 5's arms, 2 and 4's chests and abs, though I wish they had a more defined waist line with an inverted triangle body type.

No. 392087

If i could choose it would be 5 or maybe even 8 BUT the moid has to be young and have a pretty face and no body hair for perfection, i know i'll die a virgin unless they hurry up with those cyborgs.
I salute all nonas who go out and hunt for these pictures.
>what do you like about it?
Kind of the thickness of it without looking like rocks or blobs, i don't really care about actual strenght but i like bodies that look strong and different from my own. I like broad round shoulders, a waist that is not tiny but not big either, big thighs, pecs that look defined and full but not exaggerated, i like moids that work out because they remind me of hamsters but i don't want them to look dry.

No. 392093

i only find 2 attractive and 1 a little bit. the fat/roidy ones are revolting and seem more like ones fags would like.

No. 392094

Damn nonas it would be so funny to make a moid body tierlist with the posts if it could be anonymous enough, but i also don't want to give them that much credit anyway

No. 392109

Nonnies itt have already ranked what parts of male bodies they find attractive, a tierlist isn't that weird imo

No. 392317

File: 1713536046767.gif (84.79 KB, 220x166, peter-andre-abs.gif)

music video for Peter Andre - Mysterious Girl has some beautiful shirtless male bodies in it

No. 392318

File: 1713536087603.png (1.88 MB, 1802x1244, Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 10.13…)

and it's not by accident either

No. 392330

8 is the best then 5 and 6

No. 392342

File: 1713549173040.jpg (62.78 KB, 735x578, f140b9d7c0bac390d443e408ba2ca8…)

I need a ken doll bf

No. 392358

I like the whole top row in order kek. Bottom row does nothing for me

No. 392363

Damn I want to bite him.

No. 392466

for me, it's 1 and 2.

No. 392620

File: 1713705628398.jpg (33.7 KB, 440x391, 1606449704220.jpg)

Which one is the best?

No. 392621

the bishonen only because the other ones' shoulders cant even fit into frame. who do they think they are taking up that much space, moids should remember their place.

No. 392623

Indecisive. 3/4 for me.

No. 392624

File: 1713706429397.jpeg (155.35 KB, 893x732, 0E51CD0C-6599-412D-B194-21C94C…)

No. 392625

It's hard to pick without seeing whole package.

No. 392626

this, its about harmony, plus, having a nice body doesn't mean much when he still dresses like shit.

No. 392627

i mean, they aren't dressed like anything

No. 392629

>having a nice body doesn't mean much when he still dresses like shit.
hard disagree

No. 392635

4 or 6

No. 392637

1, 3, 5, and 6. 2 is too thin for my liking, and 4 is on steroids.

No. 392842

File: 1713797180035.png (Spoiler Image,455.21 KB, 640x399, cutie2579.png)

No. 392843

This is really good. His chest is big because of his build but he doesn't have gross pronounced pecs/mantits. Men should be flat there.

No. 392844

File: 1713798326608.jpg (Spoiler Image,238.39 KB, 767x628, 1703374176684919_2.jpg)

No. 392845

Who is this?

No. 392847

Vomitrocious wet nipple hair and hack job on shaving the pubic area. Gross.

No. 392849

File: 1713800410124.jpg (Spoiler Image,314.48 KB, 999x839, retouch_2024042211382155.jpg)

Removed the pubic hair

No. 392850

LMAO you didn't have to do that. thank you I guess

No. 392871

KEKK nonnie you even got rid of his mole, I love you

No. 392902

File: 1713820116225.png (377.63 KB, 579x401, aaa.png)

clip from a cringe streamer, one guy had a nice body

No. 392911

But the happy trail was the hottest thing about that picture…

No. 392929

it wasn't the happy trail that was the problem, that's fine (to me). it was the fact that the happy trail led to the horrible hack job he did on his pubes.

No. 393436

File: 1714013113902.jpg (30.03 KB, 540x540, 1000010771.jpg)

more midriff

No. 393437

File: 1714013351686.jpg (88.4 KB, 736x981, 1000010770.jpg)

I like adonis belts

No. 393526

File: 1714062295634.jpg (89.13 KB, 863x887, Screenshot_20240425_014834_Sna…)

No. 393534

File: 1714065314431.jpg (225.15 KB, 719x1014, IMG_20240425_201034.jpg)

Flat asses ruin everything. He could be a 10/10 but if he's 2-D from the side I just can't do it… Flat men can't fuck. They lack the humping muscles necessary for it. If he isn't at least a little hip-y Ijust can't see him in a sexual light! Bone or muscle, doesn't matter. He just needs to have curves. Picrel has got to be THE WORST bodytype. Looks like an alien bug. I've seen deathfats with better waistlines. Total wtf moment(not an ideal body, posted face, nitpicking)

No. 393583

sounds like you just want john boyega tbh

No. 393585

No. 393628

I feel the exact opposite. I find men with fat asses so unattractive and faggy. What's him having a fat ass do for me? I ain't pegging or fingering a mans ass. Disgusting.

No. 393658

File: 1714095090994.mp4 (565.14 KB, 576x1024, 1000010814.mp4)

No. 393666

Natural fat ass in men is kinda squre and low from my observations, and it's a result from working out the legs, and a sign of a good pelvic bone structure and fertility in men, hence why most straight women are attracted to it subconsciously. Unnaturally big round asses on me, again from my observation, is either he's fat/chubby or got a BBL because he's legitimately gay. But don't quote me on this.

No. 393670

Unnaturally fat asses are hot too it reminds me of the female form (perfect) even though I'm straight. Fat men disgust me but I stare at their asses. I close my eyes if they turn around before I can look away. I'm not looking a fatty in the face lol but their asses are insane sometimes

No. 393679

>tfw this is the only body type i like
men with big asses and "curves" look unnatural to me even if it's natural. like their bodies aren't meant to have it idk how to explain. i want them to look completely 100% male, except in the face.

No. 393689

Same. I love angular skinny men, men with round asses and curves are so gross to me somehow

No. 393762

File: 1714140589708.jpeg (413.63 KB, 991x1389, 3C1E1871-28E9-472B-BF4F-237E50…)

I hate the trapezoid lumps muscular men develop. They’re hideous and ruin the male silhouettes.

No. 393764

File: 1714141216564.jpg (65.7 KB, 687x1200, 1000010824.jpg)

No. 393768

If you injected their stupid roid traps with botox they'd look way better, I agree

No. 393769

File: 1714142126135.jpg (120.83 KB, 696x999, 1000010827.jpg)

No. 393771

They don't "develop" it by working it, but by injecting steroids. It's unnatural for it to grow.

No. 393773

That's crazy, I love how they look on women paired with good delts as well.
But all muscles on men look gross of course.

No. 393796

This is nasty, sorry. Too skinny and no definition.

No. 393807

No body here is as nasty as the picture in the OP

No. 393818

Yes that is nasty too

No. 393858

File: 1714162740423.png (764.99 KB, 736x915, 1000010836.png)

I like this man and his dog

No. 393859

File: 1714163150363.png (572.18 KB, 640x574, ikwya.png)

No. 393861

File: 1714163659606.jpg (26.08 KB, 424x465, 1000010838.jpg)

That I'm what? Heterosexual? Lmao

No. 393882

Spoiler that man. Shiraishi jump scare in the hot men thread. Unacceptable

No. 393886

File: 1714167920400.png (428.4 KB, 880x1152, Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 22.45…)

No. 393892

wasn't this already posted?

No. 393893

yes but I forgot to crop his head

No. 394067

i think nonnie's trying to insinuate that the guy fucks his dog

No. 394190

File: 1714276360348.jpg (284.1 KB, 1280x1280, 1000010883.jpg)

i know, just playing along

No. 394191

File: 1714276706826.jpg (65.13 KB, 735x920, 1000010884.jpg)

No. 394414

Cute hips

No. 394428

File: 1714362072066.jpg (28.86 KB, 540x960, 1000010906.jpg)

No. 394776

File: 1714511564234.png (447.28 KB, 637x478, ghdksmsjmale.png)

No. 394803

File: 1714522857723.png (761.75 KB, 562x810, bolle.png)

Moids that i would visually assault like a bulldozer.

Doubt you are here but maybe? Roberto Bolle has an extremely skinny but muscular body, kinda creeps me out, he's over 40's now but in picrel he was younger so it kinda looks better to me but tbh he's not my type, too pale for me too.

No. 394806

I really love this thread, it shows what we actually naturally like when not being nagged to death

No. 394807

Damn nice.

No. 394819

File: 1714526672702.jpg (117.18 KB, 559x536, b51d0a683358411d88e67684b.jpg)

More skellys please

No. 394821

but even ITT anons will nag you for not liking the same body type as them

No. 394824

par for the course, post your type anyway you’re anonymous

No. 394825

People will argue about anything but there’s a clear average preference here, every man posted here is either muscular, toned, or skelly but they nearly all have low body fat and low body hair. Peak opposite of muh I love fat dadbods Reddit.

No. 394827

I love it too because i'm genuinely horrified to see exposed moids online but i trust the nonas here, i rarely feel disgusted and the no face rule really helps making everything easier.

No. 394839

File: 1714533593300.jpg (34.16 KB, 433x664, 1000010953.jpg)

I see no roidpigs itt, but even the skinnier body types follow a waist-to-hip ratio like a Y or V

No. 394841

File: 1714533658206.jpg (31.33 KB, 400x400, 1000010952.jpg)

No. 394865

File: 1714553606084.jpeg (Spoiler Image,245.06 KB, 902x2034, IMG_2375.jpeg)

Yep they all average out toward lean and proportionate, there are some with muscles but not roided out. I’m so glad to be among my people and not be nagged about how my tastes are too girlish. Spoiler for kind of grainy photo of IRL slut asking for it

No. 394880

>IRL slut asking for it
some of you are so cringe the way you talk about things. I guess you're not here to be normal but you could try.

No. 394881

NTA but who the fuck is on this Mongolian basketweaving forum to be normal?

No. 394888

it's cringe cause it seems to be a creepshot and not because of rightfully calling him a slut

No. 394917

If he didn’t want the attention he shouldn’t be dressing like that

No. 394953

The shorts should be shorter though, 7/10 would not fuck unless he shows more skin.

No. 395032

agreed, the long shorts make him look homeless.

No. 395072

No. 395073

I like em skinny. 1 and 2

No. 395197

File: 1714703163354.jpg (50.2 KB, 735x781, 1000010990.jpg)

No one voted for the roidpig kek

No. 395198

File: 1714703353753.jpg (94.07 KB, 828x552, 1000010989.jpg)

No. 395248

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No. 395257

5 & 6 are ideal, 7 is almost grotesque and 1 is too skinny.

No. 395279

this is the ideal male physique

No. 395290


No. 395379

8 and 5

No. 395506

File: 1714859389353.jpg (565.25 KB, 1536x2048, 1703917195962011.jpg)

No. 395515

File: 1714861322522.jpeg (851.41 KB, 1170x1429, IMG_1258.jpeg)

4 and 5, or whichever one ATJ is

No. 395652

File: 1714927819314.jpg (1.79 MB, 3869x3669, 1657601469218.jpg)

No. 395661

I'm sorry but that belly button is so funny

No. 395674

It looks like a healed bullet wound.

No. 395677

It looks like a giant tried to pick him up off of a snack plate by the toothpick stuck in him but dropped him

No. 395686

File: 1714935852930.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.02 KB, 840x1280, IMG_20240505_210136_110.jpg)

I hope this is not too NSFW but these abs were just too chiseled not to post

No. 395696

i agree

No. 395698

2,3,4,5 rest is ugly

No. 395923

File: 1715041664731.jpg (100.15 KB, 1170x860, 1000011042.jpg)

No. 396216

File: 1715137688938.jpg (101.64 KB, 467x534, FPe-0SNVEAEq4Kx.jpg)

Two heads got cropped in that picture

No. 396219

File: 1715137843637.jpg (150.34 KB, 887x554, Screenshot_20240508-033229.jpg)

No. 396243

>roidpig is when man with healthy amount of muscles

No. 396246

The signs of a roided body are easy to see
>red skin around the chest and face area
>huge neck/shoulder muscles
>too much veins
>difficulty breathing
>huge gut and fatness
Most of the bodies itt are lean though, I know because I went through it several times and the number of obviously roided guys is minimal, and I suspect it's one or two anons who posts them.

No. 396252

The signs of roiding are
Being very lean AND having basically any muscle. Leaning destroys your muscle and that's why you need steroids, since they allow you to retain muscle while being very lean.

No. 396253

Never heard about that before, but that's interesting to know. Never liked the lean/skinny but muscular look anyways.

No. 396277

Who cares whether they're roided or not, we can look at attractive bodies and have our fantasies.

No. 396285

Second this. It's unhealthy and bad for people and all, but I don't know or care about these men. They're a nice picture for me to ogle for 30 seconds before scrolling and if they have the kind of physique I like, well, I will look regardless of how they may have achieved that physique or if they made a choice to put their health at risk for it.

No. 396286

Disagree. Roidmoids are absolute trash, horrible to be around, testerical times ten. Knowing that ruins looking at them.

No. 396287

i don't think anyone cares about their health, it's just that they're usually ugly

No. 396438

Anything that makes moids die faster is a good thing

No. 396471

Can you give examples? I'm not following

No. 396553

Would you stupid inside job trannies leave this one thread alone?
This idiocy even getting acknowledged by replies is on the level of that "if I suck your titties/you suck my dick they will both grow" retarded 4chan thread

No. 396575

File: 1715283741727.jpg (38.5 KB, 720x891, 1000011107.jpg)

You guys need to stop arguing and start sexualizing men

No. 396577

Perfect. This is the body type I want to see. Do you have more pictures with this exact body type and maybe a lighter skin tone? Front view? Pink nipples? sorry for being weird and picky I'm
using it as a reference.

No. 396602

File: 1715296289011.jpg (63.63 KB, 697x1023, 1000011106.jpg)

No. 396608

No. 396629

Idk why but I’ve become viscerally disgusted by skelly men after fetishising them for years

No. 396736

File: 1715356214295.jpg (95.29 KB, 719x679, booba.jpg)

No. 396738


No. 396742

File: 1715356718863.jpg (40.09 KB, 323x416, slut.jpg)

No. 396865

File: 1715392264643.jpg (64.71 KB, 735x1308, f714779687d4357daf499932e8b5bc…)

No. 396867

File: 1715392627957.jpg (79.02 KB, 720x960, 5052b347d0fb0fd20f72849024a48b…)

nice midriff

No. 397096

File: 1715478571189.jpg (148.71 KB, 736x911, AndyBian.jpg)

No. 397099

File: 1715479623887.jpeg (198 KB, 1247x1212, IMG_4156.jpeg)

No. 397101

Is his ribcage kinda visible or is it just me?? Genuinely curious, never saw a moid with a muscle mass like that but with visible ribs.

No. 397104

I think he's sucking in his stomach to appear fitter/thinner, hence the ribs showing. Or could be extremely low body fat percentage with big muscles but idk if that's possible.

No. 397109

File: 1715481523418.jpg (21.5 KB, 412x344, 376e96eb639a40d15d75bdb264fd92…)

i doubt its low bodyfat, usually the muscles would look more cut, though ive heard of guys who are genetically predisposed to holding fat in their stomach even at low bodyfat

No. 397111

File: 1715481870522.jpg (29.82 KB, 564x570, e503e70f5fd72391a21af226f26e3f…)

No. 397112

Nice, do you have more pics of this guy in different positions? On a side note, does he have bellybutton hair or am I blind?

No. 397115

No, I got that from pinterest. The link said the guy is a model named nate hill though. Also yes that is bellybutton hair.

No. 397117

god the audio is cringe but squishy

No. 397130

File: 1715485629719.jpg (28.03 KB, 564x564, 17136c16c3481ebeb354df3c5ff322…)

No1currs keep posting skellies ladies

No. 397133

goddam this body is peak. For me, it will always be midriff>abs.

No. 397135

Honestly, men should be skinny. I'm sick of seeing fat men.

No. 397139

I prefer the word slender. Skelly sounds really stupid in my opinion. I have no idea how it caught on.

No. 397160

Please can a man with a body like this, and a cute face/hair to go along with it, come my way

No. 397185

File: 1715509691646.png (500.79 KB, 562x843, Screenshot 2024-05-12 121224.p…)

I was watching a musical and suddenly one of the actors strips and reveals his midriff god bless. Imagine wearing this for an audience full of thirsty women.

No. 397194

That's from Toumyu right? Love the long legs of Kanesada's actor too.

No. 397195

I love meatballs, so the problem isn’t muscle. Pecs are great for example, but I seriously hate the look of abs. Their resemblance to tumors is unsightly. Toned girly midriff will always be superior to shredded. Is it possible to be a muscular Chad with a smooth tummy?

No. 397229

File: 1715524435287.png (262.8 KB, 379x451, Screenshot 2024-05-12 173222.p…)

This may be unpopular here after looking at the other posts, but I personally really enjoy the strongman body type. Bonus points if they have body hair. Bony skinny men do nothing for me personally.

No. 397230

Yikes, love yourself more Nonnie.

No. 397232

I'm quite concerned about the visceral fat here.

No. 397234

You need to be euthanised(alogging)

No. 397236

File: 1715525076365.png (384.89 KB, 595x815, Screenshot 2024-05-12 163511.p…)

Yeah. So many of the guys have attractive bodies. Nice arms, small waists, long legs. They're so skinny I love skinny moids. It's a pity they barely sexualize them.

No. 397237

Me too nonnie. I like big guys, even ones who have quite a bit of bodyfat. Not too much hair though. Although when I think about their bodies too much I start to feel disgusted by their sweaty hairy unwashed asses. I can never be in a relationship because of this. Barf

No. 397248

I wouldn't mind it so much if they aren't hairy, man hair is so nasty and dense. Have you ever been with a man who has hair on his fucking back? Genuinely makes me gag. It's a sin for men not to be clean and perfectly shaving everywhere below the eyes.

Still they're so stumpy and stocky looking it kinda looks dorky.

No. 397249

No. 397331

Worst body posted

No. 397337

File: 1715549271052.jpg (26.18 KB, 474x474, bd4464467aa97141fe4fc209c5e227…)

No. 397340

File: 1715549960138.jpg (155.67 KB, 470x496, FNlhOqPX0AsS5Ru.jpg)

No. 397341

File: 1715550008723.jpg (70.9 KB, 564x1001, 6288a9ed78b11b22542f882d7ec7c4…)

No. 397342

File: 1715550304584.jpg (269.14 KB, 1000x427, 1651433598643.jpg)

the op image of this thread is so fucking ugly

No. 397346


No. 397360

That one guy better not be in a dog mask.

No. 397368

File: 1715557697084.jpg (31.92 KB, 564x594, ffe9305e2c40eb58545b087b424318…)

No. 397369

File: 1715557780824.jpg (23.41 KB, 291x452, 2664d432b077cef5bdff293b028b7b…)

No. 397747

Has anyone else noticed that this thread is filled with chests only pics but no leg only pics? I guess tops are favoured over bottoms. For me it’s the other way around

No. 397769

As long as they don't have hgh gut which is disgusting as all hell

No. 397771

Unironically its the women who like nasty stringbean types of bodies that have low self esteem. You're fine. You and millions of others like this. It's fine.

No. 397773

He totally is

No. 397774

>Unironically its the women who like nasty stringbean types of bodies that have low self esteem.
This reverse-uno shit doesn't make any sense. Fat is unattractive.

No. 397777

there's probably more nonnies like you than you think, try posting leg and thigh pics and maybe you can attract like-minded nonnies itt.

No. 397778

Post muscular thighs if you'd like to, I'd like to ogle at some. Preferably pale skin, light body hair or shaved, in shorts, square natural ass and no BBL looking asses.

No. 397782

ntayrt, but there's a reel i have of a somewhat pale, light body hair, german dude showing an abrasion on his thigh, should i show? he's wearing a helmet so no ugly faces either.

No. 397787

For sure, go for it!

No. 397797

Yeah anon i love thighs! Bring some if you can
That sounds interesting

No. 397799

No. 397800

samefag will be posting mp4 in a bit

No. 397805

His thighs are cute, but I was hoping for something more muscular and bigger. This is a good start to encourage thigh posting though kek.

No. 397808

it keeps telling me the file is too large, screw this, any nonnie that wants to save the reel, use this, https://saveinsta.cam/

No. 397809

That's a cute bruise and thank you for the meal

No. 397810

well that's good
kek thanks nonnie

No. 397825

Your version of fat doesn't coincide with reality though.

No. 397826

nona even in the OP you originally replied to she said the body is called "builtfat" and that she's into "more belly"

No. 397858

u fat,faggot(infighting)

No. 397859

Ntayrt but men can be healthy at 3 percent body fat and the only reason you don’t see any men built like that around you is because they’re lazy gluttonous pigs. Fat kills men and chemically castrates them. It’s normalised but it’s literally killing them. Male flesh is not meant to be squeezable. They’re not supposed to jiggle as they walk. There’s a reason autistic women develop car fetishes. (They’re metal and hard)

No. 397867

Men are too comfortable showing their naked bodies. What sort of whore flashes his panties thinking “no one will be weird about this!” They’re so free from objectification it hurts. Does anyone else remember ‘mooning?’ Boys would just flash their naked asses to the camera. While you were getting bullied for using the snapchat dog filter they were living their gay hooker dreams. Incidents like this make me believe all males have a trashy “do anything” faggot in them. Shameless whores, all of them. He does have a perky butt though

No. 397873

100% this nonnie, first thing i thought when i came across this reel was "did this man really pull down his pants just to show off his injury for a video with his undies and ass in frame?", they could've just gone home and taken a photo of it keeping the ass out of frame or cropping it out, but no the thirst for attention overrides their brains.

No. 398282

File: 1715805274028.jpg (61.15 KB, 656x1167, 01cb200a5090fb74dbf6db415415b3…)

Leg pics are harder to find. I have to go out my way to find any good ones

No. 398340

File: 1715825168061.jpg (2.42 MB, 3277x4096, F-4uDLjWgAAS4T9.jpg)

No. 398343

the hanging dick and balls eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

No. 398345

I thought this was AI and that made it hot but then I realized this picture was taken by an actual living breathing real life man. The fucking audacity. Are moids not ever cringelords? Jesus christ

No. 398353

File: 1715826430295.mp4 (16.89 MB, 1080x1920, 1000011145.mp4)

Here's the video as an MP4 for anyone who doesn't want to open up insta I had to compress it a bit, rip just in case

No. 398354

holy shit nice thigh and ass too

No. 398355

this is scary

No. 398356

File: 1715827039488.png (251.28 KB, 736x509, 1000011148.png)

No. 398357

File: 1715827057963.jpg (140.2 KB, 1080x670, 435816087_978784533724130_1149…)


No. 398360

File: 1715827298946.png (593.09 KB, 611x818, 1000011152.png)

No. 398362

File: 1715827640747.jpg (86.69 KB, 736x736, 1000011155.jpg)

No. 398363

File: 1715827741720.jpg (140.87 KB, 656x656, 1000011154.jpg)

No. 398370

This made my fanny twitch

No. 398372

God yes. Why do so many men neglect their legs. I don’t get it. This is so hot.

No. 398379

If nonas are going to post things like this more often i'll have to hide the thread for my own safety. Thank you though.

No. 398457

No. 398477

>the slight outline of his underwear
delicious, thanks

No. 398496

oh yeah
nice shoulders and pecs
very nice back

No. 398504

No. 398506

File: 1715878517833.jpg (37.98 KB, 500x600, ddd2968146a297e23de4fb76ed83e5…)

No. 398507

long hair is so attractive omg

No. 398508

Forgot to add my commentary kek but does anyone else love armbands? In my native tongue we call them bicep bands and that sounds much yummier. The English term just has hall monitor or nazi vibes.

No. 398516

File: 1715882142967.jpg (187.26 KB, 900x394, Untitled.jpg)

Shorts way too big and long for a male.

No. 398520

It's cucked for a man to wear baggy clothing. It means he's small and weak enough to be dwarfed by garments. A real man's shorts would be sliding up his ass. This is a true sigma!!

No. 398545

I wish men grew out thier hair more. Long hair definitely suits them more than the broccoli cut

Who is he?

No. 398579

Never thought about arm/bicep adornment terminology before but I 100% agree with you.

No. 398603

File: 1715902094457.jpg (137.7 KB, 735x962, 1000011159.jpg)

No. 398604

File: 1715902239009.png (590.41 KB, 735x534, 1000011160.png)

No. 398691

And im thankful.

No. 398704

No. 398818

File: 1715968790460.jpg (124.19 KB, 683x1024, IMG_20240517_205739.jpg)

I love the Ken Doll bodytype. Snatched waist, round and aesthetically pleasing muscles and low body fat. Too bad no male above 23 can have it.

No. 398858

kekking at how I know who this is even with the censor. volleyball moids have amazing bodies

No. 398877

Japanese volleyball photos are great sources for finding some nice-looking legs

nta but the guy is Christopher Atkins

No. 398896

File: 1716000986136.png (470.77 KB, 500x641, qtiee.png)

>tfw will never have a slutty moid like this
why live

No. 398900

File: 1716001584123.jpg (63.91 KB, 736x981, 1000011177.jpg)

Not into the sagging but hair and back is nice

No. 398915

File: 1716016474468.png (429.28 KB, 667x656, 89b416724581529d487352f479f5ca…)

No. 398916

File: 1716016891832.png (70.29 KB, 667x764, 7dd84bd29ba82009401b3751830b8b…)

No. 398923

Nipplecel (front facing nipples are objectively disgusting)

No. 398944

File: 1716038927971.jpg (60.42 KB, 564x855, 1000011188.jpg)

No. 398946

I think there needs to be a rule where you can't post 90% covered males. Yes he has abs, but I can't see what your "ideal" is. He's hunched over and is fully clothed. Its just becoming a photodump at this point.

No. 398948

File: 1716039322096.png (835.98 KB, 736x1102, 1000011199.png)

No. 398951

Too much body fat

No. 398952

keeeek. Where do you want the nipples to point? East and west?

No. 398956

File: 1716042072684.jpg (37.19 KB, 736x659, 1000011203.jpg)

No. 398957

File: 1716042142859.jpg (33.41 KB, 495x758, 1000011202.jpg)

No. 398958

Yes, that's the male ideal.

No. 398959


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 398961

Very very nice.

No. 398963

File: 1716043258532.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.08 KB, 602x374, 1000025544.jpg)

Exactly, he needs to have predator nipples, not prey nipples.

No. 398971

File: 1716048446363.jpg (52.19 KB, 610x900, 1000011208.jpg)

Stock images sometimes have nice bodies

No. 398972

isn't it the other way around? prey animals usually have far apart eyes like deer

No. 398974

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No. 398975

File: 1716049688960.jpg (66.1 KB, 736x736, 1000011209.jpg)

No. 398976

File: 1716049955695.jpg (248.85 KB, 1125x1384, 7f0e595441d728180022596414f329…)

No. 398977

Wow he has nice thighs

No. 398978

excellent taste nonnie, any more of this guy?

No. 398979

It’s honestly funnier if she had that backwards, I support her and her prey nipple fetish.

No. 398981

Yes. Very nice huge juicy… thighs…

No. 398982

I found him on pinterest while looking up bulges kek.

No. 398983

Honestly, THIS big dick content right here is the missing link in this thread from the beginning. Ugly ass mid center nips? Really? Let's talk about what matters.

No. 398984

NTA but all I see in that pic is ball bulge, where's the dick? These >>388692
are actual bulges imo

No. 398986

Nta but thank you for educating me, I was curious to what a real bulge looks like. Now I know.

No. 398988

The vein…

No. 398997

As a driver on the road, I absolutely hate cyclists. As a worker of a coffeeshop that regularly serves them in their slutty little spandex shorts that contain all of their musky sweat and leaves their bulges so visible, and sees them walk from the counter with all of their shrinkwrapped muscular cake and quads, I do apreaciate them a lot.

No. 399046

File: 1716073233804.jpg (66.07 KB, 615x1024, 7c76d7efdd5e7a796cc80e7d0109c2…)

Is this what zoomers call a "brutal mogging?" Because his ass looks prettier than the old guys face.

No. 399047

Kekkk i know there is the no face rule but this is hilarious

No. 399049

dang you can sit a food tray on that bulge. it's like a mini shelf.

No. 399052

I'd sit something else.

No. 399053

I love it when the ass and the bulge are both massive so from the side it looks like a T. Can we make "T bulging" a thing? Like a term?

No. 399059

File: 1716076718891.png (875.12 KB, 736x1040, 1000011223.png)

Please don't make the next threadpic as bad as this thread nonnies, at least make it something most of us can agree is actually attractive

No. 399061

How would sexy male undies work? The current ones look like an elephants trunk. Dicks are meant to be stored sideways imo.

No. 399062

File: 1716077003614.jpeg (177.18 KB, 670x870, IMG_1549.jpeg)

Bulges are unseemly. It’s like nipples showing through a shirt. Tacky. At best, some codpiece-ass goofy shit.

No. 399063

You're so wrong you need to be executed. There's such an evil "an enemy has entered your encampment" energy being irradiated by your post. How can a straight woman even think this way. Literally against everything we were meant to stand for. SMH

No. 399073

Tbh i agree with her but i know i shouldn't think that way kek, at least i'm glad that this thread works for me because i used to be lesbian and dicks were the ugliest part of a man's body to me, not sure if i'll ever appreciate bulges in thin clothes but that's just me and her probably

No. 399084

File: 1716082264668.jpg (190.77 KB, 1080x837, Screenshot_20240519-032812_Ins…)

No. 399104

File: 1716091723285.png (1.06 MB, 692x1200, 1000011228.png)

I love a small waist

No. 399117

Am zoomer, so yes.

No. 399170

>I used to be a lesbian

No. 399176

Xe is a twitter/tiktok newfag

No. 399242

File: 1716134334277.png (306.37 KB, 828x549, 1000011239.png)

No. 399243

File: 1716134487716.png (954.42 KB, 750x1117, 1000011238.png)

Faces was partially obscured but I covered the eyes completely just in case

No. 399250

his foot looks like a pig hoof

No. 399324

Samefag, some of you are genuinely retarded. I'm just someone who became bisexual very later on in life and so i may still struggle to find certain things attractive in men, it's not like you are born with a sexual preference on the go kek. That's also why i'm barely able to post anything here and consider it a better place to check out.

No. 399326

>so i may still struggle to find certain things attractive in men
not either of the ayrt, but this is understandable nonnie, i mean just look at the state of the Y chromohomos now, its the entire reason the psyop thread exists kek.

No. 399333

Thank you nonnie, yeah, i have some very personal preferences but i still think it's odd that i don't find any kind of bulge appealing so i just felt like telling the other nona that i felt the same regardless, i feel better when i can relate to others here.

No. 399336

File: 1716154374091.jpg (30.86 KB, 564x689, 562580ab1326ca49477434770d1774…)

i don't think its bad to not find bulges appealing, if you can't like penis and males at all then that's another discussion, but speedos and swim briefs are so hideous on men, they wear them to hike the hem above their thighs to make it look like their dick is more hung than it really is.
picrel ttax

No. 399342

File: 1716156149836.jpg (42.79 KB, 488x828, 1000011237.jpg)

No. 399346

Exactly. You get it. Bulges are so goofy. Another thing I could compare it to is being into camel-toe. I understand why it makes some people feral (genitals = hornt up) but it’s tacky I’m sorry.

No. 399367

File: 1716161097813.jpg (461.81 KB, 960x1200, ref1.jpg)

Look at those thighs

No. 399381

File: 1716165083854.png (989.68 KB, 540x810, to the wonder 04.png)

(no faces itt)

No. 399382

File: 1716165124143.png (1.05 MB, 540x810, to the wonder 01.png)

No. 399386

Extremely good taste.

No. 399400


oops just realized I was supposed to block out the face. I accept my red text with grace and dignity.

No. 399409


Hopefully mods make an exception, this is nice

No. 399605

File: 1716260793182.png (876.3 KB, 735x958, 1000011273.png)

No. 399668

File: 1716297229594.jpg (9.16 KB, 320x315, 8fad46a3c3f79b69e5adcb14317c5c…)

Your type should get culled

No. 399670

1 or 2

No. 399694

Why are we even picking on each other so much ITT about preferred body types? Or is it just jokes?
I love that I can throw my skinny bf around like a ragdoll. It's not insecurity, it's awesome.

No. 399698

I think most of the debate itt is good natured and lighthearted pitting body types against each other like pokemon card trading cards kek

No. 399700

File: 1716304855610.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.48 MB, 3840x3696, 0f1c52e4ecd63c1af2f007ce954c2e…)

No. 399728

This moid would need like 5 packs of textures to be playable in a game.

No. 399788

File: 1716330125582.jpg (26.7 KB, 306x421, 1000011289.jpg)

No. 399791

File: 1716331713633.jpg (Spoiler Image,182.27 KB, 1106x1280, R.jpg)

No. 399792

File: 1716332210805.jpg (Spoiler Image,374.91 KB, 1536x2048, 1608417350160.jpg)

No. 399793

File: 1716332330983.jpg (88.82 KB, 800x533, 1609280474094.jpg)

No. 399802

Truly based girlies can appreciate both string bean and muscle. No fatties though.

No. 399837

I joost want to molest him!(rule 4/no faces)

No. 399841

Tattoo sucks
wtf are these faces? give the left without the face

No. 399842

Are they photoshopped on?? kek

No. 399847

This is perfect; soft, squishy, muscular, not fat

No. 399877

Love it when he looks like he just has a naturally high metabolism. No need for an exaggerated six pack if he has good genes. Ideal chest and small waist too, no weird front facing nips.

No. 399930

File: 1716390106776.png (414.18 KB, 666x998, GGxm01wb0AA0nTS.png)

No. 399945

File: 1716399363330.png (561.23 KB, 555x740, 1000011310.png)

No. 399946

File: 1716400225986.jpg (35.91 KB, 720x899, 1000011311.jpg)

No. 399953

File: 1716401225116.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.76 KB, 670x452, tumblr_a7047935588eaeb40e2bacc…)

No. 399954

No. 399972

File: 1716405577576.jpg (96.01 KB, 823x900, 1702198229928607.jpg)

No. 399973

File: 1716405605218.jpg (44.03 KB, 364x768, 1647609507910.jpg)

No. 399977

Nice, but the brown nipples ruin it for me. Sorry I'm a bit autistic about that.

No. 399978

File: 1716406661747.jpg (27.6 KB, 437x635, 1000011320.jpg)

Was browsing the mongolian basket weaving forum and found one of the images here posted there. Feels weird to know they are lurking this thread

No. 399979

File: 1716406785734.png (644.42 KB, 736x735, 1000011321.png)

No. 399983

File: 1716409361355.jpg (522.04 KB, 2320x3088, hhq6qaijdh561.jpg)

No. 399984

He's perfect.

No. 399985

wow.. never thought I needed to see it from this angle, thank you nonna

No. 399986

nice muscles, but that belly button is ugly and looks creepy, like a mouth talking to you

No. 399987

File: 1716411093044.jpg (94.85 KB, 824x842, 1671606005204773.jpg)

I wish we were allowed to not avoid posting dicks here

No. 399988

File: 1716411122559.jpg (47.09 KB, 527x960, 1614211792187.jpg)

No. 399989

File: 1716411207597.jpg (46.2 KB, 584x778, 365e68f3271e136246dbb52c9dfb8d…)

No. 399990


No. 399991

File: 1716411785372.jpg (106.4 KB, 828x1104, 0p9b9xmwgfr61.jpg)

No. 399993

First thing I noticed was that open toilet lid

No. 399996


No. 400002

File: 1716413550587.jpg (150.43 KB, 1080x1122, 1455657909637.jpg)

KEK me too

No. 400011

File: 1716414677168.jpg (37.19 KB, 735x722, 1000011327.jpg)

No. 400015

File: 1716415309121.png (885.91 KB, 735x916, 1000011330.png)

No. 400016

Bleach your nipples dude

No. 400017

More likely someone posting here also browses /hm/

No. 400019

File: 1716416078768.png (2.95 MB, 1078x2041, 1000011332.png)

Probably not, the thread that I saw one of the images on was a /fit/ thread

No. 400029

No. 400053

Please stop forcing us to bear witness to your aryan nipple fetish

No. 400054

File: 1716429434072.jpg (52.81 KB, 504x362, 0GO6pMD_d.jpg)

No. 400055

There is something about the underdeveloped male chest that is so repulsive.

No. 400056

This is ideal thank you for light body hair representation.

No. 400057

File: 1716429781340.jpg (27.9 KB, 390x428, 1000003673.jpg)

>if only you knew how bad things really are

No. 400061

File: 1716431556057.jpg (310.68 KB, 760x1315, 1585271479412.jpg)

No. 400070

File: 1716434325024.jpg (87.01 KB, 736x1308, 1000011337.jpg)

No. 400071


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 400072

File: 1716434424810.jpg (87.87 KB, 736x1264, 1000011336.jpg)

No. 400073

hot. i’ve never understood the ghostface mask kink though.

No. 400086

>light body hair representation
why would u make me click on that again.

No. 400100

No. 400120

Who said that belly button wants to speak to you anyways

No. 400122

File: 1716445149956.jpg (151.47 KB, 736x789, 1000002420.jpg)

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