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No. 189177
>>189176yes please! I like the idea of this.
I used to struggle with this when I was younger and realizing that this Body is the only chance I have at being alive pretty much did it for me at some point.
These helped me to not let the dysmorphic feelings worsen when I was younger. I get that it‘s harder for people with more severe bd or a bad social situation.
Don‘t obsess over ‘flaws‘ and think about the fact that most people who start surgically altering their Body can’t stop.
See how we can become
Victims of our own Mind and try to find deeper understanding and Caution with that. Distract yourself from picking at flaws too much, you probably have something better to do and if you don’t you really have to find something asap! Express yourself and see that you have the Power to create something beautiful with your own hands.
See how Humans are basically Monkeys with anxiety and too much imagination and feel slightly embarrassed about it.
No. 189179
>>189175I went through a process of accepting I just exist. None of that "say love yourself, and you're perfect and beautiful!!" bs. Just being neutral to your body. Something that helped a lot is, when I walk around, I don't stare rudely but I do look at people. Once you observe the people around you realize we all kind of look average, in a good way.
Losing a pickme behavior from early teens is also a huge step. I do not hate or judge other women (unless they did a very bad action I guess).
And as anon said, not taking selfies, but more pics of cute things.
No. 189181
My body dysmorphia started as a teen by looking at famous tumblr/instagram girls. During puberty I gained weight, got acne, didn't know how to take care of myself and was overwhelmed with how "ugly" and different I was compared to my friends and the girls I saw on the Internet.
By the time I was 15 I developed severe social anxiety because of my looks, never left the house (except for school) and had a list of surgeries I wanted to get done.
I don't really remember what happened exactly, but at some point I started feeling neutral towards "bodies/faces goals" and had this very defined feeling of "they look good but they aren't me" in the sense that I'm my own person. I was born with this face and this body, that's all. Simple as that. This anon put it better
>>189179 Other than that, I don't use instagram or makeup that I feel changes my features too much (foundation, contour, lip liners, etc) and don't take selfies.
Understanding that we have so much to offer other than our looks gives me peace, I try to do activities related to my intellectual, spiritual and social sides, that caring too much about how I look is meaningless, nowadays I only care about being healthy and comfortable
No. 189182
>>189180This. I always thought I was a really ugly teen but now when I look back at photos of my awkward years I realize I was a cute nerdy teen.
I think lockdown has made me love my face a lot more. I put on some weight but I will lose it when life starts again.
I'm at peace with what I look like. I don't want to be beautiful anymore. It might be easy to say cause I'm not ugly, just average.
No. 189183
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I was born with a fucked up pituitary gland so I had a growth hormone deficiency as a young child and already looked way skinnier and shorter than other kids my age as soon as I entered primary school. This and the fact that I was one of the very few non white kids at school made me a target for bullies who'd make fun of me or beat me up. I had to take growth hormone injections on a daily basis for years but even if it kinda worked I still look younger than I am. Then I had skin problems besides acne as a teenager so I didn't dare using anything other than shampoo on my hair to not make my scalp burn even more, so my hair was always a curly mess.
I don't hate how I look by myself and never really did, but I do know from these past experiences that people WILL judge others by their looks a lot more than they would admit so there are times when I get very self-conscious, like when I have to prepare myself for a job interview or other specific events. There are even points where I had people treat me like a huge self-hating perpetual victim so when I asked for a proper treatment for my skin problems to a (very incompetent) dermatologist or asked for info to my endocrinologist they'd just say I'm just anxious and should get plastic surgery for my very small breasts instead of answering my questions, all because taxpayers could pay for it. I'm actually at this point where I wish I never had my treatment for the hormone deficiency, I'd look "weird" and be treated like shit by people who think who'd think I'm way younger than I am anyway just like now, but at least I wouldn't have to experience periods and I'd probably be able to earn unemployment benefits.
tldr; I had health issues that made me look a certain way and wouldn't care at all if most people around me would also stop caring, so not sure if concerns count as dysphoria or not.
No. 189187
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I start hating my body when I hit puperty, it was super scary and I hated everything about me. I am shorter and have more hair on my body than the most woman where I live. So classmates made fun of me for looking like an homless person, or that I should have been a boy. I only showered on total darkness so I did not have to see my body.
The one thing that helped me was a sentence that I read "You are a ghost drvining a meat robot made out of stardust." Which lead me to the though that my body has no fault in being that 'ugly' because I look just normal. It is a thing without any feelings. I then made a statement to my body: "You aren't getting sick and I will do my best to keep you healthy." Now I see my body as a machine I have to give good fuel, do some sort of activity to keep it healthy, clean it, etc. If I ever would get sick and/or someone had to see me nacked I will not live with this shame. So I decided to live alone for the rest of my days and do my everday routine. Works for most of the time, just sometime when my period starts I get depressed over my body.
No. 189188
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I grew up mildly chubby and surrounded by stick thin girls so teenage me was absolutely convinced I was a fat sack of shit. Only ever wore super baggy clothes, developed an eating disorder, the works. Now when I look at pics of me at my 'fattest', I realize I've never been even close to overweight or chunky. I always had a nice figure but teen me just couldn't tell. It's crazy how your perception can change over the years.
When it comes to my face I have my moments where I seriously hate my features and think my nose/nasolabial folds/what have you look monstrous. But eh, eventually I have to make peace with my face. I look fine, it's no use to think I'm hideous, but I'll also never be super gorgeous and that's just how it is.
>>189185I'm glad it didn't cause an ED before but try to keep on top of things because it kind of sounds like you're still at risk to develop one. I understand how you feel, so please make sure to remind yourself that you don't actually look like how you perceive yourself.
No. 189190
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I was diagnosed with BDD in my early twenties, although my symptoms started in childhood I never got to meet with a counselor until I was independent. I could spend hours in front of a mirror analyzing my face and breaking down etc. Or taking selfies just so I could Photoshop my face and plan my future plastic surgeries. I dropped out of university because going out and being seen and having to speak and draw attention to myself gave me panic attacks. Some days I would drive to work only to call in sick because I mirror checked before going in. I was also obsessed with the idea of being disfigured in an accident or brutal attack, I would imagine this shit happening to me basically all day long and wishing it would happen so when people looked at me they'd see that something terrible had happened to me instead of seeing me as an alien's terrible attempt at human taxidermy. I even seriously considered attempting diy cosmetic surgery. It was really obnoxious and I feel bad for all people that had to interact with me in peak BDD mode. Counseling helped me develop coping skills and I learned how to pull myself out of an episode and even stop them before they started. I was able to accept being ugly and was satisfied with that. I assumed I'd be dealing with my disorder for the rest of my life but at least it was manageable and I could function like a normal person. Then one day the curse was just lifted? The bitch in the mirror is a total babe. It was a really surreal awakening experience, like when I saw myself in my dreams I was beautiful and I thought I was a retard for imagining myself that way, and then suddenly I could see that beautiful me in real life, and I see her every day now. A few years ago I could name 10 cosmetic surgeries I had planned, thank god I never went through with them because now I am in love with myself and I definitely would have regretted botching my adorable face. Oh yeah and I was able to go back to school and finished my degree at the top of my class, I was finally able to prove my potential after my brain stopped the crazy self gore loop. Feels good man. Hang in there BDD-chans, you'll be free someday too.
No. 189205
>>189204I've felt this way.
I feel like I don't even know what plastic surgery would fix my face or what makeup suits me, like I need someone to just be straight with me and tell me what to fix. I know I'm ugly in that I hate my features but when I try to pinpoint what's wrong I can't even really "see" it correctly, only that I know it's ugly. For example depending on the day my nose is too big or too flat, my lips are too small or too big, my skin is sallow/sick-looking or artificially orange. I'm just trying to get over it and live my life.
No. 189207
I know this is not the "right" answer, but fuck it. If you really, truly hate something about yourself and you know that it is honestly just about that physical thing and not just something you'll change just to end up hating something else…fix it. I had always hated my tits. They were somehow small yet deflated, had this weird banana shape, and were like 90% areola I shit you not. I saved up, got a boob job, and I don't want to die every time someone suggests going to the pool. It's fucking amazing. It was one little thing about myself but fixing it fixed how I felt about ME.
>>189198This is so true. I always had people ask me when I'd get my nose done, even as a teenager. After I got my tits done, it was all "So you're getting your nose done next, right?" Truth is, I never fucking hated my nose. Everyone else hated my nose, but I had no problem with it. It messed with me for such a long time before I just had this stage where I realized that my nose is not ugly, it's just not a white nose, and a white nose is what people have been taught to consider beautiful.
No. 189208
my mother has always been exceedingly skinny, since i was a child. in her mid 50s now she's complaining that she's now 140 lbs at 5'9", "fatter" than she's ever been. that combined with her narc personality and abuse led me to have exceedingly poor self image. I went through a fatty phase in middle and high school and was bullied for a brief time by other girls. I had huge tits during puberty, but those fell off once I went through my high school anachan phase.
I was an overexerciser and undereater with anachan tendencies who managed to stay under my goal weight, but I wasn't even happy with that. in my late teens I developed a severe case of pneumonia that damaged my immunity. After that, I began to eat normally again, gained an inch in lost height that'd been stunted by my ed. Nowadays I eat like a dumpster fire as compensation for years of depriving my body of nutrients. I haven't gained a ton of weight, maybe 20-30 lbs on top of my lowest weight, but it feels that way. The body dysmorphia tends to fluctuate. I've gotten better in hating my body less, but still a very long way to go. Am an awkward pear shape, with normal to slightly short legs, big thighs. esp in a family of tall women with apple bodies, long legs, and decent sized tits, it's a curse, you feel like a stubby dwarf. Part of me really yearns to be scrawny again, the other part of me loves to eat too much and doesn't want to give it up. Thankless as I may sound I am happy about one thing: I have a big fat ass, which is a curse as it as a blessing.
As for my face, it's definitely gotten worse. Can remember the days before crazy plastic surgery trends and everyone and their mother photoshopping themselves into a blowup doll. I was more secure back then. Dare I say I thought I was so much prettier in high school back when I was skelly, and my face was thinner. Having somewhere between a oval and heart shape face, you always feel like your features are quashed. It's a revolving door of abuse, and I flip flop. lips are too small, eyes are too big, philtrum is too long, cheeks are too chubby, face is too oily, etc. I've found comfort in looking at people who resemble me but then I see some of them get bashed or called ugly, and I resort right back to insulting myself. I'm considered plain janey on an objective level and I should be thankful for that, but instead it makes me bemoan how much I could change my boring face if I just shelled out thousands to botch myself before I'm 30. Then I realize how annoying that would be. I want to be in the entertainment industry doing behind the scenes stuff and I'm afraid even as a crew or PR person they'll try and bully me into getting surgery.
No. 189211
>>189210turning 30 doesn't help. Still hate myself.
Thinking about boob job for a long time now as for many, many other beauty surgeries. But I know it would not change the fact, that I am ugly. I would only lie to others, a reason why I don't use make up.
>>189190Don't really trust counselor. There are too many money hungry ones. How did you know it was a good one?
No. 189214
For me it started when I was 10. I was wearing a long underwear shirt, which are tight and long sleeved, and my grandma said something regarding the fact that I needed to lose weight because I looked fat. I was 10…and I wasn't even a fat kid, I just had a tummy, I was still growing..
Then, when I was..11? 12? My friends dad called my nose a "Roman nose" and kinda laughed about it, to my face. When I got upset he tried to play it off. My dad was there at the time and told him to stfu but the damage was done kek. My nose has a bump on the bridge of it, I posted a pic in the plastic surgery thread before. I absolutely detest my nose to this day. Then in grade 7, also when I was 12, I had a "friend" who made a point to make fun of my nose. She would ask me if it was broken, or if I had broken it before, she would say it was crooked and that it had a bump on it, as if I somehow was unaware of this fact. She also told me I had a mustache kek, I WAS 12 and was (still am) extremely pale and so the 7 hairs above my lip qualified her to tell me I had a fucking mustache.
Yeah I'm a mess and still struggling with my hatred for my nose and body kek. Luckily I recovered from my ED but the thoughts never really go away nor the unhealthy habits, you just learn to manage them in a way that's not detrimental to your physical health. To me, the worst part of having an ED is the effect it has on your mentality regarding food and appearances, and it's pretty much intertwined with my BDD
No. 189215
>>189207When I went to the Hospital for orthopedic surgery the fucking surgeon asked me if I was going to get my nose "fixed" in the future. I ended up not going through with the surgery but I carried that around with me for a long time.
Luckily I told my mom years later and she was appaled that someone could think something like this. She called it the
our family name hump. Which may seem like a small thing, but it makes me feel connected to my family and it helped me lay that thought to rest.
No. 189216
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Oh man, I don't know where to start. I haven't been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder, but body dysmorphic symptoms have always been a major background vibration all my life, starting from like age 7 when I was constantly anxious about my protruding belly and ungrown boobs. And don't even get me started about how much I despised my beautiful nose and wanted it cut down to size. I remember grown-ups raving about how dolls like barbies and bratz make kids mentally ill, but boy did they straight up ignore the rest of y2k porn-chic pornsick bullshit that oozed out of every piece of media. It didn't help that girls my age were so stupidly anal about fitting these ridiculous standards, because the place where we lived childhood just wasn't a thing separate from teen angst and 'adult' stuff.
I have way less anxiety about my weight or my waistline these days, but for sure I still struggle with my skin and face. I've had laugh lines since 14, I think. At least, that's when I discovered them. My face has always looked kinda 'old' or mature compared to my peers. My face is also pretty expressive; it's not like a 'quiet face' if that makes sense. I actually look better when I'm smiling or doing something highly energetic with my face, instead of just staring blankly or giving a shut-up toothless smile.
But because I'm so conscious about my wrinkles, it's hard to allow myself to be the dynamic, expressive, high-energy person I really am. I still find myself obsessing over how 'old' my face will start looking if any of the lines deepen, which is some major unfair bs considering these lines were there since 10 years ago already. Despite aging 'well' in terms of not changing much even after being hit with disordered eating, insomnia and moderate alcohol abuse, it's like I never even had a chance as this Bernadette Button to begin with.
My body dysmorphic fixations seem to have a resentful undercurrent, as I pin my fears and frustrations on my surroundings - I feel wronged by other people and society for only being valued for something elusive I wasn't even supposed to be born with. This is something I've identified and am trying to resolve within myself. Here's the thing though, all of you listen up: it's a REAL FACT that our culture is messed up and perpetuates toxic ideas. But as someone going through dysmorphia, you have to remind yourself that people in general feel the same pressure, want to reject it and don't judge you wholly as a person for your perceived imperfections. Most people probably won't even notice it and even if they did, they wouldn't care because it'd be just a feature to them. You might be rare for having such intense feelings or reservations, but even then you're really not alone. We're all groomed to be dysmorphic because that's profitable, and you just happen to be less resistant to this social toxin. Your anger is valid, but don't let it consume your whole reality.
My way of keeping my perception in check is to opt for neutral language and descriptions when paying attention to my physical self. I've also come to question the coherence and validity of what our mainstream culture considers 'youthful' and thus valuable, since I've looked like I do ever since youth (unpolished, blunt and powerful perhaps), and I'm not unique in this regard. If you find yourself too exhausted to constantly grapple with semantic reality, that's what role models are for. Hone on your ability to admire women who are alike you, are further along than you, who you can sympathize with etc. You'll find yourself eventually becoming much less resentful of people who supposedly have a 'better' appearance than you do. Hell, you'll start to forgive the people who didn't even comprehend the evil they were putting on you before, through copypasted expectations they never had to even think about twice.
No. 189218
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I'm feeling a lot of shame over my BDD, like I'd feel whiny if I dare to say anything too negative about myself as it is but I want to open up to a couple of close friends about it just to lighten the load a bit since I got the diagnosis just recently but… I don't know what to expect?
Do you look for support in your friends anons?
How do you do it without making it sound like you are fishing for compliments?
No. 189221
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I don’t know if this is body dysmorphia or if I’m just delulu.
When I look at myself in the mirror I’m perfect, sure, my nose is a bit “droopy” but when I’m in front of the mirror everything is harmonious. Since I take care of myself, my skin looks beautiful in the mirror, it looks bright and speckles. I do have a bit of dark circles around my eyes, I think I look nice with them as well I can spend minutes just staring at myself and practicing expressions and such.
Then I take a picture of myself, I look pretty nice, I try to take pictures with a natural light rather than with artificial light, I use filters that won’t change my face too much because I really, really like how I look in the mirror and sometimes I really look pretty.
But then, someone takes a picture of me, they always say the same thing:
>you look so pretty here!
And I look like a monster, I always look huge, I know I’m fat, I can see that in the mirror but in the mirror i always look pretty, regardless of my weight. My head looks really small, my face, even with makeup on, looks like it doesn’t belong to me, I look like a witch’s caricature, my skin looks too shiny and greasy, my recessive chin looks ridiculous and my arms look humongous when in the mirror they look harmonious with the rest of my body.
I workout as much as I can, I avoid taking many pictures with others and I try to take care of myself as much as I can. I hope I can someday look at the mirror and look at a picture taken by someone else without finding any differences.
No. 189222
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>>189217Last month i cut off all my hair and now i look like a dumb fat sjw, I can't leave the house without a wig and 4 layers of clothes, because im afraid of how my reflection looks. It's gotten to the point where im scared to shower because what if i see my body.
The lack of hair exposes all my bad features. Especially how fat my face is.
I 've had long hair all my life and I feel like someone stole my body and im now inhabiting some disgusting troll. Not to mention my skin is breaking out badly from the biotin im taking. I actually kept the bag of hair i cut off and have tried to tape it back onto my head(like a fucking lunatic).It all feels like a nightmare. I quit my job and im going to hide in my room until it all grows back.Not to mention I've been having dreams of all my hair growing back and whenever I wake up i want kms. feels like im in hell. FUCK every single idiot who says "just cut all your hair off" its not freeing i feel like a fucking abomination.
No. 189227
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>>189224nayrt but damn, your harsh response actually makes my dysmorphic ass feel a bit better. I'm the opposite – I think I look disgustingly fat when I look in reflective surfaces or look down at my body, but when I see myself on webcam for work or in photos I'm always startled by how bony I look. Trying to be realistic about my body shape is hard because I know I'm not truly skinny but I have to accept I'm not fat either.
I'm diagnosed, but I still have thoughts like, "It's not really BDD, my brain is just trying to cope with/reject the fact that I'm ugly and fat."
The weirdest thing I do to calm down is write little comics where the characters are representations of my ideal self and how I see myself (both drawn very exaggerated) and make them talk to each other. It's been helping me take this less seriously and also reconcile the 2 clashing unrealistic images of myself that are constantly terrorizing my thoughts. I'm phoneposting so this is probably spaced out like shit but I hope it helps someone.
No. 189232
>>189231Same but with my brothers and cousins, both male.
They always tell me that I look ugly and that I’m fat and such, and I honestly just feel frustrated after all, because even if I workout, eat less and drink more water, they always say that I look horrible, frumpy, gross or just fat, sometimes they also tell me stuff like
>big deal, you will start your diet and give up like always>lol look at you trying to workoutAnd I end up giving up everything, their comments about my appearance are always negative, so I will just forget about it at some point, I really need to disregard them because they just want me to look like the women they want to fuck, and that’s not what I want, I just want to be healthy and to wear whatever I want.
No. 189233
Yesterday I was testing zoom on a new laptop by starting a video call with my old laptop which was next to me. So as soon as I accept the call I'm greeted with my face from a sideways angle I normally never see myself at, and my god I knew my nose was big but I had no idea it was THAT ugly and huge.
It seriously kind of shocked me, to think I've been walking around with a nose like that all this time without realizing it. Nobody ever told me my face was this tragic so I just lived my life thinking I only looked slightly unfortunate at most.
Ignorance truly is bliss anonitas.
>>189230This sounds about right. The camera's depth of field and lack of a 3D image will still affect the accuracy, but it seems like the best way. I look worse in a video than in the mirror, especially if I'm talking, but I look much better in motion than in (most) pictures.
No. 189235
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I have a problem where I don't know if it's just an issue of where I lived and to an overall audience im actually attractive or if american men are just playing with me, im the furthest thing away from my country's beauty standards, I was the accessory ugly friend to a Narc Stacy for years, I was fuck and dump material because of my body and that was it.
And then I went to study abroad in the States and it's like a switch flipped, suddenly I'm an 9/10 goddess and men go out of their way to do shit for me, Im absolutely terrified this is just a ruse because im foreign and seen as "easy".
No. 189240
>>189235This might be a social class thing.
Might be less to do with your body and more to do with the way you carry yourself and the way you dress and the way you behave yourself.
I know when I went abroad it was easy for me to fake being middle class, which improved my dating prospects quite a bit.
No. 189241
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>>189236For reference im Brazilian and specially where I live on the southwest the beauty standard is pretty much looking as european as possible (blonde hair, light eyes), thick-fit and with a beach tan.
I am extremely racially ambiguous, with dark hair and eyes and the stereotypical latina look but deathly pale skin (got called "corpse girl" back when i was bullied in school) i also used to be underweight until the pandemic.
>>189237>>189238Insofar I haven't had to deal with being fucked and dumped at all though honestly I take a pretty long time to "put out" so that might ward off fuckboys, all my relationships abroad have been long term and ended over normal relationship shit im also currently engaged to my american bf.
>>189240I've actually been pretty well off most of my life, went to a private school and all that, though honestly im pretty sure my body language screams SPERG.
>>189239I also didn't study somewhere like LA or NYC so that also may make a difference.
picrel some brazilian influencer.
No. 189242
>>189241Aah yeah. As an American I've heard a
lot of shitty American guys fetishize Brazilian women and latinas in general as sexy, "fiery"/passionate but also traditionally feminine. Like they'll be dynamos in bed and provide fun banter but then they'll also pop out 5 children and cook all your meals. Those stereotypes often come with latina features even when you're lighter skinned and can definitely play a role in guys wanting to hook up. Assuming your fiance treats you much better and sees you as a person rather than some gross checklist.
No. 189243
i always had kind of low self esteem but the things i used to hate about myself were mostly things that could be fixed easily, like dying my hair, letting my hair grow, buying certain clothes etc. what truly fucked me up was when instagram fame became a thing, big lips and big butts became desirable. for the first time i was looking at myself and finding flaws that could be fixed with surgery. it's stupid because in a way i was lucky, i never had to feel ugly before because of my features, because of my nose or lips or anything. but now the extreme was popular, the perfect was in, so ofc my lips were suddenly too small, my butt was too small, my face too asymmetrical. i was always fantasising about surgeries, wondering how i could perfect myself. i never got anything done though. instead i got more into pages that would expose what those perfect instagram models really look like. i would watch people on instagram go way overboared, probably because their own view of themselves had gotten so distorted that even though they were absolutely filled up with fillers, they would always be able to find a mistake. i could probably have taken this road if i had the money and if i had not snapped out of this obsession with being perfect. suddenly i was listening to friends say they wanted fillers and this and that and i would just get sad because whatever they thought was wrong with themselves, would mostly just be visible to themselves and no one else. it was sad because i used to be the same. i think if you fixate too much on yourself, you can always find mistake. no one is perfect. no one has no skin texture or lines, no one has a perfectly symmetrical face, and it's not possible to achieve without ending up looking uncanny valley, without getting even harsher on yourself and seeing even more mistake. i still have moments where i'll find a flaw and feel bad, but i'm happy that i'm also able to see that trying to fix the flaws won't solve anything for me
No. 189246
>>189244this. I got my under eye area filled and a small amount of filler in my lips, slowly build up over years. I look so much fresher and completely natural and I don't really want to change anything else. Maybe in the future when I'm 40+ I'll get some botox/thread lifting.
My body is a different thing, I would never get a boob job or something like that. I just don't care enough lol. tbh all I want is to be a skinny fit legend and objectively I'm quite close to my goal but I can't see it. I look huge in the mirror and I store most body fat in my legs, although I'm at a bmi of 19.5 and I work out 6 days a week. so annoying!! losing 6lbs would probably be enough but I have a baby and I need tons of food because I still breastfeed.
No. 189255
>>189241Aren't most Brazilians brown tho?
I've even met a Brazilian who i think might be chinese or Japanese.
No. 189257
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I've had 8 plastic surgeries. I spend huge amounts on botox and fillers, clothes, hair and makeup. I won't leave the house unless I feel that I look my absolute best. Last week my mascara looked clumpy but I had to go out, and I wanted to die all day.
Numerous surgeons have rejected me, but I keep going. Now I've finally found a surgeon who wants to do my 9th and 10th surgery. Half of me is stoked, I can't wait. The other sidee of me wishes he'd say no and that no surgeon would accept me ever again so I might be able to feel at peace. I'm embarrassed to share my extreme levels of vanity but I'm living in my own personal hell. So that's my experience with it. Life is torture, nonitas.
No. 189259
>>189257Gotta add: my 9th and 10th surgery are booked and I'm already considering one more. Honestly laughable. The ride never ends.
>>189258I tried therapy for years, anon. I like to consider myself a radfem, although I suppose any true radfem would laugh at someone like me identifying as a radical feminist. I have my reasons for falling into this obsessive-compulsive trap.
No. 189262
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>>189175I mentioned this a bit in the confession thread I think but I feel like I have a weird version of bdd. I don't feel disgust at how I look, as in, I don't think I look ugly or anything. The extreme discomfort with my face (and body) comes from how I don't feel like I fit… it just feels like it should belong to someone I dislike. Kind of like how people can have a punchable face yet that doesn't mean theyre unattractive. I kind of look like an idiot or maybe a slightly mean person? I'm introverted yet have an incredibly "extroverted" body: wide hips and big thighs no matter what weight. I also have naturally arched eyebrows that make me look permanently kind of surprised or happy. I hate it.
No. 189264
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I think I've had some form of (undiagnosed) bdd for years but thought I was just ugly. I know rationally I probably look pretty average but my brain always gave me some sort of fucked up perception of myself. My skin is super pasty pale, basically looks like a corpse. My eye sockets are deep and hollow and I have permanent eye bags. I'm a ginger and have curly hair and while people always complimented the color I never knew how to style it so I cut it all off.
I avoided looking at my face in mirrors until it was dark, even to brush my teeth. The anxiety I had about my looks made me not go outside for days in fear someone would see me. I don't have any pictures of myself saved anywhere because I can't stand to see myself. Still working on that last one but at least I can do the other two above. Ironically one day during a manic phase I starting putting on a ton of makeup highlighting all my worst features and made myself look like a clown though it kinda helped my self esteem?? Like if I cant be beautiful at least I can scare children on the street kek. Idk there's shit I could spend thousands of dollars and time obsessing over to change about myself but I don't have the time, money or energy to do so, so I just 'accepted' the way I am right now.
No. 189267
>>189266Even if you're literally a burn
victim if you stop putting importance on looks you'll still be far happier than the hottest woman ever who worries about hers constantly. People love an excuse not to change though.
No. 189269
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>>189267Ok but it’s not easy, unless you want to be everyone’s, free of charge, life coach, I don’t see what’s keeping you so pressed about some of us feeling like shit about our looks.
I don’t think there’s going to be a huge majority of anons going like
>oh my god, this is all I need to do!!Change doesn’t happen in the blink of an eye, and you spamming the same message for everyone to see, like an absolute tool isn’t of help.
No. 189270
>>189214this video made me cry lol. I know some anons dislike Dr Dray, but the things she mentions really hit home, and made me feel better about myself. I'd recommend everyone watch it if you suffer with BDD issues
No. 189271
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>>189265you're giving this shitty crackhead outside a walmart type of advise on lolcow? Get over yourself
And it seems you've forgotten that scrotes will literally harass women they don't find attractive. Let us have one place to vent about this shitty existence and go fuck yourself.
No. 189272
victims are out of standards though, everyone understands that they went through a horrible traumatic experience and that's it. Same with very deformed people (men will still complain that they're not hot though, and they won't have a love life with them). Also no, burn
victims are not happy and would do anything to go back to who they were before, even if they say the contrary to be strong. So yeah, shitty example.
No. 189273
a few years ago i succeeded in losing 170lbs. i went from 310 to 140. so i’m covered in loose skin. it’s damn near everywhere, face, neck, arms, back, chest, stomach, ass, thighs, etc. after the weight loss i started lifting weights. bodybuilding is now one of my hobbies and main forms of exercise. i have been able to put on a decent amount of muscle thus far but it will never even come close to being enough to “fill out” my loose skin. i’ve been married 12 years and my husband has been supportive of my journey every step of the way. i have broke down many a time and cried to him and wondered how he could even stand to look at me. somehow i found a decent man and he constantly assures me that he is still very much in love with and attracted to me, and he has never acted like he doesn’t. some days the skin doesn’t bother me. other days i can’t bear to look at myself in the mirror. i’ve thought about skin removal surgery but it’s very expensive, the results never really look that great, and people suffer nerve damage from the procedure. so i’m kind of just stuck having to slooooowly accept that this is what my body looks like now. don’t let yourselves become morbidly obese anons, nothing good will come of it.
No. 189274
>>189273How did you lose that weight and how long did it take you?
that's a really big achievement so well done! I hope in the future you can feel better regardless of what you choose to do. You deserve to be proud of your body!
No. 189277
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I feel like I look cute in a weird, rat-faced way, and my laugh kinda fits that too. I think my face looks juvenile in a way, though that may be because I am quite young, but not in a way men would find attractive, idk how to place it but my face hasn't changed ever since I was 3
No. 189278
Just saw a tiktok of a girl using FaceApp to edit her selfies; she said she uses it on every picture she posts. It straightened and lightened her hair, put perfect instabaddie makeup on her, gave her a different eye shape, gave her a sharp jaw, made her nose smaller, made her teeth straighter, and made her skin perfect…and it all looked so fucking real. She showed how to edit videos of herself to be skinnier and prettier, too. It was so fucking scary, from the fact that she thought it was a cute thing to show off instead of a dystopian reality, to the hundreds of people saying they do it too in the many people do I compare myself to that don’t even exist? Knowing that with like, 3 minutes work from an app I could look exactly how I wanted, but only in a picture? I feel sick. I don’t feel real.
No. 189279
I use FaceApp to mostly just act as a guide for how to better my appearance. It made me realize I don't apply my foundation correctly and that I needed to grow my eyebrows out. I looks so much better, it's insane. I still get tempted to use it for my photos that I post, which I've done a few times, but I'm trying to refrain because already I'm getting to the point where all their filters don't alter my appearance in a way I like anymore. It has made me think of getting a small lip lift, I wish my upper lip were thicker so I didn't have to line my lips.
No. 189280
I'm pretty sure I have BDD. I used to be ana. I feel odd because I get compliments all the time when I go out or guys will offer to pay for things, that kind of stuff, and it's sad how I have to thrive off that validation to feel alright. I know they can't be lying because there's too many, and it's ridiculous to lie about something like that (right?).
I love molly because when I see myself in the mirror then, I feel like I'm seeing myself for the first time. I see this gorgeous, cute, but sexy creature and it amazes me how every part of my body looks complete. It makes me cry thinking about it because I wish I could feel that way about myself all the time. It's just so pure. I'd recommend to anyone struggling, at least it may give you the first taste of loving yourself.
I feel so sick in how I normally obsess over my appearance and feel fat no matter what. I'm 24 and I'm just like how I was when I was little, how the fuck am I going to grow up. I'm so embarrassed, I will tell my boyfriend my stupid stories about people trying to get my number in the dumbest places and he tells me it's weird how I don't get it that that shit happens a lot to me because I am attractive, and it boggles my mind still. I don't believe I'm part of that camp. I feel average and pathetic at best, like I'm pretending and trying to be up there with actually attractive people, but I'm not, I never will, because that's not who I am.
No. 189288
>>189287Yeah I think I'm ok looking too but pretty sure I'm ugly/average to everyone else.
I feel like it's because I mostly judge my appearance relative to how I've looked in the past? Eg: I had bad acne when I was younger but my skin is clear now so I'm proud of it. But objectively it's not great, I have scarring and pigmentation, I just don't mind because I know it could be so much worse. Also I think the bar is SO HIGH for female beauty. You could have perfectly cute features in every way but there's still endless women much, much better looking and they're the ones people truly find attractive. I was looking at Barbara Palvin's instagram the other day thinking 'how the fuck could I ever be delusional enough to think I'm decent looking when this exists??' lmao.
No. 189310
It both saddens and comforts me that so many of us on here are suffering from this bullshit. My sister and I both have nasty dysmorphia with slightly different flavours so I suspect it's hereditary and/or came from our upbringing. I remember sitting down with her one day in our teens and drawing her how she described herself, kind of like this anon
>>189227. The finished drawing was of this horrible, potbellied Gollum creature when my sister is a fucking Amazon-looking six foot tall former dancer with great skin, hair, and features. Literally no one sees her as ugly except for herself, for whom she is always too "doughy" and "undefined". Now she has some potentially really serious health issues after years of anachan-tier veganism and I swear if she dies from this shit I will track down her former dance instructors and beat them senseless.
Unlike her though, I tend to see myself as far more masculine than I really am. For several years I intentionally went out dressed as butch as possible because I was insecure about how I looked, and I was honestly confused that people could still correctly identify my gender. I'm trying to get more comfortable wearing makeup or dressing to accentuate my figure but it always makes me feel pale and squishy and stupid, even though I'm really underweight and apparently have a very angular face (which I just see as a fucking square). Even when people I trust tell me I look good in stuff like that, I still feel soft and exposed, like a mollusc without a shell. I've cancelled plans and skipped class because I thought I looked too shitty to be seen that day. If I catch sight of myself in a mirror in public on a bad day, there's a good chance I'll immediately head home in tears. I hate how easily my appearance consumes my life unless I completely ignore it, which has its own problems and also made me feel like shit for years. Counterintuitively, putting more effort into my hair and skin care and even branching out into very light (i.e. concealer and brows) makeup has helped a lot, but all it takes is one terrible photo and I'm off to the races again. I wish I had the money to buy an entire goth wardrobe so I could just cover up all my insecurities in heavy makeup and weird fits every day with my only appearance concern being about my fashion instead of my body, but until I stop being a brokeass student that's not going to happen.
No. 189311
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Idk if I have body dysmorphia, more like embarrassment about certain things. I have keratosis pilaris. I haven't worn shorts since I was a kid; skirts since highschool. Because of this, my legs are super pale (although the rest of me is, too, lol). I also think if I got plastic surgery, it'd be to shave down my dorsum juuuust a little bit. What helps me "cope" is realizing that for hundreds of years, women have been captured in portraits (and self-portraits), no matter what they looked like.
No. 189324
Not sure if I have BDD but I have always had a love-hate relationship with my appearance. I'm East Asian and used to have thick monolids and terrible acne. I had no romance growing up, and ended up getting plastic surgery after graduating high school. Eyelid surgery (my eyes are still hooded and most people still call them monolid, but a small line of eyeliner will show), minor rhinoplasty, chin implant, and I went on accutane.
Combined with the surgeries, I also spent the summer before college learning makeup. I got really good at it. My life changed entirely. In college, I still lacked social skills so I did not have many friends but now guys were super chatty and I got asked out often. I got complimented often, and was generally happy but also not quite satisfied. I hate using incel terms but just to make it easier to understand, I was Becky tier but obsessed with wanting to become Stacy.
So my Junior year of college I got more surgery. A lip lift, and more skin treatment. It really did not do much to my face at all but add a permanent lip lift scar, that I could still cover with makeup.
Sometimes I go out and feel great, getting compliments or being hit on. I even got a boyfriend. But now I'm obsessed with surgery. I want another rhinoplasty, to really alter the shape this time. Last time I just had a super tiny hump shaved, and I want my nose thinner. I want buccal fat removal, another eyelid surgery too.
I know my personality is shit. I'm obsessive, boring, painfully awkward and dependent, but I found that if I'm pretty enough people overlook my terrible personality. I just want to be pretty enough to feel confident and happy, but maybe I'm chasing something that is unachievable through physical beauty. I can't stop though.
No. 189326
>>189324Adding that because of my bad personality, my boyfriend's friends all hated me. I remember one girl told him
>She's kind of boring and I find her annoying and just don't like her at all. But she's really really pretty though so at least she has that going for her. And ever since then my obsession with wanting to be pretty has skyrocketed even higher, when I know it's my personality I should be working on.
No. 189729
Ive struggled with this since I was 13 years old. It started with watching runway shows and frequenting pro-anorexia websites, collecting thinspo, and then eventually starving myself into hospitalization. The anorexia and bulimia continue off and on until I hit 10th grade, and began to pick apart every aspect of my appearance
Now, in my mid-20s, my body dysmorphia has ruined almost every aspect of my life. I don’t hang out with people for fear of being judged as ugly. I call out sick from work on days where I feel I’m not looking my absolute best. I spend hours upon hours crying at the mirror, and sometimes I cover every reflective surface and stay inside for days, weeks, and even months at a time for fear of being seen.
I workout obsessively and am still at an underweight BMI. I obsess over my makeup being perfect, and cannot leave home without it. Every blemish becomes a week long crisis that fucks with my mental health. I spend hours researching fillers and surgeries that could make me feel more attractive. I have, and still occasionally do, punish myself by burning or cutting when I feel I deserve it for being so ugly. I have a deep rooted fear of aging and time, because I know I won’t be able to cope with any wrinkles, fine lines etc. and I can’t help but feel like any chance I had at feeling beautiful is going to vanish as I approach 30.
I’ve attempted suicide multiple times because of how hideous I feel, but never tell anyone the real reason because it feels shallow.
The funniest part of all of this is - people do find me attractive. I get hit on constantly, I’ve even modeled and been asked to model. Yet I’ve always felt this way about myself, and I assume people who compliment my appearance just pity me.
This has also destroyed relationships, my ability to have sex sometimes, and I can’t even handle having any social media accounts anymore for fear of being judged negatively.
I’ve been diagnosed as having disordered eating and sever body dysmorphia several times, but I’ve never found any true help. I will probably succeed in killing myself over this one day.
No. 189752
I'm struggling with body dysmorphia, but in the wrong way: I think I'm more attractive than I am. For context I was bulimic and underweight ages 15-20, and I had severe dysmorphia, when I looked in the mirror it was like an optical illusion, I couldn't see all of me at once, only very small parts were in focus, it was like looking down a telescope into the mirror.
After that I was still skinny but not underweight. All this time I looked kind of frail but it made my face look great, and I got used to that being my default. I'm average looking (the compliment I get most by far is 'cute') but my face holds a lot of weight, and being underweight/low weight made all my small features actually stand out and come together harmoniously. Now I'm 26 and second puberty and lockdown meant I have gained about 20kg, I've lost 10 but it's still clinging hard to my face even at bmi 23. It's done a strange thing of not necessarily making me ugly but intensely highlighting my averageness. When I look in the mirror I still kind of see my old face, when actually my features are lost in the chub. It's made me scared of getting old, I feel like I'll constantly be looking in the mirror surprised that I'm not 22.
No. 189779
>>189324I don't mean this to sound harsh but only young, shallow people will overlook your personality for now. It won't last as you get older. Keep working on yourself, your self-esteem in particular. The obsession might fade with a bit of confidence + time. Also go slow with any further surgery, you don't want to end up botched. You sound as if you've improved your looks greatly, incl bf and improved social life so why not leave it there?
I'm interested, does your bf know about your surgeries? I find men can be annoyingly hypocritical about this. They lust over surgically enhanced/altered women plastered in make-up daily, yet rant against any women who do it.
No. 189804
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Just saw this monstrosity from a clinic that offers specialist rhinoplasty for Asians. THIS is the woman they choose to encourage business? Tragic. My hunch is BDD. There's clearly a lot more going on with her. I am of two minds regarding surgery, especially for BDD patients. I am pleased it's an option, but so many women are clearly very ill. You can just tell this woman fucking hates herself.
No. 189807
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>>189804i know she can’t see it because bdd but she looked fine before. i wonder if there really is treatment for bdd that severe (i.e. people that get very exaggerated plastic surgery like oli london, cat lady, human barbies/kens.)
No. 189811
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I've been through tons of therapy to accept myself and even though I still see myself as a hambeast, I just stopped caring about it as much. I asked how my friend sees me with the body visualizer and I was genuinely surprised. (how i see myself for scale)
I wonder how you nonnies see yourself.
No. 189813
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>>189807Apparently Oli can no longer sing due to his botched surgeries. He's had over 100 and spent over 100,000 pounds. How do his doctors not feel utter fucking shame? I couldn't approve someone like that for even more surgery. He clearly needs psych help.
No. 190050
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I hate my body so much it's unreal. It's not just appearance wise but my several health complications leaving me weak, pained and infertile. I've had horrid eczema all across my body and face since I was a child, so much so that my body and face is covered in gross scars and discoloration.
My hair has patchy bald spots (due to falling out because of stress and my eczema), my face looks sickly and discolored. I'm terribly uncomfortable with people seeing me without some kind of hat covering my head, my arms and legs being uncovered, without my glasses, or looking directly into my eyes. I hate looking at my self or body in the mirror when I wake up or shower.
When I do look at myself or acknowledge my appearance it's like a constant sludge of horrible thoughts of "you'll never be cute" "no man will ever find you pretty" "you're fucking disgusting" which makes me feel scared and disgusted with myself. I've chalked it down to my fixations being my skin, face, hair, and body. It just looks so filthy to me and I can't stop thinking this.
Worse thing is, I'm only making it worse nowadays due to having a nervous tick of picking and scratching the back of my legs. I've gotten that area infected due to that tick three times already. I even contracted mrsa and a staph infection, leading me to be horribly ill. I wish I'd died on my sofa instead of my mother rushing me to the hospital due to said infections.
I hate my body with a burning passion, I hate this so much, I hate having disgusting looking skin, I hate my dopey gross face, I hate having a body that aches all the time, I hate having to take so many medications, I hate that everyone but me in my family has all these horrid bodily afflictions. Why the fuck couldn't I just be normal? I genuinely don't want to live in this body but I can't do anything about it since my older brother is alive. I couldn't do that to him, he doesn't deserve that. If he weren't I would've roped myself a long time ago.
My only saving grace is that I'm able to play off being happy and fine to everyone around me even though I've been living in a constant state of emotional, physical and mental pain for the last 13 years. I don't know how long I can take this.
Apologies for sperging like that.
No. 191183
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>>191174I wish I could. I live similarly. I need to sort myself out too. I'm eager to hear anons' ideas. Can you look at your reflection? Anons who struggle with that too, do you have advice?
I followed trauma specialist advice on overcoming fear and accepting ones body, and it helped up to a point and got me out of the house. (You use a tiny mirror to look at a section of the face and body at a time and focus on relaxing; desensitising and building like that over a few weeks until you see yourself fully without extreme fear or anxiety). However, day to day I rely on a REALLY foggy mirror to apply a lot of make-up and otherwise avoid mirrors, window glass, metals. I don't feel suicidal day to day anymore, but feel it intensely if I accidentally catch my reflection. It doesn't help that a lot of woman like to talk about appearance. I actually feel more comfortable around men, they tend not to notice my shit skin either, women will bring it up and offer skincare tips etc. It makes me want to die.
No. 191512
I'm not officially diagnosed but my psych told me I am psychotic for thinking I'm ugly lol
I wanted to look nice as well. Like ALL the other girls. With their big eyes, plump lips, white teeth, perfect skin. Maybe they have something considered ugly in their face but the other features make up for it and they are just balanced in their beauty. I was sad looking at black girls, asian girls, white girls, latinas. All having some spark, something special which makes them loveable.
And then there is me. Grey and droopy. All features are ok on their own but together it's just a nightmare. Such a nightmare I wanted to jump off a building. Such a nightmare I cried every time looking in the mirror. When people laughed outside I was sure they are laughing about me because I'm so ugly. Other people were lying when telling me I'm pretty.
And then something happened, and no one else but me had any involvement in this happening. Like another anon posted in here, one day I was able to see my own beauty. My own spark. And I hope so much that all of you will be able to do the same one day. You have it in you, if I have it, you have it as well. You are all gorgeous in your own ways.
No. 192649
I have dysphoria about my height among many other things.
I've been tall since a young age, probably 12ish. I'm taller than my sister and my mom and sister have always made passive aggressive comments about my height. I can't remember anything my mom has said though I know she did. my sister would say things like "well I know I can fit in the back seat of that car, but I don't know if you can" and many other things, implying I'm huge and she's cute and smol, of course. she might not have even meant it in a mean way but that's how it felt. not to mention adults at school and other places just making random comments about how tall I am and just going "wow you're so tall".
fast forward to me being in a brief relationship 2 years ago and my boyfriend letting me know that he loved petite girls. he was 6'1 and even though I was still shorter than him I guess that wasn't enough. he would say how he liked to feel dominant and in power and the height difference was really erotic to him and played into his "protector fantasy". and like I have nothing against tall men dating short women but why date me and then let me know that? it's fucking rude. I told him it hurt my feelings and he said I was just being insecure and that it was "a problem I needed to sort out by myself".
I'm over 100lbs overweight and have wanted to be thinner for a long time but it's really hard to find motivation for it, when losing weight won't fix most of the things I hate about my appearance. I stopped caring about my height recently, I even started wearing shoes that made me a bit taller and was all ready to stop drinking soda every day. but then this girl started at my work who is really short and petite and every time I walk past her I feel like a hulking giant and it brought back all my old feelings.
I have an extremely endomorphic body type, and even though I'm tall I have terrible fucking proportions and still look dumpy as hell. there are way more things wrong with my appearance but I won't go into detail because it would make this post way too long. and yes I know losing weight would improve my appearance, but it just doesn't seem like it would improve it enough to be worth it. and no matter how thin I get, there will always be someone shorter and thinner.
and yes I know losing weight would be good for my health, but I have depression and I kind of don't really give much of a shit about my health. the way I see it is, if you wanted to run a marathon but found out you could only ever get 10th place, would you still want to run it? I'll never be beautiful or anything above mildly cute, I feel like I might as well eat and drink what I want. it isn't even so much that I love sugar, it's more that when I go without it I have terrible cravings and it's all I can think about.
No. 192976
>>192902Thank you so much, anon. It took 6 years of intensive therapy to get to this point. I kept your kind words in my thoughts while I had a mammogram today. Shit hurts with implants. I can't wait to have these
toxic sacks of silicone out of my body.
I wish other women in this thread the best as well. Things do get better with hard work and patience, although it isn't easy.
No. 209529
>>192649Wow, Anon. You sound a lot like me. I feel like us tall girls get dealt a shitty awkward hand growing up. As a kid I went to a small school and I felt so out of place because there were no boys my age taller than me. It was even more distressing for me as I was also the youngest in the year so it made me feel like a huge alien.
I also dated a shitty guy who loved petite girls and negged me about it nonstop. It doesn't help that I'm also Asian, and you know Asian people are generally petite. I, on the other hand, am hairy, tall and have a really wide frame with large feet and hands.
I feel like all tall women have gone through something similar to some varying degrees and I wish I had a tall BFF who I can go shopping with and relate over struggling to find cute shoes/clothes in our side and lock arms together easily. I love my short friends but we can't lock arms without me bending down and feeling weird.
After dating that boy, I actually started to love my height. During the relationship I faked some confidence about my height since I loved the way high waisted jeans looked on me and began wearing heels more often. Although I did love my height, I did still feel awkwardly large in frame (something I can't control) which is what spiraled me into an eating disorder where I started restricting to 1200 calories a day, which led to halving that, halving that until I was fasting for days. I got thinner but I still hated myself for having the frame of a Slavic milk maid. This sort of thing wasn't very sustainable, and I remember an online boy meeting me IRL once told me that I'm not as tiny as he thought. That really made me feel so inadequate when I think he actually meant to say that to reassure me because he would joke that he'd dwarf me when we met.
Now it's 5+ years from then and I am 12kg heavier than my old 18 year old set-point which puts me at 26 BMI. I learned about going all in through Stephanie Buttermore and I thought that was what I had to do to stop obsessing over food so much. It helped a little but I just got fat. I also never weighed myself until 3 days ago which is when I bought a scale since I wanted to know how big I was. I had already been dieting for around 2 weeks, so I probably was ~15kg heavier than I was used to which is sort of shocking to me.
I feel so conflicted. I'm clearly slipping back into my ED behaviors but the number on the scale tells me I'm overweight so I should continue dieting, right? Everyday I feel a bit of pride seeing the number on the scale drop. I check the old weight loss calculators I loved and reminisce about how much smaller I'll be in x months time.
The appearance of my body really disgusts me but it seems like I may not be as overweight as my BMI puts me at. I can still fit into my jeans and other clothes no problem so I don't know if my large frame has blessed me in this one respect. I don't know how much I weighed when I was with my ex, I suspect I was around the same? He told me I was thin. Maybe it was him saying what I want to hear but he was only slightly taller than I and was also around 26 BMI. In comparison to me, he had a gut while I have a pouch of fat.
It's confusing to me. When people see me do they see a massive freak of nature Asian woman or do they just see me and think I'm just an average tall lady.
I hope I'll be happier by the end of the year.
No. 209562
>>191183I also struggle to look in mirrors. I have periods of avoiding them entirely, but other times I just try to keep it dim in the room when I look.
Ive tried to work on it, but the only time I made progress was when I tried looking in a mirror on acid. I heard you're not supposed to do that, but I really wanted to see. Was shocking, I looked totally fine. None of the stuff I usually nitpick was noticeable. I felt amazing for a while after, but it faded and now I'm back to struggling with mirrors.
No. 209984
I don't have BDD but I do have some serious insecurities and similar experiences to anons in this thread. I was a happy kid looks wise, since I grew up in the nineties before selfies and too much photoshop (I really feel for young girls growing up in today's selfie age) my only issue was that my legs were already hairy by the age of 10. I didn't think of how I looked otherwise, I was busy being a kid. by the time I started puberty things changed though, I developed severe acne. I had the worst acne in my year at school and it completely destroyed my self confidence. I also got hairier, so much hairier. I always say puberty didn't do shit for me other than give me hair and acne. I just became the ugly girl. I also hated the amount of moles on my skin and never showed by body. I hated being in my own skin, always wore long sleeves and never shorts even when it was really warm.
I basically lived this way until I was 17 and grew into my looks a little more, acne calmed down too but never cleared, even through my 20s. I've had acne for over half my life and in my early thirties now, due to a hormone issue I still have acne. it causes me such stress. every morning I dread looking in the mirror and seeing what new monstrosity may have appeared on my face. my hormone problem also causes hair growth on my face, I pluck my chin everyday and obsessively so. my chin is usually scabbed up and red raw from the skin getting picked during plucking and ingrown hairs. my sideburns grow in very dark and long too, I shave those. the fact that I have to shave my face daily kills me inside. I feel so unfeminine and disgusting especially with acne too and now, being in my early thirties, the signs of ageing setting in a little.
I'm unwell in other ways too so my overall appearanc is…. bad, most of the time. I look ill because I am ill. I find it hard to look at people sometimes for fear they will see stubble on my face or just look at my fine lines, dark undereyes and acne. I also get acne breakouts on my back which is stressful. all the stress only makes my acne worse and the depression too has meant I've lost most of my appetite and barely eat. I'm underweight, like a bag of bones and look so so unwell. I feel so unattractive and ugly. seeing pretty girls on television with their hairless faces, nice skin and glowing alive looking eyes makes me sad. I want to be pretty and to look bright and cheerful and attractive but I'm just… not.
one last thing though after this huge long sperg, apps with filters are fucking awful. I wont allow myself to use them. seeing the filter appear and liking the result then pressing to disable it and your real face coming back into view is dreadful. delete that shit. delete it now.
No. 209994
>>209529>>192649I hope both of you never let your sense of self be altered by the guys your with. I find tall girls to be beautiful. Having a presence in an elegant and powerful way, less likely to be messed with. I’m pretty average (5’8) and still cross by fingers that by the time in 19 I’ll be a little taller.
Anyway. Dogs can smell fear, insecurity. So can males. I know a girl with a strong, biggish nose who walks like she matters, puts herself first, dresses up, and acts like she’s worthy, in a kind way. If she looked at the ground and hid herself, she would be perceived as uglier- but because she believes she’s beautiful, other people believe it. If guys sense you’re insecure about something they will use it against you. Please don’t let that happen. Plus, the ‘tall vampire lady’ sperging of 2020 should tell you enough. I would seriously jump for joy if I woke up tall kek.
No. 210034
>>189175This might be a sperg-tier question, but it genuinely really confuses me..
When girls wear cropped shirts and have flat stomachs with super toned muscles underneath, is it because they're sucking in?
No. 216036
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I used to like sex, and my body image didn't get in the way of me getting naked and enjoying it. But lately, my body dysmorphia has caught up to me, and I can't even masturbate without my brain interrupting me. I deleted tinder completely awhile ago. I don't want a stranger seeing me naked, especially after a couple of experiences where men made hurtful comments about my body afterwards (such as liking chubby girls because they're "low maintenance"). I definitely can't watch porn, I'm too distracted by the women's bodies and how they look nothing like mine. Whenever I try to get myself in the mood with a sexual fantasy, my brain just cuts me off, reminding me that I don't deserve those features in a partner. It's so frustrating. I just want to heal and I don't know how.
No. 217546
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Does anyone else's BDD make them feel like they look like a different person every few days? I'm finally in a spot where I am somewhat neutral with my body and I don't spend much time obsessing over it. My face on the other hand is a whole different story. I also feel like I look sort of okay from certain angles but once I turn my face too much to the side I'm unrecognizable. My face is a shapeless blob, I look like a gremlin.
I used to be obsessed with my side profile and would cry about it for hours but I don't think it looks that bad anymore, it's just the 3/4th turn that makes me feel think I look like an unrecognizable moonface. I understand it's irrational, I clearly can't look like a disgusting gremlin based on positive reactions I've gotten RE: my appearance. But that means nothing to me because I'm not happy with how I look. I feel so hopeless in this regard.
No. 217555
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I hate being fat and I hate having large boobs.Even before puberty I’ve hated the idea of having large breasts.I desperately want to go and workout or run out on a track.I’m fucking sick of feeling the fat in my body when I move and contort.But because of my situation and the amount of shit going on in my life,I don’t even have time for it.I’m so tired,I want a thigh gap,I want to stop feeling the need to throw up after every meal,I want to not feel utter disgust whenever I look at myself in the mirror.
No. 218203
>>217546I think I “got over it” by just making my peace with my brain. A few years ago I had to cover up the mirrors but it’s better now. If I just keep in mind that I can’t trust my perception, it’s not so bad. I have no idea what I actually look like, but knowing won’t change it.
I don’t spend too much time analyzing in the mirror though. More than 20 seconds and I can watch my face morph into something completely grotesque and inhuman. I put on makeup as objectively as possible for the face in front of me and get on with it.
No. 218215
>>218203this is how i deal with it, yes. i look at individual features when i put on makeup and i tend to wear makeup that suits it, like just eyeliner and lipstick. i think contouring would be more difficult because you need to be able to look at your whole face.
and then i just stop mirror checking. all together. i accept that i look how i look and i cant do anything more and then i just try not to think about it, feels like im physically pushing the thoughts away from me
No. 218248
I come from a culture that idealizes the curvy body type, it also happens to be a very common body type that naturally occurs among women of this cultural background. The women in my own family have thick thighs and wide hips across the board. As an ectomorph I always felt like an outlier. I think I have a pretty face and nice proportions, my titties and my butt are small but perky, my waist is small so it creates an hourglass look even though my figure is generally quite narrow. I understand that there are people out there who would prefer to have this profile, but personally all I ever wanted was to be pear shaped. Several times people have presumed that I have an eating disorder. I'm fit, I eat a healthy diet, I just can't seem to put on weight, and even if I did there's no guarantee that it would go to my butt, hips and thighs like I want it to. I realize that many women tend to struggle with the opposite problem and I empathize with that, I can't deny how much this continues to impact on my self esteem though. So many times I felt like I was less of a woman just because I'm the skinny one. I hate having my picture taken because of it. Sometimes it's the only thing I can think about when I go out, instead of being in the moment I get stuck wondering whether it's the first thing that people notice when they see me and it makes me feel humiliated. I don't wanna be seen as frail and sick. I even get paranoid that I look boyish. I think that the pressure to be sexy and the view that curves = sexy is misogynistic bullshit, I know I shouldn't let it get under my skin and that there's beauty in many different body types, I just hate that I sometimes feel diminished as a person because of something that I didn't choose and can't really change.
No. 218316
>>218260You need to understand that you objectively look good and are undoubtedly healthy no matter what they say, your body is an evolutionary blessing and less likely to gain unnecessary weight, you have a small waist which means you wont get abdominal fat easily and you have a slender, graceful hourglass figure, you don't have to buy into the curvy standard, women like you fit much more tasteful, fashionable outfits, think on what actually fits your body instead of wanting to be something you're not, because this will only make people notice it even more, romanticize your unique body, take advantage of it and use the clothes nobody else is capable of pulling off. Years ago people used to think bbls and extreme makeup were too much and now it's all over instagram and its the standard today, but it's because these women show off their beauty with confidence and self-assuredness, they make others notice their strengths instead of their flaws, and now, instead of seeing a disgusting, caricature-looking woman, they see an insta-baddie and yasss queen them, basically, like anon here
>>209994 said, if you act like you're worthy of respect and believe you're beautiful, nobody will be able to change your mind and they'll eventually fall for it too, this is the reason beauty standards always change. (inb4 someone suddenly crawls out of the woodwork claiming what I said is superficial/lookist but honestly fuck off this is a body dysmorphia thread and I'm just giving advice, of course I'm goin to acknowledge beauty standards)
No. 224289
I used to have really nasty body dysmorphia about my thighs since no matter how much weight I dropped they were still too 'large' for my liking, i.e. not like the rail-thin lookbook girls from the early 2010s. When I looked in the mirror, all I could see was my legs, and I would obsessively analyse other girls' legs in public and compare them to mine. There was a girl I hated in school for no reason other than her thighs were thicker than mine but she still had a thigh gap (she was a dancer, go figure). Working out a lot and taking up a sport kinda helped, since I realized that not eating enough was affecting my performance and making me stagnate. I finally succeeded in gaining enough weight to put me at my healthy goal weight recently, and even though I thought I'd look like a schlubby, skinnyfat loser at this weight, I still look muscular and toned. Fancy that. The thing I still struggle with, though, is my face and my hair. I have pretty thin hair from nutrient deficiencies and stress, and I'm extremely vigilant about never letting the back of my head be seen because my parting is kind of obvious there and I hate it. On days when it's really bad, I cancel my plans and refuse to leave the house, but when I look at it on a calmer day, it's never as bad as I thought it was. Part of the reason my last relationship ended was because I kept sperging about my hair, but that relationship was so shitty I honestly think the stress was making it even worse. I ended up dropping a ton of money on haircare and skincare products, only to realize that most of them are superfluous. At the same time though, researching which ingredients and formulations are effective has saved me money and helped me get back into reading scientific papers and articles like I used to before my appearance obsession took over my life, so it's not all bad. Oddly enough, makeup has helped me appreciate my features more, and after cleaning up my brows and fixing my skincare I feel much more confident going out without makeup. It helps if I think of it like face paint or stage makeup, and not like a mask I must wear to be pretty.
No. 224305
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Ok, not sure how to concisely
describe my experience without some backstory, but I'm wondering if body dysmorphia still applies If you think your "appearance is acceptable"? Anyways
>Be sole negro. in 99% caucasoid
>Be retarded child so just try & ignore/deny this fact by never looking in the mirror, avoided pictures as well, this becomes a habit
>Recently look in mirror again, can't recognise myself at all. I also have vitiligo so it completely looks like a different person
>phobia got infinitely worse, >started developing weird schizoisms like constantly thinking about harming myself so I was recognisable, that there's another person in my house, that I have multiple personalities, avoiding all reflections so my hygienes even worse etc. Etc.
My family has a history of psychotic disorder I don't want to get excluded from military service by getting a medical history so what would be a good diy bandaid for this. I've tried staring at myself for hours but it just freaks me out even more
No. 224311
>>224277Thank you. I've had self image issues about my nose since I was 11 because my parents always told me I needed to get ps, got rhinoplasty and still hate the way it looks, even my family members who had told me to get the surgery are now telling me it looks bad and it's been bothering me for a while. I thought a haircut or makeup could maybe change my thoughts about my looks. I want a secondary rhinoplasty but am very scared it's going to end up even worse, it just looks weird but not too bad, what if I truly get botched?
I do obsess over my face sometimes and get very upset about unflattering pictures to the point of obsessively thinking about them for a few weeks. I don't know if I have bdd but I related to some stuff stated here.
Thank you for your help nona.
No. 224318
Right okay I've never been diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder but I'm 99% sure that's what I have, I'm 18 currently but I've hated my appearance since about 13. I kept getting told by family and friends that "it'll get easier the older you get" but if anything it's gotten worse. I can't really pinpoint what I dislike particularly about myself, it's pretty much everything. I could make a whole list. Sorry to sound depressing or whatever, but it has swallowed me and I feel I've missed out on many things in my teen life because of the depression, anxiety and social anxiety that hating my appearance caused for me. I've been in therapy for a few years but it never helped, I always feel like people are lying to me to make me feel better. I've tried everything to help myself that doesn't involve surgery or other drastic measures, but the 'love yourself' thing does not do anything for me. I was never bullied about my appearance, it's more of a thing I've just developed myself. Maybe I'm just a perfectionist or something. The number one thing I hate about myself is my nose. It has a bump in it and the tip is quite bulbous. I have small boobs too. Neither of these things I find remotely ugly on others, but for myself it's different, so please don't think I'm saying that either of these features are negative. It's hard to explain. Anyway, massive rant, idrk what I'm expecting by posting this, I just have no one to talk to because I don't want to discuss any of this with my friends or family because I'll feel like a great burden and they think I'm doing fine (I'm great at acting and holding it in). At this point I think I'll just pursue surgery. I can't see any other way.
No. 224348
>>224318Your post stuck out to me because I used to be just like you. Hiding from my friends and family, hating myself, feeling insecure and burdensome to the point that I eventually became a suicidal shut in. What saved my life was finally being honest with my loved ones. You have to open up to the support system that you already have. Tell them your true feelings and don't hold back. You want them to tell you the truth, too, don't you? TBH therapy probably didn't work for you because you were dishonest there as well. It's very important that you have a therapist that you actually trust, respect, and believe in. I understand how horrifying it is to come clean about your mental state especially when you've been hiding for so long, but you can't run away from your problems forever.
>I kept getting told by family and friends that "it'll get easier the older you get" but if anything it's gotten worseYou're only 18. Your brain is nowhere near fully developed. When they say age makes it easier, they mean like 22-24 onwards, honestly more like 30+. However, because you are still so young, that means that if you're brave and confront your problems early, you will have a long, happy, healthy life ahead of you.
Lies are so poisonous, they will consume you from the inside out. You don't need to be a great actor. You need to be honest with yourself and others to start dismantling these destructive beliefs about your worth and your appearance.
No. 224363
>>224348That's literally me right now, a suicidal shut-in. It doesn't help that my uni is online this month, before I at least went outside to go to lectures but now I only go outside for like a daily walk and even then I don't make eye contact with the 2 or so people I see on that walk and as I'm walking past them I'm imagining them looking at me and thinking how ugly she is. Even around my family I worry about how they're perceiving me, it's so fucking sad. I used to be a social butterfly and then once I became aware of my appearance it feels like I've become a shell of a human being, and I'm only 18. Enough is enough, I'm going to try my best to seek therapy and be honest with them and with my family and friends. I'm super glad that you've managed to overcome a lot of this. Hope you're doing well.
>>224354Yes nona. Yes. Masks have made it so much worse because it gives me the option to cover most of my face and it gives me so much confidence to the point I even feel sometimes 'hot' because my face is my biggest insecurity. When I'm wearing a mask it's like a shield for judgement. I've worn it outside even just for the fact that I prefer myself with it on, nothing to do with safety. It's so bad, I am dreading when masks aren't socially acceptable to wear anymore, I've become so dependent on them. I would definitely say you have BDD from reading everything you've said
No. 224455
>>189175i take spironolactone and it helps with acne and facial/body hair
it's not just for tranners, it's used to treat facial hair and acne in high-T ugly bitches like me
No. 263347
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When I see myself in the mirror, I think I look okay (sometimes good, even), but I absolutely hate how I look in pictures. Yesterday we had a graduation event, so my friends took a bunch of pictures and sent them to me today. I can't help but look at myself and think that I am so ugly. I look huge next to my friends, my face is flat and round, my cheeks have absolutely no definition, my eyes are so small, etc.
Sometimes I get mixed messages though. A few days ago I had a meeting with a teacher and she told me "I think this is the first time I've seen you without a mask, but you're really pretty. Not sure if that's weird for me to say." A few months ago a girl walked by and yelled that she thought I was pretty and same thing happened when I went to a concert recently. Do people just say things like that to be nice without meaning it? I guess I just shouldn't care much about how I look anyway since if I'm ugly it's not like I can do anything about it. Most of the time I'm good at just being neutral about how I look, but my god whenever I see pictures of myself it is so soul-crushing whenever I see how I look. I imagine that is how everyone else must see me and then I think that there isn't any point to even trying to look nice anymore since I'd just look awful either way.
No. 263376
>>263347No people donät say stuff like that to be nice. No one has ever told me I am pretty, not even guys I dated. Us ACTUALLY ugly people get "you are cute" at best.
Good for you.
No. 263397
>>224455Super late but does spiro help for other feminizations too?
I hate the troon argument of how the ebil cis can get gender reaffirming surgeries. No we can't. If you're a masculine woman you can't get Starbucks insurance and call it a day. Cosmetic stuff is out of pocket always. I hate how women can't take HRT safely unless they are menopausal.
My BD got really bad a few years ago when I realized how ugly I actually am. I thought I was one of those cases where if I cleaned up a bit I'd turn into a swan. Nope. Just really unfortunate facial anatomy and body type, you can't fix that with hair and makeup.
I began to overthink all my interactions with males and their passivity towards me, just thinking how things may be different if I were actually pretty, or oh this person is acting this way because I'm not pretty enough. It's awful being trapped in a body the rest of the world is forced to see every day. Being a shut in has helped at least kek
No. 263410
>>224315>Military service is a BS career where your government serves you up a heaping spoonful of PTSD and injuriesthat usually happens to guys who join the army or marines with no goal in mind, they just want to kill.
air force/navy is more rewarding and can teach you actual an actual trade that you can apply after your service ends.
No. 263412
>>263365>My genetics doomed me to looking like my father.FUCKING SAME. I pray for all the girls that inherit their fathers face.
meanwhile my brother got my moms pointy nose and angel skull.
No. 263418
>>263365>My genetics doomed me to looking like my fatherI feel this nonna. When I take progress pictures of myself all I can see is my fathers face, I'm the only sibling with his eyes and I feel like I am just built so masculine. Before i terfed out i was almost convinced I should have just become a troon because not a single part of me suited being feminine or it just didn't feel right, my body and face took "wow you look like your dad!" to the next level.
thing is he wasn't even ugly, he was quite handsome, but that didn't translate well on to the face and body of a very petite young woman. just looks weird.
No. 263446
>>263412>>263418My father has more effeminate features for a man, he's far from ugly but I'm unhappy I inherited his large, straight eyebrows and eyes. I've seen anons on here and in general say that white women with straight dark eyebrows look mannish or neanderthalish and it doesn't make me feel better about myself at all. there are so few women in media in entertainment with naturally straight eyebrows who don't get a drastic eyebrow lift or shaping. it's so disheartening
my sister looks like a clone of my mom, who used to print model, and I have my dads awkward dorky overly emphasized upper face, weird eyes, straight brows. it sucks ass. my eyes are both my best and worst feature. I feel like my entire upper face is overwhelming and photographs badly, and it's all my dads fault.
No. 263466
>>263446>I've seen anons on here and in general say that white women with straight dark eyebrows look mannish or neanderthalish and it doesn't make me feel better about myself at all.Wow, I did not need to hear this. If it makes you feel better,
nonnie, I have this feature too.
On another note, I wish I could post a picture of myself on here and get brutally honest consensus on my looks from other anons. I want to know how I actually stand on a 1-10 scale on average, what vibes I give off, etc., and I think nonnies would give it to me straight. Ofc I won’t because that would be retarded.
No. 263469
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>>263446>>263466wait what
unless you have a very round face or something, arched brows are never a good look. otherwise arched brows will give you a long face.
straight brows give you a more innocent sleepy (but cute) look. I've always associated arched brows with trannies and drag queens.
thick, dark, straight brows will always be so much more beautiful to me. I have naturally arched brows but I draw them straight to make my face rounder lmao
No. 263481
>>263469Arched brows look perfect on Megan fox who has a long face. I don't think thick straight brows suit anyone, even men. It brings their face down, especially if your features are downturned as well.
>>263479You sound obsessed and autistic, the way you speak about beauty reminds me of those lookism channels or incel forums. Also symmetry obsession is so stupid. Asymmetry makes you more memorable if it's a healthy amount and most people, yes even celebs with a ton of beauty procedures, don't have symmetrical faces.
You should get highlights for your hair and maybe get it to a lighter brown/dark blond and you could experiment with natural looking contact lenses if you like. Surgery should be last resort if you ask me as a haircut and make up can actually change you more than a surgery can if chosen right.
Also getting a fit if you're overweight is also going to make a huge difference too. A fit girl will be considered attractive no matter her other features as long as she's not super ugly, which I'm sure you're not.
No. 263485
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>>263446>white women with straight dark eyebrows look mannish or neanderthalishlmao anon, some of the most beautiful women in the world have straigh dark brows
I agree with this anon
>>263469, straight brows shorten long faces, whereas arched brows lengthen them
No. 263487
>>263482If you're fit, you're already pretty, imo. Even an average or below average face with a fit body is more attractive than a fat beautiful woman. You could still try different hairstyles and haircolors that go well with your skintone.
>>263486>They’re mad because their Nigel is thirsting after a sexy brunette babe with straight natural brows.Nta but this makes you sound like the loser. You don't need to compete with women or try to steal their men just because they dared to disagree with you.
No. 263488
I was born with huge bat ears and had a surgery to stick them to my head when i was 8. It was one of the worst pains i ever experienced but it helped, i wasn't bullied because of my ears. I was still ashamed of them for so long anways. My mother forced me to wear a ponytail for a couple of years so i was constantly thinking about other people looking at my ears. Then i got acne and have it till this day. Nothing helped me and i tried everything. I couldn't even really wear makeup because of it. I was feeling like a zombie my whole teenage years. People were constantly pointing out my acne. Nobody ever called me pretty, not even boys who wanted to date me. Only after i bleached my hair i got 2 compliments. I was never feeling very feminine so i had androgynous look in high school and uni. Kinda like a nonbinary person but without the pronouns cringe.
In my 20's i started to care less about how i look, i realized people ain't shit. What matters is what i do, not what i look like. And to me, i don't mind looking like i have a skin disease anymore, i don't mind going outside without makeup, i can wear my hair in a bun and i rock that onion look. It's fascinating what your brain maturing does to your self image. What i think helped apart from the brain changing it's priorities is better environment. I wasn't at home much when i started to change, so my critical mother didn't have many opportunities to jab at me. Also the appretiation of being alive. I was never a healthy person but i always managed to survive, i went a long way from being a suicidal wreck to someone who treasures my life even with the health problems i have. From nature's point of view i'm beautiful like any other creature. I wish everybody who thinks they are ugly could feel like this, it's freeing. Psychedelics helped me a tiny little bit too becuase they reinforced the feeling of unity with the nature around me, and the meaninglesness of being sad about your physical form.
No. 263491
>>263397>thought I was one of those cases where if I cleaned up a bit I'd turn into a swan. Nope. Just really unfortunate facial anatomy and body type, you can't fix that with hair and makeup. And everyone will gaslight you about it and insist that if you just try this style or this make-up or this aesthetic, or this haircut, maybe you'll suddenly be feminine and beautiful. They won't just accept that some women like that exist. I wish that instead of it being seen as ugly, that handsome women were allowed to exist. I think people have definitely been memed into thinking anything but hyperfeminine and dainty features are ugly. Or maybe I'm the egotistical one for wanting all of society to change. When I started leaning into the masculinity, I actually started looking more feminine and people will never understand that. I don't know if they're retarded and think that dressing feminine will always make you look more feminine, but it can actually contrast and make everything masculine stand out. The other way around, wearing more masculine clothes and having a masculine haircut, can make feminine features stand out by contrast. That's at least how I deal with it. It makes things look more intentional instead of just looking like a goblin.
>>263365>My genetics doomed me to looking like my father.Family members have commented how I have the typical face of males in my family. They think it's funny to hang up childhood pictures of mine next to childhood pictures of my fathers and uncles, due to the resemblance even then. It seems like the only things I inherited from my mother were her hands, feet and lips. It doesn't even feel like BDD because of how many people irl comment on it. I don't think it's just brainrot from being on here for too long.
>>263418>Before i terfed out i was almost convinced I should have just become a troon because not a single part of me suited being feminine or it just didn't feel right, my body and face took "wow you look like your dad!" to the next level.I used to think I'm secretly intersex or something. I never accepted the option of transitioning, because I'm stubborn and felt offended when someone else in my life transitioned, because if she transitions, what does that say about me? I don't feel like rf's acknowledge that women like this exist though, they pretend that the rest of society is just as hyperfocused on clocking and that the rest of society doesn't consider it mannish. They'll be at your throat and get more upset that you call a feature about yourself masculine, than that they think about supporting you or whatever, as if yelling at someone makes insecurities disappear.
>>263481>A fit girl will be considered attractive no matter her other features as long as she's not super uglyYeah but also don't be "too fit" and too strong and musuclar, because then people will call it ugly again. "Fit" is only seen as being skinny with some abs and massive glutes. Nobody considers it just fit if you have big arms and delts and don't try to have a super low bf%. I fucking hate this shit.
>>263485They also have dainty features which off-set it though and create nice contrast. That might not be the case for everyone.
No. 263495
>>263491>When I started leaning into the masculinity, I actually started looking more feminine and people will never understand that.This is so true. The average woman looks like a troon in hyperfeminine fashionstyles because it creates a contrast while relaxed styles make you look much more feminine and womanly.
Lolita is the perfect example for this. All of those women look of in normie styles but %99 of them look like ogres in lolita style unless they have childlike and superfeminine features.
No. 263503
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>>263481>Arched brows look perfect on Megan fox who has a long face.she looks good with arched brows because she always had an abnormally attractive face. she could have no eyebrows and she'd still be attractive.
>I don't think thick straight brows suit anyoneI've done an insane amount of research on this, and from what I understand, straight brows are very good if you have sharp features. It "mellows" out of your face.
No. 263507
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>>263500asian women have bigger heads and smaller eyes than white women. the opposite of neoteny. but they try to look more neotenous because their cultures make that the beauty standard. white women's cultures don't have that beauty standard, so instead they try to look more "mature" and "beautiful" which at the end of the day translates to goofy drag makeup, gaining weight because muh curves, and dying hair a tacky bleach blonde.
russian/ukrainian women who work in places like japan and korea actually put effort into their appearance and try to look cute instead of hot.
(racebait) No. 263514
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>>263495It even works with hair. I need more volume, but longer hair weighs everything down and makes it look like I have typical tranny strangly hair. Which just makes my sharp square features stand out. It's like how Tilda Swinton just looks better with short hair and without harsh make-up. She looks otherworldly beautiful when she just leans into what she already has, like when she played Gabriel.
No. 263519
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>>263503Megan actually looks much more youthful with straight brows although this edited example is a little extreme. in comparison the skinny arches give her a witchy look since her features are very sharp. I also have sharp features and my brows are naturally straight/rounded, not arched, used to do arched when I was younger and looking back on old pics I look older in those than I do now
No. 263521
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>>263519Samefag one of Brittany broski as an example of someone who doesn't have perfect features, because in one of her videos recently she was talking about how her older thick brows looked horrible and she looks way better with thin brows and I couldn't disagree more
No. 263525
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One more of Kristen stewart who doesn't have the thick brows that are in vogue now but still sticks with a natural straight shape as seen in the bottom pic, and her with Megan fox style brows in the top
Sorry I'm obsessed with eyebrows and how they change the look of your face lol but hopefully this is helpful to some anons, k stew proves you can still do the straighter brow look even if you have less brow hair and I personally think it is hugely beneficial to most faces to forego a cartoonish arch
No. 263528
>>263526I was about to mention I'm not trying to say naturally arched brows are bad at all
I think it's the same kind of conversation as how overly filled lips look awful but naturally full lips look great, if you have it naturally and it isn't a result of overplucking like in Megan's case, it most likely suits your face
No. 263576
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>>263519My moonface and cheeks make my flatter brows look like shit, and they're almost impossible to shape. They're thinned from attempting to shape them back in the 00s-10s.
>>263485I honestly can't tell if my face is long or short. I'm so bad at determining proportionality. It's heart shaped, I think. If it were more squared and I had a forehead and further spaced eyes, my brows would look better, but as it stands my forehead, eyes and face shape don't suit them.
>>263525I love kstews straight brows, she's literally one of the cutest women in the world to me. There's something so effortless and carefree about her style
>>263466Seeing what anons have said about cows and other women? Nah. I think I'm absolutely hideous these days so I don't want my self esteem to plummet more into the gutter.
No. 263721
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>>263500>>263446> white women with straight dark eyebrows look mannish or neanderthalishsure
No. 263727
>>263719Don't forget the kiwifags reposting farmers bodies from the Kibbe thread.
I saw someone trace their body and post it. So maybe that anon can trace a picture of her face?
No. 263745
>>263719>>263727ITA and yeah, I acknowledged that it would be a terrible idea. I’ve seen anons dox themselves with their full faces in the celebrity look alike thread and by obviously self posting on the cute girls threads and swore that would never be me.
I guess I just wish there was a way to clear up ambiguity about how your looks actually stand with others without having to post your face to be assessed by strangers on the internet. I guess it doesn’t really matter because my looks have never held me back from anything I wanted to do and I’m slim, but I’m obsessive like that, hence why I’m following this thread.
No. 263802
>>263745>>263762I did once on reddit for a celebrity lookalike sub and was disappointed when I got told answers I've heard before and some teenage actress I'd never heard of.
ages ago posted a picture of my lips in the plastic surgery threads here and that was enough. I guarantee we probably aren't as ugly as we think we are, but that's the grave reality of body dysmorphia
No. 263804
>>263762NTA, but when I was a teen I think I posted once in a place like that and I got "7/10, you look autistic though" kek
>>263802I've gotten Taylor Swift, Anne Hathaway, Macaulay Culkin and young Putin, so I have no idea what to think anymore
No. 263824
>>263804your list is so random. I think peoples perceptions just differ. re: female putin, his illegitimate daughter who looks somewhat like him is actually cute, idk why his features reflect well on her kek
i get every generic white brunette actress in existence so everything from geena davis to ellen page to carrie fisher, but then the lookalike A.I. sites said natalie wood and julie garland, lots of older actresses. either way it's like i don't belong in this era, and that only deepens my dysmorphia kek
No. 263834
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>>263824Anne Hathaway, Macaulay Culkin and young Putin I can see why. Big sharp nose, plump lips, hooded eyes, prominentish cheekbones, prominent jaw. I don't know where Taylor Swift comes from though, but that might be more based on body when I was younger? Which I still don't really see in myself.
No. 264142
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Throughout my teens I went through phases of being really unsatisfied and then sometimes quite pleased with my appearance but now that I am in my 20s and gained weight over lockdown I cannot bring myself to wear tight or revealing clothing, even at the gym. I despise my body and have always been obsessed with the idea of having a more traditionally feminine figure - bigger hips narrower shoulders, shapely legs that aren't stocky etc…I'm trying my best to undo these thoughts and just work on physical fitness instead but it's very triggering and difficult when I'm stood next to a woman with my ideal body type at the gym and I just look like a diseased, rectangular dwarf in comparison kek.
I think a lot of my dysmorphia came from my mother loading her very low self-esteem onto me and making me stand near her while she looked in the mirror and picked apart her own body, I never had any good female role models to teach me or instill confidence and good self-worth into me growing up, I was also left with unregulated access to the internet and being an autistic loser I overanalysed every small aspect of my appearance.
I wasn't bullied in school but I was teased a little about my acne, about my large round nose, about being small and weird and also about being very pale. Looking back throughout the years I noticed that I've been prone to using things to mask or alleviate my dysmorphia…I was obsessed with fake tan for months after being mocked for being pale, and now I can only wear loose clothing to disguise my body or I feel exposed and awful.
I also naturally have very textured skin with large pores, oiliness and acne which always felt really "masculine" to me as none of my friends had that sort of orange-peel like texture to their skin like picrel, it made me feel like something was wrong with me.
My facial features are quite similar to picrel in fact, the funny thing is I wouldn't consider her ugly or any woman with textured skin or any sort of body shape as ugly, I am just hypercritical and hate myself when I can't meet my own standards.
I am glad I'm also a little bit too old and managed to escape the troon shit, because I genuinely feel like I may have trooned out as a way to escape feeling inadequate as a woman. I already had fleeting thoughts about doing it because I never felt feminine enough but never actually acted upon it.
No. 264154
>>263834Are you the female putin anon from other thread a while ago? If you look like his daughter, you're super pretty. He also looked
cute when he was young, so…
No. 264173
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>>264162the brows make her look very masculine. she looks more feminine with her small arched brows.
Trannies can’t pull off the arched brow look without a brow lift or just drawing them on. It’s the ultimate feminine feature.
No. 264224
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>>264173wtf he's literally everywhere
No. 264274
>>264173That's actually a good point anon
I disagree with you about brittani looking better with thin brows but it is true that thin brows are very feminine, so if you have them naturally I think you should definitely rock them and not try to microblade or draw them in thick
No. 264283
nonnie ursula
No. 264289
>>264219yup nonna, that's the nature of body dysmoprhia for most people. some do actually recover from it for example by getting treatment from eating disorders or on the opposite spectrum just getting into shape, but a lot of people just end up draining their money into things that will never ever fix it.
This is generally why I don't support or encourage the whole "if you have this wrong with you then just spend lots of money to get it fixed" because chances are it isn't going to change your brain, your brain is only going to adapt and find somewhere else to pick apart.
Don't be sorry about your thoughts, body dysmorphia isn't rational at all but you don't have to apologise for it.
No. 264295
>>264154Kek yes, I don't look exactly like Luiza, my midface is a bit longer and my features are more prominent (plumper lips, bigger nose), but I could've been her autistic looking sister. I'm happy with my face, never really considered surgery, I just look very different from most women in my country which did used to make me insecure and my tinfoil is that my great grandmother cheated with a Russian or Slav while her husband was off to war. Most of my insecurities are more about my body, because of being flat chested, while having a massive ribcage and being an inverted triangle. I would never get surgery for that either though, being flat has too many practical benefits, especially for sports. It just doesn't make feel very attractive.
No. 264362
>>264224only bottom left is truly arched
it doesn't change the fact that straight brows is more associated with men, and arched brows with women. don't get mad at me, get mad as dimorphism.
>>264277"you look like a disney villain" cool lol?
>>264274it's hard to tell, I wish she'd lose weight or something so we can see the real structure of her face.
No. 264445
>>264426Nah I relate
>>263491 , people around me and myself have been tinfoiling I'm intersex since puberty, people have accused me of being an AGP before. Big forehead, square hairline, big sharp nose, hooded eyes, small chest on a big af ribcage (I measured when I was underweight and it was still closer to the size of a scrote's), wide shoulders, easily gain muscle, but around the same height. Also have painful periods, but no abnormalities on ultrasound when it comes to down there, except shriveled up ovaries? Also the bodyhair thing and being a lesbian. I prefer dressing masculine and in men's clothes, because it actually fits and just emphasizes my feminine features through contrast and makes me look female, instead of dressing feminine and the ill-fitting clothes from the women's section making me look like a hulking AGP. I have thin hair which looks like stringy AGP hair when it's long and looks waaay healthier short. The fact that I still have some minor feminine features which stand out though (lips, hands, feet), make me not want to transition. Transitioning also just means taking on a whole new list of expectations, which you'll never live up to either, because both traditional gender roles are retarded. I'm not good at being a woman, I wouldn't be good at being a man, but I think I can be good at being a butch.
No. 264538
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I genuinely feel like "body positivity" has done nothing for me, because my body shape is never really represented. I am really short and stocky with violin hips, smaller breasts and broad shoulders, it's such a weird unique combination that it doesn't fit into a specific body type and falls somewhere between rectangle and pear, my fat distribution is also terrible and I have so much back fat so I am basically forced to stay slim and don't have the freedom to get a little thick like other body types.
But I'm not slim enough to be a cool athletic rectangle, and I'm not thick enough to be a pear, so I'm just lodged somewhere in this fat frumpy stocky physique. My body type looks similar to picrel (it's not me) except my legs are a lot chunkier and fatter/shorter but not even in a "strong muscular" way yet. I have always had those large hipbones that looked almost like a tyre around my lower stomach. I feel like the only time stuff like hip dips are celebrated is when they're still on conventionally thick/hourglass women, it feels like if you deviate from being thick and having a "good" hip-to-waist ratio you're just kinda ignored or people feel it's funny to call you a fridgebody on social media.
I don't judge other women of various body shapes and the funny thing is I think every woman looks great as long as they're not obese, but when it comes to myself I am incredibly insecure and critical.
It also feels really hard to find clothes models that have my body shape - shopping for things like gym shorts and leggings are almost impossible because I don't know wtf they will look like on me given that I am 5'0 and have these bigass hipbones.
What's even worse is googling things like "hip dips" and the first results being how to fix or get rid of them…it makes me feel shit because this is just my skeletal structure, they might reduce with muscle mass sure but I just cannot believe it's encourage to try and get rid of them. I wish I could just exist and be healthy but I am still so obsessive over these things because society is constantly shoving it in my face that it's not really desirable to be built like this.
I am trying to work on a lot of my body dysmorphia by looking at fitness women with similar body types to me, and overall changing my body composition so I'm not as soft and flabby, but it still sucks in the meantime. Summer is coming up, it's already hot as fuck where I live, and I feel genuinely embarrassed waddling into the gym in shorts, but I can't wear my usual hoodie and leggings attire as I will overheat and be so uncomfortable.
No. 264962
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Sounds retarded but I finally managed to wear an outfit like picrel to the gym today - it's very very warm and I couldn't get away with wearing leggings and hoodies anymore so I just thought, fuck it, and put some shorts on. My body dysmorphia and overall disgust regarding being looked at/perceived by moids makes me hate wearing things that show off skin but it wasn't as bad as I thought. The only issue was that my shirt was so long it looked like I didn't have pants on underneath sometimes kek, at least I wasn't sweating though.
I'm aware this sounds dumb but I struggle a lot with pushing myself out there in regards to not dressing in very loose, shapeless baggy clothes. Putting on those shorts was a huge step for me but it seems so easy for other people. I did bring a spare pair of tracksuit bottoms to wear walking to and from the gym though because I wasn't comfortable wearing them that long, just inside the gym. It's a step forward, at least.
>>264570Also want to say thank you nonna because this reply was what made me push myself towards wearing the shorts. I really sat back and thought about all the hoops I jump over just to disguise and hide myself from other people even at the expense of my own comfort, like when it gets really warm outside, and I was just fed up. So thank you! Your advice was amazing.
No. 265063
>>265062I wonder about this but I have no boyfriend
and men haven't found me very attractive since post covid and me stopping caring about my looks as much. Not that I've given them much chance to talk to me.
No. 270065
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>>270031Yes absolutely. I became a weeb in my preteen years and had really bad body dysmorphia, especially with my chest. I wanted giant anime tiddies so. badly. I even bought one of those snake oil creams that supposedly make your chest bigger when you rub it on kekkkkk. I will be honest and say it wasn't just my own weebery that made me like this, my first ever boyfriend was a massive weeb with a huge thing for massive chested anime girls, which seriously contributed to my insecurity. There was light at the end of the tunnel though, I fell out of my anime obsession in my late teens/early twenties and after a few years those feelings totally subsided. I think part of it was just growing up, but being less exposed to those "ideals" I do think played a major role. Now I'm very content with my body, I know there are ways I can improve my looks but the idea of it doesn't torture me. I can also look back and cringe because wanting to have like G cup+ breasts is absolutely not normal kek
and for what it's worth I was a C cup in my early teens, and now as an adult have a DD/E cup so it's not like I was ever lacking in that department, I just had really warped views of what was attractive spoilered for humorous giant anime boobs
No. 270186
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>>270118Tell me about it, anon. Here's a prime example. I don't think male character designers know how female bodies work.
No. 270550
>>265062My current boyfriend is the same and is so supportive and complimentary I'm starting to believe that my BDD is making me blind to how I am. I've always thought my boobs were small to average but my frame being so large makes them small but almost all of the men I've dated have called them big. The first two times I just dismissed it as men are happy to look at a naked woman they are attracted to but I think I might actually be over average? What??
I've been on holiday with my boyfriend so we've both gained weight from just pigging out and he said that he genuinely has not noticed any weight gain except my ass is bigger which he likes. I feel like men ARE delusional when it comes to someone they are attracted to but I think there is some truth to what he says.
No. 270669
>>265062Supposedly, to my boyfriend i am everything he's dreamt of, down to my looks. He likes a lot of things about my body, including my smaller chest and my hips and lips. It's really helped my self esteem because all of those things I've been insecure about. When we first started hanging out, he kept telling me how tiny I was. I was appalled, because I thought I was on the bigger side of things. Given, he
is over 250lbs and 6 feet tall so I seem smaller to the average person, but not even he has said I was tiny. I had a coworker, who is shorter than me, assume I was about 130lbs, I'm about 25lbs more than that. Meeting my bf really cemented how bad my body dysmorphia really was, though.
No. 273034
>>273026No advice to give here anon but same for me minus me ever getting braces. My face is super asymmetrical and my jaw tilts to one side. My bite is fine though but everything is slightly off center. My chin is also recessed.
I have a friend who consulted many people and ended up being okayed for partially covered jaw surgery. No idea how. It seems like it'd be hard to swing that but you can always consult and find out.
No. 285319
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Is it BDD if you really look that bad?
Anyway, I resent that beauty standards are only getting worse. Was bullied through my youth, got 0 sexual or romantic attention and only being told I look like a mannish freak, and basically I sense the window for me to become a swan was never a window.
My face looks like a chewed up mess of cysts and has for the past 14 years, of which I've been on meds for and seen derms over. I have jaw/dental/nose deformities that made it hard for me to function as is through my entire youth. I could in theory try getting them fixed but the amount of money it'd take is nuts, and it'd probably be more of a risk than what is worth it.
I desperately wish I had grown up normal so I could have at least gotten the social velocity to handle entering into my middle years, but all I have is my chronic pain and being barely able to get by, and a million regrets.
No. 285503
>>285420My peak bdd/ed period coincided with my troon phase too. I thought my curves made me look fat so my brain equated that to "I'd be happier in shapeless moid body".
Try eating at a slight(!!!!!) deficit and weightlifting a little nonna it helped me lots ♥
No. 285507
>>285420Anon I can relate. I had a breast reduction (best decision ever) as I loathed my big chest. Before having the surgery I wanted to get one of those binder things but my mum wouldn’t let me as that is what trannies wear lol
But yeah we can never be happy as I am unhappy with my scars and other things I loathe about myself.
No. 291522
>>285420im 99% certain that body dysmoprhia is the main cause of most enby transformations.
they always hate their chests, but never their genitals. because big boobs = fat.
tbh just work out, do cardio. glad you realized it sooner than later.
No. 291639
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Ever since I read Uglies (2005) by Scott Westerfeld, I've always imagined myself getting full body, down to the cell plastic surgery.
I know this may never be invented or I'll be long dead before then but I think about this passage often.
>Yesterday they’d taken Tally’s final measurements, rolling her all the way through an imaging tube. Should she tell this new ugly that sometime this afternoon, her body was going to be opened up, the bones ground down to the right shape, some of them stretched or padded, her nose cartilage and cheekbones stripped out and replaced with programmable plastic, skin sanded off and reseeded like a soccer field in spring? That her eyes would be laser-cut for a lifetime of perfect vision, reflective implants inserted under the iris to add sparkling gold flecks to their indifferent brown? Her muscles all trimmed up with a night of electrocize and all her baby fat sucked out for good? Teeth replaced with ceramics as strong as a suborbital aircraft wing, and as white as the dorm’s good china?
They said it didn’t hurt, except the new skin, which felt like a killer sunburn for a couple of weeks.
No. 291646
>>291487I spoke as someone who's been insulted 100s of times over my looks unsolictedly,
and have had men scream at me how ugly I am. This is completely normal for me. People have told me that I look like a monster. They might not care about me but they certainly care about how I look.
No. 291649
>>291642Later in the book series, there was an option for people to get the surgery without the mind augmentations.
I wish I could utilize technology to become hot and smart.
No. 296746
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Just bought a waterproof long-ish coat so that I could stop making excuses for not going to the gym in all weathers and…it looks like shit. It's set me off in a spiral about how I look in clothing again. I'm super short so longer clothing swamps me and makes me look obese, and I never see clothing models of my height online, but the irony is the coat is better this way, I'll stay dry and it will cover my legs. I'm just trying so hard to focus on the comfort of the coat and how it will be used for years, thinking of the practicality etc and how I don't need to look "good" all the time but it just makes me feel like shit. And now I feel retarded for even thinking this much about a fucking waterproof coat kek. Most people would be able to say "meh I'll get over it" and move on but my brain won't let me. I hate this shit.
No. 296785
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>>293457This is why being mid size is suffering. Big and small are the ones people care about. Medium is just ok.
No. 297231
>>297229It’s supposed to be the sound of hanging yourself. To elaborate, the rope on the neck would make one choke and, in theory, make an ‘ACK’ sound. Commonly, this is associated with the strife of cross dressing individuals online, upon seeing something distressing/offensive, that they must ‘cope’ with- paired, of course, with the image of a hanging crossdresser, as an internet joke. However, in this instance, it is implied that the level of turmoil, or ‘cope’ that the mid sized breast user must see upon historical evidence of an inclination towards large breasts, would cause her to say ‘ack’. Again, this is exaggerated, and for the sake of humour. Such a phrase as ‘ack’ is commonly associated with male aligned imageboards, such as the one that posts caricature faces here, as an attempt to mock this website. Therefore it is suspect. At best, it is rather rude, as there are plenty of people who would consider mid breasted women to be beautiful. Such as me. I do not necessarily mean this in a homosexual way. So do not worry, there is no user here named ‘ack’.
No. 297238
>>297229Did you read?
>>297205I was just mocking the anon
No. 297260
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>>297231Obviously a reference to this icon
No. 297291
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>>297239>either be a self portrait i get so irrationally angry when people (moids especially) assert the venus of willendorf was muh fertility statue instead of a self portrait. i know we don't have 100% proof one way or another but i just know it's a self portrait. if it was a regular portrait or from imagination the proportions would be different. the lack of facial features is probably because our girl didn't have a mirror or still body of water to look at regularly and didn't really know what her face looked like
No. 297344
>>296763I’m pretty sure the girl in the OP is shooping, the eyes/lips/chin is a dead giveaway, but I agree. It’s annoying when people act like someone is
actually ugly because they don’t look like their perfectly posed/perfect sunlight/perfect hair and makeup selfie. Of course a selfie in good lighting looks better than some random candid where they’re talking or making a dumb face or something.
No. 297347
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>>297344Negin Vaand is a notorious shooper. And shes had major plastic surgery between the time of those two photos. This is how she looks now (right) and how she shoops (left)
No. 297348
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>>297347Samefag but just another example to show she never shoops consistently. Major body dysmorphia going on in the girl's head
No. 298240
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two people in my life have made jokes about how I look like a corpse/horrible monster lately. I've struggled with bdd since I hit puberty but lately I've been better at distracting myself and I've gotten a lot less self-conscious, I even feel better about the way I look most of the time. I'm concerned they might be right, and I don't know what to do. I've been freaking out about it because I have no idea if they are just bullshitting by coincidence, or is there actually something unhealthy looking/corpselike about me…
No. 298244
>>298240Holy shit Nona, I'm so sorry you've been told that. That's just horrible, especially considering you've been feeling on the up.
If I were in this position I would consider your friend's motivations. Are they people you trust who have your best intentions in mind? Have they ever said things like this before? Have they previously made jokes about your physical appearance or things about you? Have you mentioned feeling like a corpse? They could be bouncing off your comments and think it's an okay thing to say. On the other hand, they could be digging into your insecurities if they know this is particularly important to you. Maybe they're going through shit and can't internalise it.
I was going to suggest speaking to them and asking them why but I know with my BDD the worst shit is finding a particular body part to take the blame so if for example they say'your eyes' then boom you're adament the problem is there even if it's not.
If you feel good about yourself I would try and let the comment slide. Your wellbeing is what matters here. If you feel you need to know, is there anyone you deeply trust you can speak to, even a GP who has no significant bias?
No. 314216
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How do you cope with wanting to improve your body if it isn't in a state you like atm? There are things I desperately want to do to improve myself (get tattoos, going to the gym more often, have a relationship, be comfortable with pictures being taken of me) but I let the current state of my body hole me back. I am not obese but I am out of shape and 'squishy' and I don't like looking at myself much. I feel almost jealous of women larger than me that flaunt themselves with confidence or even take pictures because I cringe when i see myself. I don't even feel deserving of a relationship right now because even if they love me as I am now I will feel like I won't ever have to improve.
No. 314246
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i just want to vent i guess
i was diddled as a young kid and i know a certain portion was filmed
when i was around 8 i had unlimited and unmonitored internet access so i used my mom’s ipad to look at cp because i wanted to see other kids like me and i became involved in many pedo communities
now i’m considered “young” by most people in america that i meet irl (i’m in my teens) but i feel so old and i know it’s not rational but i just wish i could go back to when i was a kid before i got “abused” and i don’t even know if it was abuse because everyone on those pedo forums and lots of people on 4chan say that kids enjoy it and we want it and that it’s only illegal because old hags like myself are jealous
i think i have body dysmorphia because i’m 4’11 and like 80 something lbs which is technically small but i feel so gigantic and old especially the last time i went on a “fun outing” which was to a roller skating rink and there were a bunch of elementary school aged girls there for a fundraiser and i felt so old and undesirable compared to them
every bf i had ever fetishized me because of my age, my youthful appearance, size etc basically anything to fulfill their pedo fetishes and it makes me feel so bad because i feel like all women are good for is being as close to children as possible
i’m also not attracted to kids i want to protect them and i’m scared to have kids even though i want my own kids someday especially a daughter i think i’d love to raise but i’m scared my husband will touch her and ruin her like me
i often think about those girls like laura b or tiger april that are infamous online for being in cp (or “child modeling” whatever) and how they feel now and i wonder if they feel like me or if they got over it
picrel is a golden mole because they’re cute and amazing
No. 314253
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>>314251i usually like my body, sometimes i guess i just see something messed up like picrel and it
triggers a relapse
today i got my period finally and i thought it would never happen and i guess i’m having trouble coping
it makes me feel like we can’t trust any men because they think like picrel
i’m even scared of my dad because i found dad daughter porn captions on his laptop
i hope you’re okay now nonna i wish i could be your friend irl
my opinion is that no matter what copes pedos come up with its not okay to touch young children
i hope the majority of people agree with me
No. 314255
>>314253I understand your
triggers and I relate to it. It made a huge difference for me to actively choose to distance myself from any possible
triggers - with time(and due to our trauma)it will completely skew your perception of reality. I know that resisting an urge to engage with
triggers is difficult, but it will make the biggest difference. Men are disgusting and have horrible fetishes BUT realistically most normal men will find pircel very disturbing. What you found on your father's laptop is disgusting and upsetting, and you should probably move out as soon as you're able to. You seem very sweet and it is sad that so many women have to go through this. I wish u best of luck, nonna
No. 314415
>>314378i’m not an anachan, i’m barely even underweight
i’m not stupid enough to think that a teenage girl with developed hip bones could look like a child if she starved herself
i eat three meals a day
quit tinfoiling you absolute poop
also, i realize that it’s irrational to see children as the most beautiful… that’s why i’m posting in the body DYSMORPHIA thread.
No. 340198
>>328733 You sound like a weirdo..
Just gain some weight and maybe get a job that isn't as physical so you'll get the fat thunder thighs you want.
My discomfort with my body decreased when I just covered up more tbh.. I've always been skinny / underweight + flat chested, people in school had no problem mentioning this A LOT to my face.
Now I'm an adult, still skinny, still almost flat chested and I just don't give a damn. But I'm still insecure about my face rip.
No. 340320
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I grew up being skinny which made me not experience any fatphobia but kids made it clear to me how unattractive I was and I experienced a lot of rejection growing up, I was left out of a lot of things. I just remember looking so different from picture to picture and I could not really understand why, to this day I don't understand, for example, what body type my body is (apple, hourglass etc), what my face looks like. All I know is it's ugly as shit. I also had to take anti-depressants and other psych meds later in life which made me gain weight I still haven't lost completely after being off them for 3 years, which really fucked myself up more. I would take showers with the lights closed, I could not go outside because I was sure everybody would think I'm so disgusting looking, like a beast. I just feel like I can't "afford" to be chubby or fat, like, some girls are so very pretty with their bodies not being skinny, but I could never be that because I'm not pretty enough to "support" it. It doesn't help that the only chubby girls that are considered pretty all look like models except their weight and they have a perfect hourglass figure. I also can't stand any picture of myself. The world feels like this giant party of self acceptance and self celebration but everyone has silently agreed that some people just aren't good enough to be invited. I am so jealous of girls that are pretty- even if they don't comply to all beauty standards to the T, their every flaw has something unique and cool to make up for it, but for me, it's just flaws. What drives me crazy, is that, while I feel this way, I also know these beauty standards where crafted by pedophilic psychopathic moids that just want meek weak submissive looking women to manipulate and I try to incorporate the female gaze more to how I see people, but living in the world we live in, pressure comes from everywhere. I fear the day I will get older and my flaws will only come further on the surface. Some women get to look cute when older, because they were cute to begin with. This is a cry for help.
No. 340408
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My body unironically looks like a man's (I'm not a troon I swear). My shoulders are wide enough for salespeople to tell me some types of shirts won't fit over my back. My waist and hips are the same width, it's like I have no waist and I'm not overweight. I don't have many delicate features on my face, my lips are thin and small, my hair is thin, and I am darker-skinned than most people in my country and people find that masculine here (obviously it isn't). The only "delicate" things about me are my legs and that only serves to make me look more masculine.
I used to be overweight and I'm thinking of gaining the weight back because my love handles gave me the semblance of a waist. People commented on my weight all the time, but now that I'm over that, they feel the need to comment on how mannish I am. I don't know why it hurts me so much. It happens so often that most of the time I want to cry or go to bed. People comment on my body so innocently, it's like they are so surprised by its ugliness.
Sometimes people stand up for me and just say that I'm "athletic", and it makes me want to cry because they are trying so hard to be nice to me, but can't find anything good to say. Cliché but I just want to dissappear sometimes
No. 340431
>>340408You probably have an amazing body, how did you get there, weight loss? Lifting/other forms of working out?
Don't listen to the retards who say a woman must have "child bearing (vomit inducing wording) hips", "snatched waist", etc.
No. 340437
Thank you for replying, these are the nicest things people have told me all week.
>>340431 Thank you! Some parts of my body look good on their own, my thighs, my upper arms,
I thought of that reading your reply and it made me feel better. It was mostly diligent dieting and only a little bit of exercise.
I was actually warned at a pool that my "back is going to open up" lol and that maybe I should try leg stuff first or walking, which I did a lot of. I avoided bulking up my top parts and just lost a lot of weight (24 kg) over a long period of time (3 yrs). In hindsight, I should have lifted small weights and done a bit of cardio, it would have helped me a lot with gaining muscle and losing weight passively. I mostly just wanted to finally look like other women around me,
which proved impossible. My ribcage and hips are too broad. I still wear some plus size clothes.
>>340432 Thank you for the kind words, I think I know how your friend feels. I used to have broad shoulders even as a girl
before gaining weight, people would always say "Why do you look like that? Why do you look like a boy?" or
(disgustedly) "You look just like your father, girls aren't supposed to look like that." In turn, I tried hard to emulate feminine behaviour, but was scolded for even trying and in tandem scolded for not succeeding in it. I've always been made to feel like I wasn't a "real girl/woman" because of my body as
>>340431 suggested.
I do like experimenting with fashion, however, and there's a lot of sporty women I look up to! It's just difficult to find clothes that suit me and are safe to wear outside.
No. 340480
>>340437Thank you for your reply, I knew it mainly had to deal with weight loss. I'm planning to start losing some weight too but I have to be careful to not go anachan (like my past attempt). Broad hips are pretty normal though and are the opposite of "manly" hips (narrow and tall).
>In turn, I tried hard to emulate feminine behaviour, but was scolded for even trying and in tandem scolded for not succeeding in it.Classic patriarchy, same with almost every behaviour expected of a woman in society. Doesn't have anything to do with you personally, just moids and handmaidens enforcing retarded hierarchies to "keep women in check".
No. 340492
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I'm Asian, and growing up in an Asian country when you are on the thicker side or have a bigger skeletal frame than the rest is somewhat hell on earth not gonna lie. The beauty standards here are so ruthless you don't understand, people are always striving to be small, petite, and skinny. So much so that clothes here are ridiculously small, even my friends - some are stick-thin - find it difficult to clothes in their sizes, but I digress.
I have come to terms that I have a bigger skeletal frame and could never be skinny like people who naturally have a smaller frame than me. I was surrounded by girls who are super petite in my youth and that destroys my self-esteem to the point where I refuse to look at my body in the mirror for the longest time. I learn to embrace my figure more as an adult, I look back at my old photos and was like "Wtf? I was never fat!!!!!! Why was I so cruel to myself? Im just a baby." Sure, my figure was abit bigger than my friends but deffo not too bad. A true change of perspective.
No. 340607
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>it's all genetics sis
No. 340636
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>>340492Are you from Vietnam or what? Get yourself a black man like itslovelymimi and you'll be ight.
Or a Filipino guy.. lots of filipinos are fat too.
>>340499 Being big boned as an excuse for thinking you're fat is dumb though. If you're big boned and thin you would actually look even more bony…
>>340646Yeh you're right. "Big boned" is a cope. I'm not gonna post any example pics cuz that'd
trigger some pro-ana cow here somewhere but for example taller women are quiet literally "bigger boned" in general compared to shorter women, yet they cab still look quiet thin..
No. 342147
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>>297348>>297347Negin Vand looks like she's gone into thinspo pro - ana territory with her latest posts.. she can't decide whether she wants to be kpop gangnam unnie or an Insta Baddie anymore. She photoshops her ass to look like she got a BBL while her legs look like sticks. I'm hoping she isn't starving herself to be this skinny and it's only sh0p.
No. 344692
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I’ve been compared to Momo a few times, I wish my eyes weren’t so big and prominent aka protruding, droopy I got that negative cantal tilt, honestly fuck my eyes they’re different shapes and one of them is droopier, they look ok when I have makeup on but without it I look like a crackhead and it’s obvious I sleep on one side more I just wish I was proportional, I wish my nose was different too, it looks ok from the front but it’s a Roman or bumpy nose I am the only one of my siblings to have inherited my dad’s nose and he legit said “sorry you inherited it” KEK tf
Anyways I just wish I looked not so scary, my mouth is easily my worst feature it looks pouted all the time and I get told I’m making a weird face but really I’m just chillin, like the Olsen twin face is what it sort of looks like it always looks like that unless I have my mouth open which then I look stupid, I’ve also been called a rat face and sid from ice age. I hate my face, I scare people all the time cause I’m quiet too, I’ll be like walking minding my business and then someone will stumble upon me and be shook or say “oh shit wtf”
No. 344695
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>>344692Samefag MY FOREHEAD pops out and it looks like I’m going bald why are my feature so BIG I am honestly just ugh and don’t even get me started on my body, I have a huge body and a little head and it’s the worst insecurity ever I can’t change it I can barely hide it well and it just sucks having a peanut head, I avoid water, one time I was swimming with my sister and she just randomly started laughing and I was like “huh?” And she was like “your head is super round” like it’s just a little circle. Man I wish I just had average proportions I look like a slender man with my small head and giant body I would stab a random person on the street to have regular proportions like uhmm idk just be able to wear a bun without looking funny.. I wish I had a bigger head I wouldn’t even mind having a big head, small heads are a curse, I’m not even tall I just have long legs and long arms and long body but small head I NEVER wear my hair all the way up because everyone will see that I have a little peanut head
No. 437485
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Does anyone else feel insecure about their uneven face? My right cheek is a bit fatter than my left cheek and it can look a bit obvious in pictures sometimes. I try to cover up that side with my bangs but I still have those pesky uneven face thoughts on the back of my head. Pic rel is similar to what I have going on in my cheeks. I know it's not a big deal and no one has a perfectly even face but it still makes me feel like shit.
No. 437525
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i see what
>>437485 means and it’s not that noticeable, normal people don’t notice that shit but it sucks not being able to get that thought out of your head.
i’m a BDD warrior so i notice everyone’s facial asymmetries; picrel could easily be my twin. i’ve theorized i might have hemifacial microsomia, but they tend to have crooked mouths and deformed ears, and mine are small and symmetrical. the few times i’ve brought it up, my family
and friends i cut off tells me i’m insane but it’s so evident, especially with my phone’s front camera or laptop’s. devastating shit.
BDD has completely ruined my life. i dropped out in 10th grade and did homeschooling because being perceived made me want to kill myself. i don’t go outside, i cut off all my friends years ago, i talk to no one outside my family, i’ve never had a boyfriend or girlfriend because i can't imagine letting someone in with this deformed face and body (and because i believe they do it out of pure pity, like yes! let’s entertain the Make-a-Wish deformed girl).
i wish i could get maxillofacial surgery, but i have no job, no money, no insurance. i’ve even thought about whoring myself for cash but i’m a skinnyfat disgrace
that’s another issue, i’m 103 lbs at 5’4 and look 140 in the mirror and a virgin sperg, so it's not realistic.
to top it all off, i have pectus arcuatum so i refuse to be seen naked by someone. kek i used to think this would be temporary, but i’m 24 now and nothing has changed. i spent my teen years hiding in my room and by the looks of it, my twenties too. at least my parents let me be a leeching NEET, but i fear i’ll have to get a
my first real, not some remote job soon.
No. 437745
>>437525>BDD has completely ruined my life. i dropped out in 10th grade and did homeschooling because being perceived made me want to kill myself. i don’t go outside, i cut off all my friends years ago, i talk to no one outside my family, i’ve never had a boyfriend or girlfriend because i can't imagine letting someone in with this deformed face and body (and because i believe they do it out of pure pity, like yes! let’s entertain the Make-a-Wish deformed girl).That sounds like hell anon, you don't have punish yourself for something you don't have control over. I'm sorry you have to feel this way. You said your teeth aren't crooked so maybe what I'm going to suggest is useless, but even if your teeth look good from up front, underbites and overbites affect your face (in case you also have any of those conditions), so braces are sometimes a good option. I've also heard that twisted wisdom teeth can swollen your cheecks as long as they aren't pulled out/straightened, maybe you have there another option to consider. I've noticed that stretching exercises that involve your face and your neck have helped me with my asymmetrical nasolabial folds. Mine were very pronounced through all puberty but now that I've lost some weight and my hormones have calmed down my face looks less puffy and a tiny bit less asymetrical. Also, I've always pushed my upper teeth with my tongue. Now I'm making an effort to relax my tongue and my jaw muscles, that has helped me relax my chronic smirking mouth that always twists to the left. Good posture is another thing that, while it won't help with your issue, it will prevent it from worsening. Styling your hair with bangs only on one side may harmonise more with your features that middle part hair.
Your worth as a woman is not on your face anon. Don't live like a leper when you're young and healthy. When I was younger and had a lot of skin issues I would watch The Elephant Man (1980) whenever I needed to put my own life in perspective. It may sound dramatic as fuck but it helped me a lot. It's a great movie.
No. 441177
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Anyone else hate their fat distrubution? I am someone that stores most of my fat in my thighs (even my friend told me the way she call tell I gained weight is in my thighs), and I DESPISE it.
No. 441198
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>>441177I swear every single cell of fat in my body currently resides in my thighs. I have been losing weight for a year and have finally plateaued at 19.9 BMI, my upper body, tosro, and neck look like a fucking famine
victim, but my thighs are still disproportionately enormous and fatty. The worst part is that LOSING WEIGHT HAS MADE IT HARDER TO FIND PANTS because my thighs stayed big while everything else shrunk. I can't find any pants that fit me because any pants that fit me in the thighs hang off of my hips with i shiiittttttttt you not, nearly 5-6 inches (HALF FOOT???) of gap. I have tried to sew darts into all of my pants, but it doesn't work, because no dart that looks aesthetically reasonable is even nearly enough to make the waist fit me. I do the most extreme darts I can manage, and I still have multiple inches of gap at the waist. So you know what I have to do? I have to wear belts on everything, oh, no big deal right? NO, BIG DEAL. When you're using a belt to take in that much fabric, it scrunches up the material in such bizarre ways around the crotch and butt that I look like a homeless clown or something, it looks so fucking ridiculous. I am at my wits end. I look like a loser in pants no matter what I try. It makes me look so frumpy and bottom heavy and baggy. I am the prime candidate for wearing skirts and dresses and I look objectively good in them, but subjectively I don't like feminine clothing and all I want to do is to be able to wear slacks and look reasonable. Apparently that's an unachievable goal. Sorry to sperg out. But I honestly rage at this internally every day when I dress myself and I am so done.
No. 444734
I wish I could give my younger self a hug, and tell her how cute she is. Body dysmorphia is a mind fuck. I have no clue what I really look like, until I see old photos of myself and think about how much I hated myself.
I’ve had a sob story of a childhood, was fucked with, grew up, and now i look like what i wanted to look like, but still see a fat, broad shouldered, dirty looking, dressed dumb woman. I literally can’t stand to leave the house unless it’s necessary because in my head, everyone is laughing at me, I take up too much room, I’m bothering people, yada yada ya. Idk if it has anything to do with the way I grew up. I wish I could love myself, and be sure of myself and confident, I’ve watched videos. I don’t have anyone that I really talk to on a deep level to give me fresh eyes on this (if that’s the correct verbiage) but my indecisiveness, my inability to confidently answer questions or make decisions without fear of something happening, or the fear of things going too good, that I worry I fucked something up is actually ruining my life. I guess it’s like walking around with a cloud of shame that you can’t shake off, but I’ve had this for YEARS. I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy. I can’t make meaningful connections with anyone it sucks
No. 469037
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Does anyone else feel insecure about their lower heavy face? My jaw area is a bit bulky and wide and I don't like it that much. It makes me feel insecure. It's similar to pic rels before.