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No. 139560

>Do you use face editing apps or filters or are you against them?

>Do you touch up your photos or straight-up catfish?

>What are some of your favorites?

>Any tips for better photos with or without editing?

No. 139570


>Do you use face editing apps or filters or are you against them?

I use them for pretty much all my photos, even if i don't edit something color correcting is always a go.
Photos were always supposed to be the best version of yourself, as long as it still looks like you there's no harm in editing.

>Do you touch up your photos or straight-up catfish?

Just regular touch ups, I have cystic acne and smoothing my makes me feel better about myself, its not like the pimples are a permanent fixture on my face.
Sometimes i also edit my nose smaller because my phone is pretty old and the selfie camera gives me a honker depending on how i hold it, still pretty realistic and the big honker pictures look less like me than the edited ones.

>What are some of your favorites?

The asian ones tbh, beautycam and snow.

>Any tips for better photos with or without editing?

Angles and lighting, yeah yeah i know this is what people alwys say but nothing like good natural light shining in your face for a good picture.

Unless you have a photo studio in your home lol.

No. 139576

tinfoil but guys i think robots are trying to do social experiments on us or some shit with all these threads popping up today.

No. 139581

Either that or a hyper insecure autist obsessed with looks and what men think of them

It's obviously one person posting multiple threads at least.

No. 139589

No, and I don't understand why you would. Don't you feel embarrassed when people see your retouched pictures but know you IRL?

No. 139787

I’m not I’m just pretty boring girland wanted to step up my looks in photos and , I’m in a relationship so not worried about men Just wanted to talk about pictures

Mods are welcome to delete thread, just wanted to discuss since it’s become more commonplace now it oh well.

No. 139788

Did you make the other threads?

No. 139792

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I just saw this tip from youtuber Snitchery about holding your phone far away from your face & zooming in for a better pic
Idk if this is common knowledge but it blew my mind

No. 139793

Oh my God this is a literal LPT. I've always wondered why I looked like an egg while others looked normal, I always figured it was something about the lens but goddamn.

No. 139794

why the hell would you take a selfie from that angle to begin with??

No. 139795

People take their photos from below the chin and expect it to look nice?

No. 139797

I use meitu to take all my selfies

No. 139839

She's exaggerating the before pic to look more ugly, but the focus is more on the focal length of the camera than the position of it.

No. 140078

I look like shit either way, not sure what her point was

No. 140296

lmao this

>Do you use face editing apps or filters or are you against them?

Against them for myself only, as I have horrible BDD and don't want to delude myself further. I don't care what anyone else does
>Do you touch up your photos or straight-up catfish?
The only editing I do is neutralizing my weird skin tone, not really to look a certain way just nobody needs to know I look like a fucking emoji
>What are some of your favorites?
LINECamera "Apple" filter does the trick to fix my skintone but keep blush/lipstick/etc. Trying to get into SNOW but it makes me look stupid
>Any tips for better photos with or without editing?
My favorite approach has been to emulate those unstable artsy blogger type of e-girls who post random blurry close ups or moody selfies hiding their face. If I must post selfies, I usually post a closeup of a feature I like or something I'm wearing, or whatever I think will make me seem batshit to normies. It's just more fun and I don't get sad about my face that way

No. 140394

sucks to suck

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