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No. 263628

Post and talk shit about male models/actors/politicians/pop idols etc. that are overrated in looks/realistically ugly and don’t deserve to be in the unconventionally attractive thread.(ban evading just to make an infighting thread)

No. 263631

Nonna why

No. 263632

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the thread pic…the inclusion of "overrated"…

No. 263634

i’m not even trying to bait i just want to call men ugly kek

No. 263636

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He is hideous and is now reduced to fujoshit material

No. 263637

>overrated in looks/realistically ugly and don’t deserve to be in the unconventionally attractive thread.
But the point of the unconventionally attractive thread is to post men that everyone else finds ugly.
Aren't there already threads for that, though? Outside of the male attractions threads, everyone already calls men ugly. In fact Dano has already been posted in several /ot/ threads to call him ugly

No. 263638

Honestly? Any and all British actors who had fandoms on Tumblr. All looked like alcoholics or decrepit slugs.

No. 263639

Where is the cat thread? I can't find it anywhere

No. 263642

In /ot/

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