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No. 195511

(im not a professional just some dumbass up at 3am LOL)
Pros of tampons:
Easy to insert
Easy to carry around
Don't need washed (disposable)
Cons of tampons:
More likely to cause TSS
Don't last as long
Wasteful and harmful to the environment
Absorbs the blood (idk why but I feel like thats kind of gross for ABSOLUTELY no reason)
Pros of menstrual cups:
Not wasteful
Collects the blood (its interesting to see how much you REALLY bleed imo)
Can last for up to ten years
Good for the environment
Can stay in for longer (up to 12 hours usually!)
Less likely to cause TSS
Cons of menstrual cups:
Harder to carry (larger)
Harder to insert (larger)
You have to wash between uses (if out longer than 12 hours in public this is frustrating)
You have to boil after your period before using again (embarrassing if family is present)

obviously its an opinion dont get pissed if you dont agree, youre free to respond ofc

also keep in my im a dumbass online with scattered research, this is an opinion + its very biased (i use cups) so–(>>>/g/187179)

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